Đề luyện tập thi chuyên Tiếng Anh số 1

Đề luyện tập thi chuyên Tiếng Anh số 1 được biên soạn dưới dạng file PDF cho các bạn tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Page 1 of 8
I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence from 1 to 24.
1. Films are a major ........................................ of entertainment although some kinds of film, such as
documentary, don‟t have entertainment as their primary purpose.
A. status B. form C. origin D. prospect
2. The discovery will help scientists ................................... the mystery of the Ice Age.
A. discover B. unravel C. figure D. open
3. You will have to work hard to .................................. your aim.
A. accomplish B. complete C. achieve D. obtain
4. Translators do not yet .................................... computers as a threat to their livelihood.
A. receive B. deceive C. perceive D. conceive
5. Only after food has been dried or canned ...........................................
A. it should be stored for future use. B. that it should be stored for future use.
C. should it be stored for future use. D. should it store for future use.
6. The new bridge has been finished two years ......................................
A. in the footsteps B. ahead of schedule C. on the wrong track D. off the beaten track
7. Somebody is entering the garden, ....................................... ?
A. isn‟t it B. are they C. shall we D. aren‟t they
8. It was a fine hotel. There were dozens of maids and waiters ...............................
A. on tenterhooks B. against all odds C. in the footsteps D. at our beck and call
9. I'm afraid your last essay wasn't .................................
A. on pins and needles B. over the hill C. up to stratch D. under your own steam
10. The government will soon .............................. a ban on traffic in the town centre.
A. carry out B. conduct C. impose D. presevere
11. What he did was .................................. a blind audition for interested musicians.
A. held B. holding C. hold D. to have held
12. The company enjoys a world-wide reputation ................................ quality ...................................... design.
A. of – for B. about – in C. in – about D. for – of
13. The proposal will definitely ............................ a .................................... of public protest around the
A. impose – grain B. carry – wave C. spark – storm D. lead to – flock
14. I'm feeling very guilty. I've been meaning .................................... my parents for days, but still haven't got
around to it.
A. calling B. having called C. to be called D. to call
15. The .................................. objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans.
Page 2 of 8
A. primary B. fundamental C. deep D. basic
16. The government's economic policies have come in for a ............................. of criticism.
A. pack B. tide C. barrage D. grain
17. Tom hasn't completed the work yet and ............................... Maria.
A. either hasn‟t B. so hasn‟t C. neither has D. either has
18. There‟s no way I can afford that car. It‟s ..............................
A. in the clouds B. out of the question C. on approval D. at short notice
19. She tried to keep a straight face but, unable to contain herself, burst ........................... laughing.
A. into B. over C. out D. against
20. For ................................. information on the diet, write to us at this address.
A. farther B. furthest C. further D. farthest
21. Our guests were not very satisfied because the hotel they stayed was ................................. the one last
A. a lot more convenient than B. by far less convenient of all
C. a bit more convenient of all D. much less convenient than
22. After months of investigation, the police .......................................... that the billionaire had gone missing.
A. confessed B. reminded C. concluded D. explained
23. She asked me how to turn on the copier because she ....................................... copy that page.
A. has to copy B. was having to copy C. had to copy D. must have had copied
24. Neptune is by far ........................................... planet from the sun in the solar system.
A. the farthest B. the most farthest of all
C. the furthest of all D. the most furthest
II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) closest in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions from 25 to 28.
25. It was a riveting story. I couldn't put it down.
A. an interesting B. an engrossing C. a conspicuous D. a colossal
26. Dad will be livid when he finds out.
A. angry B. stark C. furious D. spotless
27. After checking all the facts, I conclude that the manslaughter had been premeditated.
A. warned in advance B. planned in advance C. predicted in advance C. investigated in
28. I was astounded to see her appear from the house.
A. surprised B. gratified C. delighted D. astonished
III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) opposite in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
question 29 and 30.
Page 3 of 8
29. An increase in cars has resulted in the dramatic decline of public transport.
A. substantial drop in B. drastic reduction in
C. fundamental shift in D. significant increase in
30. The government came under fierce criticism for its policies.
A. complement B. judgement C. elucidation D. praise
IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to choose the word or phrase that best
fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 40.
Attention Deficiency Disorder (ADD) is a neurobiological problem that affects 3-5 % of all children. (31)
________ include inattentiveness and having difficulty getting organized, as well as easily becoming (32)
________. Sometimes, ADD is accompanied (33) ________ hyperactivity. In these cases, the sufferer exhibits
excessive physical activity.
Psychostimulant drugs can be (34) ________ to ADD sufferers to assist them (35) ________ the completion of
the desired thought processes, although they might cause side (36) ________. Current theory states that
medication is the only (37) ________ action that has a sound scientific basic. This action should only be taken
after an accurate diagnosis is made.
Children with ADD do not necessarily have trouble learning; their problem is that they involuntarily switch
their attention elsewhere. It is not only children that are (38) _______ by this condition. Failure to treat ADD
can (39) _______ in lifelong emotional and behavioral problems. Early diagnosis and treatment, however, are
the key to successfully overcoming learning difficulties (40)_______with ADD.
31. A. Symptoms B. Sights C. Signs D. Signals
32. A. distracted B. dim C. divulged D. unattended
33. A. in B. with C. by D. over
34. A. handed B. taken C. given D. drunk
35. A. on B. with C. about D. over
36. A. results B. damages C. symptoms D. effects
37. A. cure B. health C. remedial D. medical
38. A. worsened B. affected C. caused D. spoiled
39. A. lead B. result C. cause D. account
40. A. combined B. associated C. made D. supplied
V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the answer to each of the
questions from 41 to 50.
At the end of the 20
century, the world is changing in important ways. Until recently, nations acted
independently. Each country did its business and tried to solve its problems alone. But now, the economy is
worldwide and communications technologies have connected people all over the globe. Many problems are
global, too, and can no longer be solved by individual nations.
Page 4 of 8
Environmental destruction is one of these problems. As the world's population has grown and technology has
developed, the environment has suffered. Some nations have begun to try to stop the pollution and the
environmental destruction. But the environment is global – the atmosphere, the oceans, and many forms of life
are all connected. Thus, the solutions require global thinking.
The problem of ocean pollution is a good example. All the oceans of the world are connected. Pollution does
not stay where it begins. It spreads out from every river and every harbor and affects bodies of water
everywhere. For centuries, people have used the oceans as a dumping place. Many cities take tons of garbage
out to sea and dump it there. The quantity of garbage that ends up in the water is incredible. Five million plastic
containers are thrown into the world's oceans every day. Aside from plastics, many other dangerous substances
are dumped in oceans. These include human waste and chemicals used in agriculture. And every year, oil
tankers accidentally spill millions of gallons of oil into the sea. Some people believe that the oceans are so large
that chemicals and waste will disappear. However, many things, such as chemicals and plastics, stay in the
water and create problems. They eventually float to shore and are eaten by tiny sea creatures. Then the larger
animals that eat the tiny creatures are poisoned and die. Harbors and coasts around the world have become
unsafe for humans or animals. The world's fish populations are rapidly shrinking.
Another global pollution problem concerns the atmosphere. Until recently, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were
used around the world in manufacturing refrigerators. Scientists discovered that these CFCs were destroying the
ozone layer in the atmosphere. The ozone layer helps protect the earth from the sun's rays. Without this layer,
most forms of life on earth – including humans – probably would not be able to live. CFCs will soon be
completely banned in the United States and in most developed countries. But many other countries still use
CFCs in manufacturing. Among these countries are some of the most populous on earth, such as India and
China. These countries need to change their refrigerator factories to non-CFC processes. But they may not be
able to make this change alone. They will need help from the industrialized countries. This is what global
thinking means working together for solutions.
41. This passage is about ………………………
A. air pollution. B. global thinking.
C. old ways of thinking. D. refrigerator factories in China.
42. You may infer from this passage that in the past ……………………… A. individual nations
did not have as many problems.
B. nations were more interested in the environment.
C. the economy was more global.
D. problems were more local.
43. Until now, most nations followed the principal that ………………………
A. all countries should share their problems. B. all nations were enemies.
C. what happens in China affects everyone. D. each nation should take care of its own problems.
44. According to this passage, many environmental problems ………………………
Page 5 of 8
A. are caused by global thinking. B. cannot be solved by local laws.
C. are caused by old ways of thinking. D. are caused by the United States and Japan.
45. According to this passage, why does the solution to ocean pollution require global thinking? A.
Because all the world's oceans are connected.
B. Because no one cares about the ocean.
C. Because the oceans are so large.
D. Because more oil is needed in the developing countries.
46. The word “thus” (line 8) is closest in meaning to ………………………
A. Because B. Therefore C. Despite this D. However
47. Increasing global population and the development of technology ……………………… A. will
solve the problem of ocean pollution. B. is a result of global thinking.
C. have made the pollution problem worse. D. have resulted in more business opportunities.
48. From this article, we can infer that in manufacturing refrigerators, ……………………… A. other
chemicals can be used in place of CFCs.
B. CFCs must be used all around the world.
C. only China uses CFCs.
D. only CFCs are available in China.
49. Nations must learn to think globally because ……………………… A. communication
technologies will solve our problems.
B. that is the only way to solve global problems.
C. large businesses will spread around the world.
D. changes in the world require stronger nations.
50. The word “they” (last paragraph) refers to which of the following?
A. refrigerator factories B. countries such as India and China C. some industrialized
countries D. chlorofluorocarbons
VI. From questions 51 to 60, use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space.
51. To everyone‟s surprise, John stood up and made a number of ....................... (flame) remarks about the
52. Luckily, all eight climbers were rescued ............................................ (injure).
53. The shop has always been in the ......................................... (guard) of London fashion trends.
54. The leaflet explains how to ......................................... (guard) against dangers in the home.
55. A ...................................... (peace) person is a person who prefers to live in peace and to avoid arguments
and fighting.
56. She always acted as the ....................................... (peace) when family arguments exploded.
57. I always get nervous and ..................................... (tie) in interviews.
58. She had had a .................................. (root) childhood moving from town to town.
Page 6 of 8
59. The custom of sending a greeting in a card had become a ..................................... (root) tradition.
60. They were .................................. (doubt) caught ........................................ (foot) by the attack.
VII. From questions 61 to 70, mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the part that needs correction.
61. Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial cities today.
62. Many scientists are doing research on the possibility of virus H5N1 transfer from human to human.
63. Some great men, including great inventor, Edison, contributed their success to hard work.
64. Current research on AIDS, despite the best efforts of hundreds of scientists, leave serious questions
A B C D unanswered.
65. F. Scott‟s novel „The great gasby‟ is about the pursuit of wealthy, status and love in the 1920s.
66. Anyone who wants to attend the course must complete its registration before Thursday.
67. Deeply beneath the ocean waves, there are mountain ranges and vast open plains covering as much as
A B C two
thirds of the Earth surface.
68. Appearances can often be deceitful. Yesterday, I met a seemingly old woman but when I asked her how old
A B she
was, she said she was twenty.
69. In 1891, Doctor James invented the game of basketball as a means of keeping boys actively
A B C during
the winter.
70. In the waning days of the emperor's life, the conquest of new lands on the borders of the empire
A B C were
considered vital.
VIII. Complete the passage below by writing ONE word in each gap from 71 to 90.
There are many strange partnerships in the world. Crocodiles and sharks are ___71___ to be ferocious
carnivores. Yet, they would not ___72___ each other for anything in the world.
Page 7 of 8
The crocodile has a little bird as a friend too, the plover, ___73___ lives on the crocodile's back. The plover is
often seen ___74___ the crocodile's wide open mouth, hopping daringly near it sharp teeth. This special friend
___75___ the crocodile picks out little bits of food ___76___ the reptile's teeth. It ___77___ pecks leeches and
fleas from its gums.
The shark has a penchant ___78___ fresh fish, but it would ___79___ eat the tiny shoal of fish which swim
beneath its belly. These fish are called sucker-fish and they ___80___ a two-fold function. They lure larger
fishes ___81___ the shark and they clean up the ___82___ of the shark's meal at the end of ___83___ feast.
The rhinocerous and the buffalo, too, ___84___ their helpmates. These come in the ___85___ of tick-birds and
egrets. They ride on these grazing bovines' ___86___ , feeding on the fleas and ticks which ___87___ otherwise
harm these animals. Fleas and ticks suck the blood ___88___ these animals and transmit diseases ___89___
Such partnerships, known as symbiosis, ___90___ common in the animal kingdom.
IX. Complete each of the following sentences from 91 to 100 so that it has a similar meaning to the
sentence printed before it, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way.
91. I wasn't expecting my colleagues to organise a farewell party on my last day at the company. (taken)
I ...........................................................................................................................................................................
92. This situation can no longer be ignored. (affairs)
No ........................................................................................................................................................... eye
93. The two groups are very different when it comes to income and status.
(terms) ................................................................................................................................................. cheese.
(respect) .................................................................................................................................................... apart.
94. We found it difficult not to laugh because the situation was so funny. (unable)
So ...............................................................................................................................................................
95. I don‟t think it matters which bicycle we get now as they‟re virtually almost the same. (Thus – important)
There‟s not ............................................................................................................................................ ask
96. I was completely sure that she would agree to discuss the problem. (occur)
Never ..................................................................................................................................................................
97. Those at the meeting greeted the news with a lack of enthusiasm. (guarded)
The ....................................................................................................................................................... meeting.
98. Don‟t fail to take care of your children in any circumstances.
Page 8 of 8
(unattended) At ...................................................................................................................................................
(neglect) On ..................................................................................................................................................
99. If Mom ever finds out that we‟ve missed the bus, she will definitely get angry and punish us severely.
Mom, ..................................................................................................................................................... garters.
100. You cannot legally start using the property until three weeks after the contract is signed. (take)
Not ......................................................................................................................................................................
| 1/8

Preview text:

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence from 1 to 24.
1. Films are a major ........................................ of entertainment although some kinds of film, such as
documentary, don‟t have entertainment as their primary purpose. A. status B. form C. origin D. prospect
2. The discovery will help scientists ................................... the mystery of the Ice Age. A. discover B. unravel C. figure D. open
3. You will have to work hard to .................................. your aim. A. accomplish B. complete C. achieve D. obtain
4. Translators do not yet .................................... computers as a threat to their livelihood. A. receive B. deceive C. perceive D. conceive
5. Only after food has been dried or canned ...........................................
A. it should be stored for future use. B. that it should be stored for future use.
C. should it be stored for future use.
D. should it store for future use.
6. The new bridge has been finished two years ...................................... A. in the footsteps
B. ahead of schedule C. on the wrong track D. off the beaten track
7. Somebody is entering the garden, ....................................... ? A. isn‟t it B. are they C. shall we D. aren‟t they
8. It was a fine hotel. There were dozens of maids and waiters ............................... A. on tenterhooks B. against all odds C. in the footsteps D. at our beck and call
9. I'm afraid your last essay wasn't ................................. A. on pins and needles B. over the hill C. up to stratch D. under your own steam
10. The government will soon .............................. a ban on traffic in the town centre. A. carry out B. conduct C. impose D. presevere
11. What he did was .................................. a blind audition for interested musicians. A. held B. holding C. hold D. to have held
12. The company enjoys a world-wide reputation ................................ quality ...................................... design. A. of – for
B. about – in C. in – about D. for – of
13. The proposal will definitely ............................ a .................................... of public protest around the country. A. impose – grain B. carry – wave C. spark – storm D. lead to – flock
14. I'm feeling very guilty. I've been meaning .................................... my parents for days, but still haven't got around to it. A. calling B. having called C. to be called D. to call
15. The .................................. objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans. Page 1 of 8 A. primary B. fundamental C. deep D. basic
16. The government's economic policies have come in for a ............................. of criticism. A. pack B. tide C. barrage D. grain
17. Tom hasn't completed the work yet and ............................... Maria. A. either hasn‟t
B. so hasn‟t C. neither has D. either has
18. There‟s no way I can afford that car. It‟s .............................. A. in the clouds
B. out of the question C. on approval D. at short notice
19. She tried to keep a straight face but, unable to contain herself, burst ........................... laughing. A. into B. over C. out D. against
20. For ................................. information on the diet, write to us at this address. A. farther B. furthest C. further D. farthest
21. Our guests were not very satisfied because the hotel they stayed was ................................. the one last week. A. a lot more convenient than
B. by far less convenient of all
C. a bit more convenient of all D. much less convenient than
22. After months of investigation, the police .......................................... that the billionaire had gone missing.
A. confessed B. reminded C. concluded D. explained
23. She asked me how to turn on the copier because she ....................................... copy that page. A. has to copy B. was having to copy C. had to copy D. must have had copied
24. Neptune is by far ........................................... planet from the sun in the solar system.
A. the farthest B. the most farthest of all C. the furthest of all D. the most furthest
II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) closest in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions from 25 to 28.
25. It was a riveting story. I couldn't put it down. A. an interesting B. an engrossing C. a conspicuous D. a colossal
26. Dad will be livid when he finds out. A. angry B. stark C. furious D. spotless
27. After checking all the facts, I conclude that the manslaughter had been premeditated.
A. warned in advance B. planned in advance C. predicted in advance C. investigated in advance
28. I was astounded to see her appear from the house.
A. surprised B. gratified C. delighted D. astonished
III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) opposite in meaning to the underlined word(s) in question 29 and 30. Page 2 of 8
29. An increase in cars has resulted in the dramatic decline of public transport.
A. substantial drop in B. drastic reduction in C. fundamental shift in D. significant increase in
30. The government came under fierce criticism for its policies. A. complement
B. judgement C. elucidation D. praise
IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to choose the word or phrase that best
fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 40.
Attention Deficiency Disorder (ADD) is a neurobiological problem that affects 3-5 % of all children. (31)
________ include inattentiveness and having difficulty getting organized, as well as easily becoming (32)
________. Sometimes, ADD is accompanied (33) ________ hyperactivity. In these cases, the sufferer exhibits excessive physical activity.
Psychostimulant drugs can be (34) ________ to ADD sufferers to assist them (35) ________ the completion of
the desired thought processes, although they might cause side (36) ________. Current theory states that
medication is the only (37) ________ action that has a sound scientific basic. This action should only be taken
after an accurate diagnosis is made.
Children with ADD do not necessarily have trouble learning; their problem is that they involuntarily switch
their attention elsewhere. It is not only children that are (38) _______ by this condition. Failure to treat ADD
can (39) _______ in lifelong emotional and behavioral problems. Early diagnosis and treatment, however, are
the key to successfully overcoming learning difficulties (40)_______with ADD. 31. A. Symptoms B. Sights C. Signs D. Signals 32. A. distracted
B. dim C. divulged D. unattended 33. A. in B. with C. by D. over 34. A. handed B. taken C. given D. drunk 35. A. on B. with C. about D. over
36. A. results B. damages C. symptoms D. effects 37. A. cure B. health C. remedial D. medical 38. A. worsened B. affected C. caused D. spoiled 39. A. lead B. result C. cause D. account 40. A. combined B. associated C. made D. supplied
V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the answer to each of the
questions from 41 to 50.
At the end of the 20th century, the world is changing in important ways. Until recently, nations acted
independently. Each country did its business and tried to solve its problems alone. But now, the economy is
worldwide and communications technologies have connected people all over the globe. Many problems are
global, too, and can no longer be solved by individual nations. Page 3 of 8
Environmental destruction is one of these problems. As the world's population has grown and technology has
developed, the environment has suffered. Some nations have begun to try to stop the pollution and the
environmental destruction. But the environment is global – the atmosphere, the oceans, and many forms of life
are all connected. Thus, the solutions require global thinking.
The problem of ocean pollution is a good example. All the oceans of the world are connected. Pollution does
not stay where it begins. It spreads out from every river and every harbor and affects bodies of water
everywhere. For centuries, people have used the oceans as a dumping place. Many cities take tons of garbage
out to sea and dump it there. The quantity of garbage that ends up in the water is incredible. Five million plastic
containers are thrown into the world's oceans every day. Aside from plastics, many other dangerous substances
are dumped in oceans. These include human waste and chemicals used in agriculture. And every year, oil
tankers accidentally spill millions of gallons of oil into the sea. Some people believe that the oceans are so large
that chemicals and waste will disappear. However, many things, such as chemicals and plastics, stay in the
water and create problems. They eventually float to shore and are eaten by tiny sea creatures. Then the larger
animals that eat the tiny creatures are poisoned and die. Harbors and coasts around the world have become
unsafe for humans or animals. The world's fish populations are rapidly shrinking.
Another global pollution problem concerns the atmosphere. Until recently, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were
used around the world in manufacturing refrigerators. Scientists discovered that these CFCs were destroying the
ozone layer in the atmosphere. The ozone layer helps protect the earth from the sun's rays. Without this layer,
most forms of life on earth – including humans – probably would not be able to live. CFCs will soon be
completely banned in the United States and in most developed countries. But many other countries still use
CFCs in manufacturing. Among these countries are some of the most populous on earth, such as India and
China. These countries need to change their refrigerator factories to non-CFC processes. But they may not be
able to make this change alone. They will need help from the industrialized countries. This is what global
thinking means working together for solutions.
41. This passage is about ……………………… A. air pollution. B. global thinking. C. old ways of thinking.
D. refrigerator factories in China.
42. You may infer from this passage that in the past ……………………… A. individual nations
did not have as many problems.
B. nations were more interested in the environment.
C. the economy was more global. D. problems were more local.
43. Until now, most nations followed the principal that ………………………
A. all countries should share their problems. B. all nations were enemies.
C. what happens in China affects everyone.
D. each nation should take care of its own problems.
44. According to this passage, many environmental problems ……………………… Page 4 of 8
A. are caused by global thinking.
B. cannot be solved by local laws.
C. are caused by old ways of thinking.
D. are caused by the United States and Japan.
45. According to this passage, why does the solution to ocean pollution require global thinking? A.
Because all the world's oceans are connected.
B. Because no one cares about the ocean.
C. Because the oceans are so large.
D. Because more oil is needed in the developing countries.
46. The word “thus” (line 8) is closest in meaning to ………………………
A. Because B. Therefore C. Despite this D. However
47. Increasing global population and the development of technology ……………………… A. will
solve the problem of ocean pollution. B. is a result of global thinking.
C. have made the pollution problem worse.
D. have resulted in more business opportunities.
48. From this article, we can infer that in manufacturing refrigerators, ……………………… A. other
chemicals can be used in place of CFCs.
B. CFCs must be used all around the world. C. only China uses CFCs.
D. only CFCs are available in China.
49. Nations must learn to think globally because ……………………… A. communication
technologies will solve our problems.
B. that is the only way to solve global problems.
C. large businesses will spread around the world.
D. changes in the world require stronger nations.
50. The word “they” (last paragraph) refers to which of the following? A. refrigerator factories
B. countries such as India and China C. some industrialized
countries D. chlorofluorocarbons
VI. From questions 51 to 60, use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space.
51. To everyone‟s surprise, John stood up and made a number of ....................... (flame) remarks about the food.
52. Luckily, all eight climbers were rescued ............................................ (injure).
53. The shop has always been in the ......................................... (guard) of London fashion trends.
54. The leaflet explains how to ......................................... (guard) against dangers in the home.
55. A ...................................... (peace) person is a person who prefers to live in peace and to avoid arguments and fighting.
56. She always acted as the ....................................... (peace) when family arguments exploded.
57. I always get nervous and ..................................... (tie) in interviews.
58. She had had a .................................. (root) childhood moving from town to town. Page 5 of 8
59. The custom of sending a greeting in a card had become a ..................................... (root) tradition.
60. They were .................................. (doubt) caught ........................................ (foot) by the attack.
VII. From questions 61 to 70, mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the part that needs correction.
61. Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial cities today. A B C D
62. Many scientists are doing research on the possibility of virus H5N1 transfer from human to human. A B C D
63. Some great men, including great inventor, Edison, contributed their success to hard work. A B C D
64. Current research on AIDS, despite the best efforts of hundreds of scientists, leave serious questions A B C D unanswered.
65. F. Scott‟s novel „The great gasby‟ is about the pursuit of wealthy, status and love in the 1920s. A B C D
66. Anyone who wants to attend the course must complete its registration before Thursday. A B C D
67. Deeply beneath the ocean waves, there are mountain ranges and vast open plains covering as much as A B C two thirds of the Earth surface. D
68. Appearances can often be deceitful. Yesterday, I met a seemingly old woman but when I asked her how old A B she was, she said she was twenty. C D
69. In 1891, Doctor James invented the game of basketball as a means of keeping boys actively A B C during the winter. D
70. In the waning days of the emperor's life, the conquest of new lands on the borders of the empire A B C were considered vital. D
VIII. Complete the passage below by writing ONE word in each gap from 71 to 90.
There are many strange partnerships in the world. Crocodiles and sharks are ___71___ to be ferocious
carnivores. Yet, they would not ___72___ each other for anything in the world. Page 6 of 8
The crocodile has a little bird as a friend too, the plover, ___73___ lives on the crocodile's back. The plover is
often seen ___74___ the crocodile's wide open mouth, hopping daringly near it sharp teeth. This special friend
___75___ the crocodile picks out little bits of food ___76___ the reptile's teeth. It ___77___ pecks leeches and fleas from its gums.
The shark has a penchant ___78___ fresh fish, but it would ___79___ eat the tiny shoal of fish which swim
beneath its belly. These fish are called sucker-fish and they ___80___ a two-fold function. They lure larger
fishes ___81___ the shark and they clean up the ___82___ of the shark's meal at the end of ___83___ feast.
The rhinocerous and the buffalo, too, ___84___ their helpmates. These come in the ___85___ of tick-birds and
egrets. They ride on these grazing bovines' ___86___ , feeding on the fleas and ticks which ___87___ otherwise
harm these animals. Fleas and ticks suck the blood ___88___ these animals and transmit diseases ___89___ them.
Such partnerships, known as symbiosis, ___90___ common in the animal kingdom.
IX. Complete each of the following sentences from 91 to 100 so that it has a similar meaning to the
sentence printed before it, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way.
91. I wasn't expecting my colleagues to organise a farewell party on my last day at the company. (taken)
 I ...........................................................................................................................................................................
92. This situation can no longer be ignored. (affairs)
 No ........................................................................................................................................................... eye to.
93. The two groups are very different when it comes to income and status.
(terms)  ................................................................................................................................................. cheese.
(respect)  .................................................................................................................................................... apart.
94. We found it difficult not to laugh because the situation was so funny. (unable)
 So ............................................................................................................................................................... face.
95. I don‟t think it matters which bicycle we get now as they‟re virtually almost the same. (Thus – important)
 There‟s not ............................................................................................................................................ ask me.
96. I was completely sure that she would agree to discuss the problem. (occur)
 Never ..................................................................................................................................................................
97. Those at the meeting greeted the news with a lack of enthusiasm. (guarded)
 The ....................................................................................................................................................... meeting.
98. Don‟t fail to take care of your children in any circumstances. Page 7 of 8
(unattended)  At ...................................................................................................................................................
(neglect)  On ..................................................................................................................................................
99. If Mom ever finds out that we‟ve missed the bus, she will definitely get angry and punish us severely. (spare)
 Mom, ..................................................................................................................................................... garters.
100. You cannot legally start using the property until three weeks after the contract is signed. (take)
 Not ...................................................................................................................................................................... Page 8 of 8