Đề Tuyển Sinh Lớp 10 THPT Chuyên Năm Học 2021 – 2022 Đề Thi Môn Tiếng Anh - Sở GD&ĐT Hải Dương

Đề Tuyển Sinh Lớp 10 THPT Chuyên Năm Học 2021 – 2022 Đề Thi Môn Tiếng Anh - Sở GD&ĐT Hải Dương được biên soạn dưới dạng file PDF cho các bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

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NĂM HỌC 2021 2022
Đ thi môn: TIẾNG ANH (Đ chung)
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút không kể thời gian giao đề
(Đề gồm có 7 trang, thí sinh làm bài vào đề thi này)
Bài nghe gồm có 04 phần, mỗi phần thí sinh được nghe 02 lần.
I. Listen to FIVE short conversation and choose the correct answer A, B, or C to each
question (5.0 points)
Question 1. Which of Miranda’s thing will Lucy be able to use?
A. a box of balls B. the racket C. the shoes
Question 2. What can’t the woman find?
A. scissors B. a paint brush C. a hammer
Question 3. What time did the girl arrive?
A. 6:05 B. 6:45 C. 7:00
Question 4. What will be on television at 10 o’clock this evening?
A. a football match B. an open air rock concert C. the Blue World program
Question 5. What did the man buy?
A. grapes and orange juice B. grapes and strawberries C. strawberries and orange juice
II. You will hear some tourism information about a town called Langley. Listen and complete
the note below with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS/NUMBERS for each answer. (5.0
Tourists stop here for: 3hours
Town Hall
Built in (6) : ____________________________
Cost of ticket: (7) ____________________________
Langley Park
Café is near: (8) _____________________________
Tour of town:
Meet guide in: (9) _____________________________
Leave Langley at: (10)______________________________
Question 6. ______________________________
Question 7. ______________________________
Question 8. ______________________________
Question 9. ______________________________
Question 10. ______________________________
III. You will hear a lecturer talking about the history of the electric guitar. Complete the table
below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS/ NUMBERS for each answer (5.0 points)
No name
Similar in shape to a(11)
The (13) _________
Madeof metal, good for
playing (14) _________
The Dreadnought_________
Strings made of
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IV. You will hear a radio interview with a man called Harry Park, who is talking about the
adventure travel company he runs. Listen and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each
question. (5.0 points)
Question 16. Harry first became interested in adventure travel because his father______
A. gave him adventure stories to read B. worked in a travel company
C. talked a lot about the places he’d been to D. left him a lot of money
Question 17. Who suggested the name for Harry’s company?
A. a friend B. a customer C. His wife D. His father
Question 18. When Harry visits a place, he tries to ______
A. give the local people B. take modern equipment
C. build a bridge D. avoid damaging the area.
Question 19. What does Harry say about doing dangerous things?
A. It’s part of his job B. It’s frightening C. It’s enjoyable D. It’s difficult.
Question 20. What is Harry’s favorite place?
A. A mountain B. A building C. A. river D. A lake
I. Choose the correct option (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each of the sentences below. (10
Question 21. The recommendation that all people affected by the flood_____ immediately was
A. are evacuated B. be evacuated C. to be evacuated D. should be evacuating
Question 22. The ending of the movie so sad that the girl____ into tears.
A. caught B. burst C. uttered D. got
Question 23. There are rumors that an American film is bidding to _____ the company I am
working for.
A. take after B. take down C. take over D. take into
Question 24. When the little boy looked down at the coral reef, he was astonished to see_____ of
tiny, multi-colored fish.
A. schools B. flocks C. swarms D. herds
Question 25. The factory’s commitment _____ providing quality at a reasonable price has been
vital to its success.
A. for B. with C. in D. to
Question 26. I’d rather _____ to Mr. Brown’s party with my parents last night because there was
nothing interesting there.
A. not be invited B. hadn’t been invited
C. haven’t been invited D. not have been invited
Question 27. Your review of the short story should not be less than 1,000 words, nor_____ more
than 1,500.
A. should it be B. it should be C. it is D. should be it
Question 28. _____ artifacts from the early Chinese dynasties, numerous archeologists have
explored the southern Silk Road.
A. Searched for B. It was a search for
C. Searching for D. They were searching for
Question 29. A cloud’s reservoir of negative change extends upward from the altitude at_____ the
freezing point.
A. temperatures hit B. hit temperatures
C. which temperatures hit D. which hit temperatures
Question 30. My grandfather refused to eat meat that had been fried. He had_____ in his bonnet
about it causing cancer.
A. a bug B. an ant C. a bull D. a bee
Part II. Choose the correct option (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each of the following
exchanges (5.0 points)
Question 31. Waiter: “Would you like to have noodles, spaghetti or something different, sir?”
3 of 7
Mr. Johson: ‘____________’
A. Never mind B. Yes, please C. I don’t mind. D. Anything will do.
Question 32. Peter: “You’re so patient with us, Mrs. Smith.”
Mrs. Smith: ‘____________’
A. Well, the doctor says I’ll get better soon.
B. Thanks. That’s nice of you to say so.
C. I’m fine, thanks.
D. I know I have trouble controlling my temper.
Question 33. Jane: “ Do you support the proposal to build a new airport in this area?’
Mike: “ __________”
A. No, I like it. B. Yes, I’m against it. C. No, not really. D. Sure! I don’t think
you’re right.
Question 34. Nariko: “I’m having some friends over for dinner this evening. Why don’t you join
us, Takano?”
A. Thanks, but I mustn’t. B. Come one. It’s your turn.
C. Well, can I take a rain check? D. As a matter of fact, I do.
Question 35. Henry: What you did at the race was really impressive, Clara.
Clara: “ __________”
A. You can say that again. B. You must be kidding.
C. Yes, of course. D. I couldn’t agree with you more.
Part III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (5.0 point)
Question 36. My uncle Jack is a strict (DISCIPLINE) ______________ who always believes in
“spare the rod, spoil the child”.
Question 37. Mr. Stevenson returned to Britain in 1978, having (RESIDENCE) ______________
aboard for many years.
Question 38. I believe such a kind man would never (INTEND) ______________hurt other peoples feelings.
Question 39. These forgeries are so good that they are almost (DISTINGUISH)
______________form the originals.
Question 40. Tests that measure children’s ability to think (ANALYZE) ______________are being
introduce in a number of schools.
Part IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase that must be changed to make the sentence
correct. (5 point).
Question 41. The techniques of science and magic are quite different, but their basic aims
to understand and control nature they are very similar.
Question 42. There are more than 84 million specimens in the National Museum of Natural
History’s collection of biological, geological, and anthropology treasures.
Question 43. Manganese, found in trace amounts in higher animals, activates a large
amount of the enzymes involved in metabolic process.
Question 44. Because studying very hard, he passed his exam last year.
Question 45. Up to World War II almost all important research in physics had been made in
universities, with only university fund for support.
Question 46.
There are some parking spaces available for
visitors. Please ask at receiption.
A. Visitors are requested to park outside the
reception area.
B. Please tell the reception where you have parked
4 of 7
your car.
C. Visitors who wish to park should ask at
D. Details of parking for students are available from
the reception.
Question 47.
Tuesday, 10.30
Your dentist called. Your appointment tomorrow
will be at 8.00 instead of 9.00. If that’s no good for
you, call him today.
A. Vera must phone James to find our more about
her appointment.
B. Vera needs to call her dentist if she can’t make
the new appointment.
C. Veras dentists wants to change the date of her
D. Vera has to accept the new appointment.
Question 48.
Repairs to bridge start
On July 31, 2021
Delays likely for three weeks
A. Bridge repairs may make your journey longer
from the end of July.
B. The bridge cannot be used until the end of July.
C. Repair work on this bridge will finish in July.
D. Motorists may start using the bridge on July
Question 49.
Book early for A Midsummer Night’s Dream
to avoid disappointment as this is a popular show
A. We regret that there are no tickets for ther early
performance of a Midsumemr Nights Dream.
B. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is unfortunately
canceled due to disappointing ticket sales.
C. To our disappointment, all copies of the book A
Midsummer Night’s Dream have sold out earlier.
D. If you want to see A Midsummer Nights
Dream, buy your tickets as soon as possible.
Question 50.
No person, unless they are a family member, shell
operate or use a camera, camera phone, vidoe or
any other video media device in a playground
without the authorization of the Council.
A. Only the members of the Council can operate or
use a camera, camera phone, video or any other
video media device in a playground.
B. Family members are strictly forbidden to operate
or use a camera, camera phone, video or any other
video media device in a playground.
C. Parents can operate or use camera, camera
phone, video or any other video media device in a
D. No person can operate or use a camera, camera
phone, video or any other video media device in a
II. Read the text and use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. (10 point)
An American professor who studied the Mayas has come up with a new theory about the sudden
end of their empire. According to Professor Richard Hansen, an archaeologist at the University of
California, the (51)_______ of the Mayan civilization in central American was (52)_______ about
by the Mayas themselves.
Their object was to display their (53)_______ and power by making their buildings and decoration
as beautiful as possible. This involved using large quantities of lime, which they put on the walls to
make them smooth. (54)_______ , the creation of lime is a process that requires intense heat, and
they, therefore, had to cut down huge numbers of trees. This (55)_______ the quality of the soil,
and it became almost impossible to farm.
5 of 7
Professor Hansen, who has just returned from an (56)_______ in the El Mirador region of northern
Guatemala, said at a meeting of archaeologists in Philadelphia that the Mayas, having made this
mistake in the 3rd century, repeated it 600 years later, at which time it proved fatal. Increasing food
(57)_______ among the Mayas created a Central American equivalent of the Peloponnesian War
which ravaged (58)_______ Greece. However, (59)_______ the Greek civil war, which only
lasted for 27 years, the Mayas wars went on for many centuries and left many of their great cities
and temples (60)_______.
Question 51.
A. stop B. crash C. collapse D. drop
Question 52.
A. Made B. came C. turned D. brought
Question 53.
A. wealth B. fortune C. cash D. income
Question 54.
A. Suddenly B. Unfortunately C. Particulary D. Gradually
Question 55.
A. intensified B. poisoned C. affected D. effected
Question 56.
A. excavation B. evacuation C. elaboration D. evolution
Question 57.
A. failures. B. droughts C. lack D. shortages
Question 58.
A. past B. ancient C. old D. antique
Question 59.
A.like B. dislike C. alike D. unlike
Question 60.
A. maltreated B. devasted C. injured D. harmed
III. Read the passage and then choose the correct answer to each question. (10 point)
Jazz has been called “the art of expression set to music”, and “America’s great contribution to
music”. It has functioned as popular art and enjoyed periods of fairly widespread public response, in
the “jazz age” of the 1920s, in the “swing era” of the late 1930s and in the peak popularity of
modern jazz in the late 1950s. The standard legend about Jazz is that it originated around the end of
the 19th century in New Orleans and moved up the Mississippi River to Memphis, St. Louis, and
finally to Chicago. It welded together the elements of Ragtime, marching band music, and the
Blues. However, the influences of what led to those early sounds go back to tribal African drum
beats and European musical structures. Buddy Bolden, aNew Orleans barber and cornet player, is
generally considered to have been the first real Jazz musician, around 1891.
What made Jazz significantly different from the other earlier forms of music was the use of
improvisation. Jazz displayed a break from traditional music where a composer wrote an entire
piece of music on paper, leaving the musicians to break their backs playing exactly what was
written on the score. In a Jazz piece, however, the song is simply a starting point, or sort
of skeletal guide for the Jazz musicians to improvise around. Actually, many of the early Jazz
musicians were bad sight readers and some couldn’t even read music at all. Generally speaking,
these early musicians couldn’t make very much money and were stuck working menial jobs to
make a living. The second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians included such memorable players
as Joe Oliver, Kid Ory, and Jelly Roll Morton. These men formed small bands and took the music
of earlier musicians, improved its complexity, and gained greater success. This music is known as
“hot Jazz” due to the enormously fast speeds and rhythmic drive.
A young cornet player by the name of Louis Armstrong was discovered by Joe Oliver inNew
Orleans. He soon grew up to become one of the greatest and most successful musicians of all time,
and later one of the biggest stars in the world. The impact of Armstrong and other talented early
Jazz musicians changed the way we look at music.
Question 61. The Passage answers which of the following questions?
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A. Why did Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues lose popularity after about 1900?
B. What were the origins of Jazz and how did it differ from other forms of music?
C. What has been the greatest contribution of cornet players to music in the twentieth century?
D. Which early Jazz musicians most influenced the development of Blues music?
Question 62. The word “welded” in line 5 is closest in meaning to
A. squeezed B. bound
C. added D. stirred
Question 63. Which of the following distinguished Jazz as a new form of musical expression?
A. the use of cornets B. “hot Jazz”
C. improvisation D.New Orleans
Question 64. The word “skeletal” in line 12 is closest in meaning to
A. framework B. musical C. basic D. essential
Question 65. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. many early Jazz musicians had poor sight
B. there is no slow music in Jazz
C. many early Jazz musicians had little formal musical training
D. the cornet is the most common musical instrument used in Jazz
Question 66. The word “menial” in line 14 is closest in meaning to
A. means B. attractive C. degrading D. skilled
Question 67. According to the passage, which of the following belonged to the second wave of
New Orleans Jazz musicians?
A. Louis Armstrong B. Buddy Bolden C. St. Louis D. Joe Oliver
Question 68. All of the following are true EXCEPT
A. the late 1930s was called the “swing era”
B. “hot Jazz” is rhythmic
C. Jazz has been said to beAmerica’s greatest contribution to music
D. Joe Oliver is generally considered to be the first real Jazz musician
Question 69. The word “its” in line 16 refers to
A. small bands B. earlier music C. men D. earlier musicians
Question 70. The tone of this passage could best be described as______.
A. outraged B. doubtful C. informative D. sarcastic
Rewrite the following sentences as directed so that the meanings stay the same. (5.0 point)
Question 71 To get a 25% discount, you must buy all five shirts at the same time.
=> Only when_____________________________________________________________
Question 72. Succes in the academic field depends on your ablity to get
7 of 7
=> The more _______________________________________________________________
Question 73. Although the dog appeared harmless, it was, in fact, quite dangerous.
=> Contrary to_________________________________________________________________
Question 74. The drama critic of the ‘Daily News’ regards the new play as major breakthrough.
=> According to ____________________________________________________________
Question 75. Many people were serverely critical of the proposals for the new motorway.
=> There was _______________________________________________________________
II. Imagine that you have just received an interesting book as birthday present from your
friend, Laura. In about 800-100 words, write a thank-you letter to her. (10 points)
Dear Laura,
Minh Chau
III. Some people say that prevention of health problems and illnesses is more important than
treatments and medicine. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this satement? In
about 150-170 words, write a paragrah to support your opinion. (15 points)
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Preview text:

NĂM HỌC 2021 – 2022
Đề thi môn: TIẾNG ANH (Đề chung) ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC
Thời gi an làm bài: 120 phút không kể thời gian giao đề
(Đề gồm có 7 trang, thí sinh làm bài vào đề thi này) SECTION A. LISTENING
Bài nghe gồm có 04 phần, mỗi phần thí sinh được nghe 02 lần.
I. Listen to FIVE short conversation and choose the correct answer A, B, or C to each question (5.0 points)
Question 1. Which of Miranda’s thing will Lucy be able to use? A. a box of balls B. the racket C. the shoes
Question 2. What can’t the woman find? A. scissors B. a paint brush C. a hammer
Question 3. What time did the girl arrive? A. 6:05 B. 6:45 C. 7:00
Question 4. What will be on television at 10 o’clock this evening?
A. a football match B. an open air rock concert C. the Blue World program
Question 5. What did the man buy?
A. grapes and orange juice B. grapes and strawberries C. strawberries and orange juice
II. You will hear some tourism information about a town called Langley. Listen and complete
the note below with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS/NUMBERS for each answer. (5.0 point) LANGLEY TOWN
Tourists stop here for: 3hours Town Hall
Built in (6) : ____________________________
Cost of ticket: (7) ____________________________ Langley Park
Café is near: (8) _____________________________ Tour of town:
Meet guide in: (9) _____________________________
Leave Langley at: (10)______________________________
Question 6. ______________________________
Question 7.
Question 8.
Question 9.
Question 10.
III. You will hear a lecturer talking about the history of the electric guitar. Complete the table
below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS/ NUMBERS for each answer (5.0 points)

THE HISTORY OF THE ELECTRIC GUITAR DATE MAKER NAME OF GUITAR FEATURES 1890s Orvile Gibson No name Similar in shape to a(11) _________ Madeof metal, good for (12)_________ John Dopyer The (13) _________ playing (14) _________ 1930s C.F Martin Strings made of Company The Dreadnought_________ (15)_________ 1 of 7
IV. You will hear a radio interview with a man called Harry Park, who is talking about the
adventure travel company he runs. Listen and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each question. (5.0 points)
Question 16.
Harry first became interested in adventure travel because his father______
A. gave him adventure stories to read B. worked in a travel company
C. talked a lot about the places he’d been to D. left him a lot of money
Question 17. Who suggested the name for Harry’s company? A. a friend B. a customer C. His wife D. His father
Question 18. When Harry visits a place, he tries to ______ A. give the local people B. take modern equipment C. build a bridge D. avoid damaging the area.
Question 19. What does Harry say about doing dangerous things?
A. It’s part of his job B. It’s frightening C. It’s enjoyable D. It’s difficult.
Question 20. What is Harry’s favorite place? A. A mountain B. A building C. A. river D. A lake
I. Choose the correct option (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each of the sentences below. (10 points)
Question 21.
The recommendation that all people affected by the flood_____ immediately was approved. A. are evacuated
B. be evacuated C. to be evacuated D. should be evacuating
Question 22. The ending of the movie so sad that the girl____ into tears. A. caught B. burst C. uttered D. got
Question 23. There are rumors that an American film is bidding to _____ the company I am working for. A. take after B. take down C. take over D. take into
Question 24. When the little boy looked down at the coral reef, he was astonished to see_____ of tiny, multi-colored fish. A. schools B. flocks C. swarms D. herds
Question 25. The factory’s commitment _____ providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success. A. for B. with C. in D. to
Question 26. I’d rather _____ to Mr. Brown’s party with my parents last night because there was nothing interesting there. A. not be invited B. hadn’t been invited C. haven’t been invited D. not have been invited
Question 27. Your review of the short story should not be less than 1,000 words, nor_____ more than 1,500.
A. should it be B. it should be C. it is D. should be it
Question 28. _____ artifacts from the early Chinese dynasties, numerous archeologists have
explored the southern Silk Road. A. Searched for B. It was a search for C. Searching for D. They were searching for
Question 29. A cloud’s reservoir of negative change extends upward from the altitude at_____ the freezing point. A. temperatures hit B. hit temperatures C. which temperatures hit D. which hit temperatures
Question 30. My grandfather refused to eat meat that had been fried. He had_____ in his bonnet about it causing cancer. A. a bug B. an ant C. a bull D. a bee
Part II. Choose the correct option (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each of the following exchanges (5.0 points)
Question 31. Waiter:
“Would you like to have noodles, spaghetti or something different, sir?” 2 of 7
Mr. Johson: ‘____________’
A. Never mind B. Yes, please C. I don’t mind. D. Anything will do.
Question 32. Peter: “You’re so patient with us, Mrs. Smith.”
Mrs. Smith: ‘____________’
A. Well, the doctor says I’ll get better soon.
B. Thanks. That’s nice of you to say so. C. I’m fine, thanks.
D. I know I have trouble controlling my temper.
Question 33. Jane: “ Do you support the proposal to build a new airport in this area?’
Mike: “ __________” A. No, I like it. B. Yes, I’m against it. C. No, not really. D. Sure! I don’t think you’re right.
Question 34. Nariko: “I’m having some friends over for dinner this evening. Why don’t you join us, Takano?” A. Thanks, but I mustn’t.
B. Come one. It’s your turn.
C. Well, can I take a rain check? D. As a matter of fact, I do.
Question 35. Henry: What you did at the race was really impressive, Clara.
Clara: “ __________” A. You can say that again. B. You must be kidding. C. Yes, of course.
D. I couldn’t agree with you more.
Part III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (5.0 point)
Question 36
. My uncle Jack is a strict (DISCIPLINE) ______________ who always believes in
“spare the rod, spoil the child”.
Question 37. Mr. Stevenson returned to Britain in 1978, having (RESIDENCE) ______________ aboard for many years.
Question 38. I believe such a kind man would never (INTEND) ______________hurt other people’s feelings.
Question 39. These forgeries are so good that they are almost (DISTINGUISH)
______________form the originals.
Question 40. Tests that measure children’s ability to think (ANALYZE) ______________are being
introduce in a number of schools.
Part IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase that must be changed to make the sentence correct. (5 point).
Question 41
. The techniques of science and magic are quite different, but their basic aims – A B
to understand and control nature – they are very similar. C D
Question 42. There are more than 84 million specimens in the National Museum of Natural A B
History’s collection of biological, geological, and anthropology treasures. C D
Question 43. Manganese, found in trace amounts in higher animals, activates a large A B
amount of the enzymes involved in metabolic process. C D
Question 44. Because studying very hard, he passed his exam last year. A B C D
Question 45. Up to World War II almost all important research in physics had been made in A B
universities, with only university fund for support. C D C. READING Question 46. COMMUNITY COLLEGE
A. Visitors are requested to park outside the
There are some parking spaces available for reception area.
visitors. Please ask at receiption.
B. Please tell the reception where you have parked 3 of 7 your car.
C. Visitors who wish to park should ask at reception.
D. Details of parking for students are available from the reception. Question 47. Tuesday, 10.30
A. Vera must phone James to find our more about Vera, her appointment.
Your dentist called. Your appointment tomorrow B. Vera needs to call her dentist if she can’t make
will be at 8.00 instead of 9.00. If that’s no good for the new appointment. you, call him today.
C. Vera’s dentists wants to change the date of her James appointment.
D. Vera has to accept the new appointment. Question 48. WARNING TO MOTORISTS
A. Bridge repairs may make your journey longer Repairs to bridge start from the end of July. On July 31, 2021
B. The bridge cannot be used until the end of July. Delays likely for three weeks
C. Repair work on this bridge will finish in July.
D. Motorists may start using the bridge on July 31.2021. Question 49. WELLINGTON THEATER
A. We regret that there are no tickets for ther early
Book early for A Midsummer Night’s Dream
performance of a Midsumemr Night’s Dream.
to avoid disappointment as this is a popular show
B. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is unfortunately
canceled due to disappointing ticket sales.
C. To our disappointment, all copies of the book A
Midsummer Night’s Dream have sold out earlier.
D. If you want to see A Midsummer Night’s
Dream, buy your tickets as soon as possible. Question 50. PUBLIC NOTICE
A. Only the members of the Council can operate or
No person, unless they are a family member, shell
use a camera, camera phone, video or any other
operate or use a camera, camera phone, vidoe or
video media device in a playground.
any other video media device in a playground
B. Family members are strictly forbidden to operate
without the authorization of the Council.
or use a camera, camera phone, video or any other
video media device in a playground.
C. Parents can operate or use camera, camera
phone, video or any other video media device in a playground.
D. No person can operate or use a camera, camera
phone, video or any other video media device in a playground.
II. Read the text and use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. (10 point)
An American professor who studied the Mayas has come up with a new theory about the sudden
end of their empire. According to Professor Richard Hansen, an archaeologist at the University of
California, the (51)_______ of the Mayan civilization in central American was (52)_______ about by the Mayas themselves.
Their object was to display their (53)_______ and power by making their buildings and decoration
as beautiful as possible. This involved using large quantities of lime, which they put on the walls to
make them smooth. (54)_______ , the creation of lime is a process that requires intense heat, and
they, therefore, had to cut down huge numbers of trees. This (55)_______ the quality of the soil,
and it became almost impossible to farm. 4 of 7
Professor Hansen, who has just returned from an (56)_______ in the El Mirador region of northern
Guatemala, said at a meeting of archaeologists in Philadelphia that the Mayas, having made this
mistake in the 3rd century, repeated it 600 years later, at which time it proved fatal. Increasing food
(57)_______ among the Mayas created a Central American equivalent of the Peloponnesian War
which ravaged (58)_______ Greece. However, (59)_______ the Greek civil war, which only
lasted for 27 years, the Mayas wars went on for many centuries and left many of their great cities and temples (60)_______. Question 51. A. stop B. crash C. collapse D. drop Question 52.
A. Made B. came C. turned D. brought Question 53.
A. wealth B. fortune C. cash D. income Question 54.
A. Suddenly B. Unfortunately C. Particulary D. Gradually Question 55. A. intensified B. poisoned C. affected D. effected Question 56. A. excavation B. evacuation C. elaboration D. evolution Question 57.
A. failures. B. droughts C. lack D. shortages Question 58.
A. past B. ancient C. old D. antique Question 59. A.like
B. dislike C. alike D. unlike Question 60.
A. maltreated B. devasted C. injured D. harmed
III. Read the passage and then choose the correct answer to each question. (10 point)
Jazz has been called “the art of expression set to music”, and “America’s great contribution to
music”. It has functioned as popular art and enjoyed periods of fairly widespread public response, in
the “jazz age” of the 1920s, in the “swing era” of the late 1930s and in the peak popularity of
modern jazz in the late 1950s. The standard legend about Jazz is that it originated around the end of
the 19th century in New Orleans and moved up the Mississippi River to Memphis, St. Louis, and
finally to Chicago. It welded together the elements of Ragtime, marching band music, and the
Blues. However, the influences of what led to those early sounds go back to tribal African drum
beats and European musical structures. Buddy Bolden, aNew Orleans barber and cornet player, is
generally considered to have been the first real Jazz musician, around 1891.
What made Jazz significantly different from the other earlier forms of music was the use of
improvisation. Jazz displayed a break from traditional music where a composer wrote an entire
piece of music on paper, leaving the musicians to break their backs playing exactly what was
written on the score. In a Jazz piece, however, the song is simply a starting point, or sort
of skeletal guide for the Jazz musicians to improvise around. Actually, many of the early Jazz
musicians were bad sight readers and some couldn’t even read music at all. Generally speaking,
these early musicians couldn’t make very much money and were stuck working menial jobs to
make a living. The second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians included such memorable players
as Joe Oliver, Kid Ory, and Jelly Roll Morton. These men formed small bands and took the music
of earlier musicians, improved its complexity, and gained greater success. This music is known as
“hot Jazz” due to the enormously fast speeds and rhythmic drive.
A young cornet player by the name of Louis Armstrong was discovered by Joe Oliver inNew
Orleans. He soon grew up to become one of the greatest and most successful musicians of all time,
and later one of the biggest stars in the world. The impact of Armstrong and other talented early
Jazz musicians changed the way we look at music.
Question 61. The Passage answers which of the following questions? 5 of 7
A. Why did Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues lose popularity after about 1900?
B. What were the origins of Jazz and how did it differ from other forms of music?
C. What has been the greatest contribution of cornet players to music in the twentieth century?
D. Which early Jazz musicians most influenced the development of Blues music?
Question 62. The word “welded” in line 5 is closest in meaning to A. squeezed B. bound C. added D. stirred
Question 63. Which of the following distinguished Jazz as a new form of musical expression?
A. the use of cornets B. “hot Jazz”
C. improvisation D.New Orleans
Question 64. The word “skeletal” in line 12 is closest in meaning to
A. framework B. musical C. basic D. essential
Question 65. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. many early Jazz musicians had poor sight
B. there is no slow music in Jazz
C. many early Jazz musicians had little formal musical training
D. the cornet is the most common musical instrument used in Jazz
Question 66. The word “menial” in line 14 is closest in meaning to
A. means B. attractive C. degrading D. skilled
Question 67. According to the passage, which of the following belonged to the second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians?
A. Louis Armstrong B. Buddy Bolden C. St. Louis D. Joe Oliver
Question 68. All of the following are true EXCEPT
A. the late 1930s was called the “swing era” B. “hot Jazz” is rhythmic
C. Jazz has been said to beAmerica’s greatest contribution to music
D. Joe Oliver is generally considered to be the first real Jazz musician
Question 69. The word “its” in line 16 refers to
A. small bands B. earlier music C. men D. earlier musicians
Question 70. The tone of this passage could best be described as______. A. outraged B. doubtful C. informative D. sarcastic D. WRITING
Rewrite the following sentences as directed so that the meanings stay the same. (5.0 point)
Question 71 To get a 25% discount, you must buy all five shirts at the same time.
=> Only when_____________________________________________________________
Question 72. Succes in the academic field depends on your ablity to get qualification. 6 of 7
=> The more _______________________________________________________________
Question 73. Although the dog appeared harmless, it was, in fact, quite dangerous.
=> Contrary to_________________________________________________________________
Question 74. The drama critic of the ‘Daily News’ regards the new play as major breakthrough.
=> According to ____________________________________________________________
Question 75. Many people were serverely critical of the proposals for the new motorway.
=> There was _______________________________________________________________
II. Imagine that you have just received an interesting book as birthday present from your
friend, Laura. In about 800-100 words, write a thank-you letter to her. (10 points)
Dear Laura,
________________________________________________________________________________ Minh Chau
III. Some people say that prevention of health problems and illnesses is more important than
treatments and medicine. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this satement? In
about 150-170 words, write a paragrah to support your opinion. (15 points)

THE END 7 of 7