Đề thi Kỳ thi Olympic 30 tháng 4 TP Hồ Chí Minh mở rộng năm 2021 (Tiếng Anh 11)

Đề thi Kỳ thi Olympic 30 tháng 4 TP Hồ Chí Minh mở rộng năm 2021 (Tiếng Anh 11) giúp các bạn học sinh sắp tham gia các kì thi Tiếng Anh tham khảo, học tập và ôn tập kiến thức, bài tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Ngày 17 tháng 4 năm 2021
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Đề này gồm 4 trang
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.
1. The first bridge ______ in the area was from the money of a charity fund.
A. being built B. for building C. to be built D. to build
2. It’s high time John ______ more attentive.
A. is B. was C. to be D. were
3. You ______ me for permission to use my computer. Do it next time.
A. might have asked B. must have asked C. ought have asked D. needn’t have asked
4. Our class are friendly and we have no difficulty ______ new friends.
A. to make B. making C. for the making of D. to be making
5. I’ll go and get more food ______ more guests to come than we expect.
A. if there be B. if there have C. should there be D. were there
6. The students don’t ______ the grammar structure before.
A. look as though they study B. appear like they were studying
C. sound as if to study D. seem to have studied
7. The students are so ______ the field trip that they are talking about it all afternoon.
A. interested to go on B. interested in going on
C. taking an interest in going on D. interesting in going on
8. ______ he might feel after his illness, he managed to finish the assignment on schedule.
A. Though weak B. Weakly though C. Despite weakness D. Weak as
9. You ______ me such a big cake on my last birthday, I live on my own any way.
A. didn’t have to buy B. shouldn’t buy C. needn’t have bought D. wouldn’t have bought
10. ______ during the meeting.
A. Not a word did he say B. No word that he said C. Without words said he D. He didn’t say no words
11. Barely ______ the fire broke out.
A. when the fuel pump exploded B. exploded the fuel pump when
C. had the fuel pump exploded than D. did the fuel pump explode when
12. Daisy is marrying a man ______.
A. whose she hardly knows B. she hardly knows him C. she hardly knows D. hardly does she know
13. A woman rushed into the room, her arm ______.
A. was bleeding B. bled C. bleeding D. has been bleeding
14. _ “What’s your proposal?” _ “I propose that the meeting ______.”
A. is postponing B. be postponed C. to be postponed D. postpones
15. He tried to limit himself to ______ 2 cigarettes a day.
A. smoke B. have smoked C. smoking D. be smoking
16. Many celebrities resent their private lives being held up to public ______.
A. observation B. deliberation C. scrutiny D. investigation
17. The lecture was ______ dull and I almost went to sleep.
A. rightly B. deadly C. highly D. deeply
18. The prospect of bankruptcy loomed ______ in his mind.
A. large B. heavy C. enormous D. hard
19. This project ______ everything else.
A. shows preference to B. takes precedence over
C. gives priority over D. takes advantage of
20. Our favorite player Roger once again ______ his arch rival Rafael in the Roland Garros final.
A. lost to B. defeated by C. beat with D. triumphed
21. A gang of thieves broke into the gallery and ______ paintings worth $5,000,000.
A. ran out of B. made off with C. came in for D. got away from
22. A rescue team was ______ to help with the search.
A. broken into B. put out C. brought in D. looked for
23. Lucie ______ as a nice girl.
A. looks upon B. falls under C. takes up D. comes across
24. Find the synonym of the word in bold type
He is really a diligent student.
A. hard B. curious C. dependent D. studious
25. Find the synonym of the word in bold type
An enormous amount of money has been wasted on this project already.
A. negligible B. colossal C. dramatic D. reasonable
26. According to botanists, peanuts are more closely relating to peas than to nuts.
27. Insects appeared on earth before long the earliest mammals.
28. Because there are less members present tonight than were there last night, we will wait until the next meeting to vote.
29. A caricature is a picture in which the subject’s distinctive features they are deliberately exaggerated.
30. Nuclear energy, despite its early promise as a source of electrical power, is still insignificant in compared with older
and safer energy sources.
WORD FORMS (40 pts)
A. Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets.
1. ______ of sand can be formed by the action of waves on coastal beaches. (accumulate)
2. Many species of bees are almost ______ in this area now. (exist)
3. Many unemployed ______ could be pushed back towards crime by the closure of job training programs. (prison)
4. Special attention will be paid to people from ______ areas. (advantage)
5. They exchanged the usual ______ before getting down to discussing business. (pleasure)
6. I’m looking for my pen which ______ vanished from my desk overnight. (account)
7. Some ______ believe that the nuclear family is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. (social)
8. ______ or reduction in the value of the pound may help exports, but it will also increase inflation. (value)
9. Many women feel ______ travelling home at night alone. (panic)
10. She turned away from his ______ hands. (stretch)
B. Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage.
There are two extra words that you cannot use.
mammal usual expense hot absorb heat
understand normal built adapt cold depth
Large animals that inhabit the desert have evolved a number of (1)______ for reducing the effects of extreme
(2)______. One adaptation is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the Sun’s rays. Desert mammals also
depart from the normal (3)______ practice of maintaining a constant body temperature. Instead of trying to keep down the
body temperature (4)______ inside the body, which would involve the (5)______ of water and energy, desert mammals
allow their temperatures to rise to what would (6)______ be fever height, and temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius
have been measured in Grant’s gazelles. The (7)______ body then cools down during the cold desert night, and indeed
the temperature may fall (8)______ low by dawn, as low as 34 degrees Celsius in the camel. This is an advantage since
the heat of the first few hours of daylight is (9)______ in warming up the body, and an excessive (10)______ of heat does
not begin until well into the day.
Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space.
Last year thieves broke into a Scottish castle and stole only one thing: a rhino horn, which at 1.5 metres was the
longest in the world. In China, pharmaceutical (1)______ have been building up bundles of antiques made from rhino
horn, for the sole (2)______ of smashing them to powder to make the (3)______ ingredient of many of their medicines.
And in Africa poachers continue to die in the (4)______ for the black rhino.
Recently, conservationists have met to (5)______ a campaign to persuade countries where rhino horn is
(6)______ part of the traditional medicine to (7)______ to substitutes. The biggest (8)______ to the survival of the
rhinoceros is the (9)______ of certain countries to enforce a ban on domestic (10)______ in rhino horn.
The rhino horn is included in many (11)______ for disorders ranging from fevers to nosebleeds. Horn, like
fingernails, is made of keratin and has no proven medicinal (12)______. Traditional substitutes, such as horn from buffalo
or antelope, are (13)______ as second best.
The battle is (14)______ to be winnable. But it may be harder than the battle against the trade in ivory, for there is
a (15)______ between the two commodities: Ivory is a luxury; rhino horn, people believe, could save the life of their child.
1. A. factories B. plants C. workshops D. studios
2. A. reason B. intention C. need D. purpose
3. A. essential B. real C. actual D. true
4. A. chance B. search C. fight D. race
5. A. design B. plan C. programme D. form
6. A. hardly B. even C. nearly D. still
7. A. vary B. switch C. modify D. adjust
8. A. threat B. danger C. disaster D. menace
9. A. rejection B. denial C. refusal D. protest
10. A. business B. commerce C. selling D. trading
11. A. recipes B. aids C. remedies D. doses
12. A. capacity B. values C. control D. powers
13. A. regarded B. valued C. known D. reputed
14. A. imagined B. dreamed C. thought D. viewed
15. A. variation B. difference C. gap D. comparison
Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.
Perhaps the most obvious way artistic creation reflects how people live is by mirroring the environment the
materials and technologies available to a culture. Stone, wood, tree bark, clay, and sand are generally available materials.
In addition, depending on the locality, other resources may be accessible: shells, horns, gold, copper, and silver. The
different uses to which societies put these materials are of interest to anthropologists who may ask, for example, why a
person chooses to use clay and not copper when both items are available. Although there are no conclusive answers
yet, the way in which a society views its environment is sometimes apparent in its choice and use of artistic materials.
The use of certain metals, for example, may be reserved for ceremonial objects of special importance. Or the belief in the
supernatural powers of a stone or tree may cause a sculptor to be sensitive to that material.
What is particularly meaningful to anthropologist is the realization that although the materials available to a society
may to some extent limit or influence what it can do artistically, the materials by no means determine what is done. Why
does the artist in Japanese society rake sand into patterns; and the artist in Roman society melt sand to form glass?
Moreover, even when the same material is used in the same way by members of different societies, the form or style of
the work varies enormously from culture to culture. A society may simply choose to represent objects or phenomena that
are important to its population. An examination of the art of the Middle Ages tells us something about the medieval
preoccupation with theological doctrine. In addition to revealing the primary concerns of a society, the content of that
society’s art may also reflect the culture’s social stratification.
1. According to the passage, gold, copper, and silver are
(A) more difficult to handle than wood and stone (B) commonly used by artists in all societies
(C) essential to create ceremonial objects (D) available only in specific locations
2. The word “conclusive” is closest in meaning to
(A) definite (B) controversial (C) concurrent (D) realistic
3. The word “apparent” is closest in meaning to
(A) attractive (B) logical (C) evident (D) distinct
4. Why does the author mention the “supernatural powers of a stone or tree”?
(A) To show that some sculptors avoid working with specific materials
(B) To emphasize the unusual properties of certain materials
(C) As an example of how art can be influenced by cultural beliefs
(D) As an illustration of the impact of the environment on religious beliefs
5. The word “it” refers to
(A) realization (B) society (C) extent (D) influence
6. It can be inferred that the author mentions the Japanese and Roman societies because
(A) they influenced each other (B) of their stable social conditions
(C) of the unique stylistic features of their art (D) they used the same artistic material in very different ways
7. According to the passage, all of the following statements about sand are true EXCEPT
(A) it is used to create glass (B) Roman artists mix it into their paints
(C) its use varies from culture to culture (D) Japanese artists use it to create artistic patterns
8. The word “Moreover” is closest in meaning to
(A) similarly (B) in addition (C) in contrast (D) frequently
9. The word “preoccupation” is closest in meaning to
(A) involvement (B) separation (C) relationship (D) argument
10. The word “primary” is closest in meaning to
(A) discrete (B) preliminary (C) ideal (D) fundamental
Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage.
There have always been famous sportsmen and women, but until quite (1)______ nobody made a lot of money
from playing sports. It was a hobby, not a professional (2)______. But it’s quite different today. Professional sports can
now be extremely lucrative and top players (3)______ salaries that sports stars a few years ago could only dream about.
Today sport is a ticket to (4)______ and fortune.
The transformation of sport from a (5)______ activity to an industry has occurred because of the increasing
importance of television in our lives. Sport and television are the perfect (6)______. Television provides enormous
audiences and sport provides spectacular drama, (7)______ joy, despair, excitement and tension in equal measure.
What’s more, television offers (8)______ all this drama in the comfort of their own homes. It’s a winning combination.
Of course, advertisers have been quick to (9)______ the true potential of this partnership. Sponsorship is
(10)______, from football players who have the names of their sponsors on their kit to the Formula One (11)______
whose cars are covered in the names of the companies (12)______ finance them. There are teams, stadiums, and even
competitions named (13)______ the companies which have invested money in them. And all these major sporting events
are shown on television at (14)______ which will reach a maximum audience. Sports events have become very long TV
On January 15
2009 US Airways (1)______ 1549 crash-landed on the Hudson River in New York City. Due to a
combination of (2)______ skill in pure luck, everyone on the plane (3)______ the accident. And it’s safe to guess that
most, if not (4)______ of them, changed the way they think about their lives as a result.
Although it is an (5)______ that he hadn’t wanted to have, Ric Elias learned a lot that day. He says that three
important lessons (6)______ out of that terrifying moment. The first is that in a life-or-death situation, “everything changes
in an (7)______.” He realized that it was important to do the things he wanted to do (8)______ postponing them.
As the (9)______ went down, the second lesson Elias learnt was that it was important to eliminate negative
energy from his life. He saw that he had (10)______ too much time on winning arguments and feeling important. Now, he
says, “I no (11)______ try to be right, I choose to be happy.”
The final important lesson Elias learned was that although it wasn’t frightening to look death in the (12)______, it
was sad. He realized the only thing he wanted was to see his children (13)______ up. He understood that “the only thing
that (14)______ in my life is being a great dad.” He encourages other parents to be the best mothers and fathers they can
be, above all (15)______.
Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word in
brackets without making any change to it.
1. “Don’t disobey me, or I’ll stop your pocket money,” said Jane’s father. (if)
Jane’s father _______________________________ him.
2. Someone is making a new pair of dining room curtains for us. (made)
We _______________________________ for dining room.
3. Pollution may be responsible for the dolphins’ loss of immunity to the virus. (blame)
We may _______________________________ the dolphins’ loss of immunity to the virus.
4. Most people consider Mr. Jarvis to be the best dentist in town. (widely)
Mr. Jarvis _______________________________ town’s best dentist.
5. You may dislike folk music very much, but you’ll like this particular band. (however)
You are _______________________________
6. You scarcely ever see owls during the daytime. (few)
Only _______________________________ during the daytime.
7. After 10 minutes, waiting began to depress Kathy. (fed)
Kathy _______________________________ after she’d been waiting ten minutes.
8. Providing everyone agrees, next week’s meeting will be cancelled. (held)
Unless _______________________________ next week.
9. Reports say that the invading army left the city early this morning. (have)
The invading army _______________________________ early this morning.
10. I inherited this old table from my grandmother. (handed)
This _______________________________ by my grandmother.
Ngày 17 tháng 4 năm 2021
Đáp án và Hướng dẫn chấm
(1 pt each correct answer)
1. C. to be built
2. D. were
3. A. might have asked
4. B. making
5. C. should there be
6. D. seem to have studied
7. B. interested in going on
8. D. Weak as
9. C. needn’t have bought
10. A. Not a word did he say
11. D. did the fuel pump explode when
12. C. she hardly knows
13. C. bleeding
14. B. be postponed
15. C. smoking
16. C. scrutiny
17. B. deadly
18. A. large
19. B. takes precedence over
20. A. lost to
21. B. made off with
22. C. brought in
23. D. comes across
24. D. studious
25. B. colossal
26. D
27. C
28. A
29. D
30. D
WORD FORMS (40 pts)
A. (2 pts each correct answer)
1. Accumulations
2. non-existent
3. ex-prisoners
4. disadvantaged
5. pleasantries
6. unaccountably
7. sociologists
8. Devaluation
9. panicked
10. outstretched
B. (2 pts each correct answer)
(1) adaptations
(2) heat
(3) mammalian
(4) deep
(5) expenditure
(6) normally
(7) overheated
(8) unusually
(9) absorbed
(10) buildup
(2 pts each correct answer)
1. A. factories
2. D. purpose
3. A. essential
4. B. search
5. B. plan
6. D. still
7. B. switch
8. A. threat
9. C. refusal
10. D. trading
11. C. remedies
12. D. powers
13. A. regarded
14. C. thought
15. B. difference
(2 pts each correct answer)
1. (D) available only in specific locations
2. (A) definite
3. (C) evident
4. (C) As an example of how art can be influenced by cultural beliefs
5. (B) society
6. (D) they used the same artistic material in very different ways
7. (B) Roman artists mix it into their paints
8. (B) in addition
9. (A) involvement
10. (D) fundamental
(2 pts each correct answer)
(1) recently
(2) career/pursuit
(3) earn
(4) fame
(5) recreational / leisure
(6) fit
(7) including
(8) viewers / audiences / people
(9) see / realize / recognize
(10) popular / everywhere / omnipresent
(11) racers / teams
(12) which / that
(13) after
(14) hours
(15) shows
(1) flight
(2) pilot / great
(3) survived
(4) all
(5) experience
(6) came
(7) instant
(8) without
(9) (air/aero)plane / aircraft / airliner
(10) wasted / spent
(11) longer
(12) eye(s) / face
(13) grow
(14) matters
(15) else
(2 pts each correct answer)
1. Jane’s father told her (that) he would stop her pocket money if she disobeyed him.
2. We are having a new pair of curtains made for dining room.
3. We may blame pollution / put/place/pin the blame on pollution for the dolphins’ loss of immunity to the virus.
4. Mr. Jarvis is widely considered (to be / as) the town’s best dentist.
5. You are probably against / opposed to folk music; however, you’ll like this particular band.
6. Only few and far between do you see owls during the daytime.
7. Kathy became / got / was fed up after she’d been waiting ten minutes.
8. Unless anyone / someone disagrees, a meeting won’t be / there won’t be a meeting held next week.
9. The invading army is / are said to have left the city early this morning.
10. This old table was handed down to me by my grandmother.
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Ngày 17 tháng 4 năm 2021 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 11
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Đề này gồm 4 trang USE OF ENGLISH (30 pts)
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.
1. The first bridge ______ in the area was from the money of a charity fund. A. being built B. for building C. to be built D. to build
2. It’s high time John ______ more attentive. A. is B. was C. to be D. were
3. You ______ me for permission to use my computer. Do it next time. A. might have asked B. must have asked C. ought have asked D. needn’t have asked
4. Our class are friendly and we have no difficulty ______ new friends. A. to make B. making C. for the making of D. to be making
5. I’l go and get more food ______ more guests to come than we expect. A. if there be B. if there have C. should there be D. were there
6. The students don’t ______ the grammar structure before. A. look as though they study
B. appear like they were studying C. sound as if to study D. seem to have studied
7. The students are so ______ the field trip that they are talking about it al afternoon. A. interested to go on B. interested in going on
C. taking an interest in going on D. interesting in going on
8. ______ he might feel after his il ness, he managed to finish the assignment on schedule. A. Though weak B. Weakly though C. Despite weakness D. Weak as
9. You ______ me such a big cake on my last birthday, I live on my own any way. A. didn’t have to buy B. shouldn’t buy
C. needn’t have bought D. wouldn’t have bought 10. ______ during the meeting. A. Not a word did he say
B. No word that he said C. Without words said he D. He didn’t say no words
11. Barely ______ the fire broke out. A. when the fuel pump exploded B. exploded the fuel pump when
C. had the fuel pump exploded than
D. did the fuel pump explode when
12. Daisy is marrying a man ______.
A. whose she hardly knows B. she hardly knows him C. she hardly knows D. hardly does she know
13. A woman rushed into the room, her arm ______. A. was bleeding B. bled C. bleeding D. has been bleeding
14. _ “What’s your proposal?” _ “I propose that the meeting ______.” A. is postponing B. be postponed C. to be postponed D. postpones
15. He tried to limit himself to ______ 2 cigarettes a day. A. smoke B. have smoked C. smoking D. be smoking
16. Many celebrities resent their private lives being held up to public ______. A. observation B. deliberation C. scrutiny D. investigation
17. The lecture was ______ dul and I almost went to sleep. A. rightly B. deadly C. highly D. deeply
18. The prospect of bankruptcy loomed ______ in his mind. A. large B. heavy C. enormous D. hard
19. This project ______ everything else. A. shows preference to B. takes precedence over C. gives priority over D. takes advantage of
20. Our favorite player Roger once again ______ his arch rival Rafael in the Roland Garros final. A. lost to B. defeated by C. beat with D. triumphed
21. A gang of thieves broke into the gal ery and ______ paintings worth $5,000,000. A. ran out of B. made off with C. came in for D. got away from
22. A rescue team was ______ to help with the search. A. broken into B. put out C. brought in D. looked for
23. Lucie ______ as a nice girl. A. looks upon B. fal s under C. takes up D. comes across
24. Find the synonym of the word in bold type
He is real y a diligent student. A. hard B. curious C. dependent D. studious
25. Find the synonym of the word in bold type
An enormous amount of money has been wasted on this project already. A. negligible B. colossal C. dramatic D. reasonable
26. According to botanists, peanuts are more closely relating to peas than to nuts. A B C D
27. Insects appeared on earth before long the earliest mammals. A B C D
28. Because there are less members present tonight than were there last night, we wil wait until the next meeting to vote. A B C D
29. A caricature is a picture in which the subject’s distinctive features they are deliberately exaggerated. A B C D
30. Nuclear energy, despite its early promise as a source of electrical power, is stil insignificant in compared with older A B C D and safer energy sources. WORD FORMS (40 pts)
A. Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets.
1. ______ of sand can be formed by the action of waves on coastal beaches. (accumulate)
2. Many species of bees are almost ______ in this area now. (exist)
3. Many unemployed ______ could be pushed back towards crime by the closure of job training programs. (prison)
4. Special attention wil be paid to people from ______ areas. (advantage)
5. They exchanged the usual ______ before getting down to discussing business. (pleasure)
6. I’m looking for my pen which ______ vanished from my desk overnight. (account)
7. Some ______ believe that the nuclear family is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. (social)
8. ______ or reduction in the value of the pound may help exports, but it wil also increase inflation. (value)
9. Many women feel ______ travel ing home at night alone. (panic)
10. She turned away from his ______ hands. (stretch)
B. Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage.
There are two extra words that you cannot use.
mammal usual expense hot absorb heat understand normal built adapt cold depth
Large animals that inhabit the desert have evolved a number of (1)______ for reducing the effects of extreme
(2)______. One adaptation is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the Sun’s rays. Desert mammals also
depart from the normal (3)______ practice of maintaining a constant body temperature. Instead of trying to keep down the
body temperature (4)______ inside the body, which would involve the (5)______ of water and energy, desert mammals
al ow their temperatures to rise to what would (6)______ be fever height, and temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius
have been measured in Grant’s gazel es. The (7)______ body then cools down during the cold desert night, and indeed
the temperature may fal (8)______ low by dawn, as low as 34 degrees Celsius in the camel. This is an advantage since
the heat of the first few hours of daylight is (9)______ in warming up the body, and an excessive (10)______ of heat does
not begin until wel into the day. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (30 pts)
Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space.

Last year thieves broke into a Scottish castle and stole only one thing: a rhino horn, which at 1.5 metres was the
longest in the world. In China, pharmaceutical (1)______ have been building up bundles of antiques made from rhino
horn, for the sole (2)______ of smashing them to powder to make the (3)______ ingredient of many of their medicines.
And in Africa poachers continue to die in the (4)______ for the black rhino.
Recently, conservationists have met to (5)______ a campaign to persuade countries where rhino horn is
(6)______ part of the traditional medicine to (7)______ to substitutes. The biggest (8)______ to the survival of the
rhinoceros is the (9)______ of certain countries to enforce a ban on domestic (10)______ in rhino horn.
The rhino horn is included in many (11)______ for disorders ranging from fevers to nosebleeds. Horn, like
fingernails, is made of keratin and has no proven medicinal (12)______. Traditional substitutes, such as horn from buffalo
or antelope, are (13)______ as second best.
The battle is (14)______ to be winnable. But it may be harder than the battle against the trade in ivory, for there is
a (15)______ between the two commodities: Ivory is a luxury; rhino horn, people believe, could save the life of their child. 1. A. factories B. plants C. workshops D. studios 2. A. reason B. intention C. need D. purpose 3. A. essential B. real C. actual D. true 4. A. chance B. search C. fight D. race 5. A. design B. plan C. programme D. form 6. A. hardly B. even C. nearly D. stil 7. A. vary B. switch C. modify D. adjust 8. A. threat B. danger C. disaster D. menace 9. A. rejection B. denial C. refusal D. protest 10. A. business B. commerce C. sel ing D. trading 11. A. recipes B. aids C. remedies D. doses 12. A. capacity B. values C. control D. powers 13. A. regarded B. valued C. known D. reputed 14. A. imagined B. dreamed C. thought D. viewed 15. A. variation B. difference C. gap D. comparison
Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.

Perhaps the most obvious way artistic creation reflects how people live is by mirroring the environment — the
materials and technologies available to a culture. Stone, wood, tree bark, clay, and sand are general y available materials.
In addition, depending on the locality, other resources may be accessible: shel s, horns, gold, copper, and silver. The
different uses to which societies put these materials are of interest to anthropologists who may ask, for example, why a
person chooses to use clay and not copper when both items are available. Although there are no conclusive answers
yet, the way in which a society views its environment is sometimes apparent in its choice and use of artistic materials.
The use of certain metals, for example, may be reserved for ceremonial objects of special importance. Or the belief in the
supernatural powers of a stone or tree may cause a sculptor to be sensitive to that material.
What is particularly meaningful to anthropologist is the realization that although the materials available to a society
may to some extent limit or influence what it can do artistical y, the materials by no means determine what is done. Why
does the artist in Japanese society rake sand into patterns; and the artist in Roman society melt sand to form glass?
Moreover, even when the same material is used in the same way by members of different societies, the form or style of
the work varies enormously from culture to culture. A society may simply choose to represent objects or phenomena that
are important to its population. An examination of the art of the Middle Ages tel s us something about the medieval
preoccupation with theological doctrine. In addition to revealing the primary concerns of a society, the content of that
society’s art may also reflect the culture’s social stratification.
1. According to the passage, gold, copper, and silver are
(A) more difficult to handle than wood and stone
(B) commonly used by artists in al societies
(C) essential to create ceremonial objects
(D) available only in specific locations
2. The word “conclusive” is closest in meaning to (A) definite (B) controversial (C) concurrent (D) realistic
3. The word “apparent” is closest in meaning to (A) attractive (B) logical (C) evident (D) distinct
4. Why does the author mention the “supernatural powers of a stone or tree”?
(A) To show that some sculptors avoid working with specific materials
(B) To emphasize the unusual properties of certain materials
(C) As an example of how art can be influenced by cultural beliefs
(D) As an il ustration of the impact of the environment on religious beliefs
5. The word “it” refers to (A) realization (B) society (C) extent (D) influence
6. It can be inferred that the author mentions the Japanese and Roman societies because
(A) they influenced each other
(B) of their stable social conditions
(C) of the unique stylistic features of their art
(D) they used the same artistic material in very different ways
7. According to the passage, al of the fol owing statements about sand are true EXCEPT
(A) it is used to create glass
(B) Roman artists mix it into their paints
(C) its use varies from culture to culture
(D) Japanese artists use it to create artistic patterns
8. The word “Moreover” is closest in meaning to (A) similarly (B) in addition (C) in contrast (D) frequently
9. The word “preoccupation” is closest in meaning to (A) involvement (B) separation (C) relationship (D) argument
10. The word “primary” is closest in meaning to (A) discrete (B) preliminary (C) ideal (D) fundamental
Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage. PASSAGE A
There have always been famous sportsmen and women, but until quite (1)______ nobody made a lot of money
from playing sports. It was a hobby, not a professional (2)______. But it’s quite different today. Professional sports can
now be extremely lucrative and top players (3)______ salaries that sports stars a few years ago could only dream about.
Today sport is a ticket to (4)______ and fortune.
The transformation of sport from a (5)______ activity to an industry has occurred because of the increasing
importance of television in our lives. Sport and television are the perfect (6)______. Television provides enormous
audiences and sport provides spectacular drama, (7)______ joy, despair, excitement and tension in equal measure.
What’s more, television offers (8)______ al this drama in the comfort of their own homes. It’s a winning combination.
Of course, advertisers have been quick to (9)______ the true potential of this partnership. Sponsorship is
(10)______, from footbal players who have the names of their sponsors on their kit to the Formula One (11)______
whose cars are covered in the names of the companies (12)______ finance them. There are teams, stadiums, and even
competitions named (13)______ the companies which have invested money in them. And al these major sporting events
are shown on television at (14)______ which wil reach a maximum audience. Sports events have become very long TV (15)______. PASSAGE B
On January 15th 2009 US Airways (1)______ 1549 crash-landed on the Hudson River in New York City. Due to a
combination of (2)______ skil in pure luck, everyone on the plane (3)______ the accident. And it’s safe to guess that
most, if not (4)______ of them, changed the way they think about their lives as a result.
Although it is an (5)______ that he hadn’t wanted to have, Ric Elias learned a lot that day. He says that three
important lessons (6)______ out of that terrifying moment. The first is that in a life-or-death situation, “everything changes
in an (7)______.” He realized that it was important to do the things he wanted to do (8)______ postponing them.
As the (9)______ went down, the second lesson Elias learnt was that it was important to eliminate negative
energy from his life. He saw that he had (10)______ too much time on winning arguments and feeling important. Now, he
says, “I no (11)______ try to be right, I choose to be happy.”
The final important lesson Elias learned was that although it wasn’t frightening to look death in the (12)______, it
was sad. He realized the only thing he wanted was to see his children (13)______ up. He understood that “the only thing
that (14)______ in my life is being a great dad.” He encourages other parents to be the best mothers and fathers they can be, above al (15)______.
Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word in
brackets without making any change to it.

1. “Don’t disobey me, or I’l stop your pocket money,” said Jane’s father. (if)
 Jane’s father _______________________________ him.
2. Someone is making a new pair of dining room curtains for us. (made)
 We _______________________________ for dining room.
3. Pol ution may be responsible for the dolphins’ loss of immunity to the virus. (blame)
 We may _______________________________ the dolphins’ loss of immunity to the virus.
4. Most people consider Mr. Jarvis to be the best dentist in town. (widely)
 Mr. Jarvis _______________________________ town’s best dentist.
5. You may dislike folk music very much, but you’l like this particular band. (however)
 You are _______________________________
6. You scarcely ever see owls during the daytime. (few)
 Only _______________________________ during the daytime.
7. After 10 minutes, waiting began to depress Kathy. (fed)
 Kathy _______________________________ after she’d been waiting ten minutes.
8. Providing everyone agrees, next week’s meeting wil be cancel ed. (held)
 Unless _______________________________ next week.
9. Reports say that the invading army left the city early this morning. (have)
 The invading army _______________________________ early this morning.
10. I inherited this old table from my grandmother. (handed)
 This _______________________________ by my grandmother. THE END OF THE TEST
Ngày 17 tháng 4 năm 2021
Đáp án và Hướng dẫn chấm USE OF ENGLISH (30 pts) (1 pt each correct answer) 1. C. to be built
11. D. did the fuel pump explode when 21. B. made off with 2. D. were 12. C. she hardly knows 22. C. brought in 3. A. might have asked 13. C. bleeding 23. D. comes across 4. B. making 14. B. be postponed 24. D. studious 5. C. should there be 15. C. smoking 25. B. colossal 6. D. seem to have studied 16. C. scrutiny 26. D 7. B. interested in going on 17. B. deadly 27. C 8. D. Weak as 18. A. large 28. A 9. C. needn’t have bought 19. B. takes precedence over 29. D 10. A. Not a word did he say 20. A. lost to 30. D WORD FORMS (40 pts)
A. (2 pts each correct answer) 1. Accumulations 6. unaccountably 2. non-existent 7. sociologists 3. ex-prisoners 8. Devaluation 4. disadvantaged 9. panicked 5. pleasantries 10. outstretched
B. (2 pts each correct answer) (1) adaptations (6) normally (2) heat (7) overheated (3) mammalian (8) unusually (4) deep (9) absorbed (5) expenditure (10) buildup GUIDED CLOZE TEST (30 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) 1. A. factories 6. D. still 11. C. remedies 2. D. purpose 7. B. switch 12. D. powers 3. A. essential 8. A. threat 13. A. regarded 4. B. search 9. C. refusal 14. C. thought 5. B. plan 10. D. trading 15. B. difference
READING COMPREHENSION (20 pts) (2 pts each correct answer)
1. (D) available only in specific locations 2. (A) definite 3. (C) evident
4. (C) As an example of how art can be influenced by cultural beliefs 5. (B) society
6. (D) they used the same artistic material in very different ways
7. (B) Roman artists mix it into their paints 8. (B) in addition 9. (A) involvement 10. (D) fundamental OPEN CLOZE TEST (60 pts) (2 pts each correct answer) PASSAGE A (1) recently
(9) see / realize / recognize (2) career/pursuit
(10) popular / everywhere / omnipresent (3) earn (11) racers / teams (4) fame (12) which / that
(5) recreational / leisure (13) after (6) fit (14) hours (7) including (15) shows
(8) viewers / audiences / people PASSAGE B (1) flight
(9) (air/aero)plane / aircraft / airliner (2) pilot / great (10) wasted / spent (3) survived (11) longer (4) all (12) eye(s) / face (5) experience (13) grow (6) came (14) matters (7) instant (15) else (8) without
SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 pts) (2 pts each correct answer)
1. Jane’s father told her (that) he would stop her pocket money if she disobeyed him.
2. We are having a new pair of curtains made for dining room.
3. We may blame pollution / put/place/pin the blame on pollution for the dolphins’ loss of immunity to the virus.
4. Mr. Jarvis is widely considered (to be / as) the town’s best dentist.
5. You are probably against / opposed to folk music; however, you’ll like this particular band.
6. Only few and far between do you see owls during the daytime.
7. Kathy became / got / was fed up after she’d been waiting ten minutes.
8. Unless anyone / someone disagrees, a meeting won’t be / there won’t be a meeting held next week.
9. The invading army is / are said to have left the city early this morning.
10. This old table was handed down to me by my grandmother. THE END