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Đề thi Tiếng anh chuyên ngành khoa Công nghệ thông tin
Tiếng anh chuyên ngành (TACNT01) 2 tài liệu
Trường Cao đẳng công thương Việt Nam 19 tài liệu
Đề thi Tiếng anh chuyên ngành khoa Công nghệ thông tin
Đề thi Tiếng anh chuyên ngành khoa Công nghệ thông tin
Môn: Tiếng anh chuyên ngành (TACNT01) 2 tài liệu
Trường: Trường Cao đẳng công thương Việt Nam 19 tài liệu
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Tài liệu khác của Trường Cao đẳng công thương Việt Nam
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1. What is the program used for text manipulation? A. Spreadsheet B. Graphics design C. Word processor D. Animation
2. What has the same meaning as monitor? A. Visual display unit B. screen C. A and B D. None
3. How can computer become miraculous(kỳ diệu)? A. Due to CPU B. Due to main memory
C. Due to hardware and software D. Due to peripherals
4. ________ are not used for permanent storage. A. RAMs B. ROMs C. Disk drives D. Hard disks
5. What are the three basic steps in the data process?
A. Process data - Provide output - Print on paper
B. Accept data - Process data - Give the result
C. Accept data - Save the data - Process data D. A and B 1
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6. What is visual display unit? A. Peripheral B. Microprocessor C. Disk D. Drive
7. Information in the form of data is called ________? A. Hardware B. Software C. Data D. Peripheral
8. Physical parts that make up a computer system is called _______. A. Hardware B. Software C. Data D. Peripheral
9. Results produced by the computer system is called _______. A. Input B. Output C. Monitor D. Port
10. What is the function of the control unit?
A. Examines instructions and activate other PC’s components.
B. Store and control information
C. Performs mathematic calculations
D. Convert programming language into machine code
11. What is ALU (arithmetic logic unit)?
A. Examines instructions and activate other PC’s components.
B. Store and control information
C. Performs mathematic calculations
D. Convert programming language into machine code 2
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12. How can processor differ with one another?
A. The quality of the output
B. The amount of data it can process C. The capacity of RAM D. All are correct.
13. The instructions that are needed by the processor is stored in ______. A. ROM B. RAM C. Storage devices D. All are correct
14. Before the data is processed by the microprocessor, it is loaded into _______. A. ROM B. RAM C. Storage devices D. All are correct
15. What is a pixel? A. A kind of bit B. A tiny dot on the screen
C. The smallest element of a display surface D. B and C
16. What is the system that is made up of electronic and mechanical parts? A. CPU B. Hardware C. Software D. Peripherals
17. Which one is not input device? A. Lightpen B. Joystick C. Voice recognition D. Modem 3
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18. Why is the mouse preferred than the arrow keys? A. Because it is fast. B. Because it is small. C. Because it is simple. D. Because it is quite cheap.
19. Characters and images are made up of _______. A. Pixels B. Dots
C. Smallest elements of the surface D. All are correct.
20. _______ are mostly used in computers game to control the way. A. Tracker balls B. Touch screens C. Lightpens D. Joysticks
21. You can use a scanner to _______ text. A. Draw B. Input C. Print D. Design
22. A monitor is ________ device which displays data on screen. A. An input B. An output C. A storage D. A screen
23. Which should be done to protect the floppy?
A. Put it near high temperature area B. Put it in magnetic area
C. Block it so that information is not erased
D. Put heavy object on the floppy 4
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24. What do we have to do with the floppy before recording info on it for the first time? A. Block it B. Format it C. Erase everything D. A and B are correct.
25. Audio songs should be recorded on _______ A. CD B. CD_ROM C. DVD D. Floppy
26. Which kind of disk is suitable for dictionaries and encyclopedias? A. CD B. CD_ROM C. DVD D. Floppy
27. What is not true about CD-R drive?
A. You can read information on it.
B. You can write information on it
C. You can delete information on it D. B and C are correct.
28. You cannot write with_______ drive. A. CD-ROM B. CD-R C. CD-RW D. Magneto-optical
29. What is the similarity of CD-R and CD-RW disks? (nét tương đồng) A. You can write on them. B. You cannot write on them
C. You can write on them many times. D. You can erase and rewrite. 5
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30. What is the function of system software?
A. is used for specific purposes
B. Control basic functions of a PC. C. A and B are correct. D. A and B are not correct.
31. Why is Graphical user interface successful? A. It is easy to use B. It is fast
C. It helps users more creative D. All are correct
32. Why the user can work with the computer easily now?
A. Because it has many commands.
B. Because it has graphic user interface.
C. Because users don’t have to memorize too many commands. D. A, B and C are correct.
33. Nowadays, we focus on Graphical User Interface because _______.
A. All kinds of people use computer B. All experts use computers C. Computers are cheap now
D. It is more beautiful than MS-DOS interface
34. What are the advantages of using database ? A. It’s organized B. It’s safe and fast C. It’s easy D. All are correct
35. Files can be _______ by adding new information or delete old ones. A. Sorted B. Recorded C. Updated D. All are correct 6
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36. What is a window? A. It is a graphic image B. It is a viewing area C. It is an animation D. A and C are correct
37. HTML is _______. A. Hypertext language B. Software C. Internet service provider D. A and C
38. The language used to create text on the Web? A. txt B. doc C. pdf D. html
39. Which can help you share files with others? A. Commission B. Aspect C. Network D. Password
40. What is not true about MS-DOS?
A. It is text-based operating system.
B. We need to use commands to work with MS-DOS.
C. There are icons for programs or folders. D. It is used by experts.
41. What is not true about Windows?
A. It supports many kinds of applications.
B. It has graphical user interface.
C. The users don’t have to memorize commands.
D. It is only used by experts. 7
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42. Turning an image round means _______. A. Inverting B. Zooming C. Rotating D. Black and white dithering
43. What is computer language? A. It is English. B. It is French. C. It is binary numbers. D. All are correct
44. Language for creating a web page is _________. A. High level language B. Low level language C. Machince code D. html
45. What does not link computers? A. Telephone lines B. Fibre-optic cables C. Satellite D. Software
46. What is true about hackers?
A. They break into computer systems for fun.
B. They break into computer systems to steal important information.
C. They break into computer systems to infiltrate viruses D. All are correct.
47. What is not true about fibre cables? A. It require less space. B. It carry electricity. C. It transmit fast. 8
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D. It is not affected by electromagnetic field.
48. What can we use to protect our data from hackers? A. Password B. Encryption C. Save on disk D. A and B
49. How can LANs be connected? A. Through telephone line B. Through fibre optic cables C. Through satellite D. All are correct
50. What is the function of an email?
A. To send copied paper through Internet
B. To send messages through Internet C. To attach files D. All are correct.
51. Encryption means _________.
A. Encode data so that only some people can read the data
B. Decode data so that everyone can read the data.
C. To protect the data so that it is secure. D. A and C
II. Read the text and choose the best answer Voice input
Computers can listen to your voice and change what you say into a written message or into
orders. Voice input is a great help to people who cannot use their hands. It also helps people
like pilots who need their hands or eyes for other tasks.
There are five steps in voice input. Step 1: when you speak, you produce audio waves. A
microphone changes these waves into electrical waves. That’s step 2. Inside the computer
there’s a speech recognition board. In step 3, the speech recognition board processes the waves
from the microphone to form a binary code for each word you say. A binary code is a pattern of 9
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zeroes and ones, for example, 01001100. Each word has its own code.In step 4, the computer
compares the code with other codes in its memory to identify each word. When it finds the
correct word, it displays it on the monitor screen. That’s step 5, the last step.
1. What can computers do with your voice? A. Change into written form
B. Change into programming language C. Change into hands D. All are correct
2. Why do people have to input their voice into computers? A. Because they are lazy.
B. Because they cannot use their hands C. Because they have hands
D. Because they like their voice.
3. How many steps in voice input? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
4. Which step changes the waves into electrical waves? A. Step 1 B. Step 2 C. Step 3 D. Step 4
5. Words you say are changed into ________. A. English B. French C. 0s and 1s D. All are incorrect
The newest and greatest computer technology
Computer technology is one of the most rapidly changing and developing fields within the
world! There are so many different things that computers can do, and every year many new
computer products and technological advances are announced! Here are a couple of the
newest and greatest pieces of computer technology: 10
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Newest: One of the newest types of computer technology is a new product which Bill Gates
calls "Surface." This project took five years to make, and it was only known by its secret
code name "Milan." The "Surface" looks like a low, blacktop coffee table, but it is sensitive
to the touch. Keyboards and mousse are not needed, because "Surface" is completely
controlled by hand gestures and movements! The hardware for this product is run by a
special version of Microsoft's Windows Vista. "Surface" is scheduled to be released to the
public in November of 2007. It is thought that this easier way of computer technology will
be more accessible and user-friendly to people who struggle with keyboards and the
computer mouse. In addition, "Surface" will also be helpful to retailers. T-Mobile USA has
a contract with Microsoft for "Surface," and they will be able to place different cell phones
on the top of the "Surface" screen. The screen will sense which different types of cell
phones are there, and then pull up a list of the phones' different features!
Greatest: One of the other great inventions of computer technology was the development of
the webcam. Because of the webcam people are able to hold meetings and conversations
with people who live far away! Webcams, in conjunction with Internet technology has
made business meetings and educational meetings more meaningful. Now, people can show
different graphs, charts, and ideas over a webcam, without the hassle of trying to explain
technical details over the phone. Actions and images definitely speak louder with words
because of the webcam! In addition, the webcam also is able to record people talking and
discussing different topics, which has led to the use of video podcasts and video blogs.
1. How can we control the “Surface”? A. By using mouse B. By using keyboard C. A and B are correct D. Touching by hands
2. How long does it take to make the new computer product? A. 3 years B. 4 years C. 5 years D. No information 11
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3. What is the hardware for this product is run by..........? A. Windows 2000 B. Windows NT C. Windows Vista D. All are not correct.
4. What is the advantage of the webcam? A. Help people hold meetings B. Help people show graphs
C. Help people explain technical details D. All are correct.
5. What is the function of a webcam? A. Transfer voice B. Transfer image C. Make video postcards D. All are correct. Printers
There are many different types of printer. These include inkjet, mono laser, and dye
sublimation printers. Basically, you get what you pay for. The more you pay the better the printer.
Inkjet printers are the cheapest, but their print quality is not as good as the other two
types of printer. They are expensive to run compared to mono laser printers, but are able to
print in color. Inkjet are noisiest of the three types of printer.
Mono laser printers are more expensive than inkjet printers but give you better quality of
black and white output. They cannot print in color, but are the fastest type of printer and cost the least to run.
Dye sublimation printers are the most expensive type of printer, but their print quality is
extremely high. They are quiet in operation, but are relatively slow and very expensive to run.
1. What’s print quality of an inkjetlike? A. Good 12
Downloaded by V?n V?n (thisailen20011@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|36232506 B. Bad C. Thebest D. Theworse
2. How fast is a monolaser?
A. The fastest of three types.
B. Not as fast as a dyesublimation.
C. Faster than two other types. D. Slowest
3. Does it cost a lot to run dyesublimation? A. Yes,itcost B. No, itdoesn’t. C. Yes,itis. D. Yes, it does. 4. How noisy isit? A. Verynoisy B. Not as noise as an inkjet. C. Notquiet. D. D. noisy
5.Which printers are thefastest and cost a lot to run? A. Inkjet printers B. Laser printers C. Dye sublimation printers D. None of them
Desktop publishing (DTP) software allows the user to produce printout in the style of a
newspaper. That is, in columns with pictures and other graphics. DTP is run on a
microcomputer system with a laser printer for high quality, fast printout. The computer
should have a large hard disk and a large amount of memory. A high resolution monitor 13
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with a 21-inch screen is recommended for easy working. A scanner is needed to import
photographs and possible a video digitizer to capture video image. DTP software can be
thought of as integrated word processing and graphics, with additional features to enable
the pages to be laid out in columns and illustrations to be inserted. A facility to import
photographs and video images is also provided. Often DTP software has only basic word
processing and graphic facilities. It relies on the user making use of word processor and
graphic software to prepare documents and illustrations before importing them into the
DTP software. Its strength is in providing the structure to manipulate documents into
columns or rows, and to cut position graphic as required.
1. What does DTP software allow you? A. To print in high quality. B. Make a newspaper.
C. To import anything you want. D. To provide some features.
2. What is the strength of word processing and graphic facilities?
A. It can manipulate the picture.
B. It can cut the position graphic as require.
C. It provides the structure to do things. D. All are true.
3. Why are scanners used here?
A. Because photographs must be imported.
B. Because you need to import text.
C. Because document need manipulate.
D. Because a video capture the image.
4. What kind of computer do they need?
A. A computer with big hard disk.
B. A computer with a big mount of memory.
C. A computer with high resolution monitor.
D. A computer with all features above.
III. Find the word that belongs to the topic (Tìm từ liên quan đến chủ đề được đưa ra) 1. Spreadsheet 14
Downloaded by V?n V?n (thisailen20011@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|36232506 A. Cell B. Indent C. Hyphenation D. All are correct. 2. Programming A. Bug B. Code C. Logical steps D. All are correct. 3. Disks A. Digit B. Attachment C. Concentric rings D. A and B are correct. 4. MS-DOS A. Icons B. Monochromatic C. Pointer D. Window box 5. Networks A. Transceiver B. Underlined C. Services D. Field 6. Internet A. Bit and byte B. Flickering 15
Downloaded by V?n V?n (thisailen20011@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|36232506 C. Access D. Magnetic field 7. Hackers A. Infiltrating viruses
B. Breaking into network legally C. Ordering files D. All are correct. 8. Word processor A. Search and Replace B. Hyphenation C. Format D. All are correct. 9. Output device A. Monitor B. Micro phone C. Track ball D. Graphics tablet
10. Network architecture A. Gateway B. Satellite C. Node D. A and C are correct. 11. Peripherals A. Mouse B. CPU C. Keyboard D. Printer 16
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12. Formats in word processors A. Justification B. Menu bar C. Underlined D. Margins 13. Spreadsheet A. Cells B. Result C. Gateway D. Formula 14. Database A. Protocol B. Record C. Field D. Data collection 15. Internet A. ISP B. Virus C. Hackers D. Operating system 16. Internet A. Modem B. Gateway C. Fax D. Satellite 17. Program design A. Zooming 17
Downloaded by V?n V?n (thisailen20011@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|36232506 B. Complier C. Binary digits D. Assembler 18. MS-DOS A. Graphical interface B. Commands C. Text-based D. Old-fashioned
19. Graphical user interface A. Icon B. Window box C. Commands D. Mouse 20. Computer graphics A. Printing B. Scaling C. Inverting D. Rendering
IV.Find down the mistakes in the sentences.
1.We always using computers to design our new products. A B C D
2. How many people works with you in your class? A B C D
3.Buying a laser printer isn’t easily for everyone. A B C D
4.The message are sent to a satellite in space. A B C D
5.A password is a secret set of characters who allows access to a computer system. A B C D
6.If your monitor is too bright, it would not affect your eyes 18
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7. Magnetic tape is slow. However, we use it only for backups. A B C D
8.By 2022, new technology will have revolutionize communications. A B C D
9. The Recycle Bin icon represents a program for delete and restoring files. A B C D
10. Barcoding itemsrequire acomputer for generate the barcode labels. A B C D 19
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