Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 THPT tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế năm học 2020-2021 môn Tiếng Anh (chuyên)

Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 THPT tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế năm học 2020-2021 môn Tiếng Anh (chuyên) được biên soạn dưới dạng file PDF cho các bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

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NĂM HỌC 2020-2021
Khóa ngày 18 tháng 7 năm 2020
(Đề thi có 07 trang)
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Bằng số và bằng chữ)
Họ tên và chữ ký Gm khảo 1:
Mã phách
Họ tên và chữ ký Gm khảo 2:
* Ghi chú: - Thí sinh làm bài trên đề thi và không ghi gì vào phần trên;
- Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.
I. LISTENING (20 points)
The listening test has TWO sections. You will
hear each section TWICE. At the beginning of
each section, you will have time to read the
questions and at the end of each section, you
will have time to complete your answers.
Section 1 (10 points)
Questions 1-10
Mary and Richard bought a house last week. Now they are unpacking the boxes. Listen to the
conversation and complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER/NUMBERS for each answer.
Mary and Richard are holding:
a house-warming party
1. ____________________
Number of teachers invited:
2. ____________________
Kind of party:
a barbecue party
3. ____________________
How much beer do they need for the party?
4. ____________________
What do they have in the backyard?
5. ____________________
What do they have in the refrigerator?
6. ____________________
What is Mary going to make?
7. ____________________
What to buy:
beer, wine, meat, sausages, cheese,
8. ____________________ and soft drinks
Money needed:
9. ____________________
Richard will put the notice on:
10. ____________________
I. Listening: ………………………………
II. Vocabulary & Grammar: ……………
III. Reading: ……………………………..
IV. Writing: ……………………………...
Trang 2/7
Section 2 (10 points)
Questions 11-16
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet
Internet for children scary but educational
“Online Family Norris” blocks 11. _______________________ and social sites
But still important to watch children and 12. _________________________ them
Keep computer in family room where you can see it
Children should never use their own name nor give out 13. _______________________
Online friends stay online!
No personal email address for youngsters
Teach teenagers that 14. __________________________ on the Internet always stay there
and may ruin job prospects
Watch out for 15. _____________________________
Teenagers use Internet: to socialize or do 16. __________________________
Young kids: find help with school subjects
Questions 17-20
Complete the table below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Age group
practise & 17.____________
all levels
18. ____________________
primary school
19. ____________________
all levels
20. ____________
extra practice
middle school
Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
1. The day their first child was born, the new parents were ______ with joy.
A. overpowered B. overtaken C. overthrown D. overcome
2. Did you notice Linda trying to ______ doing the washing up?
A. set out B. break out of C. run out D. get out of
3. Having opened the bottle, ______ for everyone.
A. the drink was poured B. Amber poured the drink
C. Amber pouring the drink D. the drink was being poured
4. I have English classes ______ day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
A. all other B. each other C. every other D. this and the other
5. Carrie doesn‟t do her own washing, she ______ her little sister to do it for her.
A. makes B. gets C. lets D. has
6. If oil supplies run out in 2050 then we need to find ______ energy sources.
A. alternative B. alternating C. alternate D. altering
7. For the ______ of rewiring your home, hiring an electrician is a wise move.
A. aim B. purpose C. object D. intention
Trang 3/7
8. Good hygiene helps keep ______ the levels of infection.
A. down B. off C. on D. away
9. It is imperative that every student ______ their reports by the end of this month.
A. will hand in B. will have to hand in C. hands in D. hand in
10. Thomas and Jenifer ______ into heavy traffic. They should have arrived by now.
A. might run B. would have run C. can run D. must have run
11. Let me use the telephone, ______?
A. do we B. don‟t you C. will you D. shall we
12. Living abroad is a great way for you to ______ your mind.
A. enlarge B. increase C. broaden D. widen
13. I wish I ______ to drama school. Now I would be famous.
A. was going B. could go C. had gone D. would go
14. The beach is ______ walking distance of the hotel so it‟s very convenient.
A. off B. in C. on D. within
15. ______ his advice, I would never have got the job.
A. As long as B. Apart from C. But for D. As for
16. Not knowing he had ______ out with his girlfriend, I made the mistake of inviting them both to
the party.
A. fallen B. quarreled C. parted D. separated
17. It‟s no ______ asking me about it, because I don't know anything.
A. point B. use C. worth D. reason
18. The curriculum at the public school is as good ______ of any private school.
A. or better than B. as or better than that
C. as or better than D. as or better than those
19. ______ had booked in advance were allowed in.
A. Only who B. Only those who
C. Only who were those D. Only were those who
20. Remember to appreciate what your friends do for you. You shouldn't take them ______.
A. out of habit B. as usual C. for granted D. as a rule
Your answers:
III. READING (25 points)
Section 1 (5 points)
You are going to read an article in which people talk about school rules. For questions 1-5, choose
from the people A-C. The people may be chosen more than once. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided. There is an example (0) that has been done for you.
Which person states the following?
I fail to understand the reason for a rule at my child‟s school.
Something which was forbidden at the school before is actively encouraged now.
I disagree with the element of choice offered to my child.
I did not realize that I had accepted a rule at my child‟s school.
School rules were clearer and easier to understand when I was at school.
I was angry at the way my child was made to feel.
Trang 4/7
School Rules
Three parents compare their school rules with those of their children.
A. Simon
When I was at school more years ago than I care to remember far too much emphasis was
placed on what we could and couldn‟t do, and sometimes this got in the way of learning. We had to
wear our jacket and tie at all times, no matter what the temperature, and I remember sitting there in
the height of summer, sweating profusely as I battled with algebra or struggled with French verb
They didn‟t let us drink water in the classroom either. That would cause an outrage now. My
daughter goes to the same school as I did, and we‟re asked to provide her with a refillable bottle,
which she can take into class with her. They‟ve realized that water improves concentration, so
pupils almost have to drink it now.
B. Jenny
At my son David‟s school, rule number one of their two-page Mobile Phone Policy states that
„pupils are strongly advised not to bring mobile phones to school‟; then there are sixteen more rules
describing situations in which they can and cannot be used. It‟s very confusing it would be much
simpler just to ban them altogether. That‟s what my old school would have done if mobile phones
had been around then. Everything was black and white in those days, just like our school tie.
And that‟s another thing David doesn‟t have to wear a tie if he doesn‟t want to, even though it‟s
part of the uniform. That‟s just silly. I almost wrote to the school about it, but my son advised me
against it. It seems that school rules are decided on jointly by students and teachers, and as a parent,
I don‟t have any say in the matter.
C. Lucy
My sixteen-year-old daughter isn‟t allowed to wear a nose stud to school on health and safety
grounds. Can you believe it? According to the head teacher, in a busy school piercings present „a
very real risk of accidents‟. I can‟t see why they‟re no more dangerous than carrying a sharpened
pencil in your pocket, and there‟s no rule against that, as far as I know. I used to wear earrings to
school and never had any problems.
It seems I agreed to all this when I signed the school rules document at the beginning of last term,
but I honestly wasn‟t aware of any ban on tiny metal objects in the nose. We were given a couple of
warnings, but I was still furious when they made her take it out and sent her home for the day: they
humiliated her in front of her classmates and there‟s no excuse for that.
Section 2 (10 points)
Read the following passage, and choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that best fits
each of the numbered blanks. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes
provided. There is an example (0) that has been done for you.
Business Is Booming at School
Students at Oakfields School in England are working on (0) ______ a head start in business. They
are doing this by learning about business as (1) ______ of their classes. The program has begun in
the Year 8 German class where students are learning how to speak German and how to (2) ______
their own business at the same time.
For the last year the class have been setting (3) ______ a company that sells German toys. In
November last year they made a respectable profit of over £250 selling the toys at a local market.
One student commented: „Previously, I wasn‟t that (4) ______ on German, but now I realized it‟s a
useful life skill.‟
Trang 5/7
Business has had an (5) ______ on other lessons too. English students are planning to sell some of
their best creative writing as e-books while some design students are starting a mail order plastic
crockery business. In (6) ______, two 15-year-old students have started a business of their own
selling a computer app that helps students to (7) ______ their homework.
The school hopes that learning about business early will give students a better (8) ______ of finding
employment in the future. Teachers at Oakfields say that this is (9) ______ important as the school
is located in an area where there are relatively few (10) ______. The students themselves add that
they find developing business skills enjoyable as well as useful.
0. A. going B. bringing C. working D. getting
1. A. bit B. part C. piece D. section
2. A. let B. deal C. take D. run
3. A. up B. off C. out D. down
4. A. fond B. willing C. keen D. eager
5. A. input B. impact C. increase D. involvement
6. A. conclusion B. particular C. consequence D. addition
7. A. control B. organize C. fix D. support
8. A. likelihood B. option C. chance D. opportunity
9. A. absolutely B. utterly C. particularly D. totally
10. A. work B. jobs C. labor D. careers
Your answers:
Section 3 (10 points)
Read the following passage and think of the word which best fits each blank. Use only ONE
word in each blank. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
There is an example (0) that has been done for you.
About six months (0) ago, I realized I had (1) ____________ idea what the handwriting of a good
friend of mine looked (2) ____________. We had always communicated by email and text but
never by a handwritten letter. And it struck me that we are at a moment (3) ____________
handwriting seems to be about to vanish from our lives altogether. (4) ____________ some point in
recent years, it stopped (5) ____________ a necessary and inevitable intermediary between people
a means by (6) ____________ individuals communicate with each other, putting a little bit of
their personality (7) ____________ the form of the message as they press the ink-bearing point onto
the paper. It has started to become just (8) ____________ among many options, often considered
unattractive and elaborate.
For each of us, the act of putting marks on paper with ink goes back as (9) ____________ as we can
remember. Our handwriting, like ourselves, seems always to have been there. But now, given that
most of us communicate via email and text, have we lost (10) ____________ crucial to the human
Your answers:
Trang 6/7
IV. WRITING (25 points)
Section 1 (5 points)
For each question, complete the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar in meaning as
possible to the one printed before it.
1. I couldn‟t have finished my project without your help.
If it __________________________________________________________________________.
2. I expected her to be on time but she wasn‟t.
Contrary _____________________________________________________________________.
3. You‟ve got to decide what course to take.
It‟s time ______________________________________________________________________.
4. When James heard that his father had left all his money to his brother, he did not find it
It came _______________________________________________________________________.
5. The weather in the north is wetter than in the south.
The weather in the south _________________________________________________________.
Section 2 (5 points)
For each question, complete the second sentence in such a way that it has the closest meaning to
the original one, using the WORD given. DO NOT change the word. You must use between
THREE and SIX words, including the word given.
1. The Thorntons didn‟t feel that either of the properties they viewed suited their needs. NEITHER
The Thorntons viewed two ________________________________________ suited their needs.
2. Amy didn‟t realize how noisy her neighborhood was until she moved away. MOVING
Only _________________________________________ how noisy her neighborhood had been.
3. The heavy rain made it impossible for them to complete the walk. PREVENTED
They ___________________________________________________ the walk by the heavy rain.
4. The rough sea didn‟t discourage us from going sailing. WAS
Rough ______________________________________________________ we still went sailing.
5. The editor prefers to be asked before articles are changed in any way. CHANGES
The editor would rather staff _____________________________ in articles without asking him.
Section 3 (15 points)
Write a short essay of about 200 words on the following topic:
Some people think that online learning has more disadvantages than advantages.
Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Trang 7/7
------------ THE END ------------
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Preview text:

Khóa ngày 18 tháng 7 năm 2020
(Đề thi có 07 trang)
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Điểm
Họ tên và chữ ký Giám khảo 1: Mã phách
(Bằng số và bằng chữ)
Họ tên và chữ ký Giám khảo 2:
* Ghi chú: - Thí sinh làm bài trên đề thi và không ghi gì vào phần trên;
- Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.
I. LISTENING (20 points) Kết quả:
The listening test has TWO sections. You will
I. Listening: ………………………………
hear each section TWICE. At the beginning of
II. Vocabulary & Grammar: ……………
each section, you will have time to read the
III. Reading: ……………………………..
questions and at the end of each section, you
IV. Writing: ……………………………...
will have time to complete your answers. Section 1 (10 points) Questions 1-10
Mary and Richard bought a house last week. Now they are unpacking the boxes. Listen to the
conversation and complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER/NUMBERS for each answer.
Mary and Richard are holding: a house-warming party Date: 1. ____________________ Number of teachers invited: 2. ____________________ Kind of party: a barbecue party Place: 3. ____________________
How much beer do they need for the party? 4. ____________________
What do they have in the backyard? 5. ____________________
What do they have in the refrigerator? 6. ____________________ What is Mary going to make? 7. ____________________ What to buy:
beer, wine, meat, sausages, cheese,
8. ____________________ and soft drinks Money needed: 9. ____________________ Time: 6:30
Richard will put the notice on: 10. ____________________ Trang 1/7 Section 2 (10 points) Questions 11-16 Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet
 Internet for children – scary but educational
 “Online Family Norris” blocks 11. _______________________ and social sites
 But still important to watch children and 12. _________________________ them
 Keep computer in family room where you can see it
 Children should never use their own name nor give out 13. _______________________
 Online friends stay online!
 No personal email address for youngsters
 Teach teenagers that 14. __________________________ on the Internet always stay there and may ruin job prospects
 Watch out for 15. _____________________________
 Teenagers use Internet: to socialize or do 16. __________________________
 Young kids: find help with school subjects Questions 17-20 Complete the table below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Website Content Activity/Activities Age group www.mathtutor.com Mathematics
practise & 17.____________ all levels www.spellcity.com Spelling 18. ____________________ primary school www.beeb.co/typing Typing 19. ____________________ all levels www.resources.com 20. ____________ extra practice middle school
Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
1. The day their first child was born, the new parents were ______ with joy. A. overpowered B. overtaken C. overthrown D. overcome
2. Did you notice Linda trying to ______ doing the washing up? A. set out B. break out of C. run out D. get out of
3. Having opened the bottle, ______ for everyone. A. the drink was poured B. Amber poured the drink C. Amber pouring the drink D. the drink was being poured
4. I have English classes ______ day – on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. A. all other B. each other C. every other D. this and the other
5. Carrie doesn‟t do her own washing, she ______ her little sister to do it for her. A. makes B. gets C. lets D. has
6. If oil supplies run out in 2050 then we need to find ______ energy sources. A. alternative B. alternating C. alternate D. altering
7. For the ______ of rewiring your home, hiring an electrician is a wise move. A. aim B. purpose C. object D. intention Trang 2/7
8. Good hygiene helps keep ______ the levels of infection. A. down B. off C. on D. away
9. It is imperative that every student ______ their reports by the end of this month. A. will hand in
B. will have to hand in C. hands in D. hand in
10. Thomas and Jenifer ______ into heavy traffic. They should have arrived by now. A. might run B. would have run C. can run D. must have run
11. Let me use the telephone, ______? A. do we B. don‟t you C. will you D. shall we
12. Living abroad is a great way for you to ______ your mind. A. enlarge B. increase C. broaden D. widen
13. I wish I ______ to drama school. Now I would be famous. A. was going B. could go C. had gone D. would go
14. The beach is ______ walking distance of the hotel so it‟s very convenient. A. off B. in C. on D. within
15. ______ his advice, I would never have got the job. A. As long as B. Apart from C. But for D. As for
16. Not knowing he had ______ out with his girlfriend, I made the mistake of inviting them both to the party. A. fallen B. quarreled C. parted D. separated
17. It‟s no ______ asking me about it, because I don't know anything. A. point B. use C. worth D. reason
18. The curriculum at the public school is as good ______ of any private school. A. or better than B. as or better than that C. as or better than D. as or better than those
19. ______ had booked in advance were allowed in. A. Only who B. Only those who C. Only who were those D. Only were those who
20. Remember to appreciate what your friends do for you. You shouldn't take them ______. A. out of habit B. as usual C. for granted D. as a rule Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
III. READING (25 points) Section 1 (5 points)
You are going to read an article in which people talk about school rules. For questions 1-5, choose

from the people A-C. The people may be chosen more than once. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided. There is an example (0) that has been done for you.

Which person states the following?
I fail to understand the reason for a rule at my child‟s school. 0 C
Something which was forbidden at the school before is actively encouraged now. 1
I disagree with the element of choice offered to my child. 2
I did not realize that I had accepted a rule at my child‟s school. 3
School rules were clearer and easier to understand when I was at school. 4
I was angry at the way my child was made to feel. 5 Trang 3/7 School Rules
Three parents compare their school rules with those of their children. A. Simon
When I was at school – more years ago than I care to remember – far too much emphasis was
placed on what we could and couldn‟t do, and sometimes this got in the way of learning. We had to
wear our jacket and tie at all times, no matter what the temperature, and I remember sitting there in
the height of summer, sweating profusely as I battled with algebra or struggled with French verb forms.
They didn‟t let us drink water in the classroom either. That would cause an outrage now. My
daughter goes to the same school as I did, and we‟re asked to provide her with a refillable bottle,
which she can take into class with her. They‟ve realized that water improves concentration, so
pupils almost have to drink it now. B. Jenny
At my son David‟s school, rule number one of their two-page Mobile Phone Policy states that
„pupils are strongly advised not to bring mobile phones to school‟; then there are sixteen more rules
describing situations in which they can and cannot be used. It‟s very confusing – it would be much
simpler just to ban them altogether. That‟s what my old school would have done if mobile phones
had been around then. Everything was black and white in those days, just like our school tie.
And that‟s another thing – David doesn‟t have to wear a tie if he doesn‟t want to, even though it‟s
part of the uniform. That‟s just silly. I almost wrote to the school about it, but my son advised me
against it. It seems that school rules are decided on jointly by students and teachers, and as a parent,
I don‟t have any say in the matter. C. Lucy
My sixteen-year-old daughter isn‟t allowed to wear a nose stud to school on health and safety
grounds. Can you believe it? According to the head teacher, in a busy school piercings present „a
very real risk of accidents‟. I can‟t see why – they‟re no more dangerous than carrying a sharpened
pencil in your pocket, and there‟s no rule against that, as far as I know. I used to wear earrings to
school and never had any problems.
It seems I agreed to all this when I signed the school rules document at the beginning of last term,
but I honestly wasn‟t aware of any ban on tiny metal objects in the nose. We were given a couple of
warnings, but I was still furious when they made her take it out and sent her home for the day: they
humiliated her in front of her classmates and there‟s no excuse for that. Section 2 (10 points)
Read the following passage, and choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that best fits

each of the numbered blanks. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes
provided. There is an example (0) that has been done for you.

Business Is Booming at School
Students at Oakfields School in England are working on (0) ______ a head start in business. They
are doing this by learning about business as (1) ______ of their classes. The program has begun in
the Year 8 German class where students are learning how to speak German and how to (2) ______
their own business at the same time.
For the last year the class have been setting (3) ______ a company that sells German toys. In
November last year they made a respectable profit of over £250 selling the toys at a local market.
One student commented: „Previously, I wasn‟t that (4) ______ on German, but now I realized it‟s a useful life skill.‟ Trang 4/7
Business has had an (5) ______ on other lessons too. English students are planning to sell some of
their best creative writing as e-books while some design students are starting a mail order plastic
crockery business. In (6) ______, two 15-year-old students have started a business of their own
selling a computer app that helps students to (7) ______ their homework.
The school hopes that learning about business early will give students a better (8) ______ of finding
employment in the future. Teachers at Oakfields say that this is (9) ______ important as the school
is located in an area where there are relatively few (10) ______. The students themselves add that
they find developing business skills enjoyable as well as useful. 0. A. going B. bringing C. working D. getting 1. A. bit B. part C. piece D. section 2. A. let B. deal C. take D. run 3. A. up B. off C. out D. down 4. A. fond B. willing C. keen D. eager 5. A. input B. impact C. increase D. involvement 6. A. conclusion B. particular C. consequence D. addition 7. A. control B. organize C. fix D. support 8. A. likelihood B. option C. chance D. opportunity 9. A. absolutely B. utterly C. particularly D. totally 10. A. work B. jobs C. labor D. careers Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Section 3 (10 points)
Read the following passage and think of the word which best fits each blank. Use only ONE

word in each blank. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
There is an example (0) that has been done for you.
About six months (0) ago, I realized I had (1) ____________ idea what the handwriting of a good
friend of mine looked (2) ____________. We had always communicated by email and text but
never by a handwritten letter. And it struck me that we are at a moment (3) ____________
handwriting seems to be about to vanish from our lives altogether. (4) ____________ some point in
recent years, it stopped (5) ____________ a necessary and inevitable intermediary between people
– a means by (6) ____________ individuals communicate with each other, putting a little bit of
their personality (7) ____________ the form of the message as they press the ink-bearing point onto
the paper. It has started to become just (8) ____________ among many options, often considered unattractive and elaborate.
For each of us, the act of putting marks on paper with ink goes back as (9) ____________ as we can
remember. Our handwriting, like ourselves, seems always to have been there. But now, given that
most of us communicate via email and text, have we lost (10) ____________ crucial to the human experience? Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Trang 5/7 IV. WRITING (25 points) Section 1 (5 points)
For each question, complete the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar in meaning as
possible to the one printed before it.

1. I couldn‟t have finished my project without your help.
If it __________________________________________________________________________.
2. I expected her to be on time but she wasn‟t.
Contrary _____________________________________________________________________.
3. You‟ve got to decide what course to take.
It‟s time ______________________________________________________________________.
4. When James heard that his father had left all his money to his brother, he did not find it surprising.
It came _______________________________________________________________________.
5. The weather in the north is wetter than in the south.
The weather in the south _________________________________________________________. Section 2 (5 points)
For each question, complete the second sentence in such a way that it has the closest meaning to
the original one, using the WORD given. DO NOT change the word. You must use between
THREE and SIX words, including the word given.
1. The Thorntons didn‟t feel that either of the properties they viewed suited their needs. NEITHER
The Thorntons viewed two ________________________________________ suited their needs.
2. Amy didn‟t realize how noisy her neighborhood was until she moved away. MOVING
Only _________________________________________ how noisy her neighborhood had been.
3. The heavy rain made it impossible for them to complete the walk. PREVENTED
They ___________________________________________________ the walk by the heavy rain.
4. The rough sea didn‟t discourage us from going sailing. WAS
Rough ______________________________________________________ we still went sailing.
5. The editor prefers to be asked before articles are changed in any way. CHANGES
The editor would rather staff _____________________________ in articles without asking him. Section 3 (15 points)
Write a short essay of about 200 words on the following topic:

Some people think that online learning has more disadvantages than advantages.
Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Trang 6/7
------------ THE END ------------ Trang 7/7