Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 1 năm 2022 - 2023 | Tiếng anh 1 | đề 1

TOP 21 Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 1 năm 2022 - 2023 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống, có đáp án, hướng dẫn chấm và bảng ma trận 3 mức độ theo Thông tư 27, giúp thầy cô nhanh chóng xây dựng đề thi học kì 2 cho học sinh của mình.

Đề thi Tiếng Anh lp 1 học kì 2 sách Kết ni tri thức năm
Đề 1
I. Match the numbers to the words.
Answers: 11: eleven
6. _________
12. _________
15. _________
2. _________
9. _________
II. Choose and circle.
0. 15:
1. 30:
→ _________
2. 40:
→ _________
3. 19:
→ _________
4. 7:
→ _________
5. 80:
→ _________
III. Write in capital letters. (Ex: 1 - d)
1. Mary a. we
2. a dog b. it
3. Mum and Dad c. he
4. Lucy and I d. she
5. three donkeys e. they
6. a boy f. it
7. a book g. they
8. Peter h. he
1. d
IV. Match (1 -10) with (a -1).
1. book
a. s 11
2. donkey
b. s 15
3. boy
c. s 19
4. thirteen
d. s 14
5. eight
e. s 17
6. eleven
f. quyển sách
7. fifteen
g. con la
8. nineteen
h. cậu bé
9. seventeen
i. s 13
10. fourteen
j. s 8
I. Match the numbers to the words.
11: eleven
6: six
12: twelve
15: fifteen
2: two
9: nine
II. Choose and circle.
1. thirty 2. forty 3. nineteen
4. seven 5. eighty
III. Write in capital letters. (Ex: 1- d)
1. d 2. b 3. e 4. a
5. g 6. h 7. f 8. h
IV. Match (1 - 10) with (a - j).
1. f 2. g 3. h
4. i 5. J 6. a
7. b 8. c 9. e
10. d
Đề 2
I. Look at the picture and complete the words
1. _ a r _ e n
2. _ e l l
3. _ o r s _
4. _ a k _
II. Choose the odd one out
1. A. teddy bear
B. doll
C. tiger
2. A. bananas
B. apples
C. foot
3. A. father
B. face
C. foot
4. A. bus
B. sun
C. truck
5. A. monkey
B. water
C. mouse
III. Write
I can see a ________________
He is ____________________
That’s a _________________
Đáp án đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lp 1 Kết ni tri thc
I. Look at the picture and complete the words
1. garden
2. bell
3. horse
4. cake
II. Choose the odd one out
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. B
III. Write
1. I can see a turtle
2. He is running
3. That’s a mango
Đề 3
I/ Look at the picture and complete the words
1. t _ r t l _
2. f _ _ t
3. _ i n d _ w
4. m _ p
5. _ a r d _ n
6. _ a _ e
II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions
How many apples?
_____________ apples
How many cars?
_____________ cars
How many tigers?
_____________ tigers
III/ Write a/ an
1. ____________ apple
2. ____________ car
3. ____________ umbrella
4. ____________ toy
5. ____________ truck
-The end-
Đáp án đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lp 1 Kết ni tri thc
I/ Look at the picture and complete the words
1. turtle
2. foot
3. window
4. mop
5. garden
6. gate
II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions
1. Four apples
2. Five cars
3. Eight tigers
III/ Write a/ an
1. ______an______ apple
2. ______a______ car
3. ______an______ umbrella
4. ______a______ toy
5. ______a______ truck
Đề 4
I/ Look at the picture and match
A. horse
B. sun
C. chicken
D. bell
E. window
II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions
What can you see?
I can see a ___________
How many windows?
What is that?
That is a ____________
What’s he doing?
He is _______________
What’s he having?
He’s having __________
III/ Read and tick
1. Nine trucks
2. a gate
3. A cup
-The end-
Đáp án đề thi Tiếng Anh lp 1 học kì 2
I/ Look at the picture and match
1. B
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. C
II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions
1. turtle
2. Nine
3. mouse
4. running
5. noodles
III/ Read and tick
1. A
2. B
3. B
Đề 5
I/ Look at the pictures and complete the word
1. _ e m o n
2. _ o n k e y
3. b a _ a n a s
4. _ u r t l e
5. _ i n _ o w
6. p _ t
II/ Look at the pictures and answer the questions
I have a _____________
How many mangoes?
What is that?
That is a ____________
What do you like?
I __________________
She’s having ________
III/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences
1. turtle/ see/ He/ can/ a/ ./
2. Point/ foot/ to/ your/ ./
3. see?/ How/ birds/ can/ many/ you/
4. I/ a/ teddy bear/ see/ can/ ./
-The end-
Đáp án đề thi Tiếng Anh lp 1 học kì 2
I/ Look at the pictures and complete the word
1. lemon
2. monkey
3. bananas
4. turtle
5. window
6. pot
II/ Look at the pictures and answer the questions
1. I have a car
2. Six
3. That is a tiger
4. I like fish
5. She’s having noodles
III/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences
1. He can see a turtle
2. Point to your foot.
3. How many birds can you see?
4. I can see a teddy bear.
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Đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 1 học kì 2 sách Kết nối tri thức năm 2023 Đề 1
I. Match the numbers to the words. 11 6 12 15 2 9 six two eleven nine twelve fifteen Answers: 11: eleven 6. _________ 12. _________ 15. _________ 2. _________ 9. _________ II. Choose and circle. 0. 15: fifty fifteen five fifteen 1. 30: thirteen thirty three → _________ 2. 40: four fourteen forty → _________ 3. 19: nine ninety nineteen → _________ 4. 7: seventeen seven seventy → _________ 5. 80: eight eighteen eighty → _________
III. Write in capital letters. (Ex: 1 - d) 1. Mary a. we 2. a dog b. it 3. Mum and Dad c. he 4. Lucy and I d. she 5. three donkeys e. they 6. a boy f. it 7. a book g. they 8. Peter h. he Answers: 1. d 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
IV. Match (1 -10) with (a -1). A B Answers 1. book a. số 11 ..................... 2. donkey b. số 15 ..................... 3. boy c. số 19 ..................... 4. thirteen d. số 14 ..................... 5. eight e. số 17 ..................... 6. eleven f. quyển sách ..................... 7. fifteen g. con lừa ..................... 8. nineteen h. cậu bé ..................... 9. seventeen i. số 13 ..................... 10. fourteen j. số 8 ..................... ĐÁP ÁN
I. Match the numbers to the words. 11: eleven 6: six 12: twelve 15: fifteen 2: two 9: nine II. Choose and circle.
1. thirty 2. forty 3. nineteen 4. seven 5. eighty
III. Write in capital letters. (Ex: 1- d) 1. d 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. g 6. h 7. f 8. h
IV. Match (1 - 10) with (a - j). 1. f 2. g 3. h 4. i 5. J 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. e 10. d Đề 2
I. Look at the picture and complete the words 1. _ a r _ e n 2. _ e l l 3. _ o r s _ 4. _ a k _
II. Choose the odd one out 1. A. teddy bear B. doll C. tiger 2. A. bananas B. apples C. foot 3. A. father B. face C. foot 4. A. bus B. sun C. truck 5. A. monkey B. water C. mouse III. Write I can see a ________________ 1. He is ____________________ 2. That’s a _________________ 3.
Đáp án đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 1 Kết nối tri thức
I. Look at the picture and complete the words 1. garden 2. bell 3. horse 4. cake
II. Choose the odd one out 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B III. Write 1. I can see a turtle 2. He is running
3. That’s a mango Đề 3
I/ Look at the picture and complete the words 1. t _ r t l _ 2. f _ _ t 3. _ i n d _ w 4. m _ p 5. _ a r d _ n 6. _ a _ e
II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions How many apples? _____________ apples 1. How many cars? _____________ cars 2. How many tigers? _____________ tigers 3. III/ Write a/ an 1. ____________ apple 2. ____________ car 3. ____________ umbrella 4. ____________ toy 5. ____________ truck -The end-
Đáp án đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 1 Kết nối tri thức
I/ Look at the picture and complete the words 1. turtle 2. foot 3. window 4. mop 5. garden 6. gate
II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions 1. Four apples 2. Five cars 3. Eight tigers III/ Write a/ an 1. ______an______ apple 2. ______a______ car 3. ______an______ umbrella 4. ______a______ toy 5. ______a______ truck Đề 4
I/ Look at the picture and match A. horse 1. B. sun 2. C. chicken 3. D. bell 4. E. window 5.
II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions What can you see? I can see a ___________ 1. How many windows? ___________________ 2. What is that? That is a ____________ 3. What’s he doing? He is _______________ 4. What’s he having? He’s having __________ 5. III/ Read and tick 1. Nine trucks 2. a gate 3. A cup A.  B.  A.  B.  A.  B.  -The end-
Đáp án đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 1 học kì 2
I/ Look at the picture and match 1. B 2. D 3. E 4. A 5. C
II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions 1. turtle 2. Nine 3. mouse 4. running 5. noodles III/ Read and tick 1. A 2. B 3. B Đề 5
I/ Look at the pictures and complete the word 1. _ e m o n 2. _ o n k e y 3. b a _ a n a s 4. _ u r t l e 5. _ i n _ o w 6. p _ t
II/ Look at the pictures and answer the questions I have a _____________ 1. How many mangoes? ____________________ 2. What is that? That is a ____________ 3. What do you like? I __________________ 4. She’s having ________ 5.
III/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences
1. turtle/ see/ He/ can/ a/ ./
__________________________________________ 2. Point/ foot/ to/ your/ ./
3. see?/ How/ birds/ can/ many/ you/
4. I/ a/ teddy bear/ see/ can/ ./
__________________________________________ -The end-
Đáp án đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 1 học kì 2
I/ Look at the pictures and complete the word 1. lemon 2. monkey 3. bananas 4. turtle 5. window 6. pot
II/ Look at the pictures and answer the questions 1. I have a car 2. Six 3. That is a tiger 4. I like fish 5. She’s having noodles
III/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences 1. He can see a turtle 2. Point to your foot.
3. How many birds can you see? 4. I can see a teddy bear.