Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 THPT tỉnh Quảng Trị năm 2020 môn Tiếng Anh (chuyên)

Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 THPT tỉnh Quảng Trị năm 2020 môn Tiếng Anh (chuyên) được biên soạn dưới dạng file PDF cho các bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

QUẢNG TRỊ Khóa ngày 21 tháng 7 năm 2020
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề thi này gồm 10 trang)
Họ tên học sinh:
áo d
Ngày sinh:
Phòng thi số:
Hội đồng thi:
Họ, tên và chữ ký
Họ, tên và chữ ký
p h
( Thí sinh không viết vào ô
- Thí sinh ghi đầy đủ thông tin: họ tên, số báo danh, phòng thi, hội đồng thi ở phần trên.
- Không được ghi kết quả bài làm lên trang này hoặc mặt sau của trang này.
- Thí sinh phải kiểm tra số tờ đề thi trước khi làm bài.
- Ghi kết quả trả lời của từng câu hỏi vào ô trống đã cho ở dưới các phần.
- Trong phần ghi kết quả, thí sinh không được ghi bút đỏ, bút chì hoặc bút xóa.
- Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu và giám thị không giải thích gì thêm.
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ĐIỂM Họ, tên và chữ ký
Mã phách
Do chủ tịch HĐCT ghi
Bằng số Bằng chữ
Part 1: Listen to the recording and write your answers in the space provided with no more than TWO
Example: 0. Where did Jack want to go on his birthday?
…….(the) cinema…….
1. Which film do they choose?
2. When will Jack see the film?
3. What time must Jack’s friend come to his house?
4. How will they buy the cinema tickets?
5. How will they get to the cinema?
Part 2: Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a woman called Julie and a man called
Greg talking about an indoor wildlife centre they have visited.
Decide if each sentence is True (T) or False (F).
1. They agree that the wildlife centre building is well designed.
2. Julie thought the sharks at the wildlife centre were frightening.
3. Julie found the building was too warm.
4. Greg was disappointed with the number of insects.
5. Greg only managed to see one tree frog.
6. Julie is very keen to return to the wildlife centre.
Part 3: You will hear a woman phoning a friend to get information about job agency.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space with ONE WORD AND/OR A
NUMBER in the boxes below.
Bankside Recruitment Agency
Address of agency: 497 Eastside, Docklands
Name of agent: Becky (1)..............................................................................................
Phone number: (2)...................................................................................................
Best to call her in the (3)..........................................................................................
Clerical and admin roles, mainly in the finance industry
Must have good (4).................................................................................skills
Jobs are usually for at least one (5)...........................................................................................
Pay is usually (6)
£.................................................................................per hour
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Part 4: You will hear a recorded talk giving an introduction to the historical theme park of MANHAM
River Port in England.
Choose A, B or C and write your answer in the boxes below.
1. Why did a port originally develop at Manham?
A. It was safe from enemy attack.
B. It was convenient for river transport.
C. It had a good position on the sea coast.
2. What caused Manham’s sudden expansion during the Industrial Revolution?
A. the improvement in mining techniques
B. the increase in demand for metals
C. the discovery of tin in the area
3. Why did rocks have to be sent away from Manham to be processed?
A. shortage of fuel
B. poor transport systems
C. lack of skills among local people
4. What happened when the port declined in the twentieth century?
A. The workers went away.
B. Traditional skills were lost.
C. Buildings were used for new purposes.
5. What did the Manham Trust hope to do?
A. discover the location of the original port
B. provide jobs for the unemployed
C. rebuild the port complex
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea)
Part 1:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 2:
1. 1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
Part 3:
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Part 4:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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Part 1: Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions and write your
answers in the boxes below.
1. He's still______dependent on his parents; he regularly receives money to live from them.
A. finance B. financial C. financially D. financier
2. The director is an important man behind the _______ in the play
A. curtain B. doors C. scenes D. wheel
3. The assignment was very lengthy so she was forced to burn the____to get it done on time.
A. lamp B. oil C. midnight lamp D. midnight oil
4. A workshop can give children with______experience with computers.
A. skillful B. handy C. practising D. hands-on
5. The computer program is ________to the needs of individual users.
A. available B. accessible C. adaptable D. reasonable
6. He’s so brilliant and he can do anything -_________.
A. it’s over the moon B. once in a blue moon
C. out of this world D. the sky’s the limit
7. The student was _____ of understanding the theory even after the professor's profound explanation.
A. incompetent B. incapable C. helpless D. unsuccessful
8. My sister is extremely fond of astronomy. He seems to _____ a lot of pleasure from observing the
A. derive B. possess C. seize D. reach
9. The concert was a great success. More than a thousand people ______ to listen to this fascinating
tribal music.
A. found out B. turned up C. made off D. set about
10. You may borrow my laptop ______ you promise to look after it.
A. unless B. in case C. as long as D. although
11. This is a photo of my little sister ______ ice cream on the beach.
A. eat B. eating C. was eating D. having eaten
12. My boss is angry with me. I didn’t do all the work that I __________ last week.
A. should do B. should have done C. must have done D. might have done
13. Thank you very much. I haven’t been to _____________ party for ages.
A. a so enjoyable B. such enjoyable C. so enjoyable a D.so enjoyable
14. In the kitchen, there is a_____________ table.
A. beautiful large round wooden B. large beautiful wooden round
C. beautiful large wooden round D. beautiful round large wooden
Write your answers here. (0.05/ea)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14.
Part 2: Error Correction
There is an error in each of the following sentences.
Write the error and the correction down in the boxes below.
1. One of the most urgent problem facing us today is how to reduce pollution.
2. All of birds, doves are undoubtedly among the closest to humans.
Off all
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3. Mary broke down her relationship with Paul because she couldn’t put up with him anymore.
4. In many parts of the world, people are becoming more worried about the danger of pollution and
its affect on the environment.
5. They are going to launch an expedition into interior of Australia.
the interior
6. I was born in Viet Nam and brought up in France. I can speak both Vietnamese and French.
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea)
Error Correction Error Correction
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
Part 3: Word formation
Give the correct form of the words given in BRACKETS to make the sentences meaningful.
Write your answers in the boxes below.
1. I haven’t used English for years so it is a bit_____. (RUST)
2. Some people say that a place of interest is a place famous for its scenery or a well-known_________
site. (HISTORY)
3. The suspect was released because of lack of_________ against him. (EVIDENT)
4. She lives in one of the most _________ parts of the city: there are lots of luxury shops there.
5. Paying respect to people of______ is a tradition in Viet Nam. (SENIOR)
6. You may become more _________, and care about other people’s opinions, especially those of your
friends. (AWARE)
7. There are many complaints about the________ of facilities for the handicapped. (ADEQUATE)
8. It was irresponsible of you to leave the baby _________. (ATTENDANCE)
9. Despite being a keen camper, I find the darkness in this forest_________. (BEAR)
10. The teacher expressed her dissatisfaction with Tom because he's so _________ in class. (OBEY)
Write your answers here. (0.05/ea)
1. rusty 2. historical 3. evidence 4. fashionabe 5. seniority
6. self-aware 7. inadequacy 8. unattended 9. unbearable 10. disobeydient
Part 4: Gap fill
Read the passage and fill each gap with ONE suitable word. Write your answer in the boxes below.
To have an allergy means that a person is affected either by a substance in the atmosphere (1)
_________ by some sort of food. These days a lot of people suffer from one kind of allergy or another.
So, what can people do to fight allergies? If someone is allergic to chocolate, for instance, the simplest
(2) _________ to do would be to avoid eating any chocolate. If, on the (3) ______ hand, the allergic
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reaction is caused by (4) _________ unknown or difficult to avoid, then the only solution is prescribed
The chances of someone having an allergy are bound to be great if allergies (5) _________ in the
family. In other words, if one parent suffers from allergies, the child has a thirty percent chance of
being allergic, too. If (6) _________ parents are affected, the risk doubles.
However, there is absolutely no logical (7) _________ to be terrified of that possibility. Those who
suffer can carry (8) _________ with their lives and not let their allergies wear them out. They
shouldn’t feel different from everyone else.
Write your answers here. (0.05/ea)
1. or 2. thing 3. other 4. something
5. run 6. both 7. reason 8. on
Part 1: Read the following passage and decide which option (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write
your answer in the boxes below.
New Year celebrations date as far back as 2000 BC in Mesopotamia. Yet, the actual date has changed
a number of times. There was always a problem because New Year was (1) ______by the movements
of the Sun and Moon which allowed room for error. To cut a long story short, it wasn’t until 1582,
when the calendar we use today was (2) _________.
That January 1st became New Year's Day in most cultures. Some cultures, however, celebrate the New
Year at various times, according to their calendar and religious traditions. For example, the Chinese
celebrate it between the 21
of January and the 19
of February. In (3) _______ with most of the
world who celebrate at the beginning of the year, the Jewish people celebrate it in September or early
In any case, the New Year is a festive occasion. Some people celebrate at home with no (4) _____ of
champagne, while others party on the streets, watching the fireworks that the city council (5) _____
have provided. Others prefer night clubs, joining the long (6) ______ of people waiting to get in and
dance the night away. In China, there are parades with dancing dragons and hundreds of people turn up
to look on. It is also common to make New Year’s Resolutions, the (7) _____ being that most people
regard the New Year as a chance to (8) _____ bad habits.
To sum up, New Year is a time of celebration that a large proportion of the people look forward to.
A. calculated B. assumed C. supposed D. considered
A. realised B. recognised C. known D. introduced
A. contrary B. opposite C. contrast D. difference
A. shortage B. loss C. absence D. scarce
A. likely B. should C. possibly D. may
A. aisles B. queues C. rows D. corridors
A. view B. point C. idea D. matter
A. cut B. break C. change D. split
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea)
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers in
the boxes below.
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Since the time books were first made and sold, there have always been some that were more popular
than others. Sometimes, they were stories about far away places. If the story was very good, many
people bought the book. In the last few years, one set of story books has sold more copies and been
more popular than any other book on bookstore shelves. Those are the Harry Potter books.
Harry Potter is a series of seven books that were written by a woman from England named J. K.
Rowling, who now lives in Scotland. It has been a huge success story for her. She did not have much
money before the first book came out, but then it was a huge hit all over the world. Kids, teens, and
adults in almost every country began reading the books.
The Harry Potter series is about a young boy in England whose parents died when he was a baby. He
was sent to live with his aunt and uncle. Harry’s aunt and uncle are not nice to him. Then Harry finds
out that he is a wizard and can do magic, and he is invited to a special school to learn how to do even
more magic. He meets another boy and a girl, and they become good friends. They all have many
adventures. Harry teams that a very evil wizard killed his parents, and now it is up to Harry and his
friends to try and find the evil wizard and kill him. Some parts of the story are funny. Other parts are
sad. But the books are always interesting and exciting.
People say that the Harry Potter books made reading fun again and made kids want to read. The books
and then movies became such a hit that they have made J. K. Rowling one of the richest people in the
world. Millions of kids and adults all over the world fell in love with the stories. Now there are
websites, books, and toys about Harry Potter.
Even though millions of kids and adults all over the world love these books, there are also some who
say that the Harry Potter series is bad for kids because it talks about using magic. They say that the
books may be sending the wrong ideas to kids. Can stories like this really have a bad effect on
1. The reading is about…..
A. J.K. Rowling’s life
B. the first Harry Potter book
C. a series of books
2. Which sentence is NOT true?
A. Harry’s aunt and uncle were mean to him.
B. Harry found out he was a wizard before he left his aunt and uncle’s house.
C. Harry Potter went to a special school to study magic.
3. According to the reading, J.K. Rowling…..
A. went to school in England
B. lives in Scotland
C. was rich before she wrote the Harry Potter books
4. Which of the following does the writer mention?
A. The actor who played Harry Potter in the movies
B. Harry Potter websites and toys
C. A child who got into trouble because of Harry Potter
5. The author says that some people don’t like the Harry Potter books because…..
A. they are violent
B. there is magic in them
C. they are scary for younger children
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 3: Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers in
the boxes below.
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In the 1970s, many people became concerned about energy. People had to face up to the fact that they
used too much energy, and energy sources were not going to last forever. One architect, Michael
Reynolds, decided to do something. He set out to design homes that were cheaper to build and more
energy efficient. In addition, he wanted to do something about all the garbage. Finally, he came up
with the idea of “earthships”.
Although it sounds like a boat, an earthship is a house. However, unlike regular houses, earthships are
constructed from garbage and are built using only ten percent of the energy needed to build a typical
house. Moreover, after they are built, earthships use only ten percent of the energy required to heat,
light, and cool a regular home. Although earthships sound unique, they can actually be built to look
just like any other house.
One of the big benefits of earthships is that they are made from recycled materials. The main
construction material of an earthship is used tires that are filled with dirt. The dirt-filled tires are then
laid flat and stacked like bricks. Because the tires are round, there is lots of extra space between the
columns of tires. These spaces are filled with used cardboard. The tires and cardboard form the outside
walls of an earthship. The inside walls between rooms in the earthship do not need to be as strong as
the outside walls; therefore, the inside walls are made with old cans, bottles, and cement that are
eventually covered and painted to look just like walls in a typical home.
Another benefit of an earthship is that it saves energy and natural resources. For example, an earthship
uses less water. Rain water, which is collected on the roof, is used for drinking and bathing.
Furthermore, earthships need much less energy for heating and cooling because they are built into the
ground, which keeps the temperature inside the house from getting too hot or too cold. In the long run,
this helps earthship owners lower their utility bills. As well, one wall of an earthship usually faces
south. Therefore, solar heat helps to warm the house, and solar panels built on the roof generate
electricity to run appliances in the house.
All of these features make earthships very environmentally friendly. That’s one of the reasons they
have become popular throughout the world. Earthships have been built in Bolivia, Australia, Mexico,
Japan, Canada, England, Scotland, and all over the US. Maybe in the near future, an earthship will be
landing near you!
1. What is the main idea of this reading?
A. Environmentalists are concerned about energy.
B. Earthships are in many different countries.
C. Earthships are friendly to the environment.
D. Earthships look like typical houses.
2. What are earthships mainly made of?
A. Used cardboard
B. Used tires
C. Old cans and bottles
D. Cement
3. Why do earthships need less energy to heat and cool them?
A. Because the temperature is not too hot or too cold.
B. Because they recycle water.
C. Because they are typically very small.
D. Because they are under the ground.
4. In an earthship, old boxes would be used to ______.
A. recycle water
B. build inside walls
C. create fertilizer
D. fill outside walls
5. What does “environmentally friendly” mean?
A. Made from natural products
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B. Bad for the environment
C. Good for the environment
D. Found throughout the environment
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 4: Read the text and choose the correct heading from the list I-IX for each paragraph (1-5) below. Write
your answers in the boxes provided. There is an example at the beginning (0).
i The plans for the future of films vi Too true to life?
ii The history of cinema vii Uncertainty about financial advantages
iii Integrating other events into cinema viii Indecision about a name
iv Current problems with distribution ix The contrasts of cinema today
v An unexpected advantage
The end of silver screen
Cinema technology has remained much the same for a century, so when will it go digital? Kevin
Hilton views the projections.
Paragraph 0. Cinema is full of contradictions. It is high-tech and old-fashioned at the same time.
Today’s films are full of digital sound and computer-generated special effects. Yet they are still stored
on celluloid film, the basis of which is more than 100 years old. They are also displayed with
projectors and screens that seem to belong to our great grandparents’ generation.
Paragraph 1. Now that we are in the second century of cinema, there are moves to bring the medium
right up to date. This will involve revolutionizing not just how films are made but also how they are
distributed and presented. The aim is not only to produce and prepare films digitally, but to be able to
send them to movie theatres by digital, electronic means. High-resolution digital projectors would then
show the film. Supporters say this will make considerable savings at all stages of this chain,
particularly for distribution.
Paragraph 2. With such a major technological revolution on the horizon, it seems strange that the
industry is still not sure what to call itself. This may appear a minor point, but the choices, ‘digital’
cinema and ‘electronic’ cinema (e-cinema), suggest different approaches to, and aspects of, the
business. Digital cinema refers to the physical capture of images; e-cinema covers the whole chain,
from production through post-production (editing, addition of special effects and construction of
soundtrack) to distribution and projection.
Paragraph 3. And what about the effects of the new medium? The main selling point of digital
cinema is the high resolution and sharpness of the final image. But those who support the old-
fashioned approach to film point to the celluloid medium’s quality of warmth. A recurring criticism of
video is that it may be too good: uncomfortably real, rather like looking through an open window. In
1989, the director of the first full-length American digital high-definition movie admitted that the
picture had a ‘stark, strange reality to it’.
Paragraph 4. Even the money-saving aspect of e-cinema is doubted. One expert says that existing
cinemas will have to show the new material and not all of them will readily or rapidly furnish
themselves with the right equipment. ‘E-cinema is seen as a way of saving money, because print costs
a lot,’ he says. ‘But for that to work, cinemas have to be showing the films because cinemas are the
engine that drives the film industry.’
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Paragraph 5. This view has promoted some pro-digital entrepreneurs to take a slightly different
approach. HD Thames is looking at reinventing the existing cinema market, moving towards e-theatre,
which would use digital video and projection to present plays, musicals and some sporting events to
the public. This is not that different from the large-screen TV system that was set up in New York in
1930, and John Logie Baird’s experiments with TV in the late 1920s and early 30s.
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea)
Paragraph 0 1 2 3 4 5
Heading ix
Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between THREE and SIX words, including
the word given. Write your answers in the spaces provided (0.1/ea)
1. If your sister didn't work so hard, your family would starve. FOR
Were it __________________________ working so hard, your family would starve.
2. They should leave for the picnic now. LEFT
It’s __________________________ picnic.
3. It’s possible John didn't hear her name being called. MIGHT
John __________________________ name being called.
4. I met your boss by chance at the office last week. RAN
I __________________________ the office last week.
5. I don’t know how on earth she thinks of such brilliant plots for her novels. COME
How on earth __________________________ such brilliant plots for her novels?
6. I can’t really remember the last time I had a day off. AGES
It feels__________________________ I had a day off.
7. Being in prison seems to have changed Kevin's behaviour for the better. LEAF
Kevin has__________________________ he got out of prison.
Part 2: Rewrite each of the following sentences using cues given so that it has the same meaning as
the given one. Write your answers in the spaces provided. (0.1/ea)
1. I could realize how important the family is only after I left home.
Not until I left home did I realize how important the family---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. All the students were awarded diplomas.
Every student was awarded diplomas--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. I haven't lent my new lawnmower to anybody.
Nobody has borrowed my new lawnmower .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. I was strongly determined to complete my project by the end of the year.
I had a strong determination to complete my project by the end of the year----------------------------------------------------
5. As people use a lot of wood-pulp, many trees are cut down.
The more wood-pulp people used, the more trees are cut down.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission.
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If it hadn’t been for absolute secrecy, the mision wouldn’t have succeeded---------------------------------------------------
Part 3: Write an essay about 180 words to present your argument on the following topic (1.0 pt)
Some people argue that school should be blamed for the increasing violence among school
students. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?
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------------ THE END ------------
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Preview text:

Khóa ngày 21 tháng 7 năm 2020 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH Đ Ề THI CHÍNH THỨC
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề thi này gồm 10 trang)
Họ và tên học sinh: S ố b áo d an h Ngày sinh: Phòng thi số: Hội đồng thi: Họ, tên và chữ ký Họ, tên và chữ ký M ã p h ác h GIÁM THỊ 1 GIÁM THỊ 2
( Thí sinh không viết vào ô này) HƯỚNG DẪN
- Thí sinh ghi đầy đủ thông tin: họ tên, số báo danh, phòng thi, hội đồng thi ở phần trên.
- Không được ghi kết quả bài làm lên trang này hoặc mặt sau của trang này.
- Thí sinh phải kiểm tra số tờ đề thi trước khi làm bài.
- Ghi kết quả trả lời của từng câu hỏi vào ô trống đã cho ở dưới các phần.
- Trong phần ghi kết quả, thí sinh không được ghi bút đỏ, bút chì hoặc bút xóa.
- Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu và giám thị không giải thích gì thêm.
…………………… TSC: 2020-2021 0
Họ, tên và chữ ký Mã phách GIÁM KHẢO
Do chủ tịch HĐCT ghi Bằng số Bằng chữ
Part 1: Listen to the recording and write your answers in the space provided with no more than TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER. Example:
0. Where did Jack want to go on his birthday? …….(the) cinema……. 1. Which film do they choose?
2. When will Jack see the film?
3. What time must Jack’s friend come to his house?
4. How will they buy the cinema tickets?
5. How will they get to the cinema?
Part 2: Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a woman called Julie and a man called
Greg talking about an indoor wildlife centre they have visited.
Decide if each sentence is True (T) or False (F).
1. They agree that the wildlife centre building is well designed.
2. Julie thought the sharks at the wildlife centre were frightening.
3. Julie found the building was too warm.
4. Greg was disappointed with the number of insects.
5. Greg only managed to see one tree frog.
6. Julie is very keen to return to the wildlife centre.
Part 3: You will hear a woman phoning a friend to get information about job agency.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space with ONE WORD AND/OR A
NUMBER in the boxes below.
Bankside Recruitment Agency
 Address of agency: 497 Eastside, Docklands
 Name of agent: Becky (1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Phone number: (2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Best to call her in the (3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Clerical and admin roles, mainly in the finance industry
 Must have good (4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .skills
 Jobs are usually for at least one (5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Pay is usually (6) £. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per hour TSC: 2020-2021 1
Part 4: You will hear a recorded talk giving an introduction to the historical theme park of MANHAM River Port in England.
Choose A, B or C and write your answer in the boxes below.
1. Why did a port originally develop at Manham?
A. It was safe from enemy attack.
B. It was convenient for river transport.
C. It had a good position on the sea coast.
2. What caused Manham’s sudden expansion during the Industrial Revolution?
A. the improvement in mining techniques
B. the increase in demand for metals
C. the discovery of tin in the area
3. Why did rocks have to be sent away from Manham to be processed? A. shortage of fuel B. poor transport systems
C. lack of skills among local people
4. What happened when the port declined in the twentieth century? A. The workers went away.
B. Traditional skills were lost.
C. Buildings were used for new purposes.
5. What did the Manham Trust hope to do?
A. discover the location of the original port
B. provide jobs for the unemployed C. rebuild the port complex
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea) Part 1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part 2: 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part 3: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Part 4: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TSC: 2020-2021 2
Part 1: Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions and write your
answers in the boxes below.
1. He's still______dependent on his parents; he regularly receives money to live from them. A. finance B. financial C. financially D. financier
2. The director is an important man behind the _______ in the play A. curtain B. doors C. scenes D. wheel
3. The assignment was very lengthy so she was forced to burn the____to get it done on time. A. lamp B. oil C. midnight lamp D. midnight oil
4. A workshop can give children with______experience with computers. A. skillful B. handy C. practising D. hands-on
5. The computer program is ________to the needs of individual users. A. available B. accessible C. adaptable D. reasonable
6. He’s so brilliant and he can do anything -_________. A. it’s over the moon B. once in a blue moon C. out of this world D. the sky’s the limit
7. The student was _____ of understanding the theory even after the professor's profound explanation. A. incompetent B. incapable C. helpless D. unsuccessful
8. My sister is extremely fond of astronomy. He seems to _____ a lot of pleasure from observing the stars. A. derive B. possess C. seize D. reach
9. The concert was a great success. More than a thousand people ______ to listen to this fascinating tribal music. A. found out B. turned up C. made off D. set about
10. You may borrow my laptop ______ you promise to look after it. A. unless B. in case C. as long as D. although
11. This is a photo of my little sister ______ ice cream on the beach. A. eat B. eating C. was eating D. having eaten
12. My boss is angry with me. I didn’t do all the work that I __________ last week. A. should do
B. should have done C. must have done D. might have done
13. Thank you very much. I haven’t been to _____________ party for ages. A. a so enjoyable B. such enjoyable C. so enjoyable a D.so enjoyable
14. In the kitchen, there is a_____________ table.
A. beautiful large round wooden
B. large beautiful wooden round
C. beautiful large wooden round
D. beautiful round large wooden
Write your answers here. (0.05/ea) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Part 2: Error Correction
There is an error in each of the following sentences.
Write the error and the correction down in the boxes below.
1. One of the most urgent problem facing us today is how to reduce pollution. problems
2. All of birds, doves are undoubtedly among the closest to humans. Off all TSC: 2020-2021 3
3. Mary broke down her relationship with Paul because she couldn’t put up with him anymore. off/up
4. In many parts of the world, people are becoming more worried about the danger of pollution and its affect on the environment. effect
5. They are going to launch an expedition into interior of Australia. the interior
6. I was born in Viet Nam and brought up in France. I can speak both Vietnamese and French. grew
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea) Error Correction Error Correction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Part 3: Word formation
Give the correct form of the words given in BRACKETS to make the sentences meaningful.
Write your answers in the boxes below.
1. I haven’t used English for years so it is a bit_____. (RUST)
2. Some people say that a place of interest is a place famous for its scenery or a well-known_________ site. (HISTORY)
3. The suspect was released because of lack of_________ against him. (EVIDENT)
4. She lives in one of the most _________ parts of the city: there are lots of luxury shops there. (FASHION)
5. Paying respect to people of______ is a tradition in Viet Nam. (SENIOR)
6. You may become more _________, and care about other people’s opinions, especially those of your friends. (AWARE)
7. There are many complaints about the________ of facilities for the handicapped. (ADEQUATE)
8. It was irresponsible of you to leave the baby _________. (ATTENDANCE)
9. Despite being a keen camper, I find the darkness in this forest_________. (BEAR)
10. The teacher expressed her dissatisfaction with Tom because he's so _________ in class. (OBEY)
Write your answers here. (0.05/ea) 1. rusty 2. historical 3. evidence 4. fashionabe 5. seniority 6. self-aware 7. inadequacy 8. unattended 9. unbearable 10. disobeydient Part 4: Gap fill
Read the passage and fil each gap with ONE suitable word. Write your answer in the boxes below. ALLERGY ALERT
To have an allergy means that a person is affected either by a substance in the atmosphere (1)
_________ by some sort of food. These days a lot of people suffer from one kind of allergy or another.
So, what can people do to fight allergies? If someone is allergic to chocolate, for instance, the simplest
(2) _________ to do would be to avoid eating any chocolate. If, on the (3) ______ hand, the allergic TSC: 2020-2021 4
reaction is caused by (4) _________ unknown or difficult to avoid, then the only solution is prescribed medication.
The chances of someone having an allergy are bound to be great if allergies (5) _________ in the
family. In other words, if one parent suffers from allergies, the child has a thirty percent chance of
being allergic, too. If (6) _________ parents are affected, the risk doubles.
However, there is absolutely no logical (7) _________ to be terrified of that possibility. Those who
suffer can carry (8) _________ with their lives and not let their allergies wear them out. They
shouldn’t feel different from everyone else.
Write your answers here. (0.05/ea) 1. or 2. thing 3. other 4. something 5. run 6. both 7. reason 8. on
Part 1:
Read the following passage and decide which option (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write
your answer in the boxes below.
New Year celebrations date as far back as 2000 BC in Mesopotamia. Yet, the actual date has changed
a number of times. There was always a problem because New Year was (1) ______by the movements
of the Sun and Moon which allowed room for error. To cut a long story short, it wasn’t until 1582,
when the calendar we use today was (2) _________.
That January 1st became New Year's Day in most cultures. Some cultures, however, celebrate the New
Year at various times, according to their calendar and religious traditions. For example, the Chinese
celebrate it between the 21st of January and the 19th of February. In (3) _______ with most of the
world who celebrate at the beginning of the year, the Jewish people celebrate it in September or early October.
In any case, the New Year is a festive occasion. Some people celebrate at home with no (4) _____ of
champagne, while others party on the streets, watching the fireworks that the city council (5) _____
have provided. Others prefer night clubs, joining the long (6) ______ of people waiting to get in and
dance the night away. In China, there are parades with dancing dragons and hundreds of people turn up
to look on. It is also common to make New Year’s Resolutions, the (7) _____ being that most people
regard the New Year as a chance to (8) _____ bad habits.
To sum up, New Year is a time of celebration that a large proportion of the people look forward to. A. calculated B. assumed C. supposed D. considered A. realised B. recognised C. known D. introduced A. contrary B. opposite C. contrast D. difference A. shortage B. loss C. absence D. scarce A. likely B. should C. possibly D. may A. aisles B. queues C. rows D. corridors A. view B. point C. idea D. matter A. cut B. break C. change D. split
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers in the boxes below. TSC: 2020-2021 5
Since the time books were first made and sold, there have always been some that were more popular
than others. Sometimes, they were stories about far away places. If the story was very good, many
people bought the book. In the last few years, one set of story books has sold more copies and been
more popular than any other book on bookstore shelves. Those are the Harry Potter books.
Harry Potter is a series of seven books that were written by a woman from England named J. K.
Rowling, who now lives in Scotland. It has been a huge success story for her. She did not have much
money before the first book came out, but then it was a huge hit all over the world. Kids, teens, and
adults in almost every country began reading the books.
The Harry Potter series is about a young boy in England whose parents died when he was a baby. He
was sent to live with his aunt and uncle. Harry’s aunt and uncle are not nice to him. Then Harry finds
out that he is a wizard and can do magic, and he is invited to a special school to learn how to do even
more magic. He meets another boy and a girl, and they become good friends. They all have many
adventures. Harry teams that a very evil wizard killed his parents, and now it is up to Harry and his
friends to try and find the evil wizard and kill him. Some parts of the story are funny. Other parts are
sad. But the books are always interesting and exciting.
People say that the Harry Potter books made reading fun again and made kids want to read. The books
and then movies became such a hit that they have made J. K. Rowling one of the richest people in the
world. Millions of kids and adults all over the world fell in love with the stories. Now there are
websites, books, and toys about Harry Potter.
Even though millions of kids and adults all over the world love these books, there are also some who
say that the Harry Potter series is bad for kids because it talks about using magic. They say that the
books may be sending the wrong ideas to kids. Can stories like this really have a bad effect on children? 1. The reading is about….. A. J.K. Rowling’s life B. the first Harry Potter book C. a series of books 2. Which sentence is NOT true?
A. Harry’s aunt and uncle were mean to him.
B. Harry found out he was a wizard before he left his aunt and uncle’s house.
C. Harry Potter went to a special school to study magic.
3. According to the reading, J.K. Rowling….. A. went to school in England B. lives in Scotland
C. was rich before she wrote the Harry Potter books
4. Which of the following does the writer mention?
A. The actor who played Harry Potter in the movies
B. Harry Potter websites and toys
C. A child who got into trouble because of Harry Potter
5. The author says that some people don’t like the Harry Potter books because….. A. they are violent B. there is magic in them
C. they are scary for younger children
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 3: Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers in the boxes below. TSC: 2020-2021 6
In the 1970s, many people became concerned about energy. People had to face up to the fact that they
used too much energy, and energy sources were not going to last forever. One architect, Michael
Reynolds, decided to do something. He set out to design homes that were cheaper to build and more
energy efficient. In addition, he wanted to do something about all the garbage. Finally, he came up
with the idea of “earthships”.
Although it sounds like a boat, an earthship is a house. However, unlike regular houses, earthships are
constructed from garbage and are built using only ten percent of the energy needed to build a typical
house. Moreover, after they are built, earthships use only ten percent of the energy required to heat,
light, and cool a regular home. Although earthships sound unique, they can actually be built to look just like any other house.
One of the big benefits of earthships is that they are made from recycled materials. The main
construction material of an earthship is used tires that are filled with dirt. The dirt-filled tires are then
laid flat and stacked like bricks. Because the tires are round, there is lots of extra space between the
columns of tires. These spaces are filled with used cardboard. The tires and cardboard form the outside
walls of an earthship. The inside walls between rooms in the earthship do not need to be as strong as
the outside walls; therefore, the inside walls are made with old cans, bottles, and cement that are
eventually covered and painted to look just like walls in a typical home.
Another benefit of an earthship is that it saves energy and natural resources. For example, an earthship
uses less water. Rain water, which is collected on the roof, is used for drinking and bathing.
Furthermore, earthships need much less energy for heating and cooling because they are built into the
ground, which keeps the temperature inside the house from getting too hot or too cold. In the long run,
this helps earthship owners lower their utility bills. As well, one wall of an earthship usually faces
south. Therefore, solar heat helps to warm the house, and solar panels built on the roof generate
electricity to run appliances in the house.
All of these features make earthships very environmentally friendly. That’s one of the reasons they
have become popular throughout the world. Earthships have been built in Bolivia, Australia, Mexico,
Japan, Canada, England, Scotland, and all over the US. Maybe in the near future, an earthship will be landing near you!
1. What is the main idea of this reading?
A. Environmentalists are concerned about energy.
B. Earthships are in many different countries.
C. Earthships are friendly to the environment.
D. Earthships look like typical houses.
2. What are earthships mainly made of? A. Used cardboard B. Used tires C. Old cans and bottles D. Cement
3. Why do earthships need less energy to heat and cool them?
A. Because the temperature is not too hot or too cold. B. Because they recycle water.
C. Because they are typically very small.
D. Because they are under the ground.
4. In an earthship, old boxes would be used to ______. A. recycle water B. build inside walls C. create fertilizer D. fill outside walls
5. What does “environmentally friendly” mean? A. Made from natural products TSC: 2020-2021 7 B. Bad for the environment C. Good for the environment
D. Found throughout the environment
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 4: Read the text and choose the correct heading from the list I-IX for each paragraph (1-5) below. Write
your answers in the boxes provided. There is an example at the beginning (0).
i The plans for the future of films vi Too true to life?
ii The history of cinema
vii Uncertainty about financial advantages
iii Integrating other events into cinema
viii Indecision about a name
iv Current problems with distribution
ix The contrasts of cinema today
v An unexpected advantage
The end of silver screen
Cinema technology has remained much the same for a century, so when will it go digital? Kevin
Hilton views the projections.
Paragraph 0. Cinema is full of contradictions. It is high-tech and old-fashioned at the same time.
Today’s films are full of digital sound and computer-generated special effects. Yet they are still stored
on celluloid film, the basis of which is more than 100 years old. They are also displayed with
projectors and screens that seem to belong to our great grandparents’ generation.
Paragraph 1. Now that we are in the second century of cinema, there are moves to bring the medium
right up to date. This will involve revolutionizing not just how films are made but also how they are
distributed and presented. The aim is not only to produce and prepare films digitally, but to be able to
send them to movie theatres by digital, electronic means. High-resolution digital projectors would then
show the film. Supporters say this will make considerable savings at all stages of this chain,
particularly for distribution.
Paragraph 2. With such a major technological revolution on the horizon, it seems strange that the
industry is still not sure what to call itself. This may appear a minor point, but the choices, ‘digital’
cinema and ‘electronic’ cinema (e-cinema), suggest different approaches to, and aspects of, the
business. Digital cinema refers to the physical capture of images; e-cinema covers the whole chain,
from production through post-production (editing, addition of special effects and construction of
soundtrack) to distribution and projection.
Paragraph 3. And what about the effects of the new medium? The main selling point of digital
cinema is the high resolution and sharpness of the final image. But those who support the old-
fashioned approach to film point to the celluloid medium’s quality of warmth. A recurring criticism of
video is that it may be too good: uncomfortably real, rather like looking through an open window. In
1989, the director of the first full-length American digital high-definition movie admitted that the
picture had a ‘stark, strange reality to it’.
Paragraph 4. Even the money-saving aspect of e-cinema is doubted. One expert says that existing
cinemas will have to show the new material and not all of them will readily or rapidly furnish
themselves with the right equipment. ‘E-cinema is seen as a way of saving money, because print costs
a lot,’ he says. ‘But for that to work, cinemas have to be showing the films because cinemas are the
engine that drives the film industry.’ TSC: 2020-2021 8
Paragraph 5. This view has promoted some pro-digital entrepreneurs to take a slightly different
approach. HD Thames is looking at reinventing the existing cinema market, moving towards e-theatre,
which would use digital video and projection to present plays, musicals and some sporting events to
the public. This is not that different from the large-screen TV system that was set up in New York in
1930, and John Logie Baird’s experiments with TV in the late 1920s and early 30s.
Write your answers here. (0.1/ea) Paragraph 0 1 2 3 4 5 Heading ix
Part 1:
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between THREE and SIX words, including
the word given. Write your answers in the spaces provided (0.1/ea)
1. If your sister didn't work so hard, your family would starve. FOR
 Were it __________________________ working so hard, your family would starve.
2. They should leave for the picnic now. LEFT
 It’s __________________________ picnic.
3. It’s possible John didn't hear her name being called. MIGHT
 John __________________________ name being called.
4. I met your boss by chance at the office last week. RAN
I __________________________ the office last week.
5. I don’t know how on earth she thinks of such brilliant plots for her novels. COME
 How on earth __________________________ such brilliant plots for her novels?
6. I can’t really remember the last time I had a day off. AGES
 It feels__________________________ I had a day off.
7. Being in prison seems to have changed Kevin's behaviour for the better. LEAF
 Kevin has__________________________ he got out of prison.
Part 2: Rewrite each of the following sentences using cues given so that it has the same meaning as
the given one. Write your answers in the spaces provided. (0.1/ea)
1. I could realize how important the family is only after I left home.
 Not until I left home did I realize how important the family---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. All the students were awarded diplomas.
 Every student was awarded diplomas--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. I haven't lent my new lawnmower to anybody.
 Nobody has borrowed my new lawnmower .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. I was strongly determined to complete my project by the end of the year.
I had a strong determination to complete my project by the end of the year----------------------------------------------------
5. As people use a lot of wood-pulp, many trees are cut down.
 The more wood-pulp people used, the more trees are cut down.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission. TSC: 2020-2021 9
 If it hadn’t been for absolute secrecy, the mision wouldn’t have succeeded---------------------------------------------------
Part 3: Write an essay about 180 words to present your argument on the following topic (1.0 pt)
Some people argue that school should be blamed for the increasing violence among school
students. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSC: 2020-2021 10
------------ THE END ------------ TSC: 2020-2021 11