Bài tập English 1 Extra practice

Bài tập English 1 Extra practice

lOMoARc PSD|19704494
lOMoARc PSD|19704494
Extra practice
VINH, 2019
lOMoARc PSD|19704494
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning
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I. Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in the box.
catch cost enjoy feel go have live study travel understand
1 Ricki goes to English lessons twice a week.
2 The US President lives in the White House.
3 We always catch the bus to work at eight in the morning.
4 This bicycle costs over $500.
5 He enjoys playing computer games with his friends.
6 Most people in France have their summer holiday in July and August.
7 Nigel and Bruce study for their exams in the evenings.
8 The moon travels around the Earth at 3,683 kilometers per hour.
9 How do you feel today? Are you better?
10 I don’t understand this question. Can you help me?
II. Complete the interview for a school magazine. Use the present simple form of the verbs
in brackets.
Gabi Teschner, a German exchange student, is spending three months in the USA.
Interviewer: What 1 ...............do you notice ................................ (notice) about students in the
Gabi: They 2 .........get up ............... (get up) very early for school.
Interviewer: What time 3 ............does school start .................................... (school/start) in
Gabi: We also 4 ........begin .......... (begin) at eight o’clock but in the USA the school day
5 ......lasts......... (last) longer. Also the timetable 6 ....doesn’t give .......... (not give) much time for
breaks and lunch.
Interviewer: What 7 ......do you think .................... (you think) of American food, Gabi?
Gabi: I 8 ........like ............. (like) the breakfasts because they are similar to Germany but
the school lunch 9 ......doesn’t taste ............... (not taste) very good. It’s always burgers or pizza
and fries.
Interviewer: And what 10 .............do students do ................. (students do) in their free time?
Gabi: Sport is very important in the USA so they 11 ........play ........ (play) baseball or
football at school.
Interviewer: 12 .........Do you play ..................... (you play) these sports in Germany?
Gabi: Yes, I’m in a women’s football team but we 13 ........don’t use ............. (not use) an
oval ball. Our footballs, or soccer balls, are round!
III. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
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1 Pilates classes / Mary / twice a week. / attends
Mary attends Pilates classes twice a week.
2 the gym / go / I / usually / to / on Saturday.
I usually go to the gym on Saturday.
3 before seven. / the office / rarely / Mr Grisham / leaves
Mr. Grisham rarely leaves the office before seven.
4 are / to watch / We / TV / too tired / sometimes / in the evenings.
We are sometimes too tired to watch TV in the evenings.
5 take / do / How / your cat / to the vet? / often / you
How often do you take your cat to the vet?
6 see me / annoyed / they / My friends / always / get / eating / junk food. / when
My friends always get annoyed when they see me eating junk food.
IV. Choose the correct forms.
1 The Earth has / is having a population of 6.7 billion people.
2 The climate of the Earth becomes / is becoming warmer at the moment.
3 As you move towards the equator, the temperature becomes / is becoming warmer.
4 You live in France now but where do you come / are you coming from originally?
5 My family lives / is living in Nigeria for two years. After that we’ll move to Alaska.
6 Sorry, I can’t hear you because I stand / ’m standing on the platform at the train station.
7 The train comes / is coming into the station now. I’ll be home in ten minutes.
8 This car never starts / is never starting in the winter.
9 How often do you take / are you taking a holiday?
10 Do you understand / Are you understanding what Im saying?
I. Match the verbs 1-8 with the words a-h.
1 I’m doing some
2 They’re going
3 Do you play
4 Let’s play a
5 They like to do
6 When are you going
7 Next week I’m going on
8 He’s doing his
1-f 2-a 3-h 4-b 5-g 6-e 7-d 8-c
a shopping.
b board game.
c homework.
d holiday.
e swimming?
f exercise.
g gardening.
h tennis?
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II. Complete the exchanges with these words.
class decorating friends meals meaning shades
1 A: When do you usually cook meals ?
B: I cook every evening when I get home from work.
2 A: How often do you go out with friends ?
B: We usually go out together at weekends.
3 A: Are you going to your exercise class this evening?
B: No, I’ve got too much work to do.
4 A: What did you wear to the local festival?
B: I wore a colorful dress with different shades
5 A: Why are you buying paint? B: We’re thinking about
of purple and lilac.
decorating our house this
6 A: Does the color red have the same meaning around the world?
B: No. It symbolizes different feelings in Eastern and Western cultures.
Look at the text in each question.
What does it say? Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
A. Your dentist needs to know about your
B. Ask your dentist if you need some medicine.
C. Your dentist may give you medicine.
A. Take three tablets a day.
B. Take two tablets a day.
C. Take six tablets a day.
A. People who smoke may get ill.
B. You are not allowed to smoke here.
C. These cigarettes are safer than ordinary
A. Patients are not accepted here.
B. Contact this hospital in an emergency
C. The emergency department is closed.
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can seriously damage your health
Please inform the dentist if you are
taking medicine
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A. Take pills every day with a drink.
B. Have a pill every day with liquid.
C. Have a drink once a day and take this
II. Read the following passage and choose the correct word for each space.
For many young people, sport is a popular part of school life and (1) in one of the
school teams and playing in matches is very important. (2) someone is in a team, it means
a lot of extra practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away from (3) , as many
matches are played then.
It can also involve travelling to other towns to (4) against other school teams and
then (5)
other students will (6)
on after the match for a meal or a drink. Sometimes parents, friends or
with the team to support their own side.
When a school team wins a match, it is the whole school which feels proud, (7)
only the players. It can also mean that a school (8) well-known for being good at
certain sports and pupils from that school may end up playing (9) national or
international teams so that the school has some really (10) names associated with it!
1. A. having
2. A. If
B. being
B. As
D. putting
D. So
3. A. home
B. team
D. matches
4. A. beat
B. play
D. win
5. A. staying
B. being
D. spending
6. A. cheer
B. play
D. judge
7. A. not
B. however
D. but
8. A. comes
B. makes
D. turns
9. A. for
B. to
D. beside
10. A. old
B. new
D. famous
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I. Complete the sentences with the -ing form of these verbs.
compete jog lose listen speak train
1 I hate losing important matches.
2 Jamie is really good at speaking at our club meetings. We should make him
3 My friend loves watching films in the evening, but I prefer listening to music.
4 After training for months, they were ready to enter the competition.
5 Jogging for an hour or so every day is a great way to stay fit.
6 I don’t like competing in races. I only run for fun.
II. Choose the correct option (a, b or c) to complete the sentences.
1 Sylvia isn’t interested in races.
a to win b winning c win
2 a walking group doesn’t sound like fun to me.
a Join b To join c Joining
3 I’d like you a favour, if I could.
a asking b to ask c to asking
4 Both Angela and Sophia the tennis tournament tonight.
a would like watching b like watching c would like to watch
5 Do you enjoy photographs?
a taking b to take c take
6 They wouldn’t like in that crazy Mud Bowl competition.
a taking part b to take part c not taking part
7 I can’t stand a red card in a match when it’s not really my fault!
a getting b to getting c to get
III. Complete the text with like / love + -ing or I’d like to / I’d love to and the correct form
of the verbs.
Today we discussed future ambitions in class. It was quite interesting. We each said what we 1
(like / do) would like to do in the future. When it was my turn to speak, I said that
I 2 (love / become) _would love to become a football reporter. I really 3 (like /
write) like writing my football blog and all my friends say I’m really good at it
too. I also 4 (love / attend) love attending all the important football matches in
my area and I never miss a single competition! I 5 (like / study) would like to
study journalism one day so that I can report big international championships. But I
don’t think I 6 (like / live) would like to live abroad I think I’d miss my friends
and family way too much!
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IV. Circle the correct option.
1 They mustn’t / can still win the race if they really try their best.
2 You can / don’t have to pay the membership fee now. You can do it later.
3 All competitors must / can be experienced runners.
4 Tim can’t / doesn’t have to use my laptop tonight. I need it myself.
5 You must / mustn’t enter without a ticket.
6 Everyone can / has to be at the meeting. It’s very important.
Match these nouns to the definitions.
A spectator
b a competition
c a trophy
d to win
e. a race
f. a referee
g a competitor
h to score
i .fans
j to beat
1. ……a competitor ................ a person who takes part in a sport.
2. ……a race ................ a competition to see who is fastest.
3. ……a trophy… ............. a cup which you get for winning a competition.
4……to score ................. to make a point in a game.
5……to beat ................. to defeat the other person or team.
6………a referee ............. the person who controls a game.
7………a competition… .......... an event where people take part to try and win.
8………spectator .............. the people who watch a sports event.
9………fans ............. the people who follow a particular team.
10……to win… ............ come first in a competition or race.
Look at the text in each question.
What does it say? Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
A. Anyone who takes part in a swimming
competition may use these lockers.
B. Swimmers from visiting teams needn't pay to use
C. Members of the local swimming team can't use
these lockers.
A. The basketball team only wants to see experienced
B. The Barton College team will visit the gym later
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning
For Friday’s basketball match
against Barton College can you
( Đội khách )
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C. There aren't enough team members available on
A. If it rains, a different activity will be available.
B. The next tennis lesson has been canceled due to
bad weather.
C. Tennis lessons may take place indoors or
outdoors, depending on the weather.
A. This pool is for the use of confident swimmers
B. Tell a staff member if you notice someone is in
C. If you have difficulty swimming, inform a
member a staff before entering the pool.
A. The swimming pool is free to people who go to the
Water Fitness Classes.
B. This month, you can go to Water Fitness Classes
and use the pool ten times without paying.
C. The water fitness classes are free to people who
swim ten times in a month.
Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
1 It is necessary that you do as the coach says. (must)
You must do as coach says.
2 It’s against the rules to touch the ball with your hands. (mustn’t)
You mustn’t touch the ball with your hand.
3 It’s OK to send in your entry for the competition next week. (can)
You can send in your entry for the competition next week.
4 It’s necessary for all Formula drivers to wear a helmet ( sắt). (have to)
All Formula drivers have to wear a helmet.
5 It is not allowed for contestants (đối thủ) to meet before the match. (can’t)
Contestants can’t meet before the match.
6 It isn’t necessary for Ben to go to football training tonight. (doesn’t have to)
Ben doesn’t have to go to football training tonight.
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning
Tennis lessons
In bad weather, table tennis will take
place in the clubhouse instead.
If you use the swimming pool ten
times in one month, you can attend
one Water Fitness Class free of
If you see a person in difficulty,
inform a member of staff
help the team? Come to the gym at 3
pm today, whatever your level
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Complete the text with the correct comparative form of the
adjectives and adverbs.
Use -
Do you find that you’re getting 1 busier (busy) every day? You’re working
2 harder (hard) than ever, but you’re getting 3 less efficient (hiệu quả)
(efficient)? You’ve never got time to get to the gym and you’re getting 4 fatter
(fat) and 5 slower (slow)? Then try our new, improved Desk Top Aerobics. The
new version is
guaranteed to make you 6 fitter (fit) and 7 healthier
(healthy). It’ll help you feel 8 less stressed (stressed).
It’ll help you work 9 more quickly (quickly) and 10 more
efficiently (efficiently). You’ll love it. Your boss’ll love it. Start now!
II. Complete the sentences using most, least or -est and the adjectives and adverbs in the
cold expensive fast high hot northern small visited
1 Ulaan Batar, Outer Mongolia, is the coldest capital city in the world. It has an
average temperature of 21.38 C.
2 Bangkok is the hottest city in the world, with an average temperature of 308
C all year round.
3 Chonqing, China, is probably the fastest growing city in the world. Experts
believe its size will double from ten million to twenty million in the next thirteen years.
4 Paris is the most visited city in the world. It has over thirty million tourists a
5 The Vatican City is probably the smallest world’s capital city. Just under
1000 people live
inside its walls.
6 La Paz, Bolivia, situated at 3640 m above sea level, is the highest capital city
in the world.
7 Asuncion in Paraguay is possibly the least expensive capital city in the world.
The cost of living in Asuncion is only a third of the cost of living in New York.
8 Hammerfest, Norway, situated just outside the Arctic Circle, is one of the
most northen cities in the world.
III. Complete the common expressions with the words in the box. Then listen and check.
bad easy good much quickly young
1 A: Thanks for looking after the kids.
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B: You’re welcome. It was a pleasure. They’ve been as good as gold.
2 A: Hi! Sorry I’m late. I got here as quickly as I could.
B: Don’t worry. We started without you.
3 A: You can fix the car, can’t you?
B: Mmm Im not sure. It isn’t as easy as it looks.
4 A: Help yourselves to some food. Take as much as you want.
B: Thanks! It looks delicious!
5 A: Look at this! It’s ruined!
B: Let me see. No, it isn’t as bad as you think. It’ll come out in the wash.
6 A: Ouch! I’m not as young as I used to be!
B: Watch out Fred. You’re showing your age!
I. Complete the sentences with these synonyms of the words in brackets. Use the correct
get get closer to get into get out of get to get worse
1 John was lucky to (escape from) get out of the dangerous current in the sea.
2 Most people (receive) get a lot of pleasure (niềm vui) from swimming in the sea.
3 If the weather (doesn’t improve) get worse, we won’t go to the beach.
4 The swimmer was very tired when he finally (reached) (nắm, vươn tới) get to dry land.
5 They rowed (chèo) as fast as they could, but they weren’t (moving towards (hướng về) ) get
closer to the shore (bờ biển).
6 It was a freezing cold day and I didn’t want to (enter) get into the water, but I had to.
II. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box
catch (x2) take pick up (x2) miss
drop off get on get off go by
1. Could you ………pick………. me ………up……at 8?
2. If you hurry you might ………catch… ............. the next train.
3. Quick! ………get on….............. the bus before it leaves.
4. Remember to ………get off .................. the bus at the station.
5. ………Take ................. a taxi from the airport to the hotel.
6. He …………missed… ......... the last bus and had to walk home.
7. I came with John. He just ……drop……… me ………off .......... outside.
8. I don’t like buses, I prefer to ……go by… .............. train.
9. I have to ………pick………. Amy ………up ........ from the party.
10. I usually …… catch ................. the bus outside my house.
Look at the text in each question.
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What does it say? Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
A. You are not allowed to park your car here.
B. There is no park here.
C. There's not enough space for parking here
A. Karl needs Jack to lend him a bike.
B. Jack has to return the bike that Karl lent him.
C. Jack is invited to meet Karl at his house and go
A. Mr. Johnstone will unfortunately be unable to
teach Class 9.
B. Students who arrive late to Mr. Johnstone’s class
must tell the office
C. Class 9.2 should get on with some unfinished
work for part of lesson 9. 2 today.
PRIMITIVE (nguyên thủy, ban
sơ) TRAIL(đường mòn)
A. Ask station staff for information on train times
B. There will be a delay to your journey today.
C. We apologize for the late arrival of your train.
A. You cannot leave cars here between 13 and 15
B. Workmen will not finish repairing this road until
13 June.
C. It will not be possible to drive here for three
A. Don’t go this way, it’s difficult to
B. Be careful when hiking in any primitive
C. Hiking in difficult routes is welcome
A. Cheaper tickets are available for people who travel
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning
13-15 JUNE
If you take this journey
All trains are running late today
due to a lack of staff
Class 9.2
Unfortunately, Mr. Johnstone has
phoned the office to say he is
delayed because of heavy traffic.
Please continue with yesterday’s
project work until he arrives.
Jack, can you bring the bicycle you
borrowed to my house today?
No parking
lOMoARc PSD|19704494
B. You need a special type of ticket if you travel regularly.
C. The Super Weekly Saver Ticket can help all
travellers to save money.
I. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of these verbs.
be not go not plan take try slip walk
1 We was lucky to arrive at base camp before dark.
2 Emma slipped and nearly broke her leg.
3 They took an enormous risk (gặp nhiều nguy hiểm) crossing the lake in such stormy
4 I tried to put out the fire but it was impossible.
5 I’m surprised such experienced climbers didn’t plan their expedition better.
6 Did you really walk all the way home in the middle of the night?
7 We didn’t go on that road trip after all. It was too risky.
II. Write questions using the past simple. Then write answers that are true for you.
1 When / you / be born?
When were you born?
2 Where / you / grow up?
Where did you grow up?
3 When / you / start learning English?
When did you start learning English?
4 What / be / your favourite subject at school?
What was your favourite subject at school?
5 Where / you / go / on your last holiday?
Where did you go on your last holiday?
6 What / be / the weather like last weekend?
What was the weather like last weekend?
III. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs.
1 They (hike) were hiking in the mountains when a terrible storm (begin)
began .
2 Why Ethan (Ethan / shout) was shouting on the phone when I (arrive)
arrived ?
3 As the plane (take off) was taking off I (realise) realised I had left my iPad at
the airport.
4 Was the sun (sun / shine) shining when you woke up this
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning
regularly, you can save money
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5 His adventure (end) ended when the rescue team (arrive) arrived .
6 Olivia (surf) was surfing while I (fix) was fixing the boat.
I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of job or work.
1 Does he have a lot of work to do?
2 Do you have an interesting job ?
3 Steve works as a fire fighter.
4 Sarah is looking for job in a school.
5 I’ve got a few jobs to finish before I can go home.
6 Our boss is not at work today.
7 Where does your brother work ?
II. Match these verbs with the correct words.
drop enrol graduate leave look meet start take
1 start my own business
2 leave home
3 graduate from university
4 look for a new job
5 drop the summer off
6 enrol for evening classes
7 take out of university
8 meet your new boss
III. Complete the exchanges with these words.
hours opportunities outdoors overtime pension rises
1 A: Do you enjoy your new job?
B: Yes I have to work long hours , but the job is rewarding.
2 A: Why do most people enjoy working here?
B: It’s probably because they get regular pay rises .
3 A: Is your job stressful?
B: No, it’s just tiring because I often have to work overtime .
4 A: What are the advantages of this job?
B: Well, you get to work outdoors rather than being stuck in an office all day.
5 A: Why did you decide to take the job?
B: It’s with a respected company which offers excellent opportunities for
6 A: What benefits does your company offer?
B: All workers are covered by health insurance and a generous pension scheme.
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Look at the text in each question.
What does it say? Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
A. There is a danger of falling on to the stones.
B. Check for loose stones before you climb.
C. Do not climb the walls as they are dangerous.
A. You must not dive into the pool where the
water is shallow.
B. Swimming is not permitted where people are
C. The water is not deep enough in this pool for you
to dive.
Which of the sentences is true?
A. Break this glass if there is a fire.
B. This glass will break in a fire.
C. Anyone who breaks the glass will be fired.
A. Helen regrets her decision to climb the mountain.
B. Helen enjoyed climbing the mountain but couldn't
see anything from the top.
C. Although it was difficult, Helen was pleased
she had climbed the mountain.
A. No parking here at any time.
B. Parking is only allowed at restricted times.
C. Deliveries must not be left here.
A. Be careful! There are snakes.
B. Tourists can walk here and see snakes.
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Please do not block the driveway.
Access required at all times for
loading and deliveries.
Hi Kath,
I climbed this mountain
yesterday. It was hard work
but the clouds lifted when I got
to the top so it was worth it in
the end!
In case of fire
Break glass !
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C. There are no snakes here. Don’t worry!
A. Do not come to the cliff edges, it’s
B. Stay at the cliff edge or you can be injured
or dead.
C. It’s dangerous to stay back from cliff edges.
II. Read the following passage and choose the correct word A, B, C
or D for each space.
The Namibia Challenge in Africa
The Namibia Challenge is a seven-day race organized by Raleigh International, a company
established in 1985. It's a competition for people (1)........................... want to learn teamwork
and communication skills. It (2) ......................... place in the Namib desert in Africa, where team
spends a week pushing themselves to their limit and (3)....................... useful skills. As a final
challenge, participants (4) ....................... to climb Mount Branberg, Namibia's highest mountain.
Paul Webster, a university student, is willing to (5)...................... his experiences with other
students. "The Namibia Challenge is especially useful if, (6)....................... me, you haven't had
(7)....................... experience of working in a team." he says. '(8) ....................... the end of it, we
were all trying to help each other in the team. It's also a great opportunity to (9)........................
people of many different nationalities in a very special environment. I'm (10) ..................... of
working back to Namibia if I can.'
1. A. who
2. A. gets
3. A. becoming
B. which
B. takes
B. following
C. what
C. holds
C. growing
D. whose
D. has
D. developing
4. A. have
B. got
C. may
D. must
5. A. talk
B. let
C. share
D. inform
6. A. like
B. except
C. for
D. against
7. A. few
B. lot
C. many
D. much
8. A. By
B. In
C. Since
D. From
9. A. introduce
B. meet
C. know
D. greet
10. A. thinking
B. planning
C. deciding
D. considering
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Falling Will Cause Injury or
Stay Back From Cliff Edges
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I. Complete the conversation with these words and phrases.
a lot of many a little some lots any
Julie: Tell me about this new recycling project in your area. Did 1 many residents
come to the meeting?
Elisa: Oh yes, there were 2 lots of people. Most seemed really excited too. The idea is
to recycle rubbish we now throw away, mainly because we think it isn’t recyclable.
Julie: Stuff that’s not plastic, glass and paper? What, then? Give me 3 some examples.
Elisa: Well, 4 a lot of food leftovers like vegetable peel, coffee, eggshells and so on
can easily be recycled. Even used tea bags are good for making compost!
Julie: Mm I don’t drink 5 any coffee or tea at all, but I see your point. Isn’t it
difficult to do this every day, though?
Elisa: Not at all! All it takes is 6 a little time and effort. Have a look at this leaflet
it’s all in there!
II. Complete the sentences with the or Ø (no article).
1 Where are the goods you ordered online?
2 Over two thirds of the people in O Germany recycle their water bottles.
3 Switching off computers and TVs at night is one of the best ways to save energy.
4 Nowadays, O consumers all over the world are buying more green products.
5 We’re trying to save more energy at O work.
6 There is a huge demand for electronic household appliances in _the United States.
I. Complete the sentences with these phrases.
take time
take a walk
take years
take a bus
take a break
take care
1. It’s very hot in the house I need to ……take a walk ................. in the fresh air.
2. The quickest way to get to the station is to ………take a bus………………….
3. If you’re going to Africa for your holiday you must ………take care………..
4. You don’t need to hurry, you should ………take time ................. to do it carefully.
5. Listen, Paul, you look very tired. Why don’t you ………take a break .............. for a few days.
6. It can ………take years .................. to learn to speak a foreign language well.
II. Match the words 1-8 with words a-h.
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1 recycling
2 cereal (ngũ cốc)
3 glass
4 plastic
5 vegetable
6 tin (thiếc)
7 aluminium (nhôm)
8 yoghurt
a bottle
b peel (vỏ..)
c foil (lá (kim loại)
d box
e pot (ấm, bình, lọ..)
f bin
g bag
h can (đóng hộp)
1-f, 2-d, 3-a, 4-g, 5-b, 6-h, 7-c, 8-e
Look at the text in each question.
What does it say? Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
A. You must show your ticket here.
B. You can buy tickets here.
C. You can leave old tickets here.
A. Don't leave the light on if the room is
B. Switch the light on when you are in the room
C. Don't leave the light on if the room is
This sign means…
A. I am grateful you did not smoke.
B. It is dangerous to smoke.
C. No smoking.
Dogs must stay outside because…
A. It is unhealthy for dogs to be inside.
B. The owner of the shop does not like dogs.
C. The dogs will be happier outside.
A. Do not put this garment in a washing
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning
For hygiene reason,
please leave your dogs outside.
Hand wash
Thank you for not smoking!
Will the last person to leave please
switch off the lights!
lOMoARc PSD|19704494
B. Wash your hands before cleaning this garment.
C. After cleaning make sure this garment is dry.
II. Read the text. For each question, choose the letter, A, B, C or D, next to the correct
Why do tourists think that the first thing they should do when they visit a new place is go and
see cathedrals ( nhà thờ lớn), museums and monuments (đài tưởng niệm,..)? There are many
things I like about traveling, but queuing up to buy museum tickets then having your visit ruined
by noisy tour groups is not one of them. The things that make places special are all around the
famous buildings, not inside them.
My recent trip to India is a good example of this. By far the most interesting part of it was
getting to know people - bicycle-taxi drivers, policemen, riding elephants and children trying to
earn some money by cleaning shoes. It was all so amazing that I didn’t need to do any 'proper
(quy tắc) sightseeing (sự tham quan).
I also have fantastic memories of Florence. It was a boiling hot day and the queue (hàng người
xếp đuôi nhau) to the art gallery was at least a kilometre long. Instead of joining it I sat in a
shady square, ate a delicious pizza and listened to a man singing opera songs to only a few
listeners. If I had stuck to my original plan I would have missed this experience.
One of the best things about travelling is creating memories to bring back. When I got back
home from a holiday in Malaysia, I made some of the dishes I’d tasted in the food market.
Maybe my results weren't as good as the real thing, but they reminded me of the places and the
people I'd met - far better than anything from a souvenir shop.
1. What is Josh trying to do in this article?
A. explain what he likes to do on holiday.
B. recommend places for tourists to visit.
C. complain about the way tourists behave.
D. describe his favorite holiday destination.
2. In India, Josh enjoyed
A. going round famous buildings.
B. riding on an elephant.
C. talking to different people.
D. playing with children.
3. On his trip to Florence, Josh
A. got away from the crowds.
B. went to the opera.
C. visited the art gallery.
D. walked around in the sunshine.
4. The Malaysian food that Josh made at home
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or dry clean only!
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A. was difficult to prepare.
B. was better than the market food.
C. didn't taste very good.
D. brought back happy memories.
5. Which postcard would Josh write to his friend?
A. I went round this museum of local history with a group and the guide gave us lots
of interesting information.
B. I haven’t visited any of the important sights but I’ve learnt a lot about this
interesting country.
C. I’ve done the cathedral, the castle and the art gallery and I’m looking forward to
the museum.
D. This is a fantastic place lots of souvenir shops with very reasonable prices.
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lOM oARcPSD|19704494 lOM oARcPSD|19704494 ENGLISH 1 Extra practice INTERNAL ONLY VINH, 2019 0 lOM oARcPSD|19704494
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning lOM oARcPSD|19704494 UNIT 1 GRAMMAR
I. Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in the box.
catch cost enjoy feel go have live study travel understand
1 Ricki goes to English lessons twice a week. 2 The US President lives in the White House. 3 We always catch
the bus to work at eight in the morning. 4 This bicycle costs over $500. 5 He enjoys
playing computer games with his friends. 6 Most people in France have
their summer holiday in July and August. 7 Nigel and Bruce study
for their exams in the evenings. 8 The moon travels
around the Earth at 3,683 kilometers per hour. 9 How do you feel today? Are you better? 10 I don’t understand
this question. Can you help me?
II. Complete the interview for a school magazine. Use the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Gabi Teschner, a German exchange student, is spending three months in the USA.
Interviewer: What 1 ...............do you notice ................................ (notice) about students in the USA? Gabi:
They 2 .........get up ............... (get up) very early for school.
Interviewer: What time 3 ............does school start .................................... (school/start) in Germany? Gabi:
We also 4 ........begin .......... (begin) at eight o’clock but in the USA the school day
5 ......lasts......... (last) longer. Also the timetable 6 ....doesn’t give .......... (not give) much time for breaks and lunch.
Interviewer: What 7 ......do you think .................... (you think) of American food, Gabi? Gabi:
I 8 ........like ............. (like) the breakfasts because they are similar to Germany but
the school lunch 9 ......doesn’t taste ............... (not taste) very good. It’s always burgers or pizza and fries.
Interviewer: And what 10 .............do students do ................. (students do) in their free time? Gabi:
Sport is very important in the USA so they 11 ........play ........ (play) baseball or football at school.
Interviewer: 12 .........Do you play ..................... (you play) these sports in Germany? Gabi:
Yes, I’m in a women’s football team but we 13 ........don’t use ............. (not use) an
oval ball. Our footballs, or soccer balls, are round!
III. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1
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1 Pilates classes / Mary / twice a week. / attends
Mary attends Pilates classes twice a week.
2 the gym / go / I / usually / to / on Saturday.
I usually go to the gym on Saturday.
3 before seven. / the office / rarely / Mr Grisham / leaves
Mr. Grisham rarely leaves the office before seven.
4 are / to watch / We / TV / too tired / sometimes / in the evenings.
We are sometimes too tired to watch TV in the evenings.
5 take / do / How / your cat / to the vet? / often / you
How often do you take your cat to the vet?
6 see me / annoyed / they / My friends / always / get / eating / junk food. / when
My friends always get annoyed when they see me eating junk food.
IV. Choose the correct forms.
1 The Earth has / is having a population of 6.7 billion people.
2 The climate of the Earth becomes / is becoming warmer at the moment.
3 As you move towards the equator, the temperature becomes / is becoming warmer.
4 You live in France now but where do you come / are you coming from originally?
5 My family lives / is living in Nigeria for two years. After that we’ll move to Alaska.
6 Sorry, I can’t hear you because I stand / ’m standing on the platform at the train station.
7 The train comes / is coming into the station now. I’ll be home in ten minutes.
8 This car never starts / is never starting in the winter.
9 How often do you take / are you taking a holiday?
10 Do you understand / Are you understanding what I’m saying? VOCABULARY
I. Match the verbs 1-8 with the words a-h.
1 I’m doing some a shopping. 2 They’re going b board game. 3 Do you play c homework. 4 Let’s play a d holiday. 5 They like to do e swimming? 6 When are you going f exercise. 7 Next week I’m going on g gardening. 8 He’s doing his h tennis?
1-f 2-a 3-h 4-b 5-g 6-e 7-d 8-c 2
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II. Complete the exchanges with these words.
class decorating friends meals meaning shades 1 A: When do you usually cook meals ?
B: I cook every evening when I get home from work.
2 A: How often do you go out with friends ?
B: We usually go out together at weekends.
3 A: Are you going to your exercise class this evening?
B: No, I’ve got too much work to do.
4 A: What did you wear to the local festival?
B: I wore a colorful dress with different shades of purple and lilac.
5 A: Why are you buying paint? B: We’re thinking about decorating our house this weekend.
6 A: Does the color red have the same meaning around the world?
B: No. It symbolizes different feelings in Eastern and Western cultures. READING
Look at the text in each question.
What does it say? Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 1
Please inform the dentist if you are
A. Your dentist needs to know about your taking medicine medicine.
B. Ask your dentist if you need some medicine.
C. Your dentist may give you medicine. 2 TWO TABLETS A. Take three tablets a day. MUST BE TAKEN B. Take two tablets a day. THREE TIMES A DAY
C. Take six tablets a day. 3 Cigarettes
A. People who smoke may get ill.
can seriously damage your health
B. You are not allowed to smoke here.
C. These cigarettes are safer than ordinary ones. 4 THIS HOSPITAL HAS
A. Patients are not accepted here. NO longer EMERGENCY
B. Contact this hospital in an emergency DEPARTMENT
C. The emergency department is closed. 3
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning lOM oARcPSD|19704494 5 ONE PILL TO BE TAKEN DAILY
A. Take pills every day with a drink. WITH LIQUID
B. Have a pill every day with liquid.
C. Have a drink once a day and take this pill.
II. Read the following passage and choose the correct word for each space.
For many young people, sport is a popular part of school life and (1) in one of the
school teams and playing in matches is very important. (2)
someone is in a team, it means
a lot of extra practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away from (3) , as many matches are played then.
It can also involve travelling to other towns to (4)
against other school teams and then (5)
on after the match for a meal or a drink. Sometimes parents, friends or other students will (6)
with the team to support their own side.
When a school team wins a match, it is the whole school which feels proud, (7)
only the players. It can also mean that a school (8) well-known for being good at
certain sports and pupils from that school may end up playing (9) national or
international teams so that the school has some really (10) names associated with it! 1. A. having B. being C. taking D. putting 2. A. If B. As C. Then D. So 3. A. home B. team C. people D. matches 4. A. beat B. play C. race D. win 5. A. staying B. being C. leaving D. spending 6. A. cheer B. play C. travel D. judge 7. A. not B. however C. and D. but 8. A. comes B. makes C. becomes D. turns 9. A. for B. to C. up D. beside 10. A. old B. new C. common D. famous 4
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning lOM oARcPSD|19704494 UNIT 2 GRAMMAR
I. Complete the sentences with the -ing form of these verbs.
compete jog lose listen speak train 1 I hate losing important matches. 2 Jamie is really good at speaking
at our club meetings. We should make him chairman.
3 My friend loves watching films in the evening, but I prefer listening to music. 4 After training
for months, they were ready to enter the competition. 5 Jogging
for an hour or so every day is a great way to stay fit. 6 I don’t like competing in races. I only run for fun.
II. Choose the correct option (a, b or c) to complete the sentences.
1 Sylvia isn’t interested in races. a to win b winning c win 2
a walking group doesn’t sound like fun to me. a Join b To join c Joining 3 I’d like you a favour, if I could. a asking b to ask c to asking 4 Both Angela and Sophia
the tennis tournament tonight. a would like watching b like watching c would like to watch 5 Do you enjoy photographs? a taking b to take c take 6 They wouldn’t like
in that crazy Mud Bowl competition. a taking part b to take part c not taking part 7 I can’t stand
a red card in a match when it’s not really my fault! a getting b to getting c to get
III. Complete the text with like / love + -ing or I’d like to / I’d love to and the correct form of the verbs.
Today we discussed future ambitions in class. It was quite interesting. We each said what we 1 (like / do) would like to do
in the future. When it was my turn to speak, I said that
I 2 (love / become) _would love to become
a football reporter. I really 3 (like / write) like writing
my football blog and all my friends say I’m really good at it too. I also 4 (love / attend) love attending
all the important football matches in
my area and I never miss a single competition! I 5 (like / study) would like to study
journalism one day so that I can report big international championships. But I
don’t think I 6 (like / live) would like to live
abroad – I think I’d miss my friends and family way too much! 5
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IV. Circle the correct option.
1 They mustn’t / can still win the race if they really try their best.
2 You can / don’t have to pay the membership fee now. You can do it later.
3 All competitors must / can be experienced runners.
4 Tim can’t / doesn’t have to use my laptop tonight. I need it myself.
5 You must / mustn’t enter without a ticket.
6 Everyone can / has to be at the meeting. It’s very important. VOCABULARY
Match these nouns to the definitions. A spectator b a competition c a trophy d to win e. a race f. a referee g a competitor h to score i .fans j to beat
1. ……a competitor ................ a person who takes part in a sport.
2. ……a race ................ a competition to see who is fastest.
3. ……a trophy… ............. a cup which you get for winning a competition.
4……to score ................. to make a point in a game.
5……to beat ................. to defeat the other person or team.
6………a referee ............. the person who controls a game.
7………a competition… .......... an event where people take part to try and win.
8………spectator .............. the people who watch a sports event.
9………fans ............. the people who follow a particular team.
10……to win… ............ come first in a competition or race. READING
Look at the text in each question.
What does it say? Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 1 LOCKERS IN THIS AREA
A. Anyone who takes part in a swimming ARE RESERVED
competition may use these lockers. FOR USE
B. Swimmers from visiting teams needn't pay to use BY VISITING TEAM ONLY lockers. ( Đội khách )
C. Members of the local swimming team can't use these lockers. 2. PLAYERS WANTED
A. The basketball team only wants to see experienced
For Friday’s basketball match players.
against Barton College – can you
B. The Barton College team will visit the gym later 6
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help the team? Come to the gym at 3 today.
pm today, whatever your level
C. There aren't enough team members available on Friday 3. Tennis lessons
A. If it rains, a different activity will be available.
In bad weather, table tennis will take B. The next tennis lesson has been canceled due to
place in the clubhouse instead. bad weather.
C. Tennis lessons may take place indoors or
outdoors, depending on the weather. 4. SWIMMING POOL
A. This pool is for the use of confident swimmers
If you see a person in difficulty, only. inform a member of staff
B. Tell a staff member if you notice someone is in danger.
C. If you have difficulty swimming, inform a
member a staff before entering the pool. 5. SPECIAL OFFER!
A. The swimming pool is free to people who go to the
If you use the swimming pool ten Water Fitness Classes.
times in one month, you can attend
B. This month, you can go to Water Fitness Classes
one Water Fitness Class free of
and use the pool ten times without paying. charge!
C. The water fitness classes are free to people who
swim ten times in a month.
Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
1 It is necessary that you do as the coach says. (must) You must do as coach says.
2 It’s against the rules to touch the ball with your hands. (mustn’t)
You mustn’t touch the ball with your hand.
3 It’s OK to send in your entry for the competition next week. (can)
You can send in your entry for the competition next week.
4 It’s necessary for all Formula drivers to wear a helmet (mũ sắt). (have to)
All Formula drivers have to wear a helmet.
5 It is not allowed for contestants (đối thủ) to meet before the match. (can’t)
Contestants can’t meet before the match.
6 It isn’t necessary for Ben to go to football training tonight. (doesn’t have to)
Ben doesn’t have to go to football training tonight. 7
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning lOM oARcPSD|19704494 UNIT 3 GRAMMAR
Complete the text with the correct comparative form of the adjectives and adverbs.
Use -er
, more or less.
Do you find that you’re getting 1 busier
(busy) every day? You’re working 2 harder
(hard) than ever, but you’re getting 3 less efficient (hiệu quả)
(efficient)? You’ve never got time to get to the gym and you’re getting 4 fatter (fat) and 5 slower
(slow)? Then try our new, improved Desk Top Aerobics. The new version is guaranteed to make you 6 fitter (fit) and 7 healthier
(healthy). It’ll help you feel 8 less stressed (stressed). It’ll help you work 9 more quickly (quickly) and 10 more efficiently
(efficiently). You’ll love it. Your boss’ll love it. Start now!
II. Complete the sentences using most, least or -est and the adjectives and adverbs in the box.
cold expensive fast high hot northern small visited
1 Ulaan Batar, Outer Mongolia, is the coldest
capital city in the world. It has an
average temperature of 21.38 C. 2 Bangkok is the hottest
city in the world, with an average temperature of 308 C all year round.
3 Chonqing, China, is probably the fastest
growing city in the world. Experts
believe its size will double from ten million to twenty million in the next thirteen years. 4 Paris is the most visited
city in the world. It has over thirty million tourists a year.
5 The Vatican City is probably the smallest
world’s capital city. Just under 1000 people live inside its walls.
6 La Paz, Bolivia, situated at 3640 m above sea level, is the highest capital city in the world.
7 Asuncion in Paraguay is possibly the least expensive capital city in the world.
The cost of living in Asuncion is only a third of the cost of living in New York.
8 Hammerfest, Norway, situated just outside the Arctic Circle, is one of the most northen cities in the world.
III. Complete the common expressions with the words in the box. Then listen and check. bad easy good much quickly young
1 A: Thanks for looking after the kids. 8
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B: You’re welcome. It was a pleasure. They’ve been as good as gold.
2 A: Hi! Sorry I’m late. I got here as quickly as I could.
B: Don’t worry. We started without you.
3 A: You can fix the car, can’t you?
B: Mmm … I’m not sure. It isn’t as easy as it looks.
4 A: Help yourselves to some food. Take as much as you want.
B: Thanks! It looks delicious!
5 A: Look at this! It’s ruined!
B: Let me see. No, it isn’t as bad
as you think. It’ll come out in the wash. 6 A: Ouch! I’m not as young as I used to be!
B: Watch out Fred. You’re showing your age! VOCABULARY
I. Complete the sentences with these synonyms of the words in brackets. Use the correct form. get get closer to get into get out of get to get worse 1
John was lucky to (escape from) get out of the dangerous current in the sea.
2 Most people (receive) get a lot of pleasure (niềm vui) from swimming in the sea.
3 If the weather (doesn’t improve) get worse, we won’t go to the beach.
4 The swimmer was very tired when he finally (reached) (nắm, vươn tới) get to dry land.
5 They rowed (chèo) as fast as they could, but they weren’t (moving towards (hướng về) ) get
closer to
the shore (bờ biển).
6 It was a freezing cold day and I didn’t want to (enter) get into the water, but I had to.
II. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box catch (x2) take pick up (x2) miss drop off get on get off go by
1. Could you ………pick………. me ………up……at 8?
2. If you hurry you might ………catch… ............. the next train.
3. Quick! ………get on….............. the bus before it leaves.
4. Remember to ………get off .................. the bus at the station.
5. ………Take ................. a taxi from the airport to the hotel.
6. He …………missed… ......... the last bus and had to walk home.
7. I came with John. He just ……drop……… me ………off .......... outside.
8. I don’t like buses, I prefer to ……go by… .............. train.
9. I have to ………pick………. Amy ………up… ........ from the party.
10. I usually …… catch ................. the bus outside my house. READING
Look at the text in each question. 9
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What does it say? Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 1
A. You are not allowed to park your car here. No parking
B. There is no park here.
C. There's not enough space for parking here 2
Jack, can you bring the bicycle you A. Karl needs Jack to lend him a bike. borrowed to my house today?
B. Jack has to return the bike that Karl lent him. Thanks,
C. Jack is invited to meet Karl at his house and go Karl cycling. 3 Class 9.2
A. Mr. Johnstone will unfortunately be unable to
Unfortunately, Mr. Johnstone has teach Class 9.
phoned the office to say he is
B. Students who arrive late to Mr. Johnstone’s class
delayed because of heavy traffic. must tell the office
Please continue with yesterday’s
C. Class 9.2 should get on with some unfinished
project work until he arrives.
work for part of lesson 9. 2 today. Mum 4
A. Ask station staff for information on train times NEW STREET STATION today.
All trains are running late today
B. There will be a delay to your journey today. due to a lack of staff
C. We apologize for the late arrival of your train. 5 ROAD REPAIRS HERE
A. You cannot leave cars here between 13 and 15 13-15 JUNE June. ROAD WILL REMAIN OPEN,
B. Workmen will not finish repairing this road until BUT NO PARKING ALLOWED 13 June.
C. It will not be possible to drive here for three days. 6 CAUTION
A. Don’t go this way, it’s difficult to
PRIMITIVE (nguyên thủy, ban walk.
sơ) TRAIL(đường mòn)
B. Be careful when hiking in any primitive DIFFICULT HIKING trail.
C. Hiking in difficult routes is welcome here. 7
If you take this journey
A. Cheaper tickets are available for people who travel 10
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regularly, you can save money often.
B. You need a special type of ticket if you travel regularly. with our SUPER WEEKLY
C. The Super Weekly Saver Ticket can help all SAVE TICKET travellers to save money. UNIT 4 GRAMMAR
I. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of these verbs.
be not go not plan take try slip walk 1 We was
lucky to arrive at base camp before dark. 2 Emma slipped and nearly broke her leg. 3 They took
an enormous risk (gặp nhiều nguy hiểm) crossing the lake in such stormy weather. 4 I tried
to put out the fire but it was impossible.
5 I’m surprised such experienced climbers didn’t plan their expedition better. 6 Did you really walk
all the way home in the middle of the night? 7 We didn’t go
on that road trip after all. It was too risky.
II. Write questions using the past simple. Then write answers that are true for you. 1 When / you / be born? When were you born? 2 Where / you / grow up? Where did you grow up?
3 When / you / start learning English?
When did you start learning English?
4 What / be / your favourite subject at school?
What was your favourite subject at school?
5 Where / you / go / on your last holiday?
Where did you go on your last holiday?
6 What / be / the weather like last weekend?
What was the weather like last weekend?
III. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs. 1 They (hike) were hiking
in the mountains when a terrible storm (begin) began . 2 Why Ethan (Ethan / shout) was shouting on the phone when I (arrive) arrived ?
3 As the plane (take off) was taking off I (realise) realised I had left my iPad at the airport. 4 Was the sun (sun / shine) shining when you woke up this 11
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning lOM oARcPSD|19704494 morning?
5 His adventure (end) ended when the rescue team (arrive) arrived . 6 Olivia (surf) was surfing while I (fix) was fixing the boat. VOCABULARY
I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of job
or work.
1 Does he have a lot of work to do?
2 Do you have an interesting job ?
3 Steve works as a fire fighter. 4 Sarah is looking for job in a school. 5 I’ve got a few jobs
to finish before I can go home. 6 Our boss is not at work today. 7 Where does your brother work ?
II. Match these verbs with the correct words.
drop enrol graduate leave look meet start take 1 start my own business 2 leave home 3 graduate from university 4 look for a new job 5 drop the summer off 6 enrol for evening classes 7 take out of university 8 meet your new boss
III. Complete the exchanges with these words. hours
opportunities outdoors overtime pension rises
1 A: Do you enjoy your new job?
B: Yes – I have to work long hours , but the job is rewarding.
2 A: Why do most people enjoy working here?
B: It’s probably because they get regular pay rises . 3 A: Is your job stressful?
B: No, it’s just tiring because I often have to work overtime .
4 A: What are the advantages of this job? B: Well, you get to work outdoors
rather than being stuck in an office all day.
5 A: Why did you decide to take the job?
B: It’s with a respected company which offers excellent opportunities for promotion.
6 A: What benefits does your company offer?
B: All workers are covered by health insurance and a generous pension scheme. 12
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning lOM oARcPSD|19704494 READING
Look at the text in each question.
What does it say? Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 1 DO NOT CLIMB CASTLE
A. There is a danger of falling on to the stones. WALLS - DANGER OF
B. Check for loose stones before you climb. FALLING STONES.
C. Do not climb the walls as they are dangerous. 2 NO DIVING ALLOWED
A. You must not dive into the pool where the EXCEPT AT THE DEEP END water is shallow. OF THE SWIMMING POOL
B. Swimming is not permitted where people are diving.
C. The water is not deep enough in this pool for you to dive. 3
Which of the sentences is true? In case of fire
A. Break this glass if there is a fire. Break glass !
B. This glass will break in a fire.
C. Anyone who breaks the glass will be fired. 4 Hi Kath,
A. Helen regrets her decision to climb the mountain.
I climbed this mountain
B. Helen enjoyed climbing the mountain but couldn't
yesterday. It was hard work see anything from the top.
but the clouds lifted when I got
C. Although it was difficult, Helen was pleased
to the top so it was worth it in
she had climbed the mountain. the end! Helen 5
Please do not block the driveway.
A. No parking here at any time.
Access required at all times for
B. Parking is only allowed at restricted times. loading and deliveries.
C. Deliveries must not be left here. 6 WALKING TOUR
A. Be careful! There are snakes. CAUTION
B. Tourists can walk here and see snakes. WATCH OUT FOR SNAKES 13
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C. There are no snakes here. Don’t worry! 7 DANGER
A. Do not come to the cliff edges, it’s
Falling Will Cause Injury or dangerous. Death
B. Stay at the cliff edge or you can be injured
Stay Back From Cliff Edges or dead.
C. It’s dangerous to stay back from cliff edges.
II. Read the following passage and choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each space.
The Namibia Challenge in Africa
The Namibia Challenge is a seven-day race organized by Raleigh International, a company
established in 1985. It's a competition for people (1)........................... want to learn teamwork
and communication skills. It (2) ......................... place in the Namib desert in Africa, where team
spends a week pushing themselves to their limit and (3)....................... useful skills. As a final
challenge, participants (4) ....................... to climb Mount Branberg, Namibia's highest mountain.
Paul Webster, a university student, is willing to (5)...................... his experiences with other
students. "The Namibia Challenge is especially useful if, (6)....................... me, you haven't had
(7)....................... experience of working in a team." he says. '(8) ....................... the end of it, we
were all trying to help each other in the team. It's also a great opportunity to (9)........................
people of many different nationalities in a very special environment. I'm (10) ..................... of
working back to Namibia if I can.' 1. A. who B. which C. what D. whose 2. A. gets B. takes C. holds D. has 3. A. becoming B. following
C. growing D. developing 4. A. have B. got C. may D. must 5. A. talk B. let C. share D. inform 6. A. like B. except C. for D. against 7. A. few B. lot C. many D. much 8. A. By B. In C. Since D. From 9. A. introduce B. meet C. know D. greet 10. A. thinking B. planning C. deciding D. considering 14
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning lOM oARcPSD|19704494 UNIT 5 GRAMMAR
I. Complete the conversation with these words and phrases. a lot of many a little some lots any
Julie: Tell me about this new recycling project in your area. Did 1 many residents come to the meeting? Elisa: Oh yes, there were 2 lots
of people. Most seemed really excited too. The idea is
to recycle rubbish we now throw away, mainly because we think it isn’t recyclable.
Julie: Stuff that’s not plastic, glass and paper? What, then? Give me 3 some examples. Elisa: Well, 4 a lot of
food leftovers like vegetable peel, coffee, eggshells and so on
can easily be recycled. Even used tea bags are good for making compost!
Julie: Mm – I don’t drink 5 any
coffee or tea at all, but I see your point. Isn’t it
difficult to do this every day, though?
Elisa: Not at all! All it takes is 6 a little
time and effort. Have a look at this leaflet – it’s all in there!
II. Complete the sentences with the or Ø (no article). 1 Where are the goods you ordered online?
2 Over two thirds of the people in O
Germany recycle their water bottles.
3 Switching off computers and TVs at night is one of the best ways to save energy. 4 Nowadays, O
consumers all over the world are buying more green products.
5 We’re trying to save more energy at O work.
6 There is a huge demand for electronic household appliances in _the United States. VOCABULARY
I. Complete the sentences with these phrases. take time take a walk take years take a bus take a break take care
1. It’s very hot in the house – I need to ……take a walk ................. in the fresh air.
2. The quickest way to get to the station is to ………take a bus………………….
3. If you’re going to Africa for your holiday you must ………take care………..
4. You don’t need to hurry, you should ………take time ................. to do it carefully.
5. Listen, Paul, you look very tired. Why don’t you ………take a break .............. for a few days.
6. It can ………take years .................. to learn to speak a foreign language well.
II. Match the words 1-8 with words a-h. 15
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning lOM oARcPSD|19704494 1 recycling a bottle 2 cereal (ngũ cốc) b peel (vỏ..) 3 glass c foil (lá (kim loại) 4 plastic d box 5 vegetable e pot (ấm, bình, lọ..) 6 tin (thiếc) f bin 7 aluminium (nhôm) g bag 8 yoghurt h can (đóng hộp)
1-f, 2-d, 3-a, 4-g, 5-b, 6-h, 7-c, 8-e READING
Look at the text in each question.
What does it say? Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 1 USED TICKET
A. You must show your ticket here. PLEASE!
B. You can buy tickets here.
C. You can leave old tickets here. 2
Will the last person to leave please
A. Don't leave the light on if the room is switch off the lights! empty
B. Switch the light on when you are in the room
C. Don't leave the light on if the room is unempty 3 This sign means… Thank you for not smoking!
A. I am grateful you did not smoke. B. It is dangerous to smoke. C. No smoking. 4 For hygiene reason,
Dogs must stay outside because…
please leave your dogs outside.
A. It is unhealthy for dogs to be inside.
The owner of the shop does not like dogs.
C. The dogs will be happier outside. 5 Hand wash
A. Do not put this garment in a washing 16
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning lOM oARcPSD|19704494 or dry clean only! machine.
B. Wash your hands before cleaning this garment.
C. After cleaning make sure this garment is dry.
II. Read the text. For each question, choose the letter, A, B, C or D, next to the correct answer.
Why do tourists think that the first thing they should do when they visit a new place is go and
see cathedrals ( nhà thờ lớn), museums and monuments (đài tưởng niệm,..)? There are many
things I like about traveling, but queuing up to buy museum tickets then having your visit ruined
by noisy tour groups is not one of them. The things that make places special are all around the
famous buildings, not inside them.
My recent trip to India is a good example of this. By far the most interesting part of it was
getting to know people - bicycle-taxi drivers, policemen, riding elephants and children trying to
earn some money by cleaning shoes. It was all so amazing that I didn’t need to do any 'proper
(quy tắc) sightseeing (sự tham quan).
I also have fantastic memories of Florence. It was a boiling hot day and the queue (hàng người
xếp đuôi nhau) to the art gallery was at least a kilometre long. Instead of joining it I sat in a
shady square, ate a delicious pizza and listened to a man singing opera songs to only a few
listeners. If I had stuck to my original plan I would have missed this experience.
One of the best things about travelling is creating memories to bring back. When I got back
home from a holiday in Malaysia, I made some of the dishes I’d tasted in the food market.
Maybe my results weren't as good as the real thing, but they reminded me of the places and the
people I'd met - far better than anything from a souvenir shop.
1. What is Josh trying to do in this article?
A. explain what he likes to do on holiday.
recommend places for tourists to visit.
C. complain about the way tourists behave.
D. describe his favorite holiday destination. 2. In India, Josh enjoyed
going round famous buildings.
B. riding on an elephant.
C. talking to different people. D. playing with children.
3. On his trip to Florence, Josh A. got away from the crowds. B. went to the opera.
C. visited the art gallery.
D. walked around in the sunshine.
4. The Malaysian food that Josh made at home 17
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning lOM oARcPSD|19704494 A. was difficult to prepare.
B. was better than the market food. C. didn't taste very good.
D. brought back happy memories.
5. Which postcard would Josh write to his friend?
A. I went round this museum of local history with a group and the guide gave us lots of interesting information.
B. I haven’t visited any of the important sights but I’ve learnt a lot about this interesting country.
C. I’ve done the cathedral, the castle and the art gallery and I’m looking forward to the museum.
D. This is a fantastic place – lots of souvenir shops with very reasonable prices.
Life Pre-intermediate © National Geographic Learning
Document Outline

  • UNIT 1
    • II. Complete the interview for a school magazine. Use the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
    • III. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
    • IV. Choose the correct forms.
    • II. Complete the exchanges with these words.
    • A. Your dentist needs to know about your medicine.
    • C. Take six tablets a day.
    • A. People who smoke may get ill.
    • C. The emergency department is closed.
    • 5
    • B. Have a pill every day with liquid.
    • II. Read the following passage and choose the correct word for each space.
  • UNIT 2
    • II. Choose the correct option (a, b or c) to complete the sentences.
    • III. Complete the text with like / love + -ing or I’d like to / I’d love to and the correct form of the verbs.
    • IV. Circle the correct option.
    • C. Members of the local swimming team can't use these lockers.
    • 3.
    • C. There aren't enough team members available on Friday
    • B. Tell a staff member if you notice someone is in danger.
    • C. The water fitness classes are free to people who swim ten times in a month.
  • UNIT 3
    • II. Complete the sentences using most, least or -est and the adjectives and adverbs in the box.
    • III. Complete the common expressions with the words in the box. Then listen and check.
    • II. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box
    • A. You are not allowed to park your car here.
    • B. Jack has to return the bike that Karl lent him.
    • C. Class 9.2 should get on with some unfinished work for part of lesson 9. 2 today.
    • B. There will be a delay to your journey today.
    • A. You cannot leave cars here between 13 and 15 June.
    • A. Don’t go this way, it’s difficult to walk.
    • 7
  • UNIT 4
    • I. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of these verbs.
    • II. Write questions using the past simple. Then write answers that are true for you.
    • III. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs.
    • I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of job or work.
    • II. Match these verbs with the correct words.
    • III. Complete the exchanges with these words.
    • C. Do not climb the walls as they are dangerous.
    • A. You must not dive into the pool where the water is shallow.
    • A. Break this glass if there is a fire.
    • C. Although it was difficult, Helen was pleased she had climbed the mountain.
    • A. No parking here at any time.
    • 6
    • 7
    • II. Read the following passage and choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each space.
  • UNIT 5
    • II. Complete the sentences with the or Ø (no article).
    • II. Match the words 1-8 with words a-h.
    • 1-f, 2-d, 3-a, 4-g, 5-b, 6-h, 7-c, 8-e READING
    • A. You must show your ticket here.
    • A. Don't leave the light on if the room is empty
    • C. No smoking.
    • A. It is unhealthy for dogs to be inside.
    • A. Do not put this garment in a washing
    • machine.
    • II. Read the text. For each question, choose the letter, A, B, C or D, next to the correct answer.
    • 1. What is Josh trying to do in this article?
    • 2. In India, Josh enjoyed
    • C. talking to different people.
    • 3. On his trip to Florence, Josh
    • 4. The Malaysian food that Josh made at home
    • D. brought back happy memories.