Giáo án điện tử Tiếng anh 10 unit 10 global success:Asean and VietNam (lesson 1: Getting started )

Giáo án powerpoint Tiếng anh 10 unit 10 global success:Asean and VietNam (lesson 1: Getting started ) với thiết kế hiện đại, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa giúp giáo viên có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để soạn giáo án Tiếng anh 10. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Look at the flags and find names
of the nations.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was
established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok by the five original
Member Countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei Darussalam joined on 8 January
1984, Vietnam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July
1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999.
At the ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme ( AYVP)
At the ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme ( AYVP)
What does AYVP stand for?
Mai:Good afternoon. My name’s Mai Nguyen. Are you Ms Pang? You replied to
my email and invited me to visit your office.
Ms Pang:Yes. I’m Ms Pang. It’s nice to meet you, Mai. So how did you hear about
Mai:My cousin was an AYVP volunteer. He often said taking part in the
programme was an
experience he would never forget.
Ms Pang:Glad to hear that. The main goals of AYVP are promoting youth
volunteering and helping the development of the ASEAN
Mai:What can I do to prepare for the programme?
Ms Pang:Well, to become an AYVP
volunteer, you must be qualified for the
programme, and this depends on the themes for the year.
Mai:What are the areas covered by AYVP?
Ms Pang:There are eight
themes. I suggest checking our website to find out this
year’s themes.
Mai:How are volunteers selected?
Ms Pang:To be selected, you should be over 18. Then you may need to
propose a
community project related to the theme. And we'll probably interview you to make
sure you speak English well and are very keen on participating in the programme.
Mai:That doesn't sound too difficult. Thanks so much for meeting me.
Ms Pang:You're welcome.
/ v /
TASK 1 : Listen and read
TASK 1 : Listen and read
= topic suggest
- 2 teams: GREEN HORSE and PURPLE
- There are 6 numbers, but there is only ONE
lucky number.
- Choose a number if it is correct, your horse
will run. But if it is a lucky number, your horse
will run without doing any sentences. The
horse that runs to the target first will be the
2 3 4 5 6
Mai can apply to join the AYVP when she is over 18.
Mai can apply to join the AYVP when she is over 18.
( Line 20 )
( Line 20 )
Ms Pang
Ms Pang: 
 !"
 "
Ms Pang
Ms Pang: 
  !"
 "
Mai is member of the ASEAN Youth Volunteer
Mai is member of the ASEAN Youth Volunteer
(Line : 6)
(Line : 6)
( ""
One of the aims of AYVP is to help young
people volunteer.
(Line : 9-11)
(Line : 9-11)
Ms Pang:
Ms Pang: *
Ms Pang:
Ms Pang: *
To participate an AYVP programme , Mai will
compete in English Speaking Test .
( Line : 22-24)
( Line : 22-24)
Ms Pang:
Ms Pang: 
!" 
Ms Pang:
Ms Pang: 
 
 !" 
To be an AYVP volunteer, Mai must be
To be an AYVP volunteer, Mai must be
qualified for the programme that depends on
qualified for the programme that depends on
the themes for the year.
the themes for the year.
Line: ( 13-15
Line: ( 13-15
Ms Pang:
Ms Pang: -$%&
Ms Pang:
Ms Pang: -$%&
1. volunteer
Things that you hope
to achieve
TASK 3 . Match each word with its definition.
2. qualified
3. development
4. goals
The process of being
bigger and better
Someone who does a
job without payment
Having the training
or experience to do a
particular job
Mai:Good afternoon. My name’s Mai Nguyen. Are you Ms Pang? You replied to my
email and invited me to visit your office.
Ms Pang:Yes. I’m Ms Pang. It’s nice to meet you, Mai. So how did you hear about
Mai:My cousin was an AYVP volunteer. He often said taking part in the programme
was an
experience he would never forget.
Ms Pang:Glad to hear that. The main goals of AYVP are promoting youth
volunteering and helping the development of the ASEAN
Mai:What can I do to prepare for the programme?
Ms Pang:Well, to become an AYVP
volunteer, you must be qualified for the
programme, and this depends on the themes for the year.
Mai:What are the areas covered by AYVP?
Ms Pang:There are eight
themes. I suggest checking our website to find out this year’s
Mai:How are volunteers selected?
Ms Pang:To be selected, you should be over 18. Then you may need to
propose a
community project related to the theme. And we'll probably interview you to make sure
you speak English well and are very keen on participating in the programme.
Mai:That doesn't sound too difficult. Thanks so much for meeting me.
Ms Pang:You're welcome.
1. ______________ in the programme was an
unforgettable experience for Mai’s cousin.
Taking part
TASK 4. Complete each of the sentences using a word or a
phrase from 1.
2.The main goals of AYVP are _________
youth volunteering and________the development
of the ASEAN community.
3. Ms Pang suggested___________ their website.
4. Mai thanked Ms Pang for ________ her.
What are the theme and purposes of
ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme
ThaiLand 2022 .?
What are the theme and purposes of
ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme
ThaiLand 2022 .?
The main points for AYVP
The main goals of AYVP are promoting youth
volunteering and helping the development of the
ASEAN community.
To become an AYVP volunteer, you must be
qualified for the programme , and this depends on
the themes for the year.
To be selected to join in the AYVP, you should be
over 18.
You will be interviewed to make sure you speak
English well and are very keen on participating in
the programme.
- Remember the main goals of AYVP.
- Redo all exercises
- Prepare for the next lesson.
Thanks for your
attention !
| 1/22

Preview text:

Look at the flags and find names of the nations.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was
established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok
by the five original
Member Countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei Darussalam joined on 8 January
1984, Vietnam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July
1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999. UNIT 4: ASEAN AND VIETNAM
At the ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme ( AYVP) office.
What does AYVP stand for?
TASK 1 : Listen and read
Mai: Good afternoon. My name’s Mai Nguyen. Are you Ms Pang? You replied to
my email and invited me to visit your office.
Ms Pang: Yes. I’m Ms Pang. It’s nice to meet you, Mai. So how did you hear about us?
Mai: My cousin was an AYVP volunteer. He often said taking part in the
programme was an experience he would never forget.
Ms Pang: Glad to hear that. The main goals of AYVP are promoting youth
volunteering and helping the development of the ASEAN community.
Mai: What can I do to prepare for the programme?
Ms Pang: Well, to become an AYVP volunteer, you must be qualified for the
programme, and this depends on the themes for the year.
Mai: What are the areas covered by AYVP?
Ms Pang: There are eight themes. I suggest checking our website to find out t/h vi s / year’s themes. /θiːm/ = topic suggest
Mai: How are volunteers selected? /
Ms Pang: To be selected, you should be over 18. Then you may need to p rpr ə' op p ose ouz /a/
community project related to the theme. And we'll probably interview you to make
sure you speak English well and are very keen on participating in the programme.
Mai: That doesn't sound too difficult. Thanks so much for meeting me.
Ms Pang: You're welcome.
- There are 6 numbers, but there is only ONE lucky number.
- Choose a number if it is correct, your horse
will run. But if it is a lucky number, your horse
will run without doing any sentences. The
horse that runs to the target first will be the winner. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Green Purple Horse Horse TASK 2 : TRUE or FALSE
Mai can apply to join the AYVP when she is over 18. TRUE ( Line 20 ) Ms M Pa s ng n : g To T be b s e e s l e ect e e ct d e , yo , y u s u h s ould be b ov e er 18 e . r 18 Th T en e yo y u ma y ma ne n e e d e to t pro p pose os a e comm a u comm ni n ty t pr p ojec e t c r t el e ate t d e t d o t th t e h t e h t em e e m . A e n . A d we'l we l probab a ly inte n rv te iew e y ou t u o t ma m ke s ke u s re y re o y u s u p s ea e k En k E glish s we h l we l an a d a d re v re e v ry e ke ry e ke n e o n n p n a p rti rt cipati a ng n in i th t e e pr p ogramm m e m . e
Mai is member of the ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme. FALSE (Line : 6) Mai: My cous u in wa w s an n AYVP volunt lu eer. He often en said id taking part in the pr he ogramme mm was a n exper p ienc ien e he h would o never for fo get.
One of the aims of AYVP is to help young people volunteer. TRUE (Line : 9-11) Ms Pang: Gla d d to hea he r that. The T main in goals l of f AYVP are prom o ot o ing ing youth ut volunt o eer ee ing i and nd helping help the develo e pment pm of f the h ASE S AN communit mmun y. Congratulations!
To participate an AYVP programme , Mai will
compete in English Speaking Test .
FALSE ( Line : 22-24) Ms M Pa s ng n : To b e e s e s l e ec e t c e t d e , y , ou sh s ould b d e e o ve v r e 18. T 1 h 8. T e h n e y ou ma u y ma ne n e e d e to p t ropo p se s a e a co c mmu m n mu ity t pro p jec e t c re t l re ate t d e to t th e th e th e th m e e m . e An A d d we' we l'l proba b bl b y inte n rv te iew e yo y u t u o t ma m ke s ke u s re y re o y u u sp s ea e k En k gl g ish s wel we l a l nd n are v re er e y ke y e ke n e on pa p rti rt cipa p ti t ng i n th t e p e r p ogramm m e m . e
To be an AYVP volunteer, Mai must be
qualified for the programme that depends on the themes for the y T ea ru r. e Line: ( 13-15 ) Ms Pang: n W ell, ell to becom beco e e an AYVP volun o t lun eer e , you o must be be qualifi l ed fo ed r the he progr o amme, and this his depends depen on n the h them he es e for fo the t yea e r.
TASK 3 . Match each word with its definition.
Mai: Good afternoon. My name’s Mai Nguyen. Are you Ms Pang? You replied to my
email and invited me to visit your office. M 1 s . P v an o g: l unt Yes. I ee m r
Ms Pang. It’s nice toa Things that you hope meet to you ac , hiev Mai. So e how did you hear about us?
Mai: My cousin was an AYVP volunteer. He often said taking part in the programme
was an experience he would never forget. The process of being
Ms Pang: Glad to hear that. The main goals of AYVP are promoting youth volu2 nt.e q eri ua ng a li ndfie hel d b
ping the development of the b Aig SE g A er N c oa mn m d be unity. tter
Mai: What can I do to prepare for the programme?
Ms Pang: Well, to become an AYVP volunteer, you must be qualified for the
programme, and this depends on the themes for tS heo ymeo ear. ne who does a 3. Ma de i: W ve hat alo re pm
the ar eeans tcovered by AYVcP?
Ms Pang: There are eight themes. I suggest che job w cking our it w ho ebsit ut e to p fina d y o m ut t e hi nt s year’s themes.
Mai: How are volunteers selected?
Ms Pang: To be selected, you should be over H 18.a ving Then y th ou me a tr y ne a e in d to ing propose a commu4 ni . ty g oa proje ls
ct related to the theme. d And we o 'll r e pro x ba p bl e y i rntie er n
vie cwe y to ou t do o ma a ke sure
you speak English well and are very keen on participating in the programme.
Mai: That doesn't sound too difficult. Thanks so pa mu rtic ch for u m la eetir jo ng meb .
Ms Pang: You're welcome.
TASK 4. Complete each of the sentences using a word or a phrase from 1. 1. ___ T ____ akin _ g __ pa __
rt __ in the programme was an
unforgettable experience for Mai’s cousin.
2.The main goals of AYVP are ___ pro _ m__ o __ tin _ g
youth volunteering and___ he ___ lp _ ing_the development
of the ASEAN community.
3. Ms Pang suggested____ che _ c __ k __ ing __ their website.
4. Mai thanked Ms Pang for ___ m __ ee _ ti __ ng her. What are t e he theme and p d urposes of o f ASEA E N You Y th h Volunteer Programme Th T aiLand 2022 .? . CONSOLIDATION The main points for AYVP
The main goals of AYVP are promoting youth
volunteering and helping the development of the ASEAN community.

To become an AYVP volunteer, you must be
qualified for the programme , and this depends on the themes for the year.

To be selected to join in the AYVP, you should be over 18.
You will be interviewed to make sure you speak
English well and are very keen on participating in the programme.
- Remember the main goals of AYVP. - Redo all exercises
- Prepare for the next lesson.
Thanks for your attention !
Document Outline

  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Slide 2
  • Look at the flags and find names of the nations.
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Slide 16
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22