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Đề Thi Thử Đánh Giá Năng Lực Ngoại Ngữ Kỳ Thi Tuyển Sinh Trường THPT Chuyên Ngoại Ngữ Môn Thi Tiếng Anh được biên soạn dưới dạng file PDF cho các bạn tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022
Test 1. Photocopiable
Ngày tháng năm 2021
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút
Tổng số câu hỏi: 61
Chọn 01 trong 04 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những lựa chọn còn lại.
1. A. pear B. leap C. neatness D. beast
2. A. fare B. black C. match D. calcium
3. A. whale B. whistle C. whoever D. while
4. A. chronic B. chore C. archive D. choir
Chọn 01 từ trong 04 từ đã cho có cấu trúc trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.
5. A. wilderness B. optical C. everything D. material
6. A. already B. surgical C. educate D. interview
7. A. admirable B. incredible C. constructively D. repeatedly
8. A. argumentative B. unsuccessfully C. disagreeably D. encyclopedia
Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ trong 04 lựa chọn có nghĩa gần nhất với từ/cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu
9. It’s undeniable that oil spills and leaks are having devastating effect on marine biology.
A. depleting B. irreparable C. fundamental D. disastrous
10. An upswing in economic activity is forecast by many optimistic economists after such a long
A. uptake B. recovery C. reform D. reconstruction
11. In wartime, the charitable organization was dedicated to reducing the sufferings of ordinary
A. exposed B. attached C. committed D. stuck
Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ trong 04 lựa chọn trái nghĩa với từ hoặc cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu
12. Although they have similar lifestyles, their political beliefs present a striking contrast.
A. sharp difference B. broad comparison C. high likelihood D. strong likeness
NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022
Test 1. Photocopiable
13. Affluent families find it easier to afford to send their children abroad to study.
A. Impoverished B. Worsening C. Ill-informed D. Extended
14. The country is famous for its abundance of natural resources and spectacular scenery.
A. infrequency B. depletion C. redundancy D. scarcity
Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu hỏi.
15. Not for a moment ________ I would be offered the job, so it was such a surprise when I got it.
A. would I think B. have I thought C. can I think D. did I think
16. ________ smoke from factories and fumes of motor vehicles.
A. What we have polluted the air with is B. What we have polluted the air with are
C. That we have polluted the air with is D. That we have polluted the air with are
17. Alfred Bernhard Nobel _________ most of his vast ________ in trust as a fund to those who had
benefited humanity in a number of fields.
A. inherited/value B. allocated/money C. bequeathed/fortune D. shared/prosperity
18. I wonder if the game will ever ________ with young people.
A. go down B. fall out C. catch up D. catch on
19. She is supposed to ________ when her boss is going away on business.
A. beat around the bush B. call the shots
C. sit on the fence D. take the back seat
Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn.
In the early 1990s, the psychologist K. Anders Ericsson and two colleagues installed themselves at
Berlin’s elite Academy of Music. With the help of the academy’s professors, they (20)______ the
school’s violinists into three groups. First were the students with the (21)______ to become world-class
soloists. Second were those (22)______ to be merely ‘good’. Third were the students (23)______ ever to
play professionally and who intended to be music teachers in schools. All were then asked how many
hours they had practised since they first picked up a violin.
Everyone, from all three groups, had started playing at roughly the age of five and practised for two
or three hours a week. But around the age of eight, differences started to (24)______. The students who
would (25)______ as the best in their class began to practise more than everyone else, until by the age of
20 they were practising (26)______ over 30 hours a week. By then, the elite performers had all totalled
10000 hours of practice over the (27)______ of their lives, the merely good students 8000 hours and the
future music teachers just over 4000 hours.
20. A parted B separated C divided D broke
21. A prospect B potential C prodigy D power
22. A regarded B measured C calculated D judged
23. A improbable B doubtful C unlikely D unsure
24. A emerge B happen C erupt D arrive
25. A come out B close off C result in D end up
26. A well B much C very D far
27. A track B way C course D path
Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời 8 câu hỏi kèm theo.
NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022
Test 1. Photocopiable
The official residence of the president of the United States is the White House, located at 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, D.C. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia held a
meeting in 1792 and decided to hold a contest for the best design for the Presidential House. James
Hoban, an architect born in Ireland, was the winner. His bid for the construction of the mansion asked
for $200,000, but the final cost of the building came to twice that amount. The work on the project
began during the same year, and the grounds of approximately one and a half miles west of the
Capitol Hill were chosen by Major Pierre-Charles L’Enfant, who was in charge of city planning.
However, the construction continued for several more years, and George Washington had stepped
down as president before the building was habitable. When John Adams, the second president of the
United States and his wife Abigail moved in 1800, only six rooms had been completed.
The grey sandstone walls of the house were painted white during construction, and the colour of
the paint gave the building its name. The building was burned on August 24, 1814, and James Hoban
reconstructed the house for President James Monroe and his family, who moved there in 1817. The
north portico was added to the building in 1829, water pipes were installed in 1833, gas lighting in
1848, and electricity in 1891. In 1948, inspectors announced that the building was so dilapidated that
it was beyond repair and suggested that it was cheaper to construct a new one than repair the existing
dwelling. However, the national sentiment was to keep the original form intact, and Congress
appropriated $5.4 million dollars for repairs. In 1961, Jacqueline Kennedy launched a program to
redecorate the rooms and appointed a Fine Arts Committee to make choices of furnishing and colors.
The house of the president accords its residents a great deal of space. The living quarters contain
107 rooms, 40 corridors, and 19 baths. The White House contains a doctor’s suite, a dentist’s office, a
large solarium, a broadcasting room, and a two-floor basement for storage and service rooms. The
office in which the president works is not located in the White House, but in a separate building called
the West Wing. The White House stands on 16 acres of parklike land and overlooks a broad lawn,
flower gardens, and wood groves.
28. What does the passage imply about the cost of the White House construction?
A. It was proposed at the meeting of the commissioners.
B. It did not adhere to the original estimate.
C. It was not included in the architectural design.
D. It was considered excessive for the presidential home.
29. The word “grounds” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. high ground B. several lots C. site D. hills
30. It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. George Washington often used the White House steps
B. George Washington contributed to the White House design
C. George Washington never lived in the White House
D. The White House was excluded from the city planning
31. The author of the passage implies that the construction of the main White House building
continued _________.
A. up to 1800 B. after 1800 C. until 1814 D. until 1792
32. The word “dilapidated” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. dated B. run-down C. old-fashioned D. obscure
33. What can be inferred about the White House from the information in the second paragraph?
A. Few changes occurred in the structure in the first half of the 20
B. The building was modernized extensively during one decade.
C. Running water was installed in the second half of the 19th century.
D. Each president added new features to the building’s conveniences.
34. The word “appropriated” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. accumulated B. accosted C. authorized D. aggrandized
35. The passage mentions all of the following White House premises EXCEPT ________.
A. hallways B. park C. medical offices D. sun-bathing room
NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022
Test 1. Photocopiable
Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng ở mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống.
36. - Leo: Oh, I’m really sorry!
- Jasmine: ________
A. It’s a pleasure! B. That’s alright. C. You’re so considerate. D. Yes, why?
37. - Linda Hey! How did your physics exam go?
- Frank: ___________ How about you your presentation?
A. Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just glad it’s over!
B. Don’t mention it. I’m just glad it’s over!
C. Not at all, thanks. I’m just glad it’s over!
D. Not bad, thanks. I’m just glad it’s over!
38. - Harry: Do you want to run one more lap?
- Ivy: No, ___________
A. I have to decline. B. I haven’t made up my mind.
C. I don’t have the guts. D. I don’t feel up to it.
39. - Angelica: Doesn’t the bride look beautiful in that wedding dress?
- Maria: __________
A. No. She looks amazing. And the groom is, too.
B. Yes. She looks amazing. And the groom is, too.
C. Yes. She doesn’t look amazing. And the groom is not, either.
D. No. She looks amazing. And the groom is not, either.
40. - Tim: Well done and congratulations on your award!
- Janet: _________
A. No, I think I will have to try more. B. You really think so.
C. You are welcome. D. Thank you for your support.
Chọn 01 lựa chọn là trật tự đúng của các lượt lời trong hội thoại đã cho.
41. a. No, I’m totally serious.
b. I haven’t been to the theatre for ages.
c. There’s just nothing that sounds interesting.
d. Oh, really, why is that?
e. Seen any good movies lately?
f. You’re pulling my leg, right?
g. Well, I suppose so.
A. e-f-a-d-c-g-b B. e-b-f-a-d-c-g C. b-f-a-d-c-g-e D. e-c-f-a-d-b-g
42. a. You didn’t look so.
b. I saw you on television last week. I thought you were ever so good.
c. Well, I can tell you, when it was my turn to speak, I really had my heart in my mouth.
d. Well, I was desperately nervous.
e. Why not? Don’t you enjoy it?
f. Thanks. I don’t think I’d like to do it again though.
g. Well, I was. When the camera was on me, my heart was beating so fast and my mouth was
so dry that I could hardly speak.
h. Really? You didn’t look at all worried.
A. b-f-a-g-h-c-e-d B. b-f-h-c-e-d-a-g C. d-a-g-h-f-e-b-c D. b-f-e-d-a-g-h-c
NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022
Test 1. Photocopiable
43. a. My stomach was upset.
b. Thank you.
c. I wasn’t really feeling well.
d. Do you feel better now?
e. I hope you feel better.
f. Do you want anything to make you feel better?
g. I don’t really feel too well yet.
h. What was wrong with you?
i. Why weren’t you at school yesterday?
j. No, thanks. I already took some medicine.
A. i-c-h-a-d-g-f-j-e-b B. h-a-d-g-f-j-i-c-e-b C. i-a-h-c-d-g-f-j-e-b D. h-a-d-g-i-c-f-j-e-b
44. a. Are you going to go and visit her and the baby?
b. What happened?
c. Oh my God, that’s great!
d. Did you hear the news?
e. Thanks for telling me.
f. My sister went into labor and had her baby last week.
g. I would’ve thought that somebody would have told you.
h. I think that I might.
i. No, I had no idea.
j. She did? Why didn’t anyone tell me?
k. Good! I just thought I’d let you know.
l. Well, she did, her baby was 8 pounds 6 ounces.
A. d-f-b-l-c-j-g-i-k-e-a-h B. d-i-f-j-g-b-l-c-a-h-k-e
C. d-b-f-j-g-i-l-c-a-h-k-e D. f-b-l-c-d-j-g-i-k-e-a-h
a. I would like to check out a book.
b. Thanks. Now I’d like to check out this book.
c. Here’s your library card.
d. I’m going to need your library card.
e. Okay. I’ve signed it.
f. Why don’t you apply for one right now?
g. Okay. Here you go.
h. Sure. That would be great.
i. I don’t have a library card.
j. Please fill out this application.
k. Now, sign your name on the back of the card.
l. What do you need?
A. a-d-i-l-b-f-h-j-g-k-e-c B. a-d-l-i-f-h-k-e-j-g-c-b
C. l-a-d-i-f-h-k-e-j-g-c-b D. l-a-d-i-f-h-j-g-k-e-c-b
Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.
46. “You are the only child in your family, aren’t you?” she asked me.
A. She asked me whether I was the only child in my family.
B. She did not know that I was the only child in my family.
C. She wanted to know why I did not have brothers or sisters.
D. She was suspicious of me being the only child in the family.
47. Mr. Smith was dismissed partly because of his arriving late to work.
A. Mr. Smith’s dismissal from the company resulted in his constant lateness.
B. Mr. Smith’s dismissal from the company was to blame for his constant lateness.
NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022
Test 1. Photocopiable
C. Mr. Smith’s constant lateness was attributed to his dismissal from the company.
D. Mr. Smith’s constant lateness contributed to his dismissal from the company.
48. “You should have finished the report by now,” John told his secretary.
A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report.
B. John pleaded with his secretary to have finished the report.
C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time.
D. John complimented his secretary on having finished the report.
49. Tom should have known better than to ask Dick to help him.
A. It was so wise of Tom to ask Dick to help him to know better.
B. Tom asked Dick to help him because he was better than anyone else.
C. Tom should have asked Dick, who had better knowledge, to help him.
D. Tom asked Dick to help him, but it was foolish of him to do so.
50. I don’t think we’ll see Simon as he is leaving for New York 2 hours earlier than planned.
A. That he plans to leave for New York 2 hours earlier makes it possible for us to see Simon.
B. Without his leaving for New York 2 hours earlier than planned, we would have seen Simon.
C. If Simon hadn’t left for New York 2 hours earlier than planned, we would all see him now.
D. There’s little likelihood of our seeing Simon since he is leaving for New York 2 hours earlier
than planned.
Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với cặp câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.
51. He made all attempts to carry out the project. Finally, he completed it with satisfactory result.
A. But for his attempts, the project could not have been completed with satisfactory result.
B. If he had not attempted to carry out the project, it wouldn’t be completed satisfactorily.
C. His attempts finally made the project a complete but satisfactory success.
D. The completion of the project with satisfactory result resulted in his all-out attempt.
52. We should quickly find the solution to the problem. Otherwise, its impact on those concerned
will increase.
A. If we can solve this problem soon, we’ll lower the impact on all of our concerns.
B. By the time we solve this problem, the impact on those concerned will have been lowered.
C. If all those concerned lower their impact, the problem will be better solved.
D. The sooner we find the solution to the problem, the lower the impact it has on those
53. They finished one project. They started working on the next.
A. Had they finished one project, they would have started working on the next.
B. Only if they had finished one project did they start working on the next.
C. Scarcely had they finished one project when they started working on the next.
D. Not until did they start working on the next project then they finished one.
54. The proposal seemed like a good idea. The manager refused it.
A. The manager didn’t seem to like a good idea, so he didn’t accept the proposal.
B. Since the proposal seemed like a good idea, the manager refused it.
C. The manager didn’t like the proposal because it didn’t seem a good idea.
D. The manager turned down the proposal albeit it seemed like a good idea.
55. I didn’t know that you were at home. I didn’t drop in.
A. Had I not known that you were at home, I wouldn’t have dropped in.
B. Not knowing that you were at home, I didn’t drop in.
C. If I had known that you were not at home, I wouldn’t have dropped in.
D. Not having known that you were at home, I didn’t drop in.
NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022
Test 1. Photocopiable
Chọn 01 cụm từ hoặc câu trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn trong mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống
tương ứng trong bài luận đã cho.
Managing personal finances is a vitally significant component of adulthood. Because of this,
(56)____________. First, high school is an appropriate time to acquire this training. That is because
many high schoolers start laboring part-time at the age of 16. In other words, they start to accrue some
personal wealth. They are also inundated by advertisements compelling to spend, spend, spend and
there is no shortage of fancy, shinny trinkets to purchase. It should be no wonder (57)_________ as
soon as they receive it. They can get themselves into financial difficulties early on and it could take a
very long time to restructure their lives and get back on track. (58)__________, if we desire our young
adults to flourish, then we should ensure they are equipped to confront any struggle an ordinary adult
will encounter, for which personal finances absolutely qualify. (59)___________, the youth will be
more likely to steward it responsibly later when they have significant expenditures, like purchasing a
house. We can’t claim to be preparing students for the 21
century if we are not providing them with
-century survival skills. Therefore, (60)____________.
56. A. every parent worries that their children will not be savvy enough to handle their money
B. today’s youth should be encouraged to pursue careers in finance and wealth management
C. high-school students should receive in-class instruction to manage their own money
D. young adults should seek out the counsel of reputable and honest financial advisors
57. A. whether our youth frivolously squander everything they earn
B. that our youth frivolously squander everything they earn
C. why do our youth frivolously squander everything they earn
D. that our youth frivolously squander everything do they earn
58. A. Furthermore B. Nevertheless
C. Conversely D. Admittedly
59. A. After thoroughly training the youth to properly care for others’ money
B. By instilling a healthy respect for the value and importance of money
C. By developing healthy habits for money management at an early age
D. After learning all about economics and growing wealth
60. A. financial literacy education is very important
B. financial consultants are needed very much
C. financially responsible parents need not worry
D. wise financial advice should never be rejected
61. Viết một văn bản khoảng 250 từ về chủ đề sau:
In the face of increasingly widespread COVID-19 pandemic, online learning is a rapidly developing
approach. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning?
| 1/7

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NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022 Test 1. Photocopiable
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút
Tổng số câu hỏi: 61

Chọn 01 trong 04 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những lựa chọn còn lại. 1. A. pear B. leap C. neatness D. beast 2. A. fare B. black C. match D. calcium 3. A. whale B. whistle C. whoever D. while 4. A. chronic B. chore C. archive D. choir PHẦN 2: TRỌNG ÂM
Chọn 01 từ trong 04 từ đã cho có cấu trúc trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại. 5. A. wilderness B. optical C. everything D. material 6. A. already B. surgical C. educate D. interview 7. A. admirable B. incredible C. constructively D. repeatedly 8. A. argumentative B. unsuccessfully C. disagreeably D. encyclopedia
Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ trong 04 lựa chọn có nghĩa gần nhất với từ/cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu hỏi.
9. It’s undeniable that oil spills and leaks are having devastating effect on marine biology. A. depleting B. irreparable C. fundamental D. disastrous
10. An upswing in economic activity is forecast by many optimistic economists after such a long slowdown. A. uptake B. recovery C. reform D. reconstruction
11. In wartime, the charitable organization was dedicated to reducing the sufferings of ordinary people. A. exposed B. attached C. committed D. stuck

Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ trong 04 lựa chọn trái nghĩa với từ hoặc cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu hỏi.
12. Although they have similar lifestyles, their political beliefs present a striking contrast. A. sharp difference
B. broad comparison C. high likelihood D. strong likeness 1
NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022 Test 1. Photocopiable
13. Affluent families find it easier to afford to send their children abroad to study. A. Impoverished B. Worsening C. Ill-informed D. Extended
14. The country is famous for its abundance of natural resources and spectacular scenery. A. infrequency B. depletion C. redundancy D. scarcity

Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu hỏi.
15. Not for a moment ________ I would be offered the job, so it was such a surprise when I got it. A. would I think B. have I thought C. can I think D. did I think
16. ________ smoke from factories and fumes of motor vehicles.
A. What we have polluted the air with is
B. What we have polluted the air with are
C. That we have polluted the air with is
D. That we have polluted the air with are
17. Alfred Bernhard Nobel _________ most of his vast ________ in trust as a fund to those who had
benefited humanity in a number of fields. A. inherited/value B. allocated/money
C. bequeathed/fortune D. shared/prosperity
18. I wonder if the game will ever ________ with young people. A. go down B. fall out C. catch up D. catch on
19. She is supposed to ________ when her boss is going away on business.
A. beat around the bush B. call the shots C. sit on the fence D. take the back seat PHẦN 6: ĐIỀN TỪ
Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn. WHAT MAKES A MUSICAL GENIUS?
In the early 1990s, the psychologist K. Anders Ericsson and two colleagues installed themselves at
Berlin’s elite Academy of Music. With the help of the academy’s professors, they (20)______ the
school’s violinists into three groups. First were the students with the (21)______ to become world-class
soloists. Second were those (22)______ to be merely ‘good’. Third were the students (23)______ ever to
play professionally and who intended to be music teachers in schools. All were then asked how many
hours they had practised since they first picked up a violin.
Everyone, from all three groups, had started playing at roughly the age of five and practised for two
or three hours a week. But around the age of eight, differences started to (24)______. The students who
would (25)______ as the best in their class began to practise more than everyone else, until by the age of
20 they were practising (26)______ over 30 hours a week. By then, the elite performers had all totalled
10000 hours of practice over the (27)______ of their lives, the merely good students 8000 hours and the
future music teachers just over 4000 hours. 20. A parted B separated C divided D broke 21. A prospect B potential C prodigy D power 22. A regarded B measured C calculated D judged
23. A improbable B doubtful C unlikely D unsure 24. A emerge B happen C erupt D arrive 25. A come out B close off C result in D end up 26. A well B much C very D far 27. A track B way C course D path PHẦN 7: BÀI ĐỌC
Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời 8 câu hỏi kèm theo. 2
NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022 Test 1. Photocopiable
The official residence of the president of the United States is the White House, located at 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, D.C. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia held a
meeting in 1792 and decided to hold a contest for the best design for the Presidential House. James
Hoban, an architect born in Ireland, was the winner. His bid for the construction of the mansion asked
for $200,000, but the final cost of the building came to twice that amount. The work on the project
began during the same year, and the grounds of approximately one and a half miles west of the
Capitol Hill were chosen by Major Pierre-Charles L’Enfant, who was in charge of city planning.
However, the construction continued for several more years, and George Washington had stepped
down as president before the building was habitable. When John Adams, the second president of the
United States and his wife Abigail moved in 1800, only six rooms had been completed.
The grey sandstone walls of the house were painted white during construction, and the colour of
the paint gave the building its name. The building was burned on August 24, 1814, and James Hoban
reconstructed the house for President James Monroe and his family, who moved there in 1817. The
north portico was added to the building in 1829, water pipes were installed in 1833, gas lighting in
1848, and electricity in 1891. In 1948, inspectors announced that the building was so dilapidated that
it was beyond repair and suggested that it was cheaper to construct a new one than repair the existing
dwelling. However, the national sentiment was to keep the original form intact, and Congress
appropriated $5.4 million dollars for repairs. In 1961, Jacqueline Kennedy launched a program to
redecorate the rooms and appointed a Fine Arts Committee to make choices of furnishing and colors.
The house of the president accords its residents a great deal of space. The living quarters contain
107 rooms, 40 corridors, and 19 baths. The White House contains a doctor’s suite, a dentist’s office, a
large solarium, a broadcasting room, and a two-floor basement for storage and service rooms. The
office in which the president works is not located in the White House, but in a separate building called
the West Wing. The White House stands on 16 acres of parklike land and overlooks a broad lawn,
flower gardens, and wood groves.
28. What does the passage imply about the cost of the White House construction?
A. It was proposed at the meeting of the commissioners.
B. It did not adhere to the original estimate.
C. It was not included in the architectural design.
D. It was considered excessive for the presidential home.
29. The word “grounds” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________. A. high ground B. several lots C. site D. hills
30. It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. George Washington often used the White House steps
B. George Washington contributed to the White House design
C. George Washington never lived in the White House
D. The White House was excluded from the city planning
31. The author of the passage implies that the construction of the main White House building continued _________. A. up to 1800 B. after 1800 C. until 1814 D. until 1792
32. The word “dilapidated” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________. A. dated B. run-down C. old-fashioned D. obscure
33. What can be inferred about the White House from the information in the second paragraph?
A. Few changes occurred in the structure in the first half of the 20th century.
B. The building was modernized extensively during one decade.
C. Running water was installed in the second half of the 19th century.
D. Each president added new features to the building’s conveniences.
34. The word “appropriated” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________. A. accumulated B. accosted C. authorized D. aggrandized
35. The passage mentions all of the following White House premises EXCEPT ________. A. hallways B. park
C. medical offices D. sun-bathing room 3
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Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng ở mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống.
36. - Leo: Oh, I’m really sorry! - Jasmine: ________ A. It’s a pleasure! B. That’s alright.
C. You’re so considerate. D. Yes, why?
37. - Linda Hey! How did your physics exam go?
- Frank: ___________ How about you your presentation?
A. Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just glad it’s over!
B. Don’t mention it. I’m just glad it’s over!
C. Not at all, thanks. I’m just glad it’s over!
D. Not bad, thanks. I’m just glad it’s over!
38. - Harry: Do you want to run one more lap? - Ivy: No, ___________ A. I have to decline.
B. I haven’t made up my mind.
C. I don’t have the guts.
D. I don’t feel up to it.
39. - Angelica: Doesn’t the bride look beautiful in that wedding dress? - Maria: __________
A. No. She looks amazing. And the groom is, too.
B. Yes. She looks amazing. And the groom is, too.
C. Yes. She doesn’t look amazing. And the groom is not, either.
D. No. She looks amazing. And the groom is not, either.
40. - Tim: Well done and congratulations on your award! - Janet: _________
A. No, I think I will have to try more.
B. You really think so. C. You are welcome.
D. Thank you for your support.
Chọn 01 lựa chọn là trật tự đúng của các lượt lời trong hội thoại đã cho.
41. a. No, I’m totally serious.
b. I haven’t been to the theatre for ages.
c. There’s just nothing that sounds interesting.
d. Oh, really, why is that?
e. Seen any good movies lately?
f. You’re pulling my leg, right? g. Well, I suppose so. A. e-f-a-d-c-g-b B. e-b-f-a-d-c-g C. b-f-a-d-c-g-e D. e-c-f-a-d-b-g
42. a. You didn’t look so.
b. I saw you on television last week. I thought you were ever so good.
c. Well, I can tell you, when it was my turn to speak, I really had my heart in my mouth.
d. Well, I was desperately nervous.
e. Why not? Don’t you enjoy it?
f. Thanks. I don’t think I’d like to do it again though.
g. Well, I was. When the camera was on me, my heart was beating so fast and my mouth was
so dry that I could hardly speak.
h. Really? You didn’t look at all worried. A. b-f-a-g-h-c-e-d B. b-f-h-c-e-d-a-g
C. d-a-g-h-f-e-b-c D. b-f-e-d-a-g-h-c 4
NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022 Test 1. Photocopiable
43. a. My stomach was upset. b. Thank you. c.
I wasn’t really feeling well.
d. Do you feel better now? e. I hope you feel better. f.
Do you want anything to make you feel better?
g. I don’t really feel too well yet.
h. What was wrong with you?
i. Why weren’t you at school yesterday? j.
No, thanks. I already took some medicine.
A. i-c-h-a-d-g-f-j-e-b B. h-a-d-g-f-j-i-c-e-b C. i-a-h-c-d-g-f-j-e-b D. h-a-d-g-i-c-f-j-e-b
44. a. Are you going to go and visit her and the baby? b. What happened? c. Oh my God, that’s great!
d. Did you hear the news? e. Thanks for telling me. f.
My sister went into labor and had her baby last week.
g. I would’ve thought that somebody would have told you.
h. I think that I might. i. No, I had no idea. j.
She did? Why didn’t anyone tell me?
k. Good! I just thought I’d let you know. l.
Well, she did, her baby was 8 pounds 6 ounces.
A. d-f-b-l-c-j-g-i-k-e-a-h
B. d-i-f-j-g-b-l-c-a-h-k-e
C. d-b-f-j-g-i-l-c-a-h-k-e
D. f-b-l-c-d-j-g-i-k-e-a-h
45. a. I would like to check out a book.
b. Thanks. Now I’d like to check out this book. c. Here’s your library card.
d. I’m going to need your library card. e. Okay. I’ve signed it. f.
Why don’t you apply for one right now? g. Okay. Here you go.
h. Sure. That would be great. i.
I don’t have a library card. j.
Please fill out this application.
k. Now, sign your name on the back of the card. l. What do you need?
A. a-d-i-l-b-f-h-j-g-k-e-c
B. a-d-l-i-f-h-k-e-j-g-c-b
C. l-a-d-i-f-h-k-e-j-g-c-b
D. l-a-d-i-f-h-j-g-k-e-c-b

Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.
46. “You are the only child in your family, aren’t you?” she asked me.
A. She asked me whether I was the only child in my family.
B. She did not know that I was the only child in my family.
C. She wanted to know why I did not have brothers or sisters.
D. She was suspicious of me being the only child in the family.
47. Mr. Smith was dismissed partly because of his arriving late to work.
A. Mr. Smith’s dismissal from the company resulted in his constant lateness.
B. Mr. Smith’s dismissal from the company was to blame for his constant lateness. 5
NVK®/FELTE-ULIS-VNUH/GiftedStudentTraining/JSS-MockExam-CNN Format/Grade 9/2021-2022 Test 1. Photocopiable
C. Mr. Smith’s constant lateness was attributed to his dismissal from the company.
D. Mr. Smith’s constant lateness contributed to his dismissal from the company.
48. “You should have finished the report by now,” John told his secretary.
A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report.
B. John pleaded with his secretary to have finished the report.
C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time.
D. John complimented his secretary on having finished the report.
49. Tom should have known better than to ask Dick to help him.
A. It was so wise of Tom to ask Dick to help him to know better.
B. Tom asked Dick to help him because he was better than anyone else.
C. Tom should have asked Dick, who had better knowledge, to help him.
D. Tom asked Dick to help him, but it was foolish of him to do so.
50. I don’t think we’ll see Simon as he is leaving for New York 2 hours earlier than planned.
A. That he plans to leave for New York 2 hours earlier makes it possible for us to see Simon.
B. Without his leaving for New York 2 hours earlier than planned, we would have seen Simon.
C. If Simon hadn’t left for New York 2 hours earlier than planned, we would all see him now.
D. There’s little likelihood of our seeing Simon since he is leaving for New York 2 hours earlier than planned.
Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với cặp câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.
51. He made all attempts to carry out the project. Finally, he completed it with satisfactory result.
A. But for his attempts, the project could not have been completed with satisfactory result.
B. If he had not attempted to carry out the project, it wouldn’t be completed satisfactorily.
C. His attempts finally made the project a complete but satisfactory success.
D. The completion of the project with satisfactory result resulted in his all-out attempt.
52. We should quickly find the solution to the problem. Otherwise, its impact on those concerned will increase.
A. If we can solve this problem soon, we’ll lower the impact on all of our concerns.
B. By the time we solve this problem, the impact on those concerned will have been lowered.
C. If all those concerned lower their impact, the problem will be better solved.
D. The sooner we find the solution to the problem, the lower the impact it has on those concerned.
53. They finished one project. They started working on the next.
A. Had they finished one project, they would have started working on the next.
B. Only if they had finished one project did they start working on the next.
C. Scarcely had they finished one project when they started working on the next.
D. Not until did they start working on the next project then they finished one.
54. The proposal seemed like a good idea. The manager refused it.
A. The manager didn’t seem to like a good idea, so he didn’t accept the proposal.
B. Since the proposal seemed like a good idea, the manager refused it.
C. The manager didn’t like the proposal because it didn’t seem a good idea.
D. The manager turned down the proposal albeit it seemed like a good idea.
55. I didn’t know that you were at home. I didn’t drop in.
A. Had I not known that you were at home, I wouldn’t have dropped in.
B. Not knowing that you were at home, I didn’t drop in.
C. If I had known that you were not at home, I wouldn’t have dropped in.
D. Not having known that you were at home, I didn’t drop in. 6
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Chọn 01 cụm từ hoặc câu trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn trong mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống
ứng trong bài luận đã cho.
Managing personal finances is a vitally significant component of adulthood. Because of this,
(56)____________. First, high school is an appropriate time to acquire this training. That is because
many high schoolers start laboring part-time at the age of 16. In other words, they start to accrue some
personal wealth. They are also inundated by advertisements compelling to spend, spend, spend and
there is no shortage of fancy, shinny trinkets to purchase. It should be no wonder (57)_________ as
soon as they receive it. They can get themselves into financial difficulties early on and it could take a
very long time to restructure their lives and get back on track. (58)__________, if we desire our young
adults to flourish, then we should ensure they are equipped to confront any struggle an ordinary adult
will encounter, for which personal finances absolutely qualify. (59)___________, the youth will be
more likely to steward it responsibly later when they have significant expenditures, like purchasing a
house. We can’t claim to be preparing students for the 21st century if we are not providing them with
21st-century survival skills. Therefore, (60)____________.
56. A. every parent worries that their children will not be savvy enough to handle their money
B. today’s youth should be encouraged to pursue careers in finance and wealth management
C. high-school students should receive in-class instruction to manage their own money
D. young adults should seek out the counsel of reputable and honest financial advisors
57. A. whether our youth frivolously squander everything they earn
B. that our youth frivolously squander everything they earn
C. why do our youth frivolously squander everything they earn
D. that our youth frivolously squander everything do they earn 58. A. Furthermore B. Nevertheless C. Conversely D. Admittedly
59. A. After thoroughly training the youth to properly care for others’ money
B. By instilling a healthy respect for the value and importance of money
C. By developing healthy habits for money management at an early age
D. After learning all about economics and growing wealth
60. A. financial literacy education is very important
B. financial consultants are needed very much
C. financially responsible parents need not worry
D. wise financial advice should never be rejected
61. Viết một văn bản khoảng 250 từ về chủ đề sau:
In the face of increasingly widespread COVID-19 pandemic, online learning is a rapidly developing
approach. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning? 7
Document Outline

  • 43. a. My stomach was upset.
  • b. Thank you.
  • c. I wasn’t really feeling well.
  • d. Do you feel better now?
  • e. I hope you feel better.
  • f. Do you want anything to make you feel better?
  • g. I don’t really feel too well yet.
  • h. What was wrong with you?
  • i. Why weren’t you at school yesterday?
  • j. No, thanks. I already took some medicine.
  • A. i-c-h-a-d-g-f-j-e-b B. h-a-d-g-f-j-i-c-e-b C. i-a-h-c-d-g-f-j-e-b D. h-a-d-g-i-c-f-j-e-b
  • 44. a. Are you going to go and visit her and the baby?
  • b. What happened?
  • c. Oh my God, that’s great!
  • d. Did you hear the news?
  • e. Thanks for telling me.
  • f. My sister went into labor and had her baby last week.
  • g. I would’ve thought that somebody would have told you.
  • h. I think that I might.i. No, I had no idea.
  • j. She did? Why didn’t anyone tell me?
  • k. Good! I just thought I’d let you know.l. Well, she did, her baby was 8 pounds 6 ounces.
  • A. d-f-b-l-c-j-g-i-k-e-a-h B. d-i-f-j-g-b-l-c-a-h-k-e
  • C. d-b-f-j-g-i-l-c-a-h-k-e D. f-b-l-c-d-j-g-i-k-e-a-h
  • 45. a. I would like to check out a book.
  • b. Thanks. Now I’d like to check out this book.
  • c. Here’s your library card.
  • d. I’m going to need your library card.
  • e. Okay. I’ve signed it.
  • f. Why don’t you apply for one right now?
  • g. Okay. Here you go.
  • h. Sure. That would be great.
  • i. I don’t have a library card.
  • j. Please fill out this application.
  • k. Now, sign your name on the back of the card.
  • l. What do you need?
  • A. a-d-i-l-b-f-h-j-g-k-e-c B. a-d-l-i-f-h-k-e-j-g-c-b
  • C. l-a-d-i-f-h-k-e-j-g-c-b D. l-a-d-i-f-h-j-g-k-e-c-b