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American-culture - Văn hóa Anh 1 | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế
The process of assimilation in the Uinted States has been more successful for white ethnic groups than non-white ethnic groups.
Văn hóa Anh 1 (ANH3022) 32 tài liệu
Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Huế 429 tài liệu
American-culture - Văn hóa Anh 1 | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế
The process of assimilation in the Uinted States has been more successful for white ethnic groups than non-white ethnic groups.
Môn: Văn hóa Anh 1 (ANH3022) 32 tài liệu
Trường: Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Huế 429 tài liệu
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17:31 7/8/24
American-culture - Văn hoá mỹ
African- amercan experience
The process of assimilation in the Uinted States has been more successful for white ethnic groups than non-white ethnic groups.
One of the non-white ethnic groups, the African-American have had the largest difficulty in becoming
assimilated into the larger culture.
+ immigrants were willing to give up their individual culture to become rich in
America. ( other ethnic groups came to American voluntarily- most as immigrants
who wanted to better their living conditions) -> The reason why? 1) Why they come to American?
Beginning in the 16th century and for centuries after, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Dutch
traders systematically purchased large numbers of African people, many of whom had been
captured by the traders' African allies in wars or in raids, and transported them to the American
colonies for permanent enslavement.
· African-Americans were brought over as slaves for European immigrants about:blank 1/4 17:31 7/8/24
American-culture - Văn hoá mỹ about:blank 2/4 17:31 7/8/24
American-culture - Văn hoá mỹ
African and African American slaves worked mainly on the tobacco, rice, and plantations indigo of the Southern seaboard.
· African-Americans = most difficulty assimilating
· African-Americans were brought over as slaves for European immigrants
-> Did not want to be in the U. S.
The African – American experience The Civil War 1861-1865 Civil War: America was two nations:
· North – industrial & against slavery
· South farming cotton & tobacco = dependent on slaves from Africa about:blank 3/4 17:31 7/8/24
American-culture - Văn hoá mỹ
1861: S wanted their own nation because N was against slavery war
1863: Lincoln gave Emancipation Proclamation – freedom to slaves\1865: S
surrender to N, civil war ends.
The African – American experience. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s
The segregation between whites and non-whites. Segregation is an extreme form
of discrimination, where people are forced to separate themselves based on the color of their skin. about:blank 4/4