Giáo án điện tử Tiếng anh 7 unit 4:Music and arts -Lesson 1 | Globle Success

Giáo án powerpoint Tiếng anh 7 unit 4:Music and arts -Lesson 1 | Globle Success với thiết kế hiện đại, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa giúp giáo viên có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để soạn giáo án Tiếng anh 7. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Mrs Thu Ba
Listen a song and answer some quesons
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Trang: Hi Nick. What are you listening to?
Nick: I’m listening to music. I like classical music, and I
often play
the piano in my spare time.
Trang: Wow. I can’t play any instruments.
Nick: And what about you? What’s your hobby?
Trang: I like painting and taking photos.
Nick: Taking photo? I’ve never tried it. Is it fun?
Trang: Yeah, it is, but not as fun as painting.
Nick: Right. They seem quite di'erent from each other.
What do
you normally paint?
Trang: Landscapes and animals, just for pleasure, you know.
sometimes share them with my friends.
Nick: Really? Um, maybe we should go to an art gallery
Trang: Sounds good, but I’d prefer to go to the music festival
at my
Nick: Well OK. That’s 0ne.
G '('
G  '('
Tick the correct answer.
#$What are Trang and Nick talking
A. Playing the piano.
B. Drawing and painting.
C. Music and arts.
Trang: Hi Nick. What are you listening to?
Nick: I’m listening to music. I like classical music,
and I often play the piano in my spare time.
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from
the box.
)'H( I(&
((5&. (.& 
1. Nick wants to go to a(n) _____________ next
2. You can use your smartphone to take
3. This photo is very bright. It is _____________
that dark one.
4. Nick and Trang agree that taking photos is
not _____________ painting.
5. My friend David is very talented. He plays
three _______________________.
Questions: Lucky numbers
4 5 6
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from
the box.
)'H( I(&
((5&. (.& 
1.Nick wants to go to a(n)
____________next week.
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from
the box.
)'H( I(&
((5&. (.& 
2. You can use your smartphone to take
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from
the box.
)'H( I(&
((5&. (.& 
3. This photo is very bright. It is _____________
that dark one.
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from
the box.
)'H( I(&
((5&. (.& 
4. Nick and Trang agree that taking photos is
not ____________painting.
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from
the box.
)'H( I(&
((5&. (.& 
5. My friend David is very talented. He
plays three _____________________.
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from
the box.
)'H( I(&
((5&. (.& 
1. Nick wants to go to a(n) _____________ next
2. You can use your smartphone to take
3. This photo is very bright. It is _____________
that dark one.
4. Nick and Trang agree that taking photos is
not _____________ painting.
5. My friend David is very talented. He plays
three _______________________.
Write the correct word or phrase under each picture. Then listen and repeat.
camera water puppet show art gallery
painting paintbrush musical instruments
camera water puppet show art gallery
painting paintbrush musical instruments
& (
For each queson, you get two points if your
answer is A, zero if your answer is B. Add up
your ve answers and decide how arsc you
are on a scale from 1-10.
J.3K?(**(5.LM4.3V '.G
J.3K?(**(5.LM4.3V '.G
to create an active
atmosphere in the class
before the lesson
to introduce the topic
| 1/33

Preview text:

Good morning class!!! Mrs Thu Ba WARM-UP:
Listen a song and answer some questions CHA C T HA TING
- Do you like the piece of music you have listened?
- Do you know what kind of music it is? - When do you listen to music?
- How do you feel when you listen to music?
- Is music important to our life? Uni 4 MUSIC AND t ARTS
A talk at the school gate Uni HOBBIES t * VOCABULARY
- classical (adj): /ˈklæsɪkəl/ cổ điển modern
- spare time (n): /speər taɪm/ thời gian rảnh rỗi
- musical instruments (n): /ˈmjuːzɪkəl ˈɪnstrəmənts/ nhạc cụ
- landscape (n): /ˈlændskeɪp/ cảnh quan
- art gallery (n): /ˈɑːt ˌɡæləri/ phòng trưng bày nghệ thuật * VOCABULARY New words Pronunciation Meaning classical (adj) /ˈklæsɪkəl/ cổ điển spare time (n) /speər taɪm/ thời gian rảnh rỗi musical instruments /ˈmjuːzɪkəl (n) ˈɪnstrəmənts/ nhạc cụ landscape (n) /ˈlændskeɪp/ cảnh quan art gallery (n) /ˈɑːt ˌɡæləri/ phòng trưng bày nghệ thuật * * C hecking v oc v a oc b a say a y w o w rd r s i n n En glish Clas N sical hạc cổ musical Nhạc cụ mu đi sic ển instruments s Thpa ời rge ian ti Rã m n e h rỗi la P nd ho scap ng cả e nh Phòng trưng art g bà al y nlery ghệ thuật 1 Li st s en t en a nd d r ea r d d 1. Who are they?
 They are Trang and Nick / students. 2. What are they doing?
 Nick is playing the piano and Trang is drawing.
3. What are you going to learn in this lesson today?
 We are going to learn about music and art. 1. 1. L ist s en t en a nd n r ea r d
Trang: Hi Nick. What are you listening to?
Nick: I’m listening to music. I like classical music, and I often play the piano in my spare time. Trang:
Wow. I can’t play any instruments.
Nick: And what about you? What’s your hobby? Trang:
I like painting and taking photos.
Nick: Taking photo? I’ve never tried it. Is it fun? Trang:
Yeah, it is, but not as fun as painting.
Nick: Right. They seem quite different from each other. What do you normally paint?
Trang: Landscapes and animals, just for pleasure, you know. I
sometimes share them with my friends.
Nick: Really? Um, maybe we should go to an art gallery next weekend?
Trang: Sounds good, but I’d prefer to go to the music festival at my school.
Nick: Well … OK. That’s fine. * PRACTICE
2 Tick the correct answer.
1. What are Trang and Nick talking about? A. Playing the piano. B. Drawing and painting. C. Music and arts.
Trang: Hi Nick. What are you listening to?
Nick: I’m listening to music. I like classical music,
and I often play the piano in my spare time.
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from 3 the box.
photos like different from
art gallery musical instruments
1. Nick wants to go to a(n) _____________ art gallery next week.
2. You can use your smartphone to tak p e h otos ________. different from
3. This photo is very bright. It is _____________ that dark one. 4. Nick liand
ke Trang agree that taking photos is not _____________ painting. 5. My frie mu n si d c D
al avid is very talented. He plays thre i e n ___ stru___ m ___ en _ ts_____________.
Questions: Lucky numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from 3 the box. photos like different from
art gallery musical instruments
1.Nick wants to go to a(n) a rt gallery ____________next week.
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from 3 the box. photos like different from
art gallery musical instruments

2. You can use your smartphone to take photos ________.
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from 3 the box. photos like different from
art gallery musical instruments

3. This photo is very bright. It is diff e_ r__ e __ nt _ __ fr ___ om __ that dark one.
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from 3 the box. photos like different from
art gallery musical instruments

4. Nick and Trang agree that taking photos is not ____ lik _ e _______painting.
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from 3 the box. photos like different from
art gallery musical instruments

5. My friend David is very talented. He plays thr m e u e s i__ c _ al _ _________________. instruments
Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from 3 the box.
photos like different from
art gallery musical instruments
1. Nick wants to go to a(n) _____________ art gallery next week.
2. You can use your smartphone to tak p e h otos ________. different from
3. This photo is very bright. It is _____________ that dark one. 4. Nick liand
ke Trang agree that taking photos is not _____________ painting. 5. My frie mu n si d c D
al avid is very talented. He plays thre i e n ___ stru___ m ___ en _ ts_____________.
3 Write the correct word or phrase under each picture. Then listen and repeat. camera r wate t r r pupp up et e show sho art r ga g llery r painting pai p ntbr ntb ush musical instr s u tr men me ts t 1. __ p___ ai __ n _t__ b__ r _ u_s 2. ___ c ________ amer _ a 3. ___ p __ a ___ in __ ti __ ng h 4. _____ mu __ si__ c ___ al _ _____________ 5. ___ w _____ ate _ r _ __ p __ u __ p __ p _ e___ t ___ 6. ___ ar___ t ______ instruments show gallery
5 Quiz “How artistic are you?”.
5 Quiz “How artistic are you?”.
For each question, you get two points if your
answer is A, zero if your answer is B. Add up
your five answers and decide how artistic you are on a scale from 1-10.
Not very (1-4) Somewhat (5-7) Very (8-10)
5 Quiz “How artistic are you?” Take the quiz to find out.
1. Your hobby is __________. A. playing an instrument B. playing computer games
2. Do you like listening to music or playing sports? A. Listening to music. B. Playing sports.
3. Which of these do you prefer doing? A. Going to an art gallery. B. Going to a book fair.
5 Quiz “How artistic are you?” Take the quiz to find out.
4. You describe yourself as ________. A. creative B. hard-working
5. What do you want to be when you grow up? A. A musician. B. An engineer. * CONSOLIDATION 1 WRAP-UP MUS MU IC S To T pic c of the th uni n t AND ART AR S T ABOUT ABOUT O UT Voc V a oc bu b l u ary MUSIC ART AR S T HOMEW HO ORK MEW
Prepare the vocabulary for the next lesson: A closer look 1.
Prepare for the Project lesson. WARM-UP: CHATTING
LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED WARM-UP Chatting Aims of the stage:  to create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson  to introduce the topic
Document Outline

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