Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 7 năm 2023 - 2024 sách Cánh diều - Đề 2

Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 7 năm 2023 - 2024 sách Cánh diều - Đề 2 được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn học sinh cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

NĂM 2023 - 2024
Thi gian…. phút
Listen. Circle the best response.
a. You should go to school.
b. You should rest.
c. You shouldn’t stay home.
a. You shouldn't take some medicine.
b. You shouldn't go to baseball practice.
c. You shouldn't eat so many desserts.
a. Hamburgers, chips, ice cream, and juice.
b. Yes, there is.
c. In three days.
Task 1. Circle the correct word in each sentence
1. She is wearing a (uniform / dress)
2. He hurt his (foot / knee).
3. She has a (headache / backache).
4. The teacher is wearing a (dress / jacket)/
5. He has a (cough / stomachache).
6. The girl is wearing pants and a (jacket / blouse).
Task 2. Join the correct parts of the conversation
1. Hi, Lee. What are you doing?
a. Umm, the Nile?
2. I love geography! I can help you.
b. Antarctica.
3. OK. What's the longest river in the world?
c. Oh, hi, Lisa. I'm studying geography.
4. Yeah! And where's the hottest desert?
d. Great, thanks! Ask me a question then,
5. That's right! What's the coldest continent in
the world?
e. Hey! That's not a geography question!
6. Uh-huh. Last question. Where's the O best
coffee shop near here?
f. Well, I think it's the Sahara. Is it in Africa?
7. I know, but I'm really thirsty. Let's go get a
Task 3. Correct one mistake in each question.
1. Who's tallest student in your class?
2. Who's the goodest soccer player in your school?
3. What's the popularest after-school activity in your school?
4. What's the most big store near your house?
5. Where's most beautiful place in your country?
6. What's the famousest food from your country?
Task 1. Complete the article. Use the words in the box
Reindeer live in some of the (1) places in Europe, Asia, and North America. In
North America, reindeer are called caribou, but this is the same species.
Reindeer are herbivores, meaning they only eat (2) They live in big groups
called herds. Herds of reindeer often travel over (3) distances-walking more
than 2,500 kilometers every year.
Reindeer (4) new antlers every year. Their antlers grow up to 130 centimeters
in length! Reindeer live in cold places, so how do they stay warm? One way is
that their noses warm the cold air before it travels into their bodies. Their
bodies also have lots of hair all the way from their noses to their feet! The hair
keeps their bodies (5) against wind and cold.
Task 2. Read the text and write T for true or F for False
Marconi Union is a band from England. They recently made a piece of music
named "Weightless." Scientists believe it is more relaxing than any other song.
The music has a mixture of instruments, natural sounds, and people singing.
The music is eight minutes long. It starts quite fast and then slows down. The
rhythm is very important because our heartbeat matches it, and gradually slows
down with the music.
As we listen, our brain relaxes. The music slows the heart rate, reduces blood
pressure, and lowers levels of stress.
Scientists say the music is more relaxing than a nice cup of tea, a lovely walk,
or even a massage!
1. Marconi Union is a singer from England.
2. "Weightless" uses more than one instrument.
3. The song is six minutes long.
4. Music can change the speed of our heartbeat and calm the brain.
Use the words to write sentences or questions
1. Who / tall / person / world
2. place / cold / What / world
3. Africa / high / Kilimanjaro / mountain
4. country / world / large / What
5. small / Australia / world / continent
Đáp án Đ thi Hc kì 1 Tiếng Anh lp 7 Explore English - s 2)
1. b
2. b
3. a
Task 1.
1. uniform
2. knee
3. headache
4. dress
5. cough
6. blouse
Task 2.
1. c
2. d
3. a
4. f
5. b
6. e
Task 3.
1. Who's the tallest student in your class?
2. Who's the best soccer player in your school?
3. What's the most popular after-school activity in your school?
4. What's the biggest store near your house?
5. Where's the most beautiful place in your country?
6. What's the most famous food from your country?
Task 1.
2. plants
4. grow
5. warm
Task 2.
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
1. Who’s the tallest person in the world?
2. What’s the coldest place in the world?
3. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa.
4. What’s the largest country in the world?
5. Australia us the smallest continent in the world.
| 1/6

Preview text:

Listen. Circle the best response. 1. a. You should go to school. b. You should rest. c. You shouldn’t stay home. 2.
a. You shouldn't take some medicine.
b. You shouldn't go to baseball practice.
c. You shouldn't eat so many desserts. 3.
a. Hamburgers, chips, ice cream, and juice. b. Yes, there is. c. In three days. II. USE OF ENGLISH
Task 1. Circle the correct word in each sentence
1. She is wearing a (uniform / dress) 2. He hurt his (foot / knee).
3. She has a (headache / backache).
4. The teacher is wearing a (dress / jacket)/
5. He has a (cough / stomachache).
6. The girl is wearing pants and a (jacket / blouse).
Task 2. Join the correct parts of the conversation
1. Hi, Lee. What are you doing? a. Umm, the Nile?
2. I love geography! I can help you. b. Antarctica.
3. OK. What's the longest river in the world? c. Oh, hi, Lisa. I'm studying geography.
4. Yeah! And where's the hottest desert?
d. Great, thanks! Ask me a question then, please.
5. That's right! What's the coldest continent in e. Hey! That's not a geography question! the world?
6. Uh-huh. Last question. Where's the O best f. Well, I think it's the Sahara. Is it in Africa? coffee shop near here?
7. I know, but I'm really thirsty. Let's go get a drink!
Task 3. Correct one mistake in each question.
1. Who's tallest student in your class?
2. Who's the goodest soccer player in your school?
3. What's the popularest after-school activity in your school?
4. What's the most big store near your house?
5. Where's most beautiful place in your country?
6. What's the famousest food from your country? III. READING
Task 1. Complete the article. Use the words in the box grow coldest plants warm long
Reindeer live in some of the (1) places in Europe, Asia, and North America. In
North America, reindeer are called caribou, but this is the same species.
Reindeer are herbivores, meaning they only eat (2) They live in big groups
called herds. Herds of reindeer often travel over (3) distances-walking more
than 2,500 kilometers every year.
Reindeer (4) new antlers every year. Their antlers grow up to 130 centimeters
in length! Reindeer live in cold places, so how do they stay warm? One way is
that their noses warm the cold air before it travels into their bodies. Their
bodies also have lots of hair all the way from their noses to their feet! The hair
keeps their bodies (5) against wind and cold.
Task 2. Read the text and write T for true or F for False
Marconi Union is a band from England. They recently made a piece of music
named "Weightless." Scientists believe it is more relaxing than any other song.
The music has a mixture of instruments, natural sounds, and people singing.
The music is eight minutes long. It starts quite fast and then slows down. The
rhythm is very important because our heartbeat matches it, and gradually slows down with the music.
As we listen, our brain relaxes. The music slows the heart rate, reduces blood
pressure, and lowers levels of stress.
Scientists say the music is more relaxing than a nice cup of tea, a lovely walk, or even a massage!
1. Marconi Union is a singer from England.
2. "Weightless" uses more than one instrument.
3. The song is six minutes long.
4. Music can change the speed of our heartbeat and calm the brain. IV. WRITING
Use the words to write sentences or questions
1. Who / tall / person / world
2. place / cold / What / world
3. Africa / high / Kilimanjaro / mountain
4. country / world / large / What
5. small / Australia / world / continent
Đáp án Đề thi Học kì 1 Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Explore English - (Đề số 2) I. LISTENING 1. b 2. b 3. a II. USE OF ENGLISH Task 1. 1. uniform 2. knee 3. headache 4. dress 5. cough 6. blouse Task 2. 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. e Task 3.
1. Who's the tallest student in your class?
2. Who's the best soccer player in your school?
3. What's the most popular after-school activity in your school?
4. What's the biggest store near your house?
5. Where's the most beautiful place in your country?
6. What's the most famous food from your country? III. READING Task 1. 1. coldest 2. plants 3. long 4. grow 5. warm Task 2. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T IV. WRITING
1. Who’s the tallest person in the world?
2. What’s the coldest place in the world?
3. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa.
4. What’s the largest country in the world?
5. Australia us the smallest continent in the world.