Đề thi chọn đội tuyển dự thi HSG Quốc gia THPT tỉnh Quảng Trị năm 2011

Đề thi chọn đội tuyển dự thi HSG Quốc gia THPT tỉnh Quảng Trị năm 2011 giúp các bạn học sinh sắp tham gia các kì thi Tiếng Anh tham khảo, học tập và ôn tập kiến thức, bài tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Së gd - ®t qu¶ng trÞ ®Ò thi chän ®éi tuyÓn dù thi häc sinh giái quèc gia
------***--------- Khoá ngày 24 tháng 8 năm 2011
Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian làm bài : 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Giám thị số 1
Giám thị số 2
(ký và ghi rõ họ tên)
………………………………..… ……………………………………………..
…………………………………... ………………………………………………
Họ và tên thí sinh:…………………………………………………………..…………..Số báo danh
Ngày sinh:………………………………………………………………………………..……….…………………..
Học sinh trường:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
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®Ò chÝnh thøc
Vßng 1
sè ph¨ch
Së gd - ®t qu¶ng trÞ ®Ò thi chän ®éi tuyÓn dù thi häc sinh giái quèc gia
------***--------- Khoá ngày 24 tháng 8 năm 2011
Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian làm bài : 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Học sinh làm bài trên đề thi
Đề thi gồm có 10 trang, kể cả trang phách
Điểm bài thi
Bằng số bằng chữ
………… ………………...………
Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo 1 Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo 2 Số phách
LISTENING: (3 pts)
The listening section consists of FOUR parts. For each part, you will hear the piece TWICE.
Part 1: You will hear a head teacher and a teacher discussing a school camping trip.
Questions 1- 5: Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer.
1. Mr. Thompson has just been __________
A. writing reports on the pupils.
B. reading about the pupils’ progress.
C. speaking to a class of pupils.
2. The camping trip will be held__________
A. the following month.
B. from the 24
to the 26
B. over a five-day period.
3. Jamie’s complaint about last year’s trip was that____________
A. the camp wasn’t big enough.
B. he was unhappy while at the camp.
C. he had problems finding the camp.
4. The campsite is located _____________
A. in the Lake District.
B. in Carlisle.
C. beside Lake Brant.
5. Each child will pay_____________
A. less than 4 pounds a night.
B. approximately 5 pounds.
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®Ò chÝnh thøc
Vßng 1
C. more than 10 pounds.
Questions 6-10: Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer. (Write your answers in the space provided)
6. After they arrive, the children will have a _______________________________ at 8 o’clock.
7. On Saturday morning, the children will get up at ____________________________________.
8. During the “talk back” session, the children can ____________________________________.
9. On Sunday, the children will go on a day trip to visit _________________________________.
10. At 6 o’clock on Sunday, the children will be on the _________________________________.
Part 2: Questions 11- 20.
You will hear a woman talking to a grocer ordering food to be delivered to her house.
Complete the notes. Write ONE WORD OR A SHORT PHRASE for each answer.
(Write your answers in the space provided)
Customer: 11. ________________________________________
Order: 12. ________________________________________
Total to pay: 14. ________________________________________
Method of payment: 15. ________________________________________
Deliver together with: 16. ________________________________________
Time of delivery: 17. ________________________________________
How to get there:
after roundabout, take 18. ________________________________________
Next week deliver on 19. ________________________________________
instead of on 20. ________________________________________
Part 3: Questions 21- 25
You will hear a conversation between three people who are going out for a meal together.
Answer questions 21- 25 by writing B (for Bridget), M (for Maria) or D (for Daniel).
(Write your answers in the space provided)
21. Who cannot make up their mind? ________
22. Who gets annoyed? ________
23. Who has already been to Michel’s? ________
24. Who is vegetarian? ________
25. Who makes a strong objection? ________
Part 4: Questions 26- 30:
You will hear a talk about a new bridge that is going to be built. For questions 26- 30, decide whether the
statement in the question is True or False. Write T (for True) and F (for False).
(Write your answers in the space provided)
26. The speaker says that the campaign was unpleasant and unfair. ________
27. In the short term, building the bridge will make no change to the town centre. ________
28. The committee saw the financial advantages of developing a new route. ________
29. Traffic on the north-south route after the bridge is built will be ten times ________
the present volume.
30. The speaker thinks the bridge should be built for economic reasons. ________
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Part 1: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered box . (0) has been done as an
example. (1 pt)
In a class of your own
Like any form of (0) _______ , the self-taught course has its advantages as EDUCATE
well as its (31)_______ . DRAW
On the one hand, you are (32)______; no classroom, no timetable and so no AUTONOMY
risk of getting a bad (33)_______ record. You are able to study at your own ATTEND
pace; at home, in the car or wherever your Walkman takes you. On the other
hand, can you really trust yourself to be (34) _____ motivated without some SUFFICE
form of external stimulus?
I procrastinated (35) _____ before beginning my first Spanish course. I made DREAD
coffee, did domestic chores that were anything but (36)_____; I even watched PRESS
daytime television. But, once I got started, I found the course surprisingly
engaging. The multimedia formats, colourful textbooks and (37)________ IMAGINE
teaching methods all drew me into the excitement of learning a new language.
Of course, if your aim is (38) _____ in the language, nothing can beat actually EXPERT
going to the country concerned. Round-the-clock (39) _____ is clearly always IMMERSE
going to be more effective than the odd half hour with a set of tapes. But that odd
half hour will give you an (40) _______ headstart when you step out onto the VALUE
Your answers:
Example (0): EDUCATION
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
Part 2. The passage below contains 10 errors. IDENTIFY and CORRECT them. Write your answer in the
space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. (1 pt)
Your answers
The space race is not simply the objective search of knowledge it is often made out e.g. (0) of => for
to be. It is just an extension of the race against power on earth. Only the wealthiest (41)………..……
nations can compete and they do so in the name of pure scientific researches. But in (42)………...…
the reality, all they are interested in is power and prestige. They want to impress us, (43)……...……
their spectators, by a magnificent show of strength. Man has played the power game (44)…………...
since he disappeared on earth. Now he is playing it as it has never been played before. (45) ……..……
The space race is justly another aspect of the old argument that "might is right". (46) …….………
Poverty, hunger, diseases and war are man greatest enemies. If the powerful nations (47) …….…….
devoted half as much money and effort to these problems as they do to the space race,
the world would be a better place. At the first time in his history, man has the (48)………..…
overwhelmed technological resources to combat human suffering, yet he (49)…………...
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squanders them on meaningless pursues. (50)………...…
READING: (3 pts)
Part 1:
a. From the list of headings below choose the most suitable heading for each session (from A-D). There
are extra headings which you do not need to use. Write your answer in the numbered box.
Issues Affecting the Southern Resident Orcas
List of headings
A. Toxic Exposure
B. Declining Fish Populations
C. Pleasure Boating in the San Juan Islands
D. Underwater Noise
E. Smog in Large Cities
F. Impact of Boat Traffic
Orcas, also known as killer whales, are opportunistic feeders, which means they will take a variety of
different prey species. J, K, and L pods. (specific groups of orcas found in the region) are almost exclusively
fish eaters. Some studies show that up to 90 percent of their diet is salmon, with chinook salmon being far
and away their favorite. During the last 50 years, hundreds of wild runs of salmon have become extinct due
to habitat loss and overfishing of wild stocks. Many of the extinct salmon stocks are the winter runs of
chinook and coho. Although the surviving stocks have probably been sufficient to sustain the resident pods,
many of the runs that have bee lost were undoubtedly traditional resources favored by the resident orcas. This
may be affecting the whales' nutrition in the winter and may require them to change their patterns of
movement in order to search for food.
Other studies with tagged whales have shown that they regularly dive up to 800 feet in this area. Researchers
tend to think that during these deep dives the whales maybe feeding on bottom fish. Bottom fish species in
this area would include halibut, rockfish, lingcod, and greenling. Scientists estimate that today's lingcod
population in northern Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia is only 2 percent of what it was in 1950. The
average size of rockfish in the recreational catch has also declined by several inches since the 1970, which is
indicative of overfishing. In some locations, certain rockfish species have disappeared entirely. So even if
bottomfish are not a major food resource for the whales, the present low numbers of available fish increases
the pressure on orcas and all marine animals to find food. (For more information on bottomfish see the San
Juan County Bottomfish Recovery Program.)
Toxic substances accumulate in higher concentrations as they move up the food chain. Because areas are the
top predator in the ocean and are at the top of several different food chains in the environment, they tend to
be more affected by pollutants than other sea creatures. Examinations of stranded killer whales have shown
some extremely high levels of lead, mercury, and polychlorinated hydrocarbons. Abandoned marine toxic
waste dumps and present levels of industrial and human refuse pollution of the inland waters probably
presents the most serious threat to the continued existence of this orca population. Unfortunately, the total
remedy to this huge problem would be broad societal changes on many fronts. But because of the fact that
orcas are so popular, they may be the best species to use as a focal point in bringing about the many changes
that need to be made in order to protect the marine environment as a whole from further toxic poisoning.
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The waters around the San Juan Islands are extremely busy due to international commercial shipping, fishing,
whale watching and pleasure boating. On a busy weekend day in the summer, it is not uncommon to see
numerous boats in the vicinity of the whales as they travel through the area. The potential impacts from all
this vessel traffic with regard to the whales and other marine animals in the area could be tremendous.
The surfacing and breathing space of marine birds and mammals is a critical aspect of their habitat, which the
animals must consciously deal with on a moment-to-moment basis throughout their lifetimes. With all the
boating activity in the vicinity, there are three ways in which surface impacts are most likely to affect marine
animals: (a) collision, (b) collision avoidance, and (c) exhaust emissions in breathing pockets.
The first two impacts are very obvious and don't just apply to vessels with motors. Kayakers even present a
problem here because they're so quiet. Marine animals, busy hunting and feeding under the surface of the
water, may not be aware that there is a kayak above them and actually hit the bottom of it as they surface to
The third impact is one most people don't even think of. When there are numerous boats in the area,
especially idling boats, there are a lot of exhaust fumes being spewed out on the surface of the water. When
the whale comes up to take a nice big breath of "fresh" air, it instead gets a nice big breath of exhaust fumes.
It's hard to say how greatly this affects the animals, but think how breathing polluted air affects us (i.e., smog
in large cities like Los Angeles, breathing the foul air while sitting in traffic jams, etc).
Similar to surface impacts, a primary source of acoustic pollution for this population of orcas would also be
derived from the cumulative underwater noise of vessel traffic. For cetaceans, the underwater sound
environment is perhaps the most critical component of their sensory and behavioral lives. Orcas
communicate with each other over short and long distances with a variety of clicks, chirps, squeaks and
whistles, along with using echolocation to locate prey and to navigate. They may also rely on passive
listening as a primary sensory source. The long-term impacts from noise pollution would not likely show up
as noticeable behavioral changes in habitat use, but rather as sensory damage or gradual reduction in
population health. A new study at The Whale Museum called the SeaSound Remote Sensing Network has
begun studying underwater acoustics and its relationship to orca communication.
Your Answers
51. 52. 53. 54.
b. Complete the chart below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Write your
answer in the numbered box.
Cause Effect
Scientists believe some whales feed
These whales dive very deep.
Scientists believe that the area is being over
Rockfish caught today is (56)...................................
than rockfish caught in the past.
Orcas are at the top of the ocean food chain. (57).........................affects orcas more than it does
other sea animals.
Orcas are a (58) ............................................. species. We can use orcas to make society aware of
the problem of marine pollution.
People enjoy boating, fishing, and whale watching in
the San Juan Islands.
On weekends there are (59) ............. near the whales.
Kayaks are (50) .......................................... Marine animals hit them when they come up for air.
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A lot of boats keep their motors running. Whales breathe (61) .....................
Boats are noisy. Whales have difficulty (62) ...................
Your answers:
55. 56. 57. 58.
59. 60. 61. 62.
Part 2: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. Write your
answer in the numbered box.(0) has been done as an example.
If you like to build your holiday round a theme or particular (0)_______ , there are many opportunities open
to you. The Scottish Tourist Board publishes an excellent (63) _______ , Adventure and Special Interest
Holidays in Scotland, containing details of dozens of ideas for 'different' holidays together with addresses to
(64) _______ . Write for a copy to any of their offices.
You can, for example, go on an archaeological holiday and be (65)_______ to the many prehistoric
(66)_______ on the Solway Coast and the Early Christian remains at Whithorn. For creative people, there
are any number of arts and crafts (67) _______ that offer instruction as well as relaxation. Prices vary,
depending on the (68) _______ of teaching and accommodation. Subjects range from painting and music to
wood-carving, silver-smithing and (69)_______ . Outdoor (70)_______ can choose from a wide range too -
from bird watching to camping, from gliding to golf.
If you've always wanted to see the west (71)_______ of Scotland from the sea but haven't got your own boat
and prefer an experienced hand at the helm, try STA Schooners. They (72)_______ week-long voyages in
the Tall Ship Malcolm Miller, a 300-ton schooner, and part of the experience is that you are one of the (73)
_______ - a pleasure for which you pay quite a lot. Hebridean Island Cruises offer a variety of cruises to
many of the most beautiful spots on the western seaboard in the Hebridean Princess, a luxury floating hotel
with a crew of thirty to look after forty passengers. If you're lucky with the weather and can (74) _______ it,
this could be the ideal holiday for you.
0 A action B activity C act D acting
63 A prospectus B catalogue C brochure D journal
64 A visit B contact C write D know
65 A invited B referred C introduced D presented
66 A situations B sites C sights D sightings
67 A practices B studies C careers D courses
68 A amount B quality C capacity D quantity
69 A sailing B water-skiing C stone-cutting D chess
70 A experts B sports C activities D enthusiasts
71 A bank B shore C coast D seaside
72 A set B run C take D stage
73 A group B staff C team D crew
74 A buy B afford C pay D spend
Your answers:
Example: (0): B
63. 64. 65. 66.
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67. 68. 69. 70.
71. 72. 73. 74.
Part 3: Read a magazine article about acupuncture treatment. Seven paragraphs have been removed from
the article. Choose from the paragraphs A–H the one which fits each space. There is one extra paragraph
which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Pins and needles
I was curious to find out more about acupuncture as I’d heard a lot about its beneficial effects. However, I
didn’t feel in any particular need of treatment myself so I decided to ask a friend of mine if I could observe
her receiving treatment.
The Traditional Acupuncture Centre was just as you’d expect: the incense, rubber plants and charts on the
wall. These mapped out the body’s energy channels. They seem to be the typical wall coverings of an
alternative health centre.
Nina returned and explained that she needed to ask Joan questions about her health, lifestyle, diet and
personal history. She began by asking why Joan wanted acupuncture. Joan described the shoulder stiffness
and backache that had bothered her for years.
Nina then explained that in Chinese medicine, physical and emotional aspects are not distinct. An imbalance
of either manifests itself in the same way. The division between mind and body is a Western idea.
Nina opened a sachet of sterile 4 cm long needles. They were fine and flexible, but Joan was still
apprehensive. Nina took a pulse at six points on each of Joan’s wrists, looking for certain ‘qualities’ that she
would then treat.
Nina inserted the first needle into Joan’s shin. It went in a surprisingly long way before she twisted it to the
right and Joan’s leg shot up suddenly. ‘Ow!’ she exclaimed. She was visibly tense, but as Nina inserted the
next needle it wasn’t so bad.
When the time came to remove the needles, Joan was more relaxed, though she flinched as they came out.
All the time Nina was reassuring her. She informed Joan that the shocks she felt were due to blockages of the
energy channels.
I asked Joan the next day about how she felt. She said that she felt a little more relaxed and that she had slept
deeply that night. However, she really felt that she needed a course of treatment to be able to assess its
A. Nina said that she felt Joan’s problems with her back and her shoulder stiffness came from her office job.
She recommended that Joan do yoga exercises at work, as this kind of relaxation had many benefits for mind
and body.
B. Nina finished with a pressure point massage on Joan’s shoulders and back. ‘I’m looking forward to seeing
you again,’ Nina said, as she bade a relieved Joan a fond farewell. Nina left the decision to Joan about
arranging another appointment.
C. Our health apparently depends on the motivating energy, or chi, made up of the equal and opposite
qualities of Yin and Yang. When these are unbalanced, one can become ill. By inserting needles into points
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on the energy channels, healing responses are stimulated and the balance is restored.
D. Surprisingly, these questions went on for a whole hour. Joan was asked about her attitudes to many things,
including work and relationships. She was also asked about her attitude to herself on several occasions.
E. Nina Doughty, the acupuncturist, introduced herself and then slipped away to prepare the treatment room.
Joan was anxious. ‘I hope this doesn’t hurt too much,’ she murmured.
F. She also looked at Joan’s tongue, an indicator of her general state of health. At this point, Joan felt that the
experience was rather like being at the dentist. However, at the dentist one usually knows where the needle
will be inserted.
G. She placed more needles in Joan’s ankles, feet, lower back and forearms. She tweaked them as she put
them in, regularly checking Joan’s pulse, then left them for 20 minutes. Joan lay on the bed all this time.
H. I asked Joan Hughes, who I knew had been complaining of muscular stiffness for some time. She agreed,
so excitedly we attended her first appointment at the local centre.
Your answers:
Example (0): H
75. 76. 77.
78. 79. 80.
WRITING (I): (2 pts)
Part 1: Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it. Write
your sentence in the space below the sentence given
81. I was about to leave my office when the phone rang.
I was on ……………………………………………………………………………….............................
82. We had to settle for a cheaper car than the one we wanted.
We had to content…………………………………………………………………………......................
83. When he got to the party everyone was chatting and eating.
84. The passengers do not realise how lucky they have been.
85. I never thought of asking for his help.
The thought………………………………………………………………………………………………
86. If nothing unfortunate happens, I’ll see you next week.
All being…………………………………………………………………………………………………
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87. If you were in the situation I’m in, you’d feel the same.
If you put …………………………………………………………………………………………………
88. I don’t have the right qualities for becoming a teacher.
I am not cut………………………………………………………………………………………………
89. Don’t tell the boss anything about this.
Don’t breathe ………………………………………………………………………………………..…
90. Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for this disease
Part 2: For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to it. Use
the bracketed word, and this word MUST NOT be changed in any way. Write your answer in the space
below the sentence given.
91. He escaped using a disguise. (MEANS)
92. Digging all these trees made me exhausted. (WORE)
93. His daughter does not look like him. (RESEMBLANCE)
94. I’m indebted to my god-father for my decent education. (OWE)
95. The fact that he will never race again is something he cannot accept. (TERMS)
96. We ask passengers not to leave their seats until the aircraft doors have been opened (REMAIN)
97. It was hard not to start laughing when she started to sing. (FACE)
98. Don't panic about something so trivial. (MOUNTAIN)
99. Many people nowadays find it increasingly difficult to exist on the money they earn. (ENDS)
100. Is it possible to walk from the hotel to the city centre? (WITHIN)
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Preview text:

Së gd - ®t qu¶ng trÞ ®Ò thi chän ®éi tuyÓn dù thi häc sinh giái quèc gia ------***---------
Khoá ngày 24 tháng 8 năm 2011 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh ®Ò chÝnh thøc
Thời gian làm bài : 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Vßng 1 Giám thị số 1 Giám thị số 2
(ký và ghi rõ họ tên) sè ph¨ch
Họ và tên thí sinh:…………………………………………………………..…………..Số báo danh
Ngày sinh:………………………………………………………………………………..……….…………………..
Học sinh trường:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. DTQG,24/8/11/V1 Page 1 of 11
Së gd - ®t qu¶ng trÞ ®Ò thi chän ®éi tuyÓn dù thi häc sinh giái quèc gia ------***---------
Khoá ngày 24 tháng 8 năm 2011 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh ®Ò chÝnh thøc Vßng 1
Thời gian làm bài : 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Học sinh làm bài trên đề thi
Đề thi gồm có 10 trang, kể cả trang phách Điểm bài thi
Bằng số bằng chữ
Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo 1
Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo 2 Số phách
………… ………………...………
……………………….... LISTENING: (3 pts)
The listening section consists of FOUR parts. For each part, you will hear the piece TWICE.

Part 1: You will hear a head teacher and a teacher discussing a school camping trip.
Questions 1- 5: Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer.
1. Mr. Thompson has just been __________
A. writing reports on the pupils.
B. reading about the pupils’ progress.
C. speaking to a class of pupils.
2. The camping trip will be held__________ A. the following month. B. from the 24th to the 26th . B. over a five-day period.
3. Jamie’s complaint about last year’s trip was that____________
A. the camp wasn’t big enough.
B. he was unhappy while at the camp.
C. he had problems finding the camp.
4. The campsite is located _____________ A. in the Lake District. B. in Carlisle. C. beside Lake Brant.
5. Each child will pay_____________ A. less than 4 pounds a night. B. approximately 5 pounds. DTQG,24/8/11/V1 Page 2 of 11 C. more than 10 pounds.
Questions 6-10: Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer. (Write your answers in the space provided)

6. After they arrive, the children will have a _______________________________ at 8 o’clock.
7. On Saturday morning, the children will get up at ____________________________________.
8. During the “talk back” session, the children can ____________________________________.
9. On Sunday, the children will go on a day trip to visit _________________________________.
10. At 6 o’clock on Sunday, the children will be on the _________________________________.
Part 2: Questions 11- 20.
You will hear a woman talking to a grocer ordering food to be delivered to her house.
Complete the notes. Write ONE WORD OR A SHORT PHRASE for each answer.
(Write your answers in the space provided)
11. ________________________________________ Order:
12. ________________________________________
13________________________________________ Total to pay:
14. ________________________________________ Method of payment:
15. ________________________________________ Deliver together with:
16. ________________________________________ Time of delivery:
17. ________________________________________ How to get there: after roundabout, take
18. ________________________________________ Next week deliver on
19. ________________________________________ instead of on
20. ________________________________________ Part 3: Questions 21- 25
You will hear a conversation between three people who are going out for a meal together.
Answer questions 21- 25 by writing B (for Bridget), M (for Maria) or D (for Daniel).
(Write your answers in the space provided)

21. Who cannot make up their mind? ________ 22. Who gets annoyed? ________
23. Who has already been to Michel’s? ________ 24. Who is vegetarian? ________
25. Who makes a strong objection? ________
Part 4: Questions 26- 30:
You will hear a talk about a new bridge that is going to be built. For questions 26- 30, decide whether the
statement in the question is True or False. Write T (for True) and F (for False).
(Write your answers in the space provided)

26. The speaker says that the campaign was unpleasant and unfair. ________
27. In the short term, building the bridge will make no change to the town centre. ________
28. The committee saw the financial advantages of developing a new route. ________
29. Traffic on the north-south route after the bridge is built will be ten times ________ the present volume.
30. The speaker thinks the bridge should be built for economic reasons. ________ USE OF ENGLISH: (2 pts) DTQG,24/8/11/V1 Page 3 of 11
Part 1: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered box . (0) has been done as an example. (1 pt) In a class of your own
Like any form of (0) _______ , the self-taught course has its advantages as EDUCATE well as its (31)_______ . DRAW
On the one hand, you are (32)______; no classroom, no timetable and so no AUTONOMY
risk of getting a bad (33)_______ record. You are able to study at your own ATTEND
pace; at home, in the car or wherever your Walkman takes you. On the other
hand, can you really trust yourself to be (34) _____ motivated without some SUFFICE
form of external stimulus?
I procrastinated (35) _____ before beginning my first Spanish course. I made DREAD
coffee, did domestic chores that were anything but (36)_____; I even watched PRESS
daytime television. But, once I got started, I found the course surprisingly
engaging. The multimedia formats, colourful textbooks and (37)________ IMAGINE
teaching methods all drew me into the excitement of learning a new language.
Of course, if your aim is (38) _____ in the language, nothing can beat actually EXPERT
going to the country concerned. Round-the-clock (39) _____ is clearly always IMMERSE
going to be more effective than the odd half hour with a set of tapes. But that odd
half hour will give you an (40) _______ headstart when you step out onto the VALUE streets. Your answers:
Example (0): EDUCATION
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
Part 2. The passage below contains 10 errors. IDENTIFY and CORRECT them. Write your answer in the
space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. (1 pt)
Your answers
The space race is not simply the objective search of knowledge it is often made out
e.g. (0) of => for
to be. It is just an extension of the race against power on earth. Only the wealthiest (41)………..……
nations can compete and they do so in the name of pure scientific researches. But in (42)………...…
the reality, all they are interested in is power and prestige. They want to impress us, (43)……...……
their spectators, by a magnificent show of strength. Man has played the power game (44)…………...
since he disappeared on earth. Now he is playing it as it has never been played before. (45) ……..……
The space race is justly another aspect of the old argument that "might is right". (46) …….………
Poverty, hunger, diseases and war are man greatest enemies. If the powerful nations (47) …….…….
devoted half as much money and effort to these problems as they do to the space race,
the world would be a better place. At the first time in his history, man has the (48)………..…
overwhelmed technological resources to combat human suffering, yet he (49)…………... DTQG,24/8/11/V1 Page 4 of 11
squanders them on meaningless pursues. (50)………...… READING: (3 pts) Part 1:
a. From the list of headings below choose the most suitable heading for each session (from A-D). There
are extra headings which you do not need to use. Write your answer in the numbered box.

Issues Affecting the Southern Resident Orcas List of headings A. Toxic Exposure B. Declining Fish Populations
C. Pleasure Boating in the San Juan Islands D. Underwater Noise E. Smog in Large Cities F. Impact of Boat Traffic 51
Orcas, also known as killer whales, are opportunistic feeders, which means they will take a variety of
different prey species. J, K, and L pods. (specific groups of orcas found in the region) are almost exclusively
fish eaters. Some studies show that up to 90 percent of their diet is salmon, with chinook salmon being far
and away their favorite. During the last 50 years, hundreds of wild runs of salmon have become extinct due
to habitat loss and overfishing of wild stocks. Many of the extinct salmon stocks are the winter runs of
chinook and coho. Although the surviving stocks have probably been sufficient to sustain the resident pods,
many of the runs that have bee lost were undoubtedly traditional resources favored by the resident orcas. This
may be affecting the whales' nutrition in the winter and may require them to change their patterns of
movement in order to search for food.
Other studies with tagged whales have shown that they regularly dive up to 800 feet in this area. Researchers
tend to think that during these deep dives the whales maybe feeding on bottom fish. Bottom fish species in
this area would include halibut, rockfish, lingcod, and greenling. Scientists estimate that today's lingcod
population in northern Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia is only 2 percent of what it was in 1950. The
average size of rockfish in the recreational catch has also declined by several inches since the 1970, which is
indicative of overfishing. In some locations, certain rockfish species have disappeared entirely. So even if
bottomfish are not a major food resource for the whales, the present low numbers of available fish increases
the pressure on orcas and all marine animals to find food. (For more information on bottomfish see the San
Juan County Bottomfish Recovery Program.) 52
Toxic substances accumulate in higher concentrations as they move up the food chain. Because areas are the
top predator in the ocean and are at the top of several different food chains in the environment, they tend to
be more affected by pollutants than other sea creatures. Examinations of stranded killer whales have shown
some extremely high levels of lead, mercury, and polychlorinated hydrocarbons. Abandoned marine toxic
waste dumps and present levels of industrial and human refuse pollution of the inland waters probably
presents the most serious threat to the continued existence of this orca population. Unfortunately, the total
remedy to this huge problem would be broad societal changes on many fronts. But because of the fact that
orcas are so popular, they may be the best species to use as a focal point in bringing about the many changes
that need to be made in order to protect the marine environment as a whole from further toxic poisoning. 53 DTQG,24/8/11/V1 Page 5 of 11
The waters around the San Juan Islands are extremely busy due to international commercial shipping, fishing,
whale watching and pleasure boating. On a busy weekend day in the summer, it is not uncommon to see
numerous boats in the vicinity of the whales as they travel through the area. The potential impacts from all
this vessel traffic with regard to the whales and other marine animals in the area could be tremendous.
The surfacing and breathing space of marine birds and mammals is a critical aspect of their habitat, which the
animals must consciously deal with on a moment-to-moment basis throughout their lifetimes. With all the
boating activity in the vicinity, there are three ways in which surface impacts are most likely to affect marine
animals: (a) collision, (b) collision avoidance, and (c) exhaust emissions in breathing pockets.
The first two impacts are very obvious and don't just apply to vessels with motors. Kayakers even present a
problem here because they're so quiet. Marine animals, busy hunting and feeding under the surface of the
water, may not be aware that there is a kayak above them and actually hit the bottom of it as they surface to breathe.
The third impact is one most people don't even think of. When there are numerous boats in the area,
especially idling boats, there are a lot of exhaust fumes being spewed out on the surface of the water. When
the whale comes up to take a nice big breath of "fresh" air, it instead gets a nice big breath of exhaust fumes.
It's hard to say how greatly this affects the animals, but think how breathing polluted air affects us (i.e., smog
in large cities like Los Angeles, breathing the foul air while sitting in traffic jams, etc). 54
Similar to surface impacts, a primary source of acoustic pollution for this population of orcas would also be
derived from the cumulative underwater noise of vessel traffic. For cetaceans, the underwater sound
environment is perhaps the most critical component of their sensory and behavioral lives. Orcas
communicate with each other over short and long distances with a variety of clicks, chirps, squeaks and
whistles, along with using echolocation to locate prey and to navigate. They may also rely on passive
listening as a primary sensory source. The long-term impacts from noise pollution would not likely show up
as noticeable behavioral changes in habitat use, but rather as sensory damage or gradual reduction in
population health. A new study at The Whale Museum called the SeaSound Remote Sensing Network has
begun studying underwater acoustics and its relationship to orca communication. Your Answers 51. 52. 53. 54.
b. Complete the chart below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Write your
answer in the numbered box.
Cause Effect
Scientists believe some whales feed These whales dive very deep.
Scientists believe that the area is being over
Rockfish caught today is (56)................................... fished.
than rockfish caught in the past.
Orcas are at the top of the ocean food chain.
(57).........................affects orcas more than it does other sea animals.
Orcas are a (58) ............................................. species.
We can use orcas to make society aware of
the problem of marine pollution.
People enjoy boating, fishing, and whale watching in On weekends there are (59) ............. near the whales. the San Juan Islands.
Kayaks are (50) ..........................................
Marine animals hit them when they come up for air. DTQG,24/8/11/V1 Page 6 of 11
A lot of boats keep their motors running.
Whales breathe (61) ..................... Boats are noisy.
Whales have difficulty (62) ................... Your answers: 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.
Part 2: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. Write your
answer in the numbered box.(0) has been done as an example.

If you like to build your holiday round a theme or particular (0)_______ , there are many opportunities open
to you. The Scottish Tourist Board publishes an excellent (63) _______ , Adventure and Special Interest
Holidays in Scotland,
containing details of dozens of ideas for 'different' holidays together with addresses to
(64) _______ . Write for a copy to any of their offices.
You can, for example, go on an archaeological holiday and be (65)_______ to the many prehistoric
(66)_______ on the Solway Coast and the Early Christian remains at Whithorn. For creative people, there
are any number of arts and crafts (67) _______ that offer instruction as well as relaxation. Prices vary,
depending on the (68) _______ of teaching and accommodation. Subjects range from painting and music to
wood-carving, silver-smithing and (69)_______ . Outdoor (70)_______ can choose from a wide range too -
from bird watching to camping, from gliding to golf.
If you've always wanted to see the west (71)_______ of Scotland from the sea but haven't got your own boat
and prefer an experienced hand at the helm, try STA Schooners. They (72)_______ week-long voyages in
the Tall Ship Malcolm Miller, a 300-ton schooner, and part of the experience is that you are one of the (73)
_______ - a pleasure for which you pay quite a lot. Hebridean Island Cruises offer a variety of cruises to
many of the most beautiful spots on the western seaboard in the Hebridean Princess, a luxury floating hotel
with a crew of thirty to look after forty passengers. If you're lucky with the weather and can (74) _______ it,
this could be the ideal holiday for you. 0 A action B activity C act D acting 63 A prospectus B catalogue C brochure D journal 64 A visit B contact C write D know 65 A invited B referred C introduced D presented 66 A situations B sites C sights D sightings 67 A practices B studies C careers D courses 68 A amount B quality C capacity D quantity 69 A sailing B water-skiing C stone-cutting D chess 70 A experts B sports C activities D enthusiasts 71 A bank B shore C coast D seaside 72 A set B run C take D stage 73 A group B staff C team D crew 74 A buy B afford C pay D spend Your answers: Example: (0): B 63. 64. 65. 66. DTQG,24/8/11/V1 Page 7 of 11 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.
Part 3: Read a magazine article about acupuncture treatment. Seven paragraphs have been removed from
the article. Choose from the paragraphs A–H the one which fits each space. There is one extra paragraph
which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Pins and needles
I was curious to find out more about acupuncture as I’d heard a lot about its beneficial effects. However, I
didn’t feel in any particular need of treatment myself so I decided to ask a friend of mine if I could observe her receiving treatment. 0
The Traditional Acupuncture Centre was just as you’d expect: the incense, rubber plants and charts on the
wall. These mapped out the body’s energy channels. They seem to be the typical wall coverings of an alternative health centre. 75
Nina returned and explained that she needed to ask Joan questions about her health, lifestyle, diet and
personal history. She began by asking why Joan wanted acupuncture. Joan described the shoulder stiffness
and backache that had bothered her for years. 56
Nina then explained that in Chinese medicine, physical and emotional aspects are not distinct. An imbalance
of either manifests itself in the same way. The division between mind and body is a Western idea. 77
Nina opened a sachet of sterile 4 cm long needles. They were fine and flexible, but Joan was still
apprehensive. Nina took a pulse at six points on each of Joan’s wrists, looking for certain ‘qualities’ that she would then treat. 78
Nina inserted the first needle into Joan’s shin. It went in a surprisingly long way before she twisted it to the
right and Joan’s leg shot up suddenly. ‘Ow!’ she exclaimed. She was visibly tense, but as Nina inserted the
next needle it wasn’t so bad. 79
When the time came to remove the needles, Joan was more relaxed, though she flinched as they came out.
All the time Nina was reassuring her. She informed Joan that the shocks she felt were due to blockages of the energy channels. 80
I asked Joan the next day about how she felt. She said that she felt a little more relaxed and that she had slept
deeply that night. However, she really felt that she needed a course of treatment to be able to assess its effectiveness.
A. Nina said that she felt Joan’s problems with her back and her shoulder stiffness came from her office job.
She recommended that Joan do yoga exercises at work, as this kind of relaxation had many benefits for mind and body.
B. Nina finished with a pressure point massage on Joan’s shoulders and back. ‘I’m looking forward to seeing
you again,’ Nina said, as she bade a relieved Joan a fond farewell. Nina left the decision to Joan about arranging another appointment.
C. Our health apparently depends on the motivating energy, or chi, made up of the equal and opposite
qualities of Yin and Yang. When these are unbalanced, one can become ill. By inserting needles into points DTQG,24/8/11/V1 Page 8 of 11
on the energy channels, healing responses are stimulated and the balance is restored.
D. Surprisingly, these questions went on for a whole hour. Joan was asked about her attitudes to many things,
including work and relationships. She was also asked about her attitude to herself on several occasions.
E. Nina Doughty, the acupuncturist, introduced herself and then slipped away to prepare the treatment room.
Joan was anxious. ‘I hope this doesn’t hurt too much,’ she murmured.
F. She also looked at Joan’s tongue, an indicator of her general state of health. At this point, Joan felt that the
experience was rather like being at the dentist. However, at the dentist one usually knows where the needle will be inserted.
G. She placed more needles in Joan’s ankles, feet, lower back and forearms. She tweaked them as she put
them in, regularly checking Joan’s pulse, then left them for 20 minutes. Joan lay on the bed all this time.
H. I asked Joan Hughes, who I knew had been complaining of muscular stiffness for some time. She agreed,
so excitedly we attended her first appointment at the local centre. Your answers: Example (0): H 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. WRITING (I): (2 pts)
Part 1: Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it. Write
your sentence in the space below the sentence given

81. I was about to leave my office when the phone rang.
I was on ……………………………………………………………………………….............................
82. We had to settle for a cheaper car than the one we wanted.
We had to content…………………………………………………………………………......................
83. When he got to the party everyone was chatting and eating.
84. The passengers do not realise how lucky they have been.
85. I never thought of asking for his help.
The thought………………………………………………………………………………………………
86. If nothing unfortunate happens, I’ll see you next week.
All being………………………………………………………………………………………………… DTQG,24/8/11/V1 Page 9 of 11
87. If you were in the situation I’m in, you’d feel the same.
If you put …………………………………………………………………………………………………
88. I don’t have the right qualities for becoming a teacher.
I am not cut………………………………………………………………………………………………
89. Don’t tell the boss anything about this.
Don’t breathe ………………………………………………………………………………………..…
90. Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for this disease
Part 2: For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to it. Use
the bracketed word, and this word MUST NOT be changed in any way. Write your answer in the space
below the sentence given.

91. He escaped using a disguise. (MEANS)
92. Digging all these trees made me exhausted. (WORE)
93. His daughter does not look like him. (RESEMBLANCE)
94. I’m indebted to my god-father for my decent education. (OWE)
95. The fact that he will never race again is something he cannot accept. (TERMS)
96. We ask passengers not to leave their seats until the aircraft doors have been opened (REMAIN)
97. It was hard not to start laughing when she started to sing. (FACE)
98. Don't panic about something so trivial. (MOUNTAIN)
99. Many people nowadays find it increasingly difficult to exist on the money they earn. (ENDS)
100. Is it possible to walk from the hotel to the city centre? (WITHIN)
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DTQG,24/8/11/V1 Page 10 of 11 THE END DTQG,24/8/11/V1 Page 11 of 11