Đề thi ôn tập học phần Tiếng anh của trường đại học Luật Hà Nội

Đề thi ôn tập học phần Tiếng anh của trường đại học Luật Hà Nội giúp sinh viên củng cố, ôn tập kiến thức và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi kết thúc học phần. Mời bạn đón đón xem! 

Part I. Incomplete sentences Chose the word or phrase that best complete the sentence
1. They were seen.........in the park last weekend A. fly B. flown C.flying D. to be flown
2. He works in the..................division of our company A. personal B. individual C. personnel D. impersonal
(Anh ấy làm việc ở phòng nhân sự của công ty)
3. He left home early..........failed to catch the train A. and B. therefore C. but D. or
4. Meetings will be broadcast...............a week after they take place
A. substantially B. potentially C. comparatively D. approximately
5.I’m quite sure you will grow.....to the new work environment.
A. accustom B. accustoming C. accustomed D. to be accustomed (quen với)
6. ............snow, the mountain looks fantastic A. Covering b. To cover C. Covered with D. To have covered
7. He wouldn’t say anything......directly asked a question; he was a man of few words
A. since B. otherwise C. or else D. unless
8. It was not until the 1950s that an effective .........for that virus was found
A. injection B. solution C. vaccine D. method
9.You’d better take an umbrella ........it begins to rain
A. as soon as B. despite C. in case D. although
10. Nowadays, most.....have four wheels. A. carsB. of the cars C. the cars D. among the cars
11. This program is.....harder to get accustomed to than the old one (khó dùng)
A. such B. so many C. very D. much
12. He wouldn’t leave the platform....her train went out of sight. (platform = sân ga)
A. so that B. until C. so D. therefore
13.A customer asked to see the manager ....A. in face B. in front C. in person D. indirect
14. .....signs that Mr. Francis was softening his stance (lập trường) towards the protesting (biểu tình) employees
A. Having shown B. It was C. Most of the D. There were
15. Surprisingly, Gertz Ltd., ...........is a newly established company, got a government contract
A. that B. where C. which D. whose
16.....the graphic designer call tell him I’m tied up today and that I will call him tomorrow
A. If B. Provided C. Should D. Unless
17. The company’s CEO is an individual of high integrity with the ability to inspire and motivate..........employees
A.another B. one another C. others D. other
18. More and more companies are beginning............surveillance cameras around the office.
A. being installed B. installing C. to install D. to be installed
19. I don’t know what............like to be famous A. it is B. is it C. is D. it
20. Is this.........you have been looking for? A. which B. what C. how D. why
Part II. Incomplete texts
From: Daniel Doyle
To: Lois Henares
Subject: Our appointment
Date: Wed, 20 Sept 2008
I’m sending my apologies for having to ------- our 10:00 appointment for this morning. I was on
1. (A) record (B) plan (C) finance (D) cancel my way to your office but was suddenly called
away to deal with an ------- problem at the factory.
2. (A) average (B) urgent (C) instant (D) complete
I have asked Ms. Blanchard to reschedule our meeting on Friday at 11:00 A.M. Our agenda, as agreed
upon, will be the ----------of a new inventory system. I would appreciate it if you could send
3. (A) implementation (B) implement (C) implementing (D) implemented
other members scheduled to attend the meeting a summary of the points that ------- in your
3. (A) were covered (B) will be covered (C) are covering (D) to cover presentation on the
new system.
This should facilitate decision-making during our meeting.
I hope you were not inconvenienced by the cancelation of our meeting this morning.
All the best,
Dear Tracey,
Your mother and I were very happy to hear from you at last. It had been almost 4 months ………….
5. (A) because (B) although (C) since (D) during
your last email. I really do wish that you would get a telephone. I don’t know why you …………
6. (A) insist to (B) insist on (C) insist by (D) insist
being so difficult to contact. I guess we will just have to respect your privacy. While you almost never contact us, your
sister telephones every day. As you know, I am willing to pay for a phone line provided you promise to call at least
once a month. We don’t make many demands of you, Tracey. (7) ………… we want
7.(A) Since (B) Even though (C) Seeing that (D) Whereas
to see to you more, we don’t visit you unexpectedly, do we? Well, I hope that your job is going well. Remember, you
know where to find us if you feel like visiting some time. I know that would (8) …………
8.(A) let (B) cause (C) make (D) force
your mother very happy. Look forward to hearing from you.
Lots of love, Dad
Part III. Reading comprehension
Question 1 through 3 refer to the following announcement
Dear Ms. Gianetti:
As you may know, our office is moving to a new location at 1837 Plymouth Avenue (across the street from the Bailey
supermarket). Construction is finally complete, and we will begin seeing patients there on Monday, May 2.
The new location offers twice as many parking spaces, more examination rooms, and a larger waiting room than the
old office on Eastbridge Road did. In order to accommodate an increase in the number of patients, our new schedule
will offer weekend appointments and longer hours during the workweek; we will now be open 8 A.M. – 6 P.M.,
Monday – Friday, and 10 A.M. – 3 P.M., on Saturday. We are also welcoming two additions to our staff: Dr. Anne Hui,
who has been practicing dentistry for over ten years, and Ellen Howard, our new dental assistant.
For detailed directions to the new location, see the enclosed map. Please note that Exit 9 is the nearest exit if you are
driving on the Benson Highway. The nearest light rail station is Grosvenor Street.
Dr. Charles Somerville
1. What kind of business is moving?
A. A shipping company B. A construction firm C. A supermarket D. A dentist’s practice
2. Where was the business previously located?
A. On Grosvenor Street B. On Eastbridge Road C. On Plymouth Avenue D. On Benson Highway
3. What is suggested about the business?
A. It has several employees who are retiring soon.
B. It is moving so that it can expand
C. It will offer fewer appointments during the workweek.
D. Its new location is more convenient for travel by train.
Question 4 through 7 refer to the following advertisement
Dream Vacation
Golden sandy beaches, deep blue seas, peace and quiet, and delicious food.
Would you like to take the vacation of a lifetime? Have you always thought about getting away on a romantic cruise
but could never afford it? Now your dream can become a reality. Get away with Dazzle Tours. Why not take one of
our mini-breaks? You will find that a seven day break costs a lot less than you thought. If you book now, you can get
away for even less. For a limited time we are offering a Caribbean cruise with stops in Jamaica, Aruba, and Puerto
Rico for only $499. (Excluding taxes, service charges, and visa fees included.) Your Dazzle Tour includes:
Round-trip airfare from Palm Beach to Belize
All meals and on-board entertainment
Choice of breakfasts, buffet lunch and three course dinner menu
Includes full use of our sports center, sauna and casino
Jet-skiing and scuba diving
Savings on shopping
Book of discount coupons given to each passenger—can be used in any of our on-board shops and boutiques
(excludes alcohol and tobacco)
Guided tours at destination cities with one of our expert local guides. All guides are fluent in English and
extremely knowledgeable about their city.
With a Dazzle Tour, every day is a new adventure. All tours last seven days, six nights. Departures every Sunday until
August 31st. Reservations must be made two weeks in advance. Call one of our agents to reserve your place now!
Dazzle Tours: 0800-990-990
4. Which place is NOT a stop for the cruise? (A) Jamaica(B) Aruba (C) Palm Beach (D) Puerto Rico
5. What is NOT included in the tour price? (A) Meals (B) Airplane tickets (C) Service charges (D) Taxes
6. If you wanted to go on June 2nd, which would be the best date to make reservations?
(A) August 31
(B) June 14
(C) Two weeks later (D) June 5th
7.How long does a Dazzle Tour last? (A) 6 days (B) Until August 31
(C) 2 weeks (D) 7 days Question 8
through 12 refer to the following survey results and article.
What do students consider to be “art”? According to the World Arts Council, most students who were asked this
question considered art to be painting. Almost seventy percent of students age 15 through 18 said that painting was art.
This takes into account all manner of painting from watercolor to pastels, oils, and acrylics. A much smaller number,
twenty percent, said that sculpture was art. This number includes students who said that sculpture included wood and
clay. Eight percent said that stone sculpture was art. Only two percent of the students surveyed thought that working
with wood was art. “I think that paintings are artistic,” one student said, “but sculpture isn’t”. According to Liza
Metter, art director at Bandas University, students tend to associate art with color; things that lack color aren’t
considered art. This research will be used in the future to help better develop high school and university art
Newspaper clipping
Local high-school teacher communicates with blind students via sculpture. Matt Creaborne, an art teacher at
Crestview High-School, recently began using sculpture to assist blind students with such subjects as math and
geometry. He got the idea by watching the great Spanish sculptor Rigo Rossi use his hands to count off measurements
as he sculpted. “By using their hands, students can feel things like distances and spatial relationships,” Mr Creaborne
said. “This allows them to think abstractly, just like in geometry.” Mr. Creaborne’s technique will be tried in several
other schools this fall including three high schools for blind learners. According to Jim Miller, director for assisted
student learning, Mr. Creaborne’s methods should help visually impaired students match non-visually impaired
students in terms of their test scores in mathematics. “We are looking forward to big improvements in test scores in the
next few years,” Mr. Miller said.
8. What was the age range of the students interviewed? (A) 10 – 14 (B) 14 – 16 (C) 15 – 18 (D) 15 – 20
9. According to one art director, what do students associate art with?
(A) Color (B) Shape (C) Size (D) Popularity
10. According to the chart, what is the least likely to be considered art?
(A) Painting (B) Clay sculpture (C) Stone sculpture (D) Woodworking 11.
According to the newspaper clipping, which students are Mr. Creaborne’s classes for?
(A) Students who cannot see (B) Students who cannot hear (C) Students who cannot taste (D) Students who cannot
12. According to the newspaper clipping, what benefit will Mr. Creaborne’s technique have on the students?
(A) Test scores will go up. (B) Test scores will go down.
(C) Test scores will stay the same. (D) The article does not say.
| 1/3

Preview text:

Part I. Incomplete sentences Chose the word or phrase that best complete the sentence

  1. They were seen.........in the park last weekend A. fly B. flown C.flying D. to be flown
  2. He works in the..................division of our company A. personal B. individual C. personnel D. impersonal (Anh ấy làm việc ở phòng nhân sự của công ty)
  3. He left home early..........failed to catch the train A. and B. therefore C. but D. or
  4. Meetings will be broadcast...............a week after they take place

A. substantially B. potentially C. comparatively D. approximately

5.I’m quite sure you will grow.....to the new work environment.

A. accustom B. accustoming C. accustomed D. to be accustomed (quen với)

  1. ............snow, the mountain looks fantastic A. Covering b. To cover C. Covered with D. To have covered
  2. He wouldn’t say anything......directly asked a question; he was a man of few words

A. since B. otherwise C. or else D. unless

8. It was not until the 1950s that an effective .........for that virus was found

A. injection B. solution C. vaccine D. method

9.You’d better take an umbrella ........it begins to rain

A. as soon as B. despite C. in case D. although

  1. Nowadays, most.....have four wheels. A. cars B. of the cars C. the cars D. among the cars
  2. This program is.....harder to get accustomed to than the old one (khó dùng)

A. such B. so many C. very D. much

12. He wouldn’t leave the platform....her train went out of sight. (platform = sân ga)

A. so that B. until C. so D. therefore

13.A customer asked to see the manager ....A. in face B. in front C. in person D. indirect

14. .....signs that Mr. Francis was softening his stance (lập trường) towards the protesting (biểu tình) employees

A. Having shown B. It was C. Most of the D. There were

15. Surprisingly, Gertz Ltd., ...........is a newly established company, got a government contract

A. that B. where C. which D. whose

16.....the graphic designer call tell him I’m tied up today and that I will call him tomorrow

A. If B. Provided C. Should D. Unless

  1. The company’s CEO is an individual of high integrity with the ability to inspire and motivate..........employees A.another B. one another C. others D. other
  2. More and more companies are beginning............surveillance cameras around the office.

A. being installed B. installing C. to install D. to be installed

  1. I don’t know what............like to be famous A. it is B. is it C. is D. it
  2. Is this.........you have been looking for? A. which B. what C. how D. why

Part II. Incomplete texts

From: Daniel Doyle

To: Lois Henares

Subject: Our appointment

Date: Wed, 20 Sept 2008 Lois,

I’m sending my apologies for having to ------- our 10:00 appointment for this morning. I was on

  1. (A) record (B) plan (C) finance (D) cancel my way to your office but was suddenly called away to deal with an ------- problem at the factory.
  2. (A) average (B) urgent (C) instant (D) complete

I have asked Ms. Blanchard to reschedule our meeting on Friday at 11:00 A.M. Our agenda, as agreed upon, will be the ----------of a new inventory system. I would appreciate it if you could send

3. (A) implementation (B) implement (C) implementing (D) implemented

other members scheduled to attend the meeting a summary of the points that ------- in your

3. (A) were covered (B) will be covered (C) are covering (D) to cover presentation on the new system.

This should facilitate decision-making during our meeting.

I hope you were not inconvenienced by the cancelation of our meeting this morning.

All the best, Daniel

Dear Tracey,

Your mother and I were very happy to hear from you at last. It had been almost 4 months ………….

  1. (A) because (B) although (C) since (D) during

your last email. I really do wish that you would get a telephone. I don’t know why you …………

  1. (A) insist to (B) insist on (C) insist by (D) insist

being so difficult to contact. I guess we will just have to respect your privacy. While you almost never contact us, your sister telephones every day. As you know, I am willing to pay for a phone line provided you promise to call at least once a month. We don’t make many demands of you, Tracey. (7) ………… we want

7.(A) Since (B) Even though (C) Seeing that (D) Whereas

to see to you more, we don’t visit you unexpectedly, do we? Well, I hope that your job is going well. Remember, you know where to find us if you feel like visiting some time. I know that would (8) …………

8.(A) let (B) cause (C) make (D) force

your mother very happy. Look forward to hearing from you.

Lots of love, Dad

Part III. Reading comprehension

Question 1 through 3 refer to the following announcement Dear Ms. Gianetti:

As you may know, our office is moving to a new location at 1837 Plymouth Avenue (across the street from the Bailey supermarket). Construction is finally complete, and we will begin seeing patients there on Monday, May 2.

The new location offers twice as many parking spaces, more examination rooms, and a larger waiting room than the old office on Eastbridge Road did. In order to accommodate an increase in the number of patients, our new schedule will offer weekend appointments and longer hours during the workweek; we will now be open 8 A.M. – 6 P.M., Monday – Friday, and 10 A.M. – 3 P.M., on Saturday. We are also welcoming two additions to our staff: Dr. Anne Hui, who has been practicing dentistry for over ten years, and Ellen Howard, our new dental assistant.

For detailed directions to the new location, see the enclosed map. Please note that Exit 9 is the nearest exit if you are driving on the Benson Highway. The nearest light rail station is Grosvenor Street.

Dr. Charles Somerville

1. What kind of business is moving?

A. A shipping company B. A construction firm C. A supermarket D. A dentist’s practice

2. Where was the business previously located?

A. On Grosvenor Street B. On Eastbridge Road C. On Plymouth Avenue D. On Benson Highway

3. What is suggested about the business?

  1. It has several employees who are retiring soon.
  2. It is moving so that it can expand
  3. It will offer fewer appointments during the workweek.
  4. Its new location is more convenient for travel by train.

Question 4 through 7 refer to the following advertisement

Dream Vacation

Golden sandy beaches, deep blue seas, peace and quiet, and delicious food.

Would you like to take the vacation of a lifetime? Have you always thought about getting away on a romantic cruise but could never afford it? Now your dream can become a reality. Get away with Dazzle Tours. Why not take one of our mini-breaks? You will find that a seven day break costs a lot less than you thought. If you book now, you can get away for even less. For a limited time we are offering a Caribbean cruise with stops in Jamaica, Aruba, and Puerto Rico for only $499. (Excluding taxes, service charges, and visa fees included.) Your Dazzle Tour includes:

    • Round-trip airfare from Palm Beach to Belize
    • All meals and on-board entertainment
    • Choice of breakfasts, buffet lunch and three course dinner menu
    • Includes full use of our sports center, sauna and casino
    • Jet-skiing and scuba diving
    • Savings on shopping
    • Book of discount coupons given to each passenger—can be used in any of our on-board shops and boutiques (excludes alcohol and tobacco)
    • Guided tours at destination cities with one of our expert local guides. All guides are fluent in English and extremely knowledgeable about their city.

With a Dazzle Tour, every day is a new adventure. All tours last seven days, six nights. Departures every Sunday until August 31st. Reservations must be made two weeks in advance. Call one of our agents to reserve your place now!

Dazzle Tours: 0800-990-990

4. Which place is NOT a stop for the cruise? (A) Jamaica(B) Aruba (C) Palm Beach (D) Puerto Rico 5. What is NOT included in the tour price? (A) Meals (B) Airplane tickets (C) Service charges (D) Taxes

6. If you wanted to go on June 2nd, which would be the best date to make reservations?

(A) August 31st (B) June 14th (C) Two weeks later (D) June 5th

7.How long does a Dazzle Tour last? (A) 6 days (B) Until August 31st (C) 2 weeks (D) 7 days Question 8 through 12 refer to the following survey results and article.

What do students consider to be “art”? According to the World Arts Council, most students who were asked this question considered art to be painting. Almost seventy percent of students age 15 through 18 said that painting was art. This takes into account all manner of painting from watercolor to pastels, oils, and acrylics. A much smaller number, twenty percent, said that sculpture was art. This number includes students who said that sculpture included wood and clay. Eight percent said that stone sculpture was art. Only two percent of the students surveyed thought that working with wood was art. “I think that paintings are artistic,” one student said, “but sculpture isn’t”. According to Liza Metter, art director at Bandas University, students tend to associate art with color; things that lack color aren’t considered art. This research will be used in the future to help better develop high school and university art curriculums

Newspaper clipping

Local high-school teacher communicates with blind students via sculpture. Matt Creaborne, an art teacher at Crestview High-School, recently began using sculpture to assist blind students with such subjects as math and geometry. He got the idea by watching the great Spanish sculptor Rigo Rossi use his hands to count off measurements as he sculpted. “By using their hands, students can feel things like distances and spatial relationships,” Mr Creaborne said. “This allows them to think abstractly, just like in geometry.” Mr. Creaborne’s technique will be tried in several other schools this fall including three high schools for blind learners. According to Jim Miller, director for assisted student learning, Mr. Creaborne’s methods should help visually impaired students match non-visually impaired students in terms of their test scores in mathematics. “We are looking forward to big improvements in test scores in the next few years,” Mr. Miller said.

  1. What was the age range of the students interviewed? (A) 10 – 14 (B) 14 – 16 (C) 15 – 18 (D) 15 – 20
  2. According to one art director, what do students associate art with?

(A) Color (B) Shape (C) Size (D) Popularity

10. According to the chart, what is the least likely to be considered art?

(A) Painting (B) Clay sculpture (C) Stone sculpture (D) Woodworking 11. According to the newspaper clipping, which students are Mr. Creaborne’s classes for?

(A) Students who cannot see (B) Students who cannot hear (C) Students who cannot taste (D) Students who cannot feel

12. According to the newspaper clipping, what benefit will Mr. Creaborne’s technique have on the students?

(A) Test scores will go up. (B) Test scores will go down.

(C) Test scores will stay the same. (D) The article does not say.