Đề thi tham khảo kỳ thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 THPT tỉnh Bắc Giang năm học 2020-2021 môn Tiếng Anh (chuyên)

Đề thi tham khảo kỳ thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 THPT tỉnh Bắc Giang năm học 2020-2021 môn Tiếng Anh (chuyên) được biên soạn dưới dạng file PDF cho các bạn tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Ngày thi: 05/06/2020
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest by circling A, B, C
or D.
1. (A) humane (B) humanity (C) volcanic (D) sanity
2. (A) luxury (B) luxurious (C) anxious (D) obnoxious
3. (A) put (B) putt (C) pussy (D) pulpit
4. (A) thither (B) thread (C) therapy (D) theoretical
II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in each group by circling A, B, C or D.
1. (A) world-famous (B) peace-loving (C) well-founded (D) best-seller
2. (A) counterclockwise (B) multicolored (C) counterculture (D) unilateral
3. (A) outwards (B) windcheater (C) showerhead (D) northwest
4. (A) mineral (B) property (C) introduce (D) honesty
I. Choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. They were fortunate from the fire before the building collapsed.
(A) rescuing (B) to rescue (C) to have been rescued (D) to have rescued
2. a teacher in New England, Duc Anh wrote the Dictionary of the American language himself.
(A) It was while (B) When (C) When was (D) While
3. The investigation was instigated the Prime Minister.
(A) on the part of (B) consequence of (C) subsequent to (D) at the behest of
4. - Minh: I can’t stand such people as Hana, who is so bossy all the time.
- Huy: . That’s why I try to avoid her whenever I come across her.
(A) So am I (B) I believe so (C) Neither do I (D) I’m not either
5. Trung Hieu is trying to persuade us to accept his own way of reasoning, but what we need is an independent opinion
from someone who has no grind.
(A) axe (B) stone (C) hammer (D) tool
6. Thang installed the electric fence around the house in the hope that it would keep the bear
(A) in bay (B) to bay (C) at bay (D) with bay
7. Little did Phuc imagine The Amazing Race would entail long-winded journeys and up and downs
(A) aplenty (B) inexhaustibility (C) profusely (D) superabundant
8. I can’t burry your head and hope that this problem goes away, you know.
(A) in the mud (B) in the pool (C) in the sand (D) in the water
9. Uyen often _ the idea of going to live on a tropical island, but I would never actually do it.
(A) barters for (B) flirts with (C) subsists on (D). elopes with
10. Ha is just __ for clues.
(A) climbing out (B) ranking up (C) pushing back (D) nosing around
11.: _ so incredible is that these insects successfully migrate to places they have never seen.
(A) That makes the monarch butterflies’ migration
(B) What makes the monarch butterflies’ migration
(C) The migration of the monarch butterflies is
(D) The migration of the monarch butterflies, which is
12. A major problem in the construction of new buildings .
(A) is that windows have been eliminated while air conditioning systems have not been perfected
(B) is they have eliminated windows and still don’t have good air conditioning
(C) is because windows are eliminated but air conditioners don’t work
(D) is dependent on the fact that while they have eliminated windows, they are not capable to produce efficient air
conditioning systems
13. As far as the future is concerned, we hope to establish similar ties with other communities_______________.
(A) so that the cycle of poverty can be broken (B) for the cycle of poverty to break
(C) from the cycle of poverty being broken (D) without the cycle of poverty being broken
14. “I was just getting into the shower when the phone rang”- Van Anh said to me
(A) Van Anh said to me she was getting into the shower when the phone rang
(B) Van Anh told me she had just been getting into the shower when the phone had rung
(C) Van Anh said to me that she had just been getting into the shower when the phone rang
(D) Van Anh told to me she was just getting into the shower when the phone rang
15. Greek literature is no exception to the rule that poetry develops before literary prose.
(A) In Greece, literary prose develops before poetry
(B) The development of poetry and prose in Greece conforms to the rule that poetry precedes the develop-
ment of literary prose
(C) Usually poetry develops before literary prose, except in the case of Greek literature
(D) Greek literature is the exception to the rule that literary prose precedes poetry
II. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form/tense.
1. As he (A) (walk), he surveyed his surroundings as eagerly as if he (B) (enter) Lon-
don or Marid, instead of the little metropolis of a New England colony.
2. She won the heat and (C) (qualify) for the final of the 400 meters final.
3. I hope Thu Sitich (D) (work) for me when I retire in six years’ time.
4. Khanh Chi was so ungrateful for my help that I (E) (might/address)
5. As interesting and lively as it is, (F) (include) in your story are several historical inaccuracies, i.e. your
hero Miss Siwson (G) (not/offer) shelter under his umbrella, for they (H) (not/invent)
until a hundred years later.
III. Fill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper preposition
1. The rising tides of unemployment claims (A) the state has led the governor to declare the economy to
be (B) a state of emergency.
2. Their family having conflicts (C) personal properties, neither Kath (D) Bill wants to make a
permanent commitment to the other despite having been seeing each other on and (E) for the last
five years.
3. I used to get a buzz (F) reading comics, but now I’ve grown (G) them.
4. Don’t get up! I can see myself (H) .
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to show that the underline part that needs correction.
1. That the time (A) spent in transit by the average traveler was (B) widely anticipated to decrease was (C) owing
to automobiles’ (D) replacing horses as the primary means of transportation.
2. (A) At ground level, it is (B) dangerous enough a substance, but in the (C) upper atmosphere, it bonds with free
ions to create (D) deadening smog particles.
3. (A) In recent years, food safety in the European Region (B) has been affected by developments that (C) has
changed the conditions under (D) which food is produced, processed, traded, distributed and consumed.
4. Information about COVID-19 is everywhere in Hanoi on large posters (A) along nearly every major road,
community boards in small alleys, (B) advertising screens in elevators, (C) and even when ordering food via Grab
or Now, you will get a message (D) about the outbreak and what to do.
5. You are (A) young, active and playful? There are uncountable places of entertainment for you in this (B)
fasttest-growing dynamic city. HCMC is a city (C) that churns, ferments, bubbles and fumes. The streets are a
jumble of street markets, shops, pavement cafes, stands-on-wheels and vendors selling wares (D) spread out on
V. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.
1. At the age of eighteen, I moved to a university far from home and suddenly had to look after myself. I really
missed my mum’s meals. [COOK]
2. This office provides information about weather conditions throughout the day. [MINUTE]
3. Today’s youth are a far cry from today’s who grew up as commercially-naïve kids weaned
on cold war. [THIRTY]
4. Mark, a commentator, was often featured on state television explaining government policy.
5. Hours before the time when most cities in Greece went into lockdown, a couple managed to
fast-track their wedding and tie the knot- with just their family members’ attendance. [CORONAVIRUS]
From the 16th through the 19th centuries, English-speaking (A) referred to the (B) of
solid bodies as stereometry. This set of forty-odd models, made in London in the mid-19th century, assisted in
teaching the subject. According to the maker, the solids also were well (C) for use by art students.
Included in the (D) box are a diagonal scale; three equal trapezoids, any two of which can be ar-
ranged to form a rectangle or a parallelogram; two equal triangles which together form a rectangle or a triangle;
three equal (E) (they would form a square); and nine pieces that are lettered from a to i. Pieces
a to c are equal oblique pyramids that can be arranged to form a cube. Pieces d to i are equal square pyramids
which can be arranged to form a cube.
I. Fill in each space in the following passage with one suitable word.
Hedgehogs~ A hedgehog is a small mammal characterised (A) the sharp spines which cover its
body. (B) hedgehogs are found in many different parts of the world, none is native to either
America or Australia. All (C) of hedgehog share the ability (D) roll into a tight
ball when attacked, (E) that their spines point outwards. The effectiveness of this as a defence
mechanism ,depends ,of course, (F) the number of spines the hedgehog has. Some desert
hedgehogs have evolved to carry (G) . weight, and consequently, they have fewer spines and are
thus more likely to attempt to run into their attacker, using their ball rolling ability as a last resort. Hedgehogs are
primarily (H) and sleep for much of the day, either under cover of bushes (I)
in a hole in the ground. Despite the (J) .. that all hedgehogs can hibernate, not all choose to do so;
in suitable conditions, some will stay awake all year round.
II. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D that best fits each of the blank spaces.
Located 1. the 2 important economic corridors with potentials of land and 2. resources, Bac Giang
has many favorable conditions to develop economy. In addition, this province preserves the special cultural and
historical traditions. Bac Giang is a province in the Northeast Vietnam. Bac Giang shares border with Lang Son in the
north, Quang Ninh in the east, Thai Nguyen and Hanoi in the west and Bac Ninh and Hai Duong in the south. Bac Giang
has the midland terrain and is the transition 3. between the mountainous region in the north and Red River
Delta in the south. Although most natural area of the province is mountainous terrain, Bac Giang terrain is not much
fragmented. Bac Giang is located between two mountain 4. the two bow-shaped mountain ranges, namely Dong
Trieu and Bac Son. Bac Giang today is the home to 20 ethnic groups 5. Kinh, Tay, Nung, etc. 6. the reign
of King Minh Mang (the 2nd year, 1821), Bac Giang was in the prefecture of Thien Phuc, in 1831 renamed Bac Ninh
province. On October 10th, 1895, Governor-General of French Indochina 7. the decision to establish Bac Giang
province. October 27th, 1962, Bac Giang and Bac Ninh was 8. Ha Bac province. Bac Giang administration put officially
into 9. since January 1st, 1997 until now. According to population census in 2009, Bac Giang population has
1.555.720 people, 1.7 times 10. the average population density of the country. Bac Giang has 26 ethnic groups
living together, in which Kinh people cover the majority of Bac Giang population, accounting for 88.1%.. 11.
ethnic groups in Bac Giang maintainted their own language and have so far used in their 12. life. Located in
the economic corridor of Nanning (China) - Lang Son - Hanoi - Haiphong, adjacent to the northern key economic region,
Bac Giang Province is very advantageous in economic development and cultural exchange with countries in the region.
Bac Giang has planed and built industrial zones and industrial clusters with a total area of 1500ha. Bac Giang is trying to
improve the investment environment and business; prioritizing investment in 13. of industrial clusters and zones;
training and improving the quality of 14. resources to meet the requirements of enterprises, especially paying special
attention to the 15. of administrative procedures towards ensuring transparency.
1. (A) on (B) in (C) under (D) at
2. (A) natural (B) artificial (C) mineral (D) synthetic
3. (A) zone (B) area (C) locality (D) community
4. (A) lies (B) ranges along (C) as (D) like
5. (A) consists of (B) including (C) consisting (D) containing
6. (A) Under (B) Controlling by (C) Having controlled of (D) Controlled by
7. (A) made (B) created (C) signed (D) came to the
8. (A) merged into (B) mix up with (C) renamed (D) recalled
9. (A) practice (B) use (C) operation (D) account
10. (A) as much (B) far more than (C) much more (D) as much as
11. (A) The majority of (B) Most of (C) The vast number of (D) Almost all
12. (A) daily (B) normally (C) basically (D) originally
13. (A) building (B) infrastructure (C) construction (D) facilities
14. (A) humanity (B) human (C) personified (D) humanizing
15. (A) reform (B) cross-platform (C) hyperboliform (D) informosome
III. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the questions.
1. Urbanization in Vietnam has .
(A) mainly contributed to the country’s GDP
(B) promoted the country’s economy twice as fast as before
(C) made rural areas develop along with urban ones
(D) made urban areas develop faster than average
2. All of the followings are necessary for efficient cities EXCEPT .
(A) management decision (B) sufficient working population
(C) internal and regional connections (D) good organization
3. It can be inferred from the passage that along with urban migration .
(A) cities offer sufficient employment opportunities for migrants
(B) population of the cities accounts for the majority of the country’s
(C) the city authorities face both advantages and disadvantages
(D) people from the rural areas do not suffer from poor infrastructure in the city
4. The responsibility of the city authorities is .
(A) to provide the equal opportunities for every group of residents
(B) to stop the migration from the rural areas
(C) to contribute much more to the country’s gross domestic product
(D) to leave all the difficulties behind with a view to moving forward
5. All of the following are benefits from the urban renewal project EXCEPT that .
(A) the streets and alleys will no longer be flooded
(B) business and the living conditions have been improved
(C) the neighborhood has become cleaner and safer
(D) people will have goods carry to their door
IV.Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the questions.
It is 9am on Wednesday morning, and I am putting on my face mask to go out and get a haircut as well as run some other
errands. Down the road is a small shop for students at both sides of the entrance, a sign reminds customers to wear a
face mask and disinfect their hands before entering, something that many public places in Vietnam currently demand
from their visitors
Apart from this, and the fact that I do not have to wait in a queue, everything is as usual astounding considering
how many countries currently have issued curfews and restricted public life dramatically. Meanwhile, life in Vi-
etnam amid the current health crisis is still relatively normal.
Like many shops, cafes, and other businesses in Bach Khoa, one of the largest university areas in Hanoi, student
shop has seen better times. Most students and that means most people in the area have gone to their home
towns and villages outside of Hanoi. For more than five weeks now, there has virtually not been any school, one of
many precautions that the Vietnamese government has taken from the beginning to prevent the spread of the ep-
Six weeks have passed since the first person infected with the novel coronavirus came to Vietnam. Now, around
80 people have been infected and nobody has yet died, with 17 patients already recovered fully.
It came as a small shock to everyone when the country saw the 17th patient after 22 days without any new infec-
tions. However, after a few days things calmed down again and while the world is struggling to cope with the pan-
demic, Vietnam continues to stay relatively cool and seems to be ahead of everything.
Why is that? How is it possible that a country that borders China, the previous epicentre of the outbreak, has
nearly 100 million inhabitants, and is seen as a developing country by most other nations, can still control the out-
break much better than most developed ones?
A few weeks ago I spoke to Vietnamese colleagues and friends about the ongoing crisis. Most of them said some-
thing along the lines of, “Well, your country (Germany) will probably handle the outbreak well, as they have got a
decent healthcare system”.
This could not be further from the truth, in my opinion at least not compared to Vietnam. While many countries
in the so-called developed part of the world have somehow waited just long enough for the outbreak to become a
serious problem, Vietnam took absolutely no chances.
First of all, everyone here took the danger imposed by the virus very seriously, but nobody panicked and bought
stacks of toilet paper. Since the beginning, the government has put the existence and life of the people first and
foremost, and you can see and feel that everywhere.
While the northern border with China remained open for a while due to agreements with the latter, which left
many Vietnamese bewildered, the government quickly regained confidence by committing to thorough inspec-
tions and supervision and even, eventually, banning visitors from China. Currently, getting into Vietnam has be-
come nearly impossible for most, especially for tourists from the Schengen zone as Europe has developed into the
new epicentre.
Every person who is suspected to be infected is put under quarantine immediately. As a follow-up, everyone who
had contact with an alleged patient will be contacted, tested, and also isolated. When the 17th patient appeared,
the Vietnamese army’s chemical division disinfected a whole street and restricted access to it right afterwards.
Such measures might seem drastic but they work.
Furthermore, Vietnamese authorities remained transparent about the disease as well as allowing unrestricted in-
formation on social media. In fact, social media has been used in the best possible way to inform people about the
state of the outbreak as well as prevention measures.
For six long weeks now, I am receiving daily updates from the Ministry of Health and other relevant organisations
about the latest infections, advice to boost one’s immune system, and how to properly wear a mask and wash
hands. The updates come especially via SMS and popular Zalo app.
However, even if someone has no phone or internet, it is hardly possible for a person not to know what to do or
how the situation in the country is developing. Information about COVID-19 is everywhere in Hanoi on large
posters along nearly every major road, community boards in small alleys, advertisement screens in elevators, and
even when ordering food via Grab or Now, you will get a message about the outbreak and what to do. Combined
with word of mouth, it comes as no surprise that I have not met a single clueless person here.
Finally, the spirit of it all is stunning. I have seen posters and online graphics similar to those of the famous U23
football matches or war-like scenarios, usually along the lines of “Vietnam will be victorious (over COVID-19)”.
With the now viral cover version of the popular song “ghen co vy”, which explains proper hand-washing tech-
niques and includes messages of a united fight against the virus, I can only describe the spirit in town as a national
Everyone seems to know what to do and works together to achieve the common goal. By the way, the song went
so viral that there are now cover versions in English and countless in Vietnamese, such as the one by the Vietnam-
ese Women’s Museum in Hanoi, published last Wednesday.
As a foreigner living in Vietnam for nearly six years now, there are of course many things I see that could be im-
proved, as nothing is ever perfect. However, regarding the current health crisis and how the government and the
people deal with it, I cannot think of a better place to be right now.
Vietnam has been doing an amazing job, and if I was a Vietnamese citizen, I would be proud of it.
1. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
(A) The new pandemic on the loose. (B) Life of a foreigner in Vietnam.
(C) Between Vietnam and the Europe. (D) Vietnam leaving nobody behind.
2. The word "ones” in the passage refers to ___________.
(A) weeks (B) patients (C) inhabitants (D) countries
3. According to passage, what can the reaction of Vietnam to the outbreak suggest?
(A) Vietnam has consistently stayed cool and always been ahead of everything.
(B) People in Vietnam takes the danger imposed by the virus very seriously.
(C) Vietnam has a strong culture of surveillance, from the government to the civilians.
(D) Viet Nam is not in a position to conduct mass testing programmes.
4. According to passage, what kind of effect do Vietnam’s various actions aim to create?
(A) With or without phones, nobody would not know how the situation in the country is developing.
(B) The swiftness and assertiveness in government’s moves serve to gain more trust from the people.
(C) The citizens would single-mindedly believe that they can the fight against the virus with no casualties.
(D) The civilians would develop a shared hatred for cases of xenophobia and non-compliance.
5. The word "along the lines of" in passage is closest in meaning to ________________________.
(A) similar in type to. (B) in accordance with.
(C) in contradiction with. (D) in discrepancy with.
6: The word "crisis" in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ___________ .
(A) dilemma (B) emergency (C) drawback (D) complication
7. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?
(A) No country has yet to issue curfews and restrict public life considerably.
(B) For more than twelve weeks, there has virtually not been any school in Vietnam.
(C) China is currently the hardest hit area and the epicentre of the outbreak.
(D) Vietnamese authorities have remained transparent about the disease.
8. What is the tone of this passage?
(A) proud (B) admirable (C) celebratory (D) appreciative
I. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given so that the meanings stay the same as the first ones.
1. I’m certain that Minh will become a pop star one day.
=> I think it’s only
2. She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn’t notice when I came in. [TOOK]
=> She was so wrapped
3. If you ever get the chance to come to Greece, you can stay with us. [HAPPEN]
=> If
4. The doctor’s advice was to just wait and see what happened and the baby would be fine. [NATURE]
=> The doctor said that we should and the baby would be fine.
5. They demolished the old buildings because they wanted to renovate the whole neighborhood. [TORN]
=> With a view to
6. I listened to Bac Hua Hua patiently until he started insulting me. At that point, I told him a few home truths. He didn’t
like it.
=> I listened to Bach Hua Hua patiently until he started insulting me,
7. Vietnamese fashion designers have put much effort into creating something new and different. [TRADITION]
=> Vietnamese fashion designers have gone
8. It’s sometimes hard finding a place to park.
=> A place to park
9. I have two sons; they do not go to secondary school yet. [WHOM]
=> I have
10. Timmy’s tendency to interrupt every conversation makes me furious! [BEND]
=> It’s
II. Write a paragraph.
After doing a recent research, some sociologists said that many young people nowadays wanted to become famous in
different fields, especially in entertainment.
Write an essay to an educated reader about the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a famous person. [<255 words]
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ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO 1 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: 05/06/2020
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề A. PHONETICS.
I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest by circling A, B, C or D. 1. (A) humane (B) humanity (C) volcanic (D) sanity 2. (A) luxury (B) luxurious (C) anxious (D) obnoxious 3. (A) put (B) putt (C) pussy (D) pulpit 4. (A) thither (B) thread (C) therapy (D) theoretical
II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in each group by circling A, B, C or D. 1. (A) world-famous (B) peace-loving (C) well-founded (D) best-seller 2. (A) counterclockwise (B) multicolored (C) counterculture (D) unilateral 3. (A) outwards (B) windcheater (C) showerhead (D) northwest 4. (A) mineral (B) property (C) introduce (D) honesty
I. Choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. They were fortunate
from the fire before the building collapsed. (A) rescuing (B) to rescue (C) to have been rescued (D) to have rescued 2.
a teacher in New England, Duc Anh wrote the Dictionary of the American language himself. (A) It was while (B) When (C) When was (D) While
3. The investigation was instigated the Prime Minister. (A) on the part of (B) consequence of (C) subsequent to (D) at the behest of
4. - Minh: I can’t stand such people as Hana, who is so bossy all the time. - Huy:
. That’s why I try to avoid her whenever I come across her. (A) So am I (B) I believe so (C) Neither do I (D) I’m not either
5. Trung Hieu is trying to persuade us to accept his own way of reasoning, but what we need is an independent opinion from someone who has no grind. (A) axe (B) stone (C) hammer (D) tool
6. Thang installed the electric fence around the house in the hope that it would keep the bear (A) in bay (B) to bay (C) at bay (D) with bay
7. Little did Phuc imagine The Amazing Race would entail long-winded journeys and up and downs (A) aplenty (B) inexhaustibility (C) profusely (D) superabundant 8. I can’t burry your head
and hope that this problem goes away, you know. (A) in the mud (B) in the pool (C) in the sand (D) in the water 9. Uyen often _
the idea of going to live on a tropical island, but I would never actually do it. (A) barters for (B) flirts with (C) subsists on (D). elopes with 10. Ha is just __ for clues. (A) climbing out (B) ranking up (C) pushing back (D) nosing around
11.: _ so incredible is that these insects successfully migrate to places they have never seen.
(A) That makes the monarch butterflies’ migration
(B) What makes the monarch butterflies’ migration
(C) The migration of the monarch butterflies is
(D) The migration of the monarch butterflies, which is
12. A major problem in the construction of new buildings .
(A) is that windows have been eliminated while air conditioning systems have not been perfected
(B) is they have eliminated windows and still don’t have good air conditioning
(C) is because windows are eliminated but air conditioners don’t work
(D) is dependent on the fact that while they have eliminated windows, they are not capable to produce efficient air conditioning systems
13. As far as the future is concerned, we hope to establish similar ties with other communities_______________.
(A) so that the cycle of poverty can be broken
(B) for the cycle of poverty to break
(C) from the cycle of poverty being broken
(D) without the cycle of poverty being broken
14. “I was just getting into the shower when the phone rang”- Van Anh said to me
(A) Van Anh said to me she was getting into the shower when the phone rang
(B) Van Anh told me she had just been getting into the shower when the phone had rung
(C) Van Anh said to me that she had just been getting into the shower when the phone rang
(D) Van Anh told to me she was just getting into the shower when the phone rang
15. Greek literature is no exception to the rule that poetry develops before literary prose.
(A) In Greece, literary prose develops before poetry
(B) The development of poetry and prose in Greece conforms to the rule that poetry precedes the develop- ment of literary prose
(C) Usually poetry develops before literary prose, except in the case of Greek literature
(D) Greek literature is the exception to the rule that literary prose precedes poetry
II. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form/tense. 1. As he (A)
(walk), he surveyed his surroundings as eagerly as if he (B) (enter) Lon-
don or Marid, instead of the little metropolis of a New England colony. 2. She won the heat and (C)
(qualify) for the final of the 400 meters final. 3. I hope Thu Sitich (D)
(work) for me when I retire in six years’ time.
4. Khanh Chi was so ungrateful for my help that I (E) (might/address)
5. As interesting and lively as it is, (F)
(include) in your story are several historical inaccuracies, i.e. your hero Miss Siwson (G)
(not/offer) shelter under his umbrella, for they (H) (not/invent) until a hundred years later.
III. Fill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper preposition
1. The rising tides of unemployment claims (A)
the state has led the governor to declare the economy to be (B) a state of emergency.
2. Their family having conflicts (C)
personal properties, neither Kath (D) Bill wants to make a
permanent commitment to the other despite having been seeing each other on and (E) for the last five years. 3. I used to get a buzz (F)
reading comics, but now I’ve grown (G) them.
4. Don’t get up! I can see myself (H) .
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to show that the underline part that needs correction.
1. That the time (A) spent in transit by the average traveler was (B) widely anticipated to decrease was (C) owing
to automobiles’ (D) replacing horses as the primary means of transportation.
2. (A) At ground level, it is (B) dangerous enough a substance, but in the (C) upper atmosphere, it bonds with free
ions to create (D) deadening smog particles.
3. (A) In recent years, food safety in the European Region (B) has been affected by developments that (C) has
changed the conditions under (D) which food is produced, processed, traded, distributed and consumed.
4. Information about COVID-19 is everywhere in Hanoi – on large posters (A) along nearly every major road,
community boards in small alleys, (B) advertising screens in elevators, (C) and even when ordering food via Grab
or Now, you will get a message (D) about the outbreak and what to do.
5. You are (A) young, active and playful? There are uncountable places of entertainment for you in this (B)
fasttest-growing dynamic city. HCMC is a city (C) that churns, ferments, bubbles and fumes. The streets are a
jumble of street markets, shops, pavement cafes, stands-on-wheels and vendors selling wares (D) spread out on sidewalks.
V. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.
1. At the age of eighteen, I moved to a university far from home and suddenly had to look after myself. I really missed my mum’s meals. [COOK] 2. This office provides
information about weather conditions throughout the day. [MINUTE]
3. Today’s youth are a far cry from today’s
who grew up as commercially-naïve kids weaned on cold war. [THIRTY] 4. Mark, a
commentator, was often featured on state television explaining government policy. [TELEVISION]
5. Hours before the time when most cities in Greece went into
lockdown, a couple managed to
fast-track their wedding and tie the knot- with just their family members’ attendance. [CORONAVIRUS] 6. MEASURE MATH WOOD SCIENCE SUITABLE RESULT LATERAL METAL
From the 16th through the 19th centuries, English-speaking (A) referred to the (B) of
solid bodies as stereometry. This set of forty-odd models, made in London in the mid-19th century, assisted in
teaching the subject. According to the maker, the solids also were well (C) for use by art students. Included in the (D)
box are a diagonal scale; three equal trapezoids, any two of which can be ar-
ranged to form a rectangle or a parallelogram; two equal triangles which together form a rectangle or a triangle; three equal (E)
(they would form a square); and nine pieces that are lettered from a to i. Pieces
a to c are equal oblique pyramids that can be arranged to form a cube. Pieces d to i are equal square pyramids
which can be arranged to form a cube. D. READING COMPREHENSION.
I. Fill in each space in the following passage with one suitable word.

Hedgehogs~ A hedgehog is a small mammal characterised (A)
the sharp spines which cover its body. (B)
hedgehogs are found in many different parts of the world, none is native to either America or Australia. All (C)
of hedgehog share the ability (D) roll into a tight ball when attacked, (E)
that their spines point outwards. The effectiveness of this as a defence
mechanism ,depends ,of course, (F)
the number of spines the hedgehog has. Some desert
hedgehogs have evolved to carry (G)
. weight, and consequently, they have fewer spines and are
thus more likely to attempt to run into their attacker, using their ball rolling ability as a last resort. Hedgehogs are primarily (H)
and sleep for much of the day, either under cover of bushes (I)
in a hole in the ground. Despite the (J)
.. that all hedgehogs can hibernate, not all choose to do so;
in suitable conditions, some will stay awake all year round.
II. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D that best fits each of the blank spaces. Located 1.
the 2 important economic corridors with potentials of land and 2. resources, Bac Giang
has many favorable conditions to develop economy. In addition, this province preserves the special cultural and
historical traditions. Bac Giang is a province in the Northeast Vietnam. Bac Giang shares border with Lang Son in the
north, Quang Ninh in the east, Thai Nguyen and Hanoi in the west and Bac Ninh and Hai Duong in the south. Bac Giang
has the midland terrain and is the transition 3.
between the mountainous region in the north and Red River
Delta in the south. Although most natural area of the province is mountainous terrain, Bac Giang terrain is not much
fragmented. Bac Giang is located between two mountain 4.
the two bow-shaped mountain ranges, namely Dong
Trieu and Bac Son. Bac Giang today is the home to 20 ethnic groups 5. Kinh, Tay, Nung, etc. 6. the reign
of King Minh Mang (the 2nd year, 1821), Bac Giang was in the prefecture of Thien Phuc, in 1831 renamed Bac Ninh
province. On October 10th, 1895, Governor-General of French Indochina 7.
the decision to establish Bac Giang
province. October 27th, 1962, Bac Giang and Bac Ninh was 8. Ha Bac province. Bac Giang administration put officially into 9.
since January 1st, 1997 until now. According to population census in 2009, Bac Giang population has
1.555.720 people, 1.7 times 10.
the average population density of the country. Bac Giang has 26 ethnic groups
living together, in which Kinh people cover the majority of Bac Giang population, accounting for 88.1%.. 11.
ethnic groups in Bac Giang maintainted their own language and have so far used in their 12. life. Located in
the economic corridor of Nanning (China) - Lang Son - Hanoi - Haiphong, adjacent to the northern key economic region,
Bac Giang Province is very advantageous in economic development and cultural exchange with countries in the region.
Bac Giang has planed and built industrial zones and industrial clusters with a total area of 1500ha. Bac Giang is trying to
improve the investment environment and business; prioritizing investment in 13.
of industrial clusters and zones;
training and improving the quality of 14. resources to meet the requirements of enterprises, especially paying special attention to the 15.
of administrative procedures towards ensuring transparency. 1. (A) on (B) in (C) under (D) at 2. (A) natural (B) artificial (C) mineral (D) synthetic 3. (A) zone (B) area (C) locality (D) community 4. (A) lies (B) ranges along (C) as (D) like 5. (A) consists of (B) including (C) consisting (D) containing 6. (A) Under (B) Controlling by (C) Having controlled of (D) Controlled by 7. (A) made (B) created (C) signed (D) came to the 8. (A) merged into (B) mix up with (C) renamed (D) recalled 9. (A) practice (B) use (C) operation (D) account 10. (A) as much (B) far more than (C) much more (D) as much as 11. (A) The majority of (B) Most of (C) The vast number of (D) Almost all 12. (A) daily (B) normally (C) basically (D) originally 13. (A) building (B) infrastructure (C) construction (D) facilities 14. (A) humanity (B) human (C) personified (D) humanizing 15. (A) reform (B) cross-platform (C) hyperboliform (D) informosome
III. Read the passage careful y and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the questions.
1. Urbanization in Vietnam has .
(A) mainly contributed to the country’s GDP
(B) promoted the country’s economy twice as fast as before
(C) made rural areas develop along with urban ones
(D) made urban areas develop faster than average
2. All of the followings are necessary for efficient cities EXCEPT . (A) management decision
(B) sufficient working population
(C) internal and regional connections (D) good organization
3. It can be inferred from the passage that along with urban migration .
(A) cities offer sufficient employment opportunities for migrants
(B) population of the cities accounts for the majority of the country’s
(C) the city authorities face both advantages and disadvantages
(D) people from the rural areas do not suffer from poor infrastructure in the city
4. The responsibility of the city authorities is .
(A) to provide the equal opportunities for every group of residents
(B) to stop the migration from the rural areas
(C) to contribute much more to the country’s gross domestic product
(D) to leave all the difficulties behind with a view to moving forward
5. All of the following are benefits from the urban renewal project EXCEPT that .
(A) the streets and alleys will no longer be flooded
(B) business and the living conditions have been improved
(C) the neighborhood has become cleaner and safer
(D) people will have goods carry to their door
IV.Read the passage careful y and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the questions.
It is 9am on Wednesday morning, and I am putting on my face mask to go out and get a haircut as well as run some other
errands. Down the road is a small shop for students – at both sides of the entrance, a sign reminds customers to wear a
face mask and disinfect their hands before entering, something that many public places in Vietnam currently demand from their visitors
Apart from this, and the fact that I do not have to wait in a queue, everything is as usual – astounding considering
how many countries currently have issued curfews and restricted public life dramatically. Meanwhile, life in Vi-
etnam amid the current health crisis is still relatively normal.
Like many shops, cafes, and other businesses in Bach Khoa, one of the largest university areas in Hanoi, student
shop has seen better times. Most students – and that means most people in the area – have gone to their home
towns and villages outside of Hanoi. For more than five weeks now, there has virtually not been any school, one of
many precautions that the Vietnamese government has taken from the beginning to prevent the spread of the ep- idemic.
Six weeks have passed since the first person infected with the novel coronavirus came to Vietnam. Now, around
80 people have been infected and nobody has yet died, with 17 patients already recovered fully.
It came as a small shock to everyone when the country saw the 17th patient after 22 days without any new infec-
tions. However, after a few days things calmed down again and while the world is struggling to cope with the pan-
demic, Vietnam continues to stay relatively cool and seems to be ahead of everything.
Why is that? How is it possible that a country that borders China, the previous epicentre of the outbreak, has
nearly 100 million inhabitants, and is seen as a developing country by most other nations, can still control the out-
break much better than most developed ones?
A few weeks ago I spoke to Vietnamese colleagues and friends about the ongoing crisis. Most of them said some-
thing along the lines of, “Well, your country (Germany) will probably handle the outbreak well, as they have got a decent healthcare system”.
This could not be further from the truth, in my opinion – at least not compared to Vietnam. While many countries
in the so-called developed part of the world have somehow waited just long enough for the outbreak to become a
serious problem, Vietnam took absolutely no chances.
First of all, everyone here took the danger imposed by the virus very seriously, but nobody panicked and bought
stacks of toilet paper. Since the beginning, the government has put the existence and life of the people first and
foremost, and you can see and feel that everywhere.
While the northern border with China remained open for a while due to agreements with the latter, which left
many Vietnamese bewildered, the government quickly regained confidence by committing to thorough inspec-
tions and supervision and even, eventually, banning visitors from China. Currently, getting into Vietnam has be-
come nearly impossible for most, especially for tourists from the Schengen zone as Europe has developed into the new epicentre.
Every person who is suspected to be infected is put under quarantine immediately. As a follow-up, everyone who
had contact with an alleged patient will be contacted, tested, and also isolated. When the 17th patient appeared,
the Vietnamese army’s chemical division disinfected a whole street and restricted access to it right afterwards.
Such measures might seem drastic but they work.
Furthermore, Vietnamese authorities remained transparent about the disease as well as allowing unrestricted in-
formation on social media. In fact, social media has been used in the best possible way to inform people about the
state of the outbreak as well as prevention measures.
For six long weeks now, I am receiving daily updates from the Ministry of Health and other relevant organisations
about the latest infections, advice to boost one’s immune system, and how to properly wear a mask and wash
hands. The updates come especially via SMS and popular Zalo app.
However, even if someone has no phone or internet, it is hardly possible for a person not to know what to do or
how the situation in the country is developing. Information about COVID-19 is everywhere in Hanoi – on large
posters along nearly every major road, community boards in small alleys, advertisement screens in elevators, and
even when ordering food via Grab or Now, you will get a message about the outbreak and what to do. Combined
with word of mouth, it comes as no surprise that I have not met a single clueless person here.
Finally, the spirit of it all is stunning. I have seen posters and online graphics similar to those of the famous U23
football matches or war-like scenarios, usually along the lines of “Vietnam will be victorious (over COVID-19)”.
With the now viral cover version of the popular song “ghen co vy”, which explains proper hand-washing tech-
niques and includes messages of a united fight against the virus, I can only describe the spirit in town as a national movement.
Everyone seems to know what to do and works together to achieve the common goal. By the way, the song went
so viral that there are now cover versions in English and countless in Vietnamese, such as the one by the Vietnam-
ese Women’s Museum in Hanoi, published last Wednesday.
As a foreigner living in Vietnam for nearly six years now, there are of course many things I see that could be im-
proved, as nothing is ever perfect. However, regarding the current health crisis and how the government and the
people deal with it, I cannot think of a better place to be right now.
Vietnam has been doing an amazing job, and if I was a Vietnamese citizen, I would be proud of it.
1. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
(A) The new pandemic on the loose.
(B) Life of a foreigner in Vietnam.
(C) Between Vietnam and the Europe.
(D) Vietnam leaving nobody behind.
2. The word "ones” in the passage refers to ___________. (A) weeks (B) patients (C) inhabitants (D) countries
3. According to passage, what can the reaction of Vietnam to the outbreak suggest?
(A) Vietnam has consistently stayed cool and always been ahead of everything.
(B) People in Vietnam takes the danger imposed by the virus very seriously.
(C) Vietnam has a strong culture of surveillance, from the government to the civilians.
(D) Viet Nam is not in a position to conduct mass testing programmes.
4. According to passage, what kind of effect do Vietnam’s various actions aim to create?
(A) With or without phones, nobody would not know how the situation in the country is developing.
(B) The swiftness and assertiveness in government’s moves serve to gain more trust from the people.
(C) The citizens would single-mindedly believe that they can the fight against the virus with no casualties.
(D) The civilians would develop a shared hatred for cases of xenophobia and non-compliance.
5. The word "along the lines of" in passage is closest in meaning to ________________________. (A) similar in type to. (B) in accordance with. (C) in contradiction with. (D) in discrepancy with.
6: The word "crisis" in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ___________ . (A) dilemma (B) emergency (C) drawback (D) complication
7. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?
(A) No country has yet to issue curfews and restrict public life considerably.
(B) For more than twelve weeks, there has virtually not been any school in Vietnam.
(C) China is currently the hardest hit area and the epicentre of the outbreak.
(D) Vietnamese authorities have remained transparent about the disease.
8. What is the tone of this passage? (A) proud (B) admirable (C) celebratory (D) appreciative E. WRTING.
I. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given so that the meanings stay the same as the first ones.
1. I’m certain that Minh will become a pop star one day. => I think it’s only
2. She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn’t notice when I came in. [TOOK] => She was so wrapped
3. If you ever get the chance to come to Greece, you can stay with us. [HAPPEN] => If
4. The doctor’s advice was to just wait and see what happened and the baby would be fine. [NATURE]
=> The doctor said that we should and the baby would be fine.
5. They demolished the old buildings because they wanted to renovate the whole neighborhood. [TORN] => With a view to
6. I listened to Bac Hua Hua patiently until he started insulting me. At that point, I told him a few home truths. He didn’t like it.
=> I listened to Bach Hua Hua patiently until he started insulting me,
7. Vietnamese fashion designers have put much effort into creating something new and different. [TRADITION]
=> Vietnamese fashion designers have gone
8. It’s sometimes hard finding a place to park. => A place to park
9. I have two sons; they do not go to secondary school yet. [WHOM] => I have
10. Timmy’s tendency to interrupt every conversation makes me furious! [BEND] => It’s II. Write a paragraph.
After doing a recent research, some sociologists said that many young people nowadays wanted to become famous in
different fields, especially in entertainment.
Write an essay to an educated reader about the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a famous person. [<255 words]