Đề thi thử Tuyển sinh vào 10 chuyên Tiếng Anh (Nguyễn Huy Minh đóng góp)

Đề thi thử Tuyển sinh vào 10 chuyên Tiếng Anh (Nguyễn Huy Minh đóng góp) được biên soạn dưới dạng file PDF cho các bạn tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Thời gian làm bài: 105 phút
Nội dung: 80 câu hỏi
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each
1. A. mischief B. relief C. chief D. belief
2. A. conservation B. consequential C. conscientious D. consideration
3. A. measure B. pleasure C. feasible D. peasant
4. A. immature B. adventure C. departure D. expenditure 5. A. television B. decision C. division
D. expression
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others by circling A, B,
C, or D.
6. A. initial B. inherit C. occurrence D. occupied
7. A. obstacle B. intolerable C. possess D. secure
8. A. technical B. teardrop C. treatable D. horrific
9. A. apprentice B. construct C. perverse D. papal
10. A. conservative B. preferential C. controversial D. personnel
III. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the sentences.
11. It took Anna a long time to get the _________ of the new computer programme.
A. hang B. grip C. means D. grasp
12. I really need a new watch. This one doesn’t _________very good time.
A. record B. show C. keep D. indicate
13. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good_________
A. influence B. outcome C. upshot D. effect
14. I could not cut the grass because the machine _________ a few days previously.
A. broke down B. has been broken C. had broken down D. breaks down
15. Can I_________your brain for a moment? I can’t do this crossword by myself
A. have B. mind C. use
16. His talents _______ with his hard work led to his great success.
D. pick
A. combined B. combining C. to be combined
17. This exercise was so difficult that _______ students could finish it.
D. being combined
A. few B. a little C. little
18. So ________ that he is willing to help everyone in need.
D. a few
A. kind a person is he B. kind person he is C. he is kind 19.
_________ for a second interview will be informed by mail.
D. kind a person
A. Who chosen B. If you're chosen C. All chosen
D. Those are chosen
20. _______, the diners settled the bill and left the restaurant.
A. Hunger been satisfied B. Their hunger satisfied C. Satisfying their hunger D. Having satisfied hunger
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
21. As the referee awarded their rival team a dubious penalty, some of the soccer fans
started to riot.
A. A riot was almost started by the soccer fans when the opposing team was given a
questionable penalty by the referee.
B. Much as their team had been awarded a dubious penalty decision, some of the football fans
still tried to start a riot.
C. The referee granted a doubtful penalty to the opposing team, so some of the soccer fans
started to riot.
D. A number of football fans found the referee’s penalty decision to the rival team so dubious that
they protested violently.
22. When the witness finally went to the police, he was asked whether he knew anything
about the murder, and he replied that he had seen the accused repeatedly shooting a
blindfolded man.
A. At last the witness decided talk to the police, and in reply to one of their questions, he said
that he saw a few men, including the accused, who were all shooting at a blindfolded man.
B. The witness told the police, in response to a question, that what he saw at the time of the
murder was a few men, one of the accused, shooting repeatedly a man whose eyes were
C. After at last going to the police, the witness told them, in response to their question, that he
had watched the accused firing his gun many times into a man whose eyes were covered.
D. After finally going to the police, the witness told them, to answer their question, that it must have
been the accused he saw shooting a man whose eyes were covered.
23. Duong Max, who barely does his own cooking, prepared a splendid meal last night.
A. Preparing a good meal is not something that Duong Max can do often, but last night he was
B. Duong Max’s attempts at cooking are not common, but his results are interesting as they were
last night.
C. Duong Max’s meal last night was fantastic although he can’t normally cook very well.
D. Last night, Duong Max cooked a great dinner despite the fact that he doesn’t usually cook.
24. According to recent research, a person is less likely to get serious flu if he or she is happily
A. Recent research has revealed that, unless a person is in a happy marriage, he or she has a high
risk of contracting flu.
B. Recent studies show that a happy marriage reduces a person’s risk of getting serious flu.
C. New research shows that, providing that a person is in a happy marriage, he or she doesn’t need
to worry about serious flu.
D. Scientists claim that, if a person has heavy flu, he or she can’t be happily married.
25. The people of this country wish that the international community would stop the genocide
in their region.
A. The people of this country want the international community to put an end to the genocide
B. The genocide in the region of this country can only be stopped by the international
community, according to the people there.
C. The people of this country know that, without the international community, the genocide in
their area won’t stop
D. The people of this country appealed to the international community to stop the genocide in
their region.
V. Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
What makes someone decide on plastic surgery? An actor explains: “I (26) ________after my
father in appearance. His nose is big but mine was huge, and it got me (27) ________. I couldn’t (28)
________a normal life. At school, the other children (29) ________jokes about my nose, and I couldn’t
stand seeing myself in television plays. I thought I looked like a monster! The nose caused health
problems as well: because of its shape, I couldn’t breathe properly and I had a permanent sore throat.
“The doctor (30) ________I should have an operation. I was nervous but my wife
(31) ________me. The operation went well, but my whole face (32) ________afterwards and I had
two terrible black eyes, I had to keep the bandage on my nose for a while and the (33) ________didn’t
disappear for ages. It was months before I dared return to work. “But I’m not (34) ________in the
result. My breathing problems have (35) ________and I no longer feel self-conscious or excited about
my appearance. I only regret I didn’t go into the design of my nose in greater detail. I chose a purely
practical nose, but now I would rather have a more beautiful one. I suppose that sounds vain!”
26. A. ask
B. go
C. look
D. take
27. A. off
B. down
C. over
D. through
28. A. direct
B. spend
C. produce
D. lead
29. A. did
B. laughed
C. made
D. spoke
30. A. suggested
B. persuaded
C. advised
D. told
31. A. recommended
B. moved
C. encouraged
D. relieved
32. A. harmed
B. ached
C. injured
D. pained
33. A. scratches
B. damages
C. bruises
D. sprains
34. B. disgusted C. displeased D. dissatisfied
35. B. set off C. passed out D. fallen through
VI. Read the following passage and choose the best answer
Overland transport in the United States was still extremely primitive in 1790. Roads were few and
short, usually extending from inland communities to the nearest river town or seaport. Nearly all
interstate commerce was carried out by sailing ships that served the bays and harbors of the seaboard.
Yet, in 1790 the nation was on the threshold of a new era of road development. Unable to finance
road construction, states turned for help to private companies, organized by merchants and land
speculators who had a personal interest in improved communications with the interior. The pioneer in
this move was the state of Pennsylvania, which chartered a company in 1792 to construct a turnpike,
a road for the use of which a toll, or payment, is collected, from Philadelphia to Lancaster. The
legislature gave the company the authority to erect tollgates at points along the road where payment
would be collected, though it carefully regulated the rates. (The states had unquestioned authority to
regulate private business in this period.)
The company built a gravel road within two years, and the success of the Lancaster Pike
encouraged imitation. Northern states generally relied on private companies to build their toll roads,
but Virginia constructed a network at public expense. Such was the road building fever that by 1810
New York alone had some 1,500 miles of turnpikes extending from the Atlantic to Lake Erie.
Transportation on these early turnpikes consisted of freight carrier wagons and passenger
stagecoaches. The most common road freight carrier was the Conestoga wagon, a vehicle developed
in the mid-eighteenth century by German immigrants in the area around Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It
featured large, broad wheels able to negotiate all but the deepest ruts and holes, and its round bottom
prevented the freight from shifting on a hill. Covered with canvas and drawn by four to six horses, the
Conestoga wagon rivaled the log cabin as the primary symbol of the frontier. Passengers traveled in
a variety of stagecoaches, the most common of which had four benches, each holding three persons.
A. disappointed
A. cleared up
It was only a platform on wheels, with no springs; slender poles held up the top, and leather curtains
kept out dust and rain.
36. Paragraph 1 discusses early road building in the United States mainly in terms of the__________.
A. popularity of turnpikes B. financing of new roads
C. development of the interior D. laws governing road use
37. The word "primitive" in the passage is closest in meaning to________________.
A. unsafe B. unknown C. Inexpensive D. Undeveloped
38. In 1790 most roads connected towns in the interior of the country with________________. A. other
inland communities B. towns in other states
C. river towns or seaports D. construction sites
39. The phrase "on the threshold of" in the passage is closest in meaning to________________.
A. in need of B. in place of
C. at the start of D. with the purpose of
40. According to the passage, why did states want private companies to help with road building? A. The
states could not afford to build roads themselves.
B. The states were not as well equipped as private companies.
C. Private companies could complete roads faster than the states.
D. Private companies had greater knowledge of the interior.
41. The word "it" in the passage refers to ________________. A. legislature B. company C. authority D.
42. The word "imitation" in the passage is closest in meaning to________________. A. investment B.
suggestion C. increasing D. copying
43. Virginia is mentioned as an example of a state that________________.
A. built roads without tollgates
B. built roads with government money
C. completed 1,500 miles of turnpikes in one year
D. introduced new law restricting road use
44. The "large, broad wheels" of the Conestoga wagon are mentioned in the passage as an example of
a feature of wagons that was________________.
A. unusual in mid-eighteenth century vehicles
B. first found in Germany
C. effective on roads with uneven surfaces
D. responsible for frequent damage to freight
45. The word “slender “in the passage is closest in meaning to________________.
A. fat B. big C. large D. thin
VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
46. During Ramadan, people all over the world usually fast from dawn to sunset.
A. consume little food
B. rapidly
C. slowly
D. drink a lot
47. Lan has worked very diligently to pass this exam—luck doesn't come into it.
A. have importance
B. receive
C. have no importance
D. go
VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
48. The way the care-taker treated those little children was deplorable. She must be punished for
what she did.
A. respectable
B. mischievous
C. unacceptable
D. unsatisfactory
49. Nutritionists believe that vitamins circumvent diseases.
A. defeat B. help
C. nourish D. treat
IX. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in
each space.
Egyptologists tell us that the Sphinx and the pyramids at Giza were built approximately 4,500 years
ago by an Egyptian pharaoh, but in recent years a great deal of evidence has surfaced to challenge
this. A growing (50) _______ of independent researchers claimed that these monuments may in (51)
_______ have been built as (52) _______ back as 12,500 years ago! According to them, the Giza
pyramids precisely line up with the position of certain stars in the year 10,450 BC. It is interesting to
note that on that date the leonine Sphinx (53) _______ have faced the exact location on the horizon
where the constellation of Leo rose (54) _______ dawn on the Spring equinox. Equally interesting is
the claim made by at (55) _______ one geologist that weathering patterns on the body of the Sphinx
are consistent with those left by precipitation over a substantial period of time, yet Egypt (56) _____
saw heavy rainfall over 7,000 years ago. Could it be (57) _______ both the pyramids and the Sphinx
were built by a highly civilized race thousands of years (58)_______ the Age of the Pharaohs, at a
time when historians would have us believe humans didn’t have the know-how to construct such
amazing structures? If evidence (59) _______ surface that can support such claims, the history
books will undoubtedly have to be rewritten.
1. number 2. Fact 3. far
4. would 5. at 6. least 7. last
8. that 9. Before 10. does/ should
X. Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the words given in the box.
60. He lost his temper and used disgusting _________ language. (REPEAT)
61. Politeness is one thing. Real kindness is another. You must learn to _________ between the two.
62. This machinery has been coated with a certain chemical to make it _________ . (RUST)
63. “This minor mistake is _________ . Be more careful the next time,” said the teacher. (PARDON)
64. Film directors usually ask actors to _________ the scene in their mind. (VISUAL)
65. They were _________ off the coast of Sunmatera. (SHIP)
66. Gold is _________ more precious than iron. In fact, there is no really comparison. (COMPARE)
67. Until the situation has settled down, it is _________ to travel to the area hardly hit by corona
epidemic. (ADVISE)
68. If looks could kill, I’d be dead because she just gave me a _________ glare. (MURDER)
69. Every Christmas, they donate some food and clothes to the _________ . (NEED)
60. unrepeatable 61. differentiate 62. rustproof 63. pardonable
64. visualize 65. shipwrecked 66. incomparably 67. inadvisable
68. murderous 69. needy
XI.Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it.
70. His sister is going to be extremely angry when she knows that I’ve lost her automobile. (WALL)
__________________________________________________________________ .
71. The only thing that makes this job valuable is the money.
Were ______________________________________________________________ .
72. It was not until fifty years had elapsed that the whole truth about the robbery came out.
Not for another _______________________________________________________.
73. It is known that Britain's economy is heavily reliant on South Sea oil.
It is common__________________________________________________________ .
74. The new government started to suffer from corruption and fraud. (PREY)
___________________________________________________________________ .
75. We must do something rapidly to address the problem of homelessness.
Urgent _____________________________________________________________.
76. What Lan hates most about these school reunions is posing for photos.
There is nothing______________________________________________________.
77. By leaving him alone, I’m sure he’ll complete the essay on time. (DEVICES)
If he _________________________________, I’m sure he’ll finish the essay on time.
78. John doesn’t want to be involved in this incident (DISTANCE)
79. The firm went bankrupt after failing to win the contract. (LIQUIDATION)
The firm _____________________________________________ to win the contract.
80. There is no need for us to hurry. The film doesn’t start until 7.30. (SIDE)
Time _________________________________ .______________________________.
70. His sister is going to go up the wall when she finds out that I’ve lost her automobile.
71. Were it not for the money, / I wouldn't do this job OR this job would not be valuable.
72. Not for another fifty years did the whole truth about the robbery come out.
73. It is common knowledge that Britain's economy is heavily reliant on North Sea oil..
74. The new government started to fall prey to corruption and fraud
75. Urgent action is/ measures are necessary/ essential/ steps/ action must be taken if the problem is
to be solved./to solve the problem.
76. There is nothing Lan hates more about these school reunions than posing for photos.
77. If he is left to her own devices, I’m sure he’ll finish the essay on time.
78. John wants to distance herself from the scandal
79. The firm went into liquidation after failing to win the contract
80. Time is on our side. The film doesn’t start until 7.30.
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Thời gian làm bài: 105 phút
Nội dung: 80 câu hỏi
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group. 1. A. mischief B. relief C. chief D. belief 2. A. conservation B. consequential C. conscientious D. consideration 3.
A. measure B. pleasure C. feasible D. peasant 4.
A. immature B. adventure C. departure D. expenditure 5. A. television B. decision C. division D. expression
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others by circling A, B, C, or D. 6. A. initial B. inherit C. occurrence D. occupied 7. A. obstacle
B. intolerable C. possess D. secure 8.
A. technical B. teardrop C. treatable D. horrific 9.
A. apprentice B. construct C. perverse D. papal 10. A. conservative
B. preferential C. controversial D. personnel
III. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the sentences. 11.
It took Anna a long time to get the _________ of the new computer programme. A. hang B. grip C. means D. grasp
12. I real y need a new watch. This one doesn’t _________very good time. A. record B. show C. keep D. indicate
13. In my view, the changes to the education system have been to good_________ A. influence B. outcome C. upshot D. effect
14. I could not cut the grass because the machine _________ a few days previously. A. broke down B. has been broken
C. had broken down D. breaks down
15. Can I_________your brain for a moment? I can’t do this crossword by myself A. have B. mind C. use D. pick
16. His talents _______ with his hard work led to his great success. D. being combined A. combined B. combining C. to be combined
17. This exercise was so difficult that _______ students could finish it. D. a few A. few B. a little C. little
18. So ________ that he is wil ing to help everyone in need. D. kind a person A. kind a person is he
B. kind person he is C. he is kind 19.
_________ for a second interview will be informed by mail. A. Who chosen B. If you're chosen C. Al chosen D. Those are chosen
20. _______, the diners settled the bil and left the restaurant.
A. Hunger been satisfied B. Their hunger satisfied
C. Satisfying their hunger D. Having satisfied hunger
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions. 21.
As the referee awarded their rival team a dubious penalty, some of the soccer fans started to riot. A.
A riot was almost started by the soccer fans when the opposing team was given a
questionable penalty by the referee. B.
Much as their team had been awarded a dubious penalty decision, some of the footbal fans stil tried to start a riot.
C. The referee granted a doubtful penalty to the opposing team, so some of the soccer fans started to riot.
D. A number of footbal fans found the referee’s penalty decision to the rival team so dubious that they protested violently. 22.
When the witness finally went to the police, he was asked whether he knew anything
about the murder, and he replied that he had seen the accused repeatedly shooting a blindfolded man. A.
At last the witness decided talk to the police, and in reply to one of their questions, he said
that he saw a few men, including the accused, who were all shooting at a blindfolded man. B.
The witness told the police, in response to a question, that what he saw at the time of the
murder was a few men, one of the accused, shooting repeatedly a man whose eyes were covered.
C. After at last going to the police, the witness told them, in response to their question, that he
had watched the accused firing his gun many times into a man whose eyes were covered.
D. After final y going to the police, the witness told them, to answer their question, that it must have
been the accused he saw shooting a man whose eyes were covered.
23. Duong Max, who barely does his own cooking, prepared a splendid meal last night.
A. Preparing a good meal is not something that Duong Max can do often, but last night he was fantastic.
B. Duong Max’s attempts at cooking are not common, but his results are interesting as they were last night.
C. Duong Max’s meal last night was fantastic although he can’t normally cook very well.
D. Last night, Duong Max cooked a great dinner despite the fact that he doesn’t usually cook.
24. According to recent research, a person is less likely to get serious flu if he or she is happily married.
A. Recent research has revealed that, unless a person is in a happy marriage, he or she has a high risk of contracting flu.
B. Recent studies show that a happy marriage reduces a person’s risk of getting serious flu.
C. New research shows that, providing that a person is in a happy marriage, he or she doesn’t need to worry about serious flu.
D. Scientists claim that, if a person has heavy flu, he or she can’t be happily married.
25. The people of this country wish that the international community would stop the genocide in their region.
A. The people of this country want the international community to put an end to the genocide in their area. B.
The genocide in the region of this country can only be stopped by the international
community, according to the people there. C.
The people of this country know that, without the international community, the genocide in their area won’t stop D.
The people of this country appealed to the international community to stop the genocide in their region.
V. Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. COSMETIC SURGERY
What makes someone decide on plastic surgery? An actor explains: “I (26) ________after my
father in appearance. His nose is big but mine was huge, and it got me (27) ________. I couldn’t (28)
________a normal life. At school, the other children (29) ________jokes about my nose, and I couldn’t
stand seeing myself in television plays. I thought I looked like a monster! The nose caused health
problems as well: because of its shape, I couldn’t breathe properly and I had a permanent sore throat.
“The doctor (30) ________I should have an operation. I was nervous but my wife
(31) ________me. The operation went well, but my whole face (32) ________afterwards and I had
two terrible black eyes, I had to keep the bandage on my nose for a while and the (33) ________didn’t
disappear for ages. It was months before I dared return to work. “But I’m not (34) ________in the
result. My breathing problems have (35) ________and I no longer feel self-conscious or excited about
my appearance. I only regret I didn’t go into the design of my nose in greater detail. I chose a purely
practical nose, but now I would rather have a more beautiful one. I suppose that sounds vain!” A. disappointed A. cleared up 26. A. ask B. go C. look D. take 27. A. off B. down C. over D. through 28. A. direct B. spend C. produce D. lead 29. A. did B. laughed C. made D. spoke 30. A. suggested B. persuaded C. advised D. told 31. A. recommended B. moved C. encouraged D. relieved 32. A. harmed B. ached C. injured D. pained 33. A. scratches B. damages C. bruises D. sprains 34. B. disgusted C. displeased D. dissatisfied 35.
B. set off C. passed out D. fallen through
VI. Read the following passage and choose the best answer
Overland transport in the United States was stil extremely primitive in 1790. Roads were few and
short, usual y extending from inland communities to the nearest river town or seaport. Nearly al
interstate commerce was carried out by sailing ships that served the bays and harbors of the seaboard.
Yet, in 1790 the nation was on the threshold of a new era of road development. Unable to finance
road construction, states turned for help to private companies, organized by merchants and land
speculators who had a personal interest in improved communications with the interior. The pioneer in
this move was the state of Pennsylvania, which chartered a company in 1792 to construct a turnpike,
a road for the use of which a toll, or payment, is collected, from Philadelphia to Lancaster. The
legislature gave the company the authority to erect tollgates at points along the road where payment
would be collected, though it carefully regulated the rates. (The states had unquestioned authority to
regulate private business in this period.)
The company built a gravel road within two years, and the success of the Lancaster Pike
encouraged imitation. Northern states generally relied on private companies to build their toll roads,
but Virginia constructed a network at public expense. Such was the road building fever that by 1810
New York alone had some 1,500 miles of turnpikes extending from the Atlantic to Lake Erie.
Transportation on these early turnpikes consisted of freight carrier wagons and passenger
stagecoaches. The most common road freight carrier was the Conestoga wagon, a vehicle developed
in the mid-eighteenth century by German immigrants in the area around Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It
featured large, broad wheels able to negotiate all but the deepest ruts and holes, and its round bottom
prevented the freight from shifting on a hil . Covered with canvas and drawn by four to six horses, the
Conestoga wagon rivaled the log cabin as the primary symbol of the frontier. Passengers traveled in
a variety of stagecoaches, the most common of which had four benches, each holding three persons.
It was only a platform on wheels, with no springs; slender poles held up the top, and leather curtains kept out dust and rain.
36. Paragraph 1 discusses early road building in the United States mainly in terms of the__________.
A. popularity of turnpikes B. financing of new roads
C. development of the interior D. laws governing road use
37. The word "primitive" in the passage is closest in meaning to________________.
A. unsafe B. unknown C. Inexpensive D. Undeveloped
38. In 1790 most roads connected towns in the interior of the country with________________. A. other
inland communities B. towns in other states
C. river towns or seaports D. construction sites
39. The phrase "on the threshold of" in the passage is closest in meaning to________________. A. in need of B. in place of C. at the start of D. with the purpose of
40. According to the passage, why did states want private companies to help with road building? A. The
states could not afford to build roads themselves.
B. The states were not as well equipped as private companies.
C. Private companies could complete roads faster than the states.
D. Private companies had greater knowledge of the interior.
41. The word "it" in the passage refers to ________________. A. legislature B. company C. authority D. Payment
42. The word "imitation" in the passage is closest in meaning to________________. A. investment B.
suggestion C. increasing D. copying
43. Virginia is mentioned as an example of a state that________________.
A. built roads without tollgates
B. built roads with government money
C. completed 1,500 miles of turnpikes in one year
D. introduced new law restricting road use
44. The "large, broad wheels" of the Conestoga wagon are mentioned in the passage as an example of
a feature of wagons that was________________.
A. unusual in mid-eighteenth century vehicles B. first found in Germany
C. effective on roads with uneven surfaces
D. responsible for frequent damage to freight
45. The word “slender “in the passage is closest in meaning to________________. A. fat B. big C. large D. thin
VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
46. During Ramadan, people all over the world usually fast from dawn to sunset. A. consume little food B. rapidly C. slowly D. drink a lot
47. Lan has worked very diligently to pass this exam—luck doesn't come into it. A. have importance B. receive C. have no importance D. go
VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
48. The way the care-taker treated those little children was deplorable. She must be punished for what she did. A. respectable B. mischievous C. unacceptable D. unsatisfactory
49. Nutritionists believe that vitamins circumvent diseases. A. defeat B. help C. nourish D. treat
IX. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
Egyptologists tell us that the Sphinx and the pyramids at Giza were built approximately 4,500 years
ago by an Egyptian pharaoh, but in recent years a great deal of evidence has surfaced to chal enge
this. A growing (50) _______ of independent researchers claimed that these monuments may in (51)
_______ have been built as (52) _______ back as 12,500 years ago! According to them, the Giza
pyramids precisely line up with the position of certain stars in the year 10,450 BC. It is interesting to
note that on that date the leonine Sphinx (53) _______ have faced the exact location on the horizon
where the constellation of Leo rose (54) _______ dawn on the Spring equinox. Equally interesting is
the claim made by at (55) _______ one geologist that weathering patterns on the body of the Sphinx
are consistent with those left by precipitation over a substantial period of time, yet Egypt (56) _____
saw heavy rainfall over 7,000 years ago. Could it be (57) _______ both the pyramids and the Sphinx
were built by a highly civilized race thousands of years (58)_______ the Age of the Pharaohs, at a
time when historians would have us believe humans didn’t have the know-how to construct such
amazing structures? If evidence (59) _______ surface that can support such claims, the history
books wil undoubtedly have to be rewritten. 1. number 2. Fact 3. far
4. would 5. at 6. least 7. last
8. that 9. Before 10. does/ should
X. Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the words given in the box.
60. He lost his temper and used disgusting _________ language. (REPEAT)
61. Politeness is one thing. Real kindness is another. You must learn to _________ between the two. (DIFFERENT)
62. This machinery has been coated with a certain chemical to make it _________ . (RUST)
63. “This minor mistake is _________ . Be more careful the next time,” said the teacher. (PARDON)
64. Film directors usual y ask actors to _________ the scene in their mind. (VISUAL)
65. They were _________ off the coast of Sunmatera. (SHIP)
66. Gold is _________ more precious than iron. In fact, there is no real y comparison. (COMPARE)
67. Until the situation has settled down, it is _________ to travel to the area hardly hit by corona epidemic. (ADVISE)
68. If looks could kil , I’d be dead because she just gave me a _________ glare. (MURDER)
69. Every Christmas, they donate some food and clothes to the _________ . (NEED) 60. unrepeatable 61. differentiate 62. rustproof 63. pardonable 64. visualize 65. shipwrecked 66. incomparably 67. inadvisable 68. murderous 69. needy
XI.Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it.
70. His sister is going to be extremely angry when she knows that I’ve lost her automobile. (WALL)
__________________________________________________________________ .
71. The only thing that makes this job valuable is the money.
Were ______________________________________________________________ .
72. It was not until fifty years had elapsed that the whole truth about the robbery came out.
Not for another _______________________________________________________.
73. It is known that Britain's economy is heavily reliant on South Sea oil.
It is common__________________________________________________________ .
74. The new government started to suffer from corruption and fraud. (PREY)
___________________________________________________________________ .
75. We must do something rapidly to address the problem of homelessness.
Urgent _____________________________________________________________.
76. What Lan hates most about these school reunions is posing for photos.
There is nothing______________________________________________________.
77. By leaving him alone, I’m sure he’l complete the essay on time. (DEVICES)
If he _________________________________, I’m sure he’l finish the essay on time.
78. John doesn’t want to be involved in this incident (DISTANCE)
79. The firm went bankrupt after failing to win the contract. (LIQUIDATION)
The firm _____________________________________________ to win the contract.
80. There is no need for us to hurry. The film doesn’t start until 7.30. (SIDE)
Time _________________________________ .______________________________.
70. His sister is going to go up the wall when she finds out that I’ve lost her automobile.
71. Were it not for the money, / I wouldn't do this job OR this job would not be valuable.
72. Not for another fifty years did the whole truth about the robbery come out.
73. It is common knowledge that Britain's economy is heavily reliant on North Sea oil..
74. The new government started to fall prey to corruption and fraud
75. Urgent action is/ measures are necessary/ essential/ steps/ action must be taken if the problem is
to be solved./to solve the problem.
76. There is nothing Lan hates more about these school reunions than posing for photos.
77. If he is left to her own devices, I’m sure he’l finish the essay on time.
78. John wants to distance herself from the scandal
79. The firm went into liquidation after failing to win the contract
80. Time is on our side. The film doesn’t start until 7.30.