Bài tập ôn tập Used to - Tiếng anh | Trường Đại học Thủ đô Hà Nội

Bài 1. Rewrite the sentences using used to1.My mum lived in a small village when she was a girl.→ My mum ___.2.There are more vehicles on the roads now.→ There did not___. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Bài 1. Rewrite the sentences using used to
1.My mum lived in a small village when she was a girl.
→ My mum _________________________________.
2.There are more vehicles on the roads now.
→ There did not _____________________________.
3.We cycled to school two years ago.
→ We ______________________________________.
4.There did not use to be many traffic accidents before.
→ Now there are _____________________________.
5.My uncle was a bus driver some years ago, but now he has a desk job.
→ My uncle_________________________________.
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Bài 2: Rewrite these sentence
1. I quite like classical music now, although I wasn’t keen on it when I was
1. I had a lot of money but I lost it all when my business failed.
1. I seem to have lost interest in my work.
1. Dennis gave up smoking three years ago.
1. My brother had his hair cut short when he joined the army.
1. My parents lived in the USA when they were young.
1. Jim was my best friend, but we aren’t friends any more.
Bài 3: Choose the correct answer
1. People _____ that the earth is round before.
2. did not use to believe B. used to believing
3. would not use to believe D. were not used to believe
4. Astronauts_____ in their spaceship, but they frequently work outside now.
5. had used to stay B. were staying
6. used to stay D. were used to stay
7. These city girls are used_____ in the field.
8. used to lie B. to working C. would like D. to work
9. Formerly babies_____ of whooping cough.
10.would die B. used to die C. have died D. both B and
11.Newton_____ scientific books when a boy.
12.has read B. read C. had read D. used to read
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Bài 1. Rewrite the sentences using used to
1.My mum lived in a small village when she was a girl.
→ My mum _________________________________.
2.There are more vehicles on the roads now.
→ There did not _____________________________.
3.We cycled to school two years ago.
→ We ______________________________________.
4.There did not use to be many traffic accidents before.
→ Now there are _____________________________.
5.My uncle was a bus driver some years ago, but now he has a desk job.
→ My uncle_________________________________.
=> Đăng ký tham gia khóa học tiếng anh online miễn phí >>> tại đây
Bài 2: Rewrite these sentence

1. I quite like classical music now, although I wasn’t keen on it when I was younger. =>.
1. I had a lot of money but I lost it all when my business failed. =>.
1. I seem to have lost interest in my work. =>
1. Dennis gave up smoking three years ago. =>
1. My brother had his hair cut short when he joined the army. =>
1. My parents lived in the USA when they were young. =>
1. Jim was my best friend, but we aren’t friends any more. =>
Bài 3: Choose the correct answer
1. People _____ that the earth is round before.
2. did not use to believe B. used to believing
3. would not use to believe D. were not used to believe
4. Astronauts_____ in their spaceship, but they frequently work outside now.
5. had used to stay B. were staying
6. used to stay D. were used to stay
7. These city girls are used_____ in the field.
8. used to lie B. to working C. would like D. to work
9. Formerly babies_____ of whooping cough.
10.would die B. used to die C. have died D. both B and
11.Newton_____ scientific books when a boy.
12.has read B. read C. had read D. used to read