Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 10 năm 2023 - 2024 sách Cánh diều đề 3

Đề kiểm tra cuối kì 1 Tiếng Anh 10 Explore New Worlds được biên soạn với cấu trúc đề rất đa dạng gồm cả đề trắc nghiệm kết hợp tự luận bám sát nội dung chương trình học trong sách giáo khoa. Hi vọng đây sẽ là tài liệu hữu ích cho quý thầy cô và các em ôn tập và củng cố kiến thức, chuẩn bị sẵn sàng cho kì thi cuối học kì 1 lớp 10 sắp tới.

ĐỀ KIM TRA HC K I - NĂM HỌC 2023-2024
Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 - B sách: Cánh diều
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Listen to the conversation between Helen and Mai. Circle the best answer A, B,
or C. You will listen TWICE.
1. What did Mai do on her weekend?
A. She went to the beach with her family.
B. She went to swim with her classmates at the beach.
C. She carried out a community project at the beach.
2. How long did it take Mai’s class to collect all the litter?
A. A half of day
B. All day
C. Three hour and a half
3. How much rubbish did they pick up?
A. A ton of rubbish
B. 12 kilograms
C. A lot of rubbish
4. What did Mai’s group do after finishing collecting rubbish?
A. They assisted the other groups.
B. They had some free time to relax on the beach.
C. They took photos of their achievement.
5. What is the purpose of the project?
A. To help students relax after studying
B. To improve the marine environment as well as public engagement and awareness
C. To do charity by selling plastic rubbish collected
Task 1. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Keep silent kids! Dad ___________ (listen) to some news on the radio.
2. We ___________ (meet) our relatives from the USA tonight. I’m so excited.
3. Alice: Look! Mom is carrying a heavy box! Tom : Oh! I _______ (help) her with it.
4. Some new solutions to the environmental problems ___________ (propose) during
last Monday’s meeting.
5. They had better ___________ (choose) more exciting music for the party.
Task 2. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, C, or
1. People usually consider men the ___________ to support family with finance.
A. character B. manner
C. breadwinner D. supporter
2. The benefit from sharing the housework is increasing family ___________.
A. routine B. bonds
C. value D. chores
3. In order to decrease global warming, humans should reduce the ___________.
A. human resources
B. natural disasters
C. natural resources
D. carbon footprint
4. Children should be taught to raise the ___________ of using paper bags instead of
plastic bags.
A. energy B. awareness
C. waste D. recycling
5. Tom has a talent for playing the ___________ and other musical instruments.
A. performance B. trumpet
C. stage D. band
Task 1. Read the text and write T for True or F for False
Even on a long trip, you don't need a lot of heavy suitcases. You only need two bags-a
carry-on bag and a check-in bag. Here is some advice for packing them.
Carry-on bag
• Your carry-on bag should be small and light.
The most important things for your trip (passport, boarding pass, airline tickets,
money, credit cards, cell phone, keys, etc.) should go in your carry-on bag.
• You should pack valuable things, such as a laptop or jewelry, in your carry-on bag.
You should bring a change of clothes in case your luggage is delayed.
• You should also take any medicine you need in your carry-on bag.
• Bring snacks to eat on the plane. Cookies, nuts. and dried fruit are good. Don't bring
chocolate-it's very messy. For long trips, bring a sandwich.
And don't bring water--you can't take it through security. You should buy some at the
airport before you board the plane.
• Remember to bring a good book or your tablet.
Check-in bag
• Your check-in bag should be strong.
• Your clothes, shoes, and other everyday things should go in your check-in bag.
• Make a list to help you remember everything.
• Pack your bag early-don't pack on the same day as your trip!
Think about the weather. Do you need a coat and gloves, or T-shirts and shorts?
Choose the right clothes! You should pack your clothes inside plastic bags.
Put your name and your hotel's address and telephone number on your bag. You
should put this information inside the bag, too.
1. You need three bags to go on a trip.
2. Your carry-on bag should be big and strong.
3. Your carry-on bag is for things you need on the airplane.
4. Your check-in bag is for clothes and things you use on your vacation.
5. You should put your home address on your check-in bag.
6. You should pack your laptop in your check-in bag.
Task 2. Complete the description of Brian Skerry with the words in the box.
The man in the photo is Brian Skerry. He is from the United States. He is a
photographer (1) a National Geographic Explorer. He takes pictures of sperm whales.
His job is (2) but (3). That's why he loves it. He works with scientists, (4) he isn't a
scientist. He takes photos to help scientists research and learn about sperm whales.
Task 1. Unscramble the words to make sentences.
1. boring / Jean / person / is / a
2. a / is / country / rich / Singapore
3. baby / happy / my / a / is / daughter
4. books / he / interesting / reads
5. a / dangerous / the / place / is / city
Task 2. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1. There are many beautiful things to see, ………………………………………..
2. The street food in Rio de Janeiro is
delicious, ………………………………………..
3. The bus is crowded in the morning ………………………………………..
4. The flight is six hours long, ………………………………………..
5. The tickets are expensive ………………………………………..
6. You should check the website ………………………………………..
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
Helen: Hello Mai, how was your weekend?
Mai: Fantastic! I spent my lovely weekend in Vung Tau with my schoolmates and
Helen: Oh, really. You all had a wonderful beach holiday?
Mai: Actually, it was not exactly a beach holiday. Our class had a project to carry out,
namely ‘Plastic Waste Free’.
Helen: Sounds interesting. What was it exactly?
Mai: Well, we must collect the waste people left on the beach. Our responsibility was
to clean an area of the beach where many people visited during high season. My
principal said that the project aimed to reduce plastic waste, and give a better
environment for marine creatures. And I think public engagement and awareness are
also the main purposes of this type of project. There are often lots of students who are
quite irresponsible when they drop litter after events, so the project will help them
think about their duty to the environment.
Helen: I totally agree with you. Your class did a very good job picking up litter, didn’t
Mai: Of course. We collected dozens of rubbish such as plastic bags, disposable
bottles, and other kinds of trash. It took us half a day to do, and we were divided into
small groups. Our group finished in about three hours and then we supported the other
groups. It was really good teamwork. We didn’t feel exhausted because it was lots of
Task 1.
1. is listening
2. are going to meet/ are meeting
3. will help
4. were proposed
5. choose
Task 2.
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. B
Task 1.
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. F
Task 2.
1. and
2. dangerous
3. interesting
4. but
Task 1.
1. Jean is a boring person.
2. Singapore is a rich country.
3. My daughter is a happy baby.
4. He reads interesting books.
5. The city is a dangerous place.
| 1/7

Preview text:

Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 - Bộ sách: Cánh diều
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút I. LISTENING
Listen to the conversation between Helen and Mai. Circle the best answer A, B,
or C. You will listen TWICE.
1. What did Mai do on her weekend?
A. She went to the beach with her family.
B. She went to swim with her classmates at the beach.
C. She carried out a community project at the beach.
2. How long did it take Mai’s class to collect all the litter? A. A half of day B. All day C. Three hour and a half
3. How much rubbish did they pick up? A. A ton of rubbish B. 12 kilograms C. A lot of rubbish
4. What did Mai’s group do after finishing collecting rubbish?
A. They assisted the other groups.
B. They had some free time to relax on the beach.
C. They took photos of their achievement.
5. What is the purpose of the project?
A. To help students relax after studying
B. To improve the marine environment as well as public engagement and awareness
C. To do charity by selling plastic rubbish collected II. LANGUAGE FOCUS
Task 1. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Keep silent kids! Dad ___________ (listen) to some news on the radio.
2. We ___________ (meet) our relatives from the USA tonight. I’m so excited.
3. Alice: Look! Mom is carrying a heavy box! Tom : Oh! I _______ (help) her with it.
4. Some new solutions to the environmental problems ___________ (propose) during last Monday’s meeting.
5. They had better ___________ (choose) more exciting music for the party.
Task 2. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, C, or D.
1. People usually consider men the ___________ to support family with finance. A. character B. manner C. breadwinner D. supporter
2. The benefit from sharing the housework is increasing family ___________. A. routine B. bonds C. value D. chores
3. In order to decrease global warming, humans should reduce the ___________. A. human resources B. natural disasters C. natural resources D. carbon footprint
4. Children should be taught to raise the ___________ of using paper bags instead of plastic bags. A. energy B. awareness C. waste D. recycling
5. Tom has a talent for playing the ___________ and other musical instruments. A. performance B. trumpet C. stage D. band III. READING
Task 1. Read the text and write T for True or F for False
Even on a long trip, you don't need a lot of heavy suitcases. You only need two bags-a
carry-on bag and a check-in bag. Here is some advice for packing them. Carry-on bag
• Your carry-on bag should be small and light.
• The most important things for your trip (passport, boarding pass, airline tickets,
money, credit cards, cell phone, keys, etc.) should go in your carry-on bag.
• You should pack valuable things, such as a laptop or jewelry, in your carry-on bag.
You should bring a change of clothes in case your luggage is delayed.
• You should also take any medicine you need in your carry-on bag.
• Bring snacks to eat on the plane. Cookies, nuts. and dried fruit are good. Don't bring
chocolate-it's very messy. For long trips, bring a sandwich.
And don't bring water--you can't take it through security. You should buy some at the
airport before you board the plane.
• Remember to bring a good book or your tablet. Check-in bag
• Your check-in bag should be strong.
• Your clothes, shoes, and other everyday things should go in your check-in bag.
• Make a list to help you remember everything.
• Pack your bag early-don't pack on the same day as your trip!
• Think about the weather. Do you need a coat and gloves, or T-shirts and shorts?
Choose the right clothes! You should pack your clothes inside plastic bags.
• Put your name and your hotel's address and telephone number on your bag. You
should put this information inside the bag, too.
1. You need three bags to go on a trip.
2. Your carry-on bag should be big and strong.
3. Your carry-on bag is for things you need on the airplane.
4. Your check-in bag is for clothes and things you use on your vacation.
5. You should put your home address on your check-in bag.
6. You should pack your laptop in your check-in bag.
Task 2. Complete the description of Brian Skerry with the words in the box. and but dangerous interesting
The man in the photo is Brian Skerry. He is from the United States. He is a
photographer (1) a National Geographic Explorer. He takes pictures of sperm whales.
His job is (2) but (3). That's why he loves it. He works with scientists, (4) he isn't a
scientist. He takes photos to help scientists research and learn about sperm whales. IV. WRITING
Task 1. Unscramble the words to make sentences.
1. boring / Jean / person / is / a
2. a / is / country / rich / Singapore
3. baby / happy / my / a / is / daughter
4. books / he / interesting / reads
5. a / dangerous / the / place / is / city
Task 2. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1. There are many beautiful things to see, ……………………………………….. 2. The street food in Rio de Janeiro is
delicious, ………………………………………..
3. The bus is crowded in the morning ………………………………………..
4. The flight is six hours long, ………………………………………..
5. The tickets are expensive ………………………………………..
6. You should check the website ……………………………………….. ANSWER KEY I. LISTENING 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B Script:
Helen: Hello Mai, how was your weekend?
Mai: Fantastic! I spent my lovely weekend in Vung Tau with my schoolmates and classmates.
Helen: Oh, really. You all had a wonderful beach holiday?
Mai: Actually, it was not exactly a beach holiday. Our class had a project to carry out,
namely ‘Plastic Waste Free’.
Helen: Sounds interesting. What was it exactly?
Mai: Well, we must collect the waste people left on the beach. Our responsibility was
to clean an area of the beach where many people visited during high season. My
principal said that the project aimed to reduce plastic waste, and give a better
environment for marine creatures. And I think public engagement and awareness are
also the main purposes of this type of project. There are often lots of students who are
quite irresponsible when they drop litter after events, so the project will help them
think about their duty to the environment.
Helen: I totally agree with you. Your class did a very good job picking up litter, didn’t you?
Mai: Of course. We collected dozens of rubbish such as plastic bags, disposable
bottles, and other kinds of trash. It took us half a day to do, and we were divided into
small groups. Our group finished in about three hours and then we supported the other
groups. It was really good teamwork. We didn’t feel exhausted because it was lots of fun. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS Task 1. 1. is listening
2. are going to meet/ are meeting 3. will help 4. were proposed 5. choose Task 2. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B III. READING Task 1. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F Task 2. 1. and 2. dangerous 3. interesting 4. but IV. WRITING Task 1. 1. Jean is a boring person.
2. Singapore is a rich country.
3. My daughter is a happy baby.
4. He reads interesting books.
5. The city is a dangerous place.