Đề thi Olympic 10 tháng 3 lần thứ 5 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2021 lớp 10 THPT Nguyễn Tất Thành

Đề thi Olympic 10 tháng 3 lần thứ 5 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2021 lớp 10 THPT Nguyễn Tất Thành giúp các bạn học sinh sắp tham gia các kì thi Tiếng Anh tham khảo, học tập và ôn tập kiến thức, bài tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

LỚP 10
A. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in
each group
1. A. kitchen B. children C. chemistry D. purchase
2. A. chooses B. houses C. horses D. likes
3. A. wanted B. helped C. laughed D. liked
4. A. opposite B. homework C. possible D. comic
5. A. prevent B. expensive C. determine D. English
B. Pick out the word whose main stress is place differently from the others in each group.
6. A. newspaper B. encourage C. formation D. effective
7. A. occasional B. geography C. information D. participant
8. A. anxious B. request C. lotus D. travel
9. A. airport B. routine C. neighbor D. habit
10. A. usually B. buffalo C. family D. continue
10. D
Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences
11. I felt quite _______ with my day’s work.
A. satisfy B. satisfactory C. satisfied D. satisfaction
12. The contented smile on her face shows that she finally passed the exam.
A. bored B. boring C. happy D. disappointed
13. The computer can process the _______ quickly.
A. information B. language C. entertainment D. invention
14. Instead of buying newspapers as usual, my father reads them ______ computers every day.
A. at B. on C. in D. from
15. Mr. Lam goes to work on foot once a week. It means he ____ walks to work.
A. never B. sometimes C. often D. usually
16.The computer is _______ of doing almost anything you ask it to.
A. capable B. magical C. perfect D. miraculous
17. Her job is --------------------- of mentally retarded children in the area.
A. looking B. taking care C. taking notice D. watching
18. I found it difficult at first, but now I ---------------- working on the computer.
A. use to B. used to C. am use to D. am used to
19. ______ is it from here to the theatre?
A. How B. How often C. How long D. How far
20. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
A. changing B. raising C. damaging D. becoming
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. B
18. D
19. D
20. C
21. The pupil ________the assignment.
A. has completed just B. has just completed
C. just has completed D. has just complete
22. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It __________ soon.
A. is raining B. will have rained C. is going to rain D. will rain
23. By the time he arrived, all his classmates __________
A. would leave B. were leaving C. left D. had left
24. You should dial 113 ______ the police when you have trouble.
A. call B. calling C. to call D. called
25. It was quite a cold day __________ it was sunny.
A. because B. in spite of C. because of D. although
26. They are excellent students __________ have complete confidence.
A. that B. which C. whose D. whom
27. You've been coughing a lot lately. You___________ smoke so much.
A. shouldn't B. can't C. should D. can
28. She taught in a school for the deaf and dump.
A. people who are unable to see B. people who are mentally ill
C. people who have a bad memory D. people who are unable to hear and
29. The audience couldn’t listen to the lengthy and pointless speech _________.
A. far any more B. any longer C. any more far D. any
30. I wanted some coffee but there was ______ in the pot.
A. any B. no C. none D. nothing
31. She always turns ______ all the lights before going out with her friends.
A. off B. of .C. on D. with
32. I was late for school this morning because my alarm did not ____.
A. go away B. go up C. go on D. go off
33. In Vietnam a school year lasts for nine months and is divided _______ two terms.
A. into B. to C. from D. on
34. Sometimes she does not agree _______ her husband about child rearing but they soon find
the solutions.
A. for B. on C. with D. of
35. Be careful! The tree is going to fall.
A. Look out B. Look up C. Look on D. Look
36. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt.
A. put on B. went off C. got out D. kept up
37. When you are finished using the computer, can you please __________ it off.
A. take B. go C .do D. turn
38. My brother has decided to ________ further studies.
A. go for B. go on C. go through D. go with
39. Please, learn to _________ with your friends if you want to be popular.
A. get away B. get back C. get along D. get down
40. Can you read that sign? Just a minute. Let me ________ my glasses.
A. put off B. put on C. put up D. put away
Reading the following passages and choose the best answer
Passage 1
Although both Luther Burbank and George Washington Carver drastically changed
American agriculture and were close friends besides, their methods of working could hardly
have been more dissimilar. Burbank’s formal education ended with high school, but he was
inspired by the works of Charles Darwin. In 1872, on his farm near Lunenberg, Massachusetts,
he produced his first “plant creation” a superior potato developed from the Early Rose variety.
It still bears his name. After moving to Santa Rosa, California, in 1875, Burbank created a
stream of creations, earning the nickname “the plant wizard.” He developed new varieties of
fruits, vegetables, flowers, and other plants, many of which are still economically important. He
began his work some thirty years before the rediscovery of Gregor Mendel’s work on heredity,
and while he did not participate in the developing science of plant genetics, his work opened the
country’s eyes to the productive possibilities of plant breeding. However, the value of his
contributions was diminished by his methods. He relied on his keen memory and powers of
observation and kept records only for his own use. He thus thwarted attempts by other scientists
to study his achievements.
Carver, on the other hand, was a careful researcher who took thorough notes. Born a
slave, he attended high school in Kansas, Simpson College in Iowa, and Iowa State College,
which awarded him a master’s degree. When the eminent black educator Booker T. Washington
offered him a position at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, he accepted. While Burbank
concentrated on developing new plants, Carver found new uses for existing ones. He produced
hundreds of synthetic products made from the soybean, the sweet potato, and especially the
peanut, helping to free Southern agriculture from the tyranny of cotton.
41. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the passage?
A. To compare the products created by two agricultural scientists
B. To demonstrate how Carver and Burbank influenced American agriculture
C. To contrast the careers and methods of two scientists
D. To explain how Charles Darwin inspired both Carver and Burbank
42. The word drastically in bold is closest in meaning to___________.
A. dramatically B. initially C. unintentionally D. potentially
43. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the relationship between
Burbank and Carver?
A. They were competitors. B. Carver was one of Burbank’s teachers.
C. Burbank invited Carver to work with him. D. They were personal friends.
44. It can be inferred that Burbank’s first “plant creation” is known as the___________.
A. Early Rose potato B. Burbank potato
C. Lunenberg potato D. Wizard potato
45. The word his in bold refers to___________.
A. George Washington Carver’s B. Gregor Mendel’s
C. Luther Burbank’s D. Charles Darwin’s
46. Which of the following a closest in meaning to the word thwarted in bold?
A. restored B. predated C. nurtured D. defeated
47. The word thorough in bold is closest in meaning to
A. complete B. general C. puzzling D. precise
48. The author implies that a significant difference between the techniques of Burbank and those
of Carver is that__________.
A. while Carver kept careful research records, Burbank did not.
B. Carver popularized his achievements, but those of Burbank were relatively unknown
C. unlike Burbank, Carver concentrated mainly on developing new varieties of plants
D. Burbank bred both plants and annuls, but Carver worked only with plants
49. According to the passage, what school awarded Carver a master’s degree?
A. Simpson College B. Iowa State College C. Tuskegee Institute D. The University of
50. Carver developed new uses for all of the following crops EXCEPT _____.
A. cotton B. soybeans C. sweet potatoes D. peanuts
42. D
43. C
44. A
45. B
48. D
49. A
50. A
Passage 2.
Have you ever thought about the names of the months? Why are “January” and
“February” not called “Primo” or “Secondo”? Is it because the original names were created in
ancient times? Or is it because the originators preferred odd words?
Take February, for example. Say it aloud a few minutes and you start to wonder. Most
people don’t know who developed these names. However, a little research reveals that the names
of the months came mostly from a combination of the names of Roman gods and goddesses,
important festivals, and the original numbers of the months.
Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII change the calendar to make it more exact. Caesar
developed a new calendar of 364 and a quarter days, the time it takes the earth to orbit the sun
from one spring season to the next. The Pope’s astronomers refined the calendar regarding leap
years; they determined that there should be no leap year in years ending in 00- unless they were
divisible by 400; the years 1700, 1800, 1900 and 2100 would not be considered leap years, while
the years 1600 and 2000 would be. This new Gregorian calendar was so accurate that today,
scientists need only add leap seconds every few years to the clock in order to keep the calendar
matching the Earth’s cycles.
51. What is the topic of the passage?
A. how the modern calendar was named and developed
B. how the months were named
C. how the leap year system was developed
D. how accurate the modern day is calendar
52. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that the author think the names of the months are
A. odd B. difficult to pronounce C. inappropriate D. none of the answers
53. The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to ______________.
A. calendars B. days C. astronomers D. years
54. The word “accurate” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. interesting B. informative C. correct D. simple
55. Which of the following will be a leap year?
A. 2300 B. 2400 C. 2200 D. 2500
56. Which of the following is true of the Gregorian calendar?
A. It needs major improvements.
B. It was so well designed, it needs little adjusting today.
C. It copied the Roman calendar’s formula of leap years.
D. none of the answers
57. Why is Caesar important in calendar making?
A. He changed the length of the year B. He extended summer.
C. He has a month named for him D. He altered the number of days in the year.
58. In what order is the information in the passage presented?
A. Caesar’s calendar, the Gregorian calendar, the modern calendar
B. Roman Gods, important festivals, original numbers of months
C. names of months, Caesar’s calendar, the Gregorian Calendar
D. none of the answers
59. The word “refined” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. studied B. invented C. observed D. improved
60. Why is the number of 364 and a quarter important?
A. It is the length of time from the beginning of spring to the end of winter.
B. It is the length of a planetary year.
C. It is the most accurate number for calendars.
D. It was a number randomly chosen by Caesar for his calendar.
52. A
53. C
55. B
57. A
58. C
60. B
Choose the best answer for each gap in the passage
Passage 1
Dolphins are known as marine (61) ______they breathe air, they are warm-blood, and they bear
live young ones called (62) ______
The size of dolphin is very greatly. (63)______ smallest dolphins are just about 50 kg in weight
and 1.2 meters in length (64) ______the largest one can weigh up to 8.200 kg and is 10 meters
Dolphins are sociable creatures. They swim together in group known as (65) ______They show
great ability in the water. Dolphins are interested (66) ______humans and often rescue people in
the sea (67) ______are in danger. They are intelligent creatures and make sounds to (68)_____
with each other. Scientists have studied dolphins (69) _____many years and are now looking into
the possibility of dolphins that are able to carry (70) _____ tasks under the sea.
61. A. fish B. creatures C. mammals D. life
62. A. babies B. calves C. young D. diets
63. A. A B. An C. The D. And
64. A. when B. as C. while D. since
65. A. currents B. flocks C. herds D. teams
66. A. in B. at C. on D. of
67. A. which B. whose C. when D. who
68. A. talk B. communicate C. contact D. connect
69. A. in B. since C. for D. during
70. A. out B. in C. of D. with
62. B
63. C
64. C
67. D
68. B
69. C
70. A
Passage 2
Modern cinema audiences expect (71) _________ plenty of thrilling scenes in action
films. These scenes (72) ____________ are known as stunts are usually (73) __________ by
stuntmen who are specially trained to dangerous things (74) ___________. Anyone can crash a
car, but if you are (75) ____________ a film, you have to be extremely precise, sometimes you
drive and stop right in front of the camera and film crew. At (76) ___________ early stage in the
(77) ___________, an expert stuntman is (78)_____________ to work out the action scenes and
form a team. He is the only person who can against the words of the director, (79)
____________ he will usually only (80) ____________ this in the regards of safe.
71. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. seen
72. A. which B. whom C. of that D. those
73. A. produced B. performed C. cancelled D. interfered
74. A. safe B. safety C. safely D. safeness
75. A. firing B. working C. doing D. acting
76. A. a B. an C. the D. no article
77. A. produce B. product C. production D. productive
78. A. called in B. came in C. checked in D. taken in
79. A. despite B. in spite of C. due to D. because
80. A. to do B. does C. do D. done
72. A
73. B
74. C
75. D
77. C
78. A
79. D
80. C
(20 PTS)
Passage 1
For the last (81) ______ months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done
nothing (82) _______ exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and (83) _______
television. I had begun feeling, bored with this and so, last weekend I thought I would do
something different. I rang up several of my (84) _______ and we decided to go to London for
the day. I was really excited as I hadn't been to London (85) _____ I was ten. We decided to go
by coach as this was by far the cheapest means of (86) ______ that was available even though it
meant that we needed to get up very early. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour
as we wanted to see some of the (87) ______ buildings. After the tour we bought some
sandwiches and ate (88) ______in a small park. In the afternoon two of us went shopping and the
others went to the theater. We met up again at 6:30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho.
The (89) ______ was really good but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected.
We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got ( 90 ) _____ just two minutes
before our coach left.
81. few
82. more
83. watch
84. friends
85. since
86. transport
87. famous
88. them
89 . meal
90. there
Passage 2
Many of us are still unaware (91) _________or are indifferent to the need to preserve
rare species. Some people argue that species have (92) _________ dying out since life began.
"So (93) _________ should we worry about them now?" (94) _________ ask. They calmly
believe that others would take their place. What these people (95) _________not realize is that it
will (96) _________ millions of years before a set of species is evolved to replace (97)
_________ we are rapidly losing. These species are (98) _________ national heritage. We
should not let (99) _________die off. They (100) _________ be preserved for our descendants.
91. of
92. been
93. why
94. they
95. do
96. take
97. those
98. our
99. them
100. should
Part 1: Supply the correct form of the words in the CAPITAL LETTER
101. When we arrived at the hotel, we were amazed at the ________ hospitality of the staff.
102. He is the bad manager in the factory and everyone is in attempt to _________ him. (FAME)
103. The ________ of an epidemic will be unavoidable unless measures are taken to prevent the
rural population from drinking the contaminated water. (BREAK)
104. Please keep the email short. ________ makes everyone’s lives easier. (BRIEF)
105. With the help of the computer, checking information has become less ________. (LABOR)
106. ________ has caused many so-called man-made disasters. (FOREST)
107. She looked in on the baby ________ to check that it was all right. (PERIOD)
108. They were totally ________ by the girl’s disappearance. (MYSTERY)
109. I did not know who it was. With a mask on, she was completely ________ . (RECOGNIZE)
110. The advantage of living in the countryside is that the air is ________ . (POLLUTE)
101. incomparable
102. defame
103. outbreak
104. Brevity
105. laborious
106. Deforestation
107. periodically
108. mystified
109. unrecognizable
110. unpolluted
Part 2: Fill in each blank with the suitable form of a word in the box
Read the text and then fill in the blank with the correct form of the word chosen from the box.
harmful between relationship should become
job teacher frightens from learn
The relationship (111) ______ a teacher and a student can be good or bad, helpful or (112)
______. Either way, the relationship can affect the students for the rest of his life.
In order to have a good teacher-student (113) ______, it is important that the teacher and
the student respect each other. If the teacher is too strict, he (114) ______ the student. The
student will not learn well. On the other hand, if the teacher is too friendly and permissive, the
student may (115) _____ lazy and stop working hard. The teacher’s attitude and approach (116)
_____ be between these two extremes. He should encourage the students without forcing or
punishing him to learn. He needs patience and understanding. It is part of the teacher’s (117) ___
___ to help develop a good positive attitude in his students. As for the student, in order to have a
good relationship with his (118) _______, he must always show his proper respect. He should be
eager to (119) _____ and willing to work hard. If he learns from the teacher modestly, he will be
able to profit fully (120) ______ his teacher’s knowledge and assistance.
112. harmful
113. relationship
114. frightens
115. become
117. job
118. teacher,
119. learn
120. from
There are ten mistakes in the following paragraph. Find them and correct them.
turn turning
was were
which who
when while
good well
because even if
A. Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it
131. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
→ It’s better to avoid _________________________________________________________
132. The local government have built a new stadium in my village.
A new stadium
133 Although Ann was ill, she insisted on going to work.
We tend to think of poverty as the main cause of violence crime.
However, research from both sides of the Atlantic show that fathers may
be the most important factor in preventing children from turn to crime.
In the United States, children from better-off family was compared with
ones from families with lower incomes. Children from both groups that
lived with their fathers committed the same number of crimes. In the
United Kingdom, a study was carried out comparing a group of boys
which had never been accused of any crimes such as assault and stealing
vehicles. All the boys had difficulty at school and came from large
families that didn't earn a lot of money. The biggest different between
the groups was that fifty-five percent of the "good boys" lived with their
fathers, when only four per cent of the "bad boys" did. Eighty per cent
of the good behaved boys said they felt close to their fathers because
they didn't live in the same house. It seems that having a father who
takes an interest in his children encourages youngsters not to break the law.
121. ______ ____
122. ___________
123. ___________
124. ___________
125. ___________
126. ___________
127. ___________
128. ___________
129. __________
130. __________
In spite of
134. We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money.
135. 'You can stay in my house when I am on holiday.'
Jim told us
131. It’s better to avoid traveling during the rush hour
132. A new stadium have been built by the local government in my village.
133. In spite of being ill / her illness. Ann insisted on going to work
134. If we hadn’t run out of money, we wouldn’t have come home from our holiday early.
135. Jim told us we could stay in his home when he was on holiday.
B. Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second
sentence has the same meaning as the first one, using the word given. Do not change the form
of the word given
136. My uncle decided to stop smoking local tobacco two years ago. (GIVE)
My uncle _______________________________________________________________
137. Because he was careless in writing, he got bad marks (SO)
He ____________________________________________________________________
138. They have to pay $50 for traveling every month. (SPEND)
139. If you don’t work hard, you won’t pass your examination. (UNLESS)
140. During the break, the school canteen is full of students. (CROWDED)
During _________________________________________________________________
136. My uncle decided to give up smoking local tobacco two years ago.
137. He was careless in writing so he got bad marks.
138. They have to spend $50 on traveling every month.
139. Unless you work hard, you won’t pass your examination.
140. During the break, the school canteen is crowded with students.
| 1/9

Preview text:

A. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group
1. A. kitchen B. children C. chemistry D. purchase 2. A. chooses B. houses C. horses D. likes 3. A. wanted B. helped C. laughed D. liked 4. A. opposite B. homework C. possible D. comic 5. A. prevent B. expensive C. determine D. English 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A
B. Pick out the word whose main stress is place differently from the others in each group.
6. A. newspaper B. encourage C. formation D. effective 7. A. occasional B. geography C. information D. participant 8. A. anxious B. request C. lotus D. travel 9. A. airport B. routine C. neighbor D. habit 10. A. usually B. buffalo C. family D. continue 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10. D II/ WORD CHOICE (10 PTS)
Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences
11. I felt quite _______ with my day’s work. A. satisfy B. satisfactory C. satisfied D. satisfaction
12. The contented smile on her face shows that she finally passed the exam. A. bored B. boring C. happy D. disappointed
13. The computer can process the _______ quickly. A. information B. language C. entertainment D. invention
14. Instead of buying newspapers as usual, my father reads them ______ computers every day. A. at B. on C. in D. from
15. Mr. Lam goes to work on foot once a week. It means he ____ walks to work. A. never B. sometimes C. often D. usually
16.The computer is _______ of doing almost anything you ask it to. A. capable B. magical C. perfect D. miraculous
17. Her job is --------------------- of mentally retarded children in the area. A. looking B. taking care C. taking notice D. watching
18. I found it difficult at first, but now I ---------------- working on the computer. A. use to B. used to C. am use to D. am used to
19. ______ is it from here to the theatre? A. How B. How often C. How long D. How far
20. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
A. changing B. raising C. damaging D. becoming 11. C 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. B 16. A 17.B 18. D 19. D 20. C
21. The pupil ________the assignment.
A. has completed just B. has just completed C. just has completed D. has just complete
22. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It __________ soon. A. is raining B. will have rained C. is going to rain D. will rain
23. By the time he arrived, all his classmates __________ A. would leave B. were leaving C. left D. had left
24. You should dial 113 ______ the police when you have trouble. A. call B. calling C. to call D. called
25. It was quite a cold day __________ it was sunny. A. because B. in spite of C. because of D. although
26. They are excellent students __________ have complete confidence. A. that B. which C. whose D. whom
27. You've been coughing a lot lately. You___________ smoke so much. A. shouldn't B. can't C. should D. can
28. She taught in a school for the deaf and dump.
A. people who are unable to see
B. people who are mentally ill
C. people who have a bad memory
D. people who are unable to hear and speak
29. The audience couldn’t listen to the lengthy and pointless speech _________. A. far any more B. any longer C. any more far D. any lengthier
30. I wanted some coffee but there was ______ in the pot. A. any B. no C. none D. nothing 21. B 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.D 26.A 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.D
31. She always turns ______ all the lights before going out with her friends. A. off B. of .C. on D. with
32. I was late for school this morning because my alarm did not ____. A. go away B. go up C. go on D. go off
33. In Vietnam a school year lasts for nine months and is divided _______ two terms. A. into B. to C. from D. on
34. Sometimes she does not agree _______ her husband about child rearing but they soon find the solutions. A. for B. on C. with D. of
35. Be careful! The tree is going to fall. A. Look out B. Look up C. Look on D. Look
36. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt. A. put on B. went off C. got out D. kept up
37. When you are finished using the computer, can you please __________ it off. A. take B. go C .do D. turn
38. My brother has decided to ________ further studies. A. go for B. go on C. go through D. go with
39. Please, learn to _________ with your friends if you want to be popular. A. get away B. get back C. get along D. get down
40. Can you read that sign? Just a minute. Let me ________ my glasses. A. put off B. put on C. put up D. put away 31. A 32.D 33.A 34.C 35.A 36.B 37.D 38.B 39.C 40.B

Reading the following passages and choose the best answer Passage 1
Although both Luther Burbank and George Washington Carver drastically changed
American agriculture and were close friends besides, their methods of working could hardly
have been more dissimilar. Burbank’s formal education ended with high school, but he was
inspired by the works of Charles Darwin. In 1872, on his farm near Lunenberg, Massachusetts,
he produced his first “plant creation” – a superior potato developed from the Early Rose variety.
It still bears his name. After moving to Santa Rosa, California, in 1875, Burbank created a
stream of creations, earning the nickname “the plant wizard.” He developed new varieties of
fruits, vegetables, flowers, and other plants, many of which are still economically important. He
began his work some thirty years before the rediscovery of Gregor Mendel’s work on heredity,
and while he did not participate in the developing science of plant genetics, his work opened the
country’s eyes to the productive possibilities of plant breeding. However, the value of his
contributions was diminished by his methods. He relied on his keen memory and powers of
observation and kept records only for his own use. He thus thwarted attempts by other scientists to study his achievements.
Carver, on the other hand, was a careful researcher who took thorough notes. Born a
slave, he attended high school in Kansas, Simpson College in Iowa, and Iowa State College,
which awarded him a master’s degree. When the eminent black educator Booker T. Washington
offered him a position at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, he accepted. While Burbank
concentrated on developing new plants, Carver found new uses for existing ones. He produced
hundreds of synthetic products made from the soybean, the sweet potato, and especially the
peanut, helping to free Southern agriculture from the tyranny of cotton.
41. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the passage?
A. To compare the products created by two agricultural scientists
B. To demonstrate how Carver and Burbank influenced American agriculture
C. To contrast the careers and methods of two scientists
D. To explain how Charles Darwin inspired both Carver and Burbank
42. The word drastically in bold is closest in meaning to___________. A. dramatically B. initially C. unintentionally D. potentially
43. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the relationship between Burbank and Carver? A. They were competitors.
B. Carver was one of Burbank’s teachers.
C. Burbank invited Carver to work with him.
D. They were personal friends.
44. It can be inferred that Burbank’s first “plant creation” is known as the___________. A. Early Rose potato B. Burbank potato C. Lunenberg potato D. Wizard potato
45. The word his in bold refers to___________.
A. George Washington Carver’s B. Gregor Mendel’s C. Luther Burbank’s D. Charles Darwin’s
46. Which of the following a closest in meaning to the word thwarted in bold? A. restored B. predated C. nurtured D. defeated
47. The word thorough in bold is closest in meaning to A. complete B. general C. puzzling D. precise
48. The author implies that a significant difference between the techniques of Burbank and those of Carver is that__________.
A. while Carver kept careful research records, Burbank did not.
B. Carver popularized his achievements, but those of Burbank were relatively unknown
C. unlike Burbank, Carver concentrated mainly on developing new varieties of plants
D. Burbank bred both plants and annuls, but Carver worked only with plants
49. According to the passage, what school awarded Carver a master’s degree?
A. Simpson College B. Iowa State College C. Tuskegee Institute D. The University of Alabama
50. Carver developed new uses for all of the following crops EXCEPT _____. A. cotton B. soybeans C. sweet potatoes D. peanuts 41.C 42. D 43. C 44. A 45. B 46. A 47.B 48. D 49. A 50. A Passage 2.
Have you ever thought about the names of the months? Why are “January” and
“February” not called “Primo” or “Secondo”? Is it because the original names were created in
ancient times? Or is it because the originators preferred odd words?
Take February, for example. Say it aloud a few minutes and you start to wonder. Most
people don’t know who developed these names. However, a little research reveals that the names
of the months came mostly from a combination of the names of Roman gods and goddesses,
important festivals, and the original numbers of the months.
Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII change the calendar to make it more exact. Caesar
developed a new calendar of 364 and a quarter days, the time it takes the earth to orbit the sun
from one spring season to the next. The Pope’s astronomers refined the calendar regarding leap
years; they determined that there should be no leap year in years ending in 00- unless they were
divisible by 400; the years 1700, 1800, 1900 and 2100 would not be considered leap years, while
the years 1600 and 2000 would be. This new Gregorian calendar was so accurate that today,
scientists need only add leap seconds every few years to the clock in order to keep the calendar
matching the Earth’s cycles.
51. What is the topic of the passage?
A. how the modern calendar was named and developed B. how the months were named
C. how the leap year system was developed
D. how accurate the modern day is calendar
52. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that the author think the names of the months are __________. A. odd B. difficult to pronounce C. inappropriate D. none of the answers
53. The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to ______________. A. calendars B. days C. astronomers D. years
54. The word “accurate” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____________. A. interesting B. informative C. correct D. simple
55. Which of the following will be a leap year? A. 2300 B. 2400 C. 2200 D. 2500
56. Which of the following is true of the Gregorian calendar?
A. It needs major improvements.
B. It was so well designed, it needs little adjusting today.
C. It copied the Roman calendar’s formula of leap years. D. none of the answers
57. Why is Caesar important in calendar making?
A. He changed the length of the year B. He extended summer.
C. He has a month named for him
D. He altered the number of days in the year.
58. In what order is the information in the passage presented?
A. Caesar’s calendar, the Gregorian calendar, the modern calendar
B. Roman Gods, important festivals, original numbers of months
C. names of months, Caesar’s calendar, the Gregorian Calendar D. none of the answers
59. The word “refined” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____________. A. studied B. invented C. observed D. improved
60. Why is the number of 364 and a quarter important?
A. It is the length of time from the beginning of spring to the end of winter.
B. It is the length of a planetary year.
C. It is the most accurate number for calendars.
D. It was a number randomly chosen by Caesar for his calendar. 51. A 52. A 53. C 54.C 55. B 56. B 57. A 58. C 59.D 60. B
Choose the best answer for each gap in the passage Passage 1
Dolphins are known as marine (61) ______they breathe air, they are warm-blood, and they bear
live young ones called (62) ______
The size of dolphin is very greatly. (63)______ smallest dolphins are just about 50 kg in weight
and 1.2 meters in length (64) ______the largest one can weigh up to 8.200 kg and is 10 meters long.
Dolphins are sociable creatures. They swim together in group known as (65) ______They show
great ability in the water. Dolphins are interested (66) ______humans and often rescue people in
the sea (67) ______are in danger. They are intelligent creatures and make sounds to (68)_____
with each other. Scientists have studied dolphins (69) _____many years and are now looking into
the possibility of dolphins that are able to carry (70) _____ tasks under the sea. 61. A. fish B. creatures C. mammals D. life 62. A. babies B. calves C. young D. diets 63. A. A B. An C. The D. And 64. A. when B. as C. while D. since 65. A. currents B. flocks C. herds D. teams 66. A. in B. at C. on D. of 67. A. which B. whose C. when D. who 68. A. talk B. communicate C. contact D. connect 69. A. in B. since C. for D. during 70. A. out B. in C. of D. with 61. C 62. B 63. C 64. C 65.C 66. A 67. D 68. B 69. C 70. A Passage 2
Modern cinema audiences expect (71) _________ plenty of thrilling scenes in action
films. These scenes (72) ____________ are known as stunts are usually (73) __________ by
stuntmen who are specially trained to dangerous things (74) ___________. Anyone can crash a
car, but if you are (75) ____________ a film, you have to be extremely precise, sometimes you
drive and stop right in front of the camera and film crew. At (76) ___________ early stage in the
(77) ___________, an expert stuntman is (78)_____________ to work out the action scenes and
form a team. He is the only person who can against the words of the director, (79)
____________ he will usually only (80) ____________ this in the regards of safe. 71. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. seen 72. A. which B. whom C. of that D. those 73. A. produced B. performed C. cancelled D. interfered 74. A. safe B. safety C. safely D. safeness 75. A. firing B. working C. doing D. acting 76. A. a B. an C. the D. no article 77. A. produce B. product C. production D. productive 78. A. called in B. came in C. checked in D. taken in 79. A. despite B. in spite of C. due to D. because 80. A. to do B. does C. do D. done 71. B 72. A 73. B 74. C 75. D 76. C 77. C 78. A 79. D 80. C
For the last (81) ______ months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done
nothing (82) _______ exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and (83) _______
television. I had begun feeling, bored with this and so, last weekend I thought I would do
something different. I rang up several of my (84) _______ and we decided to go to London for
the day. I was really excited as I hadn't been to London (85) _____ I was ten. We decided to go
by coach as this was by far the cheapest means of (86) ______ that was available even though it
meant that we needed to get up very early. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour
as we wanted to see some of the (87) ______ buildings. After the tour we bought some
sandwiches and ate (88) ______in a small park. In the afternoon two of us went shopping and the
others went to the theater. We met up again at 6:30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho.
The (89) ______ was really good but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected.
We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got ( 90 ) _____ just two minutes before our coach left. 81. few 82. more 83. watch 84. friends 85. since 86. transport 87. famous 88. them 89 . meal 90. there Passage 2
Many of us are still unaware (91) _________or are indifferent to the need to preserve
rare species. Some people argue that species have (92) _________ dying out since life began.
"So (93) _________ should we worry about them now?" (94) _________ ask. They calmly
believe that others would take their place. What these people (95) _________not realize is that it
will (96) _________ millions of years before a set of species is evolved to replace (97)
_________ we are rapidly losing. These species are (98) _________ national heritage. We
should not let (99) _________die off. They (100) _________ be preserved for our descendants. 91. of 92. been 93. why 94. they 95. do 96. take 97. those 98. our 99. them 100. should II/ WORD FORM (40 PTS)
Part 1: Supply the correct form of the words in the CAPITAL LETTER
101. When we arrived at the hotel, we were amazed at the ________ hospitality of the staff. (COMPARE)
102. He is the bad manager in the factory and everyone is in attempt to _________ him. (FAME)
103. The ________ of an epidemic will be unavoidable unless measures are taken to prevent the
rural population from drinking the contaminated water. (BREAK)
104. Please keep the email short. ________ makes everyone’s lives easier. (BRIEF)
105. With the help of the computer, checking information has become less ________. (LABOR)
106. ________ has caused many so-called man-made disasters. (FOREST)
107. She looked in on the baby ________ to check that it was all right. (PERIOD)
108. They were totally ________ by the girl’s disappearance. (MYSTERY)
109. I did not know who it was. With a mask on, she was completely ________ . (RECOGNIZE)
110. The advantage of living in the countryside is that the air is ________ . (POLLUTE) 101. incomparable 102. defame 103. outbreak 104. Brevity 105. laborious
106. Deforestation 107. periodically 108. mystified 109. unrecognizable 110. unpolluted
Part 2: Fill in each blank with the suitable form of a word in the box
Read the text and then fill in the blank with the correct form of the word chosen from the box.
harmful between relationship should become
job teacher frightens from learn

The relationship (111) ______ a teacher and a student can be good or bad, helpful or (112)
______. Either way, the relationship can affect the students for the rest of his life.
In order to have a good teacher-student (113) ______, it is important that the teacher and
the student respect each other. If the teacher is too strict, he (114) ______ the student. The
student will not learn well. On the other hand, if the teacher is too friendly and permissive, the
student may (115) _____ lazy and stop working hard. The teacher’s attitude and approach (116)
_____ be between these two extremes. He should encourage the students without forcing or
punishing him to learn. He needs patience and understanding. It is part of the teacher’s (117) ___
___ to help develop a good positive attitude in his students. As for the student, in order to have a
good relationship with his (118) _______, he must always show his proper respect. He should be
eager to (119) _____ and willing to work hard. If he learns from the teacher modestly, he will be
able to profit fully (120) ______ his teacher’s knowledge and assistance. 111. between 112. harmful
113. relationship 114. frightens 115. become 116. should 117. job 118. teacher, 119. learn 120. from
There are ten mistakes in the following paragraph. Find them and correct them.

We tend to think of poverty as the main cause of violence crime. 121. ______ ____
However, research from both sides of the Atlantic show that fathers may 122. ___________
be the most important factor in preventing children from turn to crime.
In the United States, children from better-off family was compared with 123. ___________
ones from families with lower incomes. Children from both groups that 124. ___________
lived with their fathers committed the same number of crimes. In the
United Kingdom, a study was carried out comparing a group of boys 125. ___________
which had never been accused of any crimes such as assault and stealing 126. ___________
vehicles. All the boys had difficulty at school and came from large
families that didn't earn a lot of money. The biggest different between 127. ___________
the groups was that fifty-five percent of the "good boys" lived with their 128. ___________
fathers, when only four per cent of the "bad boys" did. Eighty per cent
of the good – behaved boys said they felt close to their fathers because 129. __________
they didn't live in the same house. It seems that having a father who 130. __________
takes an interest in his children encourages youngsters not to break the law. 121 122. 123. 124. 125. violence→violent show→shows turn →turning was →were which →who 126. 127. 128. 129. 130.
difficulty→difficulties different→difference when →while good→ well because →even if
A. Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it
131. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
→ It’s better to avoid _________________________________________________________
132. The local government have built a new stadium in my village. → A new stadium
133 Although Ann was ill, she insisted on going to work. → In spite of
134. We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money. → If
135. 'You can stay in my house when I am on holiday.' → Jim told us
____________________________________________________________________. KEY:
131. It’s better to avoid traveling during the rush hour
132. A new stadium have been built by the local government in my village.
133. In spite of being ill / her illness. Ann insisted on going to work
134. If we hadn’t run out of money, we wouldn’t have come home from our holiday early.
135. Jim told us we could stay in his home when he was on holiday.

B. Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second
sentence has the same meaning as the first one, using the word given. Do not change the form of the word given

136. My uncle decided to stop smoking local tobacco two years ago. (GIVE)
→My uncle _______________________________________________________________
137. Because he was careless in writing, he got bad marks (SO)
→ He ____________________________________________________________________
138. They have to pay $50 for traveling every month. (SPEND)
→ They___________________________________________________________________
139. If you don’t work hard, you won’t pass your examination. (UNLESS)
140. During the break, the school canteen is full of students. (CROWDED)
→During _________________________________________________________________ KEY:
136. My uncle decided to give up smoking local tobacco two years ago.
137. He was careless in writing so he got bad marks.
138. They have to spend $50 on traveling every month.
139. Unless you work hard, you won’t pass your examination.
During the break, the school canteen is crowded with students.