Actual Test 4 | Advance grammar | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Trong "Advanced Grammar" tại Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, "Actual Test 4" là một phần quan trọng giúp sinh viên kiểm tra và củng cố hiểu biết về ngữ pháp tiếng Anh ở mức độ nâng cao.

lOMoARcPSD| 40749825
Actual Test 4
Advanced Grammar (Đại hc Khoa hc Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại hc Quc gia
Thành ph H Chí Minh)
lOMoARcPSD| 40749825
Full Name: ______________________________ Class Code: ________ Student ID: _______________
ADVANCED GRAMMAR C1 Ð December 13, 2018
Note: Materials and dictionaries of all kinds are NOT allowed.
Students write their answers on the answer sheet.
Questions 1-20: Choose the lettered word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
The first has been done as an example.
0. Water _______ at 100 degrees Celsius. A. boiling B. boils C. is boiling D. boil
The gap can be filled with ÒboilsÓ, so on the ANSWER SHEET write __B___.
1. Sausage and beans _________ the Sunday breakfast in our house for years.
A. is B. are C. has been D. have been
2. I __________ John prepare his exam. He didn't even thank me.
A. mustnÕt have B. neednÕt have C. didnÕt need to help D. canÕt have helped
helped helped
3. ÔI see George didnÕt take the day off.Õ Ð ÔNo, but it _________ him good.Õ
A. will do B. should be doing C. must have done D. would have done
4. "Officer, can you tell me how to get to Springfield?" ---- "Sure. What part of Springfield _______ to
go to?"
A. do you want B. you want C. that you want D. where you want
5. The government must __________ strong measures against crime.
A. be seen be taking B. see to be taking C. see to take D. be seen to be taking
6. As the fairy tale goes, the prince __________ into a frog by an evil magician, and only a kiss from a
beautiful princess could restore him to his original state.
A. turned B. was turned C. was turning D. had been turned
7. Although never married, they lived together as ________ husband and ________ wife for 50 years.
A. ¯ Ð ¯ B. a Ð ¯ C. a Ð a D. the Ð ¯
8. Justin is such a careful programmer that he checks ________ line of code he writes.
A. one and another B. each and every C. either one D. more than enough
9. Self-esteem is important. ItÕs important for people to like __________.
A. oneself B. yourself C. him/herself D. themselves
10. My brother rode a __________ horse in the parade.
A. beautiful big black Friesian B. beautiful black big Friesian
C. big black beautiful Friesian D. big beautiful black Friesian
11. ÔIÕve been invited to meet the president.Õ Ð ÔIn my opinion, thatÕs _______ honor there is.Õ
A. by far the greatest B. every bit as great C. far greater D. as great as an
12. We probably had three or four __________ strawberries as weÕre getting this year.
A. time as many B. time as much C. times as many D. times as much
13. In the study, they investigated the relationship ________ education, diet and health.
A. to B. with C. between D. among
14. It's been at the back of my mind to call JosŽ for several days now, but I haven't ________ yet.
A. got it round B. got round it C. got it round to D. got round to it
15. Martin insisted that his secretary _________ with him on the trip.
A. on coming B. come C. comes D. will come
16. I must try ________to work on time tomorrow. I think IÕll try ________ my alarm a bit earlier.
A. to get Ð to set B. getting Ð setting C. to get Ð setting D. getting Ð to set
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17. The kids suggested _______ a pizza tonight. What do you think?
A. getting B. to get C. weÕll get D. for getting
18. __________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What the woman B. What was the C. The woman was D. That the woman
was woman was
19. Strange _______ it seems, we have never properly sat down and talked about this issue.
A. although B. so C. as D. yet
20. It was _______ I realised that I had left the TV on.
A. only I got home B. that I got home that C. when I got home D. if I got home
Questions 21-30: Identify the error in each of the following sentences and then make changes to correct
the sentence. The first has been done as an example.
0. In his twenties, Lawrence has spent many years travelled around Spain.
The error lies in ÒtravelledÓ, so on the ANSWER SHEET write ___travelled___
21. A woman was taken to hospital after her car collided with a lorry near Norstock yesterday. A police
inspector said afterwards: ÔThe woman was lucky. She could be killed.Õ
22. Yesterday in class BobbyÕs teacher asked him what is the capital of France and he couldn't answer.
23. In some areas of the world, water has taken from the ground faster than the nature can restore the supply.
24. The most unusual species, the marine iguana, found only in the Galapagos Islands, is the only lizard that
lives in sea.
25. Hardly none of the paintings at the recently opened gallery were for sale.
26. Margaret usually starts out with something which is true and comes out with a totally different story,
using that great imagination of herself.
27. Vincent Van Gogh did not start painting seriously until his late twenties, and at one time considered
becoming a priest because of his beliefs. His beliefs also meant him to live in extreme poverty among
the outcasts of society.
28. When we walked past the theater, there were a lot of people waited in a long line outside the box office.
29. Under no circumstances you should sign a contract which you havenÕt read thoroughly.
30. Businesses are failing despite a lack of trained workers and people to buy products.
Questions 31-50: Complete the following passage/ sentences by supplying the correct forms of the verbs
in parentheses. The first has been done as an example.
He (0. always / come) __________ chocolate after lunch. The gap can be filled by Òalways comesÓ, so on the
ANSWER SHEET write _always comes_.
Two walkers are reported to (31. go) _____________ missing near the summit of Snowdon, the highest peak
in Wales. John Watkins, aged 21 and Melanie McBrian, 19, did not return by nightfall, leading to fears that
they (32. may / force) _____________ to spend the night on the mountain.
Weather conditions, when the pair set off yesterday morning, were fairly good. By the afternoon, however, it
(33. get) _____________ much worse. Thick clouds quickly spread over the region and there was a sharp
drop in temperature. Blizzards began in the evening, with a great deal of snow (34. fall) _____________ above
500 meters.
Friends of the two walkers were surprised that they (35. not / hear) _____________ from either of them. They
think their mobile phones might have become unusable for some reason. MelanieÕs friend Janet Richards
believes Melanie (36. will / call) _____________ her to say they were alright if her phone (37. work)
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_____________ properly. Joe Hill, a friend of John, admits he is worried they (38. can / have) _____________
an accident last night, but (39. insist) _____________ they have a lot of experience walking in the mountains
of Wales.
By the end of August, Gordon (40. be) _____________ at his company for 25 years, and heÕs getting a bonus
of three weeks paid holiday. So weÕve decided to travel around Eastern Europe. We (41. leave)
_____________ on the 28
and our aim is to visit as many countries as we can. I just canÕt wait! In just over
two monthsÕ time we (42. having) _____________ the time of our lives.
Maria, IÕm afraid I (43. get) _____________ some bad news. I know we agreed it was advisable that Ben (44.
spend) _____________ the summer holidays with you. Unfortunately, my parents have changed their minds
and are now insisting he (45. go) _____________ to Athens to stay with Aunt Betty.
Yukie Hanue is considered by many (46. be) _____________ the finest violinist of her generation. When we
visited her, in the music department of the University of New York, she was too busy practicing (47. talk)
_____________, but she invited us (48. have) _____________ a coffee with her in her mid-morning break.
This year, income from manufacturing exports still (49. provide) _____________ the largest proportion of
the countryÕs export earnings, but the proportion (50. drop) _____________ over the last few years.
Questions 51-70: Complete the following passage/ sentences by supplying the correct forms of the words
in parentheses. The first has been done as an example.
Whether the exam should be abandoned remains (0. controversy) _________.
The gap can be filled with ÒcontroversialÓ, so on the ANSWER SHEET write __controversial__.
The sun should be enjoyed but (51. expose) ____________ can cause sunburn, leading to (52. mature)
____________ skin ageing and increased risk of skin cancer. It is the ultraviolet rays which cause this; even
in the UK they can damage your skin, and UV is much more (53. power) ____________ the nearer the equator
you go. You should stay out of the sun during the 2 hours around midday, use shade at other times, a sun hat
and (54. tight) ____________ woven but loose clothing. (55. Protect) ____________ creams suitable for
your skin type can help protect (56. avoid) ____________ exposed parts of the bod. A further sun (57. relate)
____________ risk is heatstroke, caused by (58. heat) ____________. Avoid strenuous activity during the
(59. hot) ____________ hours and make sure you drink plenty of (60. alcohol) ____________ drinks (best is
water which has been boiled or soft drinks from sealed cans or bottles) to replace body fluids.
Alicia Rhett was an actress who rose to international (61. star) ____________ in the 1939 film Gone With the
Wind. In the film, which enjoyed (62. phenomenon) ____________ success and is among the most popular
ever made, she played the part of India Wilkes, the serious young woman whose love for the dull and timid (63.
center) ____________ character, Charles Hamilton, is spurned in favor of Scarlett OÕHara. Despite the
filmÕs (64. last) ____________ acclaim, however, it was to be her only screen role.
While Alicia later insisted that she Ôenjoyed the experience (65. immense) ____________Õ, she was (66. suit)
____________ to the life of a Hollywood star. An intensely private individual, she lacked the drive and
ambition of (67. contemporary) ____________ Joan Crawford or Bette Davis, and went on to reject all
subsequent roles from agents and (68. produce) ____________. Though fans continued to hound her with
requests for (69. sign) ____________ photographs seven decades later, letters went (70. answer)
____________ and requests for interviews were seldom granted.
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Questions 71-80: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You should use from FOUR TO EIGHT words.
Write ONLY FOUR to EIGHT WORDS on the answer sheet. The first has been done as an example.
0. Chloe would only eat a pizza if she could have a mushroom topping. ON Chloe
______________ a mushroom topping when she ate a pizza.
The gap can be filled with Òinsisted on havingÓ, so on the answer sheet write _insisted on having_.
71. The most likely situation is that they awarded Grandpa the medal during the war. MUST
Grandpa ________________________________________________________________ during the war.
72. All the arrangements were made by his secretary. EVERYTHING
He ______________________________________________________________________ his secretary.
73. AnneÕs work has hardly got any better at all this term. LITTLE
There ____________________________________________________________ AnneÕs work this term.
74. If you work late tonight, youÕll be tired tomorrow. LATER
The _______________________________________________________________ youÕll be tomorrow.
75. ÔIÕd really like it if you could come sailing with us,Õ Terry said to me. ME
Terry ______________________________________________________________________ with them.
76. The weight of the package obviously determines the postage required. IS
How ______________________________________________________determines the postage required.
77. I waited for him until 6.30 and then quitted. WHICH
I waited for him until 6.30, __________________________________________________________ up.
78. But for his help, I wouldnÕt be in my current job. FOR
If it hadnÕt ___________________________________________________________ got my current job.
79. No matter what he says, he intends to retire early. SAY
Whatever _________________________________________________________________ retiring early.
80. Entering the site without protective headgear is strictly forbidden. ACCOUNT
On ___________________________________________________ the site without protective headgear.
------- END OF TEST-------
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lOMoAR cPSD| 40749825 Actual Test 4
Advanced Grammar (Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh) lOMoAR cPSD| 40749825
Full Name: ______________________________ Class Code: ________ Student ID: _______________ TEST PAPER
ADVANCED GRAMMAR C1 Ð December 13, 2018 Note:
Materials and dictionaries of all kinds are NOT allowed.
Students write their answers on the answer sheet. SECTION 1 GAP FILLING (2 points)
Questions 1-20: Choose the lettered word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
The first has been done as an example.
0. Water _______ at 100 degrees Celsius.
A. boiling B. boils C. is boiling D. boil
The gap can be filled with ÒboilsÓ, so on the ANSWER SHEET write __B___.
1. Sausage and beans _________ the Sunday breakfast in our house for years. A. is B. are C. has been D. have been
2. I __________ John prepare his exam. He didn't even thank me. A. mustnÕt have B. neednÕt have
C. didnÕt need to help D. canÕt have helped helped helped
3. ÔI see George didnÕt take the day off.Õ Ð ÔNo, but it _________ him good.Õ A. will do B. should be doing C. must have done D. would have done
4. "Officer, can you tell me how to get to Springfield?" ---- "Sure. What part of Springfield _______ to go to?" A. do you want B. you want C. that you want D. where you want
5. The government must __________ strong measures against crime. A. be seen be taking B. see to be taking C. see to take
D. be seen to be taking
6. As the fairy tale goes, the prince __________ into a frog by an evil magician, and only a kiss from a
beautiful princess could restore him to his original state. A. turned B. was turned C. was turning D. had been turned
7. Although never married, they lived together as ________ husband and ________ wife for 50 years. A. ¯ Ð ¯ B. a Ð ¯ C. a Ð a D. the Ð ¯
8. Justin is such a careful programmer that he checks ________ line of code he writes. A. one and another B. each and every C. either one D. more than enough
9. Self-esteem is important. ItÕs important for people to like __________. A. oneself B. yourself C. him/herself D. themselves
10. My brother rode a __________ horse in the parade.
A. beautiful big black Friesian
B. beautiful black big Friesian
C. big black beautiful Friesian
D. big beautiful black Friesian
11. ÔIÕve been invited to meet the president.Õ Ð ÔIn my opinion, thatÕs _______ honor there is.Õ A. by far the greatest B. every bit as great C. far greater D. as great as an
12. We probably had three or four __________ strawberries as weÕre getting this year. A. time as many B. time as much C. times as many D. times as much
13. In the study, they investigated the relationship ________ education, diet and health. A. to B. with C. between D. among
14. It's been at the back of my mind to call JosŽ for several days now, but I haven't ________ yet. A. got it round B. got round it C. got it round to D. got round to it
15. Martin insisted that his secretary _________ with him on the trip. A. on coming B. come C. comes D. will come
16. I must try ________to work on time tomorrow. I think IÕll try ________ my alarm a bit earlier. A. to get Ð to set B. getting Ð setting C. to get Ð setting D. getting Ð to set
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17. The kids suggested _______ a pizza tonight. What do you think? A. getting B. to get C. weÕll get D. for getting
18. __________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen. A. What the woman B. What was the C. The woman was D. That the woman was woman was
19. Strange _______ it seems, we have never properly sat down and talked about this issue. A. although B. so C. as D. yet
20. It was _______ I realised that I had left the TV on. A. only I got home
B. that I got home that
C. when I got home D. if I got home that SECTION 2
Questions 21-30: Identify the error in each of the following sentences and then make changes to correct
the sentence. The first has been done as an example.

0. In his twenties, Lawrence has spent many years travelled around Spain.
The error lies in ÒtravelledÓ, so on the ANSWER SHEET write
___travelled___ ___travelling___
21. A woman was taken to hospital after her car collided with a lorry near Norstock yesterday. A police
inspector said afterwards: ÔThe woman was lucky. She could be killed.Õ
Yesterday in class BobbyÕs teacher asked him what is the capital of France and he couldn't answer.
In some areas of the world, water has taken from the ground faster than the nature can restore the supply.
The most unusual species, the marine iguana, found only in the Galapagos Islands, is the only lizard that lives in sea.
Hardly none of the paintings at the recently opened gallery were for sale.
Margaret usually starts out with something which is true and comes out with a totally different story,
using that great imagination of herself.
Vincent Van Gogh did not start painting seriously until his late twenties, and at one time considered
becoming a priest because of his beliefs. His beliefs also meant him to live in extreme poverty among
the outcasts of society.
When we walked past the theater, there were a lot of people waited in a long line outside the box office.
Under no circumstances you should sign a contract which you havenÕt read thoroughly.
Businesses are failing despite a lack of trained workers and people to buy products. SECTION 3 VERB FORMS (2 points)
Questions 31-50: Complete the following passage/ sentences by supplying the correct forms of the verbs
in parentheses. The first has been done as an example.

He (0. always / come) __________ chocolate after lunch. The gap can be filled by Òalways comesÓ, so on the
ANSWER SHEET write _always comes_.
Two walkers are reported to (31. go) _____________ missing near the summit of Snowdon, the highest peak
in Wales. John Watkins, aged 21 and Melanie McBrian, 19, did not return by nightfall, leading to fears that
they (32. may / force) _____________ to spend the night on the mountain.
Weather conditions, when the pair set off yesterday morning, were fairly good. By the afternoon, however, it
(33. get) _____________ much worse. Thick clouds quickly spread over the region and there was a sharp
drop in temperature. Blizzards began in the evening, with a great deal of snow (34. fall) _____________ above 500 meters.
Friends of the two walkers were surprised that they (35. not / hear) _____________ from either of them. They
think their mobile phones might have become unusable for some reason. MelanieÕs friend Janet Richards
believes Melanie (36. will / call) _____________ her to say they were alright if her phone (37. work)
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_____________ properly. Joe Hill, a friend of John, admits he is worried they (38. can / have) _____________
an accident last night, but (39. insist) _____________ they have a lot of experience walking in the mountains of Wales. -----
By the end of August, Gordon (40. be) _____________ at his company for 25 years, and heÕs getting a bonus
of three weeks paid holiday. So weÕve decided to travel around Eastern Europe. We (41. leave)
_____________ on the 28th and our aim is to visit as many countries as we can. I just canÕt wait! In just over
two monthsÕ time we (42. having) _____________ the time of our lives.
Maria, IÕm afraid I (43. get) _____________ some bad news. I know we agreed it was advisable that Ben (44.
spend) _____________ the summer holidays with you. Unfortunately, my parents have changed their minds
and are now insisting he (45. go) _____________ to Athens to stay with Aunt Betty.
Yukie Hanue is considered by many (46. be) _____________ the finest violinist of her generation. When we
visited her, in the music department of the University of New York, she was too busy practicing (47. talk)
_____________, but she invited us (48. have) _____________ a coffee with her in her mid-morning break.
This year, income from manufacturing exports still (49. provide) _____________ the largest proportion of
the countryÕs export earnings, but the proportion (50. drop) _____________ over the last few years. SECTION 4
Questions 51-70: Complete the following passage/ sentences by supplying the correct forms of the words
in parentheses. The first has been done as an example.

Whether the exam should be abandoned remains (0. controversy) _________.
The gap can be filled with ÒcontroversialÓ, so on the ANSWER SHEET write __controversial__. TAKE CARE IN THE SUN
The sun should be enjoyed but (51. expose) ____________ can cause sunburn, leading to (52. mature)
____________ skin ageing and increased risk of skin cancer. It is the ultraviolet rays which cause this; even
in the UK they can damage your skin, and UV is much more (53. power) ____________ the nearer the equator
you go. You should stay out of the sun during the 2 hours around midday, use shade at other times, a sun hat
and (54. tight) ____________ woven but loose clothing. (55. Protect) ____________ creams suitable for
your skin type can help protect (56. avoid) ____________ exposed parts of the bod. A further sun (57. relate)
____________ risk is heatstroke, caused by (58. heat) ____________. Avoid strenuous activity during the
(59. hot) ____________ hours and make sure you drink plenty of (60. alcohol) ____________ drinks (best is
water which has been boiled or soft drinks from sealed cans or bottles) to replace body fluids.
Alicia Rhett was an actress who rose to international (61. star) ____________ in the 1939 film Gone With the
Wind. In the film, which enjoyed (62. phenomenon) ____________ success and is among the most popular
ever made, she played the part of India Wilkes, the serious young woman whose love for the dull and timid (63.
) ____________ character, Charles Hamilton, is spurned in favor of Scarlett OÕHara. Despite the
filmÕs (64. last) ____________ acclaim, however, it was to be her only screen role.
While Alicia later insisted that she Ôenjoyed the experience (65. immense) ____________Õ, she was (66. suit)
____________ to the life of a Hollywood star. An intensely private individual, she lacked the drive and
ambition of (67. contemporary) ____________ Joan Crawford or Bette Davis, and went on to reject all
subsequent roles from agents and (68. produce) ____________. Though fans continued to hound her with
requests for (69. sign) ____________ photographs seven decades later, letters went (70. answer)
____________ and requests for interviews were seldom granted.
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Questions 71-80: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You should use from FOUR TO EIGHT words.
Write ONLY FOUR to EIGHT WORDS on the answer sheet. The first has been done as an example.

0. Chloe would only eat a pizza if she could have a mushroom topping. ON Chloe
______________ a mushroom topping when she ate a pizza.
The gap can be filled with Òinsisted on havingÓ, so on the answer sheet write _insisted on having_.
71. The most likely situation is that they awarded Grandpa the medal during the war. MUST
Grandpa ________________________________________________________________ during the war.
72. All the arrangements were made by his secretary. EVERYTHING
He ______________________________________________________________________ his secretary.
73. AnneÕs work has hardly got any better at all this term. LITTLE
There ____________________________________________________________ AnneÕs work this term.
74. If you work late tonight, youÕll be tired tomorrow. LATER
The _______________________________________________________________ youÕll be tomorrow.
75. ÔIÕd really like it if you could come sailing with us,Õ Terry said to me. ME
Terry ______________________________________________________________________ with them.
76. The weight of the package obviously determines the postage required. IS
How ______________________________________________________determines the postage required.
77. I waited for him until 6.30 and then quitted. WHICH
I waited for him until 6.30, __________________________________________________________ up.
78. But for his help, I wouldnÕt be in my current job. FOR
If it hadnÕt ___________________________________________________________ got my current job.
79. No matter what he says, he intends to retire early. SAY
Whatever _________________________________________________________________ retiring early.
80. Entering the site without protective headgear is strictly forbidden. ACCOUNT
On ___________________________________________________ the site without protective headgear.
------- END OF TEST-------
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