Giáo án điện tử Tiếng anh 11 unit 2 global success:The generation gap

Giáo án powerpoint Tiếng anh 11 unit 2 global success:The generation gap với thiết kế hiện đại, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa giúp giáo viên có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để soạn giáo án Tiếng anh 11. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Welcome to our
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Phương
Nguyễn Công Trứ- NB
1/ How many people are there in your family ?
2/ Who are they ?
3/ Have you ever been angry by your family ?
4/ Do you like living with them ?
Warm up
What are the
differences between
you and your parents ?
What are the
differences between
you and your parents ?
Music/ films
Music/ films
Ways of shopping
Ways of shopping
Ways of thinking/
Values of life
Ways of thinking/
Values of life
Studying/ jobs-career
Studying/ jobs-career
Warm up
Why are these differences?
Why are these differences?
These differences are created by
the gap between generations
These differences are created by
the gap between generations
What is a generaon gap?
Activity 1. Listen and read
Ms Hoa: Good morning, class. Today, we'll
talk about the generation gap. So, what is
the generation gap?
Mark: Well, I think it’s the difference in
beliefs and behaviours between young and
older people.
Ms Hoa: You're right, Mark, So, is there a
generation gap in your family?
Mark: Not really, Ms Hoa. I live in a nuclear
family with my parents and brother. We
understand each other quite well though we
still argue over small things.
Ms Hoa: Right. We can't avoid daily
arguments. What about you, Mai?
Mai: Well. I live with my extended family,
and I have to learn to accept the differences
between the generations.
Ms Hoa: That's a good point. Can you give us
an example?
Mai: Well, my grandparents hold traditional
views about male jobs and gender roles. For
example, my grandfather wants my brother to
be an engineer. but my brother hopes to
become a musician. And my grandmother
thinks women have to do all the housework.
Ms Hoa: How about your parents? Do they
share your grandparents’ views?
Mai: No, they don’t. They think that we should
follow our dreams. They give us advice, but
never force us to follow in their footsteps.
Ms Hoa: Thank you, Mai, for sharing your
experiences. You must respect your parents
and grandparents, but you should also express
your opinion. Now let’s continue our
discussion with …
1. generation gap ( /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn ɡæp/ khoảng cách thế hệ
2. behaviour (n) /bɪˈheɪvjə(r)/ hành vi
3. nuclear family ( /ˌnjuːkliəˈfæməli/ gia đình ht nhân
4. extended family ( /ɪkˌstendɪd ˈfæməli/@ gia đình nhiu thế h
5. Belief (n) /bi’li:f/ niềm tin
6. argue (v) / argyu/ tranh cãi, tranh luận
7. Footsteps (n) /fut,step/ Theo dấu chân
8. Respect (v) /ri’spekt/ tôn trọng
Activity 1. Listen and read
Ms Hoa: Good morning, class. Today, we'll
talk about the generation gap. So, what is the
generation gap?
Mark: Well, I think it’s the difference in
beliefs and behaviours between young and
older people.
Ms Hoa: You're right, Mark, So, is there a
generation gap in your family?
Mark: Not really, Ms Hoa. I live in a nuclear
family with my parents and brother. We
understand each other quite well though we
still argue over small things.
Ms Hoa: Right. We can't avoid daily
arguments. What about you, Mai?
Mai: Well. I live with my extended family,
and I have to learn to accept the differences
between the generations.
Ms Hoa: That's a good point. Can you give us
an example?
Mai: Well, my grandparents hold traditional
views about male jobs and gender roles. For
example, my grandfather wants my brother to
be an engineer. but my brother hopes to
become a musician. And my grandmother
thinks women have to do all the housework.
Ms Hoa: How about your parents? Do they
share your grandparents’ views?
Mai: No, they don’t. They think that we should
follow our dreams. They give us advice, but
never force us to follow in their footsteps.
Ms Hoa: Thank you, Mai, for sharing your
experiences. You must respect your parents and
grandparents, but you should also express your
opinion. Now let’s continue our discussion
with …
Act 2: Read the conversation again. Tick ( ) the true information
about Mark and Mai.
@ @ Mark Mai
has some arguments over small things with
family members
lives with grandparents who have traditional
lives in a nuclear family @
has parents who don’t force their children to
follow in their footsteps.
Activity 1. Listen and read
Ms Hoa: Good morning, class. Today, we'll
talk about the generation gap. So, what is the
generation gap?
Mark: Well, I think it’s the difference in
beliefs and behaviours between young and
older people.
Ms Hoa: You're right, Mark, So, is there a
generation gap in your family?
Mark: Not really, Ms Hoa. I live in a nuclear
family with my parents and brother. We
understand each other quite well though we
still argue over small things.
Ms Hoa: Right. We can't avoid daily
arguments. What about you, Mai?
Mai: Well. I live with my extended family,
and I have to learn to accept the differences
between the generations.
Ms Hoa: That's a good point. Can you give us
an example?
Mai: Well, my grandparents hold traditional
views about male jobs and gender roles. For
example, my grandfather wants my brother to
be an engineer. but my brother hopes to
become a musician. And my grandmother
thinks women have to do all the housework.
Ms Hoa: How about your parents? Do they
share your grandparents’ views?
Mai: No, they don’t. They think that we should
follow our dreams. They give us advice, but
never force us to follow in their footsteps.
Ms Hoa: Thank you, Mai, for sharing your
experiences. You must respect your parents and
grandparents, but you should also express your
opinion. Now let’s continue our discussion
with …
Act 3: Find words or phrases in 1 that have the following
1. all people who were born at about the same
2. a family that consists of a father, a mother, and
3. a family that includes not only parents and
children but also uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc.
4. disagreements about things
(a) nuclear
(an) extended
Act 4: Complete the text based on the conversation in Task 1. Use the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Mai lives with her extended family, and she has to/ should learn to
accept the differences between the generations.
2. Mai’s grandmother thinks women have to/ should do all the
3. Mai’s parents believe that children must/ should follow their
4. Ms Hoa thinks that children have to/ must respect their parents and
How to use: should, have to and must
- Should: dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên, ý kiến của mình.
- Have to: diễn tả sự cần thiết phải làm một việc gì đó, nhưng vì một lý do tác
động bên ngoài nên mới phải làm.
- Must: dùng để diễn tả sự cần thiết, bắt buộc phải làm ở do yếu tố chủ quan
Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)
1. Living in three- or four-generational families, commonly referred to as "___
families," has both benefits and drawbacks.
A. single-parent B. extended C. nuclear D. crowded
2. Mr. John is an engineer and expects his son to follow ____ his footsteps.
A. up B. in C. on D. at
3. I live in a/an ____ in the coastal region with my parents and my older sister.
A. extended family B. nuclear house C. extended house D. nuclear family
4. All students ____ wear uniforms at school because it is a rule.
A. should B. ought to C. have to D. must
5. I think you ____ do exercise regularly in order to keep your body in good shape.
A. should B. must C. have to D. Both B and C
Do exercises in the workbook.
Prepare for Lesson 2: Language - Unit 2.
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Preview text:

Welcome to our class
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Phương Nguyễn Công Trứ- NB Warm up ANSWER THE QUESTIONS
1/ How many people are there in your family ? 2/ Who are they ?
3/ Have you ever been angry by your family ?
4/ Do you like living with them ? Warm up Lifestyle Li Entertainment nte Music/ films What h ar at e th e e e Music/ fil differ i en e ces c b es etw et een e Fashion/ you yo an a d yo d u yo r par p en e ts ? ts Ways of W shopping Studying/ job g/ s-car s-c ee ar r ee Communication nic Ways of think W in i g/ Values of li V fe alues of li Why are these differenc f es? These diffe se diff rence r s are s ar cre cr ated by ated the gap b t e he gap b twe tw en generations ation
What is a generation gap? 11
Activity 1. Listen and read
Ms Hoa: Good morning, class. Today, we'll
Ms Hoa: That's a good point. Can you give us
talk about the generation gap. So, what is an example? the generation gap?
Mai: Well, my grandparents hold traditional
Mark: Well, I think it’s the difference in
views about male jobs and gender roles. For
beliefs and behaviours between young and
example, my grandfather wants my brother to older people.
be an engineer. but my brother hopes to
Ms Hoa: You're right, Mark, So, is there a
become a musician. And my grandmother generation gap in your family?
thinks women have to do all the housework.
Mark: Not really, Ms Hoa. I live in a nuclear Ms Hoa: How about your parents? Do they
family with my parents and brother. We
share your grandparents’ views?
understand each other quite well though we
Mai: No, they don’t. They think that we should
still argue over small things.
follow our dreams. They give us advice, but
Ms Hoa: Right. We can't avoid daily
never force us to follow in their footsteps.
arguments. What about you, Mai?
Ms Hoa: Thank you, Mai, for sharing your
Mai: Well. I live with my extended family,
experiences. You must respect your parents
and I have to learn to accept the differences
and grandparents, but you should also express between the generations.
your opinion. Now let’s continue our discussion with … Vocabulary
1. generation gap ( /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn ɡæp/ khoảng cách thế hệ
2. behaviour (n) /bɪˈheɪvjə(r)/ hành vi
3. nuclear family ( /ˌnjuːkliəˈfæməli/ gia đình hạt nhân
4. extended family ( /ɪkˌstendɪd ˈfæməli/ gia đình nhiều thế hệ
5. Belief (n) /bi’li:f/ niềm tin 6. argue (v) / argyu/
tranh cãi, tranh luận
7. Footsteps (n) /fut,step/ Theo dấu chân
8. Respect (v) /ri’spekt/ tôn trọng
Activity 1. Listen and read
Ms Hoa: Good morning, class. Today, we'll
Ms Hoa: That's a good point. Can you give us
talk about the generation gap. So, what is the an example? generation gap?
Mai: Well, my grandparents hold traditional
Mark: Well, I think it’s the difference in
views about male jobs and gender roles. For
beliefs and behaviours between young and
example, my grandfather wants my brother to older people.
be an engineer. but my brother hopes to
Ms Hoa: You're right, Mark, So, is there a
become a musician. And my grandmother generation gap in your family?
thinks women have to do all the housework.
Mark: Not really, Ms Hoa. I live in a nuclear Ms Hoa: How about your parents? Do they
family with my parents and brother. We
share your grandparents’ views?
understand each other quite well though we
Mai: No, they don’t. They think that we should still argue over small things.
follow our dreams. They give us advice, but
Ms Hoa: Right. We can't avoid daily
never force us to follow in their footsteps.
arguments. What about you, Mai?
Ms Hoa: Thank you, Mai, for sharing your
Mai: Well. I live with my extended family,
experiences. You must respect your parents and
and I have to learn to accept the differences
grandparents, but you should also express your between the generations.
opinion. Now let’s continue our discussion with … PRACTICE
Act 2: Read the conversation again. Tick ( ) the true information about Mark and Mai. Mark Mai
has some arguments over small things with 1. family members
lives with grandparents who have traditional 2. views 3. lives in a nuclear family
has parents who don’t force their children to 4 follow in their footsteps.
Activity 1. Listen and read
Ms Hoa: Good morning, class. Today, we'll
Ms Hoa: That's a good point. Can you give us
talk about the generation gap. So, what is the an example? generation gap?
Mai: Well, my grandparents hold traditional
Mark: Well, I think it’s the difference in
views about male jobs and gender roles. For
beliefs and behaviours between young and
example, my grandfather wants my brother to older people.
be an engineer. but my brother hopes to
Ms Hoa: You're right, Mark, So, is there a
become a musician. And my grandmother generation gap in your family?
thinks women have to do all the housework.
Mark: Not really, Ms Hoa. I live in a nuclear Ms Hoa: How about your parents? Do they
family with my parents and brother. We
share your grandparents’ views?
understand each other quite well though we
Mai: No, they don’t. They think that we should still argue over small things.
follow our dreams. They give us advice, but
Ms Hoa: Right. We can't avoid daily
never force us to follow in their footsteps.
arguments. What about you, Mai?
Ms Hoa: Thank you, Mai, for sharing your
Mai: Well. I live with my extended family,
experiences. You must respect your parents and
and I have to learn to accept the differences
grandparents, but you should also express your between the generations.
opinion. Now let’s continue our discussion with … PRACTICE
Act 3: Find words or phrases in 1 that have the following meanings.

1. all people who were born at about the same __________ generation time
2. a family that consists of a father, a mother, and __________ children (a) nuclear family
3. a family that includes not only parents and __________
children but also uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc. (an) extended family 4. disagreements about things ___ ar__ g _ u ____ ments PRACTICE
Act 4: Complete the text based on the conversation in Task 1. Use the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Mai lives with her extended family, and she has to/ should learn to
accept the differences between the generations.
2. Mai’s grandmother thinks women have to/ should do all the housework.
3. Mai’s parents believe that children must/ should follow their dreams.
4. Ms Hoa thinks that children have to/ must respect their parents and grandparents.
How to use: should, have to and must
- Should: dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên, ý kiến của mình.
- Have to: diễn tả sự cần thiết phải làm một việc gì đó, nhưng vì một lý do tác
động bên ngoài nên mới phải làm.
- Must: dùng để diễn tả sự cần thiết, bắt buộc phải làm ở do yếu tố chủ quan CONSOLIDATION
Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)
1. Living in three- or four-generational families, commonly referred to as "___
families," has both benefits and drawbacks. A. single-parent B. extended C. nuclear D. crowded
2. Mr. John is an engineer and expects his son to follow ____ his footsteps. A. up B. in C. on D. at
3. I live in a/an ____ in the coastal region with my parents and my older sister. A. extended family
B. nuclear house C. extended house D. nuclear family
4. All students ____ wear uniforms at school because it is a rule. A. should B. ought to C. have to D. must
5. I think you ____ do exercise regularly in order to keep your body in good shape. A. should B. must C. have to D. Both B and C Homework
2• Do exercises in the workbook.
• Prepare for Lesson 2: Language - Unit 2.
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