Giải Bài tập tiếng Anh 7 Unit 3 Community Service | Global Success

Giải Bài tập tiếng Anh 7 Unit 3 Community Service | Global Success được trình bày khoa học, chi tiết giúp cho các bạn học sinh chuẩn bị bài một cách nhanh chóng và đầy đủ đồng thời giúp quý thầy cô tham khảo để soạn giáo án cho học sinh của mình. Thầy cô và các bạn xem, tải về ở bên dưới.

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other
three in each question.
A. wishes
B. practices
D. leaves
A. worked
B. wanted
C. stopped
D. asked
A. chalk
B. champagne
C. machine
D. ship
A. heat
B. great
C. beat
D. break
A. this
B. there
C. breath
D. breathe
A. used
B. finished
C. married
D. rained
A. earning
B. learning
C. searching
D. clearing
A. accident
B. jazz
C. stamps
D. watch
A. cakes
B. faces
C. horses
D. places
A. see
B seen
C. sportsman
D. sure
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in
each question.
A. respectful
B. interesting
C. forgetful
D. successful
A. beauty
B. easy
C. lazy
D. reply
A. explain
B. provide
C. finish
D. surprise
A. elephant
B. dinosaur
C. buffalo
D. mosquito
A. Christmas
B. listen
C. between
D. student
A. company
B. atmosphere
C. customer
D. employment
A. committee
B. referee
C. employee
D. refugee
A. envy
B. predict
C. image
D. cover
A. interview
B. community
C. vocational
D. idea
A. persuade
B. reduce
C. increase
D. offer
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
1. We came to the remote village and meals for homeless children.
A.cook B.offered D.made
2. You should think of the volunteer activities in your community.
A.taking in B.taking part in C.participating D.making
3. Traditional volunteer activities include money for people in need, cooking and
giving food.
A.rising B.raising C.getting D.taking
4. You can help young children by them to do homework before or after school.
A.doing B.offering C.teaching D.helping
5. Let’s collect and warm clothes to homeless children in our city.
A.give away B.give back C.take off D.put on
6. To help people in remote areas, we can transportation,
such as giving rides to the elderly.
A.give B.bring C.provide D.donate
7. Let’s help the sweet children because they have bad . conditions C.ways of life D.earnings
8. They have decided to ride to work it is good for their health and the
environment. B.but C.although D.because
9. Our school has a programme to children from poor families in Ho Chi Minh
A.ask B.offer C.tutor D.volunteer
10. Americans the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since
the early days of the country.
A.have had B.has had C.had have
11. Volunteers can do general such as clean-up projects or home repair.
A.activities B.things C.labour
12. My brother and I a white tiger already.
A.have seen B.has seen C.see D.are seeing
13. I blood twice, and presents to sick children in the hospital recently.
A.donate give B.donated - gave
C.have donated - have given D.have donated - gave
14. Volunteering is special me because I can help others. B.for C.with
15. How many novels Charles Dickens ?
A.does write B.have written C.did written D.did write
16. We to Ha Noi several times, but last summer we there by train.
A.flew went B.has flown went
C.have flown - have gone D.have flown
17. She blood twenty times so far.
A.donates B.has donated donating donate
18. He lectures to foreign tourists about traditional food and games
recently. B.gave C.have given D.has given
19. They have decided to clean up the neighbourhood it is full of rubbish. B.but C.although D.because
20. “Have you ever to Sa Pa?”
A.gone B.been C.seen D.visited
21. We are very excited ________ our 2018 Volunteer Program.
A. about B. for C. in D. with
22. Toys of Hope provide toys, books and clothing ________ needy and homeless
A. from B. to C. with D. against
23. Many people donate to the Red Cross, a ________ organization that aids
people free of charge.
A. profit-making B. for-profit C. non-profit D. profitable
24. The river is heavily polluted. They should ________.
A. clean it up B. give it away C. pick out D. recycle it
25. ________ people usually live on the streets, under bridges, or in camps.
A. Sick B. Homeless C. Elderly D. Disabled
26. I’ve ________ seen this film. Let’s watch something else.
Â. Never B. ever C. already D. yet
27. We help families in ________ by providing food, clothing, housing and much
A. control B. case C. need D. shape
28. Most people volunteer ________ they want to make a difference in their
A. because B. so C. so that D. in order to
29. We can help to reduce ________ by using public transportation, biking and
A. air pollution B. water pollution C. social problems D. community
30. _______ do you like this charity work? I really like it.
A. What B. Why C. When D. How
A. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each of the gaps to complete the
following text.
Wanting to join community activities, the following steps should be
concerned: Firstly, look over your interests: Which activities seem most appealing
to you? Were they (1) _________ in one particular category, like children or the
environment? If so, that's a good starting place for choosing specific organizations
to contact. Second, figure out how much time you can devote to community
service: Are you (2) ________ for two hours every week? Are you not free on a
regular basis but can volunteer for an entire weekend now and then? Think about
(3) _________ as well and how you'll be able to get to different locations.
Knowing this information will help you choose which community service projects
to pursue, and its helpful information for volunteer coordinators to know.
Next, do some research to see what projects you can do in your
community: Check at your school, place of worship, or town hall for more (4)
________ on volunteering. You can also contact the place where you'd like to
perform your community service, such as a particular animal shelter or nursing
home, and ask if they take volunteers. And the last step: Start volunteering! This
list (5) ________ from small projects that you can complete on your own in a few
hours, to much larger projects that will take more time and people. If you find a
project you can start on your own, do it! If you want to do a project where you'll
need more resources or people, check around your community to see if a similar
program already exists that you can (5)_________. If not, don't be afraid to start
your own! Many organizations welcome new volunteers and community service
1. A. much B. mostly C. many D. most
2. A. available B. busy C. likely D. free
3. A. accommodation B. facility C. service D. transportation
4. A. information B. inform C. informative D. deform
5. A. has B. ranges C. gets D. includes
6. A. take B. be C. join D. have
B. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each of the gaps to complete the
following text.
As an introvert, you might be used to the general assumption that we all spend
our time sitting at home with a book. If I’m (1) ________ honest, that is one of my
favorite ways to spend an evening, but it certainly isn’t the limit of my activities or
interests. I’ve compiled a list of activity ideas that are perfect for introverts. This
includes ideas for solitary activities, things you can share with a (2) ________ of
introverts, or even fun things to do that will suit a mixed group of introverts and
extroverts. Reading: For many of us introverts, there’s nothing more (3) ________
than curling up with a good book. Bonus points if you have an open fire and a dog
by your feet. Books often prompt deep thoughts and surprising insights. If you love
reading, consider (4) ________ a book club. There you can meet people who share
your love of reading and thinking about what you’ve read. Cue many deep and
meaningful conversations with engaging people. Learn a language: Learning a
language might seem like an odd choice for an introvert, but it’s actually incredibly
freeing. Once you can speak another language, at least enough to get by, you have
far more options for traveling alone. You can travel and explore solo, without (5)
________ to rely on guides or sticking to main tourist areas.
1. A. complete B. compile C. completely D. compete
2. A. group B. some C. amount D. friend
3. A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. relaxation
4. A. to joining B. join C. to join D. joining
5. A. to have B. having C. have D. has
A. Read and decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F).
Are you interested in performing community service? Do you want examples
of service projects you can do? Community service is a great way to help others
and improve your community, and it can also help you gain skills and experience
to include on your resume and college applications. Community service is work
done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the
area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work. You
do not get paid to perform community service, but volunteer your time.
Community service can help many different groups of people: children, senior
citizens, people with disabilities, even animals and the environment. Community
service is often organized through a local group, such as a place of worship,
school, or non-profit organization, but you can also start your own community
service projects. Many people participate in community service because they enjoy
helping others and improving their community. Some students are required to do
community service in order to graduate high school or to receive certain honors.
Some adults are also ordered by a judge to complete a certain number of
community service hours. There are numerous benefits to participating in
community service, both for yourself and others.
1. Joining community service brings people some experience to write on the
resume. _______
2. People do not get social skills, but money for performing community
3. You can not organized your own community service project. _______
4. A lot of people take part in community service because of their finance.
5. Some schools ask students to join community service _______
B. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to answer these questions.
14-year old Michael Perham sailed into Antigua yesterday and became the
youngest person to cross the Atlantic alone. After an amazing 5,600 kilometre
voyage lasting six-and-a-half weeks, Michael’s achievement beat the previous
record set by 15-year-old Sebastian Clover. Looking smart and relaxed in white T-
shirt and baseball cap, the teenager got off his 8-metre boat - called Checky
Monkey - and walked through the huge crowd waiting for him on the Caribbean
island. ‘It feels fantastic being back on dry land - really brilliant’, he said. ‘I'm
looking forward to a comfortable bed and a great dinner. I don't care what it is, I'll
enjoy eating anything that's not out of a can!’
The idea for the vovage began when Michael was 11 and he saw a television
film of Sebastian Clover crossing the Atlantic. Fascinated, he later attended a calls
by Sebastian and told his father, an experienced sailor, that he too would like to
break the record. Mr Perham agreed to teach him how to sail, and he soon realised
that his son had the ability and the courage to turn his dream into reality. Three
years later, Michael was ready to set out on his great adventure
1. What is the text about?
A. the first person to cross the Atlantic alone
B. how to cross the Atlantic
C. the youngest person who sailed across the Atlantic
D. an experienced sailor
2. How long did it take Michael to cross the Atlantic?
A. Nearly 7 weeks
B. Over 7 weeks
C. 42 days
D. 2 months
3. What is Checky Monkey?
A. A T-shirt’s brand name
B. A boat’s name
C. A bed’s brand name
D. An island
4. When did he decide to sail across an island?
A. When meeting Sebastian Clover
B. When his father told him to do that
C. When he was 14 years old
D. After watching a film about a man crossing an ocean.
5. Who taught him to sail?
A. Sebastian Clover
B. His father
C. By himself
D. Cheeky Monkey.
Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
1. He made a $5000 __________ to charity. (donate)
2. The police officer offered her __________ to the old woman.
3. I don’t think that money brings you __________. (happy)
4. I felt __________ and didn’t know what to do. (help)
5. They didn’t make an __________ announcement of the reason for the delay.
6. Many people were made __________ after the flood. (home)
7. The campaign ___________ people to recycle glass, cans and paper.
8. This project was funded by __________ contributions. (volunteer)
9. We talked to and sang for the __________ people at a nursing home.
10. He made a __________ for the donation campaign. (speak)
A. Give the correct form of verbs.
1. My volunteer team____ books to an orphanage last week (eat)
2. Did the children____ how to recycle the plastic bottles? (get)
3. Last summer, my school____ an event which the students volunteered to help
old people in nursing home. (hold)
4. We didn’t____ those clothes so we donated them to the homeless camp
5. Minh____ the plants yesterday, so did I (water)
6. My class____ poor people’s houses this Tet holiday. (decorate)
7. Our teacher____ us to practise dancing for the school’s social activity on last
8. Students of my school have to____ the playground every morning. (clean)
9. Did every one____ for the volunteer team on last weekend? (register)
10. I____ part in a charity organization which gave free meals to poor people.
B. Complete the sentence with the correct form of verbs below:
1. I and some of my friends______ wasted plastic bottles and______ them.
2. My schools students______ care of old people in the nursing home every
3. Did your children______ their clothes to the orphanage.
4. I didn’t throw the plastic bottle, I______ them to recycle.
5. I______ my father to______ after his patients.
6. Did your class______ trees in the school yard?
7. Children in our village_____ up litter floating on the river every afternoon.
8. My family didn’t waste used papers, we collected them and______ new
9. My neighborhood______ plenty of trees to decorate the street last Mid Autumn
10. We______ to the nursing house to tell story and read newspaper for old people
A. Use the prompts to write sentences:
1. leave/ Please/ not/ litter/ picnic/ after/ do/ your.
2. We took part in a school’s activity helping the homeless one week ago.
3. a kidney/ to/ his mother/ He/ donate/ a year ago.
4. the start/ us/ from/ community/ The local/ supported.
5. always/ My/ charities/ beginning/ parents/ since/ supported/ the.
6. shelter/ They/ food/ poor/ for/ and/ the/ provided.
7. improve/ to/ The/ government/ public/ aim/ services.
8. volunteer/ He/ charity/ worked/ organization/ as/ a/ for.
9. food/ Gina/ homeless/ for/ prepared/ drink/ the/ and.
10. bottles were Several collected of glass broken bags.
B. Rewrite each sentence below with given words:
1. It took her 3 hours to get to the city center. (spend)
2. She used to like Kpop idols. (keen/ interested)
3. He can’t move because his leg was broken. (due to)
4. Although she is old, she can type very fast. (in spite of/ despite)
5. Nana often cried when she meets with difficulties! (used)
| 1/11

Preview text:

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
1. A. wishes B. practices C.introduces D. leaves 2. A. worked B. wanted C. stopped D. asked 3. A. chalk B. champagne C. machine D. ship 4. A. heat B. great C. beat D. break 5. A. this B. there C. breath D. breathe 6. A. used B. finished C. married D. rained 7. A. earning B. learning C. searching D. clearing 8. A. accident B. jazz C. stamps D. watch 9. A. cakes B. faces C. horses D. places 10. A. see B seen C. sportsman D. sure STRESS
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question.
1. A. respectful B. interesting C. forgetful D. successful 2. A. beauty B. easy C. lazy D. reply 3. A. explain B. provide C. finish D. surprise 4. A. elephant B. dinosaur C. buffalo D. mosquito 5. A. Christmas B. listen C. between D. student 6. A. company B. atmosphere C. customer D. employment 7. A. committee B. referee C. employee D. refugee 8. A. envy B. predict C. image D. cover 9. A. interview B. community C. vocational D. idea 10. A. persuade B. reduce C. increase D. offer MULTIPLE CHOICE
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
1. We came to the remote village and meals for homeless children. A.cook B.offered D.made 2. You should think of
the volunteer activities in your community. A.taking in B.taking part in C.participating D.making
3. Traditional volunteer activities include money for people in need, cooking and giving food. A.rising B.raising C.getting D.taking
4. You can help young children by them to do homework before or after school. A.doing B.offering C.teaching D.helping 5. Let’s collect and
warm clothes to homeless children in our city. A.give away B.give back C.take off D.put on
6. To help people in remote areas, we can transportation,
such as giving rides to the elderly. A.give B.bring C.provide D.donate
7. Let’s help the sweet children because they have bad . conditions C.ways of life D.earnings
8. They have decided to ride to work
it is good for their health and the environment. B.but C.although D.because
9. Our school has a programme to children from poor families in Ho Chi Minh City. A.ask B.offer C.tutor D.volunteer 10. Americans
the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since
the early days of the country. A.have had B.has had C.had have
11. Volunteers can do general such as clean-up projects or home repair. A.activities B.things C.labour
12. My brother and I a white tiger already. A.have seen B.has seen C.see D.are seeing 13. I blood twice, and
presents to sick children in the hospital recently. A.donate – give B.donated - gave C.have donated - have given D.have donated - gave 14. Volunteering is special me because I can help others. B.for C.with
15. How many novels Charles Dickens ? A.does – write B.have – written C.did – written D.did – write 16. We
to Ha Noi several times, but last summer we there by train. A.flew – went B.has flown – went C.have flown - have gone D.have flown – went 17. She blood twenty times so far. A.donates B.has donated donating donate 18. He
lectures to foreign tourists about traditional food and games recently. B.gave C.have given D.has given
19. They have decided to clean up the neighbourhood it is full of rubbish. B.but C.although D.because 20. “Have you ever to Sa Pa?” A.gone B.been C.seen D.visited
21. We are very excited ________ our 2018 Volunteer Program. A. about B. for C. in D. with
22. Toys of Hope provide toys, books and clothing ________ needy and homeless children. A. from B. to C. with D. against
23. Many people donate to the Red Cross, a ________ organization that aids people free of charge. A. profit-making B. for-profit C. non-profit D. profitable
24. The river is heavily polluted. They should ________. A. clean it up B. give it away C. pick out D. recycle it
25. ________ people usually live on the streets, under bridges, or in camps. A. Sick B. Homeless C. Elderly D. Disabled
26. I’ve ________ seen this film. Let’s watch something else. Â. Never B. ever C. already D. yet
27. We help families in ________ by providing food, clothing, housing and much more. A. control B. case C. need D. shape
28. Most people volunteer ________ they want to make a difference in their community. A. because B. so C. so that D. in order to
29. We can help to reduce ________ by using public transportation, biking and walking. A. air pollution B. water pollution
C. social problems D. community service
30. _______ do you like this charity work? – I really like it. A. What B. Why C. When D. How CLOZE TEST
A. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text. COMMUNITY SERVICE
Wanting to join community activities, the following steps should be
concerned: Firstly, look over your interests: Which activities seem most appealing
to you? Were they (1) _________ in one particular category, like children or the
environment? If so, that's a good starting place for choosing specific organizations
to contact. Second, figure out how much time you can devote to community
service: Are you (2) ________ for two hours every week? Are you not free on a
regular basis but can volunteer for an entire weekend now and then? Think about
(3) _________ as well and how you'll be able to get to different locations.
Knowing this information will help you choose which community service projects
to pursue, and its helpful information for volunteer coordinators to know.
Next, do some research to see what projects you can do in your
community: Check at your school, place of worship, or town hall for more (4)
________ on volunteering. You can also contact the place where you'd like to
perform your community service, such as a particular animal shelter or nursing
home, and ask if they take volunteers. And the last step: Start volunteering! This
list (5) ________ from small projects that you can complete on your own in a few
hours, to much larger projects that will take more time and people. If you find a
project you can start on your own, do it! If you want to do a project where you'll
need more resources or people, check around your community to see if a similar
program already exists that you can (5)_________. If not, don't be afraid to start
your own! Many organizations welcome new volunteers and community service projects. 1. A. much B. mostly C. many D. most 2. A. available B. busy C. likely D. free 3. A. accommodation B. facility C. service D. transportation 4. A. information B. inform C. informative D. deform 5. A. has B. ranges C. gets D. includes 6. A. take B. be C. join D. have
B. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text.
As an introvert, you might be used to the general assumption that we all spend
our time sitting at home with a book. If I’m (1) ________ honest, that is one of my
favorite ways to spend an evening, but it certainly isn’t the limit of my activities or
interests. I’ve compiled a list of activity ideas that are perfect for introverts. This
includes ideas for solitary activities, things you can share with a (2) ________ of
introverts, or even fun things to do that will suit a mixed group of introverts and
extroverts. Reading: For many of us introverts, there’s nothing more (3) ________
than curling up with a good book. Bonus points if you have an open fire and a dog
by your feet. Books often prompt deep thoughts and surprising insights. If you love
reading, consider (4) ________ a book club. There you can meet people who share
your love of reading and thinking about what you’ve read. Cue many deep and
meaningful conversations with engaging people. Learn a language: Learning a
language might seem like an odd choice for an introvert, but it’s actually incredibly
freeing. Once you can speak another language, at least enough to get by, you have
far more options for traveling alone. You can travel and explore solo, without (5)
________ to rely on guides or sticking to main tourist areas. 1. A. complete B. compile C. completely D. compete 2. A. group B. some C. amount D. friend 3. A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. relaxation 4. A. to joining B. join C. to join D. joining 5. A. to have B. having C. have D. has READING COMPREHENSION
A. Read and decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F).

Are you interested in performing community service? Do you want examples
of service projects you can do? Community service is a great way to help others
and improve your community, and it can also help you gain skills and experience
to include on your resume and college applications. Community service is work
done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the
area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work. You
do not get paid to perform community service, but volunteer your time.
Community service can help many different groups of people: children, senior
citizens, people with disabilities, even animals and the environment. Community
service is often organized through a local group, such as a place of worship,
school, or non-profit organization, but you can also start your own community
service projects. Many people participate in community service because they enjoy
helping others and improving their community. Some students are required to do
community service in order to graduate high school or to receive certain honors.
Some adults are also ordered by a judge to complete a certain number of
community service hours. There are numerous benefits to participating in
community service, both for yourself and others.
1. Joining community service brings people some experience to write on the resume. _______
2. People do not get social skills, but money for performing community service. _______
3. You can not organized your own community service project. _______
4. A lot of people take part in community service because of their finance. _______
5. Some schools ask students to join community service _______
B. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to answer these questions.
14-year old Michael Perham sailed into Antigua yesterday – and became the
youngest person to cross the Atlantic alone. After an amazing 5,600 kilometre
voyage lasting six-and-a-half weeks, Michael’s achievement beat the previous
record set by 15-year-old Sebastian Clover. Looking smart and relaxed in white T-
shirt and baseball cap, the teenager got off his 8-metre boat - called Checky
Monkey - and walked through the huge crowd waiting for him on the Caribbean
island. ‘It feels fantastic being back on dry land - really brilliant’, he said. ‘I'm
looking forward to a comfortable bed and a great dinner. I don't care what it is, I'll
enjoy eating anything that's not out of a can!’
The idea for the vovage began when Michael was 11 and he saw a television
film of Sebastian Clover crossing the Atlantic. Fascinated, he later attended a calls
by Sebastian and told his father, an experienced sailor, that he too would like to
break the record. Mr Perham agreed to teach him how to sail, and he soon realised
that his son had the ability and the courage to turn his dream into reality. Three
years later, Michael was ready to set out on his great adventure 1. What is the text about?
A. the first person to cross the Atlantic alone B. how to cross the Atlantic
C. the youngest person who sailed across the Atlantic D. an experienced sailor
2. How long did it take Michael to cross the Atlantic? A. Nearly 7 weeks B. Over 7 weeks C. 42 days D. 2 months 3. What is Checky Monkey? A. A T-shirt’s brand name B. A boat’s name C. A bed’s brand name D. An island
4. When did he decide to sail across an island?
A. When meeting Sebastian Clover
B. When his father told him to do that C. When he was 14 years old
D. After watching a film about a man crossing an ocean. 5. Who taught him to sail? A. Sebastian Clover B. His father C. By himself D. Cheeky Monkey. WORD FORMATION
Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. He made a $5000 __________ to charity. (donate)
2. The police officer offered her __________ to the old woman. (assist)
3. I don’t think that money brings you __________. (happy)
4. I felt __________ and didn’t know what to do. (help)
5. They didn’t make an __________ announcement of the reason for the delay. (office)
6. Many people were made __________ after the flood. (home)
7. The campaign ___________ people to recycle glass, cans and paper. (courage)
8. This project was funded by __________ contributions. (volunteer)
9. We talked to and sang for the __________ people at a nursing home. (old)
10. He made a __________ for the donation campaign. (speak) VERB FORMATION
A. Give the correct form of verbs.
1. My volunteer team____ books to an orphanage last week (eat)
2. Did the children____ how to recycle the plastic bottles? (get)
3. Last summer, my school____ an event which the students volunteered to help old people in nursing home. (hold)
4. We didn’t____ those clothes so we donated them to the homeless camp (use)
5. Minh____ the plants yesterday, so did I (water)
6. My class____ poor people’s houses this Tet holiday. (decorate)
7. Our teacher____ us to practise dancing for the school’s social activity on last Friday (remind)
8. Students of my school have to____ the playground every morning. (clean) 9. Did every one____
for the volunteer team on last weekend? (register)
10. I____ part in a charity organization which gave free meals to poor people. (take)
B. Complete the sentence with the correct form of verbs below:
1. I and some of my friends______ wasted plastic bottles and______ them.
2. My school’s students______ care of old people in the nursing home every Sunday.
3. Did your children______ their clothes to the orphanage.
4. I didn’t throw the plastic bottle, I______ them to recycle.
5. I______ my father to______ after his patients.
6. Did your class______ trees in the school yard?
7. Children in our village_____ up litter floating on the river every afternoon.
8. My family didn’t waste used papers, we collected them and______ new notebooks
9. My neighborhood______ plenty of trees to decorate the street last Mid Autumn Festival
10. We______ to the nursing house to tell story and read newspaper for old people there. WRITING
A. Use the prompts to write sentences:
1. leave/ Please/ not/ litter/ picnic/ after/ do/ your.
→ ________________________________________________________________
2. We took part in a school’s activity helping the homeless one week ago.
→ ________________________________________________________________
3. a kidney/ to/ his mother/ He/ donate/ a year ago.
→ ________________________________________________________________
4. the start/ us/ from/ community/ The local/ supported.
→ ________________________________________________________________
5. always/ My/ charities/ beginning/ parents/ since/ supported/ the.
→ ________________________________________________________________
6. shelter/ They/ food/ poor/ for/ and/ the/ provided.
→ ________________________________________________________________
7. improve/ to/ The/ government/ public/ aim/ services.
→ ________________________________________________________________
8. volunteer/ He/ charity/ worked/ organization/ as/ a/ for.
→ ________________________________________________________________
9. food/ Gina/ homeless/ for/ prepared/ drink/ the/ and.
→ ________________________________________________________________
10. bottles were Several collected of glass broken bags.
→ ________________________________________________________________
B. Rewrite each sentence below with given words:
1. It took her 3 hours to get to the city center. (spend)
→ ________________________________________________________________
2. She used to like Kpop idols. (keen/ interested)
→ ________________________________________________________________
→ ________________________________________________________________
3. He can’t move because his leg was broken. (due to)
→ ________________________________________________________________
4. Although she is old, she can type very fast. (in spite of/ despite)
→ ________________________________________________________________
5. Nana often cried when she meets with difficulties! (used)
→ ________________________________________________________________