Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 unit 4 Our planet Friends Global

Nằm trong bộ Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Friends Global theo từng unit năm 2023 - 2024, Bài tập tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global unit 4 Our planet có đáp án bao gồm nhiều dạng bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 khác nhau giúp các em nâng cao những kỹ năng tiếng Anh cơ bản cũng như củng cố kiến thức tiếng Anh trọng tâm hiệu quả.

Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. thunder B. earthquake C. threaten D. Southern
2. A. lightning B. between C. finger D. warming
3. A. happen B. pavement C. snowflake D. parade
4. A. surface B. occur C. further D. difficult
5. A. chimney B. chemical C. approach D. challenge
6. A. oxygen B. damage C. playground D. energy
7. A. disease B. feasible C. feast D. hearing
8. A. mystery B. rely C. recycle D. crying
9. A. destroyed B. endangered C. delivered D. polished
10. A. combats B. seconds C. attacks D. lollipops
Ex II: Choose a word that has a different stress pattern from others.
1. A. rainbow B. remove C. gender D. issue
2. A. direction B. disaster C. meteor D. imagine
3. A. blizzard B. persuade C. fossil D. normal
4. A. tsunami B. consequence C. charity D. national
5. A. temperature B. fortunately C. atmosphere D. behaviour
6. A. effective B. theory C. volcano D. intention
7. A. comparison B. renewable C. population D. available
8. A. continue B. example C. correction D. regular
9. A. destructive B. maximum C. powerful D. hospital
10. A. extremely B. favourite C. explosion D. remember
Ex III: Complete each sentence with a correct word/phrase about weather.
storm cloud
1. The ………….. struck the north-east yesterday, causing serious damage to the local area.
2. As the result of extremely cold temperatures, the climbers were all suffering from
3. The church was stuck by lightning during a violent ………………
4. We happened to see a single ………… landing on her nose yesterday afternoon.
5. He was struck by a flash of …………… and killed two years ago.
6. She is listening to the ……………… pattering on the tiny roof at the moment.
7. ……………. is a curved band of different colours that appears in the sky when the sun
8. ……………… is a dark cloud that you often see when bad weather is coming.
Ex IV: Say the words out loud and odd one out.
1. A. severe B. service C. nuclear D. global
2. A. unusual B. effect C. impact D. consequence
3. A. injure B. destroy C. damage D. witness
4. A. terrified B. helpful C. available D. practical
5. A. describe B. erupt C. planet D. reduce
6. A. earthquake B. blizzard C. drought D. sunshine
7. A. showery B. misty C. dizzy D. frosty
8. A. dangerous B. mistake C. personal D. frightened
9. A. typhoon B. tsunami C. flood D. snowstorm
10. A. power B. escape C. happen D. manage
Ex V: Match.
1. lead
a. the old car
2. alter
b. global warming
3. cause
c. immediate actions
4. recycle
d. endangered species
5. reduce
e. a green lifestyle
6. save
f. many lives
7. drive
g. plastic, paper, glass
8. lose
h. a personal opinion
9. take
i. behaviour
10. express
j. carbon emissions
11. take
k. sea levels
12. raise
l. good care of the children
Ex VI: Circle the best word.
1. The teacher asks us to work in pairs and make/do a weather report for yesterday.
2. Many of the injuring/injured people had been taken to the hospital before the local
officials arrived.
3. The worse/worst damage was in coastal towns where the land was rather flat.
4. A majority number of people do not take global warming serious/seriously enough.
5. Global warming is probably one of the most serious threats that people face/make
6. Human beings needs to change their behaviour because they are causing/doing global
7. We are always positive with/about our tourism development in the next decade.
8. The hurricane took out/place at the end of the year and it caused severe damage to the
9. Solar energy works much best/better in places where the weather is rather good.
10. The little girl felt quite scared/scaring with the sound of the wind crashing around the
house at night.
Ex VII: Complete each sentence with a suitable phrasal verb given.
come up with
look after
take off
cut down on
put off
carry on
run out
give off
1. Although they noticed a thunderstorm, they decided to ……….. the journey to the South.
2. In stead of using private vehicles, local citizens can choose to walk or cycle somewhere
in order to ……………… carbon emissions in the street.
3. Ms. Jane has just …………………. a new idea for increasing sales next month.
4. The fire doesn’t seem to ……………… much heat.
5. Who is going to …………….. the children while you are away, Mary?
6. Can you please get some milk from the supermarket? We seem to have …………..
7. Jim and Catherine have to ……………. their wedding until October because Jim has an
important business trip to France next month.
8. His uncle decided to …………..his wet boots and sit by the fire last night.
Ex VIII: Match the words from column A with those from column B to make
compound nouns.
1. global
2. climate
3. natural
4. greenhouse
5. fossil
6. sea
7. extreme
8. endangered
9. carbon
10. nuclear
11. green
12. renewable
Ex IX: Choose the best answer.
1. Do you think that global warming is the most important problem …………. us today,
A. face B. to face C. is facing D. facing
2. Burning fossil fuels can give ………. a lot of carbon dioxide, which causes global
A. in B. off C. out D. up
3. We need to ……….. hands to combat climate change and global warming.
A. join B. keep C. hold D. use
4. Scientists can predict ………… a volcano is going to happen.
A. why B. what C. when D. which
5. A forest fire is a fire that spreads quickly through a ………… area of trees.
A. small B. big C. wide D. large
6. The local citizens are not allowed to get closer ………. the fire as it may burn them.
A. to B. with C. out D. towards
7. As the Earth is getting warmer and warmer, many types of animals and plants are dying
A. off B. out C. up D. down
8. What kind of natural disaster did Diana and Louise ………….. last summer?
A. to experience B. experience C. experienced D. experiencing
9. Where were you ……..… you realized that there was a problem?
A. what B. who C. where D. when
10. Walking and riding a bike to work can cause ………. pollution in big cities.
A. little B. a little C. less D. least
Ex X: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box.
1. The students are listening to a dialogue between a journalist and a witness to a natural
……………. yesterday.
2. The ……………… services helped small children and old people escape from the flooded
3. Human beings shouldn’t cut down on trees because forest is home to over half of the
world’s plant and animal …………..
4. As fossil fuels may run out in the future, people should develop other alternatives like
solar …………...
5. Trees are very important because they can remove carbon dioxide from the ……………….
and add more oxygen.
6. As soon as we saw the first ……..….of the hurricane, we immediatedly closed the
windows and the doors.
7. Young people are often better at remembering to ………….plastic bottles and other
containers than old people.
8. It is adults who should make the most important ………… about global warming.
9. If an earthquake happens under the ocean, it sometimes causes a …………….
10. We could hear radio reports of floodings on the roads and on farms and some
……………. to the buildings.
Ex XI: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word provided.
1. The effect of the …………….. was not as devastating as the bomb. (EXPLODE)
2. The two men who started the fire at the market yesteday did it ………..…… ..
3. The …………… earthquake ever recorded was the one in Chile in 1960. (LARGE)
4. Many people lost their lives in the ………………. earthquake in this country twenty years
ago. (DESTROY)
5. The earthquake was the ………………… and the most difficult crisis for the whole country.
6. It is expected by the ……………. that many plant and animal species could die out because
of climate change. (SCIENCE)
7. The plane could come out of the storm and landed ………….. near a small farm in the
East. (SAFE)
8. Can you describe some ………………. and differences between the two photos? (SIMILAR)
9. Millions of people have to suffer from ……………. and malnutrition in many parts of
Africa nowadays. (POOR)
10. …………….., the whole family survived a terrifying experience with only small injuries.
Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1 - D; 2 - B; 3 -A; 4 - D; 5 - B;
6 - C; 7 - D; 8 - A; 9 - D; 10 - B;
Ex II: Choose a word that has a different stress pattern from others.
1 - B; 2 - C; 3 - B; 4 - A; 5 - D;
6 - B; 7 - C; 8 - D; 9 - A; 10 - B;
Ex III: Complete each sentence with a correct word/phrase about weather.
storm cloud
1. The ……blizzard….. struck the north-east yesterday, causing serious damage to the
local area.
2. As the result of extremely cold temperatures, the climbers were all suffering from
3. The church was stuck by lightning during a violent ………thunderstorm………
4. We happened to see a single …snowflake……… landing on her nose yesterday
5. He was struck by a flash of ……lightning……… and killed two years ago.
6. She is listening to the ………raindrops…… pattering on the tiny roof at the moment.
7. ……Rainbow………. is a curved band of different colours that appears in the sky when
the sun
8. ………storm cloud……… is a dark cloud that you often see when bad weather is coming.
Ex IV: Say the words out loud and odd one out.
1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - D; 4 - C; 5- C;
6 - D; 7 - C; 8- B; 9 - D; 10 - A;
Ex V: Match.
1 - i. lead behaviour
2 - e. alter a green lifestyle
3 - b. cause global warming
4 - g. recycle plastic, paper, glass
5 - j. reduce carbon emissions
6 - d. save endangered species
7 - a. drive the old car
8 - f. lose many lives
9 - c. take immediate actions
10 - h. express a personal opinion
11 - l. take good care of the children
12 - k. raise sea levels
Ex VI: Circle the best word.
1. The teacher asks us to work in pairs and make/do a weather report for yesterday.
2. Many of the injuring/injured people had been taken to the hospital before the local
officials arrived.
3. The worse/worst damage was in coastal towns where the land was rather flat.
4. A majority number of people do not take global warming serious/seriously enough.
5. Global warming is probably one of the most serious threats that people face/make
6. Human beings needs to change their behaviour because they are causing/doing global
7. We are always positive with/about our tourism development in the next decade.
8. The hurricane took out/place at the end of the year and it caused severe damage to the
9. Solar energy works much best/better in places where the weather is rather good.
10. The little girl felt quite scared/scaring with the sound of the wind crashing around the
house at night.
Ex VII: Complete each sentence with a suitable phrasal verb given.
come up with
look after
take off
cut down on
put off
carry on
run out
give off
1. Although they noticed a thunderstorm, they decided to ……carry on….. the journey to
the South.
2. In stead of using private vehicles, local citizens can choose to walk or cycle somewhere
in order to ………cut down on……… carbon emissions in the street.
3. Ms. Jane has just ………come up with…………. a new idea for increasing sales next
4. The fire doesn’t seem to ……………… much heat.
5. Who is going to ……look after……….. the children while you are away, Mary?
6. Can you please get some milk from the supermarket? We seem to have ……run out……..
7. Jim and Catherine have to ………put off……. their wedding until October because Jim has
an important business trip to France next month.
8. His uncle decided to ……take off……..his wet boots and sit by the fire last night.
Ex VIII: Match the words from column A with those from column B to make
compound nouns.
1. global
1 - d
2. climate
2 - h
3. natural
3 - a
4. greenhouse
4 - i
5. fossil
5 - c
6. sea
6 - j
7. extreme
7 - f
8. endangered
8 - k
9. carbon
9 - b
10. nuclear
10 - g
11. green
11 - l
12. renewable
12 - e
Ex IX: Choose the best answer.
1 - D; 2 - C; 3 - A; 4 - C; 5 - D;
6 - A; 7 - C; 8 - B; 9 - D; 10 - D;
Ex X: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box.
1. The students are listening to a dialogue between a journalist and a witness to a natural
……disaster………. yesterday.
2. The ……emergency………… services helped small children and old people escape from
the flooded areas.
3. Human beings shouldn’t cut down on trees because forest is home to over half of the
world’s plant and animal ……species……..
4. As fossil fuels may run out in the future, people should develop other alternatives like
solar ……energy……...
5. Trees are very important because they can remove carbon dioxide from the
………atmosphere………. and add more oxygen.
6. As soon as we saw the first ……signs ..….of the hurricane, we immediately closed the
windows and the doors.
7. Young people are often better at remembering to ……recycle …….plastic bottles and
other containers than old people.
8. It is adults who should make the most important ……decisions…… about global
9. If an earthquake happens under the ocean, it sometimes causes a ……tsunami…….
10. We could hear radio reports of floodings on the roads and on farms and some
………damage ……. to the buildings.
Ex XI: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word provided.
1. The effect of the ………explosion…….. was not as devastating as the bomb. (EXPLODE)
2. The two men who started the fire at the market yesterday did it ………intentionally
..…… .. (INTENTION)
3. The ………largest… earthquake ever recorded was the one in Chile in 1960. (LARGE)
4. Many people lost their lives in the ………destructive………. earthquake in this country
twenty years ago. (DESTROY)
5. The earthquake was the ………toughest……… and the most difficult crisis for the whole
country. (TOUGH)
6. It is expected by the ………scientists…. that many plant and animal species could die
out because of climate change. (SCIENCE)
7. The plane could come out of the storm and landed ………safely….. near a small farm in
the East. (SAFE)
8. Can you describe some ………similarities………. and differences between the two
photos? (SIMILAR)
9. Millions of people have to suffer from ……poverty………. and malnutrition in many parts
of Africa nowadays. (POOR)
10. ………Luckily…….., the whole family survived a terrifying experience with only small
injuries. (LUCK)
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Preview text:

Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. thunder B. earthquake C. threaten D. Southern 2. A. lightning B. between C. finger D. warming 3. A. happen B. pavement C. snowflake D. parade 4. A. surface B. occur C. further D. difficult 5. A. chimney B. chemical C. approach D. challenge 6. A. oxygen B. damage C. playground D. energy 7. A. disease B. feasible C. feast D. hearing 8. A. mystery B. rely C. recycle D. crying 9. A. destroyed B. endangered C. delivered D. polished 10. A. combats B. seconds C. attacks D. lollipops
Ex II: Choose a word that has a different stress pattern from others. 1. A. rainbow B. remove C. gender D. issue 2. A. direction B. disaster C. meteor D. imagine 3. A. blizzard B. persuade C. fossil D. normal 4. A. tsunami B. consequence C. charity D. national
5. A. temperature B. fortunately C. atmosphere D. behaviour 6. A. effective B. theory C. volcano D. intention 7. A. comparison B. renewable C. population D. available 8. A. continue B. example C. correction D. regular 9. A. destructive B. maximum C. powerful D. hospital 10. A. extremely B. favourite C. explosion D. remember
Ex III: Complete each sentence with a correct word/phrase about weather. thunderstorm rainbow lightning raindrops frostbite storm cloud blizzard snowflake
1. The ………….. struck the north-east yesterday, causing serious damage to the local area.
2. As the result of extremely cold temperatures, the climbers were all suffering from …………….
3. The church was stuck by lightning during a violent ………………
4. We happened to see a single ………… landing on her nose yesterday afternoon.
5. He was struck by a flash of …………… and killed two years ago.
6. She is listening to the ……………… pattering on the tiny roof at the moment.
7. ……………. is a curved band of different colours that appears in the sky when the sun
8. ……………… is a dark cloud that you often see when bad weather is coming.
Ex IV: Say the words out loud and odd one out. 1. A. severe B. service C. nuclear D. global 2. A. unusual B. effect C. impact D. consequence 3. A. injure B. destroy C. damage D. witness 4. A. terrified B. helpful C. available D. practical 5. A. describe B. erupt C. planet D. reduce 6. A. earthquake B. blizzard C. drought D. sunshine 7. A. showery B. misty C. dizzy D. frosty 8. A. dangerous B. mistake C. personal D. frightened 9. A. typhoon B. tsunami C. flood D. snowstorm 10. A. power B. escape C. happen D. manage Ex V: Match. 1. lead a. the old car 2. alter b. global warming 3. cause c. immediate actions 4. recycle d. endangered species 5. reduce e. a green lifestyle 6. save f. many lives 7. drive
g. plastic, paper, glass 8. lose h. a personal opinion 9. take i. behaviour 10. express j. carbon emissions 11. take k. sea levels 12. raise
l. good care of the children
Ex VI: Circle the best word.
1. The teacher asks us to work in pairs and make/do a weather report for yesterday.
2. Many of the injuring/injured people had been taken to the hospital before the local officials arrived.
3. The worse/worst damage was in coastal towns where the land was rather flat.
4. A majority number of people do not take global warming serious/seriously enough.
5. Global warming is probably one of the most serious threats that people face/make nowadays.
6. Human beings needs to change their behaviour because they are causing/doing global warming.
7. We are always positive with/about our tourism development in the next decade.
8. The hurricane took out/place at the end of the year and it caused severe damage to the area.
9. Solar energy works much best/better in places where the weather is rather good.
10. The little girl felt quite scared/scaring with the sound of the wind crashing around the house at night.
Ex VII: Complete each sentence with a suitable phrasal verb given. come up with look after take off cut down on put off carry on run out give off
1. Although they noticed a thunderstorm, they decided to ……….. the journey to the South.
2. In stead of using private vehicles, local citizens can choose to walk or cycle somewhere
in order to ……………… carbon emissions in the street.
3. Ms. Jane has just …………………. a new idea for increasing sales next month.
4. The fire doesn’t seem to ……………… much heat.
5. Who is going to …………….. the children while you are away, Mary?
6. Can you please get some milk from the supermarket? We seem to have …………..
7. Jim and Catherine have to ……………. their wedding until October because Jim has an
important business trip to France next month.
8. His uncle decided to …………..his wet boots and sit by the fire last night.
Ex VIII: Match the words from column A with those from column B to make compound nouns. A B 1. global a. disaster 2. climate b. emissions 3. natural c. fuel 4. greenhouse d. warming 5. fossil e. energy 6. sea f. weather 7. extreme g. war 8. endangered h. change 9. carbon i. effect 10. nuclear j. level 11. green k. species 12. renewable l. lifestyle
Ex IX: Choose the best answer.
1. Do you think that global warming is the most important problem …………. us today, Tim? A. face B. to face C. is facing D. facing
2. Burning fossil fuels can give ………. a lot of carbon dioxide, which causes global warming. A. in B. off C. out D. up
3. We need to ……….. hands to combat climate change and global warming. A. join B. keep C. hold D. use
4. Scientists can predict ………… a volcano is going to happen. A. why B. what C. when D. which
5. A forest fire is a fire that spreads quickly through a ………… area of trees. A. small B. big C. wide D. large
6. The local citizens are not allowed to get closer ………. the fire as it may burn them. A. to B. with C. out D. towards
7. As the Earth is getting warmer and warmer, many types of animals and plants are dying …………… A. off B. out C. up D. down
8. What kind of natural disaster did Diana and Louise ………….. last summer? A. to experience B. experience C. experienced D. experiencing
9. Where were you ……..… you realized that there was a problem? A. what B. who C. where D. when
10. Walking and riding a bike to work can cause ………. pollution in big cities. A. little B. a little C. less D. least
Ex X: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box. energy recycle atmosphere emergency decisions damage disaster tsunami species signs
1. The students are listening to a dialogue between a journalist and a witness to a natural ……………. yesterday.
2. The ……………… services helped small children and old people escape from the flooded areas.
3. Human beings shouldn’t cut down on trees because forest is home to over half of the
world’s plant and animal …………..
4. As fossil fuels may run out in the future, people should develop other alternatives like solar …………...
5. Trees are very important because they can remove carbon dioxide from the ………………. and add more oxygen.
6. As soon as we saw the first ……..….of the hurricane, we immediatedly closed the windows and the doors.
7. Young people are often better at remembering to ………….plastic bottles and other containers than old people.
8. It is adults who should make the most important ………… about global warming.
9. If an earthquake happens under the ocean, it sometimes causes a …………….
10. We could hear radio reports of floodings on the roads and on farms and some
……………. to the buildings.
Ex XI: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word provided.
1. The effect of the …………….. was not as devastating as the bomb. (EXPLODE)
2. The two men who started the fire at the market yesteday did it ………..…… .. (INTENTION)
3. The …………… earthquake ever recorded was the one in Chile in 1960. (LARGE)
4. Many people lost their lives in the ………………. earthquake in this country twenty years ago. (DESTROY)
5. The earthquake was the ………………… and the most difficult crisis for the whole country. (TOUGH)
6. It is expected by the ……………. that many plant and animal species could die out because of climate change. (SCIENCE)
7. The plane could come out of the storm and landed ………….. near a small farm in the East. (SAFE)
8. Can you describe some ………………. and differences between the two photos? (SIMILAR)
9. Millions of people have to suffer from ……………. and malnutrition in many parts of Africa nowadays. (POOR)
10. …………….., the whole family survived a terrifying experience with only small injuries. (LUCK) ĐÁP ÁN
Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1 - D; 2 - B; 3 -A; 4 - D; 5 - B;
6 - C; 7 - D; 8 - A; 9 - D; 10 - B;
Ex II: Choose a word that has a different stress pattern from others.
1 - B; 2 - C; 3 - B; 4 - A; 5 - D;
6 - B; 7 - C; 8 - D; 9 - A; 10 - B;
Ex III: Complete each sentence with a correct word/phrase about weather. thunderstorm rainbow lightning raindrops frostbite storm cloud blizzard snowflake
1. The ……blizzard…….. struck the north-east yesterday, causing serious damage to the local area.
2. As the result of extremely cold temperatures, the climbers were all suffering from
3. The church was stuck by lightning during a violent ………thunderstorm………
4. We happened to see a single …snowflake……… landing on her nose yesterday afternoon.
5. He was struck by a flash of ……lightning……… and killed two years ago.
6. She is listening to the ………raindrops……… pattering on the tiny roof at the moment.
7. ……Rainbow………. is a curved band of different colours that appears in the sky when the sun
8. ………storm cloud……… is a dark cloud that you often see when bad weather is coming.
Ex IV: Say the words out loud and odd one out.
1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - D; 4 - C; 5- C;
6 - D; 7 - C; 8- B; 9 - D; 10 - A; Ex V: Match. 1 - i. lead behaviour
2 - e. alter a green lifestyle 3 - b. cause global warming
4 - g. recycle plastic, paper, glass
5 - j. reduce carbon emissions
6 - d. save endangered species 7 - a. drive the old car 8 - f. lose many lives 9 - c. take immediate actions
10 - h. express a personal opinion
11 - l. take good care of the children 12 - k. raise sea levels
Ex VI: Circle the best word.
1. The teacher asks us to work in pairs and make/do a weather report for yesterday.
2. Many of the injuring/injured people had been taken to the hospital before the local officials arrived.
3. The worse/worst damage was in coastal towns where the land was rather flat.
4. A majority number of people do not take global warming serious/seriously enough.
5. Global warming is probably one of the most serious threats that people face/make nowadays.
6. Human beings needs to change their behaviour because they are causing/doing global warming.
7. We are always positive with/about our tourism development in the next decade.
8. The hurricane took out/place at the end of the year and it caused severe damage to the area.
9. Solar energy works much best/better in places where the weather is rather good.
10. The little girl felt quite scared/scaring with the sound of the wind crashing around the house at night.
Ex VII: Complete each sentence with a suitable phrasal verb given. come up with look after take off cut down on put off carry on run out give off
1. Although they noticed a thunderstorm, they decided to ……carry on….. the journey to the South.
2. In stead of using private vehicles, local citizens can choose to walk or cycle somewhere
in order to ………cut down on……… carbon emissions in the street.
3. Ms. Jane has just ………come up with…………. a new idea for increasing sales next month.
4. The fire doesn’t seem to ……………… much heat.
5. Who is going to ……look after……….. the children while you are away, Mary?
6. Can you please get some milk from the supermarket? We seem to have ……run out……..
7. Jim and Catherine have to ………put off……. their wedding until October because Jim has
an important business trip to France next month.
8. His uncle decided to ……take off……..his wet boots and sit by the fire last night.
Ex VIII: Match the words from column A with those from column B to make compound nouns. A B 1. global 1 - d a. disaster 2. climate 2 - h b. emissions 3. natural 3 - a c. fuel 4. greenhouse 4 - i d. warming 5. fossil 5 - c e. energy 6. sea 6 - j f. weather 7. extreme 7 - f g. war 8. endangered 8 - k h. change 9. carbon 9 - b i. effect 10. nuclear 10 - g j. level 11. green 11 - l k. species 12. renewable 12 - e l. lifestyle
Ex IX: Choose the best answer.
1 - D; 2 - C; 3 - A; 4 - C; 5 - D;
6 - A; 7 - C; 8 - B; 9 - D; 10 - D;
Ex X: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box. energy recycle atmosphere emergency decisions damage disaster tsunami species signs
1. The students are listening to a dialogue between a journalist and a witness to a natural
……disaster………. yesterday.
2. The ……emergency………… services helped small children and old people escape from the flooded areas.
3. Human beings shouldn’t cut down on trees because forest is home to over half of the
world’s plant and animal ……species……..
4. As fossil fuels may run out in the future, people should develop other alternatives like
solar ……energy……...
5. Trees are very important because they can remove carbon dioxide from the
………atmosphere………. and add more oxygen.
6. As soon as we saw the first ……signs ..….of the hurricane, we immediately closed the windows and the doors.
7. Young people are often better at remembering to ……recycle …….plastic bottles and
other containers than old people.
8. It is adults who should make the most important ……decisions…… about global warming.
9. If an earthquake happens under the ocean, it sometimes causes a ………tsunami…….
10. We could hear radio reports of floodings on the roads and on farms and some
………damage ……. to the buildings.
Ex XI: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word provided.
1. The effect of the ………explosion…….. was not as devastating as the bomb. (EXPLODE)
2. The two men who started the fire at the market yesterday did it ………intentionally ..…… .. (INTENTION)
3. The ………largest…… earthquake ever recorded was the one in Chile in 1960. (LARGE)
4. Many people lost their lives in the ………destructive………. earthquake in this country twenty years ago. (DESTROY)
5. The earthquake was the ………toughest………… and the most difficult crisis for the whole country. (TOUGH)
6. It is expected by the ………scientists……. that many plant and animal species could die
out because of climate change. (SCIENCE)
7. The plane could come out of the storm and landed ………safely….. near a small farm in the East. (SAFE)
8. Can you describe some ………similarities………. and differences between the two photos? (SIMILAR)
9. Millions of people have to suffer from ……poverty………. and malnutrition in many parts of Africa nowadays. (POOR)
10. ………Luckily…….., the whole family survived a terrifying experience with only small injuries. (LUCK)