Bài tập noun formation - Tiếng anh | Trường Đại học Thủ đô Hà Nội

1. A person who acts for a living is called an .......... .2. A ..... is someone who earns money from writing music.3. She didn't become famous as a ..... until her 17th novel was published. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Exercise 1: chọn dạng thức đúng của từ
1. A person who for a living is called an .......... .acts
2. A ..... is someone who earns money from writing .music
3. She didn't become famous as a ..... until her 17th was published.novel
4. In Part 5 of the FCE your speaking ability will be assessed by the ..... .Exam
5. At the end of the the ..... asked if he could be shown around the interview
6. The waiter asked the ..... if she would help him deal with a difficult customer.
7. An ..... is someone who will be able to go through your and work out accounts
how much money you have.
8. ..... to the castle are expected to come during times only.visiting
Exercise 2: chọn dạng thức đúng của từ
1. My teacher says there has been a big ( ) .......... in my English lately.IMPROVE
2. The recipe says you only need to add two ( ) .......... of salt.SPOON
3. Why did you do that? I thought you had more (INTELLIGENT) .......... than that.
4. The singer gave a briliant ( ) .......... on stage yesterday.PERFORM
5. Have you seen her magazine ( ) ..........? She must have over 200 COLLECT
6. On hearing the news, everyone was overcome with a feeling of ( ) .......... .SAD
7. When you take the FCE Speaking paper you will be given marks for your
(ACCURATE) .......... and also on how fluent you are.
8. She has the ( ) .......... to pass the exam first time round providing she ABLE
works hard.
9. The water-fuelled car was his greatest .......... . (ACHIEVE)
10.The final .......... took 8 hours to reach. (AGREE)
11. The .......... on their faces was worthy of a photograph. (AMAZE)
12. The first .......... of problems in the design started in November of this year.
13. Thanks to mobile phones, the emergency services come to people's ..........
much faster these days. (ASSIST)
14. My first .......... for a holiday would be Okinawa. (CHOOSE)
15 The managing .......... of the pharmaceutical company was sent to prison for
bribing medical staff. (DIRECT)
16. .......... is now at more than 20% in Spain, which is catastrophic. (EMPLOY)
Exercise 3: chọn dạng thức đúng của từ
1. Helping companies to create jobs is the best way to stimulate .......... in an
economy. (GROW)
2. Electric cars have been showing remarkable .......... in recent years.
3. People need to increase their .......... of nutritiion, especially about the
dangers of sugar, red meat and refined flour. (KNOW)
4. For the first time, there is .......... that using baby formula has a negative
effect on babies' health. (PROVE)
5. The World Health Organisation .......... is for babies to be exclusively
breastfed for the first six months. (RECOMMEND)
6. The initial government .......... was to deny everything. In the end, however,
the minister was forced to resign. (RESPOND)
7. The .......... of the Toyota Prius has been very encouraging for people who
want a better planet. (SUCCEED)
8. The .......... to the energy crisis is not nuclear, because of the enormous
hidden costs, the toxic waste and simply because it is not renewable.
9. Thanks to all the great improvements, .......... now fill the streets of Valencia.
10.There is a huge .......... of rice dishes in Valencia, apart from paella. (VARY)
Exercise 4: chọn những từ thích hợp ở trên để điền vào khoảng trống
Communicate Communication
Confuse Confusion
Correct Correction
Creat Creation
Decide Decision
Devide devision
Imagine imagination
Inform information
Invite invitation
Translate translation
1. I need some more……….about this course.
2. I asked the professor to ………. my writing.
3. We sent Sandra an ……….. to the party.
4. He couldn't ……….. which car to buy.
5. I can't ………. how you did it!
6. There was no …….. between the two of them.
7. I asked him for the ……… because I couldn’t find it in the dictionary.
8. She told me the dress I made was a beautiful ………….
9. The ………. started when he began speaking about maths.
10. We should ………… the work equally.
Exercise 1: chuyển sang số nhiều
1.clock :
2. avocado :
3. baby :
4. day :
5. shelf :
6. wolf :
7. roof :
8. sheep :
9. fish :
10. mouse :
11. fox :
12. toy :
13. coat :
14. table :
15. journey :
16. kiss :
17. thief :
18. brush :
19. deer :
20. path :
Exercise 2: liệt kê dạng thức danh từ của những động từ và tính từ sau
Add sự thêm vào
Correct sự sửa chữa
Conserve sự bảo tồn
Combine sự kết hợp
Decide quyết định
Discuss cuộc thảo luận
Inform thông tin
Invite lời mời
Pollute sự ô nhiễm
Accept sự chấp nhận
Achieve thành tựu
Arrange sự sắp đặt
Attend sự có mặt
Arrive sự đến
Build tòa nhà
Differ sự khác nhau
Discover khám phá
Disappoint sự thất vọng
Drain sự tháo nước
Enrich sự làm giàu
Employ việc làm
Exist sự tồn tại
There are for the job in all local newspapers advertisements
If you want to sell your house, why don't you it on the internet? advertise
George Clooney looks so attractive!!
The of their divorce surprised everyone announcement
She has been involved in many human rights campaigns actively
You must wait for the letter before paying the bill confirmation
Come on! Think and don't make a fuss about it! logically
Obama is the most popular in the world politician
A lot of people say they aren't interested in politics
African American is more correct than black politically
Artists must be …………… , otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear CREATE
Why are you so ………………… of his work? He's just doing his best. CRITIC
Have you made up your mind? We need to know your ………….as soon as possible. DECIDE
He's too shy to look people ………………… when he talks to them DIRECT
Have they put the Christmas ………………………. yet? DECORATE
They put too many unnecesary …………………….. in food ADD
I …………….think that there's no point in arguing with him. Just ignore him. HONEST
Extraterrestrial life has not been ………………………….. proved yet. SCIENCE
Why don't you call the ……………………… if the lights don't work? ELECTRIC
Music and television are forms of ………………………………. ENTERTAIN
The concert didn't live up to our …………… EXPECT
The electric company admitted their …………………………for the blackout RESPOND
Did you use to have ………………………….. as a child? ALLOW
I don't like those trousers, no matter how ……………………. they are FASHION
1. Jane opened the box ________________. (careful)
2. Jim turned the book upside down ________________. (quick)
3. It is raining ________________. (heavy)
4. She dresses ________________. (beautiful)
5. Tom looked at my lunch ________________. (hungry)
6. Please, drive ________________. (careful)
7. He didn’t sleep ________________. (good)
8. We didn't hurry. So we walked ________________. (slow)
9. New York is a ________________city. (big)
10. He won the race because he drove ________________. (good)
11. It was ________________for me to come. (impossible)
12. Mary jumped up ________________. (happy)
13. She worked all the day. She feels ________________. (tired)
14. She dresses ________________. (pretty)
15. She came home ________________. (late)
16. He didn't have an accident because he's an ________________driver.
17. Sam is good at sports. He always runs ________________. (fast)
18. His father is a manager. He works very ________________. (hard)
19. He won a prize. He is very ________________. (happy)
20. She felt ________________. So she stayed at home. (ill)
21. The weather was ________________. It was cold all the time. (bad)
22. The exercise wasn't difficult. So we did it ________________. (easy)
23. The soup is great. It tastes ________________. (wonderful)
24. He always greets ________________. (friendly)
25. Today she skates ________________. (good)
26. The party was ________________. (wonderful)
27. The house seems to be so ________________without you. (empty)
28. Fish and chips taste ________________. (fantastic)
29. She drives ________________. (careful)
30. She is a nice girl. She always answers ________________. (polite)
31. I am ________________tired. (terrible)
32. The man drove too ________________. (fast)
33. She sings ________________. (good)
34. Mr Jones wrote the letter ________________. (quick)
35. The ________________film was over at o'clock. (boring)
36. We ran to school ________________yesterday. (quick)
37. I have learned very ________________to pass the exam. (hard)
38. Five cars were ________________damaged. (heavy)
39. Please read the instructions ________________. (careful)
40. The bus driver was ________________. (angry)
Bài tập từ định lượng trong tiếng anh
Bài t p 1 : Hoàn thành nh ng câu sau v i “some” ho c “any”:
1. We didn’t buy …………flowers.
2. This evening I’m going out with ………….friends of mine.
3. “Have you seen ………..good films recently?” – “No, I haven’t been to the cinema
for ages”.
4. I didn’t have ……………money, so I had to borrow………..
5. Can I have ………a………..milk in my coffee, please?
6. I was too tired to do………work.
Bài t p 2 : Hoàn thành câu v i “much, many, few, a few, little, a little”
1. He isn’t very popular. He has ………..friends.
2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ………..free time.
3. Did you take …………….photographs when you were on holiday?
4. The museum was very crowded. There were too………..people.
5. Most of the town is modern. There are …………..old buidings.
6. We must be quick. We have………..time.
7. Listen carefully, I’m going to give you ……….advice.
8. Do you mind if I ask you……….questions?
9. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so …….tourists come here.
10. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got …………..patience.
11. “Would you like milk in your coffee?” - “yes, please. ………….
12. This is a very boring place to live. There’s ………….to do.
Bài t p 3 : Điềền “of” vào nh ng câu d i đây nềếu câền thiềết. ướ
1. All……….cars have wheels.
2. None………this money is mine.
3. Some……..people get angry very easily.
4. Some……….the people I met at the party were very interesting.
5. I have lived in London most………my life.
6. Are any………those letters for me?
7. Most………days I get up before 7 o’clock.
8. Jim thinks that all……museums are boring.
1) There wasn’t ____ snow last night.
A. many B. much C. few D. a large number of
2) ____ the students in my class enjoy taking part in social activities.
A. Most of B. Most C. Many D. The number of
3) He’s always busy. He has ____ time to relax.
A. much B. little C. a little D. plenty of
4) She put so ____ salt in the soup that she couldn’t have it. It was too salty.
A. many B. little C. much D. a little
5) He made too ____ mistakes in his writing.
A. a few B. much C. many D. a number of
6) How ____ students are there in your class?
A. little B. few C. much D. many
7) I feel sorry for her. She has ____ friends.
A. many B. a few C. few D. a great deal of
8) I spent ____ my spare time gardening last year.
A. most of B. most C. many of D. a large number of
9) He doesn’t have so ____ friends as I think.
A. much B. a great deal of C. many D. a large number of
10) There was so ____ traffic that it took me an hour to get home.
A. a lot of B. little C. much D. many
11) Learning a language needs ____ patience.
A. a few B. much C. many D. little
12) ____ the shops in the city center close at 5.30.
A. Many B. Much of C. Some D. Most of
13) We had a boring holiday. ____ the time we lay on the beach.
A. Most B. Much C. Most of D. Many of
14) With only ____ hope, Harry didn’t know how to keep going another day.
A. little B. a little C. few D. a few
15) How ____ money have you got?
A. many B. much C. a lot of D. a great deal of
16) There was very ____ food at the party but I didn’t eat anything.
A. little B. much C. many D. a lot of
17) I think ____ you are very tired after your long journey.
A. many B. much C. many of D. much of
18) We didn’t take ____ photographs when we were on holiday.
A. much B. a lot of C. many of D. a great deal of
19) There isn’t ____ shampoo in the bathroom.
A. any B. some C. little D. few
20) Would you like ____ tea?
A. some B. many C. a few D. any
21) He had so ____ things to do.
A. many B. a lot of C. much D. little
22) The mixture looks rather dry. Maybe you should add ____ water.
A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
23) We’re having a big party. We’ve invited ____ friends.
A. a lot of B. much C. many of D. no
24) Could I try ____ wine?
A. a little B. a few C. little D. few
25) Don’t drink ____ wine. It’s bad for your health.
A. so much B. a few C. so many D. many
26) ____ my students are familiar with this kind of school activities.
A. Most B. Most of C. A few D. Few
27) He had spent ____ time writing an essay about his childhood.
A. a large number of B. a great deal of C. a few D. many
28) Peter has spent ____ time and money on stamp collecting.
A. a few of B. many of C. a great deal of D. a large number of
29) I have got ____ money.
A. a few B. many of C. some D.a small number of
30) How ____ furniture do you think there is?
A. many B. much C. few D. a lot of
31) Why don’t you take a break? Would you like ____ coffee?
A. few B. some C. many D. much
32) He drank ____ wine last night and gets sick now.
A. too many B. too much C. few of D. a large number of
33) Give me ____ examples, please!
A. a few B. a little C. few D. little
34) Is there ____ water in the glass?
A. any B. some C. many D. lots of
35) Peter doesn’t want ____ to do.
A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything
36) Can you speak French? – Yes, ____.
A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
37) Thank you very ____ for your help.
A. many B. much C. a lot of D. little
38) He is very rich. He has ____ money in the bank.
A. a great deal of B. many C. a large number of D. few
39) She put too ____ sugar in the coffee. It became so sweet that I couldn’t drink it.
A. many B. much C. few D. little
40) I have got ____ homework to do.
A. many B. few C. a lot of D. a large number of
41) She has talked too ____.
A. much B. many C. few D. a great deal
42) He made very ____ mistakes.
A. much B. many C. little D. a number of
43) They know ____ about what to do.
A. many B. few C. little D. the number of
44) ____ children are ill-prepared for employment.
A. Much B. Most C. A little D. Most of
45) Would you like ____ champagne to drink?
A. some B. few C. a few D. many
46) When I studied Shakespeare, I thought his plays were ____ boring.
A. many B. much C. few D. a few
47) ____ of the students are good today.
A. Most B. Much C. A little D. Very
48) There were too ____ different nationalities in my class and we had to speak English.
A. a lot of B. much C. some D. many
49) I don’t know ____ about English literature.
A. many B. much C. a few D. little
50) At the beginning, everybody spoke English very quickly, and I couldn’t understand____, but now
things are easier.
A. much B. many C. a great deal of D. a lot of
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Preview text:

Exercise 1: chọn dạng thức đúng của từ
1. A person who acts for a living is called an .......... .
2. A ..... is someone who earns money from writing music.
3. She didn't become famous as a ..... until her 17th novel was published.
4. In Part 5 of the FCE Exam your speaking ability will be assessed by the ..... .
5. At the end of the interview the ..... asked if he could be shown around the company.
6. The waiter asked the ..... if she would help him deal with a difficult customer.
7. An ..... is someone who will be able to go through your accounts and work out how much money you have.
8. ..... to the castle are expected to come during visiting times only.
Exercise 2: chọn dạng thức đúng của từ
1. My teacher says there has been a big (IMPROVE) .......... in my English lately.
2. The recipe says you only need to add two (SPOON) .......... of salt.
3. Why did you do that? I thought you had more (INTELLIGENT) .......... than that.
4. The singer gave a briliant (PERFORM) .......... on stage yesterday.
5. Have you seen her magazine (COLLECT) ..........? She must have over 200 editions.
6. On hearing the news, everyone was overcome with a feeling of (SAD) .......... .
7. When you take the FCE Speaking paper you will be given marks for your
(ACCURATE) .......... and also on how fluent you are.
8. She has the (ABLE) .......... to pass the exam first time round providing she works hard.
9. The water-fuelled car was his greatest .......... . (ACHIEVE)
10.The final .......... took 8 hours to reach. (AGREE)
11. The .......... on their faces was worthy of a photograph. (AMAZE)
12. The first .......... of problems in the design started in November of this year. (APPEAR)
13. Thanks to mobile phones, the emergency services come to people's ..........
much faster these days. (ASSIST)
14. My first .......... for a holiday would be Okinawa. (CHOOSE)
15 The managing .......... of the pharmaceutical company was sent to prison for
bribing medical staff. (DIRECT)
16. .......... is now at more than 20% in Spain, which is catastrophic. (EMPLOY)
Exercise 3: chọn dạng thức đúng của từ
1. Helping companies to create jobs is the best way to stimulate .......... in an economy. (GROW)
2. Electric cars have been showing remarkable .......... in recent years. (IMPROVE)
3. People need to increase their .......... of nutritiion, especially about the
dangers of sugar, red meat and refined flour. (KNOW)
4. For the first time, there is .......... that using baby formula has a negative
effect on babies' health. (PROVE)
5. The World Health Organisation .......... is for babies to be exclusively
breastfed for the first six months. (RECOMMEND)
6. The initial government .......... was to deny everything. In the end, however,
the minister was forced to resign. (RESPOND)
7. The .......... of the Toyota Prius has been very encouraging for people who
want a better planet. (SUCCEED)
8. The .......... to the energy crisis is not nuclear, because of the enormous
hidden costs, the toxic waste and simply because it is not renewable. (SOLVE)
9. Thanks to all the great improvements, .......... now fill the streets of Valencia. (TOUR)
10.There is a huge .......... of rice dishes in Valencia, apart from paella. (VARY)
Exercise 4: chọn những từ thích hợp ở trên để điền vào khoảng trống Communicate Communication Confuse Confusion Correct Correction Creat Creation Decide Decision Devide devision Imagine imagination Inform information Invite invitation Translate translation
1. I need some more……….about this course.
2. I asked the professor to ………. my writing.
3. We sent Sandra an ……….. to the party.
4. He couldn't ……….. which car to buy.
5. I can't ………. how you did it!
6. There was no …….. between the two of them.
7. I asked him for the ……… because I couldn’t find it in the dictionary.
8. She told me the dress I made was a beautiful ………….
9. The ………. started when he began speaking about maths.
10. We should ………… the work equally.
Exercise 1: chuyển sang số nhiều 1.clock : 2. avocado : 3. baby : 4. day : 5. shelf : 6. wolf : 7. roof : 8. sheep : 9. fish : 10. mouse : 11. fox : 12. toy : 13. coat : 14. table : 15. journey : 16. kiss : 17. thief : 18. brush : 19. deer : 20. path :
Exercise 2: liệt kê dạng thức danh từ của những động từ và tính từ sau Add sự thêm vào Correct sự sửa chữa Conserve sự bảo tồn Combine sự kết hợp Decide quyết định Discuss cuộc thảo luận Inform thông tin Invite lời mời Pollute sự ô nhiễm Permit Accept sự chấp nhận Achieve thành tựu Arrange sự sắp đặt Attend sự có mặt Arrive sự đến Build tòa nhà Differ sự khác nhau Discover khám phá Disappoint sự thất vọng Drain sự tháo nước Enrich sự làm giàu Employ việc làm Exist sự tồn tại
advertisements or the job in all local newspapers
If you want to sell your house, why don't you it on the int advertise ernet?
George Clooney looks so attractive!!
The announcement of their divorce surprised everyone
She has been actively involved in many human rights campaigns
You must wait for the confirmation letter before paying the bill
Come on! Think logically and don't make a fuss about it!
Obama is the most popular politician in the world
A lot of people say they aren't interested in politics
African American is more politically correct than black
Artists must be …………… , otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear CREATE
Why are you so ………………… of his work? He's just doing his best. CRITIC
Have you made up your mind? We need to know your ………….as soon as possible. DECIDE
He's too shy to look people ………………… when he talks to them DIRECT
Have they put the Christmas ………………………. yet? DECORATE
They put too many unnecesary …………………….. in food ADD
I …………….think that there's no point in arguing with him. Just ignore him. HONEST
Extraterrestrial life has not been ………………………….. proved yet. SCIENCE
Why don't you call the ……………………… if the lights don't work? ELECTRIC
Music and television are forms of ………………………………. ENTERTAIN
The concert didn't live up to our …………… EXPECT
The electric company admitted their …………………………for the blackout RESPOND
Did you use to have ………………………….. as a child? ALLOW
I don't like those trousers, no matter how ……………………. they are FASHION 1.
Jane opened the box ________________. (careful) 2.
Jim turned the book upside down ________________. (quick) 3.
It is raining ________________. (heavy) 4.
She dresses ________________. (beautiful) 5.
Tom looked at my lunch ________________. (hungry) 6.
Please, drive ________________. (careful) 7.
He didn’t sleep ________________. (good) 8.
We didn't hurry. So we walked ________________. (slow) 9.
New York is a ________________city. (big) 10.
He won the race because he drove ________________. (good) 11.
It was ________________for me to come. (impossible) 12.
Mary jumped up ________________. (happy) 13.
She worked all the day. She feels ________________. (tired) 14.
She dresses ________________. (pretty) 15.
She came home ________________. (late) 16.
He didn't have an accident because he's an ________________driver. (excellent) 17.
Sam is good at sports. He always runs ________________. (fast) 18.
His father is a manager. He works very ________________. (hard) 19.
He won a prize. He is very ________________. (happy) 20.
She felt ________________. So she stayed at home. (ill) 21.
The weather was ________________. It was cold all the time. (bad) 22.
The exercise wasn't difficult. So we did it ________________. (easy) 23.
The soup is great. It tastes ________________. (wonderful) 24.
He always greets ________________. (friendly) 25.
Today she skates ________________. (good) 26.
The party was ________________. (wonderful) 27.
The house seems to be so ________________without you. (empty) 28.
Fish and chips taste ________________. (fantastic) 29.
She drives ________________. (careful) 30.
She is a nice girl. She always answers ________________. (polite) 31.
I am ________________tired. (terrible) 32.
The man drove too ________________. (fast) 33.
She sings ________________. (good) 34.
Mr Jones wrote the letter ________________. (quick) 35.
The ________________film was over at o'clock. (boring) 36.
We ran to school ________________yesterday. (quick) 37.
I have learned very ________________to pass the exam. (hard) 38.
Five cars were ________________damaged. (heavy) 39.
Please read the instructions ________________. (careful)
40. The bus driver was ________________. (angry)
Bài tập từ định lượng trong tiếng anh
Bài tậ p 1: Hoàn thành nh ng câu sau v ữ ới “some” ho c “ ặ any”:
1. We didn’t buy …………flowers.
2. This evening I’m going out with ………….friends of mine.
3. “Have you seen ………..good films recently?” – “No, I haven’t been to the cinema for ages”.
4. I didn’t have ……………money, so I had to borrow………..
5. Can I have ………a………..milk in my coffee, please?
6. I was too tired to do………work.
Bài tậ p 2: Hoàn thành câu với “much, many, few, a few, little, a little”
1. He isn’t very popular. He has ………..friends.
2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ………..free time.
3. Did you take …………….photographs when you were on holiday?
4. The museum was very crowded. There were too………..people.
5. Most of the town is modern. There are …………..old buidings.
6. We must be quick. We have………..time.
7. Listen carefully, I’m going to give you ……….advice.
8. Do you mind if I ask you……….questions?
9. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so …….tourists come here.
10. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got …………..patience.
11. “Would you like milk in your coffee?” - “yes, please. ………….”
12. This is a very boring place to live. There’s ………….to do.
Bài tậ p 3: Điềền “of” vào nh ng câu d ữ i đâ
ướ y nềếu câền thiềết.
1. All……….cars have wheels.
2. None………this money is mine.
3. Some……..people get angry very easily.
4. Some……….the people I met at the party were very interesting.
5. I have lived in London most………my life.
6. Are any………those letters for me?
7. Most………days I get up before 7 o’clock.
8. Jim thinks that all……museums are boring.
1) There wasn’t ____ snow last night. A. many B. much C. few D. a large number of
2) ____ the students in my class enjoy taking part in social activities. A. Most of B. Most C. Many D. The number of
3) He’s always busy. He has ____ time to relax. A. much B. little C. a little D. plenty of
4) She put so ____ salt in the soup that she couldn’t have it. It was too salty. A. many B. little C. much D. a little
5) He made too ____ mistakes in his writing. A. a few B. much C. many D. a number of
6) How ____ students are there in your class? A. little B. few C. much D. many
7) I feel sorry for her. She has ____ friends. A. many B. a few C. few D. a great deal of
8) I spent ____ my spare time gardening last year. A. most of B. most C. many of D. a large number of
9) He doesn’t have so ____ friends as I think. A. much B. a great deal of C. many D. a large number of
10) There was so ____ traffic that it took me an hour to get home. A. a lot of B. little C. much D. many
11) Learning a language needs ____ patience. A. a few B. much C. many D. little
12) ____ the shops in the city center close at 5.30. A. Many B. Much of C. Some D. Most of
13) We had a boring holiday. ____ the time we lay on the beach. A. Most B. Much C. Most of D. Many of
14) With only ____ hope, Harry didn’t know how to keep going another day. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few
15) How ____ money have you got? A. many B. much C. a lot of D. a great deal of
16) There was very ____ food at the party but I didn’t eat anything. A. little B. much C. many D. a lot of
17) I think ____ you are very tired after your long journey. A. many B. much C. many of D. much of
18) We didn’t take ____ photographs when we were on holiday. A. much B. a lot of C. many of D. a great deal of
19) There isn’t ____ shampoo in the bathroom. A. any B. some C. little D. few 20) Would you like ____ tea? A. some B. many C. a few D. any
21) He had so ____ things to do. A. many B. a lot of C. much D. little
22) The mixture looks rather dry. Maybe you should add ____ water. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
23) We’re having a big party. We’ve invited ____ friends. A. a lot of B. much C. many of D. no 24) Could I try ____ wine? A. a little B. a few C. little D. few
25) Don’t drink ____ wine. It’s bad for your health. A. so much B. a few C. so many D. many
26) ____ my students are familiar with this kind of school activities. A. Most B. Most of C. A few D. Few
27) He had spent ____ time writing an essay about his childhood. A. a large number of B. a great deal of C. a few D. many
28) Peter has spent ____ time and money on stamp collecting. A. a few of B. many of
C. a great deal of D. a large number of 29) I have got ____ money. A. a few B. many of C. some D.a small number of
30) How ____ furniture do you think there is? A. many B. much C. few D. a lot of
31) Why don’t you take a break? Would you like ____ coffee? A. few B. some C. many D. much
32) He drank ____ wine last night and gets sick now. A. too many B. too much C. few of D. a large number of
33) Give me ____ examples, please! A. a few B. a little C. few D. little
34) Is there ____ water in the glass? A. any B. some C. many D. lots of
35) Peter doesn’t want ____ to do. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything
36) Can you speak French? – Yes, ____. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
37) Thank you very ____ for your help. A. many B. much C. a lot of D. little
38) He is very rich. He has ____ money in the bank. A. a great deal of B. many C. a large number of D. few
39) She put too ____ sugar in the coffee. It became so sweet that I couldn’t drink it. A. many B. much C. few D. little
40) I have got ____ homework to do. A. many B. few C. a lot of D. a large number of 41) She has talked too ____. A. much B. many C. few D. a great deal
42) He made very ____ mistakes. A. much B. many C. little D. a number of
43) They know ____ about what to do. A. many B. few C. little D. the number of
44) ____ children are ill-prepared for employment. A. Much B. Most C. A little D. Most of
45) Would you like ____ champagne to drink? A. some B. few C. a few D. many
46) When I studied Shakespeare, I thought his plays were ____ boring. A. many B. much C. few D. a few
47) ____ of the students are good today. A. Most B. Much C. A little D. Very
48) There were too ____ different nationalities in my class and we had to speak English. A. a lot of B. much C. some D. many
49) I don’t know ____ about English literature. A. many B. much C. a few D. little
50) At the beginning, everybody spoke English very quickly, and I couldn’t understand____, but now things are easier. A. much B. many C. a great deal of D. a lot of