Conditional Sentences - Tiếng anh | Trường Đại học Thủ đô Hà Nội

- Type 1: Diễn tả những sự việc, điều kiện có thể xảy ra được ở hiện tại và tương lai. (Future Real Condition)- Type 2: Diễn tả những sự việc, điều kiện không có thật hay không thể xảy ra được ở hiện tại và tương lai. (Present Unreal Condition).- Type 3: Diễn tả những sự việc, điều kiện không có thật hay không thể xảy ra được ở quá khứ. (Past Unreal Condition). Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1. Types of conditional sentences
- Type 1: Diễn tả những sự việc, điều kiện có thể xảy ra được ở hiện tại và tương lai.
(Future Real Condition)
- Type 2: Diễn tả những sự việc, điều kiện không có thật hay không thể xảy ra được ở hiện tại và tương lai.
(Present Unreal Condition).
- Type 3: Diễn tả những sự việc, điều kiện không có thật hay không thể xảy ra được ở quá khứ.
(Past Unreal Condition)
1 Present: S + V + …. S + will/can/may + V …. -s/es
2 Past subjunctive: S + V S + would/could/might + V …..-ed/were
Past perfect: S + had + PP.2 S + would/could/might + have + PP.2 …..
* Note 1: Ngoài ra còn có sự kết hợp giữa câu đk loại 2 và 3 tùy theo thời của V trong các mệnh đề gốc
+ If – clause ở loại 3, Main - Clause ở loại 2
Ex: You worked too hard yesterday, so you are tired now.
If you hadn’t worked too hard yesterday, you wouldn’t be tired now.🡪
* Note 2: Chúng ta cũng có những mẫu câu đk không chuẩn, phụ thuộc vào thời của trong các mệnh đề gốcV
Ex: She didn’t answer the phone because she was studying.
🡪 She would have answered the phone if she hadn’t been studying.
* Note 3: Chúng ta dùng để chỉ khả năng có thể của trong If – Clause.If V
Dùng thay cho để chỉ sự chắc chắn của trong If – Clause.When If V
Dùng thay cho để chỉ sự kém chắc chắn của trong If – Clause.Should If V
Ex: If I have free time this weekend, I will visit them. (I’m not sure if I am free or not)
When I have free time this weekend, I will visit them. (I’m surely free)
2. Habitual Conditional Sentence
- Trong câu Điều kiện loại 1, nếu Main – Clause diễn tả thói quen hoặc sự thật thì ta không dùng Simple Future
mà thay vào đó ta dùng Simple Present.
Ex: Ann usually walks to school if she has enough time.
I always get up late in the morning if I have nothing to do.
3. Conditional Sentence and Command Form
- Sự kết hợp giữa câu đk và câu mệnh lệnh thường xảy ra với câu đk loại 1
If + V-s/es + O, V + O V + O + if + S + Vs/es + O
Command Form
Ex: If you go to the post-office, please send this letter for me.
Please send this letter for me if you go to the post-office.
4. Unless : Trừ phi, nếu …không
- Unless = If …… not
Ex: If you don’t study more, you will get bad marks.
Unless you study more, you will get bad marks.🡪
* Note: Khi chuyển 1 câu đk dùng If thành câu đk dùng Unless, ta cần chú ý:
+ If – Clause ở thể phủ định thì chuyển thành khẳng định. Main – Clause không biến đổi.
+ If – Clause ở thể khẳng định thì ta chỉ việc thay If = Unless, và biến đổi Main – Clause thành thể
ngược lại.
Ex: If we don’t protect the animals, they will die out. Unless we protect the animals, they will die out.🡪
If I have time, I will help you. Unless I have time, I won’t help you.🡪
5. Conditional sentences without “If” or “Unless”
- Câu điều kiện không có xảy ra trong trường hợp câu điều kiện loại 1 có sử dụng trong mệnh“If/Unless” should
đề điều kiện. Có thể bỏ đi và đảo lên trước S trong mệnh đề điều kiện.If/Unless Should
Ex: If I should meet her tonight, I will invite her a cup of champagne.
Should I meet her tonight, I will invite her a cup of champagne.
- Trường hợp này cũng xảy ra với câu điều kiện loại 2 có sử dụng trong mệnh đề điều kiện. Có thể bỏ Were
If/Unless đi và đảo lên trước S trong mệnh đề điều kiện.Were
Ex: He isn’t tall, so he can’t reach the book.
Were he taller, he could have reached the book.
- Trường hợp này còn xảy ra với câu điều kiện loại 3 có sử dụng trong mệnh đề điều kiện. Có thể bỏ Had
If/Unless đi và đảo lên trước S trong mệnh đề điều kiện.Had
Ex: If we had hurried, we wouldn’t have missed the match.
Had we hurried, we wouldn’t missed the match.
* Không được làm như vậy với các V khác.
* .We use the form to emphasize the meaning of the conditional clause of the sentence
6. Other forms of Conditional Sentences
- Câu điều kiện cũng có thể bắt đầu bằng:
+ Provided/Providing that: Giả sử rằng
+ On condition that: Với điều kiện là
+ Suppose/Supposing that: Giả sử như
+ In case: Trong trường hợp
+ Even if: Ngay cả khi, dù cho
+ So/As long as: Miễn là
+ Only if: Chỉ khi
+ Otherwise; Nếu không
+ Or: Hoặc là
+ Without: Nếu không
+ But for: Nếu không
Conditional sentences: type I - Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. If I see him I (give) him a lift.
2. If he (eat) all that he will be ill
3. Someone (steal) your car if you leave it unlocked.
4. If he (wash) my car I'll give him $10.
5. If she (need) a radio she can borrow mine.
6. If you (not go) away I'll send for the police.
7. I'll be very angry if he (make) any more mistakes.
8. If he (be) late we'll go without him.
9. If we leave the car here it (not be) in anybody's way.
10. He'll be late for the train if he (not start) at once.
11. If you come late they (not let) you in.
12. If he (go) on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says.
13. If he (work) hard today can he have a holiday tomorrow?
14. If you (not like) this one I'll bring you another.
15. Unless you are more careful you (have) an accident.
Conditional sentences: type 2 - Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. If I (know) his address I'd give it to you.
2. If he worked more slowly he (not make) so many mistakes.
3. I shouldn't drink that wine if I (be) you.
4 More tourists would come to this country if it (have) a better climate.
5. If I were sent to prison you (visit) me?
6 If you drove your car into the river you (be able) to get out?
7 He might get fat if he (stop) smoking.
8 If he knew that it was dangerous he (not come).
9 If she (do) her hair differently she might look quite nice.
10 If we had more rain our crops (grow) faster.
11. I (offer) to help if I thought I'd be any use. '
12. If you (paint) the walls white the room would be much brighter.
13. If you knew you had only six weeks to live how you (spend) those six weeks?
14. You wouldn't have so much trouble with your car if you (have) it serviced regularly.
15.I would give her a lift if I ( be ) you.
Conditional sentences: mixed types  - Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. What (happen) if I press this button?
2. If you go to Paris where you (stay)?
3. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)?
4. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) thick.
5. If the milkman (come), tell him to leave two bottles.
6. Someone (sit) on your glasses if you leave them there.
7. Unless they turn that radio off I (go) mad.
8. We'll have a long way to walk if we (run) out of petrol here.
9. I'll probably get lost unless he (come) with me.
10. You (not have) so many accidents if you drove more slowly.
11. If she (leave) the fish there the cat will get it.
12. If they (hang) that picture lower people would be able to see it.
13. She (be able) to walk faster if her shoes hadn't such high heels.
14. You (not be) any use to me unless you learn to type.
15. If he were in he (answer) the phone.
Sentence transformations
Conditional sentences: type 1 & 2 - Rewrite these sentences, using an if construction.
1/ My brother will have enough money. He will buy a bicycle.
🡪If .......................................................................................................................................
2/ I’ll buy a new hat. I’ll give it to you.
🡪If .....................................................................................................................................
3/ You’ll ask the teacher. He’ll explain the lesson to you.
4.Work hard or you will fail your exam.
5.Hurry up or you will be late.
6. I can't drive so we can't take the car.
🡪If ..........................................................................................................................................
7. I haven't much time so I read very little.
🡪If ..........................................................................................................................................
8. They don't clean the windows so the rooms look rather dark.
🡪If ..........................................................................................................................................
9. He doesn't work overtime, so he doesn't earn as much as I do.
🡪If ..........................................................................................................................................
10. He doesn't take any exercise; that's why he is so unhealthy.
🡪If ..........................................................................................................................................
Exercise 2 : Comment on these situations. Use a type 2 conditional .
1. Alan always overeats at lunch because he never eats breakfast.
If Alan cite breakfast, he wouldn't overeat at lunch.
2. I don't know enough about the machine, so I can't mend it myself.
3. I don't ride the bus to work every morning because it's always so crowded.
4. Not enough money is spent on cancer research, so a prevention has not been found.
5. The wind is blowing hard. so I won't take the boat out for a ride.
6. Nick can't find the way because he hasn't got a map.
7. Schroeder ignores Lucy. so she ets angry at him.
8. I can't look the word up because I haven't got a dictionary.
9. Linus is smart, so he finds clever solutions to life's problems.
10. We don't visit our parents very often because they live so far away.
Exercise 3: Complete these conversations. Put
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
1. If I see him , I _____ (give ) him a gift.
2. If I had a typewriter, I _____ (type) it myself.
3. If I had known that you were in hospital, I _____ (visit) you.
4. You could make better progress if you _____ (attend) class regularly.
5. If I _____ (know) his telephone number, I’d give it to you.
6. If you _____ (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
7. If he worked more slowly, he _____ (not make) so many mistakes.
8. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I _____ (be) you.
9. If I _____ (find) a cheap room, I will stay a fortnight.
10. A lot of people _____ (be) out of work if the factory closed down.
Exercise 3: Use instead of UNLESS IF
EX: you If do not study hard, you will fail the exam.
you hard , you will fail the examUnless study
1. If you do not like this one, I’ll bring you another
2. If she does not hurry, she’ll be late
Unless ……………………………………………….
3. If you are not careful, you’ll cut yourself
Unless ……………………………………………………
4. if you had not sneezed, he wouldn’t have known that we were there.
Unless ……………………………………………………
Exercise 4: One of the four underlined parts marked A, B, C, D in each sentence is not correct in standard
English. Identify them.
1. If Lucia had been here now, she would find out the truth about her uncle’s accident.
2. If a student takes a course on Computer Science, it will take him four years doing the course.
3. Unless it did not rain, Peter would pay us a visit.
4. If had I known you were in financial difficulty, I would have helped you.
5. If I had knew the time when the match started, I would have told you.
6. If she had finished the work, she can go home.
7. If I had spoken more confident at the interview, they would have offered me the job.
8. If we had had a map, we would not be lost yesterday.
9. Had I known Alice’s address, I would write to her.
10. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red, I would stop.
11. If had you sent the application form to that company, you would have been offered a job.
12. He spends money carelessly as if he was a
13. Unless you work harder, you will be sack because of your laziness.
14. Unless there had been the heavy storm, the climbers will not have died.
15. She has found that nobody can help her if she did not try her best to do it herself.
Exercise 6 Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.:
1. _____have enough apples, she’ll make an apple pie this afternoon.
A.Should she B. If she C. Will she D. Unless she
2. If you_____to me, you wouldn’t have got so much trouble.
A. listened B. would listen C. had listened D. Would have listened
3. If you don’t know how to spell a word, you_____ look it up in the dictionary.
A. must B. will C. should D. ought
4. If the sun _____, we _____for a walk.
A. shines / will go B. shone / will go C. shone / would go D. had shone / would go
5. The campfire _____ if it _____ last night.
A. wouldn’t be cancelled / hadn’t rained B. wouldn’t have been cancelled / hadn’t rained
C. would have been cancelled / hadn’t rained D. will be cancelled / rains
6. But for our parents, we _____ successful in life.
A. will never be B. would never be C. wouldn’t have be D. would have never been
7. If I _____ my wallet at home this morning, I _____ money for lunch now.
A. leave / will have B. didn’t leave / would have
C. hadn’t left / would have D. hadn’t left / would have had
8. It is too bad, Lam isn’t here. If he _____ here, he _____ what to do.
A. were / would know B. is / will know
C. had been / would have known D. was / would know
9. If we _____ the plans carefully, we would not have had so many serious mistakes.
A. study B. had studied C. studied D. were studying
10. I will never talk to you again _____ you apologize me _____ your being rude.
A. if / for B. unless / for C. or / of D. whether / or
11. _____ if you work harder, you will be sacked.
A. Whether B. If C. However D. Unless
12. I think you should stop smoking.
A. If I am you, I will stop smoking. B. If I were you, I will stop smoking.
C. If I were you, I would stop smoking. D. If I had been you, I would stop smoking.
13. If you take the ice out of the fridge, it _____.
A. vaporizes B. melts C. heats D. disappears
14. We should do something to protect water from being polluted _____we will have nothing to drink in the
A. if B. whether C. or D. unless
15. Let’s knock on their door to see _____ home.
A. if they’re B. unless they’re C. whether they were D. if they were
16. Unless we _____ more snow, we can’t go skiing.
A. will have B. have C. have had D. had
17. You’ll fail the exam _____ you start revising.
A. if B. until C. when D. unless
18. Unless you wash the car, you _____ not drive it at the weekend.
A. would B. could C. have to D. may
19. If Peter _____ his car before the drive, he _____ the problem of out of petrol.
A. checked / will not get B. had checked / would not have got
C. checks / will not have got D. would be checking / will not have got
20. He stepped on the mine, and it exploded.
A. If he doesn’t step on the mine, it doesn’t explode.
B. If he doesn’t step on the mine, it won’t explode.
C. If he didn’t step on the mine, it wouldn’t explode.
D. If he hadn’t stepped on the mine, it wouldn’t have exploded.
21. In my experiments, the liquid is cooled to 32 F. It always freezes.º
A. If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it froze.
B. If you cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would freeze.
C. If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it will freeze.
D. If you had cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would have frozen.
22. It may rain this afternoon. I hope it doesn’t because I don’t want the match to be cancelled.
A. If it rains, the match is cancelled. B. If it rains, the match will be cancelled.
C. if it rained, the match would be cancelled. D. If it had rained, the match would have been cancelled.
23. Unfortunately, I don’t know Philosophy, so I can’t answer your question.
A. If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question.
B. If I know Philosophy, I will be able to answer your question.
C. If I knew Philosophy, I would be able to answer your question.
D. If I had known Philosophy, I would have been able to answer your question.
24. _____ there are some more ideas, we can end the meeting now.
A. If B. As if C. Unless D. In case
25. If he _____ with us now, he _____ the beauty of nature of the National Park.
A. is / can enjoyB. was / will enjoy C. has been / would enjoy D. were / could enjoy
26. If they had searched more carefully, they…the watch sooner.
A. will find B. would find C. found D. would have found
27. If I had got up early, I _____ to have breakfast now.
A. have B.I had C. would have D. would have had
28. I cannot buy a new computer _____ I save enough money.
A. if B. even if C. unless D. as if
29. Most people you meet will be polite to you _____.
A. if you are polite to them B. if you will be polite to them
C. unless you are polite to them D. if you were polite to them
30. If you do so, it _____ the matter worse.
A. makes only B. would only make C. will only make D. had only made
31. You _____ English fluently unless you practice it every day.
A. will speak B. will not speak C. can speak D. did not speak
32. Hurry up _____ you will miss the bus and be late for school.
A. if B. and C. or D. as
33. You will get a good seat if you _____ first.
A. come B. came C. have come D. will come
34. Sam will not graduate_____.
A. if he passed all the tests B. if he does not pass all the tests.
C. unless he passes all the tests D. unless he had passed all the tests.
35. If I had time, I would go with you.
A.I am free and surely go with you. B.I am too busy to go with you.
C. I will go with you because I have time. D. I am free enough to go with you.
36. If Margaret hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she…. Injured.
A. has been B. would has been C. would be D. would have been
37. If I _____ the rain yesterday, I_____ ill.
A. had not caught / would have beenB. had not caught / would have not been
C. have not caught / were not D. have not caught / would have been
38. He looked frightened as if he _____ a ghost.
A. sees B. is seeing C. has seen D. had seen
39. What _____if there _____ a serious nuclear accident.
A. will happen / was B. happens / were
C. would happen / were D. would happen / had been
Exercise 7: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
1. If I (know)…………………………. that you were ill, I (go)……………………… to see you.
2. If she'd had enough money, She (buy) …………………………… a car.
3. I (buy) ……………………………………….. a car If you lend me some money.
4. I (see) …………………………… him if I (go) …………………………. to the party last night.
5. We could have gone out if the weather (not be)……………………………………… so bad.
6. If the book (not be )…………………………… expensive, I'll buy it.
7. You would be very surprised if he (return)………………………………
8. I'll go out if it (not rain)……………………………….
9. They wouldn't come to the party if you (not invite) …………………………………..them
10. What ……………………………… you (do) ……………………. if you (be) ………………….. him?
11. If that hat costs much, I (buy) ……………………………. a small one.
12. If you (drive) ……………………...more carefully, you (have) ………………………… so many accidents.
13. If I (make) …………………………….. that mistake again, my teacher (get) ……………………… angry
with me.
14. If I spoke English, my job (be) …………………………….. a lot easier.
15. If he (go) ……………………………….. to London yesterday, he ( meet) ………………………………. his
old friend.
16. I will lend them some money if they (ask) …………………………….. me.
17. If we had known who he was, we (invite) ………………………….. him to speak at our meeting.
18. My dog (bark) …………………………… if it (hear) ………………………….. any strange sound.
19. If I (have) ………………………….. enough money, I would buy a house.
20. They (not/let) …………………………… you in if you (come) late.
21. If you (not go) ……………………………….. away, I (send) ……………………………… for a policeman.
22. If I (be) ………………………………… in your place, I (accept) …………………… Mr. Anderson’s
23. If I (win) ……………………………. a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job.
24. If I (be) ……………………………….. you, I (tell) …………………………… the truth.
25. I was busy. If I (have) ………………………… time. I (go) ……………………………. to the cinema
with you.
26. Why didn’t you attend the meeting?
Oh, I did not know. If I (know)……………………… I (come) ……………………..there.
27. What ……………….we(do)……………………… if they do not come tomorrow?
28. If I had enough time now, I (write) ………………………………. to my parents.
29. It’s too bad Helen isn’t here. If she (be) ………………………….. here, she (know) …………………..what to
30. If I (eat) …………………………… breakfast tomorrow morning, I (get) …………………………. hungry
during class.
31. If she (come) ……………………………….. late again, she (lose) ……………………………her job.
32. I (let) ……………………………. you know if I (find) ……………………………………. out what’s
33. If we (live) ………………………………. in a town, life would be better.
34. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we (arrive) ……………………………. early.
35. We (phone) ……………………………………. you if we have time.
36. If I won the lottery, I (give) ………………………………. you half the money.
37. It (be) …………………………………….. a pity if she married Fred
38. If I’m free on Saturday, I (go) ………………………….. to the mountains.
39. She (have) …………………………….. a nervous breakdown if she goes on like this.
40. I know I (feel) better if I (stop) …………………… smoking.
41. If I (be) …………………… you, I (help) ………………………… him.
42. I (understand)…………………………………….. him if he (speak) …………………………….. more
43. He didn’t listen to the teacher. If he (listen) ………………………….. carefully, he (perform)
…………………… well in the examination
44. He’s waiting for his mother to come back from Chicago. If his mother (come) ………………………….
home, he (have) ……………………………………. a lot of presents.
45. He wanted to buy some Christmas presents but he couldn’t. If he (afford) …………………………….. to buy,
his children (be) ……………………………. very happy to greet a new year.
46. The kitchen will look better if we (have) ………………………………….. red curtains.
47. If I knew his address, I (go) ……………………….. round and see him.
48. If you (not be) ……………………. so busy, I (show) ………………………… you how to play.
49. It (be) ………………………………… quicker if you (use) a computer.
50. If we (have) ………………………………….. some eggs, I (make) ………………………………… you a
51. Bring him another if he (not/like) ……………………………….. this one.
52. She (be) …………………………. angry if she (hear) …………………………. this tomorrow.
53. Unless you are more careful, you (have) …………………………….. an accident.
54. If you (like), I (get) …………………………………. you a job in this company.
55. If grandmother (be) ……………………….. 5 years younger, she (play) ………………………… some
56. If he sun (stop) …………………………… shinning, there (be) ………………………………………… no
light on earth.
57. If I (be) ………………………………… a millionaire, I (live) ……………………. on Mars.
Exercise 8: Choose the best answer:
1. If I ……….a lot of money now, I …………..a new car.
A. have /will buy B. have / would buy C. had/ will buyD. had/ would buy.
2. If I ……………you, I …………….do that.
A. am/ will B. were /would C. were/ will D. had been/ would.
3. if I were offered the job, I think I ………. it.
A. take B. will take C. would take D. would have taken.
4. I would be very surprised if he……………..
A. refuses B. refused C. had refused D. would refuse.
5. Many people would be out of work if that factory………..down.
A. closes B. had closed C. closed D. would close.
6. If she sold her car, she ………… much money.
A. gets b. would get c. will get d. would have got.
7. They would be disappointed if we…………….
a. hadn’t come b. wouldn’t come c. don’t come d. didn’t come.
8. Would John be angry if I ……. ……his bicycle without asking?
a. take b. took c. had taken d. would take.
9. She ……….terrible upset if I lost this ring.
a. will be b. would be c. were d. had been.
10. If someone…………in here with a gun, I would be very frightened.
a. would walk b. walks c. had walked d. walked.
11. What would happen if you …………… work tomorrow?
a. don’t go b. didn’t go c. won’t go d. wouldn’t go.
12. We ‘ll get wet if we ………….out.
a. go b. did go c. went d. had gone.
13. If I go shopping, I ………some food.
a. buy b. will buy c. would buy d. would have bought.
14. If I find it, I ………you.
a. will tell b. would tell c. had told d. told.
15. What would you do if you……………a million dollars?
a. would win b. win c. had won d. won.
16. They ‘d be hurt if I ……………….
a. don’t go b. didn’t go c. hadn’t gone d. wouldn’t go.
17. If we took the 6: 30 train, we…………too early.
a. would have arrived b. arrived c. will arrived d. would arrive.
18. If I had known you were in hospital, I …………to see you.
a. will go b. would go c. went d. would have gone.
19. If I …………., I would have said hello.
a. had seen b. see c. saw d. would see.
20. I…………..out if I hadn’t been so tired.
a. will go b. went c. would have gone d. would go.
21. If I ………..a camera, I would have taken some pictures.
a. have b. had c. would have d. had had.
22. You won’t pass the examination……………you study more.
a. as long as b. unless c. if d. whether.
23. If only I …………you wanted to invest money in business.
a. had known b. knew c. have known d. know.
24. If I were to leave my country , I ……………disappointed.
a. probably be b. would have been c. will be d. would be.
25. If he hadn’t wasted too much time, he…………….in his examination.
a. would fail b. wouldn’t fail c. wouldn’t have failed. d. won’t fail.
26. If I had taken that English course, I ………..much progress.
a. had made b. would have made c. made d. would make.
27. If I were in your place, I ……….a trip to England.
a. will make b. had made c. made. d. would make.
28. If I ………….. you , I’d save some of your lottery winning.
a. be b. were c. am d. was
29. If the car ……….. larger, we would have bought it.
a. had been b. have been c. has been d. been
30. If I had enough money, I ……… abroad to improve my English.
a. will go b. should go c. would go d. should have go to
Exercise 9: Rewrite the following sentences:
1. He can’t go out because he has to study for his exam.
=> If…………………………………………………..
2. She is lazy so she can’t pass the exam.
3. He will pay me tonight; I will have enough money to buy a car.
=> If…………………………………………………………….
4. He smokes too much; that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough.
=> If……………………………………………………………..
5. She is very shy, so she doesn’t enjoy the party.
=> If……………………………………………………………..
6. I will get a work permit. I will stay for another month.
=> If……………………………………………………………..
7. He doesn’t take any exercises. He is so unhealthy
=> If……………………………………………………………….
8. We can’t get the ticket because I don’t have the right change.
=> If………………………………………………………………..
9. Study hard or you won’t pass the exam.
=> If…………………………………………………………………..
10. Don’t be impatient or you will make mistakes.
=> If……………………………………………………………………..
11. I didn’t eat lunch, I feel hungry now.
=> If I…………..………………………………….
12. I only come if they invite me.
=> unless……………………………………………….
13. He didn’t revise all his lessons, he failed the exam.
=> If he………………………………………………………..
14. The park is over there, only 5 minutes’ walk.
=> If you walk……………………………………………….
15. Leave me alone or I’ll call the police.
16. If you arrive at the office earlier than I do, please turn on the air-conditioner.
=> Should……………………………………………………………………………….
17. The children don’t go to school in the snowy weather.
=> If it ………………………………………………………………………………
18. He died so young; otherwise, he would be a famous musician by now.
=>Had ………………………………………………………………………………
19. You must tell me the whole truth or I won’t help you.
=> Unless………………………………………………………………………………
20. The car breaks down so often because you don’t take good care of it.
=> Were I………………………………………………………………………………
Exercise 10:3 One of the four underlined parts marked A, B, C, D in each sentence is not correct in
standard English. Identify them.
1. If we will reduce the speed of population growth, there will be less pressure on the earth.
A b c d
2. Unless we leave a bowl of water under the sun, it will evaporate.
A b c d
3. If we continue to use fuels at the current rate, we would soon have to face a fuel crisis.
A b c d
4. If I am 10 centimeters taller, I would play basketball.
A b c d
5. If the doctors could find in the remedy, a lot of people would be saved.
A b c d
6. If she bought that house now, she ran out of money.
A b c d
7. What you would do if you could speak French well?
A b c d
8. If I had known he is not at home, I wouldn’t have gone all the way to his house.
A b c d
9. If I had known that the road were flooded, I would never have taken that way.
A b c d
10. If I were you, I will go to the dentist’s and have the tooth checked.
a b c d
Exercise 11: Rewrite the following sentences
1. We can’t go out because he has to study for his exam. => If…………………………………………
2. She is lazy so she can’t pass the exam. =>
3. He will pay me tonight; I will have enough money to buy a car. =>
4. He smokes too much; that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough. =>
5. She is very shy, so she doesn’t enjoy the party. => If…………………………………………
6. He doesn’t take any exercises. He is so unhealthy => If…………………………………………
7. Study hard or you won’t pass the exam. => If…………………………………………
8. Don’t be impatient or you will make mistakes. => If…………………………………………
9. I didn’t eat lunch, I feel hungry now. => If I…………..
10. If you want my advice, I wouldn’t buy it => If I …………
11. I only come if they invite me. =>
12. He didn’t revise all his lessons, he failed the exam. => If he…………………………………………
20. Leave me alone or I’ll call the police. => Unless…………………………………………………………….
Exercise 12: One of the four underlined parts marked A, B, C, D in each sentence
is not correct in standard English. Identify them.
1. If we will reduce the speed of population growth, there will be less pressure on the earth.
2. Unless we leave a bowl of water under the sun, it will evaporate.
3. If we continue to use fuels at the current rate, we would soon have to face a fuel crisis.
4. If I am 10 centimeters taller, I would play basketball.
5. If the doctors could find in the remedy, a lot of people would be saved.
6. If she bought that house now, she ran out of money.
7. What you would do if you could speak French well?
8. If I had known he is not at home, I wouldn’t have gone all the way to his house.
9. If I had known that the road were flooded, I would never have taken that way.
10. If I were you, I will go to the dentist’s and have the tooth checked.
Exercise 13: Gạch chân dưới đáp án đúng:
1) If that hat costs much, I (would have bought/will buy/bought/would buy) a small one.
2) If you (drive/drove/had driven/driven) more carefully, you wouldn’t have had so many accidents.
3) If I (make/makes/made/had made) that mistake again, my teacher will get angry with me.
4) If I spoke English, my job (was/were/will be/would be) a lot easier.
5) If he (goes/went/had gone/would go) to London yesterday, he (met/would meet/had met/would have met) his
old friend.
6) I will lend them some money if they (ask/will ask/asked/had asked) me.
7) If we had known who he was, we (would have invited/have invited/will invite/would invite) him to speak at our
8) My dog will bark if it (hear/hears/heard/had heard) any strange sound.
9) If I (had/had had/will have/have) enough money, I would buy a house.
10) They (won’t let/not let/wouldn’t let/hadn’t let) you in if you come late.
11) If you (not go/don’t go/hadn’t gone/didn’t go) away, I’ll send for a policeman.
12) If I (were/am/be/was) in your place, I would accept Mr. Anderson’s invitation.
13) If I (win/had won/won/winning) a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job.
14) If I (is/am/was/were) you, I (will tell/told/would tell/would have told) the truth.
15) I was busy. If I (have/had/had had/have had) free time. I (would go/will go/would have gone/go) to the cinema
with you.
16) Why didn’t you attend the meeting?
Oh, I did not know. If I (know/knew/had known/known) I (would come/would have come/will come/had come)
17) What (would/will/did/had) we do if they do not come tomorrow?
18) If I had enough time now, I (would write/write/will write/wrote) to my parents.
19) It’s too bad Helen isn’t here. If she (is/was/were/are) here, she (will know/knows/would know/would have
known) what to do.
20) If I don’t eat breakfast tomorrow morning, I (will get/got/would get/had got) hungry during class.
21) If she (come/comes/came/had come) late again, she’ll lose her job.
22) I’ll let you know if I (find/finds/found/had found) out what’s happening.
23) If we (live/lived/would live/had lived) in a town, life would be better.
24) I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we (arrive/arriving/arrived/had arrived) early.
25) We (will phone/would phone/phoned/had phoned) you if we have time.
26) If I won the lottery, I (gave/had given/will give/would give) you half the money.
27) It (will/would/can/may) be a pity if she married Fred.
28) If I’m free on Saturday, I (to go/could go/went/can go) to the mountains.
29) She (will has/had/will have/have) a nervous breakdown if she goes on like this.
30) I know I’ll feel better if I (will stop/stopped/stop/had stopped) smoking.
31) If I (am/were/will be/had been) you, I would help him.
32) I could have understood him if he (speaks/spoke/had spoken/would speak) more slowly.
33) He didn’t listen to the teacher. If he (listens/listened/has listened/had listened) carefully, he (will
performed/would perform/would have performed/had performed) well in the examination.
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Preview text:

1. Types of conditional sentences
- Type 1: Diễn tả những sự việc, điều kiện có thể xảy ra được ở hiện tại và tương lai. (Future Real Condition)
- Type 2: Diễn tả những sự việc, điều kiện không có thật hay không thể xảy ra được ở hiện tại và tương lai. (Present Unreal Condition).
- Type 3: Diễn tả những sự việc, điều kiện không có thật hay không thể xảy ra được ở quá khứ. (Past Unreal Condition) TYPE IF – CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE 1
Present: S + V-s/es + …. S + will/can/may + V …. 2
Past subjunctive: S + V-ed/were
S + would/could/might + V ….. 3 Past perfect: S + had + PP.2
S + would/could/might + have + PP.2 …..
* Note 1: Ngoài ra còn có sự kết hợp giữa câu đk loại 2 và 3 tùy theo thời của V trong các mệnh đề gốc
+ If – clause ở loại 3, Main - Clause ở loại 2 Ex:
You worked too hard yesterday, so you are tired now.
If you hadn’t worked too hard yesterday, you wouldn’t be tired now. 🡪
* Note 2: Chúng ta cũng có những mẫu câu đk không chuẩn, phụ thuộc vào thời của V trong các mệnh đề gốc Ex:
She didn’t answer the phone because she was studying.
🡪 She would have answered the phone if she hadn’t been studying.
* Note 3: Chúng ta dùng If để chỉ khả năng có thể của V trong If – Clause.
Dùng When thay cho If để chỉ sự chắc chắn của V trong If – Clause.
Dùng Should thay cho If để chỉ sự kém chắc chắn của V trong If – Clause. Ex:
If I have free time this weekend, I will visit them. (I’m not sure if I am free or not)
When I have free time this weekend, I will visit them. (I’m surely free)

2. Habitual Conditional Sentence
- Trong câu Điều kiện loại 1, nếu Main – Clause diễn tả thói quen hoặc sự thật thì ta không dùng Simple Future
mà thay vào đó ta dùng Simple Present. Ex:
Ann usually walks to school if she has enough time.
I always get up late in the morning if I have nothing to do.
3. Conditional Sentence and Command Form
- Sự kết hợp giữa câu đk và câu mệnh lệnh thường xảy ra với câu đk loại 1 If + V-s/es + O, V + O V + O + if + S + Vs/es + O Command Form Ex:
If you go to the post-office, please send this letter for me.
Please send this letter for me if you go to the post-office.
4. Unless : Trừ phi, nếu …không
- Unless = If …… not Ex:
If you don’t study more, you will get bad marks.
Unless you study more, you will get bad marks. 🡪
* Note: Khi chuyển 1 câu đk dùng If thành câu đk dùng Unless, ta cần chú ý:
+ If – Clause ở thể phủ định thì chuyển thành khẳng định. Main – Clause không biến đổi.
+ If – Clause ở thể khẳng định thì ta chỉ việc thay If = Unless, và biến đổi Main – Clause thành thể ngược lại. Ex:
If we don’t protect the animals, they will die out.
Unless we protect the animals, they will die out. 🡪
If I have time, I will help you.
Unless I have time, I won’t help you. 🡪
5. Conditional sentences without “If” or “Unless”
- Câu điều kiện không có “If/Unless” xảy ra trong trường hợp câu điều kiện loại 1 có sử dụng should trong mệnh
đề điều kiện. Có thể bỏ If/Unless đi và đảo Should lên trước S trong mệnh đề điều kiện. Ex:
If I should meet her tonight, I will invite her a cup of champagne.
Should I meet her tonight, I will invite her a cup of champagne.
- Trường hợp này cũng xảy ra với câu điều kiện loại 2 có sử dụng
trong mệnh đề điều kiện. Có thể bỏ Were
If/Unless đi và đảo Were lên trước S trong mệnh đề điều kiện. Ex:
He isn’t tall, so he can’t reach the book.
Were he taller, he could have reached the book.
- Trường hợp này còn xảy ra với câu điều kiện loại 3 có sử dụng Had trong mệnh đề điều kiện. Có thể bỏ
If/Unless đi và đảo Had lên trước S trong mệnh đề điều kiện. Ex:
If we had hurried, we wouldn’t have missed the match.
Had we hurried, we wouldn’t missed the match.
* Không được làm như vậy với các V khác.
* We use the form to emphasize the meaning of the conditional clause of the sentence.
6. Other forms of Conditional Sentences
Câu điều kiện cũng có thể bắt đầu bằng: + Provided/Providing that: Giả sử rằng + On condition that: Với điều kiện là + Suppose/Supposing that: Giả sử như + In case: Trong trường hợp + Even if: Ngay cả khi, dù cho + So/As long as: Miễn là + Only if: Chỉ khi + Otherwise; Nếu không + Or: Hoặc là + Without: Nếu không + But for: Nếu không
Conditional sentences: type I - Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. If I see him I (give) him a lift. 1...........................
2. If he (eat) all that he will be ill 2.............................
3. Someone (steal) your car if you leave it unlocked. 3..........................
4. If he (wash) my car I'll give him $10.
5. If she (need) a radio she can borrow mine. 5.............................
6. If you (not go) away I'll send for the police.
7. I'll be very angry if he (make) any more mistakes. 7............................
8. If he (be) late we'll go without him. 8............................
9. If we leave the car here it (not be) in anybody's way. 9............................
10. He'll be late for the train if he (not start) at once. 10........................
11. If you come late they (not let) you in. 11.........................
12. If he (go) on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says. 12.........................
13. If he (work) hard today can he have a holiday tomorrow? 13...........................
14. If you (not like) this one I'll bring you another. 14.........................
15. Unless you are more careful you (have) an accident. 15..........................
Conditional sentences: type 2 - Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. If I (know) his address I'd give it to you. 1...........................
2. If he worked more slowly he (not make) so many mistakes. 2.............................
3. I shouldn't drink that wine if I (be) you. 3..........................
4 More tourists would come to this country if it (have) a better climate.
5. If I were sent to prison you (visit) me? 5.............................
6 If you drove your car into the river you (be able) to get out?
7 He might get fat if he (stop) smoking. 7............................
8 If he knew that it was dangerous he (not come). 8............................
9 If she (do) her hair differently she might look quite nice. 9............................
10 If we had more rain our crops (grow) faster. 10........................
11. I (offer) to help if I thought I'd be any use. ' 11.........................
12. If you (paint) the walls white the room would be much brighter. 12.........................
13. If you knew you had only six weeks to live how you (spend) those six weeks? 13...........................
14. You wouldn't have so much trouble with your car if you (have) it serviced regularly. 14.........................
15.I would give her a lift if I ( be ) you. 15.......................... 
Conditional sentences: mixed types  - Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. What (happen) if I press this button? 1...........................
2. If you go to Paris where you (stay)? 2.............................
3. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)? 3..........................
4. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) thick.
5. If the milkman (come), tell him to leave two bottles. 5.............................
6. Someone (sit) on your glasses if you leave them there.
7. Unless they turn that radio off I (go) mad. 7............................
8. We'll have a long way to walk if we (run) out of petrol here. 8............................
9. I'll probably get lost unless he (come) with me. 9............................
10. You (not have) so many accidents if you drove more slowly. 10........................
11. If she (leave) the fish there the cat will get it. 11.........................
12. If they (hang) that picture lower people would be able to see it. 12.........................
13. She (be able) to walk faster if her shoes hadn't such high heels. 13...........................
14. You (not be) any use to me unless you learn to type. 14.........................
15. If he were in he (answer) the phone. 15.......................... Sentence transformations
Conditional sentences: type 1 & 2 - Rewrite these sentences, using an if construction.
1/ My brother will have enough money. He will buy a bicycle.
🡪If .......................................................................................................................................
2/ I’ll buy a new hat. I’ll give it to you.
🡪If .....................................................................................................................................
3/ You’ll ask the teacher. He’ll explain the lesson to you.
4.Work hard or you will fail your exam.
5.Hurry up or you will be late.
6. I can't drive so we can't take the car.
🡪If ..........................................................................................................................................
7. I haven't much time so I read very little.
🡪If ..........................................................................................................................................
8. They don't clean the windows so the rooms look rather dark.
🡪If ..........................................................................................................................................
9. He doesn't work overtime, so he doesn't earn as much as I do.
🡪If ..........................................................................................................................................
10. He doesn't take any exercise; that's why he is so unhealthy.
🡪If .......................................................................................................................................... Exercise 2 :
Comment on these situations. Use a type 2 conditional .
1. Alan always overeats at lunch because he never eats breakfast.
If Alan cite breakfast, he wouldn't overeat at lunch.
2. I don't know enough about the machine, so I can't mend it myself.
3. I don't ride the bus to work every morning because it's always so crowded.
4. Not enough money is spent on cancer research, so a prevention has not been found.
5. The wind is blowing hard. so I won't take the boat out for a ride.
6. Nick can't find the way because he hasn't got a map.
7. Schroeder ignores Lucy. so she gets angry at him.
8. I can't look the word up because I haven't got a dictionary.
9. Linus is smart, so he finds clever solutions to life's problems.
10. We don't visit our parents very often because they live so far away.
Exercise 3: Complete these conversations. Put
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
1. If I see him , I _____ (give ) him a gift.
2. If I had a typewriter, I _____ (type) it myself.
3. If I had known that you were in hospital, I _____ (visit) you.
4. You could make better progress if you _____ (attend) class regularly.
5. If I _____ (know) his telephone number, I’d give it to you.
6. If you _____ (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
7. If he worked more slowly, he _____ (not make) so many mistakes.
8. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I _____ (be) you.
9. If I _____ (find) a cheap room, I will stay a fortnight.
10. A lot of people _____ (be) out of work if the factory closed down.
Exercise 3: Use UNLESS instead of IF EX: If you do not study
hard, you will fail the exam.
Unless you study hard , you will fail the exam
1. If you do not like this one, I’ll bring you another
2. If she does not hurry, she’ll be late
Unless ……………………………………………….
3. If you are not careful, you’ll cut yourself
Unless ……………………………………………………
4. if you had not sneezed, he wouldn’t have known that we were there.
Unless ……………………………………………………
Exercise 4: One of the four underlined parts marked A, B, C, D in each sentence is not correct in standard English. Identify them.
1. If Lucia had been here now, she would find out the truth about her uncle’s accident. A B C D 2. If
a student takes a course on Computer Science, it will take him four years doing the course. A B C D 3. Unless
it did not rain, Peter would pay us a visit. A B C D
4. If had I known you were in financial difficulty, I would have helped you. A B C D 5. If
I had knew the time when the match started, I would have told you. A B C D
6. If she had finished the work, she can go home. A B C D
7. If I had spoken more confident at the interview, they would have offered me the job. A B C D 8. If
we had had a map, we would not be lost yesterday. A B C D 9. Had I known
Alice’s address, I would write to her. A B C D
10. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red, I would stop. A B C D
11. If had you sent the application form to that company, you would have been offered a job. A B C D
12. He spends money carelessly as if he was a millionaire. A B C D 13. Unless
you work harder, you will be sack because of your laziness. A B C D 14. Unless
there had been the heavy storm, the climbers will not have died. A B C D
15. She has found that nobody can help her if she did not try her best to do it herself. A B C D
Exercise 6: Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.
1. _____have enough apples, she’ll make an apple pie this afternoon. A.Should she B. If she C. Will she D. Unless she
2. If you_____to me, you wouldn’t have got so much trouble. A. listened
B. would listen C. had listened D. Would have listened
3. If you don’t know how to spell a word, you_____ look it up in the dictionary. A. must B. will C. should D. ought
4. If the sun _____, we _____for a walk. A. shines / will go B. shone / will go C. shone / would go D. had shone / would go
5. The campfire _____ if it _____ last night.
A. wouldn’t be cancelled / hadn’t rained
B. wouldn’t have been cancelled / hadn’t rained
C. would have been cancelled / hadn’t rained D. will be cancelled / rains
6. But for our parents, we _____ successful in life. A. will never be B. would never be C. wouldn’t have be D. would have never been
7. If I _____ my wallet at home this morning, I _____ money for lunch now. A. leave / will have B. didn’t leave / would have C. hadn’t left / would have
D. hadn’t left / would have had
8. It is too bad, Lam isn’t here. If he _____ here, he _____ what to do. A. were / would know B. is / will know C. had been / would have known D. was / would know
9. If we _____ the plans carefully, we would not have had so many serious mistakes. A. study B. had studied C. studied D. were studying
10. I will never talk to you again _____ you apologize me _____ your being rude. A. if / for B. unless / for C. or / of D. whether / or
11. _____ if you work harder, you will be sacked. A. Whether B. If C. However D. Unless
12. I think you should stop smoking.
A. If I am you, I will stop smoking. B. If I were you, I will stop smoking.
C. If I were you, I would stop smoking.
D. If I had been you, I would stop smoking.
13. If you take the ice out of the fridge, it _____. A. vaporizes B. melts C. heats D. disappears
14. We should do something to protect water from being polluted _____we will have nothing to drink in the future. A. if B. whether C. or D. unless
15. Let’s knock on their door to see _____ home. A. if they’re B. unless they’re C. whether they were D. if they were
16. Unless we _____ more snow, we can’t go skiing. A. will have B. have C. have had D. had
17. You’ll fail the exam _____ you start revising. A. if B. until C. when D. unless
18. Unless you wash the car, you _____ not drive it at the weekend. A. would B. could C. have to D. may
19. If Peter _____ his car before the drive, he _____ the problem of out of petrol. A. checked / will not get
B. had checked / would not have got C. checks / will not have got
D. would be checking / will not have got
20. He stepped on the mine, and it exploded.
A. If he doesn’t step on the mine, it doesn’t explode.
B. If he doesn’t step on the mine, it won’t explode.
C. If he didn’t step on the mine, it wouldn’t explode.
D. If he hadn’t stepped on the mine, it wouldn’t have exploded.
21. In my experiments, the liquid is cooled to 32ºF. It always freezes.
A. If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it froze.
B. If you cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would freeze.
C. If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it will freeze.
D. If you had cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would have frozen.
22. It may rain this afternoon. I hope it doesn’t because I don’t want the match to be cancelled.
A. If it rains, the match is cancelled.
B. If it rains, the match will be cancelled.
C. if it rained, the match would be cancelled.
D. If it had rained, the match would have been cancelled.
23. Unfortunately, I don’t know Philosophy, so I can’t answer your question.
A. If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question.
B. If I know Philosophy, I will be able to answer your question.
C. If I knew Philosophy, I would be able to answer your question.
D. If I had known Philosophy, I would have been able to answer your question.
24. _____ there are some more ideas, we can end the meeting now. A. If B. As if C. Unless D. In case
25. If he _____ with us now, he _____ the beauty of nature of the National Park.
A. is / can enjoyB. was / will enjoy C. has been / would enjoy D. were / could enjoy
26. If they had searched more carefully, they…the watch sooner. A. will find B. would find C. found D. would have found
27. If I had got up early, I _____ to have breakfast now. A. have B.I had C. would have D. would have had
28. I cannot buy a new computer _____ I save enough money. A. if B. even if C. unless D. as if
29. Most people you meet will be polite to you _____. A. if you are polite to them
B. if you will be polite to them
C. unless you are polite to them D. if you were polite to them
30. If you do so, it _____ the matter worse.
A. makes only B. would only make C. will only make D. had only made
31. You _____ English fluently unless you practice it every day. A. will speak B. will not speak C. can speak D. did not speak
32. Hurry up _____ you will miss the bus and be late for school. A. if B. and C. or D. as
33. You will get a good seat if you _____ first. A. come B. came C. have come D. will come
34. Sam will not graduate_____. A. if he passed all the tests
B. if he does not pass all the tests.
C. unless he passes all the tests
D. unless he had passed all the tests.
35. If I had time, I would go with you.
A.I am free and surely go with you.
B.I am too busy to go with you.
C. I will go with you because I have time.
D. I am free enough to go with you.
36. If Margaret hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she…. Injured. A. has been B. would has been C. would be D. would have been
37. If I _____ the rain yesterday, I_____ ill.
A. had not caught / would have beenB. had not caught / would have not been C. have not caught / were not
D. have not caught / would have been
38. He looked frightened as if he _____ a ghost. A. sees B. is seeing C. has seen D. had seen
39. What _____if there _____ a serious nuclear accident. A. will happen / was B. happens / were C. would happen / were D. would happen / had been
Exercise 7: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
1. If I (know)…………………………. that you were ill, I (go)……………………… to see you.
2. If she'd had enough money, She (buy) …………………………… a car.
3. I (buy) ……………………………………….. a car If you lend me some money.
4. I (see) …………………………… him if I (go) …………………………. to the party last night.
5. We could have gone out if the weather (not be)……………………………………… so bad.
6. If the book (not be )…………………………… expensive, I'll buy it.
7. You would be very surprised if he (return)………………………………
8. I'll go out if it (not rain)……………………………….
9. They wouldn't come to the party if you (not invite) …………………………………..them
10. What ……………………………… you (do) ……………………. if you (be) ………………….. him?
11. If that hat costs much, I (buy) ……………………………. a small one.
12. If you (drive) ……………………...more carefully, you (have) ………………………… so many accidents.
13. If I (make) …………………………….. that mistake again, my teacher (get) ……………………… angry with me.
14. If I spoke English, my job (be) …………………………….. a lot easier.
15. If he (go) ……………………………….. to London yesterday, he ( meet) ………………………………. his old friend.
16. I will lend them some money if they (ask) …………………………….. me.
17. If we had known who he was, we (invite) ………………………….. him to speak at our meeting.
18. My dog (bark) …………………………… if it (hear) ………………………….. any strange sound.
19. If I (have) ………………………….. enough money, I would buy a house.
20. They (not/let) …………………………… you in if you (come) late.
21. If you (not go) ……………………………….. away, I (send) ……………………………… for a policeman.
22. If I (be) ………………………………… in your place, I (accept) …………………… Mr. Anderson’s invitation.
23. If I (win) ……………………………. a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job.
24. If I (be) ……………………………….. you, I (tell) …………………………… the truth.
25. I was busy. If I (have) ………………………… time. I (go) ……………………………. to the cinema with you.
26. Why didn’t you attend the meeting?
Oh, I did not know. If I (know)……………………… I (come) ……………………..there.
27. What ……………….we(do)……………………… if they do not come tomorrow?
28. If I had enough time now, I (write) ………………………………. to my parents.
29. It’s too bad Helen isn’t here. If she (be) ………………………….. here, she (know) …………………..what to do.
30. If I (eat) …………………………… breakfast tomorrow morning, I (get) …………………………. hungry during class.
31. If she (come) ……………………………….. late again, she (lose) ……………………………her job.
32. I (let) ……………………………. you know if I (find) ……………………………………. out what’s happening.
33. If we (live) ………………………………. in a town, life would be better.
34. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we (arrive) ……………………………. early.
35. We (phone) ……………………………………. you if we have time.
36. If I won the lottery, I (give) ………………………………. you half the money.
37. It (be) …………………………………….. a pity if she married Fred
38. If I’m free on Saturday, I (go) ………………………….. to the mountains.
39. She (have) …………………………….. a nervous breakdown if she goes on like this.
40. I know I (feel) better if I (stop) …………………… smoking.
41. If I (be) …………………… you, I (help) ………………………… him.
42. I (understand)…………………………………….. him if he (speak) …………………………….. more slowly.
43. He didn’t listen to the teacher. If he (listen) ………………………….. carefully, he (perform)
…………………… well in the examination
44. He’s waiting for his mother to come back from Chicago. If his mother (come) ………………………….
home, he (have) ……………………………………. a lot of presents.
45. He wanted to buy some Christmas presents but he couldn’t. If he (afford) …………………………….. to buy,
his children (be) ……………………………. very happy to greet a new year.
46. The kitchen will look better if we (have) ………………………………….. red curtains.
47. If I knew his address, I (go) ……………………….. round and see him.
48. If you (not be) ……………………. so busy, I (show) ………………………… you how to play.
49. It (be) ………………………………… quicker if you (use) a computer.
50. If we (have) ………………………………….. some eggs, I (make) ………………………………… you a cake.
51. Bring him another if he (not/like) ……………………………….. this one.
52. She (be) …………………………. angry if she (hear) …………………………. this tomorrow.
53. Unless you are more careful, you (have) …………………………….. an accident.
54. If you (like), I (get) …………………………………. you a job in this company.
55. If grandmother (be) ……………………….. 5 years younger, she (play) ………………………… some games.
56. If he sun (stop) …………………………… shinning, there (be) ………………………………………… no light on earth.
57. If I (be) ………………………………… a millionaire, I (live) ……………………. on Mars.
Exercise 8: Choose the best answer:
1. If I ……….a lot of money now, I …………..a new car. A. have /will buy B. have / would buy
C. had/ will buyD. had/ would buy.
2. If I ……………you, I …………….do that. A. am/ will B. were /would C. were/ will D. had been/ would.
3. if I were offered the job, I think I ………. it. A. take B. will take C. would take D. would have taken.
4. I would be very surprised if he…………….. A. refuses B. refused C. had refused D. would refuse.
5. Many people would be out of work if that factory………..down. A. closes B. had closed C. closed D. would close.
6. If she sold her car, she ………… much money. A. gets b. would get c. will get d. would have got.
7. They would be disappointed if we……………. a. hadn’t come b. wouldn’t come c. don’t come d. didn’t come.
8. Would John be angry if I ……. ……his bicycle without asking? a. take b. took c. had taken d. would take.
9. She ……….terrible upset if I lost this ring. a. will be b. would be c. were d. had been.
10. If someone…………in here with a gun, I would be very frightened. a. would walk b. walks c. had walked d. walked.
11. What would happen if you …………… work tomorrow? a. don’t go b. didn’t go c. won’t go d. wouldn’t go.
12. We ‘ll get wet if we ………….out. a. go b. did go c. went d. had gone.
13. If I go shopping, I ………some food. a. buy b. will buy c. would buy d. would have bought.
14. If I find it, I ………you. a. will tell b. would tell c. had told d. told.
15. What would you do if you……………a million dollars? a. would win b. win c. had won d. won.
16. They ‘d be hurt if I ………………. a. don’t go b. didn’t go c. hadn’t gone d. wouldn’t go.
17. If we took the 6: 30 train, we…………too early. a. would have arrived b. arrived c. will arrived d. would arrive.
18. If I had known you were in hospital, I …………to see you. a. will go b. would go c. went d. would have gone.
19. If I …………., I would have said hello. a. had seen b. see c. saw d. would see.
20. I…………..out if I hadn’t been so tired. a. will go b. went c. would have gone d. would go.
21. If I ………..a camera, I would have taken some pictures. a. have b. had c. would have d. had had.
22. You won’t pass the examination……………you study more. a. as long as b. unless c. if d. whether.
23. If only I …………you wanted to invest money in business. a. had known b. knew c. have known d. know.
24. If I were to leave my country , I ……………disappointed.
a. probably be b. would have been c. will be d. would be.
25. If he hadn’t wasted too much time, he…………….in his examination. a. would fail
b. wouldn’t fail c. wouldn’t have failed. d. won’t fail.
26. If I had taken that English course, I ………..much progress. a. had made b. would have made c. made d. would make.
27. If I were in your place, I ……….a trip to England. a. will make b. had made c. made. d. would make.
28. If I ………….. you , I’d save some of your lottery winning. a. be b. were c. am d. was
29. If the car ……….. larger, we would have bought it. a. had been b. have been c. has been d. been
30. If I had enough money, I ……… abroad to improve my English. a. will go b. should go c. would go d. should have go to
Exercise 9: Rewrite the following sentences:
1. He can’t go out because he has to study for his exam.
=> If…………………………………………………..
2. She is lazy so she can’t pass the exam.
3. He will pay me tonight; I will have enough money to buy a car.
=> If…………………………………………………………….
4. He smokes too much; that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough.
=> If……………………………………………………………..
5. She is very shy, so she doesn’t enjoy the party.
=> If……………………………………………………………..
6. I will get a work permit. I will stay for another month.
=> If……………………………………………………………..
7. He doesn’t take any exercises. He is so unhealthy
=> If……………………………………………………………….
8. We can’t get the ticket because I don’t have the right change.
=> If………………………………………………………………..
9. Study hard or you won’t pass the exam.
=> If…………………………………………………………………..
10. Don’t be impatient or you will make mistakes.
=> If……………………………………………………………………..
11. I didn’t eat lunch, I feel hungry now.
=> If I…………..………………………………….
12. I only come if they invite me.
=> unless……………………………………………….
13. He didn’t revise all his lessons, he failed the exam.
=> If he………………………………………………………..
14. The park is over there, only 5 minutes’ walk.
=> If you walk……………………………………………….
15. Leave me alone or I’ll call the police.
16. If you arrive at the office earlier than I do, please turn on the air-conditioner.
=> Should……………………………………………………………………………….
17. The children don’t go to school in the snowy weather.
=> If it ………………………………………………………………………………
18. He died so young; otherwise, he would be a famous musician by now.
=>Had ………………………………………………………………………………
19. You must tell me the whole truth or I won’t help you.
=> Unless………………………………………………………………………………
20. The car breaks down so often because you don’t take good care of it.
=> Were I………………………………………………………………………………
Exercise 10:3 One of the four underlined parts marked A, B, C, D in each sentence is not correct in
standard English. Identify them.
1. If we will reduce the speed of population growth, there will be less pressure on the earth. A b c d
2. Unless we leave a bowl of water under the sun, it will evaporate. A b c d
3. If we continue to use fuels at the current rate, we would soon have to face a fuel crisis. A b c d
4. If I am 10 centimeters taller, I would play basketball. A b c d
5. If the doctors could find in the remedy, a lot of people would be saved. A b c d
6. If she bought that house now, she ran out of money. A b c d
7. What you would do if you could speak French well? A b c d
8. If I had known he is not at home, I wouldn’t have gone all the way to his house. A b c d
9. If I had known that the road were flooded, I would never have taken that way. A b c d
10. If I were you, I will go to the dentist’s and have the tooth checked. a b c d
Exercise 11: Rewrite the following sentences
1. We can’t go out because he has to study for his exam. => If………………………………………… ………..
2. She is lazy so she can’t pass the exam. =>
3. He will pay me tonight; I will have enough money to buy a car. =>
4. He smokes too much; that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough. =>
5. She is very shy, so she doesn’t enjoy the party. => If………………………………………… ……………….
6. He doesn’t take any exercises. He is so unhealthy => If………………………………………… …………….
7. Study hard or you won’t pass the exam. => If………………………………………… ………………………..
8. Don’t be impatient or you will make mistakes. => If………………………………………… ……………….
9. I didn’t eat lunch, I feel hungry now. => If I…………..
10. If you want my advice, I wouldn’t buy it => If I …………
11. I only come if they invite me. =>
12. He didn’t revise all his lessons, he failed the exam. => If he………………………………………… ………..
20. Leave me alone or I’ll call the police. => Unless…………………………………………………………….
Exercise 12: One of the four underlined parts marked A, B, C, D in each sentence
is not correct in standard English. Identify them.
1. If we will reduce the speed of population growth, there will be less pressure on the earth.
2. Unless we leave a bowl of water under the sun, it will evaporate.
3. If we continue to use fuels at the current rate, we would soon have to face a fuel crisis.
4. If I am 10 centimeters taller, I would play basketball.
5. If the doctors could find in the remedy, a lot of people would be saved.
6. If she bought that house now, she ran out of money.
7. What you would do if you could speak French well?
8. If I had known he is not at home, I wouldn’t have gone all the way to his house.
9. If I had known that the road were flooded, I would never have taken that way.
10. If I were you, I will go to the dentist’s and have the tooth checked.
Exercise 13: Gạch chân dưới đáp án đúng:
1) If that hat costs much, I (would have bought/will buy/bought/would buy) a small one.
2) If you (drive/drove/had driven/driven) more carefully, you wouldn’t have had so many accidents.
3) If I (make/makes/made/had made) that mistake again, my teacher will get angry with me.
4) If I spoke English, my job (was/were/will be/would be) a lot easier.
5) If he (goes/went/had gone/would go) to London yesterday, he (met/would meet/had met/would have met) his old friend.
6) I will lend them some money if they (ask/will ask/asked/had asked) me.
7) If we had known who he was, we (would have invited/have invited/will invite/would invite) him to speak at our meeting.
8) My dog will bark if it (hear/hears/heard/had heard) any strange sound.
9) If I (had/had had/will have/have) enough money, I would buy a house.
10) They (won’t let/not let/wouldn’t let/hadn’t let) you in if you come late.
11) If you (not go/don’t go/hadn’t gone/didn’t go) away, I’ll send for a policeman.
12) If I (were/am/be/was) in your place, I would accept Mr. Anderson’s invitation.
13) If I (win/had won/won/winning) a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job.
14) If I (is/am/was/were) you, I (will tell/told/would tell/would have told) the truth.
15) I was busy. If I (have/had/had had/have had) free time. I (would go/will go/would have gone/go) to the cinema with you.
16) Why didn’t you attend the meeting?
Oh, I did not know. If I (know/knew/had known/known) I (would come/would have come/will come/had come) there.
17) What (would/will/did/had) we do if they do not come tomorrow?
18) If I had enough time now, I (would write/write/will write/wrote) to my parents.
19) It’s too bad Helen isn’t here. If she (is/was/were/are) here, she (will know/knows/would know/would have known) what to do.
20) If I don’t eat breakfast tomorrow morning, I (will get/got/would get/had got) hungry during class.
21) If she (come/comes/came/had come) late again, she’ll lose her job.
22) I’ll let you know if I (find/finds/found/had found) out what’s happening.
23) If we (live/lived/would live/had lived) in a town, life would be better.
24) I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we (arrive/arriving/arrived/had arrived) early.
25) We (will phone/would phone/phoned/had phoned) you if we have time.
26) If I won the lottery, I (gave/had given/will give/would give) you half the money.
27) It (will/would/can/may) be a pity if she married Fred.
28) If I’m free on Saturday, I (to go/could go/went/can go) to the mountains.
29) She (will has/had/will have/have) a nervous breakdown if she goes on like this.
30) I know I’ll feel better if I (will stop/stopped/stop/had stopped) smoking.
31) If I (am/were/will be/had been) you, I would help him.
32) I could have understood him if he (speaks/spoke/had spoken/would speak) more slowly.
33) He didn’t listen to the teacher. If he (listens/listened/has listened/had listened) carefully, he (will
performed/would perform/would have performed/had performed) well in the examination.