Đề thi tham khảo cho học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh năm học 2013-2014 THPT chuyên Bắc Bắc Quảng Nam

Đề thi tham khảo cho học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh năm học 2013-2014 THPT chuyên Bắc Bắc Quảng Nam cho học sinh thảm khảo ,ôn tập giúp cho học sinh có thể trang bị thêm được kiến thức mới  và chuẩn bị kỳ thi sắp tới . Mời bạn đọc xem !

Sở GD-ĐT Quảng Nam
Trường THPT Chuyên
Bắc Quảng Nam
NĂM HỌC 2013-2014
Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút
Part 1: You will hear a woman called Janet Naylor talking about her experience as a
volunteer in Tanzania. Complete the sentences.
1. Janet can now do voluntary work because she is free of .
2. Most of Janet’s friends were by her decision to volunteer.
3. Janet disagrees with people who say that she is the people she is trying
to help.
4. Janet advised on a project to improve in a farming community.
5. The villagers had been dependent on from charities to survive.
6. The scheme aimed to make the villagers in agricultural production.
7. Janet’s job was to help the villagers sell any crops.
8. Janet believes that the of the village have been changed dramatically by
the scheme.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Part 2: You will hear a man called Derek Lane giving a talk on the subject of ancient
trees. Complete the sentences with a word or a short phrase.
Ancient trees were once believed to possess (9) and played an important
role in folk tales. Ancient trees were often used as a venue for both religious and
(10) events in past times. The oldest tree, known as the creosote bush, has
a distinctive (11) Researchers did not expect to find ancient trees in areas classified
as (12) In recent research, a technique known as (13) to calculate the age of
trees. Recently it has become possible to collect information about (14) by analyzing
ancient trees. Derek explains that it is a mistake to regard (15) trees as being unhealthy in
any way. The technique known as coppicing was designed to produce a long-term (16)
supply. Many species of wildlife rely on the process of (17) …………… in old tree trunks.
9 10 11. 12. 13.
14. 15. 16. 17.
Part 1: Choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each of the following questions
and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
1. He was when I had those problems and said whatever I did he would stand by
A. supportive B. exciting C. busy D. dull
2. A curriculum that ignores ethnic tensions, racial antagonisms, cultural and
religious differences is not relevant.
A. diversity B. contacts C. barriers D. levels
3. I do not think there is a real between men and women at home as well as in
A. attitude B. value C. measurement D. equality
4. He is one of the most bosses I have ever worked with. He behaves rudely to not
only me but also others in the staff.
A. thoughtful B. impolite C. attentive D. communicative
5. When the play finished the audience stood up and their hands loudly.
A. clapped B. nodded C. shook D. hold
6. A/an is an official document stating that you have passed an examination,
completed a course, or .achieved some necessary qualifications.
A. certificate B. requirement C. education D. test
7. Union leaders called for between themselves and the government.
A. speeches B. elections C. debates D. consultations
8. It was clear from the beginning of the meeting that Jack was on causing
A. inclined B. predisposed C. bent D. obsessed
9. The Internet has led to the faster and more effective of information.
A. expansion B. coverage C. spread D. dissemination
10. For many young people, driving cars at high speed seems to a rather fatal
A. contain B. comprise C. weave D. hold
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 2: The following text contains eight mistakes. Find the mistakes and write the correct
words in the space provided.
The museum of advertising and packaging
In the heart of the historical city of Gloucester, visitors can
experience a sentimental journey back through the memories of
their childhood, all brought vividly to life again at the Museum
of Advertising and Packaging. The result of one man's
enthusiastic, the museum is the production of twenty five years'
research and collecting by Robert Opie. This true remarkable
collection, the largest of its type in the world, now numbers
some 300,000 items relating to the evolution of our consumer
society. The including of packets, tins, bottles and signs shows
the variety which was introduced into the shops. For this
reason, the colourful exhibit is called a Century of Shopping
History. The change in shopping habits is in part attributable to
the development of the persuasion power of advertising,
together with increasing advanced technology.
Part 3: Write the correct form of the word given in brackets in the numbered space provided
in the column on the right.
We've all felt anger at some time, whether as faint (0) annoyance or blind
rage. Anger is a normal, sometimes useful human emotion, but uncontrolled
outbursts of temper can be (1) People who give free rein to their
anger, (2) of the offence this may cause, haven't learned to
express themselves constructively, says Martin Smolik, who runs weekend
(3) courses in anger management. 'It is important to maintain
your (4) and put your case in on assertive, not aggressive,
manner without hurting others. Being assertive doesn't mean being pushy or
demanding; it means being (5) of yourself and other people.' He
odds that people who are (6) angered are intolerant of frustration,
(7) or irritation and, not surprisingly, find (8) to
other people very difficult. But what causes people to behave like this? It
seems there is evidence to support the idea that some children may be born
(9) and prone to anger and this tendency is sometimes a
apparent from a very early age. However, research also suggests that a
person's family (10) may have an influence. Very often, people
who are quick-tempered come from disorganized and disruptive families who
find it difficult to express their emotions.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 1: Fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word and write
your answers in the corresponding boxes provided below the passage.
True relaxation is most certainly (0) not a matter of flopping down in front of the
television with a welcome drink. Nor is it about drifting (1) _______________ an exhausted
sleep. Useful though these responses to tension and over-tiredness
(2) ________________ be, we should distinguish between them and conscious relaxation
in (3) ______________of quality and effect. (4) _______________ of the level of tiredness, real
relaxation is a state of alert yet at the same (5) _______________passive awareness, in which
our bodies are (6) _____________ rest while our minds are awake.
Moreover, it is as natural (7) ______________a healthy person to be relaxed when
moving as resting. (8) _____________relaxed in action means we bring the appropriate energy
to everything we do, (9) _____________ as to have a feeling of healthy tiredness by the end of
the day, (10) ______________ than one of exhaustion.
Unfortunately, as a (11) ____________ of living in today’s competitive world, we are
under constant strain and have difficulty in coping, (12) _____________ alone nurturing our
body’s abilities. (13) ____________needs to be rediscovered is conscious relaxation. With (14)
___________ in mind we must apply ourselves to understanding stress and the nature of its
causes, (15) ___________ deep-seated.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Part 2: Read the passage and choose the best word to fill in each blank. Write your
answers (A, B, C or D) in the box provided.
Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each numbered
The online encyclopaedia Wikipedia challenges our preconceptions about factual information.
Before Wikipedia, it was (1) __________ as read that encyclopaedias were written by paid
experts. In other (2) __________, before Wikipedia, the “reader” of an encyclopaedia had no
control over the content. Wikipedia has changed all that, as anyone is allowed to edit and add
content. The idea has certainly (3) __________ on and, for millions of people, Wikipedia (4)
__________ a vital need.
Wikipedia’s founders (5) __________ that, on the whole, the information on the site is no less
accurate than more traditional encyclopaedias. Despite this, critics have (6) __________ the site
for its inaccuracies . Articles on the site have certainly (7) __________ things which are not in
fact true. However, although these have received wide media (8) __________, they essentially
(9) __________ the problem. Most people have little (10) __________ how many inaccuracies
there are in traditional printed encyclopaedias too.
1.A.given B.taken C. made D.put
2.A.speech B.ways C. words D.terms
3.A.got B.put C. taken D.caught
4.A.says B.responds C. tells D.answers
5.A.insists B. assist C. consist D.desist
6.A.pronounced B. renounced C. denounced D.announced
7.A.assented B. assigned C. asserted D.associated
8.A.treatment B. coverage C. handling D.usage
9.A.exaggerate B. boast C. flatter D.extend
10. A. gist B. hint C. hunch D. inkling
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 3: Read the following passage and answer the questions from 1 to 10.
1. ______
Telephone, television, radio, and the telegraph all help people communicate with each other.
Because of these devices, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world. For
example, within seconds, people can know the results of an election in Japan or Argentina. An
international soccer match comes into the home of everyone with a television set. News of a
disaster such as an earthquake or a flood can bring help from distant countries. Within hours,
help is on the way.
2. ______
How has speed of communication changed the world? To many people, the world has become
smaller. Of course, this does not mean that the world is physically smaller. Two hundred years
ago, communication between the continents took a long time. All news was carried on ships that
took weeks or even months to cross the oceans. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it
took six weeks for news from Europe to reach the Americas. This time difference influenced
people's actions. For example, one battle in the war of 1812 between the English and the United
States armies could have been avoided if the warring sides had known that a peace agreement
had already been signed. Peace was made in England, but the news of peace took six weeks to
reach America. During those six weeks, the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought
and many lives were lost.
3. ______
An important part of the history of the world is the history of communication. In prehistoric
times, people had limited knowledge of the world. They had little information about geography,
the study of the Earth. People knew very little beyond their small groups except what was
happening near their homes. Later, people were organized into villages, and verbal
communication between small towns was possible. Still, the people’s knowledge was limited
because they had no outside information. Kingdoms and small countries then developed, with a
king directing the people. Cities developed, too, but still communication was limited to the small
geographical area of the country. Much later in history, after the invention of the printing press,
many more people learned to read, and communication was improved.
4. ______
In this modern age, communication is so fast that it is almost instant. People's lives have been
changed because of the immediate spread of news. Sometimes the speed is so great that it does
not allow people time to think. For example, leaders of countries have only minutes, or, at most,
hours to consider all the parts of a problem. They are expected to answer immediately. Once
they had days and weeks to think before making decisions.
5. ______
The speed of communication demands a new responsibility from all people of the world. People
in different countries must try harder to understand each other. An example is that people with
different religions must try to understand each other's beliefs and values, even if they do not
accept them. Sometimes their cultures are quite different. What one group considers a normal
part of life is strange to another culture. In some cases, a normal part of one culture might be bad
or impolite to people of another culture. That kind of difference is a possible basis for
misunderstanding. People must learn not to judge others, but to accept them as they are. As the
world grows smaller, people must learn to talk to each other more effectively as well as
communicate more rapidly.
Match the headings given in the box below with their appropriate numbers (1 - 5) that
lead the five paragraphs and write the letters A-H in the corresponding numbered boxes.
(The headings outnumber the paragraphs, so you will not use all of them).
A. A disadvantage of fast communication
B. High speed of communication and its benefits
C. Our shrinking world
D. Communication devices
E. A brief history of communication development
F. Modern communication and a change in thinking pattern
G. The changing world resulting from fast communication
H. Modern communication and expected responsibility
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Then choose the correct answer to each of the following questions by circling A, B, C, or D.
6. Modern communications have ______.
A. affected the results of elections and news of disasters
B. only allowed people to see world sports events at home
C. kept people better informed of their world and beyond
D. made people happier, busier, but less informed
7. Before the invention of communication devices, ______.
A. people gave better care to their local affairs B. there was no transportation between countries
C. people were much interested in world affairs
D. people were mostly kept in the dark about the world
8. A negative aspect of fast communication is that it ______.
A. makes people think too fast B. will push governments into dead ends
C. deprives decision makers of correct information D. may rush governments into decisions
9. There were instances in which lives could have been saved if ______.
A. intercommunication had been established
B. there had not been a delay in communication
C. officers’ demands of information had been met
D. carrier pigeons had arrived in time
10. The speed of communication has helped create opportunity for ______.
A. mutual understanding and cultural tolerance B. better understanding and freer trade
C. the expansion of cultural differences D. the growth of the physical world
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five
words, including the word given.
1. Adrian was the only person who didn’t enjoy the party.
Everybody enjoyed the party Adrian.
2. Sam said that the situation at work was like a family argument.
Sam a family argument.
3. I always find chess problems like that quite impossible.
Chess problems me.
4. I’ll never forget my parents taking me to the zoo for the first time.
I will always for the first time by my parents.
5. I thought I could count on your support at the meeting.
I had hoped at the meeting.
6. Please read the instructions carefully before you use this appliance.
Before , please read the instructions
7. Only the usual, everyday things happen here.
Nothing here.
8. He did everything possible to save his marriage.
He did save his marriage.
9.I promised her that the situation would not be repeated in the future.
I no repetition fo the situation in the future.
10. No matter what happens, Jane will never forgive Mark for what he did.
Under Mark for what he did.
Part 2: Write an essay of about 350 words to express your opinion on the following
Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and
behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include anr relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
| 1/10

Preview text:

Sở GD-ĐT Quảng Nam ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO Trường THPT Chuyên
HỌC SINH GIỎI TỈNH Bắc Quảng Nam NĂM HỌC 2013-2014
************************************* MÔN TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút I. LISTENING
Part 1: You will hear a woman called Janet Naylor talking about her experience as a
volunteer in Tanzania. Complete the sentences.
1. Janet can now do voluntary work because she is free of .
2. Most of Janet’s friends were by her decision to volunteer.
3. Janet disagrees with people who say that she is the people she is trying to help.
4. Janet advised on a project to improve in a farming community.
5. The villagers had been dependent on from charities to survive.
6. The scheme aimed to make the villagers in agricultural production.
7. Janet’s job was to help the villagers sell any crops.
8. Janet believes that the of the village have been changed dramatically by the scheme. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Part 2: You will hear a man called Derek Lane giving a talk on the subject of ancient
trees. Complete the sentences with a word or a short phrase.
Ancient trees were once believed to possess (9) and played an important
role in folk tales. Ancient trees were often used as a venue for both religious and
(10) events in past times. The oldest tree, known as the creosote bush, has
a distinctive (11) Researchers did not expect to find ancient trees in areas classified
as (12) In recent research, a technique known as (13) to calculate the age of
trees. Recently it has become possible to collect information about (14) by analyzing
ancient trees. Derek explains that it is a mistake to regard (15) trees as being unhealthy in
any way. The technique known as coppicing was designed to produce a long-term (16)
supply. Many species of wildlife rely on the process of (17) …………… in old tree trunks. 9 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. II. LEXICO – GRAMMAR
Part 1: Choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each of the following questions
and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
1. He was when I had those problems and said whatever I did he would stand by me. A. supportive B. exciting C. busy D. dull
2. A curriculum that ignores ethnic tensions, racial antagonisms, cultural and
religious differences is not relevant. 1 A. diversity B. contacts C. barriers D. levels
3. I do not think there is a real between men and women at home as well as in society. A. attitude B. value C. measurement D. equality
4. He is one of the most bosses I have ever worked with. He behaves rudely to not
only me but also others in the staff. A. thoughtful B. impolite C. attentive D. communicative
5. When the play finished the audience stood up and their hands loudly. A. clapped B. nodded C. shook D. hold
6. A/an is an official document stating that you have passed an examination,
completed a course, or .achieved some necessary qualifications. A. certificate B. requirement C. education D. test
7. Union leaders called for between themselves and the government. A. speeches B. elections C. debates D. consultations
8. It was clear from the beginning of the meeting that Jack was on causing trouble. A. inclined B. predisposed C. bent D. obsessed
9. The Internet has led to the faster and more effective of information. A. expansion B. coverage C. spread D. dissemination
10. For many young people, driving cars at high speed seems to a rather fatal fascination. A. contain B. comprise C. weave D. hold 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 2: The following text contains eight mistakes. Find the mistakes and write the correct
words in the space provided.

The museum of advertising and packaging
In the heart of the historical city of Gloucester, visitors can
experience a sentimental journey back through the memories of
their childhood, all brought vividly to life again at the Museum 1.
of Advertising and Packaging. The result of one man's .
enthusiastic, the museum is the production of twenty five years' 2.
research and collecting by Robert Opie. This true remarkable .
collection, the largest of its type in the world, now numbers 3.
some 300,000 items relating to the evolution of our consumer .
society. The including of packets, tins, bottles and signs shows 4.
the variety which was introduced into the shops. For this .
reason, the colourful exhibit is called a Century of Shopping 5.
History. The change in shopping habits is in part attributable to .
the development of the persuasion power of advertising, 6.
together with increasing advanced technology. . 2 7. . 8. .
Part 3: Write the correct form of the word given in brackets in the numbered space provided
in the column on the right. ANGER
We've all felt anger at some time, whether as faint (0) annoyance or blind
rage. Anger is a normal, sometimes useful human emotion, but uncontrolled
outbursts of temper can be (1) People who give free rein to their
anger, (2) of the offence this may cause, haven't learned to
express themselves constructively,’ says Martin Smolik, who runs weekend ANNOY
(3) courses in anger management. 'It is important to maintain
your (4) and put your case in on assertive, not aggressive, DESTROY
manner without hurting others. Being assertive doesn't mean being pushy or REGARD
demanding; it means being (5) of yourself and other people.' He
odds that people who are (6) angered are intolerant of frustration, RESIDENCE
(7) or irritation and, not surprisingly, find (8) to COMPOSE
other people very difficult. But what causes people to behave like this? It
seems there is evidence to support the idea that some children may be born RESPECT
(9) and prone to anger and this tendency is sometimes a EASY
apparent from a very early age. However, research also suggests that a CONVENIENT
person's family (10) may have an influence. Very often, people RELATE
who are quick-tempered come from disorganized and disruptive families who
find it difficult to express their emotions. IRRITATE GROUND 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. III. READING 3
Part 1: Fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word and write
your answers in the corresponding boxes provided below the passage. RELAXATION
True relaxation is most certainly (0) not a matter of flopping down in front of the
television with a welcome drink. Nor is it about drifting (1) _______________ an exhausted
sleep. Useful though these responses to tension and over-tiredness
(2) ________________ be, we should distinguish between them and conscious relaxation
in (3) ______________of quality and effect. (4) _______________ of the level of tiredness, real
relaxation is a state of alert yet at the same (5) _______________passive awareness, in which
our bodies are (6) _____________ rest while our minds are awake.
Moreover, it is as natural (7) ______________a healthy person to be relaxed when
moving as resting. (8) _____________relaxed in action means we bring the appropriate energy
to everything we do, (9) _____________ as to have a feeling of healthy tiredness by the end of
the day, (10) ______________ than one of exhaustion.
Unfortunately, as a (11) ____________ of living in today’s competitive world, we are
under constant strain and have difficulty in coping, (12) _____________ alone nurturing our
body’s abilities. (13) ____________needs to be rediscovered is conscious relaxation. With (14)
___________ in mind we must apply ourselves to understanding stress and the nature of its
causes, (15) ___________ deep-seated. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Part 2: Read the passage and choose the best word to fill in each blank. Write your
answers (A, B, C or D) in the box provided.
Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each numbered space. Wikipedia
The online encyclopaedia Wikipedia challenges our preconceptions about factual information.
Before Wikipedia, it was (1) __________ as read that encyclopaedias were written by paid
experts. In other (2) __________, before Wikipedia, the “reader” of an encyclopaedia had no
control over the content. Wikipedia has changed all that, as anyone is allowed to edit and add
content. The idea has certainly (3) __________ on and, for millions of people, Wikipedia (4) __________ a vital need.
Wikipedia’s founders (5) __________ that, on the whole, the information on the site is no less
accurate than more traditional encyclopaedias. Despite this, critics have (6) __________ the site
for its inaccuracies . Articles on the site have certainly (7) __________ things which are not in
fact true. However, although these have received wide media (8) __________, they essentially
(9) __________ the problem. Most people have little (10) __________ how many inaccuracies
there are in traditional printed encyclopaedias too. 1.A.given B.taken C. made D.put 2.A.speech B.ways C. words D.terms 3.A.got B.put C. taken D.caught 4 4.A.says B.responds C. tells D.answers 5.A.insists B. assist C. consist D.desist 6.A.pronounced B. renounced C. denounced D.announced 7.A.assented B. assigned C. asserted D.associated 8.A.treatment B. coverage C. handling D.usage 9.A.exaggerate B. boast C. flatter D.extend 10. A. gist B. hint C. hunch D. inkling 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 3: Read the following passage and answer the questions from 1 to 10. 1. ______
Telephone, television, radio, and the telegraph all help people communicate with each other.
Because of these devices, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world. For
example, within seconds, people can know the results of an election in Japan or Argentina. An
international soccer match comes into the home of everyone with a television set. News of a
disaster such as an earthquake or a flood can bring help from distant countries. Within hours, help is on the way. 2. ______
How has speed of communication changed the world? To many people, the world has become
smaller. Of course, this does not mean that the world is physically smaller. Two hundred years
ago, communication between the continents took a long time. All news was carried on ships that
took weeks or even months to cross the oceans. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it
took six weeks for news from Europe to reach the Americas. This time difference influenced
people's actions. For example, one battle in the war of 1812 between the English and the United
States armies could have been avoided if the warring sides had known that a peace agreement
had already been signed. Peace was made in England, but the news of peace took six weeks to
reach America. During those six weeks, the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought and many lives were lost. 3. ______
An important part of the history of the world is the history of communication. In prehistoric
times, people had limited knowledge of the world. They had little information about geography,
the study of the Earth. People knew very little beyond their small groups except what was
happening near their homes. Later, people were organized into villages, and verbal
communication between small towns was possible. Still, the people’s knowledge was limited
because they had no outside information. Kingdoms and small countries then developed, with a
king directing the people. Cities developed, too, but still communication was limited to the small
geographical area of the country. Much later in history, after the invention of the printing press,
many more people learned to read, and communication was improved. 4. ______
In this modern age, communication is so fast that it is almost instant. People's lives have been
changed because of the immediate spread of news. Sometimes the speed is so great that it does
not allow people time to think. For example, leaders of countries have only minutes, or, at most,
hours to consider all the parts of a problem. They are expected to answer immediately. Once
they had days and weeks to think before making decisions. 5. ______ 5
The speed of communication demands a new responsibility from all people of the world. People
in different countries must try harder to understand each other. An example is that people with
different religions must try to understand each other's beliefs and values, even if they do not
accept them. Sometimes their cultures are quite different. What one group considers a normal
part of life is strange to another culture. In some cases, a normal part of one culture might be bad
or impolite to people of another culture. That kind of difference is a possible basis for
misunderstanding. People must learn not to judge others, but to accept them as they are. As the
world grows smaller, people must learn to talk to each other more effectively as well as communicate more rapidly.
Match the headings given in the box below with their appropriate numbers (1 - 5) that
lead the five paragraphs and write the letters A-H in the corresponding numbered boxes.
(The headings outnumber the paragraphs, so you will not use all of them).

A. A disadvantage of fast communication
B. High speed of communication and its benefits C. Our shrinking world D. Communication devices
E. A brief history of communication development
F. Modern communication and a change in thinking pattern
G. The changing world resulting from fast communication
H. Modern communication and expected responsibility 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Then choose the correct answer to each of the following questions by circling A, B, C, or D.
6. Modern communications have ______.
A. affected the results of elections and news of disasters
B. only allowed people to see world sports events at home
C. kept people better informed of their world and beyond
D. made people happier, busier, but less informed
7. Before the invention of communication devices, ______.
A. people gave better care to their local affairs B. there was no transportation between countries
C. people were much interested in world affairs
D. people were mostly kept in the dark about the world
8. A negative aspect of fast communication is that it ______.
A. makes people think too fast
B. will push governments into dead ends
C. deprives decision makers of correct information
D. may rush governments into decisions
9. There were instances in which lives could have been saved if ______.
A. intercommunication had been established
B. there had not been a delay in communication
C. officers’ demands of information had been met
D. carrier pigeons had arrived in time
10. The speed of communication has helped create opportunity for ______.
A. mutual understanding and cultural tolerance
B. better understanding and freer trade
C. the expansion of cultural differences
D. the growth of the physical world 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. IV. WRITING 6
Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five
words, including the word given.
1. Adrian was the only person who didn’t enjoy the party. WITH
Everybody enjoyed the party Adrian.
2. Sam said that the situation at work was like a family argument. LIKENED Sam a family argument.
3. I always find chess problems like that quite impossible. DEFEAT Chess problems me.
4. I’ll never forget my parents taking me to the zoo for the first time. TAKEN
I will always for the first time by my parents.
5. I thought I could count on your support at the meeting. UP I had hoped at the meeting.
6. Please read the instructions carefully before you use this appliance. MAKING
Before , please read the instructions carefully.
7. Only the usual, everyday things happen here. OUT Nothing here.
8. He did everything possible to save his marriage. POWER He did save his marriage.
9.I promised her that the situation would not be repeated in the future. WORD
I no repetition fo the situation in the future.
10. No matter what happens, Jane will never forgive Mark for what he did. EVER Under Mark for what he did.
Part 2: Write an essay of about 350 words to express your opinion on the following topic.
Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and
behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include anr relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
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