Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 THPT năm học 2022-2023 môn Tiếng Anh (không chuyên) - Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Bình Thuận có đáp án và giải thích chi tiết

Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 THPT năm học 2022-2023 môn Tiếng Anh (không chuyên) - Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Bình Thuận có đáp án và giải thích chi tiết cho học sinh tham khảo ,ôn tập giúp cho học sinh có thể trang bị thêm được kiến thức mới  và chuẩn bị kỳ thi sắp tới . Mời bạn đọc xem ! 

Question 1-2. Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions (0.5 m)
1. A. invited B. completed C. divided D. recycled
A. ɪnˈvaɪtɪd B. kəmˈpliːtɪd C. dɪˈvaɪdɪd D.ˌriːˈsaɪ.kəld
2. A. climate B. centre C. culture D. country
A. ˈklaɪmət B. ˈsent
ɚr C. ˈkʌltʃɚr D. ˈkʌntri
Question 3-4. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary
stress in each of the following question.
1. A. parade B. journey C. garbage D. fashion
A.pəˈreɪd B. ˈdʒɝːrni C. ˈɡɑːrbɪdʒ D. ˈfæʃən
4. A. energy B. charity C. destruction D. festival
A. ˈenɚrdʒi B. ˈtʃerət
i C. dɪˈstrʌkʃən D. ˈfestəvəl
Question 5-16. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the gap in each sentence.
5. The final men’s football match took place at My Dinh National Stadium _________ 22nd
May, 2022.
A. at B. for C. in D. on
Giới từ “on” chỉ các khoảng thời gian cụ thể hơn “in”; như các thứ trong tuần, ngày tháng
cụ thể vào các ngày lễ cụ thể chứa từ “day”.
6. The students haven’t been told about the time of the coming exam, _________?
A. didn’t they B. have they C. haven’t they D. aren’t they
Cấu trúc câu hỏi đuôi: đông từ chính “haven’t been told --> have they
7. A(n) _________ is a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface.
A. earthquake B. typhoon C. volcano D. snowstorm
earthquake /ˈɝːrθkweɪk/ (n): động đất
typhoon /taɪˈfuːn/ (n): bão
volcano /vɑːlˈkeɪnoʊ/ (n): núi lửa
Snowstorm /ˈsnoʊstɔːrm/ (n): bão tuyết
8. My parents decided _________a taxi because it was late.
A. take B. taking C. took D. to take
Decide to do smt: quyết định làm
9. Last year, my brother _________ stay at home during the time of Covid-19 pandemic
A. will have to B. had to . doesn’t have to D. has to
10. One of Tet’s most special foods is Banh Chung, _________is made hum sticky rice, green
beans and fatty pork.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
Đại từ quan hệ “which thay thế cho Banh Chung”
11. Lan suggests _________ an English Speaking Club this summer.
A. joining B. to join C. joined D. join
Suggest doing smt: đề xuất ý tưởng/ làm
12. In Britain, the _________ Sunday lunch consists of roast meat, potatoes and other vegetables.
A. fashionable B. outdated C. traditional D. progressive
Fashionable /'fæʃnəbl/ (a): Đúng mốt, hợp thời trang; lịch sự, sang trọng
Outdated /¸aut´deitid/ (a): Lỗi thời, cổ
Traditional /trə´diʃənəl/ (a): (thuộc) truyền thống, theo truyền thống, truyền thống
Progressive /prəˈgrɛsɪv/ (a): Tỏ ra tiến bộ, cải cách nhanh chóng
13. More and more people are learning English _________ it is very important.
A. because of B. in spite of C. although D. because
because of + noun = because + clause : bởi
although + clause = despite + noun : mặc
14. Her good behaviors made a deep _________ on all the class members.
A. impression B. decoration C. celebration D. expression
Make an impression on sbd/smt: gây ấn tượng với ai cái
Decoration /¸dekə´reiʃən/ (n): Đồ trang hoàng, đồ trang trí
Celebration /,seli'breiʃn/ (n):Sự kỷ niệm; lễ kỷ niệm
Expression /iks'preʃn/ (n): Sự biểu lộ (tình cảm...), sự diễn cảm; sự biểu hiện (nghệ thuật)..;
sự diễn đạt nghĩ...)
15. If we all use energy, transport, other goods and services more carefully, we can _________
harmful emissions to our environment.
A. increase B. reduce C. enhance D. upgrade
Increase /'ɪŋkri:s/ (v): Tăng lên, tăng thêm, lớn thêm
Reduce /ri'dju:s/ (v): Giảm, giảm bớt, hạ
Enhance /ɪnˈhɑ:ns/ (v): Làm tăng, nâng cao, đề cao, làm nổi bật (đức tính, quyền hạn...)
Upgrade /ˈʌpˌgreɪd/ (v): Nâng cao chất lượng (sản phẩm)
16. Long and Minh are talking about plant protection.
Long: “I think we should use less paper so that we can save trees in the forests.”“Tôi nghĩ chúng
ta nên sử dụng ít giấy hơn để thể cứu cây trong rừng.”
Minh: “_________”
A. It’s nice of you to say so. Thật vui khi bạn nói như vậy
B. Yes, I’d love to.Có, tôi rất thích.
C. Congratulations! Xin chúc mừng!
D. That’s a good idea! Đó một ý kiến hay!
Question 17-18. Choose the underlined word that needs correction in each of the following
sentences. (0.5 m)
17. If I am an astronaut, I would take my camera with me on the spaceship.
Am --> were
Câu điều kiện loại 2 được sử dụng để diễn tả những tình huống không thật, không thể xảy
ra trong tương lai giả định kết quả nếu thể xảy ra.
If + S + V-ed, S + would/could/... + V
18. Scientists have been looking after an effective treatment for this strange type of disease.
looking after --> looking for
look after (phr verb) : chăm sóc, chăm nom
Look for (phr verb): tìm kiếm
Questions 19-20. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence. (0.5 m)
19. The movement of waves and tides can be used to generate __ELECTRICITY__.
Electricity /ilek'trisiti/ (n): Điện, điện lực
Electric /ɪˈlɛktrɪk/ (a): (thuộc) điện, điện, phát điện
20. If you want to ____WIDEN___ your English vocabulary, you should read short stories in
English. (WIDE)
Wide /waid/ (a): Rộng, rộng lớn
Widen /'waidn/ (v):Làm cho rộng ra, nới rộng ra, mở rộng
Question 21-24. Read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each of the
numbered blank. (1 m)
More and more people live in large cities these days and this means that it is becoming difficult
(21) _________ space and time for themselves. But for many people, personal privacy is very
important. In many homes, a few minutes in the bathroom is all the privacy that is available.
Teenagers need their own personal space at home (22) _________ they can feel relaxed and
private. But, of course, not all teenagers are lucky enough to have a room of their own. Where
space is narrow, they often have to share a bedroom (23) _________ a brother or sister. In that
case, it’s a good idea for them to have a special area or comer of the room to call their own. It's
especially important for young people to have somewhere to keep their personal things. There
should be enough storage spaces for them such as shelves, cupboards and boxes. This will (24)
_________ the teenagers to keep their space tidy if they want to.
21. A. finding B. to find C. find D. found
22. A. who B. whose C. where D. whom
23. A. from B. of C. with D. at
24. A. let B. prevent C. make D. allow
Be difficult to do smt: khó khăn khi làm
Trạng từ quan hệ “where” thay thế cho “home”
share smt with sbd: chia sẻ với ai
Allow (v) sbd to do smt: cho phép ai làm
Let cho phép, để cho
Prevent /pri'vent/ Ngăn cản; ngăn chặn, ngăn ngừa
Make (v): làm ra
Question 25 30. Read the passage and do the task that follow. (1.5 m)
SMALL CHANGES, BIG CONSEQUENCES - 6 things you can do to help the
1. Don’t leave your computer or other electrical appliances on standby. If you switch off your TV
completely when you’ve stopped watching, it won’t use any electricity. People think that a
gadget on standby uses only the electricity for that “little red light.” Not true!
2. When you charge your mobile, disconnect the charger from the phone when the battery is fully
charged. Otherwise, you will waste energy.
3. If you keep your shopping bags and reuse them when you go to the supermarket, you’ll save
money. Don’t forget that plastic waste is a danger for the environment. Unless people stop
throwing plastic away, the environment will suffer even more.
4. Don’t let the water run while you’re brushing your teeth. If you turn it off and use a cup of
water to rinse your mouth, you’ll save a lot of water.
5. Make sure none of the taps in your house drip. If a tap drips, it wastes three or more litters of
water a day.
6. Think before you throw things away, and tell your family to do the same They may not want
to use an old mobile, computer or MP3 player any more. That doesn’t mean that those things
should end up in the litter bin. If they go to a charity, other people might find them very useful.
Task 1: Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F). (1 m)
25. According to the passage, there are 6 things to do to help the environment. __T_
26. You shouldn’t disconnect the charger from the phone when the battery is fully charged. _F__
Key: When you charge your mobile, disconnect the charger from the phone when the battery
is fully charged. Otherwise, you will waste energy.
27. You’ll save money if you reuse your shopping bags when you go to the supermarket. __T_
Key: If you keep your shopping bags and reuse them when you go to the supermarket, you’ll
save money.
27. Leaving the water running while brushing your teeth means that you will save a lot of
water. _F__
Key: Don’t let the water run while you’re brushing your teeth
Task 2: Answer the questions. (0.5 m)
29. Will your TV use any electricity if you switch it off completely?
No, it won't.
Key: If you switch off your TV completely when you’ve stopped watching, it won’t use any
30. How many litters of water does it waste a day if a tap drips?
If a tap drips, it wastes three or more litters of water a day.
Question 31 32. Rearrange the following words or phrases to make compete sentences. (0.5
31. to travel/ It took us / last Sunday / an hour / to the camping site.
It took us an hour to travel to the camping site last Sunday.
It (take) sbd + (time) +to+ V: tốn bao nhiêu thời gian để làm đó
32. his old age, / my grandfather / to learn and explore the world / has a strong desire / In spite of
In spite of his old age, my grandfather has a strong desire to learn and explore the world.
In spite of + noun: mặc
desire /di'zaiə/ (n): Niềm khao khát
Question 33 36. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means almost
the same as the original sentence, beginning with the words given. (2 m)
33. It’s a pity. I can’t swim well.
I wish could swim well.
Câu ước: S + wish(es) + (that) + S + V-ed/were/p2
34. “I am working in an Institute of Foreign Languages in Ho Chi Minh City.”, said Mr. John.
Mr. John said that he was working in an lostrufe of Foreign Languages in Ho Chi Minh City.
Câu tường thuật: S + say(s) / said + (that) + S + V( lùi thì)
35. In the last 50 years, scientists have developed a lot of new vaccines.
In the last 50 years, a lot of new vaccines have been developed by scientists.
Cấu trúc câu bị động: S + be( chia) + V3/ed + by 0 ( S:đối tượng bị tác động bởi hành động)
36. Susan will make so many mistakes if she doesn’t take more time over her work.
Unless Susan takes more time over her work, she will make so many mistakes.
Cấu trúc câu điều kiện loại 1: Unless + S + V (simple present), S + will/can/shall + V
Unless = if not
Make mistakes : mắc lỗi
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Preview text:

Question 1-2. Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions (0.5 m)
1. A. invited B. completed C. divided D. recycled A. ɪnˈvaɪtɪd B. kəmˈpliːtɪd C. dɪˈvaɪdɪd D.ˌriːˈsaɪ.kəld 2. A. climate B. centre C. culture D. country A. ˈklaɪmət B. ˈsent̬ɚr C. ˈkʌltʃɚr D. ˈkʌntri
Question 3-4. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary
stress in each of the following question.
1. A. parade B. journey C. garbage D. fashion A.pəˈreɪd B. ˈdʒɝːrni C. ˈɡɑːrbɪdʒ D. ˈfæʃən 4. A. energy B. charity C. destruction D. festival A. ˈenɚrdʒi B. ˈtʃerət̬i C. dɪˈstrʌkʃən D. ˈfestəvəl
Question 5-16. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the gap in each sentence.
5. The final men’s football match took place at My Dinh National Stadium _________ 22nd May, 2022. A. at B. for C. in D. on ●
Giới từ “on” chỉ các khoảng thời gian cụ thể hơn “in”; như là các thứ trong tuần, ngày tháng
cụ thể và vào các ngày lễ cụ thể có chứa từ “day”.
6. The students haven’t been told about the time of the coming exam, _________? A. didn’t they B. have they C. haven’t they D. aren’t they ●
Cấu trúc câu hỏi đuôi: đông từ chính “haven’t been told ” --> have they
7. A(n) _________ is a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface. A. earthquake B. typhoon C. volcano D. snowstorm ●
earthquake /ˈɝːrθkweɪk/ (n): động đất ●
typhoon /taɪˈfuːn/ (n): bão ●
volcano /vɑːlˈkeɪnoʊ/ (n): núi lửa ●
Snowstorm /ˈsnoʊstɔːrm/ (n): bão tuyết
8. My parents decided _________a taxi because it was late. A. take B. taking C. took D. to take ●
Decide to do smt: quyết định làm gì
9. Last year, my brother _________ stay at home during the time of Covid-19 pandemic A. will have to B. had to . doesn’t have to D. has to
10. One of Tet’s most special foods is Banh Chung, _________is made hum sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose ●
Đại từ quan hệ “which ” thay thế cho “ Banh Chung”
11. Lan suggests _________ an English Speaking Club this summer. A. joining B. to join C. joined D. join ●
Suggest doing smt: đề xuất ý tưởng/ làm gì
12. In Britain, the _________ Sunday lunch consists of roast meat, potatoes and other vegetables. A. fashionable B. outdated C. traditional D. progressive ●
Fashionable /'fæʃnəbl/ (a): Đúng mốt, hợp thời trang; lịch sự, sang trọng ●
Outdated /¸aut´deitid/ (a): Lỗi thời, cổ ●
Traditional /trə´diʃənəl/ (a): (thuộc) truyền thống, theo truyền thống, là truyền thống ●
Progressive /prəˈgrɛsɪv/ (a): Tỏ ra tiến bộ, cải cách nhanh chóng
13. More and more people are learning English _________ it is very important. A. because of B. in spite of C. although D. because ●
because of + noun = because + clause : bởi vì ●
although + clause = despite + noun : mặc dù
14. Her good behaviors made a deep _________ on all the class members. A. impression B. decoration C. celebration D. expression ●
Make an impression on sbd/smt: gây ấn tượng với ai cái gì ●
Decoration /¸dekə´reiʃən/ (n): Đồ trang hoàng, đồ trang trí ●
Celebration /,seli'breiʃn/ (n):Sự kỷ niệm; lễ kỷ niệm ●
Expression /iks'preʃn/ (n): Sự biểu lộ (tình cảm...), sự diễn cảm; sự biểu hiện (nghệ thuật)..;
sự diễn đạt (ý nghĩ...)
15. If we all use energy, transport, other goods and services more carefully, we can _________
harmful emissions to our environment. A. increase B. reduce C. enhance D. upgrade ●
Increase /'ɪŋkri:s/ (v): Tăng lên, tăng thêm, lớn thêm ●
Reduce /ri'dju:s/ (v): Giảm, giảm bớt, hạ ●
Enhance /ɪnˈhɑ:ns/ (v): Làm tăng, nâng cao, đề cao, làm nổi bật (đức tính, quyền hạn...) ●
Upgrade /ˈʌpˌgreɪd/ (v): Nâng cao chất lượng (sản phẩm)
16. Long and Minh are talking about plant protection.
Long: “I think we should use less paper so that we can save trees in the forests.”“Tôi nghĩ chúng
ta nên sử dụng ít giấy hơn để có thể cứu cây trong rừng.” Minh: “_________” A.
It’s nice of you to say so. Thật vui khi bạn nói như vậy B.
Yes, I’d love to.Có, tôi rất thích. C.
Congratulations! Xin chúc mừng!
D. That’s a good idea! Đó là một ý kiến hay!
Question 17-18. Choose the underlined word that needs correction in each of the following sentences. (0.5 m)
17. If I am an astronaut, I would take my camera with me on the spaceship. A B C D ● Am --> were ●
Câu điều kiện loại 2 được sử dụng để diễn tả những tình huống không có thật, không thể xảy
ra trong tương lai và giả định kết quả nếu nó có thể xảy ra. ●
If + S + V-ed, S + would/could/... + V
18. Scientists have been looking after an effective treatment for this strange type of disease. A B C D ●
looking after --> looking for ●
look after (phr verb) : chăm sóc, chăm nom ●
Look for (phr verb): tìm kiếm
Questions 19-20. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence. (0.5 m) 19.
The movement of waves and tides can be used to generate __ELECTRICITY__. (ELECTRIC) ●
Electricity /ilek'trisiti/ (n): Điện, điện lực ●
Electric /ɪˈlɛktrɪk/ (a): (thuộc) điện, có điện, phát điện 20.
If you want to ____WIDEN___ your English vocabulary, you should read short stories in English. (WIDE) ●
Wide /waid/ (a): Rộng, rộng lớn ●
Widen /'waidn/ (v):Làm cho rộng ra, nới rộng ra, mở rộng
Question 21-24. Read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each of the numbered blank. (1 m)
More and more people live in large cities these days and this means that it is becoming difficult
(21) _________ space and time for themselves. But for many people, personal privacy is very
important. In many homes, a few minutes in the bathroom is all the privacy that is available.
Teenagers need their own personal space at home (22) _________ they can feel relaxed and
private. But, of course, not all teenagers are lucky enough to have a room of their own. Where
space is narrow, they often have to share a bedroom (23) _________ a brother or sister. In that
case, it’s a good idea for them to have a special area or comer of the room to call their own. It's
especially important for young people to have somewhere to keep their personal things. There
should be enough storage spaces for them such as shelves, cupboards and boxes. This will (24)
_________ the teenagers to keep their space tidy if they want to. 21. A. finding B. to find C. find D. found 22. A. who B. whose C. where D. whom 23. A. from B. of C. with D. at 24. A. let B. prevent C. make D. allow 21. ●
Be difficult to do smt: khó khăn khi làm gì 22. ●
Trạng từ quan hệ “where” thay thế cho “home” 23. ●
share smt with sbd: chia sẻ gì với ai 24. ●
Allow (v) sbd to do smt: cho phép ai làm gì ● Let cho phép, để cho ●
Prevent /pri'vent/ Ngăn cản; ngăn chặn, ngăn ngừa ● Make (v): làm ra
Question 25 – 30. Read the passage and do the task that follow. (1.5 m)
SMALL CHANGES, BIG CONSEQUENCES - 6 things you can do to help the environment
1. Don’t leave your computer or other electrical appliances on standby. If you switch off your TV
completely when you’ve stopped watching, it won’t use any electricity. People think that a
gadget on standby uses only the electricity for that “little red light.” Not true!
2. When you charge your mobile, disconnect the charger from the phone when the battery is fully
charged. Otherwise, you will waste energy.
3. If you keep your shopping bags and reuse them when you go to the supermarket, you’ll save
money. Don’t forget that plastic waste is a danger for the environment. Unless people stop
throwing plastic away, the environment will suffer even more.
4. Don’t let the water run while you’re brushing your teeth. If you turn it off and use a cup of
water to rinse your mouth, you’ll save a lot of water.
5. Make sure none of the taps in your house drip. If a tap drips, it wastes three or more litters of water a day.
6. Think before you throw things away, and tell your family to do the same They may not want
to use an old mobile, computer or MP3 player any more. That doesn’t mean that those things
should end up in the litter bin. If they go to a charity, other people might find them very useful.
Task 1: Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F). (1 m)
25. According to the passage, there are 6 things to do to help the environment. __T_
26. You shouldn’t disconnect the charger from the phone when the battery is fully charged. _F__ ●
Key: When you charge your mobile, disconnect the charger from the phone when the battery
is fully charged. Otherwise, you will waste energy.
27. You’ll save money if you reuse your shopping bags when you go to the supermarket. __T_ ●
Key: If you keep your shopping bags and reuse them when you go to the supermarket, you’ll save money. 27.
Leaving the water running while brushing your teeth means that you will save a lot of water. _F__ ●
Key: Don’t let the water run while you’re brushing your teeth
Task 2: Answer the questions. (0.5 m)
29. Will your TV use any electricity if you switch it off completely? → No, it won't. ●
Key: If you switch off your TV completely when you’ve stopped watching, it won’t use any electricity.
30. How many litters of water does it waste a day if a tap drips?
→ If a tap drips, it wastes three or more litters of water a day.
Question 31 – 32. Rearrange the following words or phrases to make compete sentences. (0.5 m)
31. to travel/ It took us / last Sunday / an hour / to the camping site.
→ It took us an hour to travel to the camping site last Sunday. ●
It (take) sbd + (time) +to+ V: tốn bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì đó
32. his old age, / my grandfather / to learn and explore the world / has a strong desire / In spite of .
→ In spite of his old age, my grandfather has a strong desire to learn and explore the world. ● In spite of + noun: mặc dù ●
desire /di'zaiə/ (n): Niềm khao khát
Question 33 – 36. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means almost
the same as the original sentence, beginning with the words given. (2 m)
33. It’s a pity. I can’t swim well. → I wish could swim well. ●
Câu ước: S + wish(es) + (that) + S + V-ed/were/p2
34. “I am working in an Institute of Foreign Languages in Ho Chi Minh City.”, said Mr. John.
→ Mr. John said that he was working in an lostrufe of Foreign Languages in Ho Chi Minh City. ●
Câu tường thuật: S + say(s) / said + (that) + S + V( lùi thì)
35. In the last 50 years, scientists have developed a lot of new vaccines.
→ In the last 50 years, a lot of new vaccines have been developed by scientists. ●
Cấu trúc câu bị động: S + be( chia) + V3/ed + by 0 ( S:đối tượng bị tác động bởi hành động)
36. Susan will make so many mistakes if she doesn’t take more time over her work.
→ Unless Susan takes more time over her work, she will make so many mistakes. ●
Cấu trúc câu điều kiện loại 1: Unless + S + V (simple present), S + will/can/shall + V ● Unless = if not ● Make mistakes : mắc lỗi