Đề cương ôn tập môn Văn hóa Mỹ 1

Đề cương ôn tập môn Văn hóa Mỹ 1


Văn hóa Mỹ 1 1 tài liệu

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Đề cương ôn tập môn Văn hóa Mỹ 1

Đề cương ôn tập môn Văn hóa Mỹ 1

850 425 lượt tải Tải xuống
Nguyễn Thái An Châu
I. TRUE-FALSE (10 points)
1. The White House is the official home of the Senators and Representatives.
2. Americans are encouraged at an early age to be dependent and to develop their goals in
3. Each American is considered a unique individual and a high value is placed on personal
style and action.
4. "Salad bowl" is a concept used by scholars to describe the United States as a place where
various racial and ethnic groups have been combined into one culture.
5. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that blacks must separate themselves from whites, by
force if necessary, and build their own society based on values that they would create for
6. In the US, it is relatively easy to obtain a divorce.
7. The civil rights laws of the 1960s helped to bring about a significant degree of
assimilation of blacks into the larger American culture.
8. Although Americans provide a lot of financial support to people in need through charities
or governmental programs, they expect that help to be short-lived.
9. WASPs is not the dominant culture in the USA regardless of its power.
10. North-Western Europeans has as many as difficulties to assimilate into the dominant
culture as other groups of immigrants.
II. GAP-FILLING (20 points)
The government of the USA has three (1) but equal parts: Congress, the President,
and the Supreme Court. Women got the vote in 1920 and all Americans can now vote when
they are eighteen. There are some rights that all Americans have by law.
Congress (2) the laws. There are in fact two (3) of Congress: the
Senates and the House of Representatives. There are a hundred people in the Senate and they
are elected for six years. There are 435 people in the House of Representatives, and they are
elected for two years only. The states with more (4) , like California, have more
The (5) is the most important of all the people in the government. He can say “no”
to laws passed by (6) , and he chooses the (7) for the Supreme Court.
Văn hóa Mỹ 2A Page 1
Môn thi:
Chính quy
Văn hóa Mỹ 1
60 pt
The President and both houses of (8) have almost complete political (9)
from each other because they are all chosen in separate elections. To make sure
these two branches do not over use their power, a system of (10) is also
implemented along with the Constitution.
As well as the federal government in Washington D.C., each state has its own government.
III. Matching (10 points)
Match the name of the person/event with the description. Three are not used. Write the
appropriate letters in the box.
A. Martin Luther King Jr.
B. Malcolm X
C. Rosa Parks
D. George Washington
E. The Civil War
F. Alexis de Tocqueville
G. Abraham Lincoln
H. Louis Farrakhan
I. Allen Bakke
J. Thomas Jefferson
K. Allen Smith
L. The Civil Rights Movement
M. General Collin Powell
1. Civil rights activist who refused to surrender her bus seat to a white passenger, spurring
the Montgomery boycott and other efforts to end segregation.
2. African-American leader and prominent figure in the Nation of Islam who articulated
concepts of race pride and black nationalism in the 1950s and '60s.
3. A Baptist minister and social activist, who led the Civil Rights Movement in the United
States from the mid-1950s until his death by assassination in 1968.
4. A movement that brought about relative equality to Black people in the U.S.
5. A new black Muslim leader in the ‘90s who advocated that blacks separate themselves
from the hostile white culture instead of trying to become a part of it.
6. French sociologist and political theorist (1805-1859) who traveled to the United States
in 1831 to study its prisons and returned with a wealth of broader observations that he
codified in “Democracy in America” (1835), one of the most influential books of the
19th century.
7. He was the one who was denied admission to the medical school as a result of
affirmative action, and he decided to sue.
8. The bloodiest war in the U.S history that marked the end of the slavery system in this
9. He was President Bush’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the senior military leader
in the United States.
10. He was the 16th president of the United States. He preserved the Union during the U.S.
Civil War and brought about the emancipation of slaves.
Văn hóa Mỹ 2A Page 2
1. When discussing equality in the household, which factor does not apply?
a. Men are becoming more willing to take up household duties, such as washing
dishes, taking out the trash, taking care of the children.
b. Children and parents can argue with one another.
c. Women choose to stay at home, while men choose to work.
d. Children are more likely to share their opinions without being asked to.
2. Which of these does not reflect the more recent, expressive family values that
Americans share?
a. Living up to one’s potential
b. Communicating one’s feelings
c. Respecting children
d. Respecting elders
3. Which American value does not fit the idea of organized sports?
a. Individual Freedom
b. Equal Opportunity
c. Competition
d. Hard Work
4. What event sparked the Civil Rights Movement?
a. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech
b. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s March on Washington
c. The 1964 Civil Rights Act
d. Rosa Parks sitting in the front of the bus
5. When you meet an American, what will he or she want to learn about you first?
a. What you do for a career
b. What your religion is
c. Who your parents are, the family name, what social class you come from
6. Before and while immigrants settled into America, they held three dominant values and
beliefs, which led to three new values and beliefs that pervade American culture today.
Which of the following if not one of the original three values and beliefs?
a. Self-Reliance
b. Individual Freedom
c. Material Wealth
d. Equal Opportunity
7. Which attitude reflects the value of self-reliance?
a. People often do not want to help the poor and are against seeking government
assistance with fear of seeming weak.
Văn hóa Mỹ 2A Page 3
b. People want the government to support poor, single women with children, or
“welfare mothers.”
c. People want to help the poor through community service.
d. People often do not allow their children to “leave the nest” even after they turn
18 years old because they need them help around the house.
8. Which fact reflects the reality of equal opportunity and competition?
e. Everyone is able to engage equally in competition, regardless of class and race.
f. Adults do not push their children to engage in beauty pageants or sporting
activities because they believe children are free to do what they want.
g. On average, women and people of color still earn less than white men in the
h. Even if people tend to inherit wealth and have more opportunities than others,
most people are able to win based on their mere talent.
9. Which fact reflects how difficult it is for people to truly engage in hard work to gain
material wealth?
i. When immigrants first arrived to America, they believed they could go from
“rags” to “riches” very easily.
j. Very few people believe in the American Dream.
k. As economy moves from industry-based labor to service-based labor, fewer
high-paid jobs are available.
l. All of the above
10. This document set the basic form of American Government:
a. The Three Branches of Government
b. U.S. Constitution
c. Bill of Rights
d. The Amendments
11. The process of assimilation in the United States has been much more successful for
a. white ethnic groups
b. blacks
c. Asians
d. None of the above
12. After the Civil War, African-Americans
a. were readily assimilated into the larger American culture.
b. were equally treated both in the North and the South
c. were allowed to vote in the South
d. were not allowed to vote and were legally segregated in the South.
13. Martin Luther King's goal was
a. to separate his people from American society.
b. to create a new nation for blacks within the American society.
c. to bring about greater assimilation of black people into the larger American culture.
Văn hóa Mỹ 2A Page 4
14. The civil right laws of the 1960s
a. helped to bring about a significant degree of assimilation of blacks into the larger
American culture.
b. helped to reduce the amount of white prejudice toward black people in all parts of the
c. did not make any change to the lives of black people.
d. both A and B.
15. The American people decided to have a system of divided governmental powers in
order to protect which of the following values?
a. Self-reliance
b. Material wealth
c. Individual freedom
d. None of the above
16. Although Americans will tolerate a good deal of instability in their families, including
divorce, in order to protect such values as freedom and equality; many choose to
remarry because
a. they are strongly attached to the idea of the family as the best of all lifestyles.
b. they think marriage can help them have good financial standing.
c. they do not want to be lonely.
d. all of the above.
17. In 1789, when the British colonial settlers wrote the Constitution for their new nation,
a. they did not separate church and state.
b. they allowed titles of nobility.
c. they forbade titles of nobility to ensure that an aristocratic society would not develop.
(Đề thi này gồm 7 trang, được hiệu từ trang số 1 đến trang số 7)
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Preview text:

MID-TERM EXAM 2020-2021 1 Chính quy Môn thi: Văn hóa Mỹ 1 ANH3042 2A 60 phút 2 Nguyễn Thái An Châu 19F7511044 ĐỀ THI I. TRUE-FALSE (10 points)
1. The White House is the official home of the Senators and Representatives.
2. Americans are encouraged at an early age to be dependent and to develop their goals in life.
3. Each American is considered a unique individual and a high value is placed on personal style and action.
4. "Salad bowl" is a concept used by scholars to describe the United States as a place where
various racial and ethnic groups have been combined into one culture.
5. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that blacks must separate themselves from whites, by
force if necessary, and build their own society based on values that they would create for themselves.
6. In the US, it is relatively easy to obtain a divorce.
7. The civil rights laws of the 1960s helped to bring about a significant degree of
assimilation of blacks into the larger American culture.
8. Although Americans provide a lot of financial support to people in need through charities
or governmental programs, they expect that help to be short-lived.
9. WASPs is not the dominant culture in the USA regardless of its power.
10. North-Western Europeans has as many as difficulties to assimilate into the dominant
culture as other groups of immigrants. II. GAP-FILLING (20 points)
The government of the USA has three (1)
but equal parts: Congress, the President,
and the Supreme Court. Women got the vote in 1920 and all Americans can now vote when
they are eighteen. There are some rights that all Americans have by law. Congress (2)
the laws. There are in fact two (3) “ ” of Congress: the
Senates and the House of Representatives. There are a hundred people in the Senate and they
are elected for six years. There are 435 people in the House of Representatives, and they are
elected for two years only. The states with more (4) , like California, have more representatives. The (5)
is the most important of all the people in the government. He can say “no”
to laws passed by (6) , and he chooses the (7) for the Supreme Court.
Văn hóa Mỹ 2A Page 1
The President and both houses of (8)
have almost complete political (9)
from each other because they are all chosen in separate elections. To make sure
these two branches do not over use their power, a system of (10) is also
implemented along with the Constitution.
As well as the federal government in Washington D.C., each state has its own government. III. Matching (10 points)
Match the name of the person/event with the description. Three are not used. Write the
appropriate letters in the box. A. Martin Luther King Jr. B. Malcolm X C. Rosa Parks D. George Washington E. The Civil War F. Alexis de Tocqueville G. Abraham Lincoln H. Louis Farrakhan I. Allen Bakke J. Thomas Jefferson K. Allen Smith L. The Civil Rights Movement M. General Collin Powell
1. Civil rights activist who refused to surrender her bus seat to a white passenger, spurring
the Montgomery boycott and other efforts to end segregation.
2. African-American leader and prominent figure in the Nation of Islam who articulated
concepts of race pride and black nationalism in the 1950s and '60s.
3. A Baptist minister and social activist, who led the Civil Rights Movement in the United
States from the mid-1950s until his death by assassination in 1968.
4. A movement that brought about relative equality to Black people in the U.S.
5. A new black Muslim leader in the ‘90s who advocated that blacks separate themselves
from the hostile white culture instead of trying to become a part of it.
6. French sociologist and political theorist (1805-1859) who traveled to the United States
in 1831 to study its prisons and returned with a wealth of broader observations that he
codified in “Democracy in America” (1835), one of the most influential books of the 19th century.
7. He was the one who was denied admission to the medical school as a result of
affirmative action, and he decided to sue.
8. The bloodiest war in the U.S history that marked the end of the slavery system in this country.
9. He was President Bush’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the senior military leader in the United States.
10. He was the 16th president of the United States. He preserved the Union during the U.S.
Civil War and brought about the emancipation of slaves.
Văn hóa Mỹ 2A Page 2
1. When discussing equality in the household, which factor does not apply?
a. Men are becoming more willing to take up household duties, such as washing
dishes, taking out the trash, taking care of the children.
b. Children and parents can argue with one another.
c. Women choose to stay at home, while men choose to work.
d. Children are more likely to share their opinions without being asked to.
2. Which of these does not reflect the more recent, expressive family values that Americans share?
a. Living up to one’s potential
b. Communicating one’s feelings c. Respecting children d. Respecting elders
3. Which American value does not fit the idea of organized sports? a. Individual Freedom b. Equal Opportunity c. Competition d. Hard Work
4. What event sparked the Civil Rights Movement?
a. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech
b. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s March on Washington c. The 1964 Civil Rights Act
d. Rosa Parks sitting in the front of the bus
5. When you meet an American, what will he or she want to learn about you first? a. What you do for a career b. What your religion is
c. Who your parents are, the family name, what social class you come from
6. Before and while immigrants settled into America, they held three dominant values and
beliefs, which led to three new values and beliefs that pervade American culture today.
Which of the following if not one of the original three values and beliefs? a. Self-Reliance b. Individual Freedom c. Material Wealth d. Equal Opportunity
7. Which attitude reflects the value of self-reliance?
a. People often do not want to help the poor and are against seeking government
assistance with fear of seeming weak.
Văn hóa Mỹ 2A Page 3
b. People want the government to support poor, single women with children, or “welfare mothers.”
c. People want to help the poor through community service.
d. People often do not allow their children to “leave the nest” even after they turn
18 years old because they need them help around the house.
8. Which fact reflects the reality of equal opportunity and competition?
e. Everyone is able to engage equally in competition, regardless of class and race.
f. Adults do not push their children to engage in beauty pageants or sporting
activities because they believe children are free to do what they want.
g. On average, women and people of color still earn less than white men in the workplace.
h. Even if people tend to inherit wealth and have more opportunities than others,
most people are able to win based on their mere talent.
9. Which fact reflects how difficult it is for people to truly engage in hard work to gain material wealth?
i. When immigrants first arrived to America, they believed they could go from
“rags” to “riches” very easily.
j. Very few people believe in the American Dream.
k. As economy moves from industry-based labor to service-based labor, fewer high-paid jobs are available. l. All of the above
10. This document set the basic form of American Government:
a. The Three Branches of Government b. U.S. Constitution c. Bill of Rights d. The Amendments
11. The process of assimilation in the United States has been much more successful for a. white ethnic groups b. blacks c. Asians d. None of the above
12. After the Civil War, African-Americans
a. were readily assimilated into the larger American culture.
b. were equally treated both in the North and the South
c. were allowed to vote in the South
d. were not allowed to vote and were legally segregated in the South.
13. Martin Luther King's goal was
a. to separate his people from American society.
b. to create a new nation for blacks within the American society.
c. to bring about greater assimilation of black people into the larger American culture.
Văn hóa Mỹ 2A Page 4
14. The civil right laws of the 1960s
a. helped to bring about a significant degree of assimilation of blacks into the larger American culture.
b. helped to reduce the amount of white prejudice toward black people in all parts of the country.
c. did not make any change to the lives of black people. d. both A and B.
15. The American people decided to have a system of divided governmental powers in
order to protect which of the following values? a. Self-reliance b. Material wealth c. Individual freedom d. None of the above
16. Although Americans will tolerate a good deal of instability in their families, including
divorce, in order to protect such values as freedom and equality; many choose to remarry because
a. they are strongly attached to the idea of the family as the best of all lifestyles.
b. they think marriage can help them have good financial standing.
c. they do not want to be lonely. d. all of the above.
17. In 1789, when the British colonial settlers wrote the Constitution for their new nation,
a. they did not separate church and state.
b. they allowed titles of nobility.
c. they forbade titles of nobility to ensure that an aristocratic society would not develop.
(Đề thi này gồm 7 trang, được hiệu từ trang số 1 đến trang số 7) NGƯỜI DUYỆT ĐỀ NGƯỜI RA ĐỀ
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