Đề Thi Tuyển Sinh Lớp 10 Thpt Chuyên Năm Học 2021 – 2022 Môn Thi Tiếng Anh (Chuyên) - Tỉnh Cà Mau

Đề Thi Tuyển Sinh Lớp 10 Thpt Chuyên Năm Học 2021 – 2022 Môn Thi Tiếng Anh (Chuyên) - Tỉnh Cà Mau được biên soạn dưới dạng file PDF cho các bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

(Đề thi có 07 trang)
Năm học 2021 – 2022
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH (Chuyên)
Ngày thi: 12/6/2021
Thời gian: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
A. LISTENING (2.0 pts)
Listen to two friends chatting about television series and do the tasks in part 1 and
part 2. You will listen each part twice.
Part 1: Match the characters (1–5) with what the speakers say about them (A–E). Write
your answers on the answer sheet. (1.0 pts)
Characters What the speakers say about them
1. The dragon
A. did something that wasn’t very surprising.
B. looked impressive.
C. is not the woman’s favourite character any more.
D. never does anything we expect.
E. almost died.
Part 2: Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to each of the following questions. Write your
answers on the answer sheet. (1.0 pts)
6. How often does the woman watch the show?
A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Rarely
7. How has the woman’s opinion of the show changed over time?
A. It’s become more positive.
B. It’s become less positive.
C. It hasn’t changed.
8. What does the man think of the story?
A. It’s very well written.
B. Too many characters died.
C. He can’t remember much about it.
9. What is the one negative thing about the show for the man?
A. They spent too much money on the special effects.
B. The episodes were too short.
C. There weren’t enough episodes.
10. Why does the woman like Cersei?
A. The character does unpredictable things.
B. The character learns from her mistakes.
C. She’s a very intelligent character.
B. PHONETICS (0.5 pts)
Trang 1/7
Part 1: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Write your
answers on the answer sheet. (0.3 pts)
1. A. exact B. exam C. exhaust D. excellent
2. A. takes B. laughs C. volumes D. develops
3. A. discussion B. passion C. decision D. expression
Part 2: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Write your answers on
the answer sheet. (0.2 pts)
1. A. offer B. attempt C. advise D. achieve
2. A. newspaper B. interview C. industry D. volunteer
Part 1: Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following questions.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.(1.0 pts)
1. If you had told us earlier _______
he was, we could have introduced him at the meeting.
A. which B. who C. whom D. whose
2. John _______ a respectful and obedient student.
A. said to be B. is said C. is said being D. is said to be
3. There are some cottages at the ______ of the mountain. It’s very peaceful there.
A. foot B. leg C. shrine D. feet
4. My younger brother is studying Math under his teacher’s _______.
A. academy B. request C. reputation D. tuition
5. Anna is holding her shopping bag with one hand and turning the door handle with ______.
A. others B. the other C. another D. other
6. Claudia is being interviewed by the manager of the company she's applied to.
- Manager: “_______” - Claudia: "I work hard and I enjoy working with other people."
A. Can you do jobs on your own? B. Would you describe yourself as ambitious?
C. What are some of your main strengths? D. Why have you applied for this position?
7. Had I studied harder, I _______ better in the last exam.
A. would have done B. had done
C. would do D. wouldn't have done
8. She applied for training as a pilot, but they turned her down _______ her poor eyesight.
A. although B. because of C. in spite of D. because
9. I find it rather _______ to hear that Jack is studying abroad next week.
A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. surprisingly
10. Neither of the boys came to school yesterday, _______?
A. didn’t they B. do they C. did they D. don’t they
Part 2: Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. Write your answers on the answer
sheet. (0.5 pts)
1. All employees are supplied _______ safety equipment.
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2. City-dwellers can easily get access _______the Internet nowadays.
3. Fresh air is _______ great use to our health.
4. He spent all the money he had won _______ new clothes.
5. Internet shopping will really take _______ when people become convinced that it is secure.
Part 3: Read the text. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts)
Perhaps the best non-fiction book I have read recently is Touching The Void by Joe
Simpson. It is a truly remarkable tale of courage and (1) _______ (SURVIVE) in extreme
conditions, and is exceptionally well written. The author describes in chilling detail what
happened in 1985 on a mountaineering expedition in the Peruvian Andes after he and his
friend Simon Yates had (2) _______ (SUCCEED) climbed the previously unconquered West
Face of Siula Grande. During their descent from the summit, the weather changed (3)
_______ (DRAMA) and, blinded by snowstorms, Simpson fell badly and broke his leg.
Unable to walk, he had to be lowered by Yates down the mountain using their rope.
Disaster struck again when Simpson was left hanging dangerously over a precipice
and could not communicate his situation to his climbing partner. Yates made the only (4)
_______ (DECIDE) available to him and cut the rope, sending Simpson plunging into a deep
crevasse. Amazingly, Simspon managed to crawl his way out of it and then back to camp,
where he met up again with Yates.
I have no (5) _______ (HESITATE) in recommending this book to anyone who likes
real-life adventure stories. Even though you know the author will survive, it holds your
attention from start to finish.
Part 4: Choose the underlined word or phrase A, B, C, or D in each sentence that needs
correcting. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts)
1. The children are extremely excited about the visit to the town where their grandparents
were born in.
2. All of the students in this course will be assessed according to their attendance,
performance, and they work hard.
3. Each of the members of the group were made to write a report every week.
4. By the turn of the century, most of the inventions that were to bring in all the comforts of
modern living have already been thought of.
5. The next step is deforestation, which involves growing forests in areas where there were
none before.
Part 1: Read a scientific article about asteroids. Then match the paragraph (A–E) with the
information it contains (1–5). Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts)
Trang 3/7
1. Information about a plan that needs finance before it can happen
2. Information about asteroids that are the biggest danger to Earth
3. Information about the numbers of unidentified asteroids near Earth
4. Information about NASA’s most successful project to record asteroids near Earth
5. A solution planned for testing
A. _______
In 2010, the planetary defence team at NASA had identified and logged 90 per cent of the
asteroids near Earth measuring 1km wide. These ‘near-Earth objects’, or NEOs, are the size
of mountains and include anything within 50 million kilometres of Earth’s orbit. With an
estimated 50 left to log, NASA says none of the 887 it knows about are a significant danger
to the planet.
B. _______
Now NASA is working towards logging some of the smaller asteroids, those measuring 140
metres wide or more. Of the 25,000 estimated asteroids of this size, so far about 8,000 have
been logged, leaving 17,000 unaccounted for. Considering that a 19-metre asteroid that
exploded above the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia in 2013 injured 1,200 people, these middle-
sized asteroids would be a serious danger if they enter Earth’s orbit.
C. _______
Whether NASA can find the remaining middle-sized NEOs depends on getting the money to
build NEOCam, a 0.5-metre space telescope which would use infrared light to locate
asteroids. If it did get the money, it could probably achieve its goal in ten years. Once logged,
the planetary defence team would still need to work out how to defend the planet against
being hit by the truly worrying asteroids – the PHAs.
D. _______
‘Potentially Hazardous Asteroids’ are rocks close enough to pass within 7.5 million
kilometres of Earth’s orbit. NASA has created a map of 1,400 PHAs, none of which are
expected to be a threat in the next one hundred years. With technology already available,
NASA can track these objects and make predictions about possible impact, at which point
two defence solutions could be launched.
E. _______
The first is DARTthe Double Asteroid Redirection Test. Plans are scheduled to test DART
on the moon of an asteroid called Didymos. ‘Didymoon’ is 150 metres wide, orbiting its 800-
metre mother, and hopefully the impact of DART will knock it out of its orbit enough for
Earth- based telescopes to pick up.
Part 2: Complete the following passage by choosing A, B, C, or D to fill in each blank.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (1.0 pts)
The Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak is a (1) _______ illness and scientists are still (2)
_______ how it spreads from person to person, but similar viruses tend to spread via cough
Trang 4/7
and sneeze droplets. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, they (3) _______ droplets
of saliva or mucus. These droplets can fall on people in the vicinity and can be (4) _______
directly inhaled or picked up on the hands then (5) _______ when someone touches their
face, causing infection. For flu, some hospital guidelines define exposure as being within six
feet of an infected person (6) _______ sneezes or coughs for 10 minutes or longer. Viruses
can also be spread through droplets landing on surfaces such as seats on buses or trains or
desks in school. (7) _______, whether this is a main transmission route depends (8) _______
how long viruses survive on surfaces this can vary from hours to months. There is
anecdotal evidence that the virus can be spread by people (9) _______ they have symptoms.
Some (10) _______ illnesses such as flu can be passed from one person to another before
symptoms occur - but the extent to which this is happening with the new coronavirus is not
well understood yet.
1. A. new B. minor C. mental D. genetic
2. A. admitting B. presuming C. assessing D. accounting
3. A. discover B. release C. catch D. take
4. A. neither B. both C. also D. either
5. A. transferred B. exchanged C. transformed D. emerged
6. A. which B. whose C. who D. whom
7. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. In fact
8. A. on B. in C. with D. off
9. A. since B. before C. after D. when
10. A. every B. others C. another D. other
Part 3: Read the following passage and do Task 1 and Task 2 (1.0 pts)
Social media influencers
It is estimated that about 40 percent of the world’s population use social media, and many of
these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy
and what trends to follow.
So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their
relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g.
fashion, travel or technology. Influencers often have a large following of people who pay
close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and
influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are
now asking powerful influencers to market their products. With some influencers charging up
to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to
become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are five tips on how to do it.
1. Choose your niche
What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited talking about?
Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio
Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium such
as your own online blog, Instagram or Snapchat is the best way to connect with your
followers and chat about your niche area. When you have done that, write an attention-
Trang 5/7
grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting and unique way.
Make sure that people who read your bio will want to follow you.
3. Post regularly and consistently
Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more
likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are consistent and possibly follow
a theme.
4. Tell an interesting story
Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch
the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
5. Make sure people can easily find your content
Publicise your posts on a variety of social media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make
sure that they can be easily found. There is no point writing the most exciting blogposts or
posting the most attractive photographs if no one is going to see them.
Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have
patience. Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!
Task 1: Choose the best answers A, B, C, or D. Write your answers on the answer sheet.
(0.5 pts)
1. A social media influencer is not someone who _______ .
A. guides the decisions of their followers
B. is an expert in a particular area
C. pays their followers to buy products
D. has many followers who pay attention to their opinions
2. Companies want to use influencers to help _______ .
A. sell their products to their followersB. develop new products
C. write their blogposts D. design their websites
3. If you want to be an influencer, your bio on your social media account shouldn’t _______ .
A. say who you are B. talk about your niche area
C. be interesting D. be the same as other people’s bios
4. You can make sure that people find your post by _______ .
A. using hashtags
B. using funny or memorable titles
C. using different social media to link to your post
D. doing all of the above
5. What should the title of this blogpost be?
A. Five ways to influence people
B. Five ways to use influencers in marketing
C. Five tips on being a social media influencer
D. Five tips on making money as an influencer
Task 2: Decide whether these statements (1-5) are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Write your
answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts)
Statements True Fasle
1. An influencer needs to know about as many topics as possible, e.g.
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fashion, travel, technology, etc.
2. Most influencers write regular posts on their blogs or micro-blogs.
3. You can chat with your followers using your bio.
4. Your posts should not only be attractive but should tell a story.
5. You can become a social media influencer in a short time.
E. WRITING (2.5pts)
Part 1: Read the following passage and use Your Own Words to summarize it. You Must
Not copy or re-write the original. Your summary should be about 60 words. (1.0 pts)
Although speech is the most advanced form of communication, there are many ways
of communicating without using speech. Signals, signs, and symbols may be found in every
known culture. The basic function of a signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a
way that it attracts attention. For example, the flashing lights at an intersection are designed
to direct the driver's attention to the road. Smoke from a distant fire can also send a message,
as does the more detailed version in the dots and dashes of a telegraph. Unlike signals, which,
in general, are coded to refer to speech, signs contain meaning in and of themselves. A barber
pole or a picture of a loaf of bread can convey meaning quickly and conveniently when
placed in front of a shop. A stop sign means stop even though the words may not be written
out on the red octagon. Finally, gestures are actions, which are more difficult to describe
because of their relationship with cultural perceptions. For instance, in some cultures,
applauding in a theater provides performers with an auditory symbol of approval. In other
cultures, applauding can mean that the performance was not well received.
Part 2: Write a paragraph. (1.5 pts)
In about 120 – 180 words, write a paragraph about the following topic:
“If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?”
===THE END====
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Preview text:

Năm học 2021 – 2022 ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH (Chuyên)
(Đề thi có 07 trang) Ngày thi: 12/6/2021
Thời gian: 120 phút
(không kể thời gian giao đề) A. LISTENING (2.0 pts)
Listen to two friends chatting about television series and do the tasks in part 1 and
part 2. You will listen each part twice.
Part 1:
Match the characters (1–5) with what the speakers say about them (A–E). Write
your answers on the answer sheet. (1.0 pts) Characters
What the speakers say about them 1. The dragon
A. did something that wasn’t very surprising. 2. Jaime B. looked impressive. 3. Bronn
C. is not the woman’s favourite character any more. 4. Tyrion
D. never does anything we expect. 5. Cersei E. almost died.
Part 2: Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to each of the following questions. Write your
answers on the answer sheet. (1.0 pts)
6. How often does the woman watch the show? A. Always B. Sometimes C. Rarely
7. How has the woman’s opinion of the show changed over time?
A. It’s become more positive.
B. It’s become less positive. C. It hasn’t changed.
8. What does the man think of the story? A. It’s very well written. B. Too many characters died.
C. He can’t remember much about it.
9. What is the one negative thing about the show for the man?
A. They spent too much money on the special effects.
B. The episodes were too short.
C. There weren’t enough episodes.
10. Why does the woman like Cersei?
A. The character does unpredictable things.
B. The character learns from her mistakes.
C. She’s a very intelligent character. B. PHONETICS (0.5 pts) Trang 1/7
Part 1: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Write your
answers on the answer sheet. (0.3 pts) 1. A. exact B. exam C. exhaust D. excellent 2. A. takes B. laughs C. volumes D. develops 3. A. discussion B. passion C. decision D. expression
Part 2: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Write your answers on
the answer sheet. (0.2 pts) 1. A. offer B. attempt C. advise D. achieve 2. A. newspaper B. interview C. industry D. volunteer C. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (2.5 pts)
Part 1:
Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following questions.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.(1.0 pts)
1. If you had told us earlier _______ he was, we could have introduced him at the meeting. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose
2. John _______ a respectful and obedient student. A. said to be B. is said C. is said being D. is said to be
3. There are some cottages at the ______ of the mountain. It’s very peaceful there. A. foot B. leg C. shrine D. feet
4. My younger brother is studying Math under his teacher’s _______. A. academy B. request C. reputation D. tuition
5. Anna is holding her shopping bag with one hand and turning the door handle with ______. A. others B. the other C. another D. other
6. Claudia is being interviewed by the manager of the company she's applied to.
- Manager: “_______” - Claudia: "I work hard and I enjoy working with other people."
A. Can you do jobs on your own?
B. Would you describe yourself as ambitious?
C. What are some of your main strengths? D. Why have you applied for this position?
7. Had I studied harder, I _______ better in the last exam. A. would have done B. had done C. would do D. wouldn't have done
8. She applied for training as a pilot, but they turned her down _______ her poor eyesight. A. although B. because of C. in spite of D. because
9. I find it rather _______ to hear that Jack is studying abroad next week. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. surprisingly
10. Neither of the boys came to school yesterday, _______? A. didn’t they B. do they C. did they D. don’t they
Part 2: Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts)
1. All employees are supplied _______ safety equipment. Trang 2/7
2. City-dwellers can easily get access _______the Internet nowadays.
3. Fresh air is _______ great use to our health.
4. He spent all the money he had won _______ new clothes.
5. Internet shopping will really take _______ when people become convinced that it is secure.
Part 3: Read the text. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts)
Perhaps the best non-fiction book I have read recently is Touching The Void by Joe
Simpson. It is a truly remarkable tale of courage and (1) _______ (SURVIVE) in extreme
conditions, and is exceptionally well written. The author describes in chilling detail what
happened in 1985 on a mountaineering expedition in the Peruvian Andes after he and his
friend Simon Yates had (2) _______ (SUCCEED) climbed the previously unconquered West
Face of Siula Grande. During their descent from the summit, the weather changed (3)
_______ (DRAMA) and, blinded by snowstorms, Simpson fell badly and broke his leg.
Unable to walk, he had to be lowered by Yates down the mountain using their rope.
Disaster struck again when Simpson was left hanging dangerously over a precipice
and could not communicate his situation to his climbing partner. Yates made the only (4)
_______ (DECIDE) available to him and cut the rope, sending Simpson plunging into a deep
crevasse. Amazingly, Simspon managed to crawl his way out of it and then back to camp,
where he met up again with Yates.
I have no (5) _______ (HESITATE) in recommending this book to anyone who likes
real-life adventure stories. Even though you know the author will survive, it holds your
attention from start to finish.
Part 4: Choose the underlined word or phrase A, B, C, or D in each sentence that needs
correcting. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts)
1. The children are extremely excited about the visit to the town where their grandparents A B C were born in. D
2. All of the students in this course will be assessed according to their attendance, A B
performance, and they work hard. C D
3. Each of the members of the group were made to write a report every week. A B C D
4. By the turn of the century, most of the inventions that were to bring in all the comforts of A B C
modern living have already been thought of. D
5. The next step is deforestation, which involves growing forests in areas where there were A B C D none before.
Part 1:
Read a scientific article about asteroids. Then match the paragraph (A–E) with the
information it contains (1–5). Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts)
Trang 3/7
1. Information about a plan that needs finance before it can happen
2. Information about asteroids that are the biggest danger to Earth
3. Information about the numbers of unidentified asteroids near Earth
4. Information about NASA’s most successful project to record asteroids near Earth
5. A solution planned for testing A. _______
In 2010, the planetary defence team at NASA had identified and logged 90 per cent of the
asteroids near Earth measuring 1km wide. These ‘near-Earth objects’, or NEOs, are the size
of mountains and include anything within 50 million kilometres of Earth’s orbit. With an
estimated 50 left to log, NASA says none of the 887 it knows about are a significant danger to the planet. B. _______
Now NASA is working towards logging some of the smaller asteroids, those measuring 140
metres wide or more. Of the 25,000 estimated asteroids of this size, so far about 8,000 have
been logged, leaving 17,000 unaccounted for. Considering that a 19-metre asteroid that
exploded above the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia in 2013 injured 1,200 people, these middle-
sized asteroids would be a serious danger if they enter Earth’s orbit. C. _______
Whether NASA can find the remaining middle-sized NEOs depends on getting the money to
build NEOCam, a 0.5-metre space telescope which would use infrared light to locate
asteroids. If it did get the money, it could probably achieve its goal in ten years. Once logged,
the planetary defence team would still need to work out how to defend the planet against
being hit by the truly worrying asteroids – the PHAs. D. _______
‘Potentially Hazardous Asteroids’ are rocks close enough to pass within 7.5 million
kilometres of Earth’s orbit. NASA has created a map of 1,400 PHAs, none of which are
expected to be a threat in the next one hundred years. With technology already available,
NASA can track these objects and make predictions about possible impact, at which point
two defence solutions could be launched. E. _______
The first is DART – the Double Asteroid Redirection Test. Plans are scheduled to test DART
on the moon of an asteroid called Didymos. ‘Didymoon’ is 150 metres wide, orbiting its 800-
metre mother, and hopefully the impact of DART will knock it out of its orbit enough for
Earth- based telescopes to pick up.
Part 2: Complete the following passage by choosing A, B, C, or D to fill in each blank.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (1.0 pts)

The Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak is a (1) _______ illness and scientists are still (2)
_______ how it spreads from person to person, but similar viruses tend to spread via cough Trang 4/7
and sneeze droplets. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, they (3) _______ droplets
of saliva or mucus. These droplets can fall on people in the vicinity and can be (4) _______
directly inhaled or picked up on the hands then (5) _______ when someone touches their
face, causing infection. For flu, some hospital guidelines define exposure as being within six
feet of an infected person (6) _______ sneezes or coughs for 10 minutes or longer. Viruses
can also be spread through droplets landing on surfaces such as seats on buses or trains or
desks in school. (7) _______, whether this is a main transmission route depends (8) _______
how long viruses survive on surfaces – this can vary from hours to months. There is
anecdotal evidence that the virus can be spread by people (9) _______ they have symptoms.
Some (10) _______ illnesses such as flu can be passed from one person to another before
symptoms occur - but the extent to which this is happening with the new coronavirus is not well understood yet. 1. A. new B. minor C. mental D. genetic 2. A. admitting B. presuming C. assessing D. accounting 3. A. discover B. release C. catch D. take 4. A. neither B. both C. also D. either 5. A. transferred B. exchanged C. transformed D. emerged 6. A. which B. whose C. who D. whom 7. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. In fact 8. A. on B. in C. with D. off 9. A. since B. before C. after D. when 10. A. every B. others C. another D. other
Part 3: Read the following passage and do Task 1 and Task 2 (1.0 pts)
Social media influencers
It is estimated that about 40 percent of the world’s population use social media, and many of
these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy and what trends to follow.
So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their
relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g.
fashion, travel or technology. Influencers often have a large following of people who pay
close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and
influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are
now asking powerful influencers to market their products. With some influencers charging up
to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to
become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are five tips on how to do it. 1. Choose your niche
What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited talking about?
Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio
Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium – such
as your own online blog, Instagram or Snapchat – is the best way to connect with your
followers and chat about your niche area. When you have done that, write an attention- Trang 5/7
grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting and unique way.
Make sure that people who read your bio will want to follow you.
3. Post regularly and consistently
Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more
likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are consistent and possibly follow a theme.
4. Tell an interesting story
Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch
the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
5. Make sure people can easily find your content
Publicise your posts on a variety of social media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make
sure that they can be easily found. There is no point writing the most exciting blogposts or
posting the most attractive photographs if no one is going to see them.
Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have
patience. Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!
Task 1: Choose the best answers A, B, C, or D. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts)
1. A social media influencer is not someone who _______ .
A. guides the decisions of their followers
B. is an expert in a particular area
C. pays their followers to buy products
D. has many followers who pay attention to their opinions
2. Companies want to use influencers to help _______ .
A. sell their products to their followersB. develop new products C. write their blogposts D. design their websites
3. If you want to be an influencer, your bio on your social media account shouldn’t _______ . A. say who you are B. talk about your niche area C. be interesting
D. be the same as other people’s bios
4. You can make sure that people find your post by _______ . A. using hashtags
B. using funny or memorable titles
C. using different social media to link to your post D. doing all of the above
5. What should the title of this blogpost be?
A. Five ways to influence people
B. Five ways to use influencers in marketing
C. Five tips on being a social media influencer
D. Five tips on making money as an influencer
Task 2: Decide whether these statements (1-5) are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Write your
answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts) Statements True Fasle
1. An influencer needs to know about as many topics as possible, e.g. Trang 6/7
fashion, travel, technology, etc.
2. Most influencers write regular posts on their blogs or micro-blogs.
3. You can chat with your followers using your bio.
4. Your posts should not only be attractive but should tell a story.
5. You can become a social media influencer in a short time. E. WRITING (2.5pts)
Part 1:
Read the following passage and use Your Own Words to summarize it. You Must
Not copy or re-write the original. Your summary should be about 60 words. (1.0 pts)
Although speech is the most advanced form of communication, there are many ways
of communicating without using speech. Signals, signs, and symbols may be found in every
known culture. The basic function of a signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a
way that it attracts attention. For example, the flashing lights at an intersection are designed
to direct the driver's attention to the road. Smoke from a distant fire can also send a message,
as does the more detailed version in the dots and dashes of a telegraph. Unlike signals, which,
in general, are coded to refer to speech, signs contain meaning in and of themselves. A barber
pole or a picture of a loaf of bread can convey meaning quickly and conveniently when
placed in front of a shop. A stop sign means stop even though the words may not be written
out on the red octagon. Finally, gestures are actions, which are more difficult to describe
because of their relationship with cultural perceptions. For instance, in some cultures,
applauding in a theater provides performers with an auditory symbol of approval. In other
cultures, applauding can mean that the performance was not well received.
Part 2: Write a paragraph. (1.5 pts)
In about 120 – 180 words, write a paragraph about the following topic:
“If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?” ===THE END==== Trang 7/7 Trang 8/7 Trang 9/6
Document Outline

  • Part 2: Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts)
    • A. _______
    • In 2010, the planetary defence team at NASA had identified and logged 90 per cent of the asteroids near Earth measuring 1km wide. These ‘near-Earth objects’, or NEOs, are the size of mountains and include anything within 50 million kilometres of Earth’s orbit. With an estimated 50 left to log, NASA says none of the 887 it knows about are a significant danger to the planet.
    • B. _______
    • C. _______
    • D. _______
    • E. _______
  • Social media influencers
  • It is estimated that about 40 percent of the world’s population use social media, and many of these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy and what trends to follow.
    • So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
    • An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g. fashion, travel or technology. Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are now asking powerful influencers to market their products. With some influencers charging up to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are five tips on how to do it.
      • 1. Choose your niche
  • What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited talking about? Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
    • 2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio
  • Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium – such as your own online blog, Instagram or Snapchat – is the best way to connect with your followers and chat about your niche area. When you have done that, write an attention- grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting and unique way. Make sure that people who read your bio will want to follow you.
    • 3. Post regularly and consistently
  • Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are consistent and possibly follow a theme.
    • 4. Tell an interesting story
  • Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
    • 5. Make sure people can easily find your content
    • Publicise your posts on a variety of social media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. There is no point writing the most exciting blogposts or posting the most attractive photographs if no one is going to see them.
  • Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience. Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!
    • Task 1: Choose the best answers A, B, C, or D. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 pts)
  • 1. A social media influencer is not someone who _______ .
  • A. guides the decisions of their followers
  • B. is an expert in a particular area
  • C. pays their followers to buy products
  • D. has many followers who pay attention to their opinions
  • 2. Companies want to use influencers to help _______ .
  • A. sell their products to their followers B. develop new products
  • C. write their blogposts D. design their websites
  • 3. If you want to be an influencer, your bio on your social media account shouldn’t _______ .
  • A. say who you are B. talk about your niche area
  • C. be interesting D. be the same as other people’s bios
  • 4. You can make sure that people find your post by _______ .
  • A. using hashtags
  • B. using funny or memorable titles
  • C. using different social media to link to your post
  • D. doing all of the above
  • 5. What should the title of this blogpost be?
  • A. Five ways to influence people
  • B. Five ways to use influencers in marketing
  • C. Five tips on being a social media influencer
  • D. Five tips on making money as an influencer
  • Statements
  • True
  • Fasle
  • 1. An influencer needs to know about as many topics as possible, e.g. fashion, travel, technology, etc.
  • 2. Most influencers write regular posts on their blogs or micro-blogs.
  • 3. You can chat with your followers using your bio.
  • 4. Your posts should not only be attractive but should tell a story.
  • 5. You can become a social media influencer in a short time.
  • “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?”