Bài kiểm tra cuối kỳ môn tiếng anh lớp 6

11. Look at the sky, Minh! _____ a beautiful scene!A. How often B. What C. Where D. Why12. Peter, what are you going to do this weekend? – I don’t know. I think I _____ some movies athome.A. will watch B. watchC. am going to watch D. Am watching.Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem

lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
I. Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced dierently.
1. A. rulers B. pencils C. books
D. bags
2. A. thank B. that C. this D. those
3. A. queson B. naon C. staon D. informaon
4. A. climb B. bed C. club D. bench
5. A. card B. hand C. band D. stand
II. Circle the word whose stress paern is pronounced dierently from the others’.
6. A. enjoy B. humour C. treatment D. pencil
7. A. persuade B. reduce C. father D. apply
8. A. farmer B. recycle C. fairy D. boring
9. A. money B. machine C. many D. mother
10. A. borrow B. agree C. prepare D. enjoy
III. Choose the best opon to complete the sentences by circle the leer A, B, C or D.
11. Look at the sky, Minh! _____ a beauful scene!
A. How oen B. What C. Where D. Why
12. Peter, what are you going to do this weekend? – I don’t know. I think I _____ some movies at
A. will watch B. watch
C. am going to watch D. Am watching
13. We might have a _________ TV to watch TV programmes from space.
A. wireless B. automac C. remote D. Local
14. My aunt lives in a lile _________ in the countryside.
A. palace B. coage C. skyscraper D. castle
15. If we ________ an invitaon, our friends ________ to our party.
A. will send; will come B. send; will come C. will send; come D. send; come
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
16. Fansipan Peak is ________ than Son Tra Mountain.
A. more high B. higher C. highest D. high
17. In the future, robots can work as a _________ to keep our house safe.
A. watch B. guard C. Viewer D. guarder
18. The rst Olympic Games took ___________ in Greece in 776 BC.
A. part B. place C. Time D. way 19_______ causes many
breathing problems.
A. Fresh air B. Fresher air C. Pollung air D. Polluted air
20. I am sll not sure where to go for my holiday. I ______ to Vung Tau city.
A. need go B. am going C. will go D. might go
21. The Big Ben Tower is a famous ________ in London.
A. city B. island C. building D. Landmark
22. “Mommy, Jack is watching cartoons right now!” – “ _______ the TV and do your homework,
A. You turn on B. Turn on C. You turn o D. Turn o
23. She came home and felt exhausted _____ she couldn’t sleep well.
A. but B. because C. so D. An
24. Remember to bring _____ when you go swimming.
A. boat B. racket C. goggles D. Bicycle
25. Do you want _________ photos for you ?
A. I take B. me take C. me taking D. me to take
26. Many products are now helping you ______ your energy bills.
A. reduce B. reuse C. recycle D. cut down IV. Put the
verbs in the blanks into the correct forms.
27. If we don’t protect the environment, Mother Nature (be) ________ angry.
28. I (be) _________ at Jame’s party yesterday but I (not see)___________ you there.
29. It is likely that Tim (arrive) ________ late.
30. Be quiet! You ________(make) so much noise! V. Give the correct form of the words.
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
31. I watch the news every day because its very _________ INFORM
32. There are lot of_________ mountains in Viet Nam.
33. I’m Vietnamese. What’s your_________ ?
34. The photocopy is between the _________ drugstore.
35. Don't ride too quickly. It is _________
VI. Read the text about recycling. Circle the best answer A, B or C.
Recycling is benecial. First, recycling means less trash, so it saves space in landlls. Second, if
we use materials again, we can take fewer resources from the Earth. Third, recycling materials
produce less polluon, so it helps to keep our environment clean.
So what can you do? Be sure to recycle everything you can at home and school. Always drop
your used aluminum cans and plasc boles in a recycling bin. Remember to put paper items
like the newspaper, cereal boxes, and homework pages into the recycling bin, too. Besides, nd
creave ways to reuse old items before throwing them away.
Here are some fun facts about recycling. Old paper can be recycled around seven mes. Glass is
one of the best recycling materials. Clear glass can be recycled over and over again. In 2009, the
United States recycled around 30% of all its waste and they found ways to recycle around 7
million tons of metals.
36. What is NOT a benet of recycling?
A. It helps to protect the environment.
B. It saves the Earth’s resources.
C. It makes landlls safer places.
37. What can you drop in the recycling bin?
A. Glass boles.
B. Paper worksheets.
C. Old cereal.
38. Which is the best recycling material?
A. Metal.
B. Old paper.
C. Glass.
39. What might be the best tle for this reading passage?
A. All about recycling
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
B. Reuse – Reduce – Recycle
C. Advantages and disadvantages of recycling
VII. Read and choose the correct answer to complete the following passage.
Up is a 2009 American 3D computer-animated comedy-drama buddy adventure lm produced
(40) ________ Pixar Animaon Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The lm centers
on an elderly widower named Carl Fredricksen (Ed Asner) and an earnest boy named Russell
(Jordan Nagai). Carl and Ellie (41) ________ up, marry and live in the restored house. Aer Ellie
suers a miscarriage and they are told they cannot have a child, the couple remembers their
childhood dream of (42) ________ Paradise Falls. They save for the trip, but (43) ________ have
to spend the money on more pressing needs. Finally, the now elderly Carl arranges for the trip
but Ellie suddenly falls ill, is hospitalized, and dies. Years later in the present day, Carl sll lives in
the house by stubbornly holding out while the neighborhood homes are torn down and
replaced by skyscrapers. However, Carl resolves to keep his promise to Ellie by turning his house
into a makeshi airship using thousands of helium (44) ________. The ying house encounters
a cumulonimbus storm and ends up high above South America.
40. A. by B. with C. from D. at
41. A. grows B. grew C. grow D. have grown
42. A. to visit B. vising C. visited D. to vising
43. A. repeat B. repeated C. repeon D. repeatedly
44. A. roofs B. balloons C. walls D. bricks
VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the rst one.
45. Its not good for you to stay up late and play games unl midnight.
=> You __________________________________.
46. She has never seen the more amazing sight. (most) => Its
47. We haven’t been to Hanoi for three years. (went) => The last me
48. Sue shouldn’t go out this weekend, or she won’t have me to study.
=> If ___________________________________.
49. How about going to the cinema tonight?
=> Shall ________________________________?
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
50. I liked Tom and Jerry very much. I watched it many mes. (so) =>
33. Naonality
34. Bakery
35. Dangerous
36. C
37. B
38. C
39. A
40. A
41. C
42. B
43. D
44. B
45. You shouldn't stay up late and play games unl midnight.
46. Its the most amazing sight she has ever seen.
47. The last me we went to Hanoi was three years ago.
48. If Sue goes out this weekend, she won't have me to study.
49. Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
50. I liked Tom and Jerry so much that I watched it many mes.
I. Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced dierently.
1. A. walked B. wicked C. stopped D. laughed
2. A. theatre B. thank C. than D. think
3. A. queson B. informaon C. invenon D. conversaon
4. A. ride B. drive C. discipline D. motorbike
.Are making
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
5. A. round B. house C. shoulder D. mouth
II. Circle the word whose stress paern is pronounced dierently from the others’.
6. A. bargain
B. decide C. concert D. plasc
7. A. entertainment
B. underwater C. experience D. exhibion
8. A. invite
B. success C. trac D. excuse
9. A. farmer
B. college C. police D. arst
10. A. magazine
B. apartment C. computer D. technology
III. Choose the best opon to complete the sentences by circle the leer A, B, C or D.
11. You __________ red tomorrow if you __________ to bed late.
A. are/will go B. will be/will go C. are/are going D. will be/ go
12. In France, you __________ take o your shoes when you visit someone’s house - you can
have them on.
A. mustn't B. don’t have to C. can’t D. must
13 I think Ho Chi Minh city will become a______ soon.There are about nine million people living
A. megacity B. earthscraper C. eco-friendly D. underground
14. Raing and ______ are so much fun, but ras have more people in the boat.
A. canyon B. highland C. hiking D. kayaking
15. You should see my new classmates! I’m sure you __________ them.
A. like B. are going to like C. should like D. will like
16. I oen go to school ____ foot, but today I’m riding my bike.
A. by B. in C. at D. on
17. We should take _________ so we can see when it is dark.
A. baeries B. sleeping bags C. pillows D. Flashlights
18. Animaon lms are my favourite. I nd them very __________ because they always make
me laugh.
A. amused B. amusing C. boring D. interested
19. I __________ in a capsule for the rst me yesterday.
A. took a ride B. took a roller coaster
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
C. went down a ride D. picked up a ride
20. There’s ____ book on the table. ____ book’s cover is green.
A. a/a B. the/the C. a/the D. the/a
21. Kate: How ___________ do you play computer games? - Nick: Two or three mes a week.
A. oen B. many C. long D. much
22. Don't old things because perhaps you will need them later.
A. throw B. throw away C. throwing D. throwing away
23. This is the ______ robot in the show. Our sciensts spent more than 2 years building it.
A. smart B. smarter C. most smart D. smartest
24. ________ is special clothing to wear when astronauts work outside in space.
A. Space staon B. Gravity C. Spaceship D. Spacesuit
25. We have lots of plasc boles at home _____ we don’t know what to do with them.
A. and B. due to C. but D. so
26. I love watching __________ with my family. We try to answer all the quesons and have a
family compeon.
A. soap operas B. thrillers C. cookery shows D. game shows IV. Put
the verbs in the blanks into the correct forms.
27. Look at these dark clouds. It (rain)______ soon!
28. The story (be)______ fantasc and we loved it so much.
29. (the boys/ wear) their new T-shirts tomorrow if it is sunny?
30. My sister (y) _________ to New York tomorrow morning at seven o’clock. She bought her
cket ight yesterday.
V. Give the correct form of the words.
31 When I grow up, I want to be a ______________. POLITIC
32. She works as a ____________ in a famous hotel in Da Nang. RECEIVE
33. We can use the Internet for ____________ with our foreign friends. COMMUNICATE
34. Yoga and table tennis are _________ sports. OUT
35. If you want to travel to Vi t Nam, you should know about some ________ CULTURE rules
in this country.
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
VI. Read the following passage and decide whether the statements that follow are True or
There are many ways of travelling in London. The London Underground or ‘the Tube’ was the
rst underground railway system in the world. People rst used it in 1863. People called it ‘the
Tube’ in 1890. In 1908, they designed the London Underground’s logo – a red circle and a blue
rectangle. There are about 11 lines and 270 staons today. The Tube services run from 5a.m.
unl midnight. London buses – or double-deckers – are typically red and many of them have got
two oors. Buses are the cheapest way to travel around the city. You can also catch a boat –
London River buses – at the River Thames and enjoy fantasc views of London along the way.
Its fast and ckets are not expensive at all. People who live in London or tourists can buy an
Oyster Card. Its an electronic cket you use to travel on any public transport in the city.
36. You can’t use the Tube in the evening.
37. Many London buses are red and blue and have got two oors.
38. It doesn’t cost much money to buy ckets for London River buses.
39. People can use an Oyster Card on any public transport in London.
VII. Read and choose the correct answer to complete the following passage.
Hi Helen,
I hope you are well. How was your summer holiday? We went on a safari in Kenya and it was
fantasc. We arrived in Kenya (40) __________ plane, then we took the bus to Nairobi Naonal
Park. We went on a (41) __________ around the park in a Jeep. We were (42) __________
when we saw a family of cheetahs walking in fronf of our Jeep. We stopped and watched them
for about ten minutes. Amazing! Cheetah’s (43) __________ is beauful with black spots. We
also visited the baby elephants in the orphanage. I really loved those animals when I saw them.
I think I (44) __________ a vet when I grow up and work with elephants. We returned home
(45) __________. It was an unforgeable experience.
See you soon.
40. A. on B. by C. with D. in
41. A. roller coaster B. ride C. performance D. guide tour
42. A. surprised B. surprising C. bored D. boring
43. A. mane B. feather C. fur D. trunk
44. A. will become B. be C. am coming D.am
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
45. A. two days aer B. two days ago C. last two days D. before two days VIII.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the rst one.
45. If you don’t study harder, you won’t pass the exams.
=> Unless ____________________________________
46. Its possible that our class will visit the Naonal Fine Arts Museum next month.
=> Our class __________________________________
47. I advise you not to arrive late at the meeng.=> You
48. The Nile is the longest river in the world.
=> No river ______________________________________
49. In spite of beginning with a terrible disaster, the lm has a happy ending.
=> Although ______________________________________
50. It took her 3 hours to get to the city centre.
=> She spent ______________________________________
36. F
37. F
38. T
39. T
40. B
41. D
.Is going to
.Will y
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
42. A
43. C
44. A
45. Unless you study harder, you won’t pass the exams.
46. Our class might visit the Naonal Fine Arts Museum next month.
47. You shouldn’t arrive late at the meeng.
48. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.
49. Although the lm begins with a terrible disaster, it has a happy ending.
50. She spent 3 hours geng to the city centre.
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lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132 TEST 1
I. Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently. 1. A. rulers B. pencils C. books D. bags 2. A. thank B. that C. this D. those 3. A. question B. nation C. station D. information
4. A. climb B. bed C. club D. bench 5. A. card B. hand C. band D. stand
II. Circle the word whose stress pattern is pronounced differently from the others’. 6. A. enjoy
B. humour C. treatment D. pencil
7. A. persuade B. reduce C. father D. apply
8. A. farmer B. recycle C. fairy D. boring
9. A. money B. machine C. many D. mother
10. A. borrow B. agree C. prepare D. enjoy
III. Choose the best option to complete the sentences by circle the letter A, B, C or D.
11. Look at the sky, Minh! _____ a beautiful scene!
A. How often B. What C. Where D. Why
12. Peter, what are you going to do this weekend? – I don’t know. I think I _____ some movies at home. A. will watch B. watch C. am going to watch D. Am watching
13. We might have a _________ TV to watch TV programmes from space.
A. wireless B. automatic C. remote D. Local
14. My aunt lives in a little _________ in the countryside. A. palace B. cottage C. skyscraper D. castle
15. If we ________ an invitation, our friends ________ to our party. A. will send; will come B. send; will come C. will send; come D. send; come lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
16. Fansipan Peak is ________ than Son Tra Mountain. A. more high B. higher C. highest D. high
17. In the future, robots can work as a _________ to keep our house safe. A. watch B. guard C. Viewer D. guarder
18. The first Olympic Games took ___________ in Greece in 776 BC. A. part B. place C. Time D. way 19_______ causes many breathing problems. A. Fresh air
B. Fresher air C. Polluting air D. Polluted air
20. I am still not sure where to go for my holiday. I ______ to Vung Tau city.
A. need go B. am going C. will go D. might go
21. The Big Ben Tower is a famous ________ in London.
A. city B. island C. building D. Landmark
22. “Mommy, Jack is watching cartoons right now!” – “ _______ the TV and do your homework, Jack!”
A. You turn on B. Turn on C. You turn off D. Turn off
23. She came home and felt exhausted _____ she couldn’t sleep well. A. but B. because C. so D. An
24. Remember to bring _____ when you go swimming.
A. boat B. racket C. goggles D. Bicycle
25. Do you want _________ photos for you ? A. I take B. me take C. me taking D. me to take
26. Many products are now helping you ______ your energy bills.
A. reduce B. reuse C. recycle D. cut down IV. Put the
verbs in the blanks into the correct forms.
27. If we don’t protect the environment, Mother Nature (be) ________ angry.
28. I (be) _________ at Jame’s party yesterday but I (not see)___________ you there.
29. It is likely that Tim (arrive) ________ late.
30. Be quiet! You ________(make) so much noise! V. Give the correct form of the words. lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
31. I watch the news every day because it’s very _________ INFORM
32. There are lot of_________ mountains in Viet Nam. BEAUTY
33. I’m Vietnamese. What’s your_________ ? NATION
34. The photocopy is between the _________ drugstore. BAKE
35. Don't ride too quickly. It is _________ DANGER
VI. Read the text about recycling. Circle the best answer A, B or C.
Recycling is beneficial. First, recycling means less trash, so it saves space in landfills. Second, if
we use materials again, we can take fewer resources from the Earth. Third, recycling materials
produce less pollution, so it helps to keep our environment clean.
So what can you do? Be sure to recycle everything you can at home and school. Always drop
your used aluminum cans and plastic bottles in a recycling bin. Remember to put paper items
like the newspaper, cereal boxes, and homework pages into the recycling bin, too. Besides, find
creative ways to reuse old items before throwing them away.
Here are some fun facts about recycling. Old paper can be recycled around seven times. Glass is
one of the best recycling materials. Clear glass can be recycled over and over again. In 2009, the
United States recycled around 30% of all its waste and they found ways to recycle around 7 million tons of metals.
36. What is NOT a benefit of recycling?
A. It helps to protect the environment.
B. It saves the Earth’s resources.
C. It makes landfills safer places.
37. What can you drop in the recycling bin? A. Glass bottles. B. Paper worksheets. C. Old cereal.
38. Which is the best recycling material? A. Metal. B. Old paper. C. Glass.
39. What might be the best title for this reading passage? A. All about recycling lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
B. Reuse – Reduce – Recycle
C. Advantages and disadvantages of recycling
VII. Read and choose the correct answer to complete the following passage. THE “UP” MOVIE
Up is a 2009 American 3D computer-animated comedy-drama buddy adventure film produced
(40) ________ Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film centers
on an elderly widower named Carl Fredricksen (Ed Asner) and an earnest boy named Russell
(Jordan Nagai). Carl and Ellie (41) ________ up, marry and live in the restored house. After Ellie
suffers a miscarriage and they are told they cannot have a child, the couple remembers their
childhood dream of (42) ________ Paradise Falls. They save for the trip, but (43) ________ have
to spend the money on more pressing needs. Finally, the now elderly Carl arranges for the trip
but Ellie suddenly falls ill, is hospitalized, and dies. Years later in the present day, Carl still lives in
the house by stubbornly holding out while the neighborhood homes are torn down and
replaced by skyscrapers. However, Carl resolves to keep his promise to Ellie by turning his house
into a makeshift airship using thousands of helium (44) ________. The flying house encounters
a cumulonimbus storm and ends up high above South America.
40. A. by B. with C. from D. at
41. A. grows B. grew C. grow D. have grown
42. A. to visit B. visiting C. visited D. to visiting
43. A. repeat B. repeated C. repetition D. repeatedly
44. A. roofs B. balloons C. walls D. bricks
VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
45. It’s not good for you to stay up late and play games until midnight.
=> You __________________________________.
46. She has never seen the more amazing sight. (most) => It’s
47. We haven’t been to Hanoi for three years. (went) => The last time __________________________.
48. Sue shouldn’t go out this weekend, or she won’t have time to study.
=> If ___________________________________.
49. How about going to the cinema tonight?
=> Shall ________________________________? lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
50. I liked Tom and Jerry very much. I watched it many times. (so) =>
___________________________________. KEY 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10 .A 11 .B
12 .A 13 .A 14 .B 15 .B 16 .B 17 .B .B 18 19 .D 20 .D 21 .D 22 .D .B
23 24 .C 25 .D 26 .A 27 .Will 28 .Was/didn’t 29 .Will 30 .Are making be see arrive 31 .Informative 32 .Beautiful 33. Nationality 34. Bakery 35. Dangerous 36. C 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. A 41. C 42. B 43. D 44. B
45. You shouldn't stay up late and play games until midnight.
46. It’s the most amazing sight she has ever seen.
47. The last time we went to Hanoi was three years ago.
48. If Sue goes out this weekend, she won't have time to study.
49. Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
50. I liked Tom and Jerry so much that I watched it many times. TEST 2
I. Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently. 1. A. walked B. wicked C. stopped D. laughed 2. A. theatre B. thank C. than D. think 3. A. question
B. information C. invention D. conversation 4. A. ride B. drive C. discipline D. motorbike lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132 5. A. round B. house C. shoulder D. mouth
II. Circle the word whose stress pattern is pronounced differently from the others’. 6. A. bargain
B. decide C. concert D. plastic 7. A. entertainment B. underwater C. experience D. exhibition 8. A. invite B. success C. traffic D. excuse 9. A. farmer
B. college C. police D. artist 10. A. magazine B. apartment C. computer D. technology
III. Choose the best option to complete the sentences by circle the letter A, B, C or D.
11. You __________ tired tomorrow if you __________ to bed late.
A. are/will go B. will be/will go C. are/are going D. will be/ go
12. In France, you __________ take off your shoes when you visit someone’s house - you can have them on.
A. mustn't B. don’t have to C. can’t D. must
13 I think Ho Chi Minh city will become a______ soon.There are about nine million people living there. A. megacity B. earthscraper C. eco-friendly D. underground
14. Rafting and ______ are so much fun, but rafts have more people in the boat. A. canyon B. highland C. hiking D. kayaking
15. You should see my new classmates! I’m sure you __________ them. A. like B. are going to like C. should like D. will like
16. I often go to school ____ foot, but today I’m riding my bike. A. by B. in C. at D. on
17. We should take _________ so we can see when it is dark. A. batteries B. sleeping bags C. pillows D. Flashlights
18. Animation films are my favourite. I find them very __________ because they always make me laugh. A. amused B. amusing C. boring D. interested
19. I __________ in a capsule for the first time yesterday.
A. took a ride B. took a roller coaster lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
C. went down a ride D. picked up a ride
20. There’s ____ book on the table. ____ book’s cover is green. A. a/a B. the/the C. a/the D. the/a
21. Kate: How ___________ do you play computer games? - Nick: Two or three times a week. A. often B. many C. long D. much
22. Don't old things because perhaps you will need them later. A. throw
B. throw away C. throwing D. throwing away
23. This is the ______ robot in the show. Our scientists spent more than 2 years building it.
A. smart B. smarter C. most smart D. smartest
24. ________ is special clothing to wear when astronauts work outside in space. A. Space station B. Gravity C. Spaceship D. Spacesuit
25. We have lots of plastic bottles at home _____ we don’t know what to do with them. A. and B. due to C. but D. so
26. I love watching __________ with my family. We try to answer all the questions and have a family competition.
A. soap operas B. thrillers C. cookery shows D. game shows IV. Put
the verbs in the blanks into the correct forms.
27. Look at these dark clouds. It (rain)______ soon!
28. The story (be)______ fantastic and we loved it so much.
29. (the boys/ wear) their new T-shirts tomorrow if it is sunny?
30. My sister (fly) _________ to New York tomorrow morning at seven o’clock. She bought her ticket flight yesterday.
V. Give the correct form of the words.
31 When I grow up, I want to be a ______________. POLITIC
32. She works as a ____________ in a famous hotel in Da Nang. RECEIVE
33. We can use the Internet for ____________ with our foreign friends. COMMUNICATE
34. Yoga and table tennis are _________ sports. OUT
35. If you want to travel to Vi t Nam, you should know about some ________ ệ CULTURE rules in this country. lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
VI. Read the following passage and decide whether the statements that follow are True or False.
There are many ways of travelling in London. The London Underground or ‘the Tube’ was the
first underground railway system in the world. People first used it in 1863. People called it ‘the
Tube’ in 1890. In 1908, they designed the London Underground’s logo – a red circle and a blue
rectangle. There are about 11 lines and 270 stations today. The Tube services run from 5a.m.
until midnight. London buses – or double-deckers – are typically red and many of them have got
two floors. Buses are the cheapest way to travel around the city. You can also catch a boat –
London River buses – at the River Thames and enjoy fantastic views of London along the way.
It’s fast and tickets are not expensive at all. People who live in London or tourists can buy an
Oyster Card. It’s an electronic ticket you use to travel on any public transport in the city.
36. You can’t use the Tube in the evening.
37. Many London buses are red and blue and have got two floors.
38. It doesn’t cost much money to buy tickets for London River buses.
39. People can use an Oyster Card on any public transport in London.
VII. Read and choose the correct answer to complete the following passage. Hi Helen,
I hope you are well. How was your summer holiday? We went on a safari in Kenya and it was
fantastic. We arrived in Kenya (40) __________ plane, then we took the bus to Nairobi National
Park. We went on a (41) __________ around the park in a Jeep. We were (42) __________
when we saw a family of cheetahs walking in fronf of our Jeep. We stopped and watched them
for about ten minutes. Amazing! Cheetah’s (43) __________ is beautiful with black spots. We
also visited the baby elephants in the orphanage. I really loved those animals when I saw them.
I think I (44) __________ a vet when I grow up and work with elephants. We returned home
(45) __________. It was an unforgettable experience. See you soon. Mason 40. A. on B. by C. with D. in 41. A. roller coaster B. ride C. performance D. guide tour
42. A. surprised B. surprising C. bored D. boring 43. A. mane B. feather C. fur D. trunk 44. A. will become B. be C. am coming D.am lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
45. A. two days after B. two days ago C. last two days
D. before two days VIII.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
45. If you don’t study harder, you won’t pass the exams.
=> Unless ____________________________________
46. It’s possible that our class will visit the National Fine Arts Museum next month.
=> Our class __________________________________
47. I advise you not to arrive late at the meeting.=> You
48. The Nile is the longest river in the world.
=> No river ______________________________________
49. In spite of beginning with a terrible disaster, the film has a happy ending.
=> Although ______________________________________
50. It took her 3 hours to get to the city centre.
=> She spent ______________________________________ KEY 1 .B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. C 10 .A 11 .D 12 .B 13 .A 14 .D 15 .B 16 .D 17 .D 18 .B 19 .A 20 .C 21 .A 22 .B
23 .D 24 .D 25 .C 26 .D 27 .Is going to 28 .Was 29 .Will 30 .Will fly rain the boys wear 31 .POLITICIAN 32 .RECEPTIONIST 33. COMMUNICATING 34. OUTDOOR 35. CULTURAL 36. F 37. F 38. T 39. T 40. B 41. D lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132 42. A 43. C 44. A
45. Unless you study harder, you won’t pass the exams.
46. Our class might visit the National Fine Arts Museum next month.
47. You shouldn’t arrive late at the meeting.
48. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.
49. Although the film begins with a terrible disaster, it has a happy ending.
50. She spent 3 hours getting to the city centre.