Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 THPT Chuyên Lam Sơn tỉnh Thanh Hóa năm học 2021-2022 môn Tiếng Anh (chuyên) (có đáp án)

Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 THPT Chuyên Lam Sơn tỉnh Thanh Hóa năm học 2021-2022 môn Tiếng Anh (chuyên) có đáp án được biên soạn dưới dạng file PDF cho các bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

THANH HÓA Năm học 2021-2022 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC
Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
(Đề thi gồm có 08 trang, 05 phần) (Đề dùng cho thí sinh thi chuyên
Anh) Ngày thi: 05 tháng 6 năm 2021
Thời gian: 150 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề)
PART A: LISTENING (15 points)
There are 3 small parts. Each part will be played twice.
PART B: PHONETICS (5 points)
Question 16 - 18
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in the
same line and write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
16. A. inboxes /ˈɪn.bɒks/ B. defences /dɪˈfens/ C. rewrites /ˌriːˈraɪt/ D. publishes /ˈpʌb.lɪʃ/
/s/: đuôi là /θ/, /p/, /k/, /f/, /t/ => C
/iz/: đuôi là /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/ => A, B, D
17. A. genuine en.ju.ɪn/ B. language /ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒ/ C. damage /ˈdæm.ɪ/ D. suggest /səˈest/
18. A. describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ B. generous /ˈdʒen.ər.əs/ C. regular /ˈreɡ.jə.lər/ D. celebrate /ˈsel.ə.breɪt
Question 19-20
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in the same line and
write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
19. A. ‘interest B. ‘history C. Sep’tember D. ‘cultural
20. A. ,volun’teer B. ,kanga,roo C. ,after,noon D. com’mittee
Question 21 - 27
Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Write the answers on your answer sheet.
21. This is the first time I (eat) __have eaten___ in such a high-end restaurant.
Dấu hiệu của thì hiện tại hoàn thành: It/This/That is the
22. When he came home last night, his children (watch) _was watching____ cartoon on TV.
Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ
(đang xem hoạt hình trên TV) thì một hành động quá khứ khác xảy đến (quay về nhà),
thường dùng với when hoặc while.
23. If it hadn't been for Mary's help, Tim wouldn't have been able (take) __to take___ part in the
be able to do sth: có khả năng làm gì
24. By the end of this month, grade 9 students (decide) _will have decided____ which high school
to enrol in.
Thì tương lai hoàn thành diễn tả hành động sẽ được hoàn tất trước một thời điểm hoặc
trước một hành động khác trong tương lai.
25. Were Michael's parents (stay) __to stay___ at home now, they wouldn't let him go out with his
Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 2: Were + S + to + Vinfi, S + would + Vinfi
26. It's essential that your detailed outline for the assignment (submit) _(should) be submitted__ by
the end of this week.
Subjunctive: It is necessary/essential/vital/crucial/urgent/important/obligatory/… +
that + S + (should) + Vinfi+ ...
27. I'm sure they (not see) __can’t/couldn’t have seen___ the play last night as they went to a
football match with Nancy
can't/couldn’t have done something: không thể làm việc gì (trong quá khứ)
Question 28 - 35
Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. Write the answers on your answer sheet.
28. Russian has reportedly expressed concerns over the
____presence_____of Turkish unmanned-plane in the Donbas.
present (a): có mặt => presence (N): sự có mặt: the + N
29. The closure of the factory this time will __threaten______ a lot of
workers' lives.
threat (N): sự đe dọa => threaten (V): đe dọa: will + V
30. In spite of many difficulties, she always has a __carefree___ attitude
towards life.
care (N): quan tâm => carefree (a): vô tư lự, thảnh thơi: a + adj + N
31. I admire Minh HH, the main actress in "Huong Duong Nguoc
Nang", so much. She's _unfailingly____ optimistic no matter what the
fail (N): thất bại => unfailingly (adv): luôn luôn, lúc nào cũng: be +
adv + adj
32. Seafood exports fell significantly due to a disruption in the supply chain,
especially _logistics___, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
logistical (a): liên quan đến việc tổ chức cẩn thận một hoạt động
phức tạp = logistic => logistics (N): ngành logistics
33. Never ___underestimate___ your opponent! It can lead you to a
complete failure.
estimate (V): đánh giá => underestimate (V): đánh giá thấp: Câu
mệnh lệnh: V + O
34. Every time the pictorial elements were similar, if not almost
identity (N): tính đồng nhất, bản sắc => identical (a): giống hệt
35. Quang Hai always performs excellently in the football field.
__Obviously____, he is one of the best players of Asia.
obvious (a): rõ ràng => Obviously (adv): Rõ ràng là, Hiển nhiên
Question 36 -40
The passage below contains 5 mistakes (only ONE word for ONE mistake). Find out the mistakes
and correct them. Write the correct answers on your answer sheet. Example: line 1: has → have
Why is it that many teenagers has the energy to play computer games until late at night
despite can't find the energy to get out of bed in time for school? According to a new report,
today's generation of children are in danger of getting so little sleep that they are putting their
mental and physical health for risk. Adults can easily survive on seven to eight hours' sleep a
night, whereas teenagers require nine to ten hours. According to medical experts, one in five
youngsters get anything between two and five hours' sleep a night less than their parents did
at their age.
This raises serious questions about whether shortage of sleep is affecting children's
ability to concentrate at school. The connection between sleep deprivation and lapses in
memory, impaired reaction time and poor concentration is well established. Research has
shown that losing as little as half an hour's sleep a night, that may come from their work
stress, can have profound effects on how children perform the next day.
Line 2: despite -> but
despite + N
but + S + V (phía trước đã có chung S là many teenagers) Line 4: for -> at
at risk: có nguy cơ, có rủi ro Line 6: get -> gets
Chủ ngữ là “one in five youngsters” => chủ ngữ số ít, động từ thêm s/es ở
thì hiện tại đơn
Line 8: shortage -> lack
a shortage of = lack of: thiếu Line 11: that -> which
Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định => không thể dùng that
Question 41 - 50
Choose the word/ phrase that best fits the gap in each of the following sentences and write A, B,
C or D on your answer sheet.
41. It was a service for ___________ I will be eternally grateful.
A. what B. which C. that D. whose
Mệnh đề quan hệ: be grateful for sth: cảm kích về cái gì
42. Everything related to the epidemic seems to have been strictly controlled, __________?
A. does it B. doesn't it C. didn't it D. did it
Chủ ngữ là nothing, anything, something, everything, câu hỏi đuôi có chủ ngữ it
43. The mother and her son are talking about a present for his birthday.
- Mother: This is a present for you, my love.
- Son: A kite! ______________
A. How cool! Thank you, mom B. Sure. I love a book
C. Oh, I don't really like D. Wow, I can imagine that
44. No ______ how hard he tries, he always seems to make the same grammatical mistakes.
A importance B. effect C. matter D. question
No matter + who/what/which/where/when/how + S + V, S + V: dù … đi chăng nữa, thì
45. When I start my work in the morning, I usually ______ at the schedule for the whole day.
A. glimpse B. watch C. observe D. glance
glance at: liếc qua
glimpse sth: nhìn lướt qua/get (have) a glimpse of sth
watch sth: nhìn
observe sth: quan sát
46. Joyce enjoys reading _______ stories - those about true happenings.
A. autobiography B. unimaginative C. fictional D. non-fictional
autobiography (N): tự truyện
unimaginative (a): không mới, không thể hiện bất cứ trí tưởng tượng nào
fictional (a): hư cấu
non-fictional => non-fiction: phi hư cấu
47. The removal of trade ____ has facilitated the development of domestic production.
A. barriers B. walls C. boundaries D. fences
trade barrier: rào cản thương mại
48. I'll just ______ a few details in case I forget something.
A. hand down B. jot down C. lay down D. bring down
hand down: truyền lại cho
jot down: viết nhanh điều gì đó trên một mảnh giấy để bạn nhớ nó
lay down: đặt xuống
bring down: đem xuống
49. My sister-in-law looks rather attractive with her _______ complexion
A. sallow B. colored C. cropped D. swarthy
sallow: (da) vàng bủng, vàng vọt
colored: được tô màu
swarthy: (da) ngăm đen
50. While Diana was in ___________ of her grandfather, she adored her grandmother.
A. respect B. owe C. awe D. recognition
in awe of: kính sợ ai
in respect of: liên quan đến cái gì, về cái gì
in recognition of: ghi nhận
PART D: READING (30 points)
Question 51-55
Read the following passage and choose the most suitable phrase from 1 - F to fill in each gap,
There is one extra phrase that you don't need to use. Write the answers on your answer sheet.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth's shadow falls directly onto the moon. What happens
as a result is that (51) __B____ and turns coppery red instead - the sort of colour usually only seen
in the sky at dawn or sunset. An astronaut on the moon, looking towards Earth during a lunar
eclipse. would see a black dise, surrounded by a bright red ring. It's the light from this red ring
which is reflected back to the dark Earth from the moon's surface. In ancient times, long before any
of this was understood, (52) __E___ and was thought to be an omen of disaster.
Total eclipses can only occur when there is a full moon, and then only if (53) _A______.
Although casily obscured by cloud cover, blood moons are fairly common, and it is relatively easy
to calculate where and when you might be able to see one. For example, in 1504. Christopher
Columbus was stranded in Jamaica and in dire need of provisions, but (54) __D____. Columbus
knew that a lunar eclipse would occur on 29 February, however. So, the day before, he warned local
leaders that the moon would disappear unless they helped him. They remained skeptical. But when
(55) ___C_____, they became so frightened that they started to bring food.
A. it is lined up with the Earth in a particular way 53
Đoạn trước: Nguyệt thực toàn phần chỉ có thể xảy ra khi có trăng tròn và sau đó chỉ khi ____
=> Một điều kiện của nguyệt thực => Chọn A. Mặt Trăng được xếp thẳng hàng với Trái đất
theo một cách cụ thể.
B. the moon stops being a silvery white colour 51
Đoạn sau: và thay vào đó biến thành màu đỏ đồng => Chọn 51: mặt trăng không còn có màu
trắng bạc
C. the moon slowly started to change colour 55
Đoạn trước: Vì vậy, một ngày trước đó, ông đã cảnh báo các nhà lãnh đạo địa phương rằng
mặt trăng sẽ biến mất trừ khi họ giúp ông. Họ vẫn hoài nghi. Nhưng khi ______ , họ trở
nên sợ hãi đến mức bắt đầu mang theo thức ăn. => mặt trăng bắt đầu chậm rãi đổi màu D.
the local inhabitants were reluctant to help 54
Đoạn trước: Ví dụ, vào năm 1504. Christopher Columbus bị mắc kẹt ở Jamaica và rất cần các
khoản dự phòng, nhưng _______ => Chọn D. những người dân địa phương không tự nguyện
giúp đỡ
E. the lunar eclipse was known as a blood moon 52
Đoạn sau có “was thought” => Câu trước sẽ là chủ ngữ số ít => Loại D => Còn A, C, E, F Vào
thời cổ đại, rất lâu khi chúng ta biết được những kiến thức trên (những kiến thức vì sao mặt
trăng chuyển sang màu đỏ), ____ và được cho là điềm báo của một thảm họa. => Chọn E.
nguyệt thực được gọi là trăng máu
F. it was easy to spotlight a lunar eclipse by naked eyes
Question 56-60
Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question that follows. Write A, B, C, or D on
your answer sheet.
As computer use becomes more common, the need for security is more important than ever.
One of the greatest security threats in the online world is computer hacking. Computer hacking is
the unauthorized access to a computer or network of computers. Hackers are people who illegally
enter systems. They may alter or delete information, steal private information, or spread viruses that
can damage or destroy files. But how exactly can a hacker get into a system to do these things?
Most hackers use information called protocols that are built into computer software. These
protocols allow computers to interact with one another. Protocols are sort of like computer police
officers. When a computer connects to another system, the protocols check to see if the access is
valid. The protocols can also determine how much information can be shared between the two
systems. Hackers can manipulate the protocols to get unlimited access to a computer system.
In fact, just the act of entering a computer network is considered hacking. This is commonly
called passive hacking. Passive hackers get a rush from just being able to access a challenging
system like a bank or military network. Another kind of hacker tries to do damage to a system.
After hacking into systems, these hackers release viruses or alter, delete, or take information.
Known as active hackers, they are, by far, the more dangerous of the two.
The easiest way to protect a system is with a good password. Long and unusual passwords
are harder for hackers to guess. For even greater security, some online services now use
"passwordplus" systems. In this case, users first put in a password and then put in a second code that
changes after the user accesses the site. Users either have special cards or devices that show them
the new code to use the next time. Even if a hacker steals the password, they won't have the code.
Or if the hacker somehow gets the code, they still don't know the password.
(Adapted from Reading Challenge 2 by Casey Malarcher and Andrea Janzen)
56. Which of the following could best describe the main idea of the passage?
A. Computer security and hackers B. Different types of hackers
C. What a hacker can damage in your computer D. The way hackers access a computer
Đoạn 1: Đặt vấn đề computer hacking và hackers là 1 mối đe dọa lớn. Vậy làm thế nào
để hacker xâm nhập được vào hệ thống?
Đoạn 2: Hacker thâm nhập nhờ vào giao thức
Đoạn 3: Các loại hack
Đoạn 4: Bảo vệ hệ thống bằng cách sử dụng mật khẩu tốt
57. The word "unauthorized" in paragraph 1 mostly means
A. optional B. illegal C. permissible D. compulsory
unauthorized: trái phép
58. According to paragraph 2, which information is NOT true about protocols?
A. Protocols built in computer software enable interaction between computers.
B. Protocols examine the validity of the access from other computers.
C. The amount of shared information between computers depends on the host computer.
D. Protocols can decide the amount of information shared between computers.
These protocols allow computers to interact with one another
When a computer connects to another system, the protocols check to see if the access is
The protocols can also determine how much information can be shared between the
two systems
Chọn C
59. According to paragraph 3, active hackers are more dangerous because _______.
A. they often get access to important networks like a bank or military
B. they implant viruses or steal private and other vital information in systems
C. they always remove all the data in the systems they hack
D. they are caught more easily than passive hackers
After hacking into systems, these hackers release viruses or alter, delete, or take
information. Known as active hackers, they are, by far, the more dangerous of the two.
60. It is implied in the passage that __________.
A. it is difficult to protect data from being stolen by hackers
B. not every hacker is harmful
C. hackers always damage the information in the host computer
D. online services have been improving their security system
Sai: The easiest way to protect a system is with a good password
Sai: Hackers are people who illegally enter systems
Sai: Another kind of hacker tries to do damage to a system => Loại hacker khác thì
For even greater security, some online services now use "password-plus" systems.
Question 61 - 70
Read the passage and choose the most suitable word from the ones given below to fill in each
gap. Write A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.
Since April 27, Vietnam's Ministry of Health has confirmed over 1,100 new cases of
community transmission in 27 cities and provinces, prompting the isolation of specific areas, large-
scale contact (61) ______, and closure of several non- (62) _______ businesses. Please see
"Movement Restrictions" below for further information. Vietnamese authorities are urging people to
follow COVID-19 prevention measures--including wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and
following hand washing guidelines.
(63) _____ the current COVID-19 situation in Vietnam, the Consular Section of the U.S.
Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City will limit the number of applicants and customers allowed
to enter the U.S. Consulate General. As a result, several American Citizen Services (ACS),
Immigrant Visas (IV), and Nonimmigrant Visas (NIV) appointments (64) ______ be canceled.
Impacted applicants will receive notification individually via e-mail with instructions (65) _____
how to reschedule their appointment.
The U.S. Mission in Vietnam reminds all U.S.citizens that they are subject to Vietnamese
local laws and regulations while visiting or living in Vietnam. Individuals (66) ______ by the
Vietnamese government to conduct COVID-19 testing and to quarantine should (67) _____ with
these instructions; violators may be subject to serious (68) ______. The Vietnamese government
currently mandates (69) ______ (a 7-day increase from previous regulations). Please note these
quarantine periods may be (70) _________ without prior notice.
61. A. chasing B. tracing C. hunting D. discovering
contact tracing: truy vết tiếp xúc
62. A. important B. beneficial C. crucial D. essential
non-essential business: kinh doanh không thiết yếu >< essential business: kinh doanh
thiết yếu
Đọc thêm tại: https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-a-nonessential-
63. A. Acknowledged B. Granted C. Given D. Assumed
Acknowledged: thừa nhận
Granted: giả dụ như vậy, cứ cho là như vậy
Given: căn cứ vào; dựa vào
Assumed (a): làm ra vẻ, giả bô
64. A. will B. would C. could D. might
Thì tương lai đơn: sẽ bị hủy
65. A. beyond B. for C. on D. above
instructions on: lời khuyên và thông tin về cách thực hiện hoặc sử dụng thứ gì đó,
thường được viết trong sách hoặc bên cạnh hộp đựng
66. A. informed B. forced C. necessitated D. required
require sb to do sth: đòi hỏi cái gì như một điều bắt buộc; quy định
inform sb of / about sth: cho ai biết về cái gì; nói cho ai biết
force sb to do sth: bắt buộc ai phải làm gì
necessitate + tính từ sở hữu + Ving: bắt phải, đòi hỏi phải, cần phải có
67. A. comply B. remember C. memorize D. remind
comply with: tuân theo
68. A. commitments B. charges C. accusations D. allegations
commitment: cam kết
charges: trách nhiệm, buộc tội (lời buộc tội chính thức của văn phòng công tố rằng một
người cụ thể đã phạm một tội cụ thể)
accusation: sự kết tội; sự buộc tội (chính thức bị buộc tội nhưng chưa bị xét xử vì phạm
allegation: sự viện lý, sự viện lẽ
69. A. 21 days periods B. period 21 days C. 21-day period D. 21-day periods
Tính từ ghép: số-danh từ số ít + adj
70. A. extended B. expanded C. outspread D. outstretched
extend (V): kéo dài (không gian hoặc thời gian), làm cho một cái gì đó tồn tại lâu hơn
expand (V): nở ra, phồng ra, giãn, tăng kích thước, số lượng hoặc tầm quan trọng
outspread (V): lan càng xa càng tốt
outstretched (a): tiếp cận càng xa càng tốt
Question 71 - 80
Read the following passage then fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answers on
your answer sheet.
With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. (71)___However_____, the benefits
of volunteering can be enormous. Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile
causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you, the (72) ___volunteer____.
The right match can help you to find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and
even advance your career.
Giving to (73)__others___ can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can
reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a (74) ___sense____
of purpose. While it's true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you'll experience,
volunteering doesn't have to involve a long-term (75) __commitment_____ or take a huge amount
of time out of your busy day. Giving in even simple ways can help (76) ___those___ in need and
improve your health and happiness.
One of the more well-known benefits of volunteering is the impact on the (77)
_community______. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better
place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real (78) ___difference_______ to the
lives of people, animals, and organizations in need. And volunteering is a two-way (79)
___street___: It can benefit you and your family as much as the cause you choose to help.
Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends, expand your (80)
__network______, and boost your social skills.
71. Trong cuộc sống bận rộn, thật khó để tìm được thời gian cho hoạt động tình nguyện.
______, lợi ích của hoạt động tình nguyện có thể rất to lớn. => Tuy nhiên: However
72. Tình nguyện cung cấp sự giúp đỡ thiết yếu cho những người cần, và cộng đồng, nhưng lợi
ích có thể lớn hơn cho bạn, _____ => lợi ích có thể lớn hơn cho chính người tình nguyện viên =>
73. Giving to others: Cho người khác
74. a sense of: cảm giác, ý thức
75. long-term commitment: cam kết dài hạn
76. those: những người mà
77. Câu sau: Tình nguyện cho phép bạn kết nối với cộng đồng của mình và biến nó trở
thành một nơi tốt hơn => impact on the community: tác động lên cộng đồng
78. make a difference to: mang đến sự khác biệt tới
79. two-way street: đường hai chiều -> hai người hoặc hai nhóm người làm việc cùng
nhau để đạt được mục đích chung
80. expand your network: mở rộng mạng lưới của bạn (quen được nhiều người hơn)
PART E: WRITING (20 points)
Question 81-85
Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
81. The fire was brought under control thanks to the night-watchman.
→ Had __it not been for the night-watchman, the fire would not have bên brought under control.
Đảo ngữ với câu điều kiện loại 3: Had it not been for + N, S + would + have + PII
82. She was so popular that everyone recognizes her wherever she goes.
→ Such __a popular person was she that everyone recognizes her wherever she goes.
Cấu trúc: so… that - quá… đến nỗi mà …: S + be+ so + adj + that + S + V
Đảo ngữ với Such: Such + (a/ an) + adj + N + be + S + that + S + V
83. No matter how hard they worked, they did not manage to finish the project on time.
→ However __hard they worked, they did not manage to finish the project on time.
No matter + who/what/which/where/when/how + S + V, S + V: dù … đi chăng nữa, thì
… = However + adj/adv + S + V, S + V: dù … thế nào, thì ...
84. I really felt relieved on completion of my thesis.
→ I felt a _sense of relief after I had completed my thesis.
a sense of: cảm giác
85. He is becoming quite famous as an interviewer.
→ He is making __quite a name for himself as an interviewer.
make a name for yourself: trở nên nổi tiếng hoặc được nhiều người tôn trọng, tạo nên
tên tuổi
Question 86-90
Rewrite each of the following sentences using the given words so that it keeps the same meaning.
Do not change the form of the words given.
86. Natalie's friends talked her out of going to the concert alone. (DISSUADED)
→ It was ___Natalie’s friends that dissuaded her from going to the concert alone.
Cấu trúc câu chẻ: It was … that …: Đó là … mà …
talk out of: can ngăn = dissuade sb from doing sth: can ngăn ai làm gì
87. He didn't try to conceal his dislike for me. (EFFORT)
→ He __made no effort to conceal his dislike for me.
make no effort to do sth: không cần mất sức lực để làm gì
88. When her uncle died, she inherited big sums of money. (CAME)
→ When her uncle __died, she came into big sums of money.
come into: thừa hưởng = inherit
89. The research has shown very useful value in the study of children's (INVALUABLE)
→ The research has __proven invaluable in the study of children’s language.
invaluable (a): vô giá
proven = shown to be true: được chứng minh
90. Instead of learning some subjects for a special exam, students should learn (ALL-ROUND)
many different subjects for their broad background knowledge.
→ Instead of __learning some subjects for a special exam, students should learn many different
subjects to have all-around knowledge.
all-around: có nhiều loại kỹ năng và khả năng khác nhau, toàn diện
Paragraph writing
Write a paragraph about 130-150 words concerning the following topic:
What can you do to protect the environment in your local community?
--------------THE END-----------
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Năm học 2021-2022 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
(Đề thi gồm có 08 trang, 05 phần)
(Đề dùng cho thí sinh thi chuyên
Anh) Ngày thi: 05 tháng 6 năm 2021
Thời gian: 150 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề)
PART A: LISTENING (15 points)
There are 3 small parts. Each part will be played twice.
PART B: PHONETICS (5 points) Question 16 - 18
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in the

same line and write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
16. A. inboxes /ˈɪn.bɒks/ B. defences /dɪˈfens/ C. rewrites /ˌriːˈraɪt/ D. publishes /ˈpʌb.lɪʃ/
• /s/: đuôi là /θ/, /p/, /k/, /f/, /t/ => C
• /iz/: đuôi là /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/ => A, B, D
17. A. genuine /ˈen.ju.ɪn/ B. language /ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒ/ C. damage /ˈdæm.ɪ/ D. suggest /səˈest/
18. A. describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ B. generous /ˈdʒen.ər.əs/ C. regular /ˈreɡ.jə.lər/ D. celebrate /ˈsel.ə.breɪt Question 19-20
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in the same line and
write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. 19. A. ‘interest B. ‘history C. Sep’tember D. ‘cultural 20. A. ,volun’teer B. ,kanga,roo C. ,after,noon D. com’mittee
PART C: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (30 points) Question 21 - 27
Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Write the answers on your answer sheet.

21. This is the first time I (eat) __have eaten___ in such a high-end restaurant.
Dấu hiệu của thì hiện tại hoàn thành: It/This/That is the
22. When he came home last night, his children (watch) _was watching____ cartoon on TV.
Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ
(đang xem hoạt hình trên TV) thì một hành động quá khứ khác xảy đến (quay về nhà),
thường dùng với when hoặc while.

23. If it hadn't been for Mary's help, Tim wouldn't have been able (take) __to take___ part in the competition.
be able to do sth: có khả năng làm gì
24. By the end of this month, grade 9 students (decide) _will have decided____ which high school to enrol in.
Thì tương lai hoàn thành diễn tả hành động sẽ được hoàn tất trước một thời điểm hoặc
trước một hành động khác trong tương lai.
25. Were Michael's parents (stay) __to stay___ at home now, they wouldn't let him go out with his friends.
Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 2: Were + S + to + Vinfi, S + would + Vinfi
26. It's essential that your detailed outline for the assignment (submit) _(should) be submitted__ by the end of this week.
Subjunctive: It is necessary/essential/vital/crucial/urgent/important/obligatory/… +
that + S + (should) + Vinfi+ ...
27. I'm sure they (not see) __can’t/couldn’t have seen___ the play last night as they went to a football match with Nancy
can't/couldn’t have done something: không thể làm việc gì (trong quá khứ) Question 28 - 35
Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. Write the answers on your answer sheet.
Russian has reportedly expressed concerns over the (PRESENT)
____presence_____of Turkish unmanned-plane in the Donbas.
present (a): có mặt => presence (N): sự có mặt: the + N 29.
The closure of the factory this time will __threaten______ a lot of (THREAT) workers' lives.
threat (N): sự đe dọa => threaten (V): đe dọa: will + V 30.
In spite of many difficulties, she always has a __carefree___ attitude (CARE) towards life.
care (N): quan tâm => carefree (a): vô tư lự, thảnh thơi: a + adj + N
31. I admire Minh HH, the main actress in "Huong Duong Nguoc (FAIL)
Nang", so much. She's _unfailingly____ optimistic no matter what the circumstances.
fail (N): thất bại => unfailingly (adv): luôn luôn, lúc nào cũng: be + (LOGISTICAL) adv + adj 32.
Seafood exports fell significantly due to a disruption in the supply chain,
especially _logistics___, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
logistical (a): liên quan đến việc tổ chức cẩn thận một hoạt động (ESTIMATE)
phức tạp = logistic => logistics (N): ngành logistics 33.
Never ___underestimate___ your opponent! It can lead you to a complete failure.
estimate (V): đánh giá => underestimate (V): đánh giá thấp: Câu mệnh lệnh: V + O 34.
Every time the pictorial elements were similar, if not almost (IDENTITY) _identical____.
identity (N): tính đồng nhất, bản sắc => identical (a): giống hệt (OBVIOUS) 35.
Quang Hai always performs excellently in the football field.
__Obviously____, he is one of the best players of Asia.
obvious (a): rõ ràng => Obviously (adv): Rõ ràng là, Hiển nhiên Question 36 -40
The passage below contains 5 mistakes (only ONE word for ONE mistake). Find out the mistakes

and correct them. Write the correct answers on your answer sheet. Example: line 1: has → have Line 1
Why is it that many teenagers has the energy to play computer games until late at night 2
despite can't find the energy to get out of bed in time for school? According to a new report, 3
today's generation of children are in danger of getting so little sleep that they are putting their 4
mental and physical health for risk. Adults can easily survive on seven to eight hours' sleep a 5
night, whereas teenagers require nine to ten hours. According to medical experts, one in five 6
youngsters get anything between two and five hours' sleep a night less than their parents did 7 at their age. 8
This raises serious questions about whether shortage of sleep is affecting children's 9
ability to concentrate at school. The connection between sleep deprivation and lapses in 10
memory, impaired reaction time and poor concentration is well established. Research has 11
shown that losing as little as half an hour's sleep a night, that may come from their work 12
stress, can have profound effects on how children perform the next day. Line 2: despite -> but • despite + N
but + S + V (phía trước đã có chung S là many teenagers) Line 4: for -> at
at risk: có nguy cơ, có rủi ro Line 6: get -> gets
Chủ ngữ là “one in five youngsters” => chủ ngữ số ít, động từ thêm s/es ở
thì hiện tại đơn Line 8: shortage -> lack
a shortage of = lack of: thiếu Line 11: that -> which
Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định => không thể dùng that Question 41 - 50
Choose the word/ phrase that best fits the gap in each of the following sentences and write A, B,
C or D on your answer sheet.
41. It was a service for ___________ I will be eternally grateful. A. what B. which C. that D. whose
Mệnh đề quan hệ: be grateful for sth: cảm kích về cái gì
42. Everything related to the epidemic seems to have been strictly controlled, __________? A. does it B. doesn't it C. didn't it D. did it
Chủ ngữ là nothing, anything, something, everything, câu hỏi đuôi có chủ ngữ it
43. The mother and her son are talking about a present for his birthday.
- Mother: This is a present for you, my love. - Son: A kite! ______________ A. How cool! Thank you, mom B. Sure. I love a book C. Oh, I don't really like D. Wow, I can imagine that
44. No ______ how hard he tries, he always seems to make the same grammatical mistakes. A importance B. effect C. matter D. question
No matter + who/what/which/where/when/how + S + V, S + V: dù … đi chăng nữa, thì ...
45. When I start my work in the morning, I usually ______ at the schedule for the whole day. A. glimpse B. watch C. observe D. glance
glance at: liếc qua
glimpse sth: nhìn lướt qua/get (have) a glimpse of sth watch sth: nhìn
observe sth: quan sát
46. Joyce enjoys reading _______ stories - those about true happenings. A. autobiography B. unimaginative C. fictional D. non-fictional
autobiography (N): tự truyện
unimaginative (a): không mới, không thể hiện bất cứ trí tưởng tượng nào
fictional (a): hư cấu
non-fictional => non-fiction: phi hư cấu
47. The removal of trade ____ has facilitated the development of domestic production. A. barriers B. walls C. boundaries D. fences
trade barrier: rào cản thương mại
48. I'll just ______ a few details in case I forget something. A. hand down B. jot down C. lay down D. bring down
hand down: truyền lại cho
jot down: viết nhanh điều gì đó trên một mảnh giấy để bạn nhớ nó
lay down: đặt xuống
bring down: đem xuống
49. My sister-in-law looks rather attractive with her _______ complexion A. sallow B. colored C. cropped D. swarthy
sallow: (da) vàng bủng, vàng vọt
colored: được tô màu
swarthy: (da) ngăm đen
50. While Diana was in ___________ of her grandfather, she adored her grandmother. A. respect B. owe C. awe D. recognition
in awe of: kính sợ ai
in respect of: liên quan đến cái gì, về cái gì
in recognition of: ghi nhận
PART D: READING (30 points) Question 51-55
Read the following passage and choose the most suitable phrase from 1 - F to fill in each gap,

There is one extra phrase that you don't need to use. Write the answers on your answer sheet. THE BLOOD MOON
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth's shadow falls directly onto the moon. What happens
as a result is that (51) __B____ and turns coppery red instead - the sort of colour usually only seen
in the sky at dawn or sunset. An astronaut on the moon, looking towards Earth during a lunar
eclipse. would see a black dise, surrounded by a bright red ring. It's the light from this red ring
which is reflected back to the dark Earth from the moon's surface. In ancient times, long before any
of this was understood, (52) __E___ and was thought to be an omen of disaster.
Total eclipses can only occur when there is a full moon, and then only if (53) _A______.
Although casily obscured by cloud cover, blood moons are fairly common, and it is relatively easy
to calculate where and when you might be able to see one. For example, in 1504. Christopher
Columbus was stranded in Jamaica and in dire need of provisions, but (54) __D____. Columbus
knew that a lunar eclipse would occur on 29 February, however. So, the day before, he warned local
leaders that the moon would disappear unless they helped him. They remained skeptical. But when
(55) ___C_____, they became so frightened that they started to bring food.
A. it is lined up with the Earth in a particular way 53
Đoạn trước: Nguyệt thực toàn phần chỉ có thể xảy ra khi có trăng tròn và sau đó chỉ khi ____
=> Một điều kiện của nguyệt thực => Chọn A. Mặt Trăng được xếp thẳng hàng với Trái đất
theo một cách cụ thể.

B. the moon stops being a silvery white colour 51
Đoạn sau: và thay vào đó biến thành màu đỏ đồng => Chọn 51: mặt trăng không còn có màu trắng bạc
C. the moon slowly started to change colour 55
Đoạn trước: Vì vậy, một ngày trước đó, ông đã cảnh báo các nhà lãnh đạo địa phương rằng
mặt trăng sẽ biến mất trừ khi họ giúp ông. Họ vẫn hoài nghi. Nhưng khi ______ , họ trở
nên sợ hãi đến mức bắt đầu mang theo thức ăn. => mặt trăng bắt đầu chậm rãi đổi màu
the local inhabitants were reluctant to help 54

Đoạn trước: Ví dụ, vào năm 1504. Christopher Columbus bị mắc kẹt ở Jamaica và rất cần các
khoản dự phòng, nhưng _______ => Chọn D. những người dân địa phương không tự nguyện giúp đỡ
E. the lunar eclipse was known as a blood moon 52
Đoạn sau có “was thought” => Câu trước sẽ là chủ ngữ số ít => Loại D => Còn A, C, E, F Vào
thời cổ đại, rất lâu khi chúng ta biết được những kiến thức trên (những kiến thức vì sao mặt
trăng chuyển sang màu đỏ), ____ và được cho là điềm báo của một thảm họa. => Chọn E.
nguyệt thực được gọi là trăng máu
F. it was easy to spotlight a lunar eclipse by naked eyes Question 56-60
Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question that follows. Write A, B, C, or D on

your answer sheet.
As computer use becomes more common, the need for security is more important than ever.
One of the greatest security threats in the online world is computer hacking. Computer hacking is
the unauthorized access to a computer or network of computers. Hackers are people who illegally
enter systems. They may alter or delete information, steal private information, or spread viruses that
can damage or destroy files. But how exactly can a hacker get into a system to do these things?
Most hackers use information called protocols that are built into computer software. These
protocols allow computers to interact with one another. Protocols are sort of like computer police
officers. When a computer connects to another system, the protocols check to see if the access is
valid. The protocols can also determine how much information can be shared between the two
systems. Hackers can manipulate the protocols to get unlimited access to a computer system.
In fact, just the act of entering a computer network is considered hacking. This is commonly
called passive hacking. Passive hackers get a rush from just being able to access a challenging
system like a bank or military network. Another kind of hacker tries to do damage to a system.
After hacking into systems, these hackers release viruses or alter, delete, or take information.
Known as active hackers, they are, by far, the more dangerous of the two.
The easiest way to protect a system is with a good password. Long and unusual passwords
are harder for hackers to guess. For even greater security, some online services now use
"passwordplus" systems. In this case, users first put in a password and then put in a second code that
changes after the user accesses the site. Users either have special cards or devices that show them
the new code to use the next time. Even if a hacker steals the password, they won't have the code.
Or if the hacker somehow gets the code, they still don't know the password.
(Adapted from Reading Challenge 2 by Casey Malarcher and Andrea Janzen)
56. Which of the following could best describe the main idea of the passage?
A. Computer security and hackers B. Different types of hackers
C. What a hacker can damage in your computer
D. The way hackers access a computer
Đoạn 1: Đặt vấn đề computer hacking và hackers là 1 mối đe dọa lớn. Vậy làm thế nào
để hacker xâm nhập được vào hệ thống?
Đoạn 2: Hacker thâm nhập nhờ vào giao thức
Đoạn 3: Các loại hack
Đoạn 4: Bảo vệ hệ thống bằng cách sử dụng mật khẩu tốt
57. The word "unauthorized" in paragraph 1 mostly means A. optional B. illegal C. permissible D. compulsory
unauthorized: trái phép
58. According to paragraph 2, which information is NOT true about protocols?
A. Protocols built in computer software enable interaction between computers.
B. Protocols examine the validity of the access from other computers.
C. The amount of shared information between computers depends on the host computer.
D. Protocols can decide the amount of information shared between computers.
These protocols allow computers to interact with one another
When a computer connects to another system, the protocols check to see if the access is valid
The protocols can also determine how much information can be shared between the two systems Chọn C
59. According to paragraph 3, active hackers are more dangerous because _______.
A. they often get access to important networks like a bank or military
B. they implant viruses or steal private and other vital information in systems
C. they always remove all the data in the systems they hack
D. they are caught more easily than passive hackers
After hacking into systems, these hackers release viruses or alter, delete, or take
information. Known as active hackers, they are, by far, the more dangerous of the two.
60. It is implied in the passage that __________.
A. it is difficult to protect data from being stolen by hackers
B. not every hacker is harmful
C. hackers always damage the information in the host computer
D. online services have been improving their security system
Sai: The easiest way to protect a system is with a good password
Sai: Hackers are people who illegally enter systems
Sai: Another kind of hacker tries to do damage to a system => Loại hacker khác thì không
For even greater security, some online services now use "password-plus" systems. Question 61 - 70
Read the passage and choose the most suitable word from the ones given below to fill in each

gap. Write A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.
Since April 27, Vietnam's Ministry of Health has confirmed over 1,100 new cases of
community transmission in 27 cities and provinces, prompting the isolation of specific areas, large-
scale contact (61) ______, and closure of several non- (62) _______ businesses. Please see
"Movement Restrictions" below for further information. Vietnamese authorities are urging people to
follow COVID-19 prevention measures--including wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and
following hand washing guidelines.
(63) _____ the current COVID-19 situation in Vietnam, the Consular Section of the U.S.
Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City will limit the number of applicants and customers allowed
to enter the U.S. Consulate General. As a result, several American Citizen Services (ACS),
Immigrant Visas (IV), and Nonimmigrant Visas (NIV) appointments (64) ______ be canceled.
Impacted applicants will receive notification individually via e-mail with instructions (65) _____
how to reschedule their appointment.
The U.S. Mission in Vietnam reminds all U.S.citizens that they are subject to Vietnamese
local laws and regulations while visiting or living in Vietnam. Individuals (66) ______ by the
Vietnamese government to conduct COVID-19 testing and to quarantine should (67) _____ with
these instructions; violators may be subject to serious (68) ______. The Vietnamese government
currently mandates (69) ______ (a 7-day increase from previous regulations). Please note these
quarantine periods may be (70) _________ without prior notice.
(https://vn.usembassy.gow/u-s-citizen-services/covid-19-information) 61. A. chasing B. tracing C. hunting D. discovering
contact tracing: truy vết tiếp xúc 62. A. important B. beneficial C. crucial D. essential
non-essential business: kinh doanh không thiết yếu >< essential business: kinh doanh thiết yếu
Đọc thêm tại: https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-a-nonessential-
businessessential-business-coronavirus-2020-3 63. A. Acknowledged B. Granted C. Given D. Assumed
Acknowledged: thừa nhận
Granted: giả dụ như vậy, cứ cho là như vậy
Given: căn cứ vào; dựa vào
Assumed (a): làm ra vẻ, giả bô 64. A. will B. would C. could D. might
Thì tương lai đơn: sẽ bị hủy 65. A. beyond B. for C. on D. above
instructions on: lời khuyên và thông tin về cách thực hiện hoặc sử dụng thứ gì đó,
thường được viết trong sách hoặc bên cạnh hộp đựng 66. A. informed B. forced C. necessitated D. required
require sb to do sth: đòi hỏi cái gì như một điều bắt buộc; quy định
inform sb of / about sth: cho ai biết về cái gì; nói cho ai biết
force sb to do sth: bắt buộc ai phải làm gì
necessitate + tính từ sở hữu + Ving: bắt phải, đòi hỏi phải, cần phải có 67. A. comply
B. remember C. memorize D. remind
comply with: tuân theo 68. A. commitments B. charges C. accusations D. allegations
commitment: cam kết
charges: trách nhiệm, buộc tội (lời buộc tội chính thức của văn phòng công tố rằng một
người cụ thể đã phạm một tội cụ thể)
accusation: sự kết tội; sự buộc tội (chính thức bị buộc tội nhưng chưa bị xét xử vì phạm tội)
allegation: sự viện lý, sự viện lẽ 69. A. 21 days periods B. period 21 days C. 21-day period D. 21-day periods
Tính từ ghép: số-danh từ số ít + adj 70. A. extended
B. expanded C. outspread D. outstretched
extend (V): kéo dài (không gian hoặc thời gian), làm cho một cái gì đó tồn tại lâu hơn
expand (V): nở ra, phồng ra, giãn, tăng kích thước, số lượng hoặc tầm quan trọng
outspread (V): lan càng xa càng tốt
outstretched (a): tiếp cận càng xa càng tốt Question 71 - 80
Read the following passage then fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answers on

your answer sheet.
With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. (71)___However_____, the benefits
of volunteering can be enormous. Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile
causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you, the (72) ___volunteer____.
The right match can help you to find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career.
Giving to (73)__others___ can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can
reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a (74) ___sense____
of purpose. While it's true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you'll experience,
volunteering doesn't have to involve a long-term (75) __commitment_____ or take a huge amount
of time out of your busy day. Giving in even simple ways can help (76) ___those___ in need and
improve your health and happiness.
One of the more well-known benefits of volunteering is the impact on the (77)
_community______. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better
place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real (78) ___difference_______ to the
lives of people, animals, and organizations in need. And volunteering is a two-way (79)
___street___: It can benefit you and your family as much as the cause you choose to help.
Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends, expand your (80)
__network______, and boost your social skills.
(https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-living/volunteering-and-its-surprising-benefits.htm) 71.
Trong cuộc sống bận rộn, thật khó để tìm được thời gian cho hoạt động tình nguyện.
______, lợi ích của hoạt động tình nguyện có thể rất to lớn. => Tuy nhiên: However 72.
Tình nguyện cung cấp sự giúp đỡ thiết yếu cho những người cần, và cộng đồng, nhưng lợi
ích có thể lớn hơn cho bạn, _____ => lợi ích có thể lớn hơn cho chính người tình nguyện viên => volunteer.
73. Giving to others: Cho người khác
74. a sense of: cảm giác, ý thức
75. long-term commitment: cam kết dài hạn
76. those: những người mà
77. Câu sau: Tình nguyện cho phép bạn kết nối với cộng đồng của mình và biến nó trở
thành một nơi tốt hơn => impact on the community: tác động lên cộng đồng
78. make a difference to: mang đến sự khác biệt tới
79. two-way street: đường hai chiều -> hai người hoặc hai nhóm người làm việc cùng
nhau để đạt được mục đích chung
80. expand your network: mở rộng mạng lưới của bạn (quen được nhiều người hơn)
PART E: WRITING (20 points) Question 81-85
Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

81. The fire was brought under control thanks to the night-watchman.
→ Had __it not been for the night-watchman, the fire would not have bên brought under control.
Đảo ngữ với câu điều kiện loại 3: Had it not been for + N, S + would + have + PII
82. She was so popular that everyone recognizes her wherever she goes.
→ Such __a popular person was she that everyone recognizes her wherever she goes.
Cấu trúc: so… that - quá… đến nỗi mà …: S + be+ so + adj + that + S + V
Đảo ngữ với Such: Such + (a/ an) + adj + N + be + S + that + S + V
83. No matter how hard they worked, they did not manage to finish the project on time.
→ However __hard they worked, they did not manage to finish the project on time.
No matter + who/what/which/where/when/how + S + V, S + V: dù … đi chăng nữa, thì
… = However + adj/adv + S + V, S + V: dù … thế nào, thì ...
84. I really felt relieved on completion of my thesis.
→ I felt a _sense of relief after I had completed my thesis.
a sense of: cảm giác
85. He is becoming quite famous as an interviewer.
→ He is making __quite a name for himself as an interviewer.
make a name for yourself: trở nên nổi tiếng hoặc được nhiều người tôn trọng, tạo nên tên tuổi Question 86-90
Rewrite each of the following sentences using the given words so that it keeps the same meaning.

Do not change the form of the words given.
86. Natalie's friends talked her out of going to the concert alone. (DISSUADED)
→ It was ___Natalie’s friends that dissuaded her from going to the concert alone.
Cấu trúc câu chẻ: It was … that …: Đó là … mà …
talk out of: can ngăn = dissuade sb from doing sth: can ngăn ai làm gì
87. He didn't try to conceal his dislike for me. (EFFORT)
→ He __made no effort to conceal his dislike for me.
make no effort to do sth: không cần mất sức lực để làm gì
88. When her uncle died, she inherited big sums of money. (CAME)
→ When her uncle __died, she came into big sums of money.
come into: thừa hưởng = inherit
89. The research has shown very useful value in the study of children's (INVALUABLE) language.
→ The research has __proven invaluable in the study of children’s language.
invaluable (a): vô giá
proven = shown to be true: được chứng minh
90. Instead of learning some subjects for a special exam, students should learn (ALL-ROUND)
many different subjects for their broad background knowledge.
→ Instead of __learning some subjects for a special exam, students should learn many different
subjects to have all-around knowledge.
all-around: có nhiều loại kỹ năng và khả năng khác nhau, toàn diện
Paragraph writing
Write a paragraph about 130-150 words concerning the following topic:
What can you do to protect the environment in your local community?
--------------THE END-----------