Đề thi Olympic 10 tháng 3 lần thứ 5 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2021 lớp 11 THPT Tôn Đức Thắng

Đề thi Olympic 10 tháng 3 lần thứ 5 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2021 lớp 11 THPT Tôn Đức Thắng giúp các bạn học sinh sắp tham gia các kì thi Tiếng Anh tham khảo, học tập và ôn tập kiến thức, bài tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences (5 pts) :
1. I am _______ my brother is.
A. nowhere like ambitious as B. nothing near as ambitious as
C. nothing as ambitious D. nowhere near as ambitious as
2. ……………, 70 percent alcohol is more effective than 100 percent alcohol.
A. How an antiseptic is used B. An antiseptic used
C. When used as an antiseptic D. An antiseptic when used
3. She ………..about the time, her friend was also late.
A. needn’t worry B. didn’t need to worry
C. needn’t have worried D. needn’t worrying
4. _______, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
A. However tired B. Tired as he might feel
C. As he might feel tired D. He felt very tired though
5. The companies appear______the water supply in this area for a long time.
A.to foul B. to be fouled C.to be fouling D. to have been fouling
6. Without my parents' support, I ______ my overseas study.
A. had not completed B. would not have completed
C. would not have been completed D. did not complete
7. _______with about fifteen times its weight in air does gasoline allow the carburetor to run smoothly.
A. It is mixed B. Only when mixed C. When mixed D. To mix it
8. ______bigs books on______table are for my history class.
A.The/the B. The/a C. A/the D. -/the
9. ______ are considered humorous is mainly due to his characters’ use of slang.
A. That Damon Ruyan’s stories B. Damon Ruyan’s stories, which
C. Damon Ruyan’s stories D. Because Damon Ruyan’s stories
10. None of the people____________could come.
A. was invited to the party B. were invited to the party
C. who invited to the party D. invited to the party
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. D
1. She took a course in fine arts ______ starting her own business in interior design.
A. with a view to B. in terms of C. in order to D. with reference to
2. He ………. up a lot of debts in the town and then disappeared without a trace.
A. put B. ran C. brought D. made
3. I won’t ………….. these excuses any longer! I demand to see the manager.
A. put up with B. put off again C. put up for D. put off with
4. She got a bit hot ……… the collar when a colleague started criticizing her work.
A. under B. on C. beyond D. from
5. To get a good price on a new notebook computer, you really need to shop ……….. . There are some
great bargains out there, but you have to look for them.
A. out B. around C. down D. off
6. Mr. John has taken……..painting since he retired.
A. up B. of C. over D. in
7. The teacher told her to ___ her socializing because it was affecting her schoolwork.
A. cut down on B. run out of C. put up with D. look forward to
8. Those who don’t get ______their colleagues are sometimes isolated at their jobs.
A. up with B. on to C. by with D. along with
9. He drives so fast that I am afraid one day he will __________ somebody crossing the street.
A. crash down B. knock down C. turn over D. run across
10. My application for a trading license was ……………. .
A. held down B. turned down C. put down D. let down
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. B
III. VOCABULARY . (10 pts) :
Choose the option that best fits the blank of the sentence.
1. The patient’s heart – rate and breathing must be carefully …………during the operation.
A. counted B. monitored C. observed D. supervised
2. After a six-year relationship, Martha and Bill have decided to ………….
A. break the bank B. turn the page C. tie the knot D. make the grade
3. He's left his book at home; he's always so______.
A. forgetful B. forgettable C. forgotten D. forgetting
4. They were waiting official ……….of the news they had heard from a friend.
A. statement B. recommendation C. confirmation D. announcement
5. The traffic in town was very ……….and I arrived home earlier than expected.
A. light B. weak C. little D. few
6. The school ……..a system of monthly tests in place of an annual exam.
A. took B.gathered C.collected D. adopted
7. ………….the public concern about the local environment, this new road schemewill have to be
A. As regards B. In the event of C. In view of D. However much
8. I never get a ………..of sleep after watching a horror film.
A. wink B. blink C. night D. ounce
9. I am afraid a rise in salary is just now.
A. out of sight B. out of control C out of date D. out of question
10. The party’s election…………… proved to be successful.
A. campaign B. movement C. struggle D. fight
11. The US president Barack Obama ______ an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which is of
great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership.
A. delivered B. paid C. offered D. gave
12. The police are ………………… certain who the culprit is.
A. in some ways B. more or less C. here and there D. by and by
13. All the ______ in the stadium applauded the winner of the marathon when he crossed the finishing
A. watchers B. audience C. viewers D. spectators
14. Although the patient received intensive treatment, there was no ………………… improvement in
her condition.
A. decipherable B. legible C. discernible D. intelligible
15. I’ve been doing my best to reduce the backlog but I must admit that I’ve hardly put
………………… in the problem so far.
A. a dent B. a foot C. a brave face D. damper
16. From time to time he …………………himself to a weekend in a five-star hotel.
A. craves B. indulges C. treats D. benefits
17. Men still expect their jobs to take _________.
A. superiority B. imposition C. priority D. seniority
18. According to a recent survey, most people are on good ………………… with their neighbours.
A. terms B. relations C. relationships D. acquaintance
19. The police have been ordered not to ………………… if the students attack them.
A. combat B. rebuff C. retaliate D. challenge
20. The police finally arrested the ……………… criminal
A. famous B. renowned C. respectable D. notorious
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. A
11. B 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. D
1. Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap.
Some time ago, scientists began experiments to find out (1)______ it would be possible to set up a
“village” under the sea. A special room was built and lowered (2)______ the water of Port Sudan in
the Red Sea. For 29 days, five men lived (3)______ a depth of 40 feet. At a (4)______ lower level,
another two divers stayed for a week in a smaller “house”. On returning to the surface, the men said
that they had experienced no difficulty in breathing and had (5)______ many interesting scientific
observations. The captain of the party, Commander Cousteau, spoke of the possibility of (6)______ the
seabed. He said that some permanent stations were to be set up under the sea, and some undersea farms
would provide food for the growing population of the world.
The divers in both “houses” spent most of their time (7)______ the bottom of the sea. On four
occasions, they went down to 360 feet and observed many extraordinary (8)______ of the marine life,
some of which had never been seen before. During their stay, Commander Cousteau and his divers
reached a depth of 1,000 feet and witnessed a gathering of an immense (9)______ of crabs which
numbered, perhaps, hundreds of millions. They also found out that it was (10)______ to move rapidly
in the water in a special vessel known as a “diving saucer”.
1. A. how B. which C. what D. whether
2. A. underneath B. down C. below D. into
3. A. at B. in C. from D. on
4. A. more B. any C. much D. some
5. A. caught B. done C. made D. exercised
6. A. implanting B. transplanting C. growing D. cultivating
7. A. enquiring B. imploring C. exploring D. inquiring
8. A. breeds B. forms C. systems D. castes
9. A. herd B. flock C. school D. pack
10. A. hardly B. able C. possible D. capable
Đáp án
1. D
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. C
2. Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap.
Do you want to take part in the battle to save the world's wildlife? Animal Watch is a book which
will involve you in the fight for survival that (1)............ many of our endangered animals and show
how they struggle on the (2)....... of extinction. As you enjoy the book's 250 pages and over 150 color
photographs, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that part of your purchase money is being used
to help animals (3)............. . From the comfort of your armchair, you will be able to observe the
world's animals close-up and explore their habitats. You will also discover the terrible results of
human (4)……… for land, flesh and skins.
Animal Watch is packed with fascinating facts. Did you know that polar bears cover their black
noses with their (5)……….. so they can hunt their prey in the snow without being seen, for example?
Or that for each orangutan which is captures, one has to die?
This superb (6) ………... has so(7)............ Britain's leading wildlife charity that it has been chosen
as Book of the Year, a(8)......... awarded to books which are considered to have made a major
contribution to wildlife conservation. You will find Animal Watch at a special low (9)............. price at
all good bookshops, but hurry while (10)………... last.
1. A. meets B. opposes C. forces D. faces
2. A. edge B. start C. limit D. end
3. A. preserve B. conserve C. revive D. survive
4. A. greed B. interest C. care D. concern
5. A. feet B. claws C. paws D. toes
6. A. publicity B. periodical C. publication D. reference
7. A. imposed B. impressed C. persuaded D. admired
8. A. symbol B. title C. trademark D. nickname
9. A. beginning B. preparatory C. original D. introductory
10. A. stores B. stocks C. goods D. funds
Đáp án
1. D
4. A
5. C
9. D
10. B
1. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
It is estimated that over 99 percent of all species that ever existed have become extinct. What
causes extinction? When a species is no longer adapted to a change environment, it may perish. The
exact causes of a species’ death vary from situation to situation. Rapid ecological change may render
an environment hostile to a species. For example, temperatures may change and a species may not be
adapt. Food resources may be affected by environmental changes, which will then cause problems for
a species requiring these resources. Other species may become better adapted to an environment,
resulting in competition and, ultimately, in the death of a species.
The fossil record reveals that extinction has occurred throughout the history of Earth. Recent
analyses have also revealed that on some occasions many species became extinct at the same time - a
mass extinction. One of the best - known examples of mass extinction occurred 65 million years ago
with the demise of dinosaurs and many other forms of life. Perhaps the largest mass extinction was
the one that occurred 225 million years ago, when approximately 95 percent of all species died. Mass
extinctions can be caused by a relatively rapid change in the environment and can be worsened by the
close interrelationship of many species. If, for example, something were to happen to destroy much of
the plankton in the oceans, then the oxygen content of Earth would drop, affection even organisms
not living in the oceans. Such a change would probably lead to a mass extinction.
One interesting, and controversial, finding is that extinctions during the past 250 million years
have tended to be more intense every 26 million years. The periodic extinction might be due to
intersection of the earth’s orbit with a cloud of comets, but this theory is purely speculative. Some
researchers have also speculated that extinction may often be random. That is, certain species may be
eliminated and others may survive for no particular reason. A species’ survival may have nothing to
do with its ability or inability to adapt. If so, some of revolutionary history may reflect a sequence of
essentially random events.
1. What does the author say in paragraph 1 regarding most species in Earth’s history?
A. They have been able to adapt to ecological changes.
B. They have caused rapid change in the environment .
C. They have remained basically unchanged from their original forms
D. They are no longer in existence.
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 1 as resulting from rapid ecological
A. Availability of food resources B. Introduction of new species
C. Temperature changes D. Competition among species
3. Why is “ plankton” mentioned in the second paragraph?
A. To emphasize the importance of food resources in preventing mass extinction
B. To illustrate a comparison between organisms that live on the land and those that live in the ocean
C. To point out that certain species could never become extinct
D. To demonstrate the interdependence of different species
4. According to paragraph 2, evidence from fossils suggests that …………….
A. There has been only one mass extinction in Earth’s history.
B. Extinction of species has occurred from time to time throughout Earth’s history.
C. Extinctions on Earth have generally been massive.
D. Dinosaurs became extinct much earlier than scientists originally believed.
5. Which of the following can be inferred from the theory of periodic extinction mentioned in
paragraph 3?
A. The theory is no longer seriously considered.
B. Most scientists believe the theory to be accurate.
C. Many scientists could be expected to disagree with it.
D. Evidence to support the theory has recently been found.
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C
2. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
As customers choose brands based on how they make them feel, rather than their actual products or
services, there is an intrinsic advantage to those organizations who use designed experiences as a
weapon to cut through the most competitive of markets. Those that don’t, operate in what we call the
“experience gap”, the space between them and their customer’s expectation of them. Make no mistake,
in our high paced and digitally connected economies, the experience gap is driving markets, fast.
For example, take Instagram and Twitter. These brands filled the demand for a whole new human
experience that did not exist before the evolution of digital technologies enabled that. They were
pioneers, and there were no established players to unseat. But we are also seeing a similar dynamic in
existing industries. New entrants are coming in and taking the space, also using whole new
experiences, purely because the incumbents left the door open.
Closer to home, this can be seen with Australian neobanks who are giving customers a better
experience than the incumbents. Robert Bell is the CEO at neobank 86400. He says banking has
already become quite complicated and he wanted to make a change. His neobank is working to solve
customers problems more holistically. Bell said, “It’s significantly harder work and takes more time to
become a bank, but having done that we can have a much better relationship with our customers and
we can offer them a lot more products and services.”
Think about that for a moment. Do you notice how better experiences, leads to better relationships,
which is then the stepping stone for more offerings? Many brands still jump straight to modified
offerings, without gaining that customer connection and the necessary foundation of trust first.
(source: https://which-50.com/)
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The importance of experience to competitive advantage.
B. Businesses are unwilling to disrupt themselves.
C. A far-reaching cultural transformation.
D. Knowledge drives behavior, loyalty, satisfaction.
2. The word “them” in paragraph 1 refers to _______.
A. brands B. customers C. economies D. markets
3. According to paragraph 2, what is true about Instagram and Twitter in the stated instance?
A. Their reputation famously preceded even the 4th Industrial Revolution.
B. They are the one and only companies providing such revolutionary services.
C. They were the trailblazers for the experience-oriented marketing strategy.
D. Prior to their advent, there were already several competitors in the field.
4. According to paragraph 3, what is the attitude of Robert Bell towards the customers?
A. He sees them as modern slaves to consumerism.
B. He maintains a healthy relationship of give and take.
C. He displays worship in its purest form towards them.
D. He views them as the golden goose for his business.
5. What does the phrase “stepping stone” in paragraph 4 mean?
A. An asset or possession prized as being the best of a group of similar things.
B. A person who travels without settling down for any significant period of time
C. An important clue to understanding something that is challenging or puzzling.
D. An action or event that helps one to make progress towards a specified goal.
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D
3. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased. The
frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities.
Industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon
credentials and expertise to make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility.
Increasingly, too, schools were viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into
American society.
The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the
century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920
schooling to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly
lengthened. Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and
counseling extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the
larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored
by public schools, corporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and other agencies.
Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the
needs of specific populations. Immigrant women were once such population. Schools tried to educate
young women so they could occupy productive places in the urban industrial economy, and one place
many educators considered appropriate for women was the home.
Although looking after the house and family was familiar to immigrant women, American
education gave homemaking a new definition. In pre-industrial economies, homemaking had meant the
production as well as the consumption of goods, and it commonly included income-producing
activities both inside and outside the home, in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United
States, however, overproduction rather than scarcity was becoming a problem. Thus, the ideal
American homemaker was viewed as a consumer rather than a producer. Schools trained women to be
consumer homemakers cooking, shopping, decorating, and caring for children "efficiently" in their
own homes, or if economic necessity demanded, as employees in the homes of others. Subsequent
reforms have made these notions seem quite out-of-date.
1. The paragraph preceding the passage probably discusses _____.
A. the industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life the United States in the 19
B. the formal schooling in the United States in the nineteen century.
C. the urbanization in the United States in the nineteen century.
D. the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society in the nineteen century.
2. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that one important factor in the increasing importance of
education in the United States was _____.
A. the expanding economic problems of schools
B. the growing number of schools in frontier communities
C. an increase in the number of trained teachers
D. the increased urbanization of the entire country
3. The word "means" in line 5 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. qualifications B. method C. advantages D. probability
4. The phrase "coincided with" in line 7 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. happened at the same time as B. ensured the success of
C. was influenced by D. began to grow rapidly
5. According to the passage, one important change in United States education by the 1920's was that
A. the amount of time spent on formal education was limited
C. adults and children studied in the same classes
B. new regulations were imposed on nontraditional education
D. most places required children to attend school
6. “Vacation schools and extracurricular activities” are mentioned in line 9 to illustrate _____.
A. activities that competed to attract new immigrants to their programs.
B. alternatives to formal education provided by public schools
C. the importance of educational changes
D. the increased impact of public schools on students
7. According to the passage, early-twentieth century education reformers believed that _____.
A. special programs should be set up in frontier communities to modernize them
B. corporations and other organizations damaged educational progress
C. different groups needed different kinds of education
D. more women should be involved in education and industry
8. The word "it" in paragraph 4 refers to _____.
A. education B. consumption C. production D. homemaking
9. Women were trained to be consumer homemakers as a result of _____.
A. scarcity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
B. economic necessity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
C. income-producing activities in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
D. overproduction in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
10. The word “others” in paragraph 4 means_______.
A. other children B. other homes C. other women D. other employees
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. C
Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word.
Passage 1
Environmental Concerns
Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life; (1)………….,
human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world carries on consuming
two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so (2) …………. to stay
alive we are rapidly destroying the resource we have by (3) ………….all people can survive and
prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (4) …………. built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources
are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (5) …………. We discharge pollutants
into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (6) …………., the planet's ability to
support people is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are (7)
………….increasingly heavy demands on it.
The Earth's (8) …………. resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy,
medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (9) …………. us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we
are sensible in how we use the resources they will (10) …………. indefinitely. But if we use them
wastefully and excessively they will soon run out
2. just
3. which
4. either
5. completely
7. making
8. natural
9. keep
10. last
Passage 2
The computer has brought nothing (1)……….problems to the world of the twentieth century.
Chief among the problems has (2)………..the dehumanization of society. People are no (3)………
human. Each of us is a series of numbers, numbers to be fed into computers. There are our credit card
numbers, our bank account (4)………. , our social security numbers, our telephone and electricity
numbers - the computer number game is endless.
What happens to these computerized numbers ? They are distributed to a network of government
agencies and business (5)……….can use them to invade our privacy. The Internal Revenue Service
stores millions of facts about every citizen. Credit agencies exchange (6)………. on the spending and
saving practices of nearly every American adult. Mailing lists are (7)……. available by computers to
dozens of organizations, public and private, who bombard us with unwanted mail.
Just let the computer which stores (8)………….. concerning our accounts, let us say with a credit card
company, make an error and it is almost impossible to correct it. The result is an avalanche of bills,
threads, and loss of credit standing.
The computer has thrown thousands of people out of (9)…… The gamut of computer- generated
unemployed runs from highly skilled technicians to typists.
These are some of the reasons why I feel that the (10)……. of the computer has been detrimental to the
quality of our life in the twentieth century.
1. but
2. been
3. longer
4. number
5. which
6. information
7. made
8. data
9. work
10. advent
II. WORD FORMS (20pts)
1.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words
1. Small children are very_______in their behaviour. They just copy what they see.(IMITATE)
2. Tom was accused of stealing some ________________ documents. (CONFIDENCE)
3. I watch the news everyday because it very________________. (INFORM)
4. He hoped the _________________ agency would find him a job. (EMPLOY)
5.The first time I tried out my new bike I …………….and fell off. ( BALANCE)
6. It’s ______ of him to lose his temper like that – he’s usually very calm. (CHARACTER)
7. He stood at the door to make sure that no one _______ the party. (GATE)
8. We cannot stop the ________________ of plants and animals.(APPEAR)
9.The break down of the negotiations was not_______________. (EXPECT)
10. Those countries are ____________ on other countries for most of their food. (DEPEND)
2. Supply the correct form of the words given to complete each of the sentences below. Write
your answer in the space provided on the right. [10 pts]
Different (1) _________ (conserve) efforts have been made in order to (2) _________ (danger)
species. The Red List (3) _________ (globe) list of endangered and vulnerable animal species has
been introduced to raise people’s awareness of conservation needs. Governments have enacted laws to
protect wildlife from commercial trade and (4) _________(hunt). Another _________ (conserve) effort
is the development of wildlife habitat (5) _________ (reserve) as they are suitable for the (6)
_________ (survive) of a wide range of species.
The current globe extinction crisis is one of the (7) __________ (great) challenges to mankind. To
preserve the earth’s (8) __________ (value) biodiversity for future generations, the protection of
__________ (danger) species and their habitats should be a top (9) _______ (prior) for international
organizations, (10) __________ (govern) agencies, industry and individuals.
1. conservation
2. endangered
3. global
4. overhunting
5. reserves
6. survival
7. greatest
8. valuable
9. priority
10. governmental
* There are ten errors in the text below. Find and correct them.
Example: 0. that
Robots can work in places to that humans can’t easily get.
These including deep oceans, on distant planets or on sites with
bad pollution. Robots are also used in factories although they can
work much quickly and accurately than a human, and without
needing to rest.
Improvements in technology over the past fifty years has
meant that scientists are now able to create very clever robots.
The most complicate of these can make decisions for
themselves, learn new things, and deal for problems. However,
0. that
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________
4. ________________________
5. ________________________
6. ________________________
while robots that look as people are very common in science
fiction films, they are very rarely in real life. Making a machine
that can balance and move on two legs is a real challenge and is
unnecessary for most of the jobs we need robots to make for us.
However, a Japanese robot called as Asimo does walk on two
legs and can even climb up and down stairs.
7. ________________________
8. ________________________
9. ________________________
10. _______________________
1. including
include 2. although
3. much
more 4. has
5. complicate
complicated 6. deal for
deal with
7. look as
look like 8. rarely
9. to make
to do 10. called as
known as / called
a. Complete the sentences using the word in brackets. Do not alter the word in any way.
1. They share a lot of hobbies and interests.(COMMON)
→ _______________________________________________
2. It was childish of him not to accept my apologies. ( REFUSED)
He _________________________________________________ .
3.That jumper you knitted for my daughter no longer fits her. (GROWN)
→ My daughter _______________________________________________.
4. I’ve lost interest in going to the same place all the time . (FED UP)
→ _______________________________________________.
5. I hate it when my colleagues try to get involved in everything in my own business. (FINGER)
→ I object _______________________________________________ .
Đáp án
1. → They have a lot of hobbies and interests in common.
2. He refused to accept my apologies, which was childish of him.
3. My daughter has grown out of that jumper you knitted for her
4. → I’ve fed up with going to the same place all the time.
5. → I object to my colleagues’ having a finger in every pie in my own business
b. Complete each sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
At no_______________________________________________
2. If they hadn’t helped me, I couldn’t have finished my work on time.
But for_______________________________________________
3. The phone stopped ringing the moment I got down stairs.
→ No sooner _______________________________________________.
4. He was sentenced to six years in prison for his part in the bribery.
→ He received _______________________________________________ .
5. I’m sure that he didn’t attend the Conference on Wildlife Protection yesterday.
→ He can’t _________________________________________________________. .
Đáp án
1. → At no time did he suspect (that) the money had been stolen.
2. → But for their help, I couldn’t have finished my work on time.
3. No sooner had I got downstairs than the phone stopped ringing.
4. He received a six- year sentence for his part in the bribery.
5. → He can’t have attended the Conference on Wildlife Protection yesterday.
……………………………………THE END…………………………
| 1/12

Preview text:

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences (5 pts) :
1. I am _______ my brother is. A. nowhere like ambitious as
B. nothing near as ambitious as C. nothing as ambitious
D. nowhere near as ambitious as
2. ……………, 70 percent alcohol is more effective than 100 percent alcohol. A. How an antiseptic is used B. An antiseptic used C. When used as an antiseptic D. An antiseptic when used
3. She ………..about the time, her friend was also late. A. needn’t worry B. didn’t need to worry C. needn’t have worried D. needn’t worrying
4. _______, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain. A. However tired B. Tired as he might feel C. As he might feel tired D. He felt very tired though
5. The companies appear______the water supply in this area for a long time. A.to foul B. to be fouled
C.to be fouling D. to have been fouling
6. Without my parents' support, I ______ my overseas study.
A. had not completed B. would not have completed
C. would not have been completed D. did not complete
7. _______with about fifteen times its weight in air does gasoline allow the carburetor to run smoothly. A. It is mixed
B. Only when mixed C. When mixed D. To mix it
8. ______bigs books on______table are for my history class. A.The/the B. The/a C. A/the D. -/the
9. ______ are considered humorous is mainly due to his characters’ use of slang.
A. That Damon Ruyan’s stories
B. Damon Ruyan’s stories, which C. Damon Ruyan’s stories
D. Because Damon Ruyan’s stories
10. None of the people____________could come. A. was invited to the party B. were invited to the party C. who invited to the party D. invited to the party KEYS: 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. D
1. She took a course in fine arts ______ starting her own business in interior design.
A. with a view to B. in terms of C. in order to D. with reference to
2. He ………. up a lot of debts in the town and then disappeared without a trace. A. put B. ran C. brought D. made
3. I won’t ………….. these excuses any longer! I demand to see the manager. A. put up with B. put off again C. put up for D. put off with
4. She got a bit hot ……… the collar when a colleague started criticizing her work. A. under B. on C. beyond D. from
5. To get a good price on a new notebook computer, you really need to shop ……….. . There are some
great bargains out there, but you have to look for them. A. out B. around C. down D. off
6. Mr. John has taken……..painting since he retired. A. up B. of C. over D. in
7. The teacher told her to ___ her socializing because it was affecting her schoolwork.
A. cut down on B. run out of C. put up with D. look forward to
8. Those who don’t get ______their colleagues are sometimes isolated at their jobs. A. up with B. on to C. by with D. along with
9. He drives so fast that I am afraid one day he will __________ somebody crossing the street. A. crash down B. knock down C. turn over D. run across
10. My application for a trading license was ……………. . A. held down B. turned down C. put down D. let down KEYS: 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. B
(10 pts) :
Choose the option that best fits the blank of the sentence.
1. The patient’s heart – rate and breathing must be carefully …………during the operation. A. counted B. monitored C. observed D. supervised
2. After a six-year relationship, Martha and Bill have decided to …………. A. break the bank B. turn the page C. tie the knot D. make the grade
3. He's left his book at home; he's always so______. A. forgetful B. forgettable C. forgotten D. forgetting
4. They were waiting official ……….of the news they had heard from a friend. A. statement
B. recommendation C. confirmation D. announcement
5. The traffic in town was very ……….and I arrived home earlier than expected. A. light B. weak C. little D. few
6. The school ……..a system of monthly tests in place of an annual exam. A. took B.gathered C.collected D. adopted
7. ………….the public concern about the local environment, this new road schemewill have to be abandoned. A. As regards B. In the event of C. In view of D. However much
8. I never get a ………..of sleep after watching a horror film. A. wink B. blink C. night D. ounce
9. I am afraid a rise in salary is just now. A. out of sight B. out of control
C out of date D. out of question
10. The party’s election…………… proved to be successful. A. campaign B. movement C. struggle D. fight
11. The US president Barack Obama ______ an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which is of
great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership.
A. delivered B. paid C. offered D. gave
12. The police are ………………… certain who the culprit is. A. in some ways B. more or less C. here and there D. by and by
13. All the ______ in the stadium applauded the winner of the marathon when he crossed the finishing line.
A. watchers B. audience C. viewers D. spectators
14. Although the patient received intensive treatment, there was no ………………… improvement in her condition. A. decipherable B. legible C. discernible D. intelligible
15. I’ve been doing my best to reduce the backlog but I must admit that I’ve hardly put
………………… in the problem so far. A. a dent B. a foot C. a brave face D. damper
16. From time to time he …………………himself to a weekend in a five-star hotel. A. craves B. indulges C. treats D. benefits
17. Men still expect their jobs to take _________. A. superiority B. imposition C. priority D. seniority
18. According to a recent survey, most people are on good ………………… with their neighbours. A. terms B. relations C. relationships D. acquaintance
19. The police have been ordered not to ………………… if the students attack them. A. combat B. rebuff C. retaliate D. challenge
20. The police finally arrested the ……………… criminal A. famous B. renowned C. respectable D. notorious KEYS: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. A
11. B 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. D
1. Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap.

Some time ago, scientists began experiments to find out (1)______ it would be possible to set up a
“village” under the sea. A special room was built and lowered (2)______ the water of Port Sudan in
the Red Sea. For 29 days, five men lived (3)______ a depth of 40 feet. At a (4)______ lower level,
another two divers stayed for a week in a smaller “house”. On returning to the surface, the men said
that they had experienced no difficulty in breathing and had (5)______ many interesting scientific
observations. The captain of the party, Commander Cousteau, spoke of the possibility of (6)______ the
seabed. He said that some permanent stations were to be set up under the sea, and some undersea farms
would provide food for the growing population of the world.
The divers in both “houses” spent most of their time (7)______ the bottom of the sea. On four
occasions, they went down to 360 feet and observed many extraordinary (8)______ of the marine life,
some of which had never been seen before. During their stay, Commander Cousteau and his divers
reached a depth of 1,000 feet and witnessed a gathering of an immense (9)______ of crabs which
numbered, perhaps, hundreds of millions. They also found out that it was (10)______ to move rapidly
in the water in a special vessel known as a “diving saucer”. 1. A. how B. which C. what D. whether 2. A. underneath B. down C. below D. into 3. A. at B. in C. from D. on 4. A. more B. any C. much D. some 5. A. caught B. done C. made D. exercised 6. A. implanting B. transplanting C. growing D. cultivating 7. A. enquiring B. imploring C. exploring D. inquiring 8. A. breeds B. forms C. systems D. castes 9. A. herd B. flock C. school D. pack 10. A. hardly B. able C. possible D. capable Đáp án 1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C
2. Read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap.

Do you want to take part in the battle to save the world's wildlife? Animal Watch is a book which
will involve you in the fight for survival that (1)............ many of our endangered animals and show
how they struggle on the (2)....... of extinction. As you enjoy the book's 250 pages and over 150 color
photographs, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that part of your purchase money is being used
to help animals (3)............. . From the comfort of your armchair, you will be able to observe the
world's animals close-up and explore their habitats. You will also discover the terrible results of
human (4)……… for land, flesh and skins.
Animal Watch is packed with fascinating facts. Did you know that polar bears cover their black
noses with their (5)……….. so they can hunt their prey in the snow without being seen, for example?
Or that for each orangutan which is captures, one has to die?
This superb (6) ………... has so(7)............ Britain's leading wildlife charity that it has been chosen
as Book of the Year, a(8)......... awarded to books which are considered to have made a major
contribution to wildlife conservation. You will find Animal Watch at a special low (9)............. price at
all good bookshops, but hurry while (10)………... last. 1. A. meets B. opposes C. forces D. faces 2. A. edge B. start C. limit D. end 3. A. preserve B. conserve C. revive D. survive 4. A. greed B. interest C. care D. concern 5. A. feet B. claws C. paws D. toes 6. A. publicity B. periodical C. publication D. reference 7. A. imposed B. impressed C. persuaded D. admired 8. A. symbol B. title C. trademark D. nickname 9. A. beginning B. preparatory C. original D. introductory 10. A. stores B. stocks C. goods D. funds Đáp án 1. D 2.A 3.D 4. A 5. C 6.C 7.B 8.B 9. D 10. B
1. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.

It is estimated that over 99 percent of all species that ever existed have become extinct. What
causes extinction? When a species is no longer adapted to a change environment, it may perish. The
exact causes of a species’ death vary from situation to situation. Rapid ecological change may render
an environment hostile to a species. For example, temperatures may change and a species may not be
adapt. Food resources may be affected by environmental changes, which will then cause problems for
a species requiring these resources. Other species may become better adapted to an environment,
resulting in competition and, ultimately, in the death of a species.
The fossil record reveals that extinction has occurred throughout the history of Earth. Recent
analyses have also revealed that on some occasions many species became extinct at the same time - a
mass extinction. One of the best - known examples of mass extinction occurred 65 million years ago
with the demise of dinosaurs and many other forms of life. Perhaps the largest mass extinction was
the one that occurred 225 million years ago, when approximately 95 percent of all species died. Mass
extinctions can be caused by a relatively rapid change in the environment and can be worsened by the
close interrelationship of many species. If, for example, something were to happen to destroy much of
the plankton in the oceans, then the oxygen content of Earth would drop, affection even organisms
not living in the oceans. Such a change would probably lead to a mass extinction.
One interesting, and controversial, finding is that extinctions during the past 250 million years
have tended to be more intense every 26 million years. The periodic extinction might be due to
intersection of the earth’s orbit with a cloud of comets, but this theory is purely speculative. Some
researchers have also speculated that extinction may often be random. That is, certain species may be
eliminated and others may survive for no particular reason. A species’ survival may have nothing to
do with its ability or inability to adapt. If so, some of revolutionary history may reflect a sequence of essentially random events.
1. What does the author say in paragraph 1 regarding most species in Earth’s history?
A. They have been able to adapt to ecological changes.
B. They have caused rapid change in the environment .
C. They have remained basically unchanged from their original forms
D. They are no longer in existence.
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 1 as resulting from rapid ecological change?
A. Availability of food resources
B. Introduction of new species C. Temperature changes D. Competition among species
3. Why is “ plankton” mentioned in the second paragraph?
A. To emphasize the importance of food resources in preventing mass extinction
B. To illustrate a comparison between organisms that live on the land and those that live in the ocean
C. To point out that certain species could never become extinct
D. To demonstrate the interdependence of different species
4. According to paragraph 2, evidence from fossils suggests that …………….
A. There has been only one mass extinction in Earth’s history.
B. Extinction of species has occurred from time to time throughout Earth’s history.
C. Extinctions on Earth have generally been massive.
D. Dinosaurs became extinct much earlier than scientists originally believed.
5. Which of the following can be inferred from the theory of periodic extinction mentioned in paragraph 3?
A. The theory is no longer seriously considered.
B. Most scientists believe the theory to be accurate.
C. Many scientists could be expected to disagree with it.
D. Evidence to support the theory has recently been found. KEYS: 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C
2. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
As customers choose brands based on how they make them feel, rather than their actual products or
services, there is an intrinsic advantage to those organizations who use designed experiences as a
weapon to cut through the most competitive of markets. Those that don’t, operate in what we call the
“experience gap”, the space between them and their customer’s expectation of them. Make no mistake,
in our high paced and digitally connected economies, the experience gap is driving markets, fast.
For example, take Instagram and Twitter. These brands filled the demand for a whole new human
experience that did not exist before the evolution of digital technologies enabled that. They were
pioneers, and there were no established players to unseat. But we are also seeing a similar dynamic in
existing industries. New entrants are coming in and taking the space, also using whole new
experiences, purely because the incumbents left the door open.
Closer to home, this can be seen with Australian neobanks who are giving customers a better
experience than the incumbents. Robert Bell is the CEO at neobank 86400. He says banking has
already become quite complicated and he wanted to make a change. His neobank is working to solve
customers problems more holistically. Bell said, “It’s significantly harder work and takes more time to
become a bank, but having done that we can have a much better relationship with our customers and
we can offer them a lot more products and services.”
Think about that for a moment. Do you notice how better experiences, leads to better relationships,
which is then the stepping stone for more offerings? Many brands still jump straight to modified
offerings, without gaining that customer connection and the necessary foundation of trust first.
(source: https://which-50.com/)
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The importance of experience to competitive advantage.
B. Businesses are unwilling to disrupt themselves.
C. A far-reaching cultural transformation.
D. Knowledge drives behavior, loyalty, satisfaction.
2. The word “them” in paragraph 1 refers to _______. A. brands B. customers C. economies D. markets
3. According to paragraph 2, what is true about Instagram and Twitter in the stated instance?
A. Their reputation famously preceded even the 4th Industrial Revolution.
B. They are the one and only companies providing such revolutionary services.
C. They were the trailblazers for the experience-oriented marketing strategy.
D. Prior to their advent, there were already several competitors in the field.
4. According to paragraph 3, what is the attitude of Robert Bell towards the customers?
A. He sees them as modern slaves to consumerism.
B. He maintains a healthy relationship of give and take.
C. He displays worship in its purest form towards them.
D. He views them as the golden goose for his business.
5. What does the phrase “stepping stone” in paragraph 4 mean?
A. An asset or possession prized as being the best of a group of similar things.
B. A person who travels without settling down for any significant period of time
C. An important clue to understanding something that is challenging or puzzling.
D. An action or event that helps one to make progress towards a specified goal. KEYS: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D
3. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.

As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased. The
frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities.
Industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon
credentials and expertise to make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility.
Increasingly, too, schools were viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society.
The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the
century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920
schooling to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly
lengthened. Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and
counseling extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the
larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored
by public schools, corporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and other agencies.
Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the
needs of specific populations. Immigrant women were once such population. Schools tried to educate
young women so they could occupy productive places in the urban industrial economy, and one place
many educators considered appropriate for women was the home.
Although looking after the house and family was familiar to immigrant women, American
education gave homemaking a new definition. In pre-industrial economies, homemaking had meant the
production as well as the consumption of goods, and it commonly included income-producing
activities both inside and outside the home, in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United
States, however, overproduction rather than scarcity was becoming a problem. Thus, the ideal
American homemaker was viewed as a consumer rather than a producer. Schools trained women to be
consumer homemakers cooking, shopping, decorating, and caring for children "efficiently" in their
own homes, or if economic necessity demanded, as employees in the homes of others. Subsequent
reforms have made these notions seem quite out-of-date.
1. The paragraph preceding the passage probably discusses _____.
A. the industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life the United States in the 19th century
B. the formal schooling in the United States in the nineteen century.
C. the urbanization in the United States in the nineteen century.
D. the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society in the nineteen century.
2. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that one important factor in the increasing importance of
education in the United States was _____.

A. the expanding economic problems of schools
B. the growing number of schools in frontier communities
C. an increase in the number of trained teachers
D. the increased urbanization of the entire country
3. The word "means" in line 5 is closest in meaning to _____. A. qualifications B. method C. advantages D. probability
4. The phrase "coincided with" in line 7 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. happened at the same time as B. ensured the success of C. was influenced by D. began to grow rapidly
5. According to the passage, one important change in United States education by the 1920's was that _____.
A. the amount of time spent on formal education was limited
C. adults and children studied in the same classes
B. new regulations were imposed on nontraditional education
D. most places required children to attend school
6. “Vacation schools and extracurricular activities” are mentioned in line 9 to illustrate _____.
A. activities that competed to attract new immigrants to their programs.
B. alternatives to formal education provided by public schools
C. the importance of educational changes
D. the increased impact of public schools on students
7. According to the passage, early-twentieth century education reformers believed that _____.
A. special programs should be set up in frontier communities to modernize them
B. corporations and other organizations damaged educational progress
C. different groups needed different kinds of education
D. more women should be involved in education and industry
8. The word "it" in paragraph 4 refers to _____. A. education B. consumption C. production D. homemaking
9. Women were trained to be consumer homemakers as a result of _____.
A. scarcity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
B. economic necessity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
C. income-producing activities in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
D. overproduction in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
10. The word “others” in paragraph 4 means_______. A. other children B. other homes C. other women D. other employees KEYS: 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. C
Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word.
Passage 1 Environmental Concerns
Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life; (1)………….,
human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world carries on consuming
two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so (2) …………. to stay
alive we are rapidly destroying the resource we have by (3) ………….all people can survive and
prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (4) …………. built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources
are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (5) …………. We discharge pollutants
into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (6) …………., the planet's ability to
support people is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are (7)
………….increasingly heavy demands on it.
The Earth's (8) …………. resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy,
medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (9) …………. us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we
are sensible in how we use the resources they will (10) …………. indefinitely. But if we use them
wastefully and excessively they will soon run out 1. yet/ however 2. just 3. which 4. either 5. completely 6. result 7. making 8. natural 9. keep 10. last Passage 2
The computer has brought nothing (1)……….problems to the world of the twentieth century.
Chief among the problems has (2)………..the dehumanization of society. People are no (3)………
human. Each of us is a series of numbers, numbers to be fed into computers. There are our credit card
numbers, our bank account (4)………. , our social security numbers, our telephone and electricity
numbers - the computer number game is endless.
What happens to these computerized numbers ? They are distributed to a network of government
agencies and business (5)……….can use them to invade our privacy. The Internal Revenue Service
stores millions of facts about every citizen. Credit agencies exchange (6)………. on the spending and
saving practices of nearly every American adult. Mailing lists are (7)……. available by computers to
dozens of organizations, public and private, who bombard us with unwanted mail.
Just let the computer which stores (8)………….. concerning our accounts, let us say with a credit card
company, make an error and it is almost impossible to correct it. The result is an avalanche of bills,
threads, and loss of credit standing.
The computer has thrown thousands of people out of (9)…… The gamut of computer- generated
unemployed runs from highly skilled technicians to typists.
These are some of the reasons why I feel that the (10)……. of the computer has been detrimental to the
quality of our life in the twentieth century. 1. but 2. been 3. longer 4. number 5. which 6. information 7. made 8. data 9. work 10. advent II. WORD FORMS (20pts)
1.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words
1. Small children are very_______in their behaviour. They just copy what they see.(IMITATE)
2. Tom was accused of stealing some ________________ documents. (CONFIDENCE)
3. I watch the news everyday because it very________________. (INFORM)
4. He hoped the _________________ agency would find him a job. (EMPLOY)
5.The first time I tried out my new bike I …………….and fell off. ( BALANCE)
6. It’s ______ of him to lose his temper like that – he’s usually very calm. (CHARACTER)
7. He stood at the door to make sure that no one _______ the party. (GATE)
8. We cannot stop the ________________ of plants and animals.(APPEAR)
9.The break down of the negotiations was not_______________. (EXPECT)
10. Those countries are ____________ on other countries for most of their food. (DEPEND) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. imitative confidential informative unemployment overbalanced 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
uncharacteristic gate-crashed
disAPPEARance une xpected dependent
2. Supply the correct form of the words given to complete each of the sentences below. Write
your answer in the space provided on the right. [10 pts]

Different (1) _________ (conserve) efforts have been made in order to (2) _________ (danger)
species. The Red List – (3) _________ (globe) list of endangered and vulnerable animal species – has
been introduced to raise people’s awareness of conservation needs. Governments have enacted laws to
protect wildlife from commercial trade and (4) _________(hunt). Another _________ (conserve) effort
is the development of wildlife habitat (5) _________ (reserve) as they are suitable for the (6)
_________ (survive) of a wide range of species.
The current globe extinction crisis is one of the (7) __________ (great) challenges to mankind. To
preserve the earth’s (8) __________ (value) biodiversity for future generations, the protection of
__________ (danger) species and their habitats should be a top (9) _______ (prior) for international
organizations, (10) __________ (govern) agencies, industry and individuals. KEY 1. conservation 2. endangered 3. global 4. overhunting 5. reserves 6. survival 7. greatest 8. valuable 9. priority 10. governmental
* There are ten errors in the text below. Find and correct them.
0. that which
Robots can work in places to that humans can’t easily get. 0. that →which
These including deep oceans, on distant planets or on sites with 1. ________________________
bad pollution. Robots are also used in factories although they can 2. ________________________
work much quickly and accurately than a human, and without 3. ________________________ needing to rest.
Improvements in technology over the past fifty years has 4. ________________________
meant that scientists are now able to create very clever robots.
The most complicate of these can make decisions for 5. ________________________
themselves, learn new things, and deal for problems. However, 6. ________________________
while robots that look as people are very common in science 7. ________________________
fiction films, they are very rarely in real life. Making a machine 8. ________________________
that can balance and move on two legs is a real challenge and is
unnecessary for most of the jobs we need robots to make for us. 9. ________________________
However, a Japanese robot called as Asimo does walk on two 10. _______________________
legs and can even climb up and down stairs. Answer:
1. including
2. although because
3. much more
4. has have
5. complicate complicated
6. deal for deal with
7. look as look like
8. rarely rare
9. to make to do
10. called as known as / called
a. Complete the sentences using the word in brackets. Do not alter the word in any way.

1. They share a lot of hobbies and interests.(COMMON)
→ _______________________________________________
2. It was childish of him not to accept my apologies. ( REFUSED)
→ He _________________________________________________ .
3.That jumper you knitted for my daughter no longer fits her. (GROWN)
→ My daughter _______________________________________________.
4. I’ve lost interest in going to the same place all the time . (FED UP)
→ _______________________________________________.
5. I hate it when my colleagues try to get involved in everything in my own business. (FINGER)
→ I object _______________________________________________ . Đáp án
1. → They have a lot of hobbies and interests in common.
2. → He refused to accept my apologies, which was childish of him.
3. → My daughter has grown out of that jumper you knitted for her
4. → I’ve fed up with going to the same place all the time.
5. → I object
to my colleagues’ having a finger in every pie in my own business
b. Complete each sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
At no_______________________________________________
2. If they hadn’t helped me, I couldn’t have finished my work on time.
But for_______________________________________________
3. The phone stopped ringing the moment I got down stairs.
→ No sooner _______________________________________________.
4. He was sentenced to six years in prison for his part in the bribery.
→ He received _______________________________________________ .
5. I’m sure that he didn’t attend the Conference on Wildlife Protection yesterday.
→ He can’t _________________________________________________________. . Đáp án
1. → At no time did he suspect (that) the money had been stolen.
2. → But for their help, I couldn’t have finished my work on time.
3. → No sooner had I got downstairs than the phone stopped ringing.
4. → He received a six- year sentence for his part in the bribery.

5. → He can’t have attended the Conference on Wildlife Protection yesterday.
……………………………………THE END………………………… 12