Đề thi tuyển học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9 phòng giáo dục và đào tạo quận Bình Thạn năm học 2010-2011

Đề thi tuyển học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9 phòng giáo dục và đào tạo quận Bình Thạn năm học 2010-2011 cho học sinh tham khảo ,ôn tập giúp cho học sinh có thể trang bị thêm được kiến thức mới  và chuẩn bị kỳ thi sắp tới . Mời bạn đọc xem ! 

Phòng Giáo Dục- Đào Tạo M ô n T i ế n g A n h - L ớ p C h í n
Năm học 2010 – 2011
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Đề thi này gồm có 6 trang.
Ghi chú: + Học sinh làm bài trên Phiếu Trả lời, không làm trên đề bài này.
+ Các câu Multiple Choice học sinh trả lời A,B,C hoặc D vào Phiếu Trả Lời (Answer Sheet)
Choose the word, phrase, or sentence that best answers / best completes each unfinished sentence
below or that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined
word or phrase.
1. You had to _________ the tires because they were flat.
A. blow out B. push in C. pump up D. make up
2. The deaf and mute use sign language to _____________.
A. communicate B. talk C. understand D. express
3. By watching advertising, _____________ can choose the most suitable products.
A. producers B. businessmen C. consumers D. representatives
4. Disabled children with special education needs are taken good care to develop.
A. homeless B. handicapped C. orphaned D. beloved
5. Let’s go out for dinner, _____________?
A. can we B. will you C. do we D. shall we
6. Ms Jennifer never _____________ her difficulty in job.
A. discusses about B. argues about C. thinks about D. complains about
7. The lack of public transport in a big cities is a great disadvantage.
A. unnecessity B. disability C. inconvenience D. misfortune
8. My sister didn’t like these pieces of color paper, so she wants to change ____________.
A. another B. the others C. other one D. each other
9. They have no ____________ for what they have done in recent years.
A. assistance B. responsibility C. correspondence D. provision
10. They said that they didn’t like movies _____________ by Steven Ford.
A. are made B. having been made C. making D. made
11. _________ you _________ I am wrong.
A. Not only ….but B. Both… and C. Either … or D. All … not
12. Public libraries ______________ to readers every day except Sundays and holidays.
A. are open B. are opened C. open D. are opening
13. People believed that he would come back before 3 pm.
A. It is believed he would come back before 3 pm. B. They believed he came back before 3 pm.
C. It was believed he would come back before 3 pm. D. He was believed he came back before 3 pm.
14. Do you know the environmentalist ____________ ?
A. who you used to work B. to whom you are used to working.
C. with whom you are used to work D. with whom you used to work.
15. Nobody is allowed to eat _______________ in the school library.
A. nor drink B. or drink C. anddrink D. but drink
16. After a short rest , the brick layers _____________ their work.
A. came over B. took away C. passed away D. carried on
17. In the live show on TV last night, I remember _____________ by a Chinese gymnast performance.
A. to be surprised B. being surprised C. to be surprising D. to surprise
18. Mr. Hoang was in a shoes shop. He couldn’t pay money because he __________ his purse at home.
A. was leaving B. left C. had left D. has left.
19. I couldn’t quite _____________ what the notice said.
A. make out B. put away C. keep up D. hold up
20. Perhaps he’s been having too many late nights.
A. He may be having too many late nights.
B. He might have been having too many late nights.
C. He could have been having too many late nights.
D. He would be having too many late nights.
PART B : WORD FORMS ( 40 points)
A. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence:
1. All the runners, with the ___________ of Mark, were exhausted. ( EXCEPT)
2. The result of his final examination made him really _____________. ( DISAPPOINT )
3. The number of well-qualified _______ has been increasing over 1 million persons for the past decade.
4. ( EMPLOY)
5. You should have turned the meat off before. It seems to be ___________ now. ( DO )
6. Because of his _____________, he forgot locking all doors when going out. ( CARE )
7. Please ____________ our letter of the 14
. We have not had a reply. ( KNOW )
8. Jackie suffered as a child from a very strict ____________. ( BRING )
9. We _____________ go to the pub before lunch on Sunday. ( VARY)
10. Is it possible to _____________ between a hobby and an interest. ( DISTINCT )
10. Leisure habits won’t change much in the ____________ future. ( SEE )
B. Read the passage and use the correct form of the word given in each blank:
In some rural agricultural (1) (social) ___________, the collection of available fuel such as
firewood, dung cake, and agricultural waste can take 200 to 300 person-days per year. As well as
being time consuming, the typical patterns of collection lead to (2) (deforest) ____________, soil
erosion, and ecological (3) (balance) ________. In the future, experts predict that even if food
supplies are adequate for rural populations, fuel supplies for (4) (dome ) ____________ use may
not be.
In the light of such (5) (consider) __________, a team in India has developed a solar oven
for home use. The oven is cheaply constructed, easily operated, and extremely energy efficient.
The device consists of an inner and an outer metal box, a top cover and two panes of plain glass.
The inner box is painted black to absorb maximum solar radiation. The space between the two
boxes is filled with an (6) ( insulate ) _________ material, such as rice husks, which are easily
available and which, because of their silicon content, neither attract insects, nor rot easily. Other
(7) (ease) ________ available materials for insulation are ground nutshells or coconut shells. An
(8) (adjust) ________ mirror mounted on one side of the oven box reflects the (9) (sun) _______
into the interior, boosting the temperature by 15 30 degrees Celsius. This is most useful during
the winter when the sun is lower. Inside the oven, a temperature between 80 and 120 degrees
Celsius above ambient temperature can be maintained. This is sufficient to cook food gradually but
surely. Trials have shown that all typical food dishes can be prepared in this solar device without
(10) (lose) _________ of taste or nutrition.
PART C: CLOZE TEST (40 points)
Read the passage and fill in each blank space with ONE appropriate word
The right style
Fashion designer Esther Robinson’s path to (1) _____________ and fortune hasn’t been
an easy one. Starting with a small loan (2) ____________ the bank, she set up her business in
the belief that (3) ____________ was a market for the kind of clothes she (4) ___________ ,but
the firm made a loss in the first few years. She was (5) __________ with the choice of giving (6)
___________ or going bankrupt, (7) ____________ she never lost her nerve. Instead, she
produced a mail-order catalogue, and the contents. (8) ____________ this proved so popular that
she was soon accumulating enormous wealth. Today she speaks of the enormous (9)
___________ she takes in her designs and says that her success proof that she was (10)
___________ all along.
Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C and D) for each blank space .
We talk about time every day. We (1) _____ it by the second, minute, hour, day, week, month,
year, and century. But what is time? No one can say (2) _____ what it is. It is one of the greatest mysteries
of our lives.
The early people saw changes around them. They saw day and night, the changes of the moon,
and the seasons. They started measuring their lives by these changes.
Then people started (3) _____ clocks. The Chinese invented a water clock in the eleventh
century, but the Egyptians had them long before that. As water (4) _____ from one container to another, it
measured the passing time.
Clocks as we know them were probably developed by very religious people in Europe in the
thirteenth century. They needed to know the exact time so that they could (5) _____ at the right times. By the
1700s, people had clocks and watches that were accurate (6) _____ the minute. Some clocks were beautiful.
They had very complicated moving parts. Some had figures of people or animals that moved on the hour or
quarter hour. Others (7) _____ music. The movement of the parts is beautiful to watch when you open these
Today’s clocks and watches have quartz crystals. They are very accurate, but they are not
beautiful to watch. You cannot even open them to see the (8) _____.
People in different countries look at time differently. In some countries being on time and
organizing everything by exact time is very important. In other countries people are more relaxed about time.
It doesn’t (9) _____ if someone is late. In fact, people might consider it (10) _____ if you are exactly on time.
No matter how we look at time, it is very important to us. Clocks change the way we look at the
world. Clocks measure time, but nobody knows what it is. This is one of the mysteries of life.
1. A) count B) measure C) test D) calculate
2. A) completely B) wholly C) exactly D) punctually
3. A) invent B) inventing C) invented D) invention
4. A) flowed B) poured C) pushed D) dripped
5. A) chatter B) pray C) discuss D) confess
6. A) in B) at C) to D) with
7. A) did B) played C) said D) talked
8. A) inside B) inner C) indoors D) interior
9. A) problem B) question C) project D) matter
10. A) difficult B) rude C) lazy D) sympathetic
Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
The Stone Age was a period of history which began in approximately 2 million B.C. and lasted until
3000 B.C. Its name was derived from the stone tools and weapons that modern scientists found. This period
was divided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Ages. During the first period (2 million to 8000
B.C.), the first hatchet and use of fire for heating and cooking were developed. As a result of the Ice Age,
which evolved about 1 million years into the Paleolithic Age, people were forced to seek shelter in caves,
wear clothing, and develop new tools.
During the Mesolithic Age (8000 to 6000 B.C.), people made crude pottery and the first fish hooks,
took dogs hunting, and developed the bow and arrow, which were used until the fourteenth century A.D.
The Neolithic Age (6000 to 3000 B.C.) saw humankind domesticating sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle,
being less nomadic than in previous eras, establishing permanent settlements, and creating governments.
1. In to how many periods was the Stone Age divided?
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
2. Which of the following was developed earliest?
A) Fish hook B) Hatchet C) Bow and arrow D) Pottery
3. Which of the following was developments is NOT related to the conditions of the Ice Age?
A) Farming B) Clothing C) Living indoors D) Using fire
4. The author states that the Stone Age was so named because _____ .
A) it was very durable like stone
B) the tools and weapons were made of stone
C) there was little vegetation
D) the people lived in stone caves
5. Which of the following best describes the Mesolithic Age ?
A) People were inventive.
B) People stayed indoors all the time.
C) People were warriors.
D) people were crude.
Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
One of the most remarkable women in American history was Harriet Tubman. She was a woman of
African descent who was born in slavery on a Maryland plantation in the year of 1820. When she was only
seven years old, she tried to run away from the plantation, but she was captured and severely beaten for
trying to run away. In 1849, she escaped to Pennsylvania. Soon after her escape, she became a conductor
on the Underground Railroad, which was not a real railroad. It was an informal network of people in the
United States and Canada who believed slavery was wrong. They helped runaway slaves by giving them
shelter on their journey out of the South. The members of the Underground Railroad helped hide the
runaway, and then they “conducted” them to the next safe “station”. After her escape from Maryland, Harriet
Tubman returned to the South nineteen times to help other slaves escape north. Between 1850 and 1860,
she helped more than 300 slaves escape to freedom in the North, including her own parents. She conducted
many of these slaves along the Underground Railroad all the way to Canada.
When the American Civil War ended in 1865, Harriet was 45 years old, but her life was only about half
over at that time. Between 1865 and 1913, Harriet continued her efforts to help others, particularly the poor,
the sick, and the homeless in the African-American community. She lived until 1913. When she died, she
was 93 years old.
Harriet Tubman did not have an easy life, but she had a very remarkable life. She was a small
woman in stature, but she was a giant in the story of the fight against slavery in the United States and,
indeed, in the world.
6. What was the Underground Railroad ?
A) It was the name of a railroad station.
B) It was the name of a house in Canada.
C) It was a secret network against slavery
D) It was an area in Maryland State.
7. Why was Harriet Tubman beaten when she was only seven years old ?
A) Because she ran away from a plantation.
B) Because she went to Pennsylvania by herself
C) Because she believed slavery was wrong
D) Because a girl of African descent.
8. What was her duty when she joined the Underground Railroad ?
A) She helped the homeless in the community.
B) She took care of the sick
C) She served in a hospital
D) She helped the other slaves escape north
9. Why do people think that Harriet Tubman was a giant in the story of the fight against slavery?
A) Because her courage was great
B) Because she served the others all her life
C) Because her escape was unique
D) Because her stature was small.
10. It can be referred from the passage that
A) Harriet Tubman was a president
B) There wasn’t any war in America after 1865
C) Harriet Tubman had died before the war ended
D) We are not sure when Tubman was born.
1. Some people think the desire to wear sunglasses are more a need to impress than to protect the eyes.
2. Up to now , nuclear powers production in the U.S. has been controlled by the government
3. All trees along two sides of the street are covered by snow when I took this photo last winter.
4. The policemen forced the thief to raise his hands and to stand back far 1 meter from him .
5. A new apartment building that is located on the side of Sai gon river is extremely impressive.
6. Most people were believed that the world’s natural resources could never used up.
7. So were there much children in the classroom that their nursery assistants couldn’t control them.
8. Except for that reading a couple articles about it I’ve never taken much interest in this subject.
9. Do you need to get your room office to redecorate before your work starts ?
10. The old man and his dogs which we are seeing in the park are really close friends in their life.
A. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same ( 20pts)
1. Without his sister’s assistance, he could not finish his work.
Had ……………………………………………………………..
2. He can’t buy a new car without money.
It is……………………………………………………………..
3. The young man’s head got safe for wearing a helmet when he fell off his motorbike on the
The young man’s helmet protected ……………………………………………………………
4. I prefer going out with friends to staying at home to watch TV.
I would rather ……………………………………………………………..
5. It is no time for me to meet her before.
I have……………………………………………………………..
6. When he is tired, he gets angry easily.
The more……………………………………………………………..
7. When he gets there , there will be someone there to meet him.
8. The house has got everything except a large garden.
The only thing……………………………………………………………..
9. “How difficult the final test is!” The students said.
The students exclaimed that……………………………………………………………..
10. Jack is proud of the fact that he is never late.
Jack prides……………………………………………………………..
B. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and stays its same meaning:
1. She hated chicken curry for every meal.
She…………………………………………………………….. ( tired )
10. It is waste of time to try to advise him to give up smoking.
There is…………………………………………………………….. ( point )
3. You should not use the stale fish.
The fish are not……………………………………………………… ( enough )
4. I have never done any acting in public before this..
This is ……………………………………………………………..
( attempt )
5. Ms. Loan is a well-qualified math teacher.
Ms. Loan, …………………………………………………………….. ( who )
6. “What a beautiful dress you have!”, Peter said to Mary.
Peter……………………………………………………… (
complimented )
7. I’m excited about seeing them play live in concert next week.
I’m…………………………………………………………….. ( forward )
8. Terry was rude but Anne got her revenge on him.
Anne paid…………………………………………………………….. ( back for )
9. They say that Nam is the smartest student in our school.
No other…………………………………………………………….. ( as )
10. “ I’m sorry that I broke the valuable vase , Tina.” Said Tom.
Tom…………………………………………………………….. (apologized)
The end of the test
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Phòng Giáo Dục- Đào Tạo
M ô n T i ế n g A n h - L ớ p C h í n
Năm học 2010 – 2011
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Đề thi này gồm có 6 trang.
Ghi chú: + Học sinh làm bài trên Phiếu Trả lời, không làm trên đề bài này.
+ Các câu Multiple Choice học sinh trả lời A,B,C hoặc D vào Phiếu Trả Lời (Answer Sheet)
Choose the word, phrase, or sentence that best answers / best completes each unfinished sentence
below or that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.
1. You had to _________ the tires because they were flat. A. blow out B. push in C. pump up D. make up
2. The deaf and mute use sign language to _____________. A. communicate B. talk C. understand D. express
3. By watching advertising, _____________ can choose the most suitable products. A. producers B. businessmen C. consumers D. representatives
4. Disabled children with special education needs are taken good care to develop. A. homeless B. handicapped C. orphaned D. beloved
5. Let’s go out for dinner, _____________? A. can we B. wil you C. do we D. shal we
6. Ms Jennifer never _____________ her difficulty in job.
A. discusses about B. argues about C. thinks about D. complains about
7. The lack of public transport in a big cities is a great disadvantage. A. unnecessity B. disability C. inconvenience D. misfortune
8. My sister didn’t like these pieces of color paper, so she wants to change ____________. A. another B. the others C. other one D. each other
9. They have no ____________ for what they have done in recent years.
A. assistance B. responsibility C. correspondence D. provision
10. They said that they didn’t like movies _____________ by Steven Ford. A. are made B. having been made C. making D. made
11. _________ you _________ I am wrong.
A. Not only ….but B. Both… and C. Either … or D. Al … not
12. Public libraries ______________ to readers every day except Sundays and holidays. A. are open B. are opened C. open D. are opening
13. People believed that he would come back before 3 pm.
A. It is believed he would come back before 3 pm. B. They believed he came back before 3 pm.
C. It was believed he would come back before 3 pm. D. He was believed he came back before 3 pm.
14. Do you know the environmentalist ____________ ? A. who you used to work
B. to whom you are used to working.
C. with whom you are used to work D. with whom you used to work.
15. Nobody is al owed to eat _______________ in the school library. A. nor drink B. or drink C. anddrink D. but drink
16. After a short rest , the brick layers _____________ their work. A. came over B. took away C. passed away D. carried on
17. In the live show on TV last night, I remember _____________ by a Chinese gymnast performance.
A. to be surprised B. being surprised C. to be surprising D. to surprise
18. Mr. Hoang was in a shoes shop. He couldn’t pay money because he __________ his purse at home. A. was leaving B. left C. had left D. has left.
19. I couldn’t quite _____________ what the notice said. A. make out B. put away C. keep up D. hold up
20. Perhaps he’s been having too many late nights.
A. He may be having too many late nights.
B. He might have been having too many late nights.
C. He could have been having too many late nights.
D. He would be having too many late nights. 1 K
PART B : WORD FORMS ( 40 points)
A. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence:
1. Al the runners, with the ___________ of Mark, were exhausted. ( EXCEPT)
2. The result of his final examination made him real y _____________. ( DISAPPOINT )
3. The number of wel -qualified _______ has been increasing over 1 mil ion persons for the past decade. 4. ( EMPLOY)
5. You should have turned the meat off before. It seems to be ___________ now. ( DO )
6. Because of his _____________, he forgot locking al doors when going out. ( CARE )
7. Please ____________ our letter of the 14th. We have not had a reply. ( KNOW )
8. Jackie suffered as a child from a very strict ____________. ( BRING )
9. We _____________ go to the pub before lunch on Sunday. ( VARY) 10.
Is it possible to _____________ between a hobby and an interest. ( DISTINCT )
10. Leisure habits won’t change much in the ____________ future. ( SEE )
B. Read the passage and use the correct form of the word given in each blank:
In some rural agricultural (1) (social) ___________, the col ection of available fuel such as
firewood, dung cake, and agricultural waste can take 200 to 300 person-days per year. As wel as
being time consuming, the typical patterns of col ection lead to (2) (deforest) ____________, soil
erosion, and ecological (3) (balance) ________. In the future, experts predict that even if food
supplies are adequate for rural populations, fuel supplies for (4) (dome ) ____________ use may not be.
In the light of such (5) (consider) __________, a team in India has developed a solar oven
for home use. The oven is cheaply constructed, easily operated, and extremely energy efficient.
The device consists of an inner and an outer metal box, a top cover and two panes of plain glass.
The inner box is painted black to absorb maximum solar radiation. The space between the two
boxes is fil ed with an (6) ( insulate ) _________ material, such as rice husks, which are easily
available and which, because of their silicon content, neither attract insects, nor rot easily. Other
(7) (ease) ________ available materials for insulation are ground nutshel s or coconut shel s. An
(8) (adjust) ________ mirror mounted on one side of the oven box reflects the (9) (sun) _______
into the interior, boosting the temperature by 15 – 30 degrees Celsius. This is most useful during
the winter when the sun is lower. Inside the oven, a temperature between 80 and 120 degrees
Celsius above ambient temperature can be maintained. This is sufficient to cook food gradual y but
surely. Trials have shown that al typical food dishes can be prepared in this solar device without
(10) (lose) _________ of taste or nutrition.
PART C: CLOZE TEST (40 points)
Read the passage and fill in each blank space with ONE appropriate word The right style
Fashion designer Esther Robinson’s path to (1) _____________ and fortune hasn’t been
an easy one. Starting with a smal loan (2) ____________ the bank, she set up her business in
the belief that (3) ____________ was a market for the kind of clothes she (4) ___________ ,but
the firm made a loss in the first few years. She was (5) __________ with the choice of giving (6)
___________ or going bankrupt, (7) ____________ she never lost her nerve. Instead, she
produced a mail-order catalogue, and the contents. (8) ____________ this proved so popular that
she was soon accumulating enormous wealth. Today she speaks of the enormous (9)
___________ she takes in her designs and says that her success proof that she was (10) ___________ al along. R
ead the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C and D) for each blank space . 2 K
We talk about time every day. We (1) _____ it by the second, minute, hour, day, week, month,
year, and century. But what is time? No one can say (2) _____ what it is. It is one of the greatest mysteries of our lives.
The early people saw changes around them. They saw day and night, the changes of the moon,
and the seasons. They started measuring their lives by these changes.
Then people started (3) _____ clocks. The Chinese invented a water clock in the eleventh
century, but the Egyptians had them long before that. As water (4) _____ from one container to another, it measured the passing time.
Clocks as we know them were probably developed by very religious people in Europe in the
thirteenth century. They needed to know the exact time so that they could (5) _____ at the right times. By the
1700s, people had clocks and watches that were accurate (6) _____ the minute. Some clocks were beautiful.
They had very complicated moving parts. Some had figures of people or animals that moved on the hour or
quarter hour. Others (7) _____ music. The movement of the parts is beautiful to watch when you open these clocks.
Today’s clocks and watches have quartz crystals. They are very accurate, but they are not
beautiful to watch. You cannot even open them to see the (8) _____.
People in different countries look at time differently. In some countries being on time and
organizing everything by exact time is very important. In other countries people are more relaxed about time.
It doesn’t (9) _____ if someone is late. In fact, people might consider it (10) _____ if you are exactly on time.
No matter how we look at time, it is very important to us. Clocks change the way we look at the
world. Clocks measure time, but nobody knows what it is. This is one of the mysteries of life. 1. A) count B) measure C) test D) calculate 2. A) completely B) whol y C) exactly D) punctual y 3. A) invent B) inventing C) invented D) invention 4. A) flowed B) poured C) pushed D) dripped 5. A) chatter B) pray C) discuss D) confess 6. A) in B) at C) to D) with 7. A) did B) played C) said D) talked 8. A) inside B) inner C) indoors D) interior 9. A) problem B) question C) project D) matter 10. A) difficult B) rude C) lazy D) sympathetic
Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
The Stone Age was a period of history which began in approximately 2 mil ion B.C. and lasted until
3000 B.C. Its name was derived from the stone tools and weapons that modern scientists found. This period
was divided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Ages. During the first period (2 mil ion to 8000
B.C.), the first hatchet and use of fire for heating and cooking were developed. As a result of the Ice Age,
which evolved about 1 mil ion years into the Paleolithic Age, people were forced to seek shelter in caves,
wear clothing, and develop new tools.
During the Mesolithic Age (8000 to 6000 B.C.), people made crude pottery and the first fish hooks,
took dogs hunting, and developed the bow and arrow, which were used until the fourteenth century A.D.
The Neolithic Age (6000 to 3000 B.C.) saw humankind domesticating sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle,
being less nomadic than in previous eras, establishing permanent settlements, and creating governments.
1. In to how many periods was the Stone Age divided? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
2. Which of the fol owing was developed earliest? A) Fish hook B) Hatchet C) Bow and arrow D) Pottery
3. Which of the fol owing was developments is NOT related to the conditions of the Ice Age? A) Farming B) Clothing C) Living indoors D) Using fire
4. The author states that the Stone Age was so named because _____ .
A) it was very durable like stone
B) the tools and weapons were made of stone C) there was little vegetation 3 K
D) the people lived in stone caves
5. Which of the fol owing best describes the Mesolithic Age ? A) People were inventive.
B) People stayed indoors al the time. C) People were warriors. D) people were crude.
Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
One of the most remarkable women in American history was Harriet Tubman. She was a woman of
African descent who was born in slavery on a Maryland plantation in the year of 1820. When she was only
seven years old, she tried to run away from the plantation, but she was captured and severely beaten for
trying to run away. In 1849, she escaped to Pennsylvania. Soon after her escape, she became a conductor
on the Underground Railroad, which was not a real railroad. It was an informal network of people in the
United States and Canada who believed slavery was wrong. They helped runaway slaves by giving them
shelter on their journey out of the South. The members of the Underground Railroad helped hide the
runaway, and then they “conducted” them to the next safe “station”. After her escape from Maryland, Harriet
Tubman returned to the South nineteen times to help other slaves escape north. Between 1850 and 1860,
she helped more than 300 slaves escape to freedom in the North, including her own parents. She conducted
many of these slaves along the Underground Railroad al the way to Canada.
When the American Civil War ended in 1865, Harriet was 45 years old, but her life was only about half
over at that time. Between 1865 and 1913, Harriet continued her efforts to help others, particularly the poor,
the sick, and the homeless in the African-American community. She lived until 1913. When she died, she was 93 years old.
Harriet Tubman did not have an easy life, but she had a very remarkable life. She was a smal
woman in stature, but she was a giant in the story of the fight against slavery in the United States and, indeed, in the world.
6. What was the Underground Railroad ?
A) It was the name of a railroad station.
B) It was the name of a house in Canada.
C) It was a secret network against slavery
D) It was an area in Maryland State.
7. Why was Harriet Tubman beaten when she was only seven years old ?
A) Because she ran away from a plantation.
B) Because she went to Pennsylvania by herself
C) Because she believed slavery was wrong
D) Because a girl of African descent.
8. What was her duty when she joined the Underground Railroad ?
A) She helped the homeless in the community. B) She took care of the sick C) She served in a hospital
D) She helped the other slaves escape north
9. Why do people think that Harriet Tubman was a giant in the story of the fight against slavery?
A) Because her courage was great
B) Because she served the others al her life
C) Because her escape was unique
D) Because her stature was smal .
10. It can be referred from the passage that
A) Harriet Tubman was a president
B) There wasn’t any war in America after 1865
C) Harriet Tubman had died before the war ended
D) We are not sure when Tubman was born.
1. Some people think the desire to wear sunglasses are more a need to impress than to protect the eyes. A B C D 4 K
2. Up to now , nuclear powers production in the U.S. has been control ed by the government A B C D
3. Al trees along two sides of the street are covered by snow when I took this photo last winter. A B C D
4. The policemen forced the thief to raise his hands and to stand back far 1 meter from him . A B C D
5. A new apartment building that is located on the side of Sai gon river is extremely impressive. A B C D
6. Most people were believed that the world’s natural resources could never used up. A B C D
7. So were there much children in the classroom that their nursery assistants couldn’t control them. A B C D
8. Except for that reading a couple articles about it I’ve never taken much interest in this subject. A B C D
9. Do you need to get your room office to redecorate before your work starts ? A B C D
10. The old man and his dogs which we are seeing in the park are real y close friends in their life. A B C D
. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same ( 20pts)
1. Without his sister’s assistance, he could not finish his work.
Had ……………………………………………………………..
2. He can’t buy a new car without money.
It is……………………………………………………………..
3. The young man’s head got safe for wearing a helmet when he fel off his motorbike on the road.
The young man’s helmet protected ……………………………………………………………
4. I prefer going out with friends to staying at home to watch TV.
I would rather …………………………………………………………….. 5.
It is no time for me to meet her before.
I have……………………………………………………………..
6. When he is tired, he gets angry easily.
The more……………………………………………………………..
7. When he gets there , there wil be someone there to meet him.
8. The house has got everything except a large garden.
The only thing……………………………………………………………..
9. “How difficult the final test is!” The students said.
The students exclaimed that……………………………………………………………..
10. Jack is proud of the fact that he is never late.
Jack prides……………………………………………………………..
B. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and stays its same meaning: (40pts)
1. She hated chicken curry for every meal.
She…………………………………………………………….. ( tired )
10. It is waste of time to try to advise him to give up smoking. 5 K
There is…………………………………………………………….. ( point )
3. You should not use the stale fish.
The fish are not……………………………………………………… ( enough ) 4.
I have never done any acting in public before this..
This is …………………………………………………………….. ( attempt ) 5.
Ms. Loan is a wel -qualified math teacher.
Ms. Loan, …………………………………………………………….. ( who )
6. “What a beautiful dress you have!”, Peter said to Mary.
Peter……………………………………………………… ( complimented ) 7.
I’m excited about seeing them play live in concert next week.
I’m…………………………………………………………….. ( forward )
8. Terry was rude but Anne got her revenge on him.
Anne paid…………………………………………………………….. ( back for ) 9.
They say that Nam is the smartest student in our school.
No other…………………………………………………………….. ( as )
10. “ I’m sorry that I broke the valuable vase , Tina.” Said Tom.
Tom…………………………………………………………….. (apologized) The end of the test 6