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 Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 12 học kì 2 có đáp án gồm nhiều dạng bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 mới khác nhau giúp học sinh lớp 12 nâng cao kỹ năng làm bài thi hiệu quả.

Đề số 1
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
1. The disappearance of one or several species may result in the lost of biodiversity.
2. This book needs to read carefully before you must make a report on it.
3. I would like to recommend the book to anyone who like plants.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions from 4 to 5.
The reduction and possible elimination of waste tires may become a reality.
A. fulfillment B. eradication C. formation D. addition
5. Another benefit is the reduction of traffic noise, a serious issue in urban areas.
A. shortcoming B. reward C. merit D. damage
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions from 6 to 7.
6. Please give me some advice to buy suitable books for my ten-year-old girl.
A. recommendation B. information C. fiction D. interest
7. Species that have already lost habitat because of deforestation were given higher priority
in the plan because of their greater risk of extinction.
A. ecology B. natural surroundings C. nature D
Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
8. A. animal B. benefit C. endanger D. extinction
9. A. theme B. smooth C. through D. author
Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
10. A. imagine B. swallowing C. difficult D. interested
11. A. current B. toxic C. remain D. forest
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the
following passage.
The film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is based on the first of the·
books by J.K. Rowling. It is an excellent attempt at re-creating the magic of the
books. The dialogue is just (12)______the original, with the actors often using the
exact words as they were written. The characters all look very (13)________and they
are dressed in the sort of costumes you imagine when you read the book. Only the
soundtrack is truly (14)________because, of course, there isn't any music in the book.
The scene where the children are learning to (15)_______their broomsticks has
some amazing special effects which create a wonderful magical atmosphere. It also
required a number of clever stunts which (16)_______have been quite dangerous.
When the film was released, it had record ticket sales at the box office.
12. A. alike B. like C. likely D. as
13. A. read B. reality C. realize D. realistic
14. A. original B. origin C. originate D. originally
15. A. blow B. drive C. ride D. climb
16. A. should B. must C. needn't D. couldn't
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
17. Endangered species are plant and animal species which are in danger of ………
A. expression B. expulsion C. extension D. extinction
18. Children enjoy reading a ......... because they don’t have to read much.
A. thriller B. comic C. biography D. novel
19. It is estimated about 5,000 species of plants and animals are ……. each year.
A. eliminated B. cut down C. hunted D. poached
20. Books provide us with a wonderful source of knowledge and…...
A. leisure B. information C. news D. pleasure
21. Governments have ………… laws to protect wildlife from overhunting.
A. passed B. done C. given D. discussed
22. She usually dips …………… a travel book.
A. with B. through C. in D. into
23. Gorillas are peaceful and mainly plant eating …………….
A. creatures B. figures C. creators D members
24. ……. sometimes describe books as hard to put down” or “hard to pick up
A. Sellers B. Editors C. Reviewers D. Publishers
25. The Red List has been introduced to raise people’s awareness …………… conservation
A. on B. of C. at D. for
26. We can’t read different …………… of books in the same way.
A. columns B. kinds C. series D. brands
27. The room ……… once a day.
A. should clean B. should be cleaning
C. should be cleaned D. should have cleaned
28. Keep quiet. You ….talk so loudly in here. Everybody is working.
A. may B. must C. might D. mustn't
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
"Whose book is this?" -
A. It’s John’s sister. B. It’s John’s sister’s.
C. That John’s sister’s. D. John’s sister’s book.
Two friends James and Susan are talking about Mary’s accident.
"Mary had an accident last night. Her leg was broken"
A. Poor her. B. Poor it. C. How terrific! D.
Oh! Very surprise!
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
Air pollution can affect our health in many ways with both short-term and long-term effects.
Different groups of individuals are affected by air pollution in different ways. Some
individuals are much more sensitive to pollutants than are others. Young children and elderly
people often suffer more from the effects of air pollution. People with health problems such
as asthma, heart and lung disease may also suffer more when the air is polluted. The extent to
which an individual is harmed by air pollution usually depends on the total exposure to the
damaging chemicals
Examples of short-term effects include irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, and upper
respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Other symptoms can include
headaches, nausea, and allergic reactions.
Long-term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease,
and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys. Continual exposure to air pollution
affects the lungs of growing children and may aggravate or complicate medical conditions in
the elderly. It is estimated that half a million people die prematurely every year in the United
States as a result of smoking cigarettes.
31. The text is about _____.
A. air pollution B. the effect of air pollution
C. those who are affected by air pollution D. the respiratory diseases
32. Which sentence is true?
A. Everybody is affected by air pollution in the same way.
B. All people are sensitive to pollutants.
C. Pollutants are not really harmful to people.
D. We are affected by air pollution individually.
33. Which is caused by long- term effects of air pollution?
A. sore eyes B. bronchitis C. headache D. lung cancer
34. Which part of body is not affected by air pollution?
A. Brain B. Lung C. Heart D. Stomach
35. The writer ____.
A. suggested ways to prevent air pollution
B. listed the effects of air pollution
C. proposed solutions to air pollution
D. advised us to prevent lung cancer
Choose the best sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.
36. It’s forbidden to smoke in this building.
A. You don’t have to smoke in this building.
B. You are allowed to smoke in this building.
C. You must not smoke in this building.
D. Smoking in this building is permitted.
37. It's your duty to make a report on books tomorrow.
A. You should report on books tomorrow.
B. You will make a report on books tomorrow.
C. You are supposed make a report on books tomorrow.
D. You must make a report on books tomorrow.
38. Some people think that computers can replace books entirely.
A. It is said that computers can replace books entirely.
B. Computers are thought to can replace books entirely.
C. Computers can replace books entirely like some people think.
D. Replacing books by computers is very necessary.
39. Perhaps these are the keys.
A. These might be the keys. B. These won’t be the keys.
C. These must be the keys. D. These needn’t be the keys.
40. Books are a cheap way to get information and entertainment.
A. Getting information and entertainment in books is a cheap way.
B. A cheap way to get information and entertainment is books.
C. Reading books helps you looking for information and entertainment.
D. Books can deliver information and entertainment you need cheap.
Đề số 2
Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
1. A. height B. weight C. rhinoceros D. livelihood
2. A. digest B. incredible C. wilderness D. unnoticed
Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
3. A. recommend B. impressive C. enjoyment D. exciting
4. A. agriculture B. biologist C. identify D. diversity
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
The reduction and possible elimination of waste tires may become a reality.
A. fulfilment B. eradication C. formation D. addition
6. Another benefit is the reduction of traffic noise, a serious issue in urban areas.
A. shortcoming B. reward C. merit D. damage
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions from 6 to 7.
7. Please give me some advice to buy suitable books for my ten-year-old girl.
A. recommendation B. information C. fiction D. interest
Many suggest that the trade in tropical wood products is the primary source of
A. petrifaction of forests B. deformation of forests
C. fossilization of forests D. destruction of forests
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
Global warming is the phenomenon that the average temperature of the earth raises
continuously. Its temperatures may rise by 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius. The greenhouse gases
such as carbon dioxide or methane are the cause of the global warming. The greenhouse
gases create a natural greenhouse effect.
Human activities such as burning fuels, lumbering, and agriculture will release greenhouse
gases. Some of the non-human causes are volcanic emissions, solar activity, variations in the
earth’s orbit.
What are the effects of global warming? The rising temperature of the earth will cause the
polar ice to melt. As the ice melts, the water will cause the rising sea level and pattern of
climate changes. The extreme weather such as hurricanes, tornados, droughts, heat wave, and
floods occur more frequently. Other effects of global warming are lower agricultural
productions, animal extinctions, or reduced summer stream flows.
There are still many scientific uncertainties of causes and effects of global warming. Some
scientists argue that, “Even if there are no greenhouse gases, the events of rising sea and
global warming would continue. The carbon dioxide is known for its long average
atmospheric lifetime”.
9. Global warming _____________
A. makes the earth cooler and cooler
B. makes the temperature of the earth increase
C. is not caused by carbon dioxide
D. has no relation to the greenhouse gases
10. Possessive pronoun Its refers to _____
A. global warming B. the earth C. greenhouse gases D. the temperature
11. According to the second paragraph, _____.
A. human beings are the only cause of global warming
B. volcanic emissions and solar activities are not responsible for greenhouse gases
C. natural event is the only main source of greenhouse gases
D. both human activities and natural events can cause greenhouse gases
12. Which is not the effect of global warming?
A. The volcanic eruptions B. The melting of the polar ice
C. The rising of the sea level D. The loss of agricultural productions
13. Which sentence is true?
A. Scientists know very well about causes and effects of global warming.
B. Scientists know nothing about causes and effects of global warming.
C. Scientists are not concerned about global warming.
D. There have been uncertainties of causes and effects of global warming.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
14. The number of species around the globe threatened with .. is over 15,000.
A. expression B. expulsion C. extension D. extinction
15. A ................ book tells stories through pictures.
A. thriller B. comic C. biography D. novel
16. It is estimated about 5,000 species of plants and animals are … each year.
A. eliminated B. cut down C. hunted D. poached
17. Books provide us with a wonderful …… of knowledge and pleasure.
A. resource B. base C. source D. foundation
18. Governments have enacted laws to protect wildlife from ……. trade.
A. legal B. commercial C. domestic D. international
19. My father usually dips …………… a travel book.
A. with B. through C. in D. into
20. Gorillas are peaceful and mainly plant eating …………….
A. creatures B. figures C. creators D members
21. …………….. sometimes describe books as “ hard to put down” or “hard to pick
up again”.
A. Sellers B. Editors C. Reviewers D. Publishers
22. The Red List is a … list of endangered and vulnerable animal species
A. long B. local C. global D. national
23. The next meeting …………. in May.
A. will hold B. will be held C. will be holding D. will have held
24. We can’t read different …………… of books in the same way.
A. columns B. types C. series D. brands
25. The computer ……… reprogramming. There is something wrong with the software.
A. must B. need C. should D. may
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
26. Species that loss habitat because of deforestation were given higher priority in the plan
because of their greater risk of extinction.
27. I would like recommend the book to anyone who likes plants.
28. There are a number of measures that should take to protect endangered animals.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
"Oh, no! I left my book at home. Can I share yours?"
A. Yes, I do, too. B. No, thanks
C. Yes, sure. D. No way, I just bought another book.
"Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our
A. There’s no doubt about it. B. Of course not. You bet.
C. Well that’s very surprising D.
Yes, it’s an absurd idea.
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the
following passage.
The film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is based on the first of the·
books by J.K. Rowling. It is an excellent attempt at re-creating the magic of the
books. The dialogue is just (31)___the original, with the actors often using the exact
words as they were written. The characters all look very (32)____and they are dressed
in the sort of costumes you imagine when you read the book. Only the soundtrack is
truly (33)______because, of course, there isn't any music in the book.
The scene where the children are learning to (34)_______their broomsticks has
some amazing special effects which create a wonderful magical atmosphere. It also
required a number of clever stunts which (35)_______have been quite dangerous.
When the film was released, it had record ticket sales at the box office.
31. A. like B. alike C. likely D. as
32. A. read B. reality C. realistic D. realize
33. A. origin B. original C. originate D. originally
34. A. blow B. drive C. climb D. ride
35. A. should B. needn't C. must D. couldn't
Choose the best sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.
36. I think it’s wrong for you to work so hard.
A. You don’t have to work so hard. B. You will work so hard.
C. You shouldn’t work so hard. D. You might work so hard.
37. It's your duty to make a report on books tomorrow.
A. You should report on books tomorrow.
B. You must make a report on books tomorrow.
C. You are supposed make a report on books tomorrow.
D. You will make a report on books tomorrow.
38. Some people think that computers can replace books entirely.
A. Replacing books by computers is very necessary.
B. Computers are thought to can replace books entirely.
C. Computers can replace books entirely like some people think.
D. It is said that computers can replace books entirely.
39. Perhaps these are the keys.
A. These might be the keys. B. These won’t be the keys.
C. These must be the keys. D. These needn’t be the keys.
40. We should do something to encourage children to read better.
A. To encourage children to read better, we have to do something to them.
B. Something should be done to encourage children to read better.
C. We will encourage children to read more books better by doing something.
D. Encouraging children to read better should be done by everybody.
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Preview text:

Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
1. The disappearance of one or several species may result in the lost of biodiversity.
2. This book needs to read carefully before you must make a report on it.
3. I would like to recommend the book to anyone who like plants.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions from 4 to 5.
4. The reduction and possible elimination of waste tires may become a reality. A. fulfillment B. eradication C. formation D. addition
5. Another benefit is the reduction of traffic noise, a serious issue in urban areas. A. shortcoming B. reward C. merit D. damage
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions from 6 to 7.
6. Please give me some advice to buy suitable books for my ten-year-old girl.
A. recommendation B. information C. fiction D. interest
7. Species that have already lost habitat because of deforestation were given higher priority
in the plan because of their greater risk of extinction.
A. ecology B. natural surroundings C. nature D. domain
Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part. 8. A. animal B. benefit C. endanger D. extinction 9. A. theme B. smooth C. through D. author
Choose the word with the different stress pattern. 10. A. imagine B. swallowing C. difficult D. interested 11. A. current B. toxic C. remain D. forest
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage.
The film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is based on the first of the·
books by J.K. Rowling. It is an excellent attempt at re-creating the magic of the
books. The dialogue is just (12)______the original, with the actors often using the
exact words as they were written. The characters all look very (13)________and they
are dressed in the sort of costumes you imagine when you read the book. Only the
soundtrack is truly (14)________because, of course, there isn't any music in the book.
The scene where the children are learning to (15)_______their broomsticks has
some amazing special effects which create a wonderful magical atmosphere. It also
required a number of clever stunts which (16)_______have been quite dangerous.
When the film was released, it had record ticket sales at the box office. 12. A. alike B. like C. likely D. as 13. A. read B. reality C. realize D. realistic 14. A. original B. origin C. originate D. originally 15. A. blow B. drive C. ride D. climb 16. A. should B. must C. needn't D. couldn't
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
17. Endangered species are plant and animal species which are in danger of ………
A. expression B. expulsion C. extension D. extinction
18. Children enjoy reading a ......... because they don’t have to read much. A. thriller B. comic C. biography D. novel
19. It is estimated about 5,000 species of plants and animals are ……. each year. A. eliminated B. cut down C. hunted D. poached
20. Books provide us with a wonderful source of knowledge and…... A. leisure B. information C. news D. pleasure
21. Governments have ………… laws to protect wildlife from overhunting. A. passed B. done C. given D. discussed
22. She usually dips …………… a travel book. A. with B. through C. in D. into
23. Gorillas are peaceful and mainly plant – eating ……………. A. creatures B. figures C. creators D members
24. ……. sometimes describe books as “ hard – to – put – down” or “hard – to – pick – up – again”. A. Sellers B. Editors C. Reviewers D. Publishers
25. The Red List has been introduced to raise people’s awareness …………… conservation needs. A. on B. of C. at D. for
26. We can’t read different …………… of books in the same way. A. columns B. kinds C. series D. brands
27. The room ……… once a day. A. should clean B. should be cleaning C. should be cleaned D. should have cleaned
28. Keep quiet. You ….talk so loudly in here. Everybody is working. A. may B. must C. might D. mustn't
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
29. Tom: "Whose book is this?" - John: "……………….." A. It’s John’s sister.
B. It’s John’s sister’s. C. That John’s sister’s. D. John’s sister’s book.
30. Two friends James and Susan are talking about Mary’s accident.
James: "Mary had an accident last night. Her leg was broken"
- Susan: "………………………."
A. Poor her. B. Poor it. C. How terrific! D. Oh! Very surprise!
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
Air pollution can affect our health in many ways with both short-term and long-term effects.
Different groups of individuals are affected by air pollution in different ways. Some
individuals are much more sensitive to pollutants than are others. Young children and elderly
people often suffer more from the effects of air pollution. People with health problems such
as asthma, heart and lung disease may also suffer more when the air is polluted. The extent to
which an individual is harmed by air pollution usually depends on the total exposure to the damaging chemicals
Examples of short-term effects include irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, and upper
respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Other symptoms can include
headaches, nausea, and allergic reactions.
Long-term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease,
and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys. Continual exposure to air pollution
affects the lungs of growing children and may aggravate or complicate medical conditions in
the elderly. It is estimated that half a million people die prematurely every year in the United
States as a result of smoking cigarettes. 31. The text is about _____. A.
air pollution B. the effect of air pollution
C. those who are affected by air pollution D. the respiratory diseases 32. Which sentence is true?
A. Everybody is affected by air pollution in the same way.
B. All people are sensitive to pollutants.
C. Pollutants are not really harmful to people.
D. We are affected by air pollution individually.
33. Which is caused by long- term effects of air pollution? A. sore eyes
B. bronchitis C. headache D. lung cancer
34. Which part of body is not affected by air pollution? A. Brain B. Lung C. Heart D. Stomach 35. The writer ____.
A. suggested ways to prevent air pollution
B. listed the effects of air pollution
C. proposed solutions to air pollution
D. advised us to prevent lung cancer
Choose the best sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.
36. It’s forbidden to smoke in this building.
A. You don’t have to smoke in this building.
B. You are allowed to smoke in this building.
C. You must not smoke in this building.
D. Smoking in this building is permitted.
37. It's your duty to make a report on books tomorrow.
A. You should report on books tomorrow.
B. You will make a report on books tomorrow.
C. You are supposed make a report on books tomorrow.
D. You must make a report on books tomorrow.
38. Some people think that computers can replace books entirely.
A. It is said that computers can replace books entirely.
B. Computers are thought to can replace books entirely.
C. Computers can replace books entirely like some people think.
D. Replacing books by computers is very necessary.
39. Perhaps these are the keys.
A. These might be the keys. B. These won’t be the keys. C. These must be the keys.
D. These needn’t be the keys.
40. Books are a cheap way to get information and entertainment.
A. Getting information and entertainment in books is a cheap way.
B. A cheap way to get information and entertainment is books.
C. Reading books helps you looking for information and entertainment.
D. Books can deliver information and entertainment you need cheap. Đề số 2
Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part. 1. A. height B. weight C. rhinoceros D. livelihood 2. A. digest B. incredible C. wilderness D. unnoticed
Choose the word with the different stress pattern. 3. A. recommend B. impressive C. enjoyment D. exciting 4. A. agriculture B. biologist C. identify D. diversity
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
5. The reduction and possible elimination of waste tires may become a reality. A. fulfilment B. eradication C. formation D. addition
6. Another benefit is the reduction of traffic noise, a serious issue in urban areas. A. shortcoming B. reward C. merit D. damage
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions from 6 to 7.
7. Please give me some advice to buy suitable books for my ten-year-old girl. A. recommendation B. information C. fiction D. interest
8. Many suggest that the trade in tropical wood products is the primary source of deforestation. A. petrifaction of forests B. deformation of forests C. fossilization of forests D. destruction of forests
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
Global warming is the phenomenon that the average temperature of the earth raises
continuously. Its temperatures may rise by 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius. The greenhouse gases
such as carbon dioxide or methane are the cause of the global warming. The greenhouse
gases create a natural greenhouse effect.
Human activities such as burning fuels, lumbering, and agriculture will release greenhouse
gases. Some of the non-human causes are volcanic emissions, solar activity, variations in the earth’s orbit.
What are the effects of global warming? The rising temperature of the earth will cause the
polar ice to melt. As the ice melts, the water will cause the rising sea level and pattern of
climate changes. The extreme weather such as hurricanes, tornados, droughts, heat wave, and
floods occur more frequently. Other effects of global warming are lower agricultural
productions, animal extinctions, or reduced summer stream flows.
There are still many scientific uncertainties of causes and effects of global warming. Some
scientists argue that, “Even if there are no greenhouse gases, the events of rising sea and
global warming would continue. The carbon dioxide is known for its long average atmospheric lifetime”.
9. Global warming _____________
A. makes the earth cooler and cooler
B. makes the temperature of the earth increase
C. is not caused by carbon dioxide
D. has no relation to the greenhouse gases
10. Possessive pronoun Its refers to _____
A. global warming B. the earth C. greenhouse gases D. the temperature
11. According to the second paragraph, _____.
A. human beings are the only cause of global warming
B. volcanic emissions and solar activities are not responsible for greenhouse gases
C. natural event is the only main source of greenhouse gases
D. both human activities and natural events can cause greenhouse gases
12. Which is not the effect of global warming? A. The volcanic eruptions
B. The melting of the polar ice
C. The rising of the sea level
D. The loss of agricultural productions 13. Which sentence is true?
A. Scientists know very well about causes and effects of global warming.
B. Scientists know nothing about causes and effects of global warming.
C. Scientists are not concerned about global warming.
D. There have been uncertainties of causes and effects of global warming.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
14. The number of species around the globe threatened with .. is over 15,000. A. expression B. expulsion C. extension D. extinction
15. A ................ book tells stories through pictures. A. thriller B. comic C. biography D. novel
16. It is estimated about 5,000 species of plants and animals are … each year. A. eliminated B. cut down C. hunted D. poached
17. Books provide us with a wonderful …… of knowledge and pleasure. A. resource B. base C. source D. foundation
18. Governments have enacted laws to protect wildlife from ……. trade. A. legal B. commercial C. domestic D. international
19. My father usually dips …………… a travel book. A. with B. through C. in D. into
20. Gorillas are peaceful and mainly plant – eating ……………. A. creatures B. figures C. creators D members
21. …………….. sometimes describe books as “ hard – to – put – down” or “hard – to – pick – up – again”. A. Sellers B. Editors C. Reviewers D. Publishers
22. The Red List is a … list of endangered and vulnerable animal species A. long B. local C. global D. national
23. The next meeting …………. in May. A. will hold B. will be held
C. will be holding D. will have held
24. We can’t read different …………… of books in the same way. A. columns B. types C. series D. brands
25. The computer ……… reprogramming. There is something wrong with the software. A. must B. need C. should D. may
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
26. Species that loss habitat because of deforestation were given higher priority in the plan
because of their greater risk of extinction.
27. I would like recommend the book to anyone who likes plants.
28. There are a number of measures that should take to protect endangered animals.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
29. Tom: "Oh, no! I left my book at home. Can I share yours?"
- John: "……………….." A. Yes, I do, too. B. No, thanks C. Yes, sure.
D. No way, I just bought another book.
30. .James: "Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?"
- Susan: "………………………."
A. There’s no doubt about it. B. Of course not. You bet.
C. Well that’s very surprising D. Yes, it’s an absurd idea.
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage.
The film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is based on the first of the·
books by J.K. Rowling. It is an excellent attempt at re-creating the magic of the
books. The dialogue is just (31)___the original, with the actors often using the exact
words as they were written. The characters all look very (32)____and they are dressed
in the sort of costumes you imagine when you read the book. Only the soundtrack is
truly (33)______because, of course, there isn't any music in the book.
The scene where the children are learning to (34)_______their broomsticks has
some amazing special effects which create a wonderful magical atmosphere. It also
required a number of clever stunts which (35)_______have been quite dangerous.
When the film was released, it had record ticket sales at the box office. 31. A. like B. alike C. likely D. as 32. A. read B. reality C. realistic D. realize 33. A. origin B. original C. originate D. originally 34. A. blow B. drive C. climb D. ride 35. A. should B. needn't C. must D. couldn't
Choose the best sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.
36. I think it’s wrong for you to work so hard.
A. You don’t have to work so hard. B. You will work so hard.
C. You shouldn’t work so hard. D. You might work so hard.
37. It's your duty to make a report on books tomorrow.
A. You should report on books tomorrow.
B. You must make a report on books tomorrow.
C. You are supposed make a report on books tomorrow.
D. You will make a report on books tomorrow.
38. Some people think that computers can replace books entirely.
A. Replacing books by computers is very necessary.
B. Computers are thought to can replace books entirely.
C. Computers can replace books entirely like some people think.
D. It is said that computers can replace books entirely.
39. Perhaps these are the keys.
A. These might be the keys. B. These won’t be the keys. C. These must be the keys.
D. These needn’t be the keys.
40. We should do something to encourage children to read better.
A. To encourage children to read better, we have to do something to them.
B. Something should be done to encourage children to read better.
C. We will encourage children to read more books better by doing something.
D. Encouraging children to read better should be done by everybody.