Giải Tiếng Anh lớp 1 Unit 4 Lesson Content Concepts SGK | Explore Our World

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Gii Tiếng Anh lp 1 Unit 4 Lesson Content Concepts SGK
1. (Bài 7 trang 37) Listen and point. Say
Bài nghe
Pink, pink, a pink crayon
Purple, purple, a purple crayon
2. (Bài 8 trang 37) Listen and color
Bài nghe
1. Pink crayon
2. Yellow crayon
3. Purple crayon
4. White crayon
5. Orange crayon
6. Pink crayon
3. (Bài 9 trang 37) Listen. Count and say. Trace
Bài nghe
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine pens
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten erasers
4. (Bài 10 trang 37) Cut out the cards for Unit 4
Listen. Put the card in order. Say
Bài nghe
Three pink pencils
Four purple erasers
Seven blue books
Three orange kites
One pink pencil
How many pink pencils?
How many purple erasers?
5. (Bài 11 trang 37) Use the rest of the cards
Say. Put the cards in order
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Giải Tiếng Anh lớp 1 Unit 4 Lesson Content Concepts SGK
1. (Bài 7 trang 37) Listen and point. Say Bài nghe Pink, pink, a pink crayon
Purple, purple, a purple crayon
2. (Bài 8 trang 37) Listen and color Bài nghe 1. Pink crayon 2. Yellow crayon 3. Purple crayon 4. White crayon 5. Orange crayon 6. Pink crayon
3. (Bài 9 trang 37) Listen. Count and say. Trace Bài nghe
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine pens
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten erasers
4. (Bài 10 trang 37) Cut out the cards for Unit 4
Listen. Put the card in order. Say Bài nghe Three pink pencils Four purple erasers Seven blue books Three orange kites One pink pencil How many pink pencils? How many purple erasers?
5. (Bài 11 trang 37) Use the rest of the cards Say. Put the cards in order