Đề thi Olympic 10 tháng 3 lần thứ 5 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2021 lớp 10 THPT Đông Du

Đề thi Olympic 10 tháng 3 lần thứ 5 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2021 lớp 10 THPT Đông Du giúp các bạn học sinh sắp tham gia các kì thi Tiếng Anh tham khảo, học tập và ôn tập kiến thức, bài tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

I. Grammar and Structures (5 pts) Choose the best option to complete the
following sentences
Câu 1. We _________________last night, but we went to the concert instead.
A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would
Đáp án câu 1: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 2. Lindsay’s excuses for being late are beginning to ___ rather thin.
A. get B. turn C. wear D. Go
Đáp án câu 2: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 3. We ___ have been happier in those days.
A. can’t B. couldn’t C. might not D. must not
Đáp án câu 3: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 4. They seemed to be ____ to the criticism and just carried on as before.
A. disinterested B. sensitive C. uncaring D. indifferent
Đáp án câu 4: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 5. “Shall we go out tonight?” - “____”
A. Yes, I can B. Yes, we are C. Yes, we go D. Yes, let’s
Đáp án câu 5: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 6. The noise of the typewriter really ____ me off. I just couldn’t concentrate.
A. put B. pulled C. set D. Took
Đáp án câu 6: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 7. Now I know we were just too tired. Even with your help, we _______ it.
A. hadn’t finished B. wouldn’t finish C. won’t finish D. wouldn’t
have finished
Đáp án câu 7: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 8. I could tell from the _______ look on her face that something terrible _______.
A. frightened / had happened B. frightened / would happen
C. frightening / had happened D. frightening / had been happening
Đáp án câu 8: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 9.____________ make a good impression on her.
A. Only by doing so can I B. Only by so doing I can
C. Only by doing so I can D. Only so doing can I
Đáp án câu 9: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 10. It looks _______ the game will be cancelled _______ the rain stops.
A. like / unless B. that / so long as C. as if / for fear that D. as though /
Đáp án câu 10: D (0,5 pt)
II. Phrasal verbs and Prepositions (5 pts) Choose the best option to complete the
following sentences
Câu 11. She got angry when they started to __________her private life.
A. ask for B. enquire after C. ask about D. enquire
Đáp án câu 11: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 12. She ran in a marathon last week but _________after ten kilometers.
A. dropped out B. closed down C. broke up D. made up
Đáp án câu 12: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 13. Paula applied for the post but she was _________
A. turned down B. checked out C. kept under D. pushed
Đáp án câu 13: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 14. If orders keep coming in like this, I'll have to.......... more staff.
A. give up B. add in C. gain on D. take on
Đáp án câu 14: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 15. I know you find the course boring, Pauline, but since you've started it, you might as well
_____ it.
A. go with B. go through with C. go ahead D. go off
Đáp án câu 15: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 16. You look upset, Sven. Have you and Niger _______ again?
A. gone out B. gone grey C. fallen out D. let off
Đáp án câu 16: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 17. Paul, do you think you could ____ me ____ for the night? It's a bit too late to go home
A. let me off B. go me out C. fall me out D. put me up
Đáp án câu 17: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 18. All building work must be carried out _________ safety regulations.
A. with reference to B. with obedience to C. in compliance with D. on behalf
Đáp án câu 18: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 19. The robbers packed diamonds into a suicase and ___________ in a van that waited for
them in the street.
A. put through B. rolled over C. carried away D. made off
Đáp án câu 19: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 20. As we were witing on the pavement, a black Mercedes ___________ besides us.
A. pulled up B. pulled down C. pulled off D. pulled
Đáp án câu 20: A (0,5 pt)
III. Vocabulary (10 pts) Choose the best option to complete the following sentences
Câu 21. I really admire the hero of the film. He’s so_______________
A. reckless B. adventurous C. foolhardly D. Infinitive
Đáp án câu 21: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 22. The weekend is over. So tomorrow morning it’s back to the ____________ .
A. grind B. labour C. drudgery D. toil
Đáp án câu 22: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 23. Big cites like New York and Tokyo are ____________ populated.
A. greatly B. closely C. densely D. Variously
Đáp án câu 23: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 24. There are many opportunities for work in the city.
A. possibilities B.disadvantages C. difficulties D. advantages
Đáp án câu 24: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 25. These figures give you some ideas of the cost of _____________ your car for one year.
A. controlling B. handing C. managing D.
Đáp án câu 25: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 26. It can take up to three months to ____________ a man to do this specialist work.
A. guide B. raise C. train D. Learn
Đáp án câu 26: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 27. In the _______________ of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all
A. requirement B. interests C. demands D. Asistance
Đáp án câu 27: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 28. The train service has been a ____________ seen they introduced the schedules.
A. shambles B. rumpus C. chaos D. fracas
Đáp án câu 28 : A (0,5 pt)
Câu 29. You’ve lived in the city for most of your life, so _____________ you’ re used to the
A. apparently B. presumably C. allegedly D. Predictably
Đáp án câu 29: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 30. Is an inexperienced civil servant __________ to the task of running the company?
A. capable B. skilled C.eligible D. suited
Đáp án câu 30: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 31. Their eventual choice of house was ………. by the time Peter would take to get to the
A. related B. consequent C. determined D. Dependent
Đáp án câu 31: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 32.Nearly 1,000 of the world’s bird species are ……………with extinction.
A. threatened B. endangered C. protected D. Abandoned
Đáp án câu 32: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 33. She loved tennis and could watch it till the _____ came home.
A. she B. everyone C. horses D. cows
Đáp án câu 33: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 34. Could you close the window? There is a bit of a _____.
A. current B. wind C. draught D. breeze
Đáp án câu 34: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 35. Thousands of steel _____ were used as the framework of the new office block.
A. beams B. girders C. stakes D. piles
Đáp án câu 35: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 36. The ceiling fans were on, but unfortunately they only _____ the hot, humid air.
A. stirred up B. poured through C. turned into D. cut back
Đáp án câu 36: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 37. He set one alarm-clock for five o’clock and the other for five past so as to _____ that he
did not oversleep.
A. assure B. ensure C. insure D. reassure
Đáp án câu 37: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 38. When Tim was eating a cherry, he accidentally swallowed the _____.
A. nut B. stone C. seed D. core
Đáp án câu 38: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 39. Many ________ crafts such as weaving are now being revived.
A. customary B. habitual C. traditional D. ordinary
Đáp án câu 39: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 40. Assembly lines are useful for producing a large _________ of identical products.
A. quality B. quantity C. quandary D. qualification
Đáp án câu 40 : B (0,5 pt)
IV. Guided Cloze (10 pts) Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space
Passage A:
More and more people are discovering that sharing and talking about their favorite books with
others can be as rewarding as the act of reading (41)_____. For people who feel that they are too
busy to sit down with a book, a book club helps them schedule time to read, others have gained
self-confidence by (42)_____ in or leading a discussion. And most people enjoy the chance to
(43)_____ new friends.
A successful book club should have a group that is small enough so even the quiet people can
be heard but also big enough for many different (44)_____. The best arrangement is a (45)_____
of ages, sexes, and backgrounds for more reading variety and livelier discussions.
The book club could (46)_____ in one subject or type of book, like mysteries, science fiction,
or biographies. Or the members could read books of all types, as long as the book is highly
recommended by someone who thinks it would be (47)_____ discussing.
Some book clubs meet in places like bookstores, public libraries, or restaurants, but most have
their meetings in members’ homes. This approach simply (48)_____ more privacy and time for
longer meetings.To make the meeting go smooth, a leader should be (49)_____ . The leader will
usually start the discussion by asking what the author’s main idea was. Book club members should
never be afraid to offer their opinions, even if they don’t like a book. They just need to be prepared
to explain
(50)_____they didn’t like something.
Câu 41.
A. it
B. itself
C. themselves
D. oneself
Đáp án câu 41: B
(0,5 pt)
Câu 42.
A. participating
B. taking
C. talking
D. sitting
Đáp án câu 42: A
(0,5 pt)
Câu 43.
A. do
B. make
C. form
D. gather
Đáp án câu 43: B
(0,5 pt)
Câu 44.
A. characters
B. issues
C. attitudes
D. opinions
Đáp án câu 44: D
(0,5 pt)
Câu 45.
A. mixture
B. range
C. number
D. lot
Đáp án câu 45: A
(0,5 pt)
Câu 46.
A. focus
B. talk
C. specialize
D. concentrate
Đáp án câu 46: C
(0,5 pt)
Câu 47.
A. valuable
B. busy
C. worth
D. useful
Đáp án câu 47: C
(0,5 pt)
Câu 48.
A. offers
B. supplies
C. encourages
D. takes
Đáp án câu 48: A
(0,5 pt)
Câu 49.
A. called
B. named
C. suggested
D. appointed
Đáp án câu 49: D
(0,5 pt)
Câu 50.
A. what
B. why
C. how
D. where
Đáp án câu 50: B
(0,5 pt)
Passage B:
The expression on your face can actually dramatically alter. Your feelings and perceptions, and it
has been proven that (51) ________smiling or frowning can create corresponding emotional
responses. The idea was first (52)_______by a French physiologist, Israel Waynbaum, in 1906.
He believed that different facial expressions affected the flow of blood to the brain, and that this
could create positive or negative feelings. A happy smile or irrepressible (53) ________ increased
the blood flow and contributed to joyful feelings. But sad, angry expressions decreased the flow
of oxygen-carrying blood, and created a vicious (54) ________ of gloom and depression by
effectively (55) ________ the brain of essential fuel.
Psychologist Robert Zajonc rediscovered this early research, and (56) ________ that the
temperature of the brain could affect the production and synthesis of neurotransmitters which
definitely influence our moods and energy levels. He agues that an impaired blood flow could not
only deprive the brain of oxygen, but create further chemical imbalance (57) ________ inhibiting
these vital hormon messages. Zajonc goes on to propose that our brains remember that smiling is
associated with being happy, and that by deliberately smiling through your tears you can (58)
________ your brain to release uplifting neurotransmitters replacing a depressed condition with
a happier one. People suffering from psychosomatic (59) ________, depression and anxiety states
could (60)________ from simply exercising their zygomatic muscles - which pull the corners of
the mouth up and back to form a smile several times an hour.
Câu 51. A. desperately B. determinedly C. deliberately D. Decidedly
Đáp án câu 51: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 52. A. put off B. put down C. put by D. put forward
Đáp án câu 52: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 53. A. laughter B. sadness C. humour D. Depression
Đáp án câu 53: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 54. A. cycle B. spiral C. circle D. Vortex
Đáp án câu 54: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 55. A cutting B. starving C. removing D. Eliminating
Đáp án câu 55: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 56. A. Advises B. wants C. demands D. Suggests
Đáp án câu 56: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 57. A. by B. without C. when D. From
Đáp án câu 57: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 58. A. make B. persuade C. allow D. Decide
Đáp án câu 58: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 59. A. disease B. illness C. infection D. Ailment
Đáp án câu5 9: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 60. A. recover B. improve C. benefit D. Progress
Đáp án câu 60: C (0,5 pt)
V. Reading Comprehension (10 pts) Read the text below and choose the best answer to each
Passage A:
The green building movement is changing the way buildings are constructed. This movement
started in the 1970s, as people began to see that modern life was destroying the environment we
all share. Natural resources were being destroyed, energy and water consumption was rising, and
so was pollution of all kinds. This environmental destruction has continued, and one important
factor has been the way that buildings are constructed. In fact, energy use in buildings represents
about 32 percent of all energy use in the United States. In the early years, green builders were a
small minority, and their goals of reducing the environmental impact of buildings were considered
unrealistic. Now, however, the green building movement is growing, as builders have been able
to take advantage of new technology and as the costs of this technology have gone down.
Environmental building methods are now practical enough to save money for builders and for
building owners, even as they reduce damage to the environment.
First, green builders try to make use of recycled materials as much as possible. In fact,
vast amounts of materials such as steel, cement, and wood are used in construction. Now there are
companies that specialize in gathering old materials, processing them, and selling them to builders
for new buildings. States and cities are encouraging these companies, as the reuse of materials also
means less waste in dumps. For larger builders or individual homeowners, it is possible to find
everything from steel and cement to doors, windows, sinks, tubs, brick, and hardware.
Another way that builders can reduce environmental impact is to reduce the energy
requirements of a building. This can be done in several ways. One is to provide an alternative,
nonpolluting source of energy. The first alternative energy source to be developed was solar power.
With solar panels-wide, flat sheets of special material-it is possible to produce electricity from the
rays of the sun. Builders can install solar panels on the roofs of buildings and connect them to
cooling or lighting systems. Once the panels are installed, they provide energy at no cost and with
no pollution. Another, nonpolluting solution for reducing energy use is a technology known as
geothermal heating. To obtain geothermal heat, builders place special pipes below ground, where
temperatures remain constant all year. In the winter, the earth's natural heat can be collected in
these pipes, and then transferred into the building's heating system. In the summer, heat in the
building can be collected and sent to the pipes underground.
Câu 61.According to the passage, all of the following leads to environmental destruction EXCEPT
A. the increasing number of buildings B. the increase of water consumption
C. the increase of energy consumption. D. the destruction of natural resources.
Đáp án câu 61: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 62.The early years, it was believed that the use of green buildings to reduce environmental
destruction was _______
A. impractical B. authentic C. unique D. Feasible
Đáp án câu 62: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 63.The phrase "green building" in the passage can also be understood as _______
A. environment-friendly buildings B. buildings with open stairs.
B. buildings with tree inside. D. buildings painted green.
Đáp án câu 63: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 64.The phrase "green builders" in the first line of the second paragraph refers to those who
A. work in green buildings. B. build green buildings.
C. use green materials. D. put trees in buildings.
Đáp án câu 64: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 65.The author mentioned all of the following as ways to reduce environmental destruction
EXCEPT _______
A. providing alternative energies.
B. using geothermal heating.
C. using recycled materials to construct buildings.
D. having more green plants in buildings.
Đáp án câu 65: D (0,5 pt)
Passage B:
The fertile valleys of the river Nile straddle the hot desert land of Egypt. Rain is relatively scarce,
and the summers are scorching hot. Nevertheless the strip of land, known as the Cultivation, on
either side of the Nile is reputed to be one of the most fertile places in the world. Its rich black soil
is the result of accumulation of silt deposited by the annual flooding of the Nile thousands of years
ago. From June to October, the river overflowed its banks. Modern damps were then constructed
to control the flooding. The floodwaters left behind a rich sticky black mud which made it suitable
for the cultivation of crops. As long as the soil was well irrigated, two or three crops could be
grown in one season.
Its rich soil led to the growth and rise of the brilliant civilization of the ancient Egyptians on the
Nile valley more than 5000 years ago. The earliest Egyptians had acquired the skills to till the land
along the banks, drawing water from the Nile for irrigation purposes. As the villagers along the
Nile became wealthy, they embarked on projects of digging ditches and constructing dams to
control the floods.
In about 3100 BC, the whole Egypt was united under the reign of King Menes. He and his
descendants made up Egypt’s first ruling family, or dynasty. His rule led to the great development
of the arts like writing, painting, architecture, and crafts. Egyptian power and influence were and
influence were to last for the next 2000 years.
The Egyptian kings had absolute powers. The king possesses all the land, and the peasants had
to surrender part of their crops to the king. An army of officials and scribes did the task of
collecting the exact amount of due from the individual farmers was united. Crops and livestock
were often seen at the storehouses surrounding the royal palaces. In return for their uphill task, the
king paid his officials and dishes out funds for huge irrigation projects.
Egypt’s trade with the outside world stretches far and wide. In return for gold, copper,
gemstones, and building stores, it purchases the goods that it did not have. Timber, resins, oils,
silver and slaves came from Lebanon. From Deria and Anatolia came horses, while the blue stone
called lapis lazuli was imported from Mesopotamia. Strong forts were constructed to protect
overland trade routes. Egypt held Nubia in the south for almost 800 years. It served as Egypt’s
most vital source of gold and slaves.
Câu 66. The civilization of the ancient Egyptians was brought about by ________ .
A. the rich alluvial soil of the Nile
B. Egypt’s first ruling family
C. the highly-developed writing, painting, architecture and crafts
D. Egypt’s trade with the outside world
Đáp án câu 66: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 67. The writer said that the annual flooding of the Nile __________ .
A. helped to develop the arts
B. caused an influx of foreign traders
C. needed to be controlled
D. led to the discovery of new mines
Đáp án câu 67: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 68. According to the passage, the king was wise _____________ .
A. to important the things that Egypt did not have
B. to pay for huge irrigation projects
C. to control the land
D. to own slaves and gold
Đáp án câu 68: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 69. In return for, in the first line, last paragraph, refers to __________ .
A. the respect Egypt received
B. how fast the profit came
C. the protection the Egyptian army provided
D. what Egypt exported
Đáp án câu 69: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 70. A suitable title for this passage is ___________ .
A. The Civilization Of The Ancient Egyptians
B. The Farming Methods Of The Egyptians
C. The Might Of The Egyptian Army
D. The Landscape Of The Egypt
Đáp án câu 70: A (0,5 pt)
Passage C: Facts you should know about Global Warming
Fact 1: In 1996, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), representing 2,500
scientists, released a major assessment on climate change. The 3600-page report reduces many of
the uncertainties surrounding the issue. Scientists are now more confident than ever that the
emission of greenhouse gases through human activities is contributing to global warming. This
will lead to climate change next century, with potentially disastrous impacts on biodiversity,
coasts, agriculture, water and health.
Fact 2: The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon if it weren’t for the natural greenhouse
effect the Earth would be some 33°C cooler than it is at present. The planet is warm enough for
complex life because naturally occurring gases (including carbon dioxide and water vapour) trap
heat which would otherwise escape into space. The problem is that human activity including
combustion of fossil fuels and land clearing is adding to these gases faster than oceans, plants
and soil can absorb them. This is unnaturally ‘enhancing’ the greenhouse effect. Since the
industrial revolution, the concentration of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, has increased
by 30 per cent. Long-substantiated laws of physics tell us that, given we are altering the energy
balance of the atmosphere, this will impact on the world’s temperature and climate.
Fact 3: The measured increase in temperature of about 0.3-0.6°C this century is consistent with
the latest climate model predictions. The 1980s was the warmest decade on record, with 1990,
1991 and 1995 the three warmest years on record. This is not to say that the warming trend is the
consequence of the enhanced greenhouse effect. However, recent studies show that the warming
trend this century is unlikely to be due to natural phenomena such as increased solar output. The
IPCC has now stated that ‘the balance of evidence suggests that there is discernible human
influence on global climate’.
Fact 4: Global warming predictions are based on computer models and analysis of climate change
that has occurred in the past. Global warming and climate change predictions are based on two
major sources. Complex computer models (known as global circulation models) are able to
simulate the broad features of the climate system including atmospheric and ocean circulations.
These models can now simulate the present climate and have greatly improved scientists’ ability
to distinguish between natural and human influences on the climate. The most recent climate
models predict an increase in global average temperatures of 1.5-3.5°C for a doubling in the
atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases. The average rate of warming would be greater
than at any time in the history of civilization. Analysis of air trapped in glacier ice confirms the
model predictions. The analysis reveals that past changes in temperature are closely correlated to
changes in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Fact 5: Global warming will lead to a rise in the sea level. The IPCC has projected that sea levels
will rise by between 15 and 95 cm next century, with a best estimate of 50 cm. Sea level rise will
be principally due to thermal expansion of the oceans and also some melting of glaciers. The sea
level will continue to rise after next century, even if the concentrations of greenhouse gases are
cut by that time.
Fact 6: Human-induced climate change is different to past natural climate change. Natural climate
variability is an ongoing phenomenon scientific analysis suggests temperatures have changed by
a number of degrees in recent geological history. It is important to recognize, though, that present-
day stresses on natural ecosystems from human activity will mean the resilience of ecosystems to
the changes will be much less than in the past. Furthermore, both the rate and the level of global
warming will be greater than any time in the last 10,000 years. Past global and regional climate
changes, have resulted in social and cultural upheaval in some cases contributing to the collapse
of civilizations.
Fact 7: The costs of global warming will outweigh the benefits. The nature and extent of the
impacts of global warming are still uncertain. However, the IPCC has made it clear that many of
the world’s ecological and human systems are extremely vulnerable to the predicted global
warming, in particular ecosystems and societies that are already subject to environmental,
economic and cultural stresses. The IPCC has also stated that future climate changes may involve
‘surprises’. Some commentators have suggested that because some regions or industries may
benefit in the short term from climate change for example, wheat yields could improve in Canada
then there is no need to be concerned about the issue. This suggestion is based on a false
assumption that climate change will be a one-off event. Unless the level of greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere is stabilised, though, human-induced climate change will continue to occur and
benefits may only be transient. Furthermore, the suggestion ignores the social, economic and
environmental upheaval that will arise if significant sections of society or ecosystems are unable
to adapt to climate change.
In the two lists below, a statement in the list (A-F) corresponds to an idea in one of the
paragraphs (Fact 2 - Fact 7). Match the two lists by typing in the correct letter for each
Câu 71: Fact 2 = ___
Câu 72: Fact 3 = ___
Câu 73: Fact 4 = ___
Câu 74: Fact 5 = ___
Câu 75: Fact 6 = ___
Câu 76: Fact 7 = ___
A. Global warming is likely to increase.
B. The earth will find it difficult to cope with global warning.
C. This century has seen a rise in temperature.
D. Sea level rise has been predicted.
E. Global warning might bring unexpected benefits.
F. The greenhouse effect has been beneficial to the earth.
Đáp án câu 71: Fact 2 = F. Otherwise the earth would be much cooler (0,5 pt)
Đáp án câu 72: Fact 3 = C. "the warming trend this century" (0,5 pt)
Đáp án câu 73: Fact 4 = A. "predict an increase" (0,5 pt)
Đáp án câu 74: Fact 5 = D. "projected that sea levels will rise" (0,5 pt)
Đáp án câu 75: Fact 6 = B. "stresses" = "social and cultural upheavals" (0,5 pt)
Đáp án câu 76: Fact 7 = E. "surprises" - increased wheat yields in Canada (0,5 pt)
Câu 77. Considered as a whole, the text:
A. is optimistic that global warning can be dealt with.
B. rejects simple attempts to solve the problem.
C. explains how the problem can be solved.
D. explains the consequences of global warning.
Đáp án câu 77: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 78. Computer predictions of climate change have been
A. disputed by some scientists
B. modified over many years
C. proved reliable by trapped air in glaciers
D. based on recent climate changes
Đáp án câu 78: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 79. Societies have disappeared because of global warning.
Đáp án câu 79: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 80. Which statement is closest in meaning to what the text says?
A. The greenhouse effect has increased by thirty times since the industrial revolution.
B. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is thirty times greater than before the industrial revolution.
C. There is no evidence of changes in carbon dioxide levels since the industrial revolution.
D. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by almost one-third since the industrial
Đáp án câu 80: D (0,5 pt)
I. Cloze test (20 pts)
Passage A: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only
ONE WORD for each space. (10 pts)
Fish live almost (81) _________ . They are found in the near freezing waters of the Artic and
in the steaming (82)________ in the tropic jungles. They live in roaring streams and in quiet
(83)________ rivers. Some fish make long journeys (84) ________ the ocean. Others spend
most of their life buried in sand on the ocean (85) _______ . Most fish can’t leave (86)_______;
yet some survive for months in dried-up riverbeds.
Fish have enormous (87) ________ to man. They provide food for millions of people.
Fishermen catch them for sports, and many people (88)_________ them as pets. Fish are also
important in the balance of nature. They eat plants and animals and in turn, become
(89)_________for plants and animals. Fish thus help keep in (90 ) _______ the total number of
plants and animals on the earth.
Đáp án câu 81: everywhere (1 pt)
Đáp án câu 82: waters (1pt)
Đáp án câu 83: underground (1 pt)
Đáp án câu 84: across (1pt)
Đáp án câu 85: bottom (1pt)
Đáp án câu 86: water (1pt)
Đáp án câu 87: importance (1pt)
Đáp án câu 88: keep (1pt)
Đáp án câu 89: food (1pt)
Đáp án câu 90: balance (1pt)
Passage B: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only
ONE WORD for each space. (10 pts)
Conservation, sustainable use and protection of natural resources including plants, animals,
mineral deposits, soils, clean water, clean air, and fossil fuels (91) _______ as coal, petroleum,
and natural gas. (92)_______ resources are grouped into two categories, renewable and (93)
_______. A renewable resource is one that may be replaced over time by natural processes, such
as fish populations or natural vegetation, or is inexhaustible, such as solar energy. The goal of
renewable resource conservation is to ensure (94) _______ such resources are not consumed faster
(95) _______ they are replaced. Nonrenewable resources are those in limited supply that cannot
be replaced (96) _______ can be replaced only over extremely long periods of time. Nonrenewable
resources (97) _______ fossil fuels and mineral deposits, such as iron ore and gold ore.
Conservation activities for nonrenewable resources focus (98) _______ maintaining an adequate
supply of these resources well into the future. Natural resources are conserved for their biological,
economic, and recreational values, as well as their natural beauty and importance to local cultures.
For (99) _______, tropical rain forests are protected for their important role in both global ecology
(100) _______ the economic livelihood of the local culture; a coral reef may be protected for its
recreational value for scuba divers; and a scenic river may be protected for its natural beauty...
Đáp án câu 91: such (1pt)
Đáp án câu 92: Natural (1pt)
Đáp án câu 93: nonrenewable (1pt)
Đáp án câu 94: that (1pt)
Đáp án câu 95: than (1pt)
Đáp án câu 96: or (1pt)
Đáp án câu 97: include (1pt)
Đáp án câu 98: on (1pt)
Đáp án câu 99: example (1pt)
Đáp án câu 100: and (1pt)
II. Word formation (20 pts)
Part 1: : Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses. (10pts)
Câu 101. The audience was rather ____________ (WARM) about the play.
Câu 102. Tonight’s programme is a(n) __________ (DEEP) look at the long-term effects of the
unemployment .
Câu 103. To a(n) ____________ (SIDE), it may appear to be a glamorous job.
Câu 104. Early cononists ____________ (SLAVE) and oppressed the natives.
Câu 105. Her style _____________ (EXAMPLE) modern Italian cooking at its best.
Câu 106. The article gives us a few interesting ___________ (SIDE) on life in Japan in general.
Câu 107. You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and __________ (PRIOR) them.
Câu 108. He behaves badly to his wife; he is a __________ (BOIL).
Câu 109. She reacted angrily to my ___________ (INTEND) remarks.
Câu 110.Pluto is said to be the ____________(OUT) planet of the solar system.
Đáp án câu 101: lukewarm (1pt)
Đáp án câu 102: in-depth (1pt)
Đáp án câu 103: outsider (1pt)
Đáp án câu 104: enslaved (1pt)
Đáp án câu 105: exemplifies (1pt)
Đáp án câu 106: sidelights (1pt)
Đáp án câu 107: prioritize (1pt)
Đáp án câu 108: hard-boiled (1pt)
Đáp án câu 109: well-intentioned (1pt)
Đáp án câu 110: outer-most (1pt)
Part 2: Complete the passage with appropriate forms of the words given in the box. (10pts)
People are often put off meditation by what they see as its many
mystical associations. Yet meditation is a (111.
STRAIGHT)___________ technique which merely involves sitting and
resting the mind. In addition to its (112. SIMPLE) ___________,
meditation offers powerful help in the battle against stress. Hundreds of
studies have shown that meditation, when undertaken in a principled way,
can (113. REDUCTION) ___________ hypertension which is related to
stress in the body. Research has proved that certain types of meditation
can (114. SUBSTANCE) ____________ decrease key stress symptoms
such as (115. ANXIOUS) ____________and irritability. In fact, those
who practise meditation with any (116. REGULAR)____________ see
their doctors less and spend, on average, seventy per cent fewer days in
hospital. They are said to have more stamina, a happier (117. DISPOSE)
___________and even enjoy better relationships.
When you learn to meditate, your teacher will give you a personal
'mantra' or word which you use every time you practise the technique
and which is (118. SUPPOSE)____________ chosen according to your
needs. Initial classes are taught (119. INDIVIDUAL)___________ but
subsequent classes usually consist of a group of students and take place
over a period of about four days. The aim is to learn how to slip into a
deeper state of (120.CONSCIOUS)____________ themselves.
Đáp án câu 111: straightforward (1pt)
Đáp án câu 112: simplicity (1pt)
Đáp án câu 113: reduce (1pt)
Đáp án câu 114: substantially (1pt)
Đáp án câu 115: anxiety (1pt)
Đáp án câu 116: regularity (1pt)
Đáp án câu 117: disposition (1pt)
Đáp án câu 118: supposedly (1pt)
Đáp án câu 119: individually (1pt)
Đáp án câu 120: consciousness (1pt)
III. Error correction (10 pts)
The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them.
Line 1
Natural Disasters are unfortunate events that can occur at some moment,
Line 2
anywhere in the world and have a huge effect in the landscape and the society
Line 3
being hit. Natural Disasters can occur due to the many natural causes such as
Line 4
earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, flood, cyclones, landslides or due to some
Line 5
man-made causes such as forest fires or a use of nuclear weapons. Civil
Line 6
Engineering structures such as buildings, bridges, roads, dams, reservoirs,
Line 7
levees and other structures are severe damaged by natural disasters, natural
Line 8
disasters can be costly both in terms of human lives and financial. Although
Line 9
prevention of natural disasters is possible, reducing the impact natural disasters
Line 10
have on structures can negate the overall effect it has on the everyday human
Line 11
life. Natural Disasters are a great way of identifying mistake made in the
Line 12
development of civil engineering structures and an essentially way to learn and
Line 13
prepare for future natural disasters. If the lessons learning from natural disasters
Line 14
are utilized, the catastrophic effects about such events can be reduced in the
Đáp án câu 121: in (line 2: effect on) -> on (1pt)
Đáp án câu 122: flood (line 4) -> floods (1pt)
Đáp án câu 123: a (line 5) -> the (1pt)
Đáp án câu 124: severe (line 7) -> severely (1pt)
Đáp án câu 125: financial (line 8) -> financially (1pt)
Đáp án câu 126: possible (line 9) -> impossible (1pt)
Đáp án câu 127: mistake (line 11) -> mistakes (1pt)
Đáp án câu 128: essentially (line 12) -> essential (1pt)
Đáp án câu 129: learning (line 13) -> learned (1pt)
Đáp án câu 130: about (line 14) -> of (1pt)
IV. Sentence Transformation (20 pts)
Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.
Câu 131. The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
The Mountain Rescue Team doesn’t hold ______________________________
Đáp án câu 131: The Mountain Rescue Team doesn’t hold out much hope for the missing
climbers. (2 pts)
Câu 132. Vitamin intake and intelligence are not connected.
There __________________________________________________________
Đáp án câu 132: There is no connection between vitamin intake and intelligence. (2 pts)
Câu 133. He suddenly thought that he might have misunderstood her.
It crossed _______________________________________________________
Đáp án câu 133: It crossed his mind that he might have misunderstood her. (2 pts)
Câu 134. His wife keeps telling him that he should get a better job.
His wife is pushing ________________________________________________
Đáp án câu 134: His wife is pushing him to get a better job. (2 pts)
Câu 135. Simon hadn’t expected that he would feel so weak after the operation.
The operation left ______________________________________________________
Đáp án câu 135: The operation left Simon feeling weaker than he (had) expected. (2 pts)
Câu 136. Assembling the furniture is extremely easy. (PLAY)
Đáp án câu 136: Assembling the furniture is a child’s play. (2 pts)
Câu 137. I resent the way that she clearly feels herself to be superior to me. (NOSE)
Đáp án câu 137: I resent the way that she looks down her nose at me. (2 pts)
Câu 138. They can’t possibly win the match. (STAND)
Đáp án câu 138: They stand no chance of winning the match. (2 pts)
Câu 139. Many species of wildlife are threatened with extinction. (VERGE)
Đáp án câu 139: Many species of wildlife are on the verge of extinction. (2 pts)
Câu 140. You’ll just have to take a chance. (POT)
Đáp án câu 140: You’ll just have to take pot luck. (2 pts)
----- THE END -----
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Preview text:


I. Grammar and Structures (5 pts) Choose the best option to complete the following sentences
Câu 1. We _________________last night, but we went to the concert instead. A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study Đáp án câu 1: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 2. Lindsay’s excuses for being late are beginning to ___ rather thin. A. get B. turn C. wear D. Go Đáp án câu 2: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 3. We ___ have been happier in those days. A. can’t B. couldn’t C. might not D. must not Đáp án câu 3: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 4. They seemed to be ____ to the criticism and just carried on as before. A. disinterested B. sensitive C. uncaring D. indifferent Đáp án câu 4: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 5. “Shall we go out tonight?” - “____” A. Yes, I can B. Yes, we are C. Yes, we go D. Yes, let’s Đáp án câu 5: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 6. The noise of the typewriter really ____ me off. I just couldn’t concentrate. A. put B. pulled C. set D. Took Đáp án câu 6: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 7. Now I know we were just too tired. Even with your help, we _______ it. A. hadn’t finished B. wouldn’t finish C. won’t finish D. wouldn’t have finished Đáp án câu 7: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 8. I could tell from the _______ look on her face that something terrible _______. A. frightened / had happened B. frightened / would happen C. frightening / had happened
D. frightening / had been happening Đáp án câu 8: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 9.____________ make a good impression on her. A. Only by doing so can I B. Only by so doing I can C. Only by doing so I can D. Only so doing can I Đáp án câu 9: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 10. It looks _______ the game will be cancelled _______ the rain stops. A. like / unless B. that / so long as C. as if / for fear that D. as though / unless Đáp án câu 10: D (0,5 pt)
II. Phrasal verbs and Prepositions (5 pts) Choose the best option to complete the following sentences
Câu 11. She got angry when they started to __________her private life. A. ask for B. enquire after C. ask about D. enquire with Đáp án câu 11: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 12. She ran in a marathon last week but _________after ten kilometers. A. dropped out B. closed down C. broke up D. made up Đáp án câu 12: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 13. Paula applied for the post but she was _________ A. turned down B. checked out C. kept under D. pushed ahead Đáp án câu 13: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 14. If orders keep coming in like this, I'll have to.......... more staff. A. give up B. add in C. gain on D. take on Đáp án câu 14: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 15. I know you find the course boring, Pauline, but since you've started it, you might as well _____ it. A. go with B. go through with C. go ahead D. go off Đáp án câu 15: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 16. You look upset, Sven. Have you and Niger _______ again? A. gone out B. gone grey C. fallen out D. let off Đáp án câu 16: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 17. Paul, do you think you could ____ me ____ for the night? It's a bit too late to go home now. A. let me off B. go me out C. fall me out D. put me up Đáp án câu 17: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 18. All building work must be carried out _________ safety regulations. A. with reference to B. with obedience to C. in compliance with D. on behalf of Đáp án câu 18: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 19. The robbers packed diamonds into a suicase and ___________ in a van that waited for them in the street. A. put through B. rolled over C. carried away D. made off Đáp án câu 19: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 20. As we were witing on the pavement, a black Mercedes ___________ besides us. A. pulled up B. pulled down C. pulled off D. pulled through Đáp án câu 20: A (0,5 pt)
III. Vocabulary (10 pts) Choose the best option to complete the following sentences
Câu 21. I really admire the hero of the film. He’s so_______________ A. reckless B. adventurous C. foolhardly D. Infinitive Đáp án câu 21: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 22. The weekend is over. So tomorrow morning it’s back to the ____________ . A. grind B. labour C. drudgery D. toil Đáp án câu 22: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 23. Big cites like New York and Tokyo are ____________ populated. A. greatly B. closely C. densely D. Variously Đáp án câu 23: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 24. There are many opportunities for work in the city. A. possibilities B.disadvantages C. difficulties D. advantages Đáp án câu 24: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 25. These figures give you some ideas of the cost of _____________ your car for one year. A. controlling B. handing C. managing D. maintaining Đáp án câu 25: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 26. It can take up to three months to ____________ a man to do this specialist work. A. guide B. raise C. train D. Learn Đáp án câu 26: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 27. In the _______________ of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all time. A. requirement B. interests C. demands D. Asistance Đáp án câu 27: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 28. The train service has been a ____________ seen they introduced the schedules. A. shambles B. rumpus C. chaos D. fracas Đáp án câu 28 : A (0,5 pt)
Câu 29. You’ve lived in the city for most of your life, so _____________ you’ re used to the noise.
A. apparently B. presumably C. allegedly D. Predictably Đáp án câu 29: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 30. Is an inexperienced civil servant __________ to the task of running the company? A. capable B. skilled C.eligible D. suited Đáp án câu 30: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 31. Their eventual choice of house was ………. by the time Peter would take to get to the office. A. related B. consequent C. determined D. Dependent Đáp án câu 31: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 32.Nearly 1,000 of the world’s bird species are ……………with extinction. A. threatened B. endangered C. protected D. Abandoned Đáp án câu 32: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 33. She loved tennis and could watch it till the _____ came home. A. she B. everyone C. horses D. cows Đáp án câu 33: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 34. Could you close the window? There is a bit of a _____. A. current B. wind C. draught D. breeze Đáp án câu 34: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 35. Thousands of steel _____ were used as the framework of the new office block. A. beams B. girders C. stakes D. piles Đáp án câu 35: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 36. The ceiling fans were on, but unfortunately they only _____ the hot, humid air. A. stirred up B. poured through C. turned into D. cut back Đáp án câu 36: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 37. He set one alarm-clock for five o’clock and the other for five past so as to _____ that he did not oversleep. A. assure B. ensure C. insure D. reassure Đáp án câu 37: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 38. When Tim was eating a cherry, he accidentally swallowed the _____. A. nut B. stone C. seed D. core Đáp án câu 38: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 39. Many ________ crafts such as weaving are now being revived. A. customary B. habitual C. traditional D. ordinary Đáp án câu 39: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 40. Assembly lines are useful for producing a large _________ of identical products. A. quality B. quantity C. quandary D. qualification Đáp án câu 40 : B (0,5 pt)
IV. Guided Cloze (10 pts) Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space Passage A:
More and more people are discovering that sharing and talking about their favorite books with
others can be as rewarding as the act of reading (41)_____. For people who feel that they are too
busy to sit down with a book, a book club helps them schedule time to read, others have gained
self-confidence by (42)_____ in or leading a discussion. And most people enjoy the chance to (43)_____ new friends.
A successful book club should have a group that is small enough so even the quiet people can
be heard but also big enough for many different (44)_____. The best arrangement is a (45)_____
of ages, sexes, and backgrounds for more reading variety and livelier discussions.
The book club could (46)_____ in one subject or type of book, like mysteries, science fiction,
or biographies. Or the members could read books of all types, as long as the book is highly
recommended by someone who thinks it would be (47)_____ discussing.
Some book clubs meet in places like bookstores, public libraries, or restaurants, but most have
their meetings in members’ homes. This approach simply (48)_____ more privacy and time for
longer meetings.To make the meeting go smooth, a leader should be (49)_____ . The leader will
usually start the discussion by asking what the author’s main idea was. Book club members should
never be afraid to offer their opinions, even if they don’t like a book. They just need to be prepared
to explain (50)_____they didn’t like something. Câu 41. A. it B. itself C. themselves D. oneself Đáp án câu 41: B (0,5 pt) Câu 42. A. participating B. taking C. talking D. sitting Đáp án câu 42: A (0,5 pt) Câu 43. A. do B. make C. form D. gather Đáp án câu 43: B (0,5 pt) Câu 44. A. characters B. issues C. attitudes D. opinions Đáp án câu 44: D (0,5 pt) Câu 45. A. mixture B. range C. number D. lot Đáp án câu 45: A (0,5 pt) Câu 46. A. focus B. talk C. specialize D. concentrate Đáp án câu 46: C (0,5 pt) Câu 47. A. valuable B. busy C. worth D. useful Đáp án câu 47: C (0,5 pt) Câu 48. A. offers B. supplies C. encourages D. takes Đáp án câu 48: A (0,5 pt) Câu 49. A. called B. named C. suggested D. appointed Đáp án câu 49: D (0,5 pt) Câu 50. A. what B. why C. how D. where Đáp án câu 50: B (0,5 pt) Passage B: SMILE POWER
The expression on your face can actually dramatically alter. Your feelings and perceptions, and it
has been proven that (51) ________smiling or frowning can create corresponding emotional
responses. The idea was first (52)_______by a French physiologist, Israel Waynbaum, in 1906.
He believed that different facial expressions affected the flow of blood to the brain, and that this
could create positive or negative feelings. A happy smile or irrepressible (53) ________ increased
the blood flow and contributed to joyful feelings. But sad, angry expressions decreased the flow
of oxygen-carrying blood, and created a vicious (54) ________ of gloom and depression by
effectively (55) ________ the brain of essential fuel.
Psychologist Robert Zajonc rediscovered this early research, and (56) ________ that the
temperature of the brain could affect the production and synthesis of neurotransmitters – which
definitely influence our moods and energy levels. He agues that an impaired blood flow could not
only deprive the brain of oxygen, but create further chemical imbalance (57) ________ inhibiting
these vital hormon messages. Zajonc goes on to propose that our brains remember that smiling is
associated with being happy, and that by deliberately smiling through your tears you can (58)
________ your brain to release uplifting neurotransmitters – replacing a depressed condition with
a happier one. People suffering from psychosomatic (59) ________, depression and anxiety states
could (60)________ from simply exercising their zygomatic muscles - which pull the corners of
the mouth up and back to form a smile – several times an hour. Câu 51. A. desperately B. determinedly C. deliberately D. Decidedly
Đáp án câu 51: C (0,5 pt) Câu 52. A. put off B. put down C. put by D. put forward
Đáp án câu 52: D (0,5 pt) Câu 53. A. laughter B. sadness C. humour D. Depression
Đáp án câu 53: A (0,5 pt) Câu 54. A. cycle B. spiral C. circle D. Vortex
Đáp án câu 54: C (0,5 pt) Câu 55. A cutting B. starving C. removing D. Eliminating
Đáp án câu 55: B (0,5 pt) Câu 56. A. Advises B. wants C. demands D. Suggests
Đáp án câu 56: D (0,5 pt) Câu 57. A. by B. without C. when D. From
Đáp án câu 57: A (0,5 pt) Câu 58. A. make B. persuade C. allow D. Decide
Đáp án câu 58: B (0,5 pt) Câu 59. A. disease B. illness C. infection D. Ailment
Đáp án câu5 9: B (0,5 pt) Câu 60. A. recover B. improve C. benefit D. Progress
Đáp án câu 60: C (0,5 pt)
V. Reading Comprehension (10 pts) Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question Passage A
The green building movement is changing the way buildings are constructed. This movement
started in the 1970s, as people began to see that modern life was destroying the environment we
all share. Natural resources were being destroyed, energy and water consumption was rising, and
so was pollution of all kinds. This environmental destruction has continued, and one important
factor has been the way that buildings are constructed. In fact, energy use in buildings represents
about 32 percent of all energy use in the United States. In the early years, green builders were a
small minority, and their goals of reducing the environmental impact of buildings were considered
unrealistic. Now, however, the green building movement is growing, as builders have been able
to take advantage of new technology and as the costs of this technology have gone down.
Environmental building methods are now practical enough to save money for builders and for
building owners, even as they reduce damage to the environment.
First, green builders try to make use of recycled materials as much as possible. In fact,
vast amounts of materials such as steel, cement, and wood are used in construction. Now there are
companies that specialize in gathering old materials, processing them, and selling them to builders
for new buildings. States and cities are encouraging these companies, as the reuse of materials also
means less waste in dumps. For larger builders or individual homeowners, it is possible to find
everything from steel and cement to doors, windows, sinks, tubs, brick, and hardware.
Another way that builders can reduce environmental impact is to reduce the energy
requirements of a building. This can be done in several ways. One is to provide an alternative,
nonpolluting source of energy. The first alternative energy source to be developed was solar power.
With solar panels-wide, flat sheets of special material-it is possible to produce electricity from the
rays of the sun. Builders can install solar panels on the roofs of buildings and connect them to
cooling or lighting systems. Once the panels are installed, they provide energy at no cost and with
no pollution. Another, nonpolluting solution for reducing energy use is a technology known as
geothermal heating. To obtain geothermal heat, builders place special pipes below ground, where
temperatures remain constant all year. In the winter, the earth's natural heat can be collected in
these pipes, and then transferred into the building's heating system. In the summer, heat in the
building can be collected and sent to the pipes underground.
Câu 61.According to the passage, all of the following leads to environmental destruction EXCEPT _______
A. the increasing number of buildings
B. the increase of water consumption
C. the increase of energy consumption.
D. the destruction of natural resources. Đáp án câu 61: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 62.The early years, it was believed that the use of green buildings to reduce environmental destruction was _______ A. impractical B. authentic C. unique D. Feasible Đáp án câu 62: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 63.The phrase "green building" in the passage can also be understood as _______
A. environment-friendly buildings
B. buildings with open stairs.
B. buildings with tree inside.
D. buildings painted green. Đáp án câu 63: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 64.The phrase "green builders" in the first line of the second paragraph refers to those who _______
A. work in green buildings.
B. build green buildings.
C. use green materials.
D. put trees in buildings. Đáp án câu 64: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 65.The author mentioned all of the following as ways to reduce environmental destruction EXCEPT _______
A. providing alternative energies.
B. using geothermal heating.
C. using recycled materials to construct buildings.
D. having more green plants in buildings. Đáp án câu 65: D (0,5 pt) Passage B:
The fertile valleys of the river Nile straddle the hot desert land of Egypt. Rain is relatively scarce,
and the summers are scorching hot. Nevertheless the strip of land, known as the Cultivation, on
either side of the Nile is reputed to be one of the most fertile places in the world. Its rich black soil
is the result of accumulation of silt deposited by the annual flooding of the Nile thousands of years
ago. From June to October, the river overflowed its banks. Modern damps were then constructed
to control the flooding. The floodwaters left behind a rich sticky black mud which made it suitable
for the cultivation of crops. As long as the soil was well irrigated, two or three crops could be grown in one season.
Its rich soil led to the growth and rise of the brilliant civilization of the ancient Egyptians on the
Nile valley more than 5000 years ago. The earliest Egyptians had acquired the skills to till the land
along the banks, drawing water from the Nile for irrigation purposes. As the villagers along the
Nile became wealthy, they embarked on projects of digging ditches and constructing dams to control the floods.
In about 3100 BC, the whole Egypt was united under the reign of King Menes. He and his
descendants made up Egypt’s first ruling family, or dynasty. His rule led to the great development
of the arts like writing, painting, architecture, and crafts. Egyptian power and influence were and
influence were to last for the next 2000 years.
The Egyptian kings had absolute powers. The king possesses all the land, and the peasants had
to surrender part of their crops to the king. An army of officials and scribes did the task of
collecting the exact amount of due from the individual farmers was united. Crops and livestock
were often seen at the storehouses surrounding the royal palaces. In return for their uphill task, the
king paid his officials and dishes out funds for huge irrigation projects.
Egypt’s trade with the outside world stretches far and wide. In return for gold, copper,
gemstones, and building stores, it purchases the goods that it did not have. Timber, resins, oils,
silver and slaves came from Lebanon. From Deria and Anatolia came horses, while the blue stone
called lapis lazuli was imported from Mesopotamia. Strong forts were constructed to protect
overland trade routes. Egypt held Nubia in the south for almost 800 years. It served as Egypt’s
most vital source of gold and slaves.
Câu 66. The civilization of the ancient Egyptians was brought about by ________ .
A. the rich alluvial soil of the Nile
B. Egypt’s first ruling family
C. the highly-developed writing, painting, architecture and crafts
D. Egypt’s trade with the outside world Đáp án câu 66: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 67. The writer said that the annual flooding of the Nile __________ .
A. helped to develop the arts
B. caused an influx of foreign traders C. needed to be controlled
D. led to the discovery of new mines Đáp án câu 67: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 68. According to the passage, the king was wise _____________ .
A. to important the things that Egypt did not have
B. to pay for huge irrigation projects C. to control the land D. to own slaves and gold Đáp án câu 68: B (0,5 pt)
Câu 69. In return for, in the first line, last paragraph, refers to __________ .
A. the respect Egypt received B. how fast the profit came
C. the protection the Egyptian army provided D. what Egypt exported Đáp án câu 69: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 70. A suitable title for this passage is ___________ .
A. The Civilization Of The Ancient Egyptians
B. The Farming Methods Of The Egyptians
C. The Might Of The Egyptian Army
D. The Landscape Of The Egypt Đáp án câu 70: A (0,5 pt)
Passage C
: Facts you should know about Global Warming
Fact 1:
In 1996, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), representing 2,500
scientists, released a major assessment on climate change. The 3600-page report reduces many of
the uncertainties surrounding the issue. Scientists are now more confident than ever that the
emission of greenhouse gases through human activities is contributing to global warming. This
will lead to climate change next century, with potentially disastrous impacts on biodiversity,
coasts, agriculture, water and health.
Fact 2: The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon – if it weren’t for the natural greenhouse
effect the Earth would be some 33°C cooler than it is at present. The planet is warm enough for
complex life because naturally occurring gases (including carbon dioxide and water vapour) trap
heat which would otherwise escape into space. The problem is that human activity – including
combustion of fossil fuels and land clearing – is adding to these gases faster than oceans, plants
and soil can absorb them. This is unnaturally ‘enhancing’ the greenhouse effect. Since the
industrial revolution, the concentration of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, has increased
by 30 per cent. Long-substantiated laws of physics tell us that, given we are altering the energy
balance of the atmosphere, this will impact on the world’s temperature and climate.
Fact 3: The measured increase in temperature of about 0.3-0.6°C this century is consistent with
the latest climate model predictions. The 1980s was the warmest decade on record, with 1990,
1991 and 1995 the three warmest years on record. This is not to say that the warming trend is the
consequence of the enhanced greenhouse effect. However, recent studies show that the warming
trend this century is unlikely to be due to natural phenomena such as increased solar output. The
IPCC has now stated that ‘the balance of evidence suggests that there is discernible human
influence on global climate’.
Fact 4:
Global warming predictions are based on computer models and analysis of climate change
that has occurred in the past. Global warming and climate change predictions are based on two
major sources. Complex computer models (known as global circulation models) are able to
simulate the broad features of the climate system including atmospheric and ocean circulations.
These models can now simulate the present climate and have greatly improved scientists’ ability
to distinguish between natural and human influences on the climate. The most recent climate
models predict an increase in global average temperatures of 1.5-3.5°C for a doubling in the
atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases. The average rate of warming would be greater
than at any time in the history of civilization. Analysis of air trapped in glacier ice confirms the
model predictions. The analysis reveals that past changes in temperature are closely correlated to
changes in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Fact 5: Global warming will lead to a rise in the sea level. The IPCC has projected that sea levels
will rise by between 15 and 95 cm next century, with a best estimate of 50 cm. Sea level rise will
be principally due to thermal expansion of the oceans and also some melting of glaciers. The sea
level will continue to rise after next century, even if the concentrations of greenhouse gases are cut by that time.
Fact 6:
Human-induced climate change is different to past natural climate change. Natural climate
variability is an ongoing phenomenon – scientific analysis suggests temperatures have changed by
a number of degrees in recent geological history. It is important to recognize, though, that present-
day stresses on natural ecosystems from human activity will mean the resilience of ecosystems to
the changes will be much less than in the past. Furthermore, both the rate and the level of global
warming will be greater than any time in the last 10,000 years. Past global and regional climate
changes, have resulted in social and cultural upheaval – in some cases contributing to the collapse of civilizations.
Fact 7: The costs of global warming will outweigh the benefits. The nature and extent of the
impacts of global warming are still uncertain. However, the IPCC has made it clear that many of
the world’s ecological and human systems are extremely vulnerable to the predicted global
warming, in particular ecosystems and societies that are already subject to environmental,
economic and cultural stresses. The IPCC has also stated that future climate changes may involve
‘surprises’. Some commentators have suggested that because some regions or industries may
benefit in the short term from climate change – for example, wheat yields could improve in Canada
– then there is no need to be concerned about the issue. This suggestion is based on a false
assumption that climate change will be a one-off event. Unless the level of greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere is stabilised, though, human-induced climate change will continue to occur and
benefits may only be transient. Furthermore, the suggestion ignores the social, economic and
environmental upheaval that will arise if significant sections of society or ecosystems are unable to adapt to climate change. QUESTIONS
In the two lists below, a statement in the list (A-F) corresponds to an idea in one of the
paragraphs (Fact 2 - Fact 7). Match the two lists by typing in the correct letter for each question.
Câu 71: Fact 2 = ___ Câu 72: Fact 3 = ___ Câu 73: Fact 4 = ___ Câu 74: Fact 5 = ___ Câu 75: Fact 6 = ___ Câu 76: Fact 7 = ___
A. Global warming is likely to increase.
B. The earth will find it difficult to cope with global warning.
C. This century has seen a rise in temperature.
D. Sea level rise has been predicted.
E. Global warning might bring unexpected benefits.
F. The greenhouse effect has been beneficial to the earth.
Đáp án câu 71: Fact 2 = F. Otherwise the earth would be much cooler (0,5 pt)
Đáp án câu 72: Fact 3 = C. "the warming trend this century" (0,5 pt)
Đáp án câu 73: Fact 4 = A. "predict an increase" (0,5 pt)
Đáp án câu 74: Fact 5 = D. "projected that sea levels will rise" (0,5 pt)
Đáp án câu 75: Fact 6 = B. "stresses" = "social and cultural upheavals" (0,5 pt)
Đáp án câu 76: Fact 7 = E. "surprises" - increased wheat yields in Canada (0,5 pt)
Câu 77. Considered as a whole, the text:
A. is optimistic that global warning can be dealt with.
B. rejects simple attempts to solve the problem.
C. explains how the problem can be solved.
D. explains the consequences of global warning. Đáp án câu 77: D (0,5 pt)
Câu 78. Computer predictions of climate change have been
A. disputed by some scientists B. modified over many years
C. proved reliable by trapped air in glaciers
D. based on recent climate changes Đáp án câu 78: C (0,5 pt)
Câu 79. Societies have disappeared because of global warning. A. TRUE B. FALSE C. NOT GIVEN Đáp án câu 79: A (0,5 pt)
Câu 80. Which statement is closest in meaning to what the text says?
A. The greenhouse effect has increased by thirty times since the industrial revolution.
B. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is thirty times greater than before the industrial revolution.
C. There is no evidence of changes in carbon dioxide levels since the industrial revolution.
D. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by almost one-third since the industrial revolution. Đáp án câu 80: D (0,5 pt) B. WRITTEN TEST (70 PTS) I. Cloze test (20 pts)
Passage A
: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only
ONE WORD for each space. (10 pts)

Fish live almost (81) _________ . They are found in the near freezing waters of the Artic and
in the steaming (82)________ in the tropic jungles. They live in roaring streams and in quiet
(83)________ rivers. Some fish make long journeys (84) ________ the ocean. Others spend
most of their life buried in sand on the ocean (85) _______ . Most fish can’t leave (86)_______;
yet some survive for months in dried-up riverbeds.
Fish have enormous (87) ________ to man. They provide food for millions of people.
Fishermen catch them for sports, and many people (88)_________ them as pets. Fish are also
important in the balance of nature. They eat plants and animals and in turn, become
(89)_________for plants and animals. Fish thus help keep in (90 ) _______ the total number of
plants and animals on the earth.
Đáp án câu 81: everywhere (1 pt)
Đáp án câu 82: waters (1pt)
Đáp án câu 83: underground (1 pt)
Đáp án câu 84: across (1pt)
Đáp án câu 85: bottom (1pt)
Đáp án câu 86: water (1pt)
Đáp án câu 87: importance (1pt)
Đáp án câu 88: keep (1pt)
Đáp án câu 89: food (1pt)
Đáp án câu 90: balance (1pt)
Passage B: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only
ONE WORD for each space. (10 pts)

Conservation, sustainable use and protection of natural resources including plants, animals,
mineral deposits, soils, clean water, clean air, and fossil fuels (91) _______ as coal, petroleum,
and natural gas. (92)_______ resources are grouped into two categories, renewable and (93)
_______. A renewable resource is one that may be replaced over time by natural processes, such
as fish populations or natural vegetation, or is inexhaustible, such as solar energy. The goal of
renewable resource conservation is to ensure (94) _______ such resources are not consumed faster
(95) _______ they are replaced. Nonrenewable resources are those in limited supply that cannot
be replaced (96) _______ can be replaced only over extremely long periods of time. Nonrenewable
resources (97) _______ fossil fuels and mineral deposits, such as iron ore and gold ore.
Conservation activities for nonrenewable resources focus (98) _______ maintaining an adequate
supply of these resources well into the future. Natural resources are conserved for their biological,
economic, and recreational values, as well as their natural beauty and importance to local cultures.
For (99) _______, tropical rain forests are protected for their important role in both global ecology
(100) _______ the economic livelihood of the local culture; a coral reef may be protected for its
recreational value for scuba divers; and a scenic river may be protected for its natural beauty...
Đáp án câu 91: such (1pt)
Đáp án câu 92: Natural (1pt)
Đáp án câu 93: nonrenewable (1pt)
Đáp án câu 94: that (1pt)
Đáp án câu 95: than (1pt) Đáp án câu 96: or (1pt)
Đáp án câu 97: include (1pt) Đáp án câu 98: on (1pt)
Đáp án câu 99: example (1pt)
Đáp án câu 100: and (1pt)
II. Word formation (20 pts)
Part 1:
: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses. (10pts)
Câu 101. The audience was rather ____________ (WARM) about the play.
Câu 102. Tonight’s programme is a(n) __________ (DEEP) look at the long-term effects of the unemployment .
Câu 103. To a(n) ____________ (SIDE), it may appear to be a glamorous job.
Câu 104. Early cononists ____________ (SLAVE) and oppressed the natives.
Câu 105. Her style _____________ (EXAMPLE) modern Italian cooking at its best.
Câu 106. The article gives us a few interesting ___________ (SIDE) on life in Japan in general.
Câu 107. You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and __________ (PRIOR) them.
Câu 108. He behaves badly to his wife; he is a __________ (BOIL).
Câu 109. She reacted angrily to my ___________ (INTEND) remarks.
Câu 110.Pluto is said to be the ____________(OUT) planet of the solar system.
Đáp án câu 101: lukewarm (1pt)
Đáp án câu 102: in-depth (1pt)
Đáp án câu 103: outsider (1pt)
Đáp án câu 104: enslaved (1pt)
Đáp án câu 105: exemplifies (1pt)
Đáp án câu 106: sidelights (1pt)
Đáp án câu 107: prioritize (1pt)
Đáp án câu 108: hard-boiled (1pt)
Đáp án câu 109: well-intentioned (1pt)
Đáp án câu 110: outer-most
Part 2: Complete the passage with appropriate forms of the words given in the box. (10pts) Answer
People are often put off meditation by what they see as its many mystical associations. Yet meditation is a (111. 111. …………
STRAIGHT)___________ technique which merely involves sitting and
resting the mind. In addition to its (112. SIMPLE) ___________, 112. ………….
meditation offers powerful help in the battle against stress. Hundreds of
studies have shown that meditation, when undertaken in a principled way, 113. ………….
can (113. REDUCTION) ___________ hypertension which is related to 114. ………….
stress in the body. Research has proved that certain types of meditation
can (114. SUBSTANCE) ____________ decrease key stress symptoms 115. ………….
such as (115. ANXIOUS) ____________and irritability. In fact, those
who practise meditation with any (116. REGULAR)____________ see 116. ………….
their doctors less and spend, on average, seventy per cent fewer days in
hospital. They are said to have more stamina, a happier (117. DISPOSE) 117. ………….
___________and even enjoy better relationships.
When you learn to meditate, your teacher will give you a personal 118. ………….
'mantra' or word which you use every time you practise the technique
and which is (118. SUPPOSE)____________ chosen according to your 119. ………….
needs. Initial classes are taught (119. INDIVIDUAL)___________ but
subsequent classes usually consist of a group of students and take place 120. ………….
over a period of about four days. The aim is to learn how to slip into a
deeper state of (120.CONSCIOUS)____________ themselves.
Đáp án câu 111: straightforward (1pt)
Đáp án câu 112: simplicity (1pt)
Đáp án câu 113: reduce (1pt)
Đáp án câu 114: substantially (1pt)
Đáp án câu 115: anxiety (1pt)
Đáp án câu 116: regularity (1pt)
Đáp án câu 117: disposition (1pt)
Đáp án câu 118: supposedly (1pt)
Đáp án câu 119: individually (1pt)
Đáp án câu 120: consciousness (1pt)
III. Error correction (10 pts)

The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them. Line 1
Natural Disasters are unfortunate events that can occur at some moment, Line 2
anywhere in the world and have a huge effect in the landscape and the society Line 3
being hit. Natural Disasters can occur due to the many natural causes such as Line 4
earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, flood, cyclones, landslides or due to some Line 5
man-made causes such as forest fires or a use of nuclear weapons. Civil Line 6
Engineering structures such as buildings, bridges, roads, dams, reservoirs, Line 7
levees and other structures are severe damaged by natural disasters, natural Line 8
disasters can be costly both in terms of human lives and financial. Although Line 9
prevention of natural disasters is possible, reducing the impact natural disasters Line 10
have on structures can negate the overall effect it has on the everyday human Line 11
life. Natural Disasters are a great way of identifying mistake made in the Line 12
development of civil engineering structures and an essentially way to learn and Line 13
prepare for future natural disasters. If the lessons learning from natural disasters Line 14
are utilized, the catastrophic effects about such events can be reduced in the future. Đáp án câu 121: in
(line 2: effect on…) -> on (1pt) Đáp án câu 122: flood (line 4) -> floods (1pt) Đáp án câu 123: a (line 5) -> the (1pt) Đáp án câu 124: severe (line 7) -> severely (1pt) Đáp án câu 125: financial (line 8)
-> financially (1pt) Đáp án câu 126: possible (line 9) -> impossible (1pt) Đáp án câu 127: mistake (line 11) -> mistakes (1pt) Đáp án câu 128: essentially (line 12) -> essential (1pt) Đáp án câu 129: learning (line 13) -> learned (1pt) Đáp án câu 130: about (line 14) -> of (1pt)
IV. Sentence Transformation (20 pts)
Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.
Câu 131. The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
→ The Mountain Rescue Team doesn’t hold ______________________________
Đáp án câu 131: The Mountain Rescue Team doesn’t hold out much hope for the missing climbers. (2 pts)
Câu 132. Vitamin intake and intelligence are not connected.
→ There __________________________________________________________
Đáp án câu 132: There is no connection between vitamin intake and intelligence. (2 pts)
Câu 133. He suddenly thought that he might have misunderstood her.
→ It crossed _______________________________________________________
Đáp án câu 133: It crossed his mind that he might have misunderstood her. (2 pts)
Câu 134. His wife keeps telling him that he should get a better job.
→ His wife is pushing ________________________________________________
Đáp án câu 134: His wife is pushing him to get a better job. (2 pts)
Câu 135. Simon hadn’t expected that he would feel so weak after the operation.
→ The operation left ______________________________________________________
Đáp án câu 135: The operation left Simon feeling weaker than he (had) expected. (2 pts)
Câu 136. Assembling the furniture is extremely easy. (PLAY)
Đáp án câu 136: Assembling the furniture is a child’s play. (2 pts)
Câu 137. I resent the way that she clearly feels herself to be superior to me. (NOSE)
Đáp án câu 137: I resent the way that she looks down her nose at me. (2 pts)
Câu 138. They can’t possibly win the match. (STAND)
Đáp án câu 138: They stand no chance of winning the match. (2 pts)
Câu 139. Many species of wildlife are threatened with extinction. (VERGE)
Đáp án câu 139: Many species of wildlife are on the verge of extinction. (2 pts)
Câu 140. You’ll just have to take a chance. (POT)
Đáp án câu 140: You’ll just have to take pot luck. (2 pts) ----- THE END -----