Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 theo công văn 5512 học kì 1

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 theo công văn 5512 học kì 1 được soạn dưới dạng file word và PDF gồm 101 trang giúp các bạn tham khảo. Mời các bạn xem và tải ở phía dưới!

Trang 1
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Period 1: REVISION
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Review all main what they have studied in the 7
- Practice doing some exercises 1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: Review
b. Grammar: Tenses: Present simple, present progressive; Be going to +V.inf .
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence
3 . Qualities: - Love the English subject and use it regularly.
- Proud of the culture and mother tongue.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector III.
Procedure :
1 . Check old lesson: No checking
2 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students
The main contents
Activit y 1. Warm up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson
T lets students play game: review some
* Groupwork:
- Divide the class into two teams
- Time: 7 minutes
- Each student in each team write
a word you have learnt.
- The team with more and correct
words is the winner.
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Review some stru ctures they have learnt in class 7
T asks students to retell the way to use
the present tense, past simple tense,
future tense.
Ss retell and give examples
I. Tenses.
1 . Present tenses: simple/ cont./
perfect Ex. - Nam goes to school
- He is writing a letter.
- They have built that house for 3
2 . Past : simple/ cont
Ex. - My mother bought me a new shirt
Trang 2
T asks students to retell the way to use
of the passive voice.
Ss retell and give examples
T reviews some main structures
Ss listen and remember
- We were having dinner when Lan
came yesterday.
3 . Future : simple/ cont.
Ex. - We will travel to HN next
- We will be traveling by this time
next month.
II. Passive voice.
1 . Active: Someone does something. 2 .
Passive: Something is done (by agent)
Ex. - The cat eats the mouse.
=> The mouse is eaten by the cat.
- Lan does her homework everyday.
=> Lan’s homework is done
III. Main structures.
1 . although + a clause of
concession => despite + N-phrase/ V-ing
Ex. - Although he is poor, he is the best
student in our class.
=> Despite being poor, he is the best
student ……..
2 . used to + V = usually + V-ed/
V2 (past habit)
Ex. My father used to smoke a lot but
now he isn’t any more.
3 . be/ get + used to + V-ing
(present habit)
Ex. Lan is used to getting up
early. 4 . Degree of comparisons
a. Equality: as …. As
b. Comparative: er…than/ more …..than
c. Superlative: the …est / the most …
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students do exercises ab out the structures they have reviewed
T gives exercises about tenses and asks
students to do it.
Ss do exercise
T corrects
I. Correct verbs form/ tense
1 . There (be) 3 accidents on this
street in the past 3 days.
2 . Is this the first time you (visit)
our beautiful country?
3 . Scientists (find) cures for many
illnesses in the last 50 years.
4 . My uncle's health (improve)
since he ( leave) India.
5 . I (buy) a new shirt last week but
I (not wear) it yet.
Trang 3
T gives exercises about passive voice
and asks students to do it.
Ss do exercise
T corrects
T asks students to rewrite the
Ss do exercises
T corrects
6 . I (not see ) Lan since we (leave)
II. Change into passive .
1 . She read the letter many times
last night.
2 . Hoa met Tim at the market
3 . She didn’t introduce me to her
4 . My father planted this tree.
5 . Thu helped him do his
homework. 6 . They didn’t invite me to
the birthday party.
7 . they built that house in 1972
8 . Mr. Smith has taught us French
for two year.
9 . They didn’t look after the
children properly.
10 . Nobody swept this street last
week. III. Rewrite sentences with:
although/ despite
1 . She felt sick. She went to work.
( though)
2 . I was really tired. I couldn’t
( even though)
3 . He is very rich. He isn’t happy.
( although)
4 . She couldn’t answer the
question. She
is very intelligent. (though)
5 . He tried. He was not successful.
( though)
6 . His life is hard. He determined to
study well. =>
* Homework
- Review all by yourself.
- Prepare: Unit 1. Getting started
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Extend and practise vocabulary related to the topic" leisure activities".
- Interact a conversation about different leisure activities.
Trang 4
- Express their own leisure activities.
1 . Knowledge :
a.Vocabulary: vocabulary related to leisure activities.
b. Structure: Verbs of liking + gerund/ to-infi.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance.
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1.
Warm up.
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to th
e lesson and to lead in the new lesson
- T writes the words LEISURE
ACTIVITIES on the board.
- Work groups:
+ Divide the class into two teams. +
Ask students in each team take turn
to write their hobbies on board. +
The team with more and correct
words is the winner.
- T introduces the lesson about the
leisure activities.
* Brainstorming.
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can know some voc abulary words in the convesation
Trang 5
- T asks some questions about
+ Where are Phuc, Mai, and Nick?
+ Where are they doing?
+ What are they holding in their hands?
+ What are they talking about?
+ Can you guess what Mai, Phuc
and Nick like doing in their free time?
- Ss answer the questions - T plays
the recording.
- Ss listen to the tape (twice) and
then check the guessing.
- T gives some newwords
- Ss read in chorus and individually
And copy all the words.
- T reviews Verbs of liking +
gerund/ to-infi.
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can understand and answ er the questions about conversation
- T asks Ss to work individually
to circle the correct answer; compare
their answer with a partner and then
explain their choice.
- T gives the correct answers on
the screen.
- T asks Ss to tick the boxes the
leisure activities Mai, Phuc & Nick
have - Ss tick and find the information
from the conversation to explain their
M u c
Pet training
Making crafts
- Have Ss do this task individually
first, then compare the answers with
their partner. They should be able to
give ideals from the text that
support their answers.
Listening to
Playing sports
Trang 6
Helping parents
with DIY
Activity 4. Fu rther practice.
Goal: Ss can desribe the photos about l eisure activities and complete the
correct adjectives to describe some leisure activities
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to
match the words/ phrases in the box to
the photos, then listen to check their
- T asks Ss to look at the picture
and describe the photos
Eg: 1. He is playing computer games
- Ss look at the picture and describe
the photos.
- Ss work individually to do the
task then compare their answers with a
partner. Tell Ss they need to look for
the surrounding key words in order to
complete the task. Note that ‘good’ and
‘satisfied’ fit both items 1 and 5.
2 . Find words or phrases in the
box to describe the photos. Then
listen to check the answers.
1 . playing computer games
2 . playing beach games
3 . doing DIY
4 . texting
5 . visiting museum
6 . making crafts
3 . Complete the sentences …
1. satisfied
2 . relaxing/ exciting
3 . fun
4 . boring 5 . good
Activity 5. Production
Goal: Ss can talk about leisure a ctivities and share feelings about them
+ Work individually
- T asks Ss to describe the
leisure activity and give the reason
why they like them
+ Work in groups (6 groups)
- Time: 1minute
- Ask each member will talk
about one activity.
- The group which describe
more activity is the winner.
Game: Changing partner.
Eg: I like reading book in my free time.
Because reading book helps me improve
my knowledge and know what happening
in our country or over the world.
* Homework
- Talk bout your leisure activity
- Learn new words/ workbook: B1, 2, 3
- Prepare for the next lesson : A closer look 1
Trang 7
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 3: A CLOSER LOOK 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practise vocabulary related to the topic" leisure activities".
- Talk about leisure activities
- Practise how to pronounce the clusters / br / and / pr /.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to leisure activities.
b. Pronunciation: / br / and / pr /
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1. Checkup attendance.
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1 . Warm up.
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to th e lesson and to lead in the new lesson
- Work groups:
+ Divide the class into two teams.
+ Time: 3 minutes
+ Ask students in each team to
take turn to talk about leisure
activities. + The team with more
and correct activities is the winner.
Activity 2. Presentation.
Goal: Ss can pronounce correctly the clusters / br/ and / pr /. And know
some leisure activi ties in the US.
Trang 8
T has Ss work individually to
complete this task. Once they have
finished. Ss work in pairs to
compare their answers.
T plays the recording for Ss to
check and then repeat. Pause the
recording to drill difficult items.
T asks Ss to add more words
which contain these cluster. Call Ss
to make sentences with these words
and practice saying them.
T has Ss practice the words with the
clusters first. Then ask them to repeat
the whole sentences.
T focuses students on studying the
pie chart of leisure time on an
average day then answer some
+ What is the pie chart about?
+ Where can you find the information?
+ What do the different colors sections
of the chart refer to?
+ How are these sections calculated? +
What does the note tell you?
+ What are the source tell you? …
Ss: Answer
1 . Pronunciation
Ex1. Listenand complete.
Auto script:
1 . Apricot
2 . Bridge
3 . Bracelet
4 . Bread
5 . princess
6 . President
7 . President
8 .broccoli
Ex 2. Listen and repeat.
2 . Vocabulary
Ex1. Look at the following pie chart
and answer the questions.
T: Ask Ss to answer the questions
that follow the chart. Ss: Answer
1 . In 2012, people in the USA spent
5.1 hours a day on sport & leisure
activities. 2 . The main activities they
did include watching TV, socializing
& communicating, reading
participating in sports, exercise &
recreation, using computer for leisure
and thinking. 3 . The 3 most common
activities were watching TV,
socializing & communicating and
using computer for leisure.
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Students talk about their favorite activities in the freetime.
Trang 9
T has Ss work individually to
complete the task.
e.g. relaxing comes from the verb
relax with ing added, and it refers
to the activity. a noun made from a
verb by adding ing.
Ss complete the table
T corrects
T asks Ss to match words with
each activity
Ss match
T gives the feedback, encourage
them to add more words in each
Ex 2. Complete the table
Name of activity
Ex3. Matching.
Key: 1.e 2.b 3.f 4.a
5 .d 6.h 7.c 8.g
Activity 4. F urther practice.
Goal: Ss can talk about act ivity which they do the most
+ Work in pairs
T asks student to talk about activity
which they do the
most + name activity
+ Why?
+ How much time do they spend?
+ Who do they do with?
Eg: I like playing sports most because it
helps me relax and keep fit and stay
healthy. I often spend one hour to play it.
+ How do they feel?
Ss talk about their favorite activity with
their partner.
* Homework.
- Talk bout your leisure activity and pronunciation
again - Prepare for the next lesson: A closer look 2
Trang 10
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 4: A CLOSER LOOK 2
I . Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able
to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" leisure
activities" - Use verbs of liking that are followed by gerunds/
to infinitives - Practice doing exercises with verbs of liking.
1 . Knowledge :
- Vocabulary: Review
- Structure: verbs of liking + gerunds/ to infinitives.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance.
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher and students
The main contents
Activit y 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the class and lead in the new lesson
+ Groupwork:
- Time: 3 minutes
- Divide the class into two
lines. - Talk an activity (eg: I like
going out with my friends; I want to
go out with my friends…) to the
first student of the line and then he
whispers with his partner and the end
of line will write on the board. -
The team which write right
sentence is the winner
T introduces the lesson
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss know how to use ver bs of liking that are followed by gerunds/ to
i nfinitives
Trang 11
T focuses students on reviewing
how the gerund is form & its
functions grammatically
T lets students make sentences with
Verbs of liking + gerunds/ to V
Ss make sentences with
Verbs of liking + gerunds/ to V
T presents some words.
Ss copy and read
1 . Grammar:
Ex. She loves going out with her friends.
= She loves to go out with her friends.
=> Verbs of liking + gerunds/ to V
2 . Vocabulary.
- adore (v) thích, tôn sung, yêu thiết tha…
- detest (v) ghét cay ghét đắng
- fancy (v) mến, thích
Activi ty 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can use verbs of liking that are followed by gerunds/ to infinitives to do
e xercises
T asks them to read in GETTING
STARTED and underline the verbs
of liking followed by gerunds or
Ex 1. Underline verbs that are
followed by a gerund (in getting started):
to-infinitives that they find in the
T asks Ss to work individually
and then compare the answers
with their partners.
T plays the recording for Ss to check
their answers.
T asks students to work
invidually to complete this task,
then T gives feedback to Ss as a
- Love to watch;
- enjoy listening;
- liked reading
Ex 2. Tick the box. Then listen and check.
Followed by
both gerund
1 . love
2 .enjoy
3 .detest
4 .prefer
5 .fancy
Ex 3. Write the correct form of the verbs
1 . making
2 . to watch/ watching
3 . skateboarding
4 . to learn/ learning
5 . sitting
Activity 4. Further practice
Goal: Ss can understand and make sentences with verbs of liking, then
write a email to tell their friend ab out free time using verbs of
Trang 12
+ Group work
- Do in groups of five or six.
- Give Ss time to work
individually at first
- Write each sentence on a
strip of paper
- Mix up the strips.
- Each students picks up and
reads out a sentence, then they
guess who wrote that sentence.
T has Ss quickly familiarize
themselves with the e-mail by
- Who wrote this e-mail?
- To whom?
- What is it about?
Ex 4. Write about you
Ex 5a. Find 6 mistakes correct
Ss scan the email to find the
T asks Ss to work individually to
find and correct the mistakes and
compare their answers with
T asks Ss to read the e-mail
again and answer the questions.
T asks Ss to work individually to
write the email to tell their friend
about free time using verbs of liking
Ss work individually to write the
email then exchange it with their
partners and check for mistakes.
1 . like do =>like to do/ like doing
2 . enjoy do=>enjoy doing
3. like have=> like to have/ having 4.
mind to do=> mind doing
5 . hate spend=> hate to spend/ spending
6 . love eat=> love eating/ love to eat
Ex 5b. Answer
1. The activities Duc mentions in his
e-mail are: playing video games, playing
football, helping …
2. The 2 activities he enjoys the most
are playing football with his friends &
eating out with his family
Ex 6. Write an e-mail.
* Homework.
- Make sentences with verbs of liking that are followed by gerunds/ to
infinitives .
Trang 13
- Write the e-mail in the notebook
- Prepare for the next lesson: Communication.
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice reading a forum for friends around the world to share how
they spend their free time.
- Give their opinions about leisure activities of some students in the text.
1. Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Extra vocabulary about leisure activities.
b. Grammar: Review
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance.
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the cl ass and lead in the new lesson
T asks some questions
+ What do you do in your free time?
+ Why do you like doing it?
+ How much time do you spend on
leisure activities?
Ss answer the questions
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss know some vocabulari es, understand the abbreviations in the
text and d o exercises.
Trang 14
T presents the vocabularies
- T explains the abbreviations are
informal language that is used
online and in texting messages.
And then introduce the first
abbreviation. Then have Ss work
in pairs to complete the task.
Ss work in pairs
1 . Vocabulary.
- window shopping = hang out
- to be hooked on sth: bị mắc vào..,
ham mê vào..
- to be addicted to sth: bị nghiện làm
- To sound + adj ( weird / strange /
2. A bbreviations .
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can know to find the information from the text to complete the table
+ Group work
- Divide the class into groups
( each group is a paragraph)
- Time: 10 minutes
- Ask Ss to read about some
activities teenagers do in their
spare time and fill in the table.
- Exchange their results.
- T checks and comments their
3 . Find the information from the text to
complete the table.
What activity is
What does
he/ she think
of it?
- Hanging out
with friends
( window
shopping) -
working as a
She loves it.
Cloud watching
She adores it.
It is easy.
Going to the
center, painting,
dancing and
doing drama
She loves it.
- Playing
football -
helping his aunt
in running
cooking classes
He likes it.
It’s fun.
- playing
computer games
- doing judo
He’s addicted
to it
It’s ok
Trang 15
Activity 4. Further practice
Goal: Ss can ask and answer to give their opinions about leisure
activities of some students in the text.
T asks students to practice in
pairs asking and giving their
opinion about leisure activities.
Ss practice in pairs.
A: What do you think of hanging out with
best friends?
B: I think it is good because it can help to
improve the relationship among us. And
what do you think of playing computer
A: In my opinion, It is an intertainment
activity but we shouldn’t spend a lot of
time on this activity because it can be
T asks students to practice in pairs
asking and giving their opinion
about leisure activities of them in
free time at their school.
Ss practice in pairs
T asks Ss to give advices when
they take part in leisure activities.
Ss Ss practice in pairs
A: What do you do in your freetime?
B: I often playing video games A:
What do you think of playingvideo
B: I think it is good because it can help to
improve the relationship among us. A: I
suppose that it is not good because it can
be addictive. You should spend less to
play it.
* Homework.
- Learn new words/ workbook: C. Speaking
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 1- Skills 1: Advantages and
disadvantages of using computers or mobile phones for leisure activities.
Trang 16
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 6: SKILLS 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Read for general and specific information about the positive and
negative effects of using computers. (Scanning, skimming).
- Speak and give fact or opinion about using computers and
mobile phone for leisure activities.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about leisure activities
b. Grammar: Review.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance.
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students
The main contents
y 1. Warm up.
Goal: To warm up the c
lass and lead in the new lesson
T asks students to give their
opinion about leisure activities Ss
answer the question
T introduces the lesson
* Questions
What do
with best friends?
What do
computer games?
what do
you think of hanging
you think of playing
you think of playing
y 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can write about the positiv
e and negative effects of using computers and
know som
e vocabulay words.
T asks some questions about
using the computer and the mobile
- Do you have a computer at home?
Trang 17
- What do you use the computer
- What do you use the mobile
phone for?
- What are the benefits of using
computer or mobile phone? - What
are the harmful things it may bring
Ss answer the questions T
writes the benefits and bad
affects of using the computer
and the mobile phone on the
- T presents the vocabularies.
1 . Reading
Ex 1. Discuss
Bad affects
- a fast and
convenient way to
get and send
- For
- harmful to
- feel tired and
- Waste of time
and money
* Vocabulary
- virtual (a): ảo
- ban - ned (v): cấm (~ sb from doing
st/ st)
- rely on (v): dựa vào (~ sth / doing
sth) - exist ed (v): tồn tại
Activi ty 3. Practice.
Goal: Ss can understand the informat ion about the positive and negative
effects of using compu ters and do exercises
- T asks Ss to work
individually to choose the best
answer. They need to be able to
explain their choice as well.
- T tells Ss for this exercise
they will need to look at the
keywords in the responses in
order to find out the questions.
- Ss work individually then
compare their answers with a
partner. - T corrects their answers
Ex 2: Choose the correct answers.
1 .B
2 .C
Ex 3. Write the qs for the answers based
on information from the text.
1. Is Quang’s garden real?
2 . What is the problem with using
technology in your free time?
3 . What leisure activities do teenagers
do these days?
4 . What are the benefits of using the
Trang 18
Activity 4. Further practice.
Goal: Help Ss speak and give fact o r opinion about using computers and
mobile phone for leisure activities
- T explains to Ss that these
speech bubbles are from Quang
and his parents and then asks Ss
to work in pairs to give an opinion.
T gives example
- Ss work in pairs, and say
why they think who says what,
based on the information from the
+ Group work
- Arrange Ss into three
groups (the group that plays
Quang, the group that plays
Quang’s parents, and the group that
plays his teacher.)
- Ask each group to
brainstorm how they are going to
express their opinions.
- When they are ready, put
Ss into new groups which contain
Quang, Quang’s parents, and
Quang’s teacher.
- Call on two or three groups to
repeat their role-play for the class
T gives advices to students when
they use computers and mobile
phone for leisure activities.
2 . Speaking
Ex 4. Quang and his parents are talking
A: In my opinion, computer games train
your mind and your memory.
B: That’s so true./ I’m afraid I don’t agree.
Ex5. Role- play: What’s the solution?
Q: I believe that my E is much better because
I surf the Internet.
Q’ P: I don’t agree with you. Go out and
play with your friends is much better. T: I
agree with you Q. However, you shouldn’t
spend much time on surfing the Net. It’s not
good for your eyes.
* Homework.
- Learn by heart vocabulary and practice talking about the
benefits and bad effects of using computer or mobile phone.
- Workbook: C. Speaking.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 1. Skills 2
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 7: SKILLS 2
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Listen to get specific information about way of spending time with friends.
- Write a paragraph to discuss an opinion about leisure activities.
1 . Knowledge :
- Vocabulary: Vocabulary about leisure activities
Trang 19
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance.
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up.
Goal: To warm up the class and lead in the new lesson
- T asks Ss to share some of the
things they often enjoy doing with
friends in their free time with their
friends. Ask some pairs to volunteer
to tell the class if they find each
other’s answers interesting.
1 . Questions
+ What do you usually do with your
friends in your free time?
- We play badminton/ football/
listen to music…
- I hang out/ go window
shopping/ eat out with friends…
Activity 2. P resentation.
Goal: Help Ss listen to get specific info rmation about way of spending time
with friends and know how to give opinion
- T tells Ss that they are going to a
radio programme. Ask them to look
at the
2 . Listen to the radio programme and
answer the questions.
Trang 20
questions and underline the key
words before T plays the recording.
- T plays the recording as many
times as needed.
Ss work individually then compare
answers with their partner.
T corrects their answers
T explains how to give anopinion
Ss copy and give example
1 . The topic of this week’s
program is hanging out with your
2 . There are 2 main ways: hanging
out indoors or outdoors.
3 . Listen again and complete the
1 . movies
2 . cinema
3 . crafts
4 . sports
5 . physical health
6 . people
7 . cultural centre
* How to give an opinion
1 . introducing your opinion
- In my opinion,…..
- I believe…..
2 . Explaining your opinion
3 . Concludsing your opinion
- In short,……
- For these reasons,
- As I have noted,….
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can apply how to give an opinio n to complete the passage
- T has Ss cover the box and write
some of these words/phrases on the
board. Ask Ss where in a paragraph
they often see these words and what
could be the purpose for using them.
Ss complete the passage
4 . Complete the following
paragraph with the words in purple
box. Key:
1 . In my opinion,/ I believe
2 . Firstly
3 . Secondly
4 . Besides/ Also / In addition
5. For these reasons/ In short / As I
have noted
Activity 4. Further practice.
Goal: Help Ss know how to write a par agraph to discuss an opinion about
leisure activities.
- T asks Ss to work individually to
complete the task, and discuss their
answers with a partner. Remind Ss
5 . Write a short passage about
giving an opinion Sample:
Trang 21
for some gaps there is more than
one correct answer. Ss write
I believe the best leisure activity for
teenagers is any group activity. This
could be a hobby group or even
Firstly, teenagers like to feel that they
belong to a group.
Secondly, being part of a group helps
teenagers make friends. Friendships are
very important to teenagers.
In addition to, they will make friends
with people who have the same interests
as them.
For these reasons, I think group
activity is the best for teenagers.
* Homework.
- Rewrite a short passage about giving an opinion about playing sports -
Do exercises in Workbook.
- Prepare next lesson: Unit 1 - Looking back.
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice vocabulary and grammar points they have learnt in this
unit. - Practice making communication.
1. Knowledge :
- Vocabulary: Vocabulary about leisure activities
- Structure: Review
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance.
2 . Checkup the old lesson
Trang 22
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up.
Goal: To warm up the class and lead in the new lesson
T lets them play game: fluency lines
- Divide the class into two lines
- T asks Ss to ask how they
spend their free time at home. - Time:
* Game: fluency lines
A: What do you do in your freetime?
B: I go out with my friends
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Help Ss review some voca bularies about leisure activities
T asks Ss to complete this exercise
T asks them to give the answers and
explain their answers.
Ss complete this task individually.
Check and correct
T asks Ss to complete this exercise
T asks them to give the answers and
explain their answers.
Ss complete this task individually.
Check and correct
I. Vocabulary.
1 . Which one is the odd one out?
1 . DJY
2 . hanging out
3 . hospital
4 . detest
5 . boring
6 . computer
2 . Rearrange the letters to find the
name of the activities.
1 . socializing with friends.
4 . doing DJY
2 . relaxing
5 . using computers
3 . communicating with friends
6 . making crafts
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help Ss review gerunds or to-infinitives.
Trang 23
T asks Ss to work individually to
complete the exercise.
Ss work individually to complete the
- Share the answers with partners.
T calls Ss to write the answers on board.
T has Ss complete the sentences
using their own ideas. Remind them
to use gerunds or to-infinitives.
- Have some Ss read out their
sentences. Accept all answers as long
as they make sense.
Ss work individually to complete the
exercise and read the answers
- Ss work individually then
compare with a partner.
- After Ss have finished T may
explain to them that they can register as a
user on the website in order to be
protected when they go online.
II. Grammar
3 . Fill in the gaps with the correct
form of the verbs
Key :
1 . working
2 . to learn / learning
3 . seeing
4 . doing
5 . meeting
6 . play
4 . Complete the following sentences
with your own ideas.
1 . My best friend doesn’t mind
cooking and doing the housework.
2 . Do you fancy making crafts in
your free time?
3 . My father used to hate driving
in busy street but now he likes doing it.
4 . I love caring for trees and
flowers in the garden.
5 . My cousin detests going out on
cold days.
5 . Choose the most suitable words /
phrases to fill the gaps.
1 . Firstly
2 . Secondly
3 . Thirdly
4 . In addition
5 . In short
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Help Ss talk about leisure ac tivities and join the leisure activity.
- Allow Ss plenty of time to do
this task. For each activity they
choose, they should be able to give
at least one reason that led them to
the decision. Then Ss work in pairs to
exchange ideas.
- T asks Ss to complete the
self-assessment. Have Ss discuss as a
class what difficulties remain and
what areas the Ss have mastered.
- Provide further practice if
III. Communication
6 . Choose from the leisure activities in
this unit.
Trang 24
- Divide Ss into groups of six.
- Explain for Ss how to do the
- Ss present and promote their
activities. See how many classmates will
sign up to activity. (Ss can do at home if
haven’t enough time)
IV. Project
Join our leisure activity.
- Complete the project of unit 1
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 2: Getting started.
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 9: Getting stared
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Listen and read for information about the topic “Life in the
- Practice asking and answering with “Word questions?”.
1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: buffalo-drawn cart, ridden a cart, herd, envious, charades,
b. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside.
II. Teaching aids:
1. Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance.
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm- up:
Goal: To warm up and help Ss pay attention in the lesson.
Trang 25
T introduces Nguyen and Nick.
T asks some questions and ask Ss to
guess where they are and what they
are doing.
Ss answer the questions
T introduces the new lesson
1 . What can you see in the picture?
2 . What do the farmers do?
3 . What do the children do?
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss review vocabularies and r ead for information about the topic
“Life in the countryside”
T presents some new words
Ss copy and read
T plays the tape and Ss repeat
Some groups read the dialogue before
the class.
T corrects their pronunciation and
T asks Ss to read again and do
exercise a.
Ss do exercise individually and give
the answers.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to read again and
answer the questions in pairs.
Ss practice.
T asks some pairs practice in front
of the class.
Ss give the answers.
T checks and corrects. (extra- board)
T asks Ss to complete the sentences
with the words in the box
Ss do exercise individually and give
the answers.
T checks and corrects.
1 . Listen and read
*New words:
buffalo-drawn cart: xe trâu
kéo ridden a cart: lái xe (trâu)
herd: chăn dắt envious: ghen
tị charades: đố chữ whisper:
nói nhỏ
a. True or false.
1- T, 2- F, 3-F, 4-T, 5-T
b. Answer the following questions
1 . He is in the countryside.
2 . Right on his first day there.
3 . It’s big and colourful.
4 . His grandfather.
5 . Yes, he does.
c. Complete the sentences with the
words in the box.
1 . colorful
2 . move slowly
3 . harvest time
4 . paddy field
5 . herding
6 . buffalo- drawn cart
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help Ss know more activitie s that children do in the countryside.
Trang 26
T asks the Ss to do exercise in pairs.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare the answers
with the others.
Ss do it.
Ss give the answers.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to think of some more
things that children do in
the countryside.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare the answers
with the others.
Ss do it.
Ss give the answers.
T checks and corrects.
2 . Match the activities with the
1 . e
2 . f
3 . a
4 . c
5 . d
6 . b
3 . Think of some more things that
children do in the countryside.
They climb trees.
They go swimming in the river.
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can talk about countr yside activities before the class
T lets them play game:
This game can be done in groups of four
or six, or as a mingle activity.
- One activity for one minute.
When the time is up and T calls ọut
'Change!', they will move one step to
the left/right to meet a new partner and
talk about another activity.
- Allow Ss some time to write
their sentences on a piece of paper,
share them with the class or group.
*Play game: Countryside charades
* Homework.
- Do exercise 1,2 in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: A closer look 1.
- Write some activities that children do in the countryside
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 10: A closer look 1
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic of life in the countryside.
- Pronounce correctly words containing the clusters / bl/ and /cl/ .
1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: put up, hay, pole, camel, cattle, blackberries, block.
b. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv
Trang 27
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board
2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance.
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: To help Ss to pa y attention in the lesson.
T calls two students go to the board
then plays the tape (three times)
Each student listens and write words
The student which writes right words
is the winner
T introduces the lesson
1 . Listen and repeat the words.
Slow, colourful, friendly, hard, brave,
boring, inconvenient, vast, peaceful,
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can pronounce correctly words c ontaining the clusters / bl/ and /cl/
and know some new words about the topic: “ Life in the countryside”
Trang 28
T gives examples words containing
the clusters / bl/ and /cl/ Ss copy and
read T plays the tape.
Ss listen and repeat.
Ss read the words before the class.
T asks Ss to listen and complete the
words they hear.
Ss listen.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Ss do it.
T checks and corrects.
T plays the tape.
Ss listen and repeat.
T introduces the new words.
Ss listen and take notes.
1 . Pronunciation
Ex 5. Listen and repeat
Ex 6. Listen then complete you hear
* Keys
1 .
2 . blast
3 . blue
4 . clock
5 . close
Ex 7. Listen then repeat
put up: dựng
hay: cỏ pole:
cột camel: lạc
cattle: gia súc
blackberries: quả mâm xôi
block: khóa
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can know more new words to discribe peple, life and scenery.
Trang 29
T asks the Ss to put the words in 1
into the appropriate category.
(work in groups of 8.
Ss do it in groups of 8. (studying- cards)
T asks some Ss to give the answers.
Ss give the answers.
T checks and corrects. (extra- board)
T asks the Ss to do exercise in pairs.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare the answers
with the others.
Ss do it.
Ss give the answers.
T checks and corrects. (extra- board)
T asks the Ss to complete the
( work in groups of 4).
Ss do it in groups of 4. (studying- cards)
T asks some Ss to give the answers.
Ss give the answers.
T checks and corrects. (extra- board)
Ex2. Put the words in 1 into the
appropriate category.
People: friendly, nomadic, brave,
boring, colorful.
Life: slow, colorful, hard, boring,
inconvenient, peaceful, nomadic
Scenery: vast, colorful, peaceful.
Ex3. Match the nouns and noun
phrases with each verb.
* Keys
Ride: a horse, a camel.
Put up: a pole, a tent
Collect: water, hay
Herd: the buffaloes, the cattle
Pick: wind flowers, apples
Ex4. Complete the sentences .
* Keys
1 . picking
2 . inconvenient/ collect
3 . herd
4 . ridden/ brave
5 . peaceful
6 . nomadic
7 . vast
8 . put up, hard.
Activity 4. F urther practice Goal:
Ss can use wo rds to apply in the life
T asks Ss to use the words to describe
about countryside
Ss work
* Homework. - Do exercise 1,2 in
- Prepare A closer look 2.
Trang 30
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 11: A closer look 2
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Review comparative form of adjectives.
- Use comparative form of manner.
1 . Knowledge:
a. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance.
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss review com parative form of adjectives.
T asks the Ss to do exercise. (Extra-
Ss do it.
Write comparative
form adjectives below.
T asks some Ss to write their
answers at the board.
Some Ss write, the others give comment.
T checks and corrects.
T asks them to retell about
comparative form of adjectives.
Ss do it.
T introduces the lesson
Tall- taller- tallest
Big- bigger- biggest
Expensive- more expensive- most
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can know how to us e comparative form of manner
Trang 31
T introduces the comparative form of
Ss take notes.
1 . Comparative form of manner.
1. Adverb ending in -ly : more/ less+
adverb + than 2. Adverb + er: is the
form of comparative for adverbs of
manner with the same form as
Fast- faster
Early- earlier
Late later
Hard -harder
3. Some irregular
forms well- better
badly- worse
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help Ss do exercise abou t comparative form of adjectives.
T asks the Ss to do exercise.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to compare their
answers with their partner.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read their answers.
Some Ss read
T checks and corrects.
2 . Exercise
Ex 1: Complete the passage.
* Keys
1 .higher
2 . easier
3 . better
4 . more exciting
5 . more convenient
6 . happier
7 . more friendly
8 . fast
9 . safer
10 . best
Ex 2. Complete the sentences with
suitable comparative forms
Trang 32
T asks Ss to complete the sentences
with suitable comparative forms
Ss work in dividually and share their
T corrects
T asks the Ss to do exercise in pairs.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare the answers
with the others.
Ss do it.
Ss give the answers.
T checks and corrects. (extra- board)
T asks the Ss to complete the
( work in groups of 4).
Ss do it in groups of 4. (studying- cards)
T asks some Ss to give the answers.
Ss give the answers.
T checks and corrects. (extra- board)
1 . more slowly
2 . more soundly
3 . less traditionally
4 . more generously
5 . more healthily
Ex 3. Finish the sentences below with a
suitable comparative form.
* Keys
1 . better
2 . faster
3 . later
4 . harder 5 . worse
6 . earlier
Ex 4. Underline the correct
comparative forms.
1 . more optimistically
2 . Popularly
3 . less densely populated
4 . more quickly
5 . more easily
6 . better
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can use comparative for m of manner to answer the questions
T asks the Ss to write the answer for the
questions below.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to compare the
answers with their friends.
Ss do it.
Ss give the answers.
T checks and corrects.
5 . Write the answer for the questions
1 . The countryside is more
peaceful. / The countryside is more
peaceful than the city.
2. A computer works faster at
calculus. / A computer works faster at
calculus than a human being.
3. Life in a remote area is harder. /
Life in a remote area is harder than that
in a modern town.
4 . Ho Chi Minh City is more
expensive. / Ho Chi Minh City is more
expensive than Hue.
5 . Animals can smell better than
human beings.
* Homework. - Do exercise 5 in
- Make 10 sentences with the comparative
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 1.
Trang 33
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 12: Communication
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to :
- Read about lifestyle in the countryside through visitors’
- Talk their opinion about the benefits of the countryside 1 .
a. Vocabulary: Disturbing; beehives; vast; excite
b. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
. Warm- up
Goal: To help Ss to p
ay attention in the lesson.
T asks Ss to talk about the
activities in the countryside.
Ss do it.
T corrects and remarks
Activity 2.
Goal: Help Ss know
more about vocabularies.
1 . Read the posts on “Holiday in the
Trang 34
T asks Ss to read some online
posts from people all over the
world. Elicit from the Ss where
these people live. Then ask Ss to
check that everybody understands
the meaning of vocabulary and each
post before moving on.
Ss take notes.
T asks Ss some qs to make sure that
they understand the posts.
Extra vocabulary
Disturbing: phiền hà
Beehives: tổ ong
Vast: không gian
Excite: hào hứng, thích thú
*Question s:
- What could Dennis do?
- Is this the most interesting vacation
Julie has ever had? What did she do?
- Why can’t Phirun stay in the
countryside any longer?
- Why will Lan always remember her
trip to the countryside?
- How does Bob feel about the
3. Practice.
Goal: Ss can understand th
e conversation and do exercise
T asks Ss to do exercise.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to compare their
answers with their partner.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read their answers.
Some Ss read
T checks and corrects.
2 . Tick (v) the appropriate box.
T asks Ss reply to the posts in 1
Ss talk
T corrects and mistakes
@Bob: In my opinion, the countryside has
benefits that a boring person would never
Activity 4. F
urther practice
Goal: Help the Ss talk their opinio
n about the benefits of the countryside.
+ Groupwork
- Divide the class into two groups.
Trang 35
- Write about the benefits of the
- The group which write right
sentence is the winner
T asks students to practise speaking
about their opinion about the benefits of
the countryside
Ss: Practice
T gives some advices for
students. They should have aware of
protecting the environment of the
Eg: It is very peaceful and quiet as
there are no traffic jams. The country
is less polluted. you don't need to
worry about your health condition, so
the air is fresh, and water is clean.
* Homework.
- Write their opinion about the benefits of the countryside - Do
exercise 5 in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 1.
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 13: Skills 1
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to :
- Read for specific information about an unusual lifestyle in the
- Talk about what they like or dislike about nomadic life and the
countryside. 1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: nomadic life, pasture, grassland, ger, circular
b. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some nomadic activities.
II. Teaching aids:
Trang 36
1 . Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: To warm up the clas s and lead in the new lesson
T asks the Ss to talk about nomadic life.
Ask Ss to look at the picture on your
book and say what they see in the
Ss do it.
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can know more vocabulary word s about the Nomadic life on the Gobi
highlands’, then read and answer question s.
T presents vocabulary.
- Checking vocab: Rub out and
T asks Ss to read the headings first and
make sure they understand their
meanings. They then read each part of
the passage and choose the correct
heading for it.
T checks the answers as a class.
T asks Ss to read the passage again and
underline the words (1-5) in the passage.
They then try to guess the meanings of
these words, based on the context. Ss
* Vocabulary
- nomads (n):
- nomadic (adj):
- ger (n):
- pastures (n):
1. Read and choose the most suitable
heading for each paragraph.
* Keys
1 . B. The importance of cattle to
the nomads
2 . C. The nomads’ home
3 . A. Nomadic children’s lives
2 . Match.
1 . b 2.d 3. e 4. a 5. c
complete the exercise independently.
( Extra- board)
T asks them to read and choose the best
T guides Ss to look for keywords which
can help them find the part of the passage
where the information for the answers is
3 . Read again and choose the best
answer A, B, C or D.
1 . A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. D
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can ask and answer about what they like or dislike about nomadic life
and the cou ntryside
Trang 37
T asks the Ss to talk about what they like
or dislike about their nomadic life.
Ss practice in pairs
T corrects and remarks
T asks the Ss to talk about what they like
or dislike about life in the countryside.
Ss practice in pairs.
T asks some Ss to practice in front of
the class.
T checks and corrects.
4 . Work in pairs.
A: What do you like about their
nomadic life?
B: Well, the children learn to ride a
A: And what don’t you like about it?
B: They can’t live permanently in one
5 . Work in pairs.
A: What do you like about the life in the
B: The air is fresh….
Activity 4 . Further practice.
Goal: Ss can talk about what they like or dislike about nomadic life and the
T asks Ss to report their findings to the
Ss talk
T corrects and mistakes
Both of us love picking fruit in the
summer. It can be hard work but very
* Homework.
- Do exercise 5 in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 2.
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 14: Skills 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Listen for specific information about changes in the countryside.
- Write a short paragraph about changes in the countryside.
1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: brick houses, earthen
b. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some nomadic activities.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities
The main contents
Trang 38
y 1. Warm- up
Goal: Help S
s attend to the lesson.
+ Groupwork
- Divided the class into two
groups. - Put the phrases into the
corect column.
- Call each group go to the
board and write.
- The group which write right
sentence is the winner
T: In the past, means of transports is
animal such as: horse, buffaloes…
Now they travel by motobikes and
cars. Now, we don’t use oil lamps
any more. We have electric lights. T
introduces the lesson
In the past
- use oil lamp
- ride a horse
- walk to
work - live in
earthern house.
- live far from
- play with the
- Use electric
- travel by
- live in a
brick house
- Use electric
fan, air-conditioner.
- live near school
- play video
- have TV
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss listen to the information about changes in the countryside and do
Trang 39
T asks students to listen to the tape
and tick the changes he mentions. T
calls one to read all of the sentences
before the class.
T plays the tape twice.
Ss do it then answer the question in
T gives the key.
T asks them to read the sentences
and guess: True or False.
T plays the tape again.
Ss listen and do exercise.
T gives the key.
T asks students to listen again
and answer the questions. Ss listen
and answer
Ex 1. Listen and tick(v) the change he
Ex2. Listen again and say if the sentences
are true (T) or false (F).
1 F ; 2 T ; 3 F ; 4 T ; 5 T
Ex 3. Listen again and answer the
questions no more than Four words.
1. His parents.
2. Life outside their village.
3. Nearby the village / Near the village.
4. A nomadic life.
A. the roads in the village
B. electrical appliances in the homes
C. means of transport
D. entertainment
E. school
F. visitors
Activi ty 3. Practice.
Goal: Ss can write ab out the changes in their village.
Trang 40
T asks Ss to write some changes in
the village.
Ss write
T corrects the mistakes
Eg: My hometown has some changes.
- They have a better life because they
have electricity, TV, hospital, school supply.
- There are good places for children to
Eg: a park, stadium, entertainment center...
- They travel to work by car… - The
roads are widened
Activity 4. Further practice.
Goal: Ss can talk about the changes in their village.
T asks some students to talk some
changes in the village.
Ss talk some changes in the village.
T corrects the mistakes
Eg: I am going to tell you about the changes
in their village.
* Homework.
- Talk and write about the changes in their village
- Prepare for the next lesson: Looking back & Project
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 15: Looking back - Project
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice vocabulary and grammar points they have learnt in this
unit. - Practice making communication, project.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about the countryside.
b. Grammar: Review comparatives.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
Trang 41
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3. New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss att end to the
T: Ask some students:
- What do you like about the
life in your countryside? Why?
- What do you dislike about the
life in your countryside? Why? Ss:
Answer the questions
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can use some vocabularie s to describe life in the countryside
T asks Ss to complete this exercise
Ss complete this exercise independently
T checks the answers.
T asks Ss to look at each picture, then at
the verb that goes with it. Ss write the
sentences in their full forms.
Ss look at each picture, and write the
sentences in their full forms.
T goes round while Ss are writing and
helps them with any difficulties. When Ss
have finished, T can choose some
sentences and asks Ss to write them on the
T gives feedback. If a sentence is
incorrect, ask Ss to correct it.
I. Vocabulary
1 . Use the words and phrases in
the box to describe the pictures.
Picture a: peaceful, vast, quiet, pasture,
paddy field
Picture b: quiet, colourful, paddy field,
harvest time, rice
Picture c: peaceful, vast, quiet, nomadic
life, inconvenient, ger, pasture, cattle,
2 . Look at each picture and write
a sentence describing what each person
is doing.
Suggested answers:
1 . A boy is riding a horse.
2 . A man is herding his
cattle/sheep. 3 . A girl is picking apples
(from an apple tree)
4 . A boy is flying a kite.
5 . The children are running around
in the fields/ countryside.
6 . A woman is collecting water
from the river.
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can use comparative forms of adverbs of mannner
T asks students to complete the sentences,
using suitable comparative forms of the
adverbs in brackets
II. Grammar
3. Look at the pictures and complete
the sentences, using suitable
Trang 42
Ss complete this task independently.
They can then exchange their answers
with a partner.
T checks as a class.
T asks Ss to read the situations carefully
and decide which two things are being
compared. Ss may refer to the completed
sentences in 3 as a guide for this sentence
Ss complete the exercise independently
and then compare their answers with a
T corrects.
comparative forms of the adverbs in
1 . faster than
2 . earlier than
3 . better − than
4 . more skillfully than
5 . more beautifully − than
4 . Read the situations and complete the
sentences with suitable forms of the
adverbs in bracket.
* Key:
1 . … faster than a camel.
2 .… more happily than those in the
city. 3 .… more heavily on the weather
than people in many other jobs.
4 . … worse than I do.
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Ss can practice maki ng plan to the countryside.
Ss can draw a picture of their c ountry and describe it on paper.
T asks students to work in groups and
talk about the activities during the trip to
the countryside
Ss work in groups. They take turns to ask
the questions and note down the answers.
+ Groupwork
- Divided the class into four groups.
- Members in each group will ask and
answer: What will we do during the trip
to the countryside?
- Other members take note the
answers - Each group gives 10 activities
which they do during the trip to the
countryside - When finishing, groups
will talk about activities during the trip
to the countryside
T explains for Ss how to do the activity.
Ss listen
III. Communication
5 . Work in groups.
You are planning a trip to the
- What will you do during the trip to the
+ We will go swimming.
+ We will go fishing
IV. Project
T asks them to complete at home.
Check 15 minutes
Code 1
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts)
1 . Tom runs (fast)…………… than me.
Trang 43
2 . A car is (convenient)…………………………. than a bike.
3 . This test is (difficult) ……………………….I have done.
4 . I learn math (badly) ……………………….than English. II. Complete the
sentences. (4points)
horse cattle
fields friendly
1 . I love the people in my village. They are so ………………..and hospitable.
2 . I like riding ………………………………..
3 . Mr.John is herding his ……………………..
4 . The children are running around in the …………………..
III. Write 2 sentences about what you like or don’t like about their life in
the country. (2pts)
Code 2
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts)
1 . Tom runs (slow)…………… than me.
2 . This car is (expensive)…………………………. than that car.
3 . Hoa is (beautiful)……………………… my class.
4 . Math isn’t as (easy)………………… English. II. Complete the
sentences. (4pts)
horse kite
pastures vast
1 . I love the ………………… on starry nights. It looks fantastic.
2 . Riding a……………………is a difficult sport.
3 . A boy is flying a …………………………..
4 . They have to move in order to look for new…………………..for their cattle
III. Write 2 sentences about what you like or don’t like about their life in the
country. (2pts)
Code 3
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts) 1 .
She plays the piano (regularly)………………… than her friends.
2 . A village is much (small) ……………….than a city.
3 . Which one is (noisy) ……………….., the city or the countryside?
4 . Hoang is (good)………………….. student in his class. II. Complete the
sentences. (4pts)
horse vast
cattle ger
1 . They live in a ……………., their traditional circular tent.
2 . Nomadic child can ride a …………………..
3 . They have to move in order to look for new pastures for their ………….. 4 .
I love the ………………… on starry nights. It looks fantastic.
III. Write 2 sentences about what you like or don’t like about their life in
the country. (2pts) * Key:
Code 1
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts)
1 . faster 2 . more convenient 3 . the most difficult 4 . worse
II. Complete the sentences. (4points)
1 . friendly 2 . horse 3 . cattle 4 . fields
Code 2
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts)
1 . slower 2 . more expensive 3 . the most beautiful 4 . easy
II. Complete the sentences. (4pts)
Trang 44
1 . vast 2 . horse 3 . kite 4 . pastures
Code 3
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts)
1 . more regularly 2 . smaller 3 . noisier 4 . the best
II. Complete the sentences. (4pts)
1 . ger 2 . horse 3 . cattle 4 . vast
( Code1, 2,3 )III. Write 2 sentences about what you like or don’t like about
their life in the country. (2pts) Ss’ sentences * Homework:
- Complete the project.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 3: Getting started.
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic peoples of Viet Nam.
- Interact a conversation about different ethnic groups of Viet Nam and
talk about their ways of life.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to peoples of Viet Nam
b. Grammar: Review questions.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Trang 45
Teacher ’s and students
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the class and lead in the lesson
+ Groupwork
- Review the previous unit by
asking Ss to solve a crossword puzzle.
- Tell Ss that the red word is the
keyword of the new lesson.
- Divide the class into 6 teams. -
Each team takes turns to solve the
- The game finishes when a
student guesses the red word
* Crossword puzzle.
Solve the crossword puzzle below.
1 . I like to ____buffaloes in the pastures. 2
. The farmers are very busy during harvest
3 . Have you ever ridden a _______?
You have to be brave to do it.
4 . People in the countryside are often
open and _______.
5 . _______was loaded onto a cart
and transported home.
6 . I think _______life is more
interesting than city life.
- Write the unit title on the board. Write
the words/ phrases ‘ethnic’,
‘ethnology’, ‘ethnic groups’, and ask Ss
to guess their meaning.
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help students know so me vocabularies and do exercises.
Trang 46
T asks Ss to look at the title of the
conversation and the picture and ask
some questions about what they are
going to read.
- What can you see in the picture?
- Do you know these characters?
- Where are they now?
- What are they talking about? Ss
answer the questions T plays the
Ss listen and repeat then check the
T uses the different techniques to
teach vocab
Ss:- Repeat in chorus and individually
- Copy all the words
T asks Ss to read the conversation
again and do the exercise in pairs.
Ss work individually to answer the
questions. Ss compare answers with
a partner and then discuss as a class.
T corrects the answers.
T writes the correct answers on the
1 . Listen and read
* Vocabulary.
- cu rious (a)
- ac count for (v)
- e thnic (a)
- mi nor ity (n)
- re gion (n)
- cus tom (n)
- awe some (a)
- ter raced field (n)
- he ritage site (n)
a. Find the opposite of these words in the
1 . interesting
2 . largest
3 . minority 4 . southern
b. Read the conversation again and
answer the questions.
1 . They are in the Museum of Ethnology.
2 . They want to know about the ethnic
groups of Viet Nam.
3 . There are 54 (ethnic groups).
Trang 47
T tells Ss to refer back to the
conversation to find the expressions.
Together with Ss, elicit the meaning
of these four expressions. Then give
examples. For more able classes,
have Ss provide the examples of
when these expressions would be
T asks Ss to role-play the example
conversation in pairs before creating
their short role-plays. More able Ss
can try to extend the conversation.
T encourages Ss to use How+ as
many adjectives as possible.
T helps Ss distinguish the two words.
‘people’ is used as the plural of
‘person’ to refer to men, women, and
children ‘peoples’: ethnic groups of
people who belong to a particular
country, race, or area.
4 . The Viet (or Kinh) have the
largest population. 5 . Yes, they do.
c. Find the following expressions in
the conversation Key:
1 . Used as a reply, agreeing with what
sb has just said, or emphasizing that it is
2 . How+ adj/ adv: used to show a
strong reaction to sth
3 . Used to show you understand what
someone said
4 . Used to show that you think
something is great
d. Work in pairs.
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can know and use more words r elated to the topic “People of Viet Nam”.
T asks Ss to work in pairs and label
each picture. Then let Ss read each
word/ phrase correctly. Check and
correct their pronunciation.
2 . Use the words and phrases in the box
to label each picture.
Key :
1 . five-coloured sticky rice
2 . terraced fields
3 . festival
4 . folk dance
5 . open-air market
6 . musical instrument
7 . costume
8 . stilt house
3 . Complete the following sentences with
the words and phrases in the box.
T asks Ss to do the task by themselves.
After that they swap their answers with
a partner.
T corrects as a class.
Then let them repeat the words/
phrases in chorus.
1 . ethnic
2 . heritage site
3 . stilt houses
4 . festivals
5 . member
6 . terraced fields
Trang 48
Activity 4. Further practice
Goal: Interact a conversation about di fferent ethnic groups of Viet Nam and
talk about thei r ways of life.
- Review Wh-question.
T asks Ss to ask and answer, using
these cues. Ss work in pairs to ask and
answer the qs.
T gives correction.
T may call on some pairs to talk
before the class.
4 . Ask and answer.
1 . Which ethnic group has the smallest
2 . Do the Hmong have their own
3 . Where do the Coho live?
4 . What colour is the Nung’s clothing?
5 . Which group has a larger population, the
Tay or the Thai?
6 . Whose arts are displayed at a museum in
Da Nang?
* Homework.
- Talk about different ethnic groups of Viet Nam and talk about their ways of
- Learn new words.
- Prepare for the next lesson: A closer look 1
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 17: A CLOSER LOOK 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practise vocabulary related to the topic "cultural groups of Viet Nam".
- Practise how to pronounce words containing clustes /sk/,/sp/, and /st/.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to cultural groups of Viet Nam.
b. Pronunciation: /sk/,/sp/, and /st/.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the class and lead in the new lesson
Trang 49
T asks Ss to write the vocabularies
Ss write
T asks Ss to talk about different ethnic
groups of Viet Nam and talk about
their ways of life. Ss talk
T asks Ss to brainstorm the names of the
ethnic groups they know, where they
live, their costumes, their way of life,
culture, folk songs …
- Encourage them to guess and call out
as many words as possible
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Students can practise vocabulary re lated to the topic "cultural groups of Viet
Nam" and do exercise
T uses different techniques to teach
vocabulary (situation, realia)
Ss copy and read
T explains and gives examples of
adjectives. Ask Ss to give some more.
Ss work in pairs to match the adjectives
with their opposites.
I. Vocabulary:
- de ve loped (a)
- insig ni ficant (a)
- com plicated (a)
- ma jor (a)
- mi nor (a)
- ba sic (a)
Ex 1. Match the adjectives in A with
their opposites in B.
1 . d 2. c 3. g
4 . a 5. f 6. e 7. b
Trang 50
T elicits the answers from the class.
T asks Ss to work individually to do the
task. Some Ss may write the answers on
the board. Check their answers.
T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss
what the word is for each picture. Check
the answers with the class. For more able
Ss, ask them to give other words they
know which are related to the life of
ethnic minority people.
Ex 2. Use some words from 1 to
complete the sentences.
1 . written
2 . traditional
3 . important
4 . simple, basic
5 . rich
3 . Work in pairs. Discuss what the
word is for each picture. The first and
last letters of each word are given.
1 . ceremony
2 . pagoda
3 . temple (Ly Son)
4 . waterwheel (in the north)
5 . shawl (of the Thai women)
6 . basket (of the Sedang)
Activity 3 . Practice
Goal: Help students know how to prono unce words containing clustes /sk/, /sp/,
and /st/.
T plays the recording and Ss repeat.
T may pause the recording to drill
difficult items. Play the recording as
many times as necessary. Correct Ss’
T plays the recording again.
Ss listen carefully and put the words in
the right columns. Note that ‘school’
may cause some confusion because the
sounds of /sk/ are spelled with the letters
T asks Ss to give other words which
contain these clusters.
T plays the recording two or three times
( or more if necessary). Help Ss recognize
II, Pronunciation:
Clusters: /sk/, /sp/ and /st/
4 . Listen and repeat the
following words.
5 . Listen again and put them in the
right column according to their sounds.
6. Listen and read the following
sentences. Then underline the words
with the sounds /sk/, /sp/, or /st/.
all the words with /sk/, /sp/, or /st/, then
1 . The Hmong people I met in Sa
Trang 51
underline them as assigned.
Pa speak English very well.
2 . You should go out to play
instead of staying here.
3 . This local speciality is not very
spicy . 4 . Many ethnic minority students
are studying at boarding schools.
5. Most children in far-away villages
can get some schooling .
Activity 4. Production
Goal: Ss can listen and pronounce wo rds containing clustes /sk/, /sp/, and /st/.
Play game:
- Divide the class into two teams.
- Ask Ss to find some more words
that have these clusters: /sk/, /sp/, and
/st/. - The team which find the most
words is the winner.
Play game:
* Homework:
- Practice vocabulary and pronunciation again.
- Prepare for the next lesson: A closer look 2
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 18: A CLOSER LOOK 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic "cultural groups of Viet
- Review different question types to ask and answer about ethnic people
in Viet Nam.
- Use articles: a, an, the
- Practice doing exercises with Questions and articles.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Review
b. Grammar: Review Questions and articles.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
II. Teaching aids:
1. Materials: Text book, plan
2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up
Trang 52
Goal: To warm up the clas s and lead in the lesson
T asks some questions about Yes/No
questions and Wh-questions.
Ss answer
T asks students to practice some
questions Ss practise all types of
questions and question words they have
learned so far.
* Questions: review
Take note.
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Ss can review different question ty pes and how to use articles: “ a, an, the”
T asks Ss to retell the different question
Ss retell
T takes notes on the board
T gives some example
Ss gives examples
T corrects
T explains the uses of the articles,and
gives examples.
Ss copy
T checks Ss’ understanding of the
usage, ask Ss to make other example
sentences using the articles in the same
way. Ss give examples
1 . Questions words : who,
when, where, why…
2 . Articles: “ a, an, the”
A lion lives in the jungles
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help Ss review different question types to ask and answer about
ethnic people in Viet Nam and use articl es: “ a, an, the” to do exercise
T gives Ss about five minutes to read the
Ss read the passage
T calls on some Ss to read aloud to the
class. Correct their pronunciation,
1 . Read the passage.
Trang 53
intonation and stress, and give explanation
if necessary.
T asks Ss to work in groups or in pairs
and write questions for the answers given.
To check the work, have some Ss come
up and write their questions on the board.
Accept all question variations that are
grammatically correct.
Ss practice in pairs
T asks Ss to work individually to complete
the task.
Ss do and compare their answers with a
T lets Ss work in pairs. This should be a
speaking activity, so encourage Ss to talk
with fluency and accuracy, and as naturally
as possible.
- While Ss do their task, T goes around to
monitor the whole class.
T asks Ss to work individually to do the
task. Then Ss swap their books with a
2 . Now write questions for these
Suggested answers:
1 . Who is living in the house?
2 . How many children do they
3 . Do the grandparents stay at
4 . How often does Mrs Pha go
shopping? 5 . How far is Vang’s
boarding school?/ How far is the town?
6 . When does Vang go home
(every week)?
7 . How do they live?
8 . Would they like to live (in a
modern flat) in the city?
3 . Complete the questions using the
right question words.
1 . Who
2 . Which
3 . Which
4 . Which 5 . What
4 . Work in pairs. Make questions and
answer them.
1 . Who does the shopping in your
2 . Who is the principal of our
school? 3 . Which subject do you like
better, English or math?
4 . What is the most important
festival in Viet Nam?
5 . Which ethnic group has a larger
population, the Khmer or the Cham?
1-2-3: ( Ss’ own answers)
4 . The Lunar New Year
5 . The Khmer: 1,260,600 (The
5 . Underline the correct article to
finish the sentences.
Trang 54
partner to check the answers. Finally check
the answers as a class.
- Discuss the reasons for the article usage
in each sentence.
1 . a
2 . the
3 . The
4 . the
5 . the
6 . a
Activity 4. Furt her practice
Goal: Ss can understand clea rly how to use “ a, an, the”
T has Ss read the passage without paying
attention to the blanks. Then as a class,
check any unfamiliar vocabulary so that
everybody understands the meaning of the
passage. Now focus on the grammar point.
Ss work individually to do the task. T
asks some Ss to read the passage sentence
by sentence.
T corrects as a class.
Ss discuss the reasons for the article usage.
6 . Insert a, an or the in each gap
to finish the passage. Key:
1 . a
2 . a/ the
3 . The
4 . an/ the
5 . the
6 . an
* Homework
- Practice grammar: use of articles, questions and
answers - Prepare for the next lesson: Communication.
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about the
ethnic groups of Viet Nam and talk about them.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Extra vocabulary about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
Trang 55
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the cla ss and lead in the lesson
T explains to Ss that they are going to
read about some information which write
about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
Ss cover the text and do the task.
T gives the comment and key.
Ss work in pairs to do the quiz.
1 . Quiz: Work in pairs
1 . B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5.C 6. A
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Help students know more ab out the ethnic groups of Viet Nam
T asks students to work in pairs or
small groups to complete the table. Ss
work in pairs or small groups to
complete the table.
T asks them to read the task before the
Ss read the task before the class.
T corrects and remarks
T encourages them to add other ethnic
groups they know of to the list.
2 . Where do these ethnic groups
mainly live?
+ Northwest region: Viet, Hmong, Lao
+ Northeast region: Viet, Hmong, Nung,
+ The central Highlands: Viet, Bahnar,
Brau, Ede, Giarai, Sedang
+ Mekong River Delta: Viet, Cham,
+ Red River Delta: Viet
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can talk about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam
T asks Ss to choose the ethnic groups to
talk about
Ss talk
T corrects the mistakes
3. Talk about the ethnic groups of Viet
Nam .
- location
- food
- lifestyle
- festivals
+ Groupwork
- Devided the class into 4 groups
- Each group talk about an ethnic
( Tay, Dao, Mong, Nung)
- Talk about in relation to these
Elicit these subjects if possible: ( location
- lifestyle costumes - foods - festivals/
ceremonies - marriage/ weddings…)
- Give Ss time to prepare, and then
let them talk in groups
In a small village in the North, there is a
stilt house. In the house, a Tay family are
living together ….
Trang 56
Activity 4. Fur ther practice
Goal: Ss can know how to protect the tradi tional and have of responsibilities
with ethnic groups of Viet Nam
T advices students that they should
protect the traditional and have of
responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet
Ss listen and give some ways to preseve
the traditions
* Homework
- Write about the ethnic groups of Viet
Nam - Learn new words/ workbook: C.
Speaking - Prepare for the next lesson:
Skills 1.
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 20: SKILLS 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Read a passage for specific information about the life of Thai people.
- Speak about the life of ethnic groups
1. Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about the life of ethnic groups.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the clas s and lead in the lesson
Trang 57
T asks Ss to talk about the ethnic groups
Viet Nam (location, food, lifestyle,
Ss talk
T introduces the lesson
* Talk about the ethnic groups of Viet
- location
- food
- lifestyle
- festivals
Activity 2. Pr esentation
Goal: Ss can understand the contents of the text they will read and know more
vocabular y words
T asks Ss two questions about Thai group.
- Give Ss time to discuss the two
questions in pairs and then as a class.
Encourage Ss to make guesses if they are
not sure.
Ss discuss the questions and give results.
T asks Ss to read the text and underline
any words they don’t know. T may let Ss
read in chorus once. Then, call on some
individuals to read aloud to the class.
- Check their pronunciation and
intonation. - Explain the new words and
clarify anything difficult.
- Check the two answers above.
1 . Read the text.
1 . Where do the Thai people live?
2 . What is their population?
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students understand the reading and do exercise
T asks Ss to read the passage again and do
the task.
T checks the answers as a class.
T asks Ss to read the passage again and
answer the questions.
Ss can ask and answer in pairs.
T checks the answers as a class.
2 . Complete each sentence, using a
word from the text.
1 . farmers
2 . bamboo
3 . stilt
4 . songs
5 . ceremonies
3 . Answer the questions.
1 . Yes, they do.
2 . Their main food is rice.
3 . It is well-known for being
unique, colourful and strong.
4 .Thai women do.
5 . They worship their ancestors.
Activity 4. Furt her practice
Goal: Help students speak about the life of ethnic groups and their own
ethnic grou p.
Trang 58
* Groupwork
- Divide the class into two groups. -
Each preparing to talk about one ethnic
- Ss may work in pairs; each of them
talks about one ethnic group.
- T goes around to assist if
necessary. Then ask some volunteers to
present to the rest of the class.
- Let Ss talk about their own ethnic
group. - T asks them to focus on one or
two aspects such as clothing, food, ways
of living, customs and traditions, festivals,
beliefs, etc.
- T encourages Ss to talk about
changes in the life of their people over
4 . Read some facts about the
Bru-Van Kieu people and the Khmer
people. Work in groups. Choose one
of the two ethnic groups and talk
about it.
5 . Talk about YOUR own ethnic
* Homework:
- Practice talking about the life of ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 2
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 21: SKILLS 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Listen to get specific information about a traditional
dish. - Write the recipe for a traditional dish.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about the dish.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the cl ass and lead in the lesson
Trang 59
T asks Ss to discuss the two
questions in pairs. Then tell Ss to
look at the picture and say what they
know about that dish. Ss discuss the
questions and give results.
Answer the questions.
1 . Do you like sticky rice?
2 . When do we traditionally have
sticky rice?
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Help students listen to a t raditional dish and do exercise
T plays the recording once or twice. Ask
Ss to listen carefully and tick True or
False according to what they hear in the
Ss work individually
T corrects and remarks
T plays the recording again.
Ss write down the words as they listen.
T plays the recording again for them to
T corrects as a class.
I. Listening
2 . Listen to the passage and tick (9)
true (T) or false (F).
1 . T 2.F 3. T 4. F 5. F
3 . Listen again and complete the
1 . mountainous
2 . purple/black
3 . natural
4 . plants
5 . ceremonies
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students know the recipe for a traditional dish
T asks Ss to read the notes carefully. T
has Ss write full sentences to show the
steps to cook the rice. Make sure that
they use proper connectors first/ firstly,
second/ secondly, … and pay attention
to spelling and punctuation.
T asks Ss to read How to make
yellow sticky rice Ss read
II. Writing
4 . How to make yellow sticky rice
first/ firstly, second/ secondly, …
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Help students write th e recipe for a traditional dish
T ask Ss to write a paragraph (in the
form of a letter to a pen friend, for
example). T may collect some Ss’
writing papers and mark them, then give
comments to the class.
Sample cooking steps:
This delicious dish is really easy to
make. First, you need to soak the sticky
rice in water for at least five hours. Then
rinse the rice and drain it well. Next, add
the turmeric extract and mix it well.
Then wait for 10 minutes. After that, add
the coconut and salt. Remember to mix
it well. Finally, steam the rice for about
30 minutes. Check that it is fully
cooked. You can serve this dish with
Trang 60
* Homework
- Write the recipe for a traditional dish - Do
exercises in Workbook.
- Prepare next lesson: Looking back - Project.
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice vocabulary and grammar points they have learnt in this unit.
- Practice making communication, project.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about the life of ethnic groups.
b. Grammar: Review Questions and articles.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Trang 61
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the cl ass and lead in the lesson
T gives some photos about some
ethnic groups (eg: stilt house,
clothes,…) Ss guess them belong to
ethnic groups
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Help students review some voc abularies they have learnt in this unit
T lets Ss repeat the words as a class to
practise pronunciation.
- Next, Ss can complete this exercise
individually. Less advanced classes can
complete this exercise in pairs.
Ss can do the exercise by themselves or
in pairs.
T corrects as a class.
T asks Ss to do exercise 2.
Ss work individually
I. Vocabulary
1. Complete the sentences with the
words/ phrases from the box.
1 .cultural groups
2 . communal, activities
3 . costumes, diverse
4 . ethnic
5 . unique
2 . Use the correct form of the words
in brackets to fi nish the sentences.
- After that let some Ss read the
sentences aloud.
1 . cultural
2 . peaceful
3 . richness
4 . diversity
5 . traditional
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students review the g rammar: a, an, the and questions
Trang 62
T lets Ss read the passage aloud. Clarify
any difficulties.
Ss do the exercise in pairs or
T tells Ss to read the sentences carefully
and try to find the error relating to
articles in each sentence.
Ss can work in pairs or individually.
T asks Ss to complete this task
T gives correction.
II. Grammar
3 . Make questions for the underlined
parts in the passage.
1 .What are these houses built on?
2 . Where is the entrance?
3 . Which house is the largest,
tallest and most elaborate building in the
4 . What is it used for?
5 . Who can sleep in this house? 4 .
Each sentence has an error. Find and
correct it.
1 . a -> the
2 . a -> the
3 . an -> the
4 . the semi-nomadic life -> a
semi-nomadic life
5 . an -> the
5 . Fill each gap with a, an,or theto
complete the passage.
1 . an 2. a 3. the 4. the 5. the 6. the
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Help students talk about t he cultural groups of Viet Nam
T asks Ss to work in pairs. Let them
recall what they have learnt about the
cultural groups of Viet Nam.
Ss take turns to ask each other questions
about the topic. The person asking can
look at the book.
- The first person to get five correct
answers is the winner.
- If time allows, Ss switch partners
and play again.
III. Communication
6 . Game:
Cultural Knowledge Challenge
A: Are you ready?
A: What is the population of the largest
ethnic group?
B: About 74 million. It’s the Viet or
A: Very good! Your turn.
- Ask Ss to complete the self-
assessment. Discuss as a class what
difficulties remain and what areas Ss
have mastered. - Provide further practice
on the weak areas of the class.
B: OK. What is the population of the
smallest group?
A: I think it’s the Odu group.
B: Exactly!
Activity 5 . Production
Goal: Ss can know how to do the project
Trang 63
- Guide students design
more about costume of ethnic group .
- Encourage them to
use imagination and make
their own costume designs at home,
and with the materials available.
- Help Ss organise an
exhibition of the costume designs they
have made among the group or class
members. (next week)
- Let them talk about their
- Tell them to be creative.
* Homework:
- Complete the project.
- Prepare next lesson: Review 1.
Date of teaching: 8A……………….
8 B………………..
Period 23: REVIEW 1 (LANGUAGE)
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Review pronunciation, vocabulary and the grammar points they
have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3.
- Practice making everyday English.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Review the vocabulary they have learnt in Unit 1,2,3.
b. Grammar: Review grammar they have learnt in Unit 1 ,2,3.
c. Pronunciation: Review pronunciation they have learnt in Unit 1,2,3.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Student study harder.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan, song
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the class
T asks students to sing a song
Ss sing a song in English
Activity 2. Pr esentation
Goal: Help Ss review pronunciation a bout sk/, /sp/, /st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/, /cl/
Trang 64
T plays the recording and Ss repeat. Play
the recording as many times as necessary.
Pause and correct Ss’ pronunciation.
I. Pronunciation
1 . Listen and repeat the following
words and phrases.
T plays the recording two or more times,
if necessary. Help Ss recognise all the
words with /sk/, /sp/, /st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/,
and /cl/ then underline them as instructed.
T asks Ss to read the sentences as a class,
or individually.
T checks pronunciation and intonation.
2 . Listen to the sentences and
underline the words with /sk/, /sp/,
/st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/, and /cl/ in the
following sentences. Then read the
sentences aloud.
1 . I used to climb trees when I
was small.
2 . How can we improve our
speaking skills?
3 . How annoying, the stadium has
4 . I want to buy a blue skirt for
my mother.
5 . ‘On a dark day, I saw a witch
riding a broom in the sky ...’
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students vocabulary they have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3.
T asks Ss to do the exercise individually
and then share their answers with a
T checks Ss’ answers.
T asks Ss to do this exercise individually.
T asks some Ss to write their answers on
the board.
T corrects as a class.
II. Vocabulary
3 . Organise these words and
phrases into pairs of opposites and
write them in the blanks.
peaceful noisy
hard easy boring
exciting forget
traditional modern
country life city
life love hate
majority minority
4 . Put a verb in the correct form
in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 .like/ enjoy, listening, visiting 2.forget
3 . flying/ to fly
4 . mind, to do/ doing
5 . playing/ to play
Activity 4. Furt her practice
Goal: Help students review vocabularies th ey have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3.
III. Grammar
Trang 65
T asks Ss to do this individually and
compare their answers with a partner. T
calls some Ss to go to the board to write
their answers.
Ss comment.
T corrects as a class.
T asks Ss to do the exercise individually.
T checks and call some Ss to read the
whole passage.
5. Complete the sentences with the
correct comparative form of adverbs
from the adjectives in brackets.
1 . later
2 . more
3 . more fluently
4 . better
5 . more simply
6 . faster
7 . more carefully
6 . Fill each blank with an article (a,
an,or the) to complete the passage.
1 . a 2. an 3. the 4. The 5. the 6. a
Activity 5. P roduction
Goal: Ss can practise En glish with their friends
Ss do the task individually. Then
they practise in pairs. After
checking their answers, ask one or
two pairs to act out the dialogues.
* Everyday English.
7 . Match the sentences in A with
those in B. Then practise with a
1 . b 2. e 3. a 4. c 5.d
* Homework
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Prepare for the test
Teaching date: 8A………………….
Period 24: REVIEW 1 (SKILLS)
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice 4 skills with the knowledge they have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3.
1 . Knowledge :
- Vocabulary: Review
- Grammar: Review
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
Trang 66
3 . Attitude: Study hard.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan, song
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the cl ass and lead in the lesson
T lets Ss sing a song
Ss sing
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Ss can talk about what their famil y members like to do in their free time
T asks students to talk about what
their family members like to do in
their free time.
- Encourage them to talk as much
as possible, using the verbs of liking
they have learnt.
- After some time, T may let Ss
swap pairs and continue to talk.
- T goes round and gives
assistance if necessary.
1 . Speaking.
- My dad likes to play chess with
his neighbours.
- My mum likes making special
food and cakes for us.
She hates sitting around.
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students read the letter and an swer the question, then listen and
choose the correc t answer.
T asks Ss to answer the question in
- What is it?
2- Reading
Trang 67
- How many peoples are there in Viet
Ss: work in pairs to discuss the
T calls on some pairs to share their ideas
once they have finished their discussion.
T calls one to read passage before the
Ss do the task before the class.
T gives the key.
T plays the recording once or
twice. Ss listen and choose their
answers. T plays the recording
again for Ss to check their answers.
T explains the new words or anything
difficult if necessary.
a. Tick true or false
1 .T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
b. Write the questions
1 . Which museum does Kim love
to visit on Saturday afternoons?
2 . How many (clay and stone)
objects are on display at the museum?
3 . What can you learn in this
museum/ Da Nang Museum?
3 . Listening:
Listen to the passage and choose the
correct answer.
Key: 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Help students wr ite about their opinion
- Before writing, have Ss
brainstorm ideas about life in the
countryside: advantages, disadvantages,
what they like and dislike, etc…
Then explain the writing task. Also
have them
brainstorm words and phrases
they may need for their
- Give Ss time to do the
writing task. Then collect their papers
to check out of class.
4 . Writing: Giving your opinion
Sample writing:
In my opinion, life in the countryside
has many good points. Firstly, country
folk are friendlier than city folk.
Secondly, life is slower and simpler than
in the city.
The food is fresher and the air is cleaner.
Finally, there are lots of traditional
activities that we can do in the
countryside such as horse-riding,
swimming in the river or kite-flying.
For these reasons, I like country life.
Trang 68
* Homework:
- Review all knowledge in unit 1, 2, 3.
- Prepare: The forty-five minute test.
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Period 26: Getting started
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “custom and traditions”.
- Express obligation and necessity using correct form of have to.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about “custom and traditions”.
b. Grammar: Have to.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of protecting “custom and traditions”.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities
The main contents
Activity 1 . Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss think ab out customs and traditions .
T asks some questions:
Ss answer the questions
T introduces the new lesson.
- How many ethnic minorities
are there in Viet nam?
- What do you know about Tay?
- Can you show their ethnic
fashion and their customs?
- How do you understand about
customs and traditions
Trang 69
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can know and understand some vocabulary words in the convesation.
T lets students listen to the tape (once)
Ss listen to the tape T
explains the new words.
Ss listen and take notes.
T asks the Ss to listen to the tape (
Ss listen.
T asks them to read in pairs.
Ss practice.
T asks the Ss to do exercise a).
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to explain the words.
Some Ss explain.
T asks the Ss to do part b.
Ss work individually.
T asks them to compare their answers.
T corrects and remarks
T asks the Ss to do part c.
Ss work in pairs to answer the
T asks some pairs to read the answers.
1 . Listen and read
* New words:
Pass down through: đi qua spot-on:
chính xác = sharp: ..., đúng kidding:
đùa giỡn table manners: quy tắc ăn
uống trong bàn ăn.
Ex a. Find a words/ phrase
that means. 1 . accepted
2 . generations
3 . spot on
4 . sharp
5 . social
6 . table manners
b. Tick true or false.
* Keys
1: T 2: F 3:T 4: F
c. Answer the following questions
Some Ss read.
T corrects and remarks
T asks the Ss to do part d.
Ss work individually.
T asks them to compare their answers.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
* Keys
1. It’s eating dinner at 7 p.m. sharp.
2 . He’s surprised.
3 . They both refer to doing
something that develops over time.
4 . A custom is something
accepted. A tradition is something
special and is passed down through the
generations. 5 . They should find
information about a custom or tradition.
d. Find these sentences in the
conversation and fill in the missing
1 . have to
2 . should
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can know more items related to the topic “customs and traditions”.
Trang 70
T asks the Ss to do exercise 2a
Ss work individually.
T asks them to compare their
answers in pairs. And Ask some Ss
to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T asks the Ss to do exercise 2b
Ss work in pairs.
T asks some pairs to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
2 . a. Match the pictures with the
costumes and traditions in the box
* Keys
1- g 2-c 3-f 4-h
5- e 6-a 7-b 8-d
b. Write C or T under each picture
1- c 2-c/t 3-c 4-t 5-c 6-c 7-t 8-
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can talk about customs and traditions in their hometown
Game: + Groupwork -
Guide the Ss play game.
1 . Work in small groups.
2. Take five minutes to
write down as many local customs
and traditions as you can think of.
3. Present your list to
the other
4 . The group with the most ideas
are the experts!
- Wearing ao dai on
special occasions
- Giving children lucky
money at Tet
* Homework:
- Write down as many local customs and traditions - Do the
exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: A closer look 1
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Period 27: A closer look 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “custom and traditions”.
- Pronounce words containing the clusters /spt/ and /str/ correctly in isolation
and in context.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Christian, sponge cakes, firecrackers, touch, shaking
b. Grammar: Have to.
c. Pronunciation: /spt/ and /str/
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
Trang 71
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of protecting “custom and traditions”.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities
The main contents
Activity 1 . Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss think abo ut customs and traditions .
T has a small talk about “customs
and tradition” Ss talk
- Wearing ao dai on special
- Giving children lucky money at
Tet …
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can pronounce words containing the clusters /spt/ and /str/ correctly
in isolation and in context. And know more the words related to the topic
“customs and traditions”.
Trang 72
T explains clusters: /spr/ and /str/
Ss listen and remember
T asks the Ss to listen and
complete the words under the pictures
Ss listen.
T asks them to listen and repeat.
Ss do it.
T corrects
T asks the Ss to listen .
Ss listen.
T asks them to listen and circle the
words with /spr/ and /str/.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their
answers with their friends.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T explains the new words.
Ss listen and take notes.
1 . Pronunciation
Ex 5. Listen and repeat
Cluster: /spr/, /str/
1 .straw,
2 .street,
3 .spring,
4 .spray
5 .astronaut,
6 .frustrated,
7 .espresso,
8 .newsprint
Ex6. Listen and circle the words
with /spr/ and /str/.
* Keys
1 . strictly
2 . strangers/ spread
3 . district, streets
4 . filmstrip
5 . offspring
2. Vocabulary
Christian: đạo thiên chúa sponge
cakes: bánh xốp firecrackers: pháo
touch: sờ, chạm shaking stranger's
hand: bắt tay người lạ
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can understand and use t he vocabulary words to do exercises
T asks the Ss to do task 1.
Ss work individually.
Ex 1. Match the column A with the
column B.
Trang 73
T asks them to compare their
answers in pairs.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks.
T asks the Ss to do task 2.
Ss work in pairs.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks.
T asks the Ss to do task 3.
Ss work individually.
T asks them to compare their
answers in pairs.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks.
* Keys
1 - e , 2 - d , 3 - a ,
4 - g , 5 - b , 6 c , 7 f
Ex2. Complete the expressions below.
* Keys
1 . custom
2 . tradition
3 . according
4 . tradition
5 . with
6 . of
7 . doing
Ex3. Make sentences.
- According to tradition, we have
fireworks on New Year’s Eve. - My
area broke with tradition by not
having firecrackers on New Year’s
Eve. - There’s a tradition in our
province of having fireworks on New
Year’s Eve.
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can talk about traditi on and custom in your hometown
T asks the Ss to do task 4.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their
answers in pairs.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks.
Ex 4. Complete the sentences with
your own ideas.
1 . It’s the custom in my country
2 . We broke with tradition by
3 . There’s a tradition in my family
4. We have the custom of
5. According to tradition,
* Homework:
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Prepare for A closer look 2
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Period 28: A closer look 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
Trang 74
- Use should and shouldn’t correctly and appropriately to give advice.
- express obligation and necessity using the correct form of have to.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: respect, convey, tip, confuse, slipper respect, convey, tip,
confuse, slipper
b. Grammar: Should and shouldn't to express advice.
Have to to express obligation or necessity.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of protecting “custom and traditions”.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss think about customs an d traditions and lead in the new lesson
Have a small talk about “customs
and tradition”
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can use should/ shouldn’t to exp ress advice and use “ have to” to
express obligation and necessity.
T explains the new words.
New word:
Ss listen and take notes.
T explains: Should and shouldn’t
Ss listen and take notes and give
T explains how to use “ have to”
Ss listen and take note
Ss give example
Respect: kính trọng
Convey: thể hiện
Tip: boa
Confuse: từ chối, bối rối
Slipper: dép
+ Should and shouldn't to express
S + should/ shouldn’t + V
S + have to…. to express obligation
and necessity.
Activit y 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can use should/ should n’t and “ have to” to do exercise.
Trang 75
T asks the Ss to do task 1.
Ss work individually.
T asks them to compare their
answers in pairs.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks.
T asks the Ss to do task 2.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their
answers in groups.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to do task 3.
Ss work individually.
T asks them to compare their
answers in pairs.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
1 . Complete the sentences with
shouldn't and shouldn’t.
* Keys
1 . should
2 .shouldn’t
3 . should
4 . shouldn’t
5 . should
2 . Match the situation in A with the
advice in B
* Keys
1 . b 2. c 3. e 4. d 5. a
3. Complete the correct form of have
* Keys
1 . have to
2 . have to
3 . has to
4 . had to/ don’t have to
5 . does…have to
6 . didn’t have to
T asks the Ss to do task 4.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their
answers in pairs.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to do task 5.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their
answers in pairs.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
4 . Choose A or B to convey the
meaning of the first sentences.
* Keys
1 .B 2.A 3.A 4.B
5 . There are six mistakes find and
* Keys
1 . should give
2 . have to
3 . should wear
4 . don’t have to
5 . have to use
6 . shouldn’t worry
Trang 76
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Ss can give some advice an d some obligations to your friends
T asks Ss to work in pairs to give give
some advice and some obligations to
your friends. Ss work in pairs.
* Groupwork
T summarizes the main content by
playing game:
- Divide the class into two teams.
- Each member in each team
will make a sentence use: have to,
should, shouldn’t. - The team
which speaks right sentences is
the winner.
A: I will visit your hometown next
month. Can you give me some advides?
B: Sure. You should bring warm
closthes and ….
* Homework:
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Communication.
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Period 29: Communication
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Talk about table manner in British and in their family.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: prong, cutlery, palm, tray, mat, host/ hostess
b. Grammar: Should and shouldn't to express advice.
Have to to express obligation or necessity.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting “custom and
traditions”. - Students love talking about our customs and traditions. II.
Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities
The main contents
Activit y 1. Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss to pay attention in the lesson .
Trang 77
T lets Ss watch video about
“customs and tradition” in Tet and new
Ss watch and remark
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss to know more about items related to “customs and tradition”.
T explains the new words.
Ss listen and take notes.
* New words
Prong: đầu dĩa
Cutlery: bộ đồ ăn (dĩa, thìa)
Palm: long bàn tay
Tray: khay
Mat: ván
Host/ hostess: chủ nhà (nam/ nữ )
C. Pr actice
Goal: Ss can discuss about different betw een “customs and tradition”.
T introduces two pictures in the
book and asks Ss to discuss the
differences between two pictures. Ss
work in pairs
T asks the Ss to do task 2.
Ss work individually.
T asks them to compare their
answers in pairs.
T asks the Ss to listen to the tape
twice and check.
T lets Ss listen to Nick giving a
presentation on table manners in
Britain and check the answer.
T asks the Ss to do task 3 in groups.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read in front of the class.
T checks and corrects.
1 . Discuss the differences between
two pictures
- They use bowls and chopsticks for the
+ They use knives and forks for the
2 . Write true or false.
* Keys
1 F ; 2 T ; 3 F ; 4 T ;
5 F 6 F ; 7 F ; 8 T
3 . Discuss the table manners in the
Eg: We sit on a mat with the food in the
Trang 78
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can practise in pairs talking abo ut the table manners in the family
T asks the Ss to do task 4 in pairs.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to practice in pairs.
4. Role play
Minh: Hey Jessica! My family would
like to invite you to dinner.
Jessica: Oh, that’s nice but... I don’t
know anything about Vietnamese table
Minh: Well, what do you want to
Ss do it.
T asks some pairs to practice in
front of the class.
Some pairs practice.
T checks and corrects.
Jessica: Well, do you eat around the
dinner table like in Britain?
Minh: No, actually we sit on a mat with
the food in the middle.
Jessica: You’re kidding!
Minh: ...
* Homework:
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Talk 10 sentences about table manners in their family. - Prepare
for the next lesson: Skills 1
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Trang 79
Period 30: Skills 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Read for specific information about family customs and traditions.
- Ask about and describe different customs and traditions.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about customs and traditions.
b. Grammar: Review.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting “custom and
traditions”. - Students love talking about our customs and traditions. II.
Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities
The main contents
Activ ity 1. Warm up
Goal: Help Ss to pay attention in the lesson .
T asks Ss to talk about some
customs and traditions in
their neighborhood. Ss talk
Activ ity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can know more about ite ms related to “customs and tradition” and do
T asks the Ss to look at 1 and
answer the questions.
Ss answer the questions in pairs.
T asks the Ss to read the text
and answer the question:
Is Mi writing about her family or
her society?
Ss answer:
She is writing about her family
T explains some new words.
1 . Reading
Ex1. Look at the pictures and answer the
1 . What are the people doing in each
2 . Does your family ever do the same
* New words:
Generation: thế hệ
Trang 80
Ss take notes.
T asks Ss to write A, B,C in the
Ss work individually
T asks them to compare their
answers in groups.
T checks and corrects.
T asks Ss to answer the question
in pairs.
Ss do it.
T asks some pairs to read the
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
Grill: nướng
Sense of belong: cảm giác thuộc về nhau
Ex3. Write A, B,C in the blanks
* Keys
1 - C ; 2 - A ; 3 - C ; 4 - B ; 5 - A ; 6 - B
Ex4. Answer the questions
* Keys
1 . They are: having lunch together on the
second day of Tet, spending Sunday
together, and celebrating her grandparents’
wedding anniversary on the first Sunday of
October. 2 . They usually go to the cinema or
go for a picnic together.
3 . They don’t remember.
4 . They made five-coloured sticky rice
served with grilled chicken.
5 . They love family customs and
traditions because they provide a sense of
Ac tivity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can interview some t heir friends about customs and traditions.
T asks the Ss to do task 5 in pairs.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to talk in front
of the class.
Some Ss read.
T asks the Ss to do task 6 in pairs.
Ss do it.
Ex5. Work in pairs and answer the
questions. 1 . What are the three customs and
traditions you like most in your family?
Describe them in detail.
2 . How do you feel when you take part in
these customs and traditions?
3 . Why is it important to continue family
customs and traditions?
Ex6. Answer the question before the class
Names of
Question 1
Activity 4. Further practice
Goal: Ss can describe about some customs and traditions in their family.
Trang 81
T asks Ss talk about some
customs and traditions in their
family Ss talk
In my opinion, customs and traditions in we
family are very important. Our family has our
own customs and traditions Firstly, ….
* Homework:
- Write some customs and traditions you like most in your family.
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 2
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Period 31: Skills 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Listen to get specific information about a traditional dance of an ethnic group
in Viet Nam.
- Write a description of a traditional Japanese dance.
1 . Knowledge :
- Vocabulary: spiritual, private, reunion, conical hat, reflect.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting “custom and
traditions”. - Students love talking about our customs and traditions. II.
Teaching aids:
1. Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson
3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss to pay at tention in the lesson .
Trang 82
T lets Ss watch a video about
traditional song and answer the question.
Ss watch and answer. Share their
ideas with a partner.
T introduces the listening
1. Questions
What tradition do you think it is?
Activity 2. Pr esentation
Goal: Ss can listen to get specific informati on about a traditional dance
of an ethnic group in Viet nam.
T introduces the new words.
Ss take notes.
T asks the Ss to listen to the tape twice.
Ss listen.
T asks the Ss to listen and complete
the table.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers
with their friends.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to do task 3.
*New words
Spiritual: thuộc tinh thần, tôn giáo
Private: riêng tư cá nhân
Reunion: sum họp
Conical hat: có dạng hình nón
Reflect: hành động phản xạ tự nhiên
2 . Listen and complete the sentences
* Keys
1 . happy and wealthy
2 . private gatherings
3 . 30
4 . the circle dance
5 . social
6 . fire
7 . music
8 . culture and lifestyle
3 . Listen to the passage and tick(v)
true or false
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers
in groups.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
* Keys
1 T ; 2 F ; 3 F ;
4 T ; 5 - T
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can ask and answer about the Ob on dance is a traditional Japanese
Trang 83
T asks the Ss to do task 4 in pairs.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare with their
Ss compare.
T asks some Ss to talk in front of
the class.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
4 . Make complete the sentences
A: What’s the tradition?
B: The Obon dance is a traditional
Japanese dance.
A: What does the dance express?
B: People have the honour of their
A: When does people perform the
Obon dance?
B: The Obon festival takes place in
mid-August in many regions of Japan
and in mid-July in other regions.
- There are many forms in
different regions.
- The most typical form is circle
- People make a circle around a
yagura, a high wooden stage; some
dancers move clockwise, and some
- This is one of most important
tradition. A lot of people come back to
reunite with their families during the
Obon festival.
Activity 4. Fur ther practice
Goal: Ss can write a description of a traditi onal Japanese dance.
T asks Ss to work individually to
write about the Obon dance.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare with their
5 . Write about the Obon dance
There is a traditional in Japanese
that people perform the Obon dance
during the Obon festival. The festival
happens in mid-August in many
Ss compare.
T asks some Ss to talk in front of
the class.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
regions of Japan. There are many
different forms of Obon dance in
different regions. In order to perform
it, people make a circle around a
yagura, a high wooden stage; some
dancers move clockwise, and some
counter-clockwise. I really like this
* Homework:
- Rewrite the descriptions about the Obon dance - Do the
exercises in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Looking back- Project.
Trang 84
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Period 32: Looking back- Project
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Review the lexical items related to the topic “custom and traditions”..
- Review should and shouldn’t to give advice.
- Review “have to” to express obligation and necessity.
1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about customs and traditions.
b. Grammar: Review should, shouldn't and have to.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting “custom and
traditions”. - Students love talking about our customs and traditions. II.
Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan, song
2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson: Check 15 minutes Code
I. Choose the best answer.
1. You shouldn’t …………………a present in black or white paper.
A. respect B. wrap C. visit D. use
2 . You should advoid ………………another person’s head because it’s disrespectful.
A. respecting B. waiting C. touching D. following
3 . In Viet Nam, people use rice bowls and ………………………
A. knife B. fork C. chopsticks D. prong
4 . You shouldn’t ……………………. short shorts and tank tops.
A. break B. touch C. visit D. wear
5 . You should take ………………your shoes at the entrance.
A. at B. to C. of D. off
6 . Five-colour ______ rice is made using roots and leaves.
A. stick B. sticky C. dish D. food
7 . There is a custom of ……………….something.
A. do B. does C. did D. doing
8 . When you visit a temple, you have to …………………some important customs.
A. wear B. touch C. start D. follow
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given.
1. You/shouldn’t/point/prong/fork/upwards/during/meal
2 . You/can/use/fork/pick/more/food/dish.
Code 2.
I. Choose the best answer.
1 . You should …………………………….old people.
Trang 85
A. respect B. wrap C. take
2 . Children should take things from adults with both ……………..
D. use
A. fingers B. foot C. toes
3 . You shouldn’t ……………………your promise to the children.
D. hands
A. follow B. break C. visit
4 . You ………………….wear shorts when going to the pagoda.
D. wear
A. have to B. must C. should
5 . We should …………………..banana leaves to wrap the food.
A. eat B. drink C. visit
6 . People make specialties only ______ special occasions
D. use
A. in B. at C. on
D. of
7 . According ……….tradition, we have fireworks on New Year’s Eve
A. on B. at C. of D. to
8 . Five-colour ______ rice is made using roots and leaves.
A. stick B. sticky C. dish D. food
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given.
1 . The knife/hold/right/hand/and/fork/hold/left/hand.
2 . When/meal/finish/,/you/should/put/knife and fork/plate.
Code 3.
I. Choose the best answer.
1 . We should ………………………..our customs and traditions.
A. respect B. wrap C. visit D. use
2 . I think the host should invite everybody to ……………..eating
A. finish B. end C. start D. respect
3 . We have followed this tradition for three ……………………
A. customs B. generations C. society D. ancestors
4 . You should arrive …………….time.
A. in B. of C. at D. on
5. When you visit a temple in ThaiLan, you have to …………………some
important customs.
A. wear B. touch C. start D. follow
6 . ______ field in Sa Pa is one of the most beautiful kinds of fields in the world
A. Step B. Stair C. Terraced D. Up
7 . Five-colour ______ rice is made using roots and leaves.
A. stick B. sticky C. dish D. food
8 . There’s a tradition in our province of ………….. fireworks on New Year’s Eve
A. have B. has C. to have D. having
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given.
1 . I have to/clean/room.
2 . Same/cutlery/apply/eat/main/course/and/dessert. * Keys
Code 1.
I. Choose the best answer.
1 . B. wrap 2 . C. touching 3 . C. chopsticks 4 . D. wear 5 .
D. off 6 . B. sticky 7 . D. doing 8 . D. follow
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given.
1 . You shouldn’t point the prongs of the folks upward during the meal.
2 . You can use the folk to pick more food from the dish.
Trang 86
Code 2.
I. Choose the best answer.
1 . A. respect 2 . D. hands 3 . B. break 4 . D. shouldn’t
5 . D. use 6 . C. on 7 . D. to 8 . B. sticky
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given.
1 . The knife is held in the right hand and the fork is held in the left hand.
2 . When the meal is finished, you should put the knife and the fork on the
Code 3.
I. Choose the best answer.
1 . A. respect 2 . C. start 3 . B. generations 4. D. on 5 . D. follow
6 . C. Terraced 7 . B. sticky 8 . D. having
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given.
1 . I have to clean my room.
2 . The same cutlery is applied when eating the main course and dessert.
3. New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the
T lets Ss sing a song
Ss sing a song
T introduces the lesson
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss review the vocabularies they have learnt .
Trang 87
T asks the Ss to look at the
picture and answer the question. Ss
look and answer.
T asks the Ss to do task 1.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their
answers in groups.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to do task 2.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their
answers in groups.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to do task 3.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their
answers in groups.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
I. Vocabulary
1 . Complete the sentences with the
words or phrases from the box
1 . respect
2 . worshipping
3 . wrap
4 . host
5 . cutlery
6 . generations
2 . Write the sentences with
the following expressions. there’s
a tradition that…. according to
tradition….. follow the tradition
of…. break with tradition by…
have the custom of……
3 . Complete the following
word webs. Family customs and
have dinner together
visit relative,
celebrate birthday
visit pagoda
decorate houses
bring present visit someone's house
go to the cinema
at the weekend,
Trang 88
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help Ss listen to revi ew should/ shouldn’t; have to.
T review.
Ss take notes.
T asks the Ss to do task 4.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their
answers in groups.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T asks the Ss to do task 5.
Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their
answers in groups.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
II- Grammar
We use should/ shouldn’t to give an
We use “Have to” to express obligation
and necessity.
4 . Complete the sentences using
should or shouldn’t.
* Keys
1 . should wait
2 . shouldn’t use
3 . shouldn’t break 4 . should
5 . shouldn’t touch
5 . Underline one mistake and correct.
* Keys
1 . have to
2 . shouldn’t
3 . have to have
4 . should
5 . have to avoid
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Help Ss talk about customs and tradition and know how to do the
T asks the Ss to do task 6 in groups.
Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to talk in front of
the class.
Some Ss read.
T checks and corrects.
T guides the Ss to do project at home.
Ss do it.
III. Communication
6 . Game: Best advice What should I
IV. Project
* Homework
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 5: Getting started.
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Period 34: Getting started
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
Trang 89
- Use the lexical items related to the topic 'festivals in Viet Nam'. -
Interact a conversation about introduction and explaination about some
festivals in Viet Nam.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to festivals in Viet Nam.
b. Grammar: Simple and compound sentences: review.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting our traditional.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson: 3 . New lesson :
Teacher's and students’ activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to the lesso n and to lead in the new lesson .
T lets Ss play a small game in two big
groups to list what Vietnamese people
should and shouldn’t do during the Tet
Ss play game
T decides the winning team.
* Group A: Should
+ We should visit our relatives at Tet
+ We should make wishes for a better
new year
+ We should clean and decorate our
house before Tet
+ We should make banh chung/ banh tet
* Group B: shouldn’t
+ We shouldn’t buy fireworks
+ We shouldn’t break things
+ We shouldn’t fight
+ We shouldn’t play cards all night
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss listen and read then know more items related to the topic 'festivals
Viet Nam'
Trang 90
T asks Ss to open their books and look at
the picture and the heading Which
festival should I see?Ask them some
Ss answer the questions as a class.
T presents some new words T uses
the technique “Rub out and remember
“ to check Ss’ understanding of new
1- Listen and read
The questions may be:
- Where are Duong and Peter?
- What are they doing?
- What might they be talking about?
royal court music (n)
( explanation)
reunion (n) (synonym)
regret (v) (explanation)
five-fruit tray (n) (picture)
carnival (n) (picture)
procession (n) (picture)
anniversary (n) (picture)
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can understand the conversation and do exercises.
T asks Ss listen to the tape and do
Ss work independently.
T plays the recording once or twice
more. Pause the recording at the
appropriate places if Ss need help with
T allows Ss to share their answers with
a classmate before discussing as a
class. T corrects
T: First, ask Ss not to look at the
conversation to answer the
questions, then have them open
their books and check their answers.
Ss answer the questions
a. Tick true or false.
1-2-5: T 3-
4: F
b. Read the conversation again
and answer the questions.
1 . In April. They can see a grand
opening ceremony, an ao daifashion
show, a Dem Phuong Dongor oriental
night show, royal court music
performances ... and sporting activities.
2 . Duong’s family prepares a five-fruit
tray and makes jam and chungcakes. 3 .
Because there are so many interesting
things to see and enjoy, it would take
too long to describe them.
Trang 91
T asks Ss to look at the conversation
again and underline the expressions.
Have Ss use the context to try to explain
when they may use the expressions.
Correct them if necessary.
T asks students to practice in pairs, have
Ss role-play, practising the expressions
in C. Call on a few pairs to perform to
the class.
Ss practice in pairs.
T has Ss work in pairs, matching the
words with the pictures. Then check their
answers. Afterwards, have Ss repeat the
words chorally.
Ss do exercise
T corrects their pronunciation if
T has Ss work independently, match the
names of the festivals with the
appropriate pictures, then cross check
with a partner.
T checks Ss’ answers.
T asks Ss to work in pairs, matching the
descriptions of festivals with their
T checks Ss’ answers.
4 . In Bac Ninh, on 12
of the
first lunar month.
5 . Because it’s near Ha Noi, it
takes place right after Tet holiday and is
full of traditional events.
c. Can you find the following
expressions in the conversation? Try to
explain their meaning .
1 . used as suggestion or to give advice
2 . (It/That) sounds + adj: used to give
your first impression of what you hear
3 . to stress that it is worth spending
time or money doing something
4 . to show surprise and to check that
something is really OK to do
d. Make short conversations with the
four expressions in C.
- Why don’t you come with us to
the Lim Festival? You won’t regret it.
- Sounds great! / Are you sure?
2. Use the words from the box to label
the pictures.
a. ceremony
b. anniversary
c. reunion
d. procession
e. carnival
f. performance
3 . Match the words with the
pictures of festivals.
Key: 1.d 2.a 3. c 4. b 5. e
4 . Match the festivals in 3 with
their descriptions.
Key: 1.c 2. b 3.e 4. d 5.a
Activity 4. Further practice
Goal: Ss can talk about some festivals in their hometown
T asks Ss to discuss in groups and talk
about some festivals in their hometown
Ss discuss in groups
T corrects
* Homework.
- Write down as many local festivals.
- Prepare for the next lesson: A closer look 1.
Trang 92
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Period 35: A Closer Look 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practise vocabulary related to the topic "festivals in Viet Nam".
- Practise stress correctly multi-syllable words with ion and ian endings.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to festivals in Viet Nam.
b. Pronunciation: Stress of words ending in ion and - ian.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting our traditional.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2. Checkup the old lesson:
3 . New lesson :
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1
. Warm- up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to the
lesson and to lead in the new lesson .
T asks Ss to list nouns and verbs
related to the festivals as much as
Ss: Work in groups
ceremony perform
Activity 2.
Goal: Help students practise stress
corre ian endings
ctly multi-syllable words with ion and
Trang 93
T asks Ss to look at the words in the
table. T asks ‘What do you notice about
the endings? How many syllables does
each word have?’.
- Have Ss answer and sum up.
- Model stress in different words
with the ending -ion, and -ian.
- Ask Ss to look at the rules in the
Remember! box. Discuss this rule with
the class and elicit some pronunciations
from Ss
T plays the recording and ask Ss to
listen and repeat the words in part 4, 5
Ss listen and repeat
T plays the recording and ask Ss to
listen and stress the words. Ask them to
pay attention to the endings.
Ss compare their answers in pairs.
T checks.
1 . Pronunciation
*Stress in words ending in ion and
They are all words with more than two
They end with the suffix -ionor -ian
Ex. Read and mark (‘) the stressed
syllable in the underlined words. Then
listen and repeat.
1 . com’panions
2 . partici’pation
3 . at’tention
4 . his’torians
5 . tra’dition
3. Practice
Goal: Help students know vocabulari
es related to the topic "festivals in Viet
T asks students to work independently
on 1 and 2. Then, ask them to share
their answers with one or more
Ss work independently on 1 and 2.
1 . Match the words to their
Key: 1.c 2. e 3.a 4. b 5.d
2 . Complete the sentences using
the words in 1.
Trang 94
T checks Ss’ answers.
T has Ss work in pairs to match verbs
with nouns on a piece of paper then
swap the answers with another pair to
Ss work in pairs
T checks Ss’ answers.
1 . commemorate
2 . worship
3 . preserve
4 . ritual
5 . performance
3 . Match the nouns with each verb. A
noun can go with more than one verb.
1 .WATCH … a ceremony, a show
2 . HAVE … (all can fit)
3 . WORSHIP … a god, a hero
4 . PERFORM … a ritual, a
ceremony, a show
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Ss can review the vo cabulary throughout games
T lets Ss play game:
Ss stand into two lines (ten people)
and whisper a word for their friend
from number 1 to number 10 and the
go to the board and write
T corrects and remarks
Vocabulary in the book
* Homework.
- Practice vocabulary and pronunciation
again. - Guide ss how to do exercises in
workbook. - Prepare for the next lesson: A
closer look 2
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Period 36: A Closer Look 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: - Use the
lexical items related to the topic "festivals in Viet Nam".
- Review simple and compound sentences, complex sentences.
- Practice doing exercises making simple, compound sentences, and complex
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Review
Trang 95
b. Grammar: Simple, compound sentences, and complex sentences.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting our traditional.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson: 3 . New lesson :
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
. Warm- up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to the
lesson and to lead in the new lesson .
T has Ss play the game: Network to list
the conjunctions/ connectors they learnt
T asks Ss to make sentences using the
conjunctions/ connectors above.
T introduces the new lesson
Activity 2.
Goal: Ss can understand the simple a
nd compound sentences and do exercises.
T gives example about the simple and
compound sentences
Ss give examples
T corrects
T tells Ss to read the grammar bo
Complex sentences carefully.
T explains the meaning of
I. Simple and compound sentences
Simple: I enjoy playing football with
my friends every weekend. … x II.
Complex sentences
Trang 96
the subordinators,
translating i necessary.
T asks Ss to work in pairs. Then
have Ss answer before checking with
the whole class
Ss work in pairs
T has Ss work individually and
check with another S. Finally, T
check Ss’ answers with the whole
Ss work individually and check with
another S
T asks Ss to look at the rules in
the Look out! box. Tell them the
use of punctuation in formal
language when we write a
compound sentence using
conjunctive adverbs. Ss practice in
1. Write S for simple sentences and
for compound
Key: 1.S 2. C 3.C 4. S 5. S
2 . Make compound
1. At the Mid-Autumn Festival
children carry beautiful
lanterns, soit’s a memorable
childhood experience.
2. During Tet, Vietnamese people
buy all kinds of sweets, andthey
make chungcakes as well.
3. The Hung King’s sons offered
him many special foods, but Lang
Lieu just brought him a chungcake and
a day cake.
4. To welcome Tet, we decorate
our house with peach blossoms, orwe
can buy a mandarin tree for a longer
lasting display.
5. The Huong Pagoda festival is
always crowded, yetwe like to go
there to pray for good fortune and
3 . Make compound sentences.
Key: 1. Chu Dong Tu and Giong are
both legendary saints; however/
nevertheless, they are worshipped for
different things. 2. Tet is the most
important festival in Viet Nam;
therefore, most Vietnamese return
home for Tet.
3. Tet is a time for us to
worship our ancestors; moreover, it is
also a time for family reunion.
4. The Khmer believe they have
to float lanterns;otherwise, they may
not get good luck.
5. The Hung King Temple
Festival was a local festival;
nevertheless/ however, it has become
a public holiday in Viet
Nam since 2007
4. Match the dependent clauses
with the independent ones to make
complex sentences.
Trang 97
T asks Ss to work individually to
match the clause and check with
one or more partners. Finally, T
corrects as a class. Ss work
individually to match the clause and
check with one or more partners T
Key: 1.b 2. d 3.e 4. f 5.a 6.c
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students review the c omplex sentences and do exercises
T has Ss work individually to add
the subordinators. Then check as a
class. Discuss the reasons for using
each subordinator.
Ss work individually to add the
T corrects
T has Ss work in pairs to complete
the sentences. Ask Ss to swap their
sentences with other pairs and cross-
check. Have some Ss read out their
answers. If the classroom has a
projector, show some answers and
check them with the whole class. Ss
work in pairs to complete the
5. Fill each blank with one suitable
subordinator when, while, even
though/ although, because or if
1 . Because
2 .If
3 .when
4 . while
5 . When
6 . Athough/Even though
6. Use your own words/ ideas to
complete the sentences
below. Suggested answers:
1. ____________, I have never been
2 . ____________, we shouldn’t miss it.
3. _______, you should visit
Giong Temple.
4. ____________, they take a lot
of photos.
5. ____________, they can enjoy
the beautiful scenery of the area.
Activity 4. F urther practice Goal:
Ss can mak e complex sentences
* Groupwork
T summarizes the main content by
playing game:
- Divide the class into two teams.
- Each member in each team will
make a sentence use: when, because,
even though…
- The team which speaks right
sentences is the winner.
Because Quan ho is the trditional
folk song of Bac Ninh, only this kind
of singing is allowed at the Lim festival
* Homework. - Practice sentences.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Communication.
Trang 98
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Period 37: Communication
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Know more about A Khmer Festival, explore an interview with a Khmer
about a Khmer Festival.
1. Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Extra vocabulary about festivals.
b. Grammar: Review
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative
3. Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting our traditional.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson: 3 . New lesson :
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to th e lesson and lead in the new lesson .
T asks Ss to look at the pictures
and guess to answer the qs. Ss
answer the questions
- Have you ever been to Soc Trang
- Have you ever seen a festival by
the Khmer?
- What activities do people do at
the festival?
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help students more about A Khm er Festival, explore an interview with a
Khmer about a Khmer Festival
T introduces some new words on the
Ss read them and copy from the board
T asks Ss to look at the pictures
and answer the questions. Ss
practice in pairs
1 . Vocabulary
Bamboo archway: vòm tre
Green rice flakes: cốm xanh
coconut: chái dừa clasped
hands: bắt tay floating
lanterns: thả đèn
2 . Exercises
Ex 1. Answer the questions.
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can listen an d answer the questions
Trang 99
T plays the recording and lets Ss check
their guesses.
Ss listen and check their guesses.
Ex 2. Listen and check your answers.
a. 1 . bamboo archway
2 . green rice flakes
3 . potatoes
4. coconuts
5 . piacake
6 . clasped hands
7 . lanterns
8 . dragon boat race
b. Ooc bom boc festival
T asks Ss to work in pairs, making full
questions based on the given question
words and giving as many answers as
possible based on what they can
remember from the previous listening.
T plays the recording again for Ss to
answer. If Ss haven’t been able to
answer all the questions, play the
recording another time.
Ss practice in pairs
T checks the answers with the whole
Ex 3. Listen to the interview again and
complete the table below with the
answers to the suggested questions.
Suggested questions:
1 . Where is the festival held?
2 . When is the festival held?
3 . Who do the people worship at
the festival?
4-6 . What activities do people do at
the festival?
Key: 1 . Soc Trang
2 . 14
, 15
evenings of the 10
month 3. Moon God
4 . have a worshipping ceremony
5 . float paper lanterns
6 . hold dragon boat races
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Help students practice asking and answering about a local festival
T asks Ss to work in pairs reading the
dialogue before the class
Ss read the dialogue before the
class. T asks students to practice
asking and answering about a local
Festival . Ss practice in pairs
3 . Practice
A: Good morning. Can I ask you some
about this festival?
B: Yes, of course.
A: What is the festival called?
B: It’s _____. It’s held in _____.
A: Who do you worship at the festival?
C: We worship _____.
* Homework.
- Write about a local Festival
- Learn new words/ workbook: C. Speaking
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 1
Teaching date: 8A………………….
8 B………………….
Trang 100
Period 38: Skills 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Read for specific information about festivals.
- Talk about a festivals.
1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about festivals
b. Grammar: Review
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting our traditional.
II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker
III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2 . Checkup the old lesson: 3 . New lesson :
Teacher ’s and students activities
The main contents
Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson .
T asks Ss to practice in small groups,
look at the pictures and answer the
questions, but don’t check the answers
with the class.
Ss do the task in speaking
* Questions
- What are the people doing in
each picture?
- Who do people worship at the
Hung King Temple Festival?
- Who do people worship at the
Huong Pagoda Festival?
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss will read about the festivals in Viet Nam’ and complete the sentences
to base on t he passage.
T gives Ss two minutes to skim the
passages and check their answers in 1.
Explain that to skim, they must move
their eyes very quickly over the text to
get a general idea of the subject.
Ss skim the passages.
T gives Ss one minute to scan the
passages to find the words. Ask Ss to
underline or circle the words they find
with a pencil.
Ss scan the passages to find the words.
T may help Ss work out the meanings of
these words from the context. Then
check with the whole class.
2. Now read the information about
these festivals to check your ideas.
3 . Find words/ phrases in the passages
that have similar meaning to these
words or phrases.
1 . emperors
2. features
3 . joyful
Trang 101
T asks Ss to read the text again and
answer the questions.
Ss can compare answers with a
partner before discussing them as a
class. Ss read and answer the
T corrects and remarks.
4 . from overseas
5 . hiking
6 . scenery
4 . Read the information again and
answer the following questions.
1 . The Hung King Temple festival
takes place from the 8
to the 11
of the third lunar month.
2 . Incense, specialities such as
chungcakes, daycakes and five-fruit
3 . Because there are many joyful
activities including bamboo swings, lion
dances, wrestling and xoansinging
4 . People join the procession and
make offerings of incense, flowers, fruit
and candles.
5 . Ss’ own answers.
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can discuss when they vis it some famous place in Viet Nam
T asks Ss to work in pairs, choosing one
of the two places: Huong Pagodaor Hung
King Templeto go to. Remind Ss to give
a reason for their choice like in Example
Ss practice in pairs
T asks Ss to think about what to take
with them. Ask them to use the
suggestions in the pictures.
Encourage them to add any other items
they think necessary and give reasons.
Go around to help Ss.
5 . Discuss the questions. Then report
your decisions to the class.
1 . Which place do you prefer to go
Explain your choice.
2 . What things should you take
with you?
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can report th eir decisions to the class
T asks Ss to report their decisions to the
class and decide which location is more
popular. Remember to ask Ss to say why
the chosen location is more popular.
Ss report their decisions to the class.
At weekend, we decided to Huong
pogoda. We will bring a camera. …
| 1/101

Preview text:

Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B…………………. Period 1: REVISION
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: -
Review all main what they have studied in the 7 th form -
Practice doing some exercises 1 . Knowledge: a. Vocabulary: Review
b. Grammar: Tenses: Present simple, present progressive; Be going to +V.inf .
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence
3 . Qualities: - Love the English subject and use it regularly.
- Proud of the culture and mother tongue. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector III. Procedure : 1
. Check old lesson: No checking 2 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students The main contents activities Activit y 1. Warm up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson
T lets students play game: review some vocabularies * Groupwork: -
Divide the class into two teams - Time: 7 minutes -
Each student in each team write a word you have learnt. -
The team with more and correct words is the winner.
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Review some stru ctures they have learnt in class 7
T asks students to retell the way to use I. Tenses.
the present tense, past simple tense, 1
. Present tenses: simple/ cont./ future tense.
perfect Ex. - Nam goes to school everyday. Ss retell and give examples - He is writing a letter.
- They have built that house for 3 months. 2 . Past : simple/ cont
Ex. - My mother bought me a new shirt yesterday. Trang 1
T asks students to retell the way to use
- We were having dinner when Lan of the passive voice. came yesterday. 3 . Future : simple/ cont. Ss retell and give examples
Ex. - We will travel to HN next weekend.
- We will be traveling by this time next month. II. Passive voice.
1 . Active: Someone does something. 2 .
Passive: Something is done (by agent) Ex. - The cat eats the mouse.
T reviews some main structures
=> The mouse is eaten by the cat. Ss listen and remember
- Lan does her homework everyday.
=> Lan’s homework is done everyday.
III. Main structures. 1 . although + a clause of
concession => despite + N-phrase/ V-ing
Ex. - Although he is poor, he is the best student in our class.
=> Despite being poor, he is the best student …….. 2
. used to + V = usually + V-ed/ V2 (past habit)
Ex. My father used to smoke a lot but now he isn’t any more. 3 . be/ get + used to + V-ing (present habit)
Ex. Lan is used to getting up
early. 4 . Degree of comparisons a. Equality: as …. As
b. Comparative: er…than/ more …..than
c. Superlative: the …est / the most … Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students do exercises ab out the structures they have reviewed
T gives exercises about tenses and asks I. Correct verbs form/ tense students to do it. 1
. There (be) 3 accidents on this Ss do exercise street in the past 3 days. T corrects 2
. Is this the first time you (visit) our beautiful country? 3
. Scientists (find) cures for many
illnesses in the last 50 years. 4 . My uncle's health (improve) since he ( leave) India. 5
. I (buy) a new shirt last week but I (not wear) it yet. Trang 2
T gives exercises about passive voice
6 . I (not see ) Lan since we (leave) and asks students to do it. school. Ss do exercise
II. Change into passive . T corrects 1
. She read the letter many times last night. 2 . Hoa met Tim at the market yesterday. 3
. She didn’t introduce me to her mother. 4
. My father planted this tree. 5 . Thu helped him do his
homework. 6 . They didn’t invite me to the birthday party. 7
. they built that house in 1972 8
. Mr. Smith has taught us French for two year. 9
. They didn’t look after the children properly.
T asks students to rewrite the sentences. 10
. Nobody swept this street last Ss do exercises
week. III. Rewrite sentences with: although/ despite T corrects 1
. She felt sick. She went to work. ( though) => 2
. I was really tired. I couldn’t sleep. ( even though) => 3
. He is very rich. He isn’t happy. ( although) => 4 . She couldn’t answer the question. She
is very intelligent. (though) => 5
. He tried. He was not successful. ( though) => 6
. His life is hard. He determined to study well. => * Homework - Review all by yourself.
- Prepare: Unit 1. Getting started
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 2: GETTING STARTED I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Extend and practise vocabulary related to the topic" leisure activities".
- Interact a conversation about different leisure activities. Trang 3
- Express their own leisure activities. 1 . Knowledge :
a.Vocabulary: vocabulary related to leisure activities.
b. Structure: Verbs of liking + gerund/ to-infi.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance. 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents
Activity 1. Warm up.
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to th
e lesson and to lead in the new lesson -
T writes the words LEISURE * Brainstorming.
ACTIVITIES on the board. cycling - Work groups:
+ Divide the class into two teams. +
Ask students in each team take turn
to write their hobbies on board. +
The team with more and correct words is the winner. -
T introduces the lesson about the leisure activities.
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can know some voc abulary words in the convesation Trang 4 - T asks some questions about 1 . Listen and read picture.
+ Where are Phuc, Mai, and Nick? + Where are they doing?
+ What are they holding in their hands?
+ What are they talking about?
+ Can you guess what Mai, Phuc
and Nick like doing in their free time? … -
Ss answer the questions - T plays the recording. -
Ss listen to the tape (twice) and then check the guessing. - T gives some newwords * Vocabulary. -
Ss read in chorus and individually -
to check out: kiểm tra lại And copy all the words. - a trick: thủ thuật, mẹo -
a craft kit: bộ đồ nghề làm thủ công -
savings: tiền tiết kiệm - button: cúc - T reviews Verbs of liking + áo, khuy * Grammar. - I love to watch him. gerund/ to-infi. - I love watching him. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can understand and answ er the questions about conversation
Ex a: Circle the correct answer -
T asks Ss to work individually
to circle the correct answer; compare * Keys
their answer with a partner and then 1 . bookstore 2. book explain their choice. 3 . dog 4. craft kit -
T gives the correct answers on 5 . folk music 6. Vietnamese the screen.
Ex b. Tick the boxes the leisure
activities Mai, Phuc & Nick have Ph N M u c -
T asks Ss to tick the boxes the
leisure activities Mai, Phuc & Nick
have - Ss tick and find the information Pet training x
from the conversation to explain their Making crafts x choice.
- Have Ss do this task individually Reading x x
first, then compare the answers with
their partner. They should be able to Listening to x
give ideals from the text that music support their answers. Playing sports x x Trang 5 Helping parents x x with DIY projects Learning x languages
Activity 4. Fu rther practice.
Goal: Ss can desribe the photos about l eisure activities and complete the
correct adjectives to describe some leisure activities - T asks Ss to work in pairs to 2
. Find words or phrases in the
match the words/ phrases in the box to
box to describe the photos. Then
the photos, then listen to check their
listen to check the answers. answers. Key: 1 . playing computer games 2 . playing beach games 3 . doing DIY -
T asks Ss to look at the picture 4 . texting and describe the photos 5 . visiting museum
Eg: 1. He is playing computer games 6 . making crafts
- Ss look at the picture and describe the photos. -
Ss work individually to do the
task then compare their answers with a 3
. Complete the sentences …
partner. Tell Ss they need to look for 1. satisfied
the surrounding key words in order to 2 . relaxing/ exciting
complete the task. Note that ‘good’ and 3 . fun
‘satisfied’ fit both items 1 and 5. 4 . boring 5 . good
Activity 5. Production
Goal: Ss can talk about leisure a ctivities and share feelings about them + Work individually
Game: Changing partner. - T asks Ss to describe the
leisure activity and give the reason
Eg: I like reading book in my free time. why they like them
Because reading book helps me improve
+ Work in groups (6 groups)
my knowledge and know what happening - Time: 1minute
in our country or over the world. - Ask each member will talk … about one activity. - The group which describe more activity is the winner. * Homework
- Talk bout your leisure activity
- Learn new words/ workbook: B1, 2, 3
- Prepare for the next lesson : A closer look 1 Trang 6
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 3: A CLOSER LOOK 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practise vocabulary related to the topic" leisure activities".
- Talk about leisure activities
- Practise how to pronounce the clusters / br / and / pr /. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to leisure activities.
b. Pronunciation: / br / and / pr /
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily. II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures:
1. Checkup attendance. 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1 . Warm up.
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to th e lesson and to lead in the new lesson - Work groups:
+ Divide the class into two teams. + Time: 3 minutes
+ Ask students in each team to
take turn to talk about leisure
activities. + The team with more
and correct activities is the winner.
Activity 2. Presentation.
Goal: Ss can pronounce correctly the clusters / br/ and / pr /. And know some leisure activi ties in the US. Trang 7
T has Ss work individually to 1 . Pronunciation
complete this task. Once they have Ex1. Listenand complete.
finished. Ss work in pairs to Auto script: compare their answers. 1 . Apricot
T plays the recording for Ss to 2 . Bridge
check and then repeat. Pause the 3 . Bracelet
recording to drill difficult items. 4 . Bread
T asks Ss to add more words 5 . princess
which contain these cluster. Call Ss 6 . President
to make sentences with these words and practice saying them. 7 . President 8 .broccoli
T has Ss practice the words with the
clusters first. Then ask them to repeat the whole sentences.
Ex 2. Listen and repeat.
T focuses students on studying the 2 . Vocabulary
pie chart of leisure time on an
Ex1. Look at the following pie chart average day then answer some
and answer the questions. questions:
+ What is the pie chart about?
+ Where can you find the information?
+ What do the different colors sections of the chart refer to?
+ How are these sections calculated? + What does the note tell you?
+ What are the source tell you? … Ss: Answer
T: Ask Ss to answer the questions Key:
that follow the chart. Ss: Answer
1 . In 2012, people in the USA spent
5.1 hours a day on sport & leisure
activities. 2 . The main activities they
did include watching TV, socializing & communicating, reading
participating in sports, exercise &
recreation, using computer for leisure
and thinking. 3 . The 3 most common activities were watching TV,
socializing & communicating and using computer for leisure. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Students talk about their favorite activities in the freetime. Trang 8
T has Ss work individually to Ex 2. Complete the table complete the task. Key:
e.g. relaxing comes from the verb Name of activity Verb
relax with –ing added, and it refers relaxing relax
to the activity. a noun made from a thinking think verb by adding –ing. using use Ss complete the table doing do T corrects watching watch reading read socializing socialize communicating communicate Ex3. Matching.
T asks Ss to match words with each activity Ss match Key: 1.e 2.b 3.f 4.a
T gives the feedback, encourage 5 .d 6.h 7.c 8.g
them to add more words in each category.
Activity 4. F urther practice.
Goal: Ss can talk about act ivity which they do the most
Eg: I like playing sports most because it + Work in pairs
helps me relax and keep fit and stay
T asks student to talk about activity healthy. I often spend one hour to play it. which they do the most + name activity + Why?
+ How much time do they spend? + Who do they do with? + How do they feel? ….
Ss talk about their favorite activity with their partner. * Homework.
- Talk bout your leisure activity and pronunciation
again - Prepare for the next lesson: A closer look 2 Trang 9
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 4: A CLOSER LOOK 2
I . Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able
to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" leisure
activities" - Use verbs of liking that are followed by gerunds/
to –infinitives - Practice doing exercises with verbs of liking. 1 . Knowledge : - Vocabulary: Review
- Structure: verbs of liking + gerunds/ to –infinitives.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance. 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher and students The main contents activities Activit y 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the class and lead in the new lesson + Groupwork: - Time: 3 minutes - Divide the class into two
lines. - Talk an activity (eg: I like
going out with my friends; I want to
go out with my friends…) to the
first student of the line and then he
whispers with his partner and the end
of line will write on the board. - The team which write right sentence is the winner T introduces the lesson
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss know how to use ver bs of liking that are followed by gerunds/ to –i nfinitives Trang 10
T focuses students on reviewing 1 . Grammar:
how the gerund is form & its Ex. She loves going out with her friends. functions grammatically
= She loves to go out with her friends.
T lets students make sentences with => Verbs of liking + gerunds/ to V
Verbs of liking + gerunds/ to V Ss make sentences with
Verbs of liking + gerunds/ to V T presents some words. 2 . Vocabulary. Ss copy and read
- adore (v) thích, tôn sung, yêu thiết tha…
- detest (v) ghét cay ghét đắng - fancy (v) mến, thích Activi ty 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can use verbs of liking that are followed by gerunds/ to –infinitives to do e xercises
T asks them to read in GETTING Ex 1. Underline verbs that are
and underline the verbs followed by a gerund (in getting started):
of liking followed by gerunds or Key:
to-infinitives that they find in the - Love to watch; text. - enjoy listening; - liked reading
Ex 2. Tick the box. Then listen and check. Key:
T asks Ss to work individually and then compare the answers Followed by Followed by with their partners. gerund both gerund
T plays the recording for Ss to check only and their answers. to-infi 1 . love ✔ 2 .enjoy ✔ 3 .detest ✔
T asks students to work 4 .prefer ✔
invidually to complete this task, 5 .fancy
then T gives feedback to Ss as a ✔ class.
Ex 3. Write the correct form of the verbs Key: 1 . making 2 . to watch/ watching 3 . skateboarding 4 . to learn/ learning 5 . sitting
Activity 4. Further practice
Goal: Ss can understand and make
sentences with verbs of liking, then
write a email to tell their friend ab out free time using verbs of Trang 11 liking.
Ex 4. Write about you + Group work - Do in groups of five or six. - Give Ss time to work individually at first - Write each sentence on a strip of paper - Mix up the strips. - Each students picks up and
reads out a sentence, then they
guess who wrote that sentence.
Ex 5a. Find 6 mistakes – correct T has Ss quickly familiarize themselves with the e-mail by asking: - Who wrote this e-mail? - To whom? - What is it about?
Ss scan the email to find the Key: answers. 1
. like do =>like to do/ like doing
T asks Ss to work individually to 2 . enjoy do=>enjoy doing
find and correct the mistakes and 3. like have=> like to have/ having 4.
compare their answers with mind to do=> mind doing classmate. 5
. hate spend=> hate to spend/ spending 6
. love eat=> love eating/ love to eat Ex 5b. Answer Key: 1.
The activities Duc mentions in his
e-mail are: playing video games, playing football, helping …
T asks Ss to read the e-mail 2.
The 2 activities he enjoys the most
again and answer the questions.
are playing football with his friends & eating out with his family
Ex 6. Write an e-mail.
T asks Ss to work individually to
write the email to tell their friend
about free time using verbs of liking
Ss work individually to write the
email then exchange it with their
partners and check for mistakes. * Homework.
- Make sentences with verbs of liking that are followed by gerunds/ to – infinitives . Trang 12
- Write the e-mail in the notebook
- Prepare for the next lesson: Communication.
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 5: COMMUNICATION I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice reading a forum for friends around the world to share how they spend their free time.
- Give their opinions about leisure activities of some students in the text. 1. Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Extra vocabulary about leisure activities. b. Grammar: Review
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance. 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students The main contents activities Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the cl ass and lead in the new lesson T asks some questions
+ What do you do in your free time? + Why do you like doing it?
+ How much time do you spend on leisure activities? Ss answer the questions
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss know some vocabulari
es, understand the abbreviations in the text and d o exercises. Trang 13 1 . Vocabulary. T presents the vocabularies - window shopping = hang out -
to be hooked on sth: bị mắc vào.., ham mê vào.. -
to be addicted to sth: bị nghiện làm
… - To sound + adj ( weird / strange / challenging…) 2. A bbreviations .
- T explains the abbreviations are
informal language that is used
online and in texting messages. And then introduce the first
abbreviation. Then have Ss work
in pairs to complete the task. Ss work in pairs Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can know to find the information from the text to complete the table + Group work
3 . Find the information from the text to - Divide the class into groups complete the table. ( each group is a paragraph) Key: - Time: 10 minutes
Who What activity is What does - Ask Ss to read about some mentioned? he/ she think
activities teenagers do in their of it?
spare time and fill in the table. Emily - Hanging out She loves it. - Exchange their results. with friends - T checks and comments their ( window results shopping) - working as a volunteer
Hang Cloud watching She adores it. It is easy. Linn Going to the She loves it. community center, painting, dancing and doing drama Minh - Playing He likes it. football - It’s fun. helping his aunt in running cooking classes - playing He’s addicted Manue computer games to it l - doing judo It’s ok Trang 14
Activity 4. Further practice
Goal: Ss can ask and answer to
give their opinions about leisure activities of some students in the text.
T asks students to practice in pairs asking and giving their
opinion about leisure activities. Eg: Ss practice in pairs.
A: What do you think of hanging out with best friends?
B: I think it is good because it can help to
improve the relationship among us. And
what do you think of playing computer games?
A: In my opinion, It is an intertainment
activity but we shouldn’t spend a lot of
time on this activity because it can be addicted
T asks students to practice in pairs …
asking and giving their opinion
about leisure activities of them in Eg: free time at their school.
A: What do you do in your freetime?
B: I often playing video games A: Ss practice in pairs
What do you think of playingvideo
T asks Ss to give advices when games?
they take part in leisure activities.
B: I think it is good because it can help to Ss Ss practice in pairs
improve the relationship among us. A: I
suppose that it is not good because it can
be addictive. You should spend less to play it. * Homework. -
Learn new words/ workbook: C. Speaking -
Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 1- Skills 1: Advantages and
disadvantages of using computers or mobile phones for leisure activities. Trang 15
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 6: SKILLS 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: -
Read for general and specific information about the positive and
negative effects of using computers. (Scanning, skimming). -
Speak and give fact or opinion about using computers and
mobile phone for leisure activities. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about leisure activities b. Grammar: Review.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance. 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students The main contents activities Activit y 1. Warm up.
Goal: To warm up the c
lass and lead in the new lesson * Questions you think of hanging - out What do
T asks students to give their with best friends? you think of playing
opinion about leisure activities Ss - answer the question What do you think of playing computer games? - what do T introduces the lesson football? Activit y 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can write about the positiv
e and negative effects of using computers and know som e vocabulay words. T asks some questions about
using the computer and the mobile phone.
- Do you have a computer at home? Trang 16 -
What do you use the computer for? -
What do you use the mobile phone for? -
What are the benefits of using
computer or mobile phone? - What
are the harmful things it may bring us?
Ss answer the questions T 1 . Reading writes the benefits and bad Ex 1. Discuss affects of using the computer and the mobile phone on the Benefits Bad affects board. - a fast and - harmful to convenient way to eyes get and send - feel tired and information dizzy - For - Waste of time entertainment, and money communication, … education … - T presents the vocabularies. * Vocabulary - virtual (a): ảo -
ban - ned (v): cấm (~ sb from doing st/ st) -
rely on (v): dựa vào (~ sth / doing
sth) - exist – ed (v): tồn tại
Activi ty 3. Practice.
Goal: Ss can understand the informat
ion about the positive and negative effects of using compu ters and do exercises -
T asks Ss to work Ex 2: Choose the correct answers.
individually to choose the best Key:
answer. They need to be able to 1 .B explain their choice as well. 2 .C
Ex 3. Write the qs for the answers based -
T tells Ss for this exercise on information from the text. they will need to look at the keywords in the responses in
order to find out the questions. - Ss work individually then compare their answers with a
partner. - T corrects their answers Key: 1. Is Quang’s garden real?
2 . What is the problem with using technology in your free time? 3
. What leisure activities do teenagers do these days? 4
. What are the benefits of using the computer? Trang 17
Activity 4. Further practice.
Goal: Help Ss speak and give fact o
r opinion about using computers and mobile phone for leisure activities
- T explains to Ss that these 2 . Speaking
speech bubbles are from Quang Ex 4. Quang and his parents are talking
and his parents and then asks Ss about…
to work in pairs to give an opinion. T gives example Example:
A: In my opinion, computer games train
your mind and your memory.
Ss work in pairs, and say B: That’s so true./ I’m afraid I don’t agree. why they think who says what,
based on the information from the passage. + Group work
Ex5. Role- play: What’s the solution? - Arrange Ss into three
groups (the group that plays Eg:
Quang, the group that plays Q: I believe that my E is much better because
Quang’s parents, and the group that I surf the Internet. plays his teacher.)
Q’ P: I don’t agree with you. Go out and -
Ask each group to play with your friends is much better. T: I
brainstorm how they are going to agree with you Q. However, you shouldn’t express their opinions.
spend much time on surfing the Net. It’s not -
When they are ready, put good for your eyes.
Ss into new groups which contain Quang, Quang’s parents, and Quang’s teacher. -
Call on two or three groups to
repeat their role-play for the class
T gives advices to students when they use computers and mobile phone for leisure activities. * Homework. -
Learn by heart vocabulary and practice talking about the
benefits and bad effects of using computer or mobile phone. - Workbook: C. Speaking. -
Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 1. Skills 2
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 7: SKILLS 2 I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Listen to get specific information about way of spending time with friends.
- Write a paragraph to discuss an opinion about leisure activities.
1 . Knowledge :
- Vocabulary: Vocabulary about leisure activities Trang 18
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance. 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm up.
Goal: To warm up the class and lead in the new lesson 1 . Questions
- T asks Ss to share some of the + What do you usually do with your
things they often enjoy doing with friends in your free time?
friends in their free time with their - We play badminton/ football/
friends. Ask some pairs to volunteer listen to music…
to tell the class if they find each - I hang out/ go window
other’s answers interesting.
shopping/ eat out with friends…
Activity 2. P resentation.
Goal: Help Ss listen to get specific info rmation about way of spending time
with friends and know how to give opinion
2 . Listen to the radio programme and
- T tells Ss that they are going to a answer the questions.
radio programme. Ask them to look at the *Key: Trang 19
questions and underline the key 1 . The topic of this week’s
words before T plays the recording.
program is hanging out with your friends. 2
. There are 2 main ways: hanging out indoors or outdoors. 3
. Listen again and complete the
- T plays the recording as many table. times as needed. *Key:
Ss work individually then compare 1 . movies answers with their partner. 2 . cinema T corrects their answers 3 . crafts 4 . sports 5 . physical health 6 . people 7 . cultural centre
T explains how to give anopinion * How to give an opinion
1 . introducing your opinion Ss copy and give example - In my opinion,….. - I believe….. 2 . Explaining your opinion Firstly,…. Secondly,… 3 . Concludsing your opinion - In short,…… - For these reasons, - As I have noted,…. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can apply how to give an opinio n to complete the passage
- T has Ss cover the box and write 4 . Complete the following
some of these words/phrases on the paragraph with the words in purple
board. Ask Ss where in a paragraph box. Key:
they often see these words and what 1 . In my opinion,/ I believe
could be the purpose for using them. 2 . Firstly 3 . Secondly Ss complete the passage 4 . Besides/ Also / In addition
5. For these reasons/ In short / As I have noted
Activity 4. Further practice.
Goal: Help Ss know how to write a par agraph to discuss an opinion about leisure activities.
- T asks Ss to work individually to 5 . Write a short passage about
complete the task, and discuss their giving an opinion Sample:
answers with a partner. Remind Ss that Trang 20
for some gaps there is more than I believe the best leisure activity for one correct answer. Ss write
teenagers is any group activity. This
could be a hobby group or even volunteering.
Firstly, teenagers like to feel that they belong to a group.
Secondly, being part of a group helps
teenagers make friends. Friendships are very important to teenagers.
In addition to, they will make friends
with people who have the same interests as them.
For these reasons, I think group
activity is the best for teenagers. * Homework.
- Rewrite a short passage about giving an opinion about playing sports - Do exercises in Workbook.
- Prepare next lesson: Unit 1 - Looking back.
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 8: LOOKING BACK - PROJECT I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice vocabulary and grammar points they have learnt in this
unit. - Practice making communication. 1. Knowledge :
- Vocabulary: Vocabulary about leisure activities - Structure: Review
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Express their own leisure activities happily. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance. 2
. Checkup the old lesson Trang 21 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm up.
Goal: To warm up the class and lead in the new lesson
T lets them play game: fluency lines
* Game: fluency lines -
Divide the class into two lines Eg: - T asks Ss to ask how they
A: What do you do in your freetime?
spend their free time at home. - Time: B: I go out with my friends 3minutes
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Help Ss review some voca bularies about leisure activities
T asks Ss to complete this exercise I. Vocabulary. individually.
1 . Which one is the odd one out?
T asks them to give the answers and 1 . DJY explain their answers. 2 . hanging out
Ss complete this task individually. 3 . hospital Check and correct 4 . detest 5 . boring 6 . computer
T asks Ss to complete this exercise
2 . Rearrange the letters to find the individually.
name of the activities.
T asks them to give the answers and 1 . socializing with friends. explain their answers.
Ss complete this task individually. 4 . doing DJY Check and correct 2 . relaxing 5 . using computers
3 . communicating with friends 6 . making crafts Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help Ss review gerunds or to-infinitives. Trang 22
T asks Ss to work individually to II. Grammar complete the exercise.
Ss work individually to complete the
3 . Fill in the gaps with the correct exercise form of the verbs
- Share the answers with partners. Key :
T calls Ss to write the answers on board. 1 . working 2 . to learn / learning 3 . seeing 4 . doing
T has Ss complete the sentences 5 . meeting
using their own ideas. Remind them 6 . play
to use gerunds or to-infinitives.
4 . Complete the following sentences - Have some Ss read out their with your own ideas.
sentences. Accept all answers as long 1
. My best friend doesn’t mind as they make sense.
cooking and doing the housework.
Ss work individually to complete the 2
. Do you fancy making crafts in exercise and read the answers your free time? 3
. My father used to hate driving
in busy street but now he likes doing it. 4 . I love caring for trees and flowers in the garden. 5
. My cousin detests going out on - Ss work individually then cold days. compare with a partner.
5 . Choose the most suitable words / - After Ss have finished T may
phrases to fill the gaps.
explain to them that they can register as a Key: user on the website 1 . Firstly in order to be 2 . Secondly
protected when they go online. 3 . Thirdly 4 . In addition 5 . In short
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Help Ss talk about leisure ac tivities and join the leisure activity. -
Allow Ss plenty of time to do III. Communication
this task. For each activity they 6 . Choose from the leisure activities in
choose, they should be able to give this unit.
at least one reason that led them to
the decision. Then Ss work in pairs to exchange ideas. - T asks Ss to complete the
self-assessment. Have Ss discuss as a
class what difficulties remain and
what areas the Ss have mastered. - Provide further practice if neccessary. Trang 23 IV. Project - Divide Ss into groups of six.
Join our leisure activity. - Explain for Ss how to do the activity. - Ss present and promote their
activities. See how many classmates will
sign up to activity. (Ss can do at home if haven’t enough time) Homework.
- Complete the project of unit 1
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 2: Getting started.
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 9: Getting stared
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Listen and read for information about the topic “Life in the countryside”.
- Practice asking and answering with “Word questions?”. 1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: buffalo-drawn cart, ridden a cart, herd, envious, charades, whisper.
b. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside. II. Teaching aids:
1. Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance. 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
Activity 1. Warm- up:
Goal: To warm up and help Ss pay attention in the lesson. Trang 24
T introduces Nguyen and Nick.
T asks some questions and ask Ss to Questions:
guess where they are and what they 1
. What can you see in the picture? are doing. 2
. What do the farmers do? Ss answer the questions 3
. What do the children do? T introduces the new lesson
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss review vocabularies and r ead for information about the topic “Life in the countryside” 1 . Listen and read T presents some new words *New words: Ss copy and read buffalo-drawn cart: xe trâu
kéo ridden a cart: lái xe (trâu)
herd: chăn dắt envious: ghen
tị charades: đố chữ whisper: nói nhỏ
T plays the tape and Ss repeat
Some groups read the dialogue before the class.
T corrects their pronunciation and comments a. True or false.
T asks Ss to read again and do 1- T, 2- F, 3-F, 4-T, 5-T exercise a.
Ss do exercise individually and give the answers. T checks and corrects.
b. Answer the following questions
T asks the Ss to read again and
answer the questions in pairs. 1 . He is in the countryside. Ss practice. 2
. Right on his first day there.
T asks some pairs practice in front 3 . It’s big and colourful. of the class. 4 . His grandfather. Ss give the answers. 5 . Yes, he does.
T checks and corrects. (extra- board)
c. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
T asks Ss to complete the sentences *Key: with the words in the box 1 . colorful
Ss do exercise individually and give the answers. 2 . move slowly T checks and corrects. 3 . harvest time 4 . paddy field 5 . herding 6 . buffalo- drawn cart Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help Ss know more activitie s that children do in the countryside. Trang 25
2 . Match the activities with the
T asks the Ss to do exercise in pairs. pictures Ss do it.
T asks them to compare the answers 1 . e with the others. 2 . f Ss do it. 3 . a Ss give the answers. 4 . c T checks and corrects. 5 . d 6 . b
3 . Think of some more things that
T asks the Ss to think of some more children do in the countryside. things that children do in They climb trees. the countryside.
They go swimming in the river. Ss do it.
T asks them to compare the answers with the others. Ss do it. Ss give the answers. T checks and corrects.
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can talk about countr yside activities before the class
*Play game: Countryside charades T lets them play game:
This game can be done in groups of four
or six, or as a mingle activity. - One activity for one minute.
When the time is up and T calls ọut
'Change!', they will move one step to
the left/right to meet a new partner and talk about another activity. - Allow Ss some time to write
their sentences on a piece of paper,
share them with the class or group. * Homework.
- Do exercise 1,2 in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: A closer look 1.
- Write some activities that children do in the countryside
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 10: A closer look 1
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic of life in the countryside.
- Pronounce correctly words containing the clusters / bl/ and /cl/ . 1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: put up, hay, pole, camel, cattle, blackberries, block.
b. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv Trang 26
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside. II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board
2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance. 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: To help Ss to pa y attention in the lesson.
T calls two students go to the board 1 . Listen and repeat the words. and
Slow, colourful, friendly, hard, brave,
then plays the tape (three times)
boring, inconvenient, vast, peaceful,
Each student listens and write words nomadic.
The student which writes right words is the winner T introduces the lesson
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can pronounce correctly words c ontaining the clusters / bl/ and /cl/
and know some new words about the topic: “ Life in the countryside” Trang 27
T gives examples words containing 1 . Pronunciation
the clusters / bl/ and /cl/ Ss copy and read T plays the tape. Ss listen and repeat.
Ss read the words before the class.
Ex 5. Listen and repeat
T asks Ss to listen and complete the words they hear. Ss listen.
Ex 6. Listen then complete you hear
T asks some Ss to read the answers. Ss do it. T checks and corrects. * Keys 1 . blame. 2 . blast T plays the tape. 3 . blue Ss listen and repeat. 4 . clock 5 . close
Ex 7. Listen then repeat T introduces the new words. Ss listen and take notes. 2. Vocabulary put up: dựng hay: cỏ pole: cột camel: lạc đà cattle: gia súc blackberries: quả mâm xôi block: khóa Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can know more new words to discribe peple, life and scenery. Trang 28
T asks the Ss to put the words in 1 Ex2. Put the words in 1 into the into the appropriate category. appropriate category. (work in groups of 8.
People: friendly, nomadic, brave,
Ss do it in groups of 8. (studying- cards) boring, colorful.
T asks some Ss to give the answers.
Life: slow, colorful, hard, boring, Ss give the answers.
inconvenient, peaceful, nomadic
T checks and corrects. (extra- board)
Scenery: vast, colorful, peaceful.
T asks the Ss to do exercise in pairs.
Ex3. Match the nouns and noun Ss do it.
phrases with each verb.
T asks them to compare the answers with the others. * Keys Ss do it. Ride: a horse, a camel. Ss give the answers. Put up: a pole, a tent
T checks and corrects. (extra- board) Collect: water, hay
Herd: the buffaloes, the cattle Pick: wind flowers, apples
T asks the Ss to complete the
Ex4. Complete the sentences . sentences. ( work in groups of 4).
Ss do it in groups of 4. (studying- cards)
T asks some Ss to give the answers. * Keys Ss give the answers. 1 . picking
T checks and corrects. (extra- board) 2 . inconvenient/ collect 3 . herd 4 . ridden/ brave 5 . peaceful 6 . nomadic 7 . vast 8 . put up, hard.
Activity 4. F urther practice Goal:
Ss can use wo rds to apply in the life
T asks Ss to use the words to describe about countryside Ss work individually
* Homework. - Do exercise 1,2 in workbook. - Prepare A closer look 2. Trang 29
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 11: A closer look 2
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Review comparative form of adjectives.
- Use comparative form of manner. 1 . Knowledge:
a. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance. 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss review com parative form of adjectives. Write comparative of
T asks the Ss to do exercise. (Extra- form adjectives below. the board) Tall- Ss do it. Big- Good-
T asks some Ss to write their Expensive- answers at the board. Key:
Some Ss write, the others give comment. Tall- taller- tallest T checks and corrects. Big- bigger- biggest
Expensive- more expensive- most expensive T asks them to retell about
comparative form of adjectives. Ss do it. T introduces the lesson
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can know how to us e comparative form of manner Trang 30
T introduces the comparative form of
1 . Comparative form of manner. manner
1. Adverb ending in -ly : more/ less+ Ss take notes.
adverb + than 2. Adverb + er: is the
form of comparative for adverbs of manner with the same form as adjectives Fast- faster Early- earlier Late – later Hard -harder 3. Some irregular forms well- better badly- worse Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help Ss do exercise abou t comparative form of adjectives.
T asks the Ss to do exercise. 2 . Exercise Ss do it.
Ex 1: Complete the passage.
T asks some Ss to compare their answers with their partner. Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read their answers. Some Ss read * Keys T checks and corrects. 1 .higher 2 . easier 3 . better 4 . more exciting 5 . more convenient 6 . happier 7 . more friendly 8 . fast 9 . safer 10 . best
Ex 2. Complete the sentences with
suitable comparative forms
Trang 31
T asks Ss to complete the sentences 1 . more slowly
with suitable comparative forms 2 . more soundly
Ss work in dividually and share their 3 . less traditionally answers 4 . more generously T corrects 5 . more healthily
Ex 3. Finish the sentences below with a
suitable comparative form.

T asks the Ss to do exercise in pairs. Ss do it.
T asks them to compare the answers * Keys with the others. 1 . better Ss do it. 2 . faster Ss give the answers. 3 . later
T checks and corrects. (extra- board) 4 . harder 5 . worse 6 . earlier
Ex 4. Underline the correct comparative forms. 1 . more optimistically
T asks the Ss to complete the 2 . Popularly sentences. 3 . less densely populated ( work in groups of 4). 4 . more quickly
Ss do it in groups of 4. (studying- cards)
T asks some Ss to give the answers. 5 . more easily Ss give the answers. 6 . better
T checks and corrects. (extra- board)
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can use comparative for m of manner to answer the questions
T asks the Ss to write the answer for the 5 . Write the answer for the questions questions below. below. Ss do it. 1 . The countryside is more
T asks some Ss to compare the peaceful. / The countryside is more answers with their friends. peaceful than the city. Ss do it. 2. A computer works faster at Ss give the answers.
calculus. / A computer works faster at T checks and corrects. calculus than a human being. 3.
Life in a remote area is harder. /
Life in a remote area is harder than that in a modern town. 4 . Ho Chi Minh City is more
expensive. / Ho Chi Minh City is more expensive than Hue. 5
. Animals can smell better than human beings.
* Homework. - Do exercise 5 in workbook.
- Make 10 sentences with the comparative
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 1. Trang 32
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 12: Communication
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : -
Read about lifestyle in the countryside through visitors’ eyes. -
Talk their opinion about the benefits of the countryside 1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: Disturbing; beehives; vast; excite
b. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents Activity . War 1 m- up Goal: To help Ss to p ay attention in the lesson. T asks Ss to talk about the
activities in the countryside. Ss do it. T corrects and remarks
Activity 2. Presentation. Goal: Help Ss know more about vocabularies.
1 . Read the posts on “Holiday in the Countryside”. Trang 33
T asks Ss to read some online
posts from people all over the
world. Elicit from the Ss where
these people live. Then ask Ss to
check that everybody understands Extra vocabulary
the meaning of vocabulary and each Disturbing: phiền hà post before moving on. Beehives: tổ ong Vast: không gian Ss take notes.
Excite: hào hứng, thích thú *Question s:
T asks Ss some qs to make sure that - What could Dennis do? they understand the posts. -
Is this the most interesting vacation
Julie has ever had? What did she do? -
Why can’t Phirun stay in the countryside any longer? -
Why will Lan always remember her trip to the countryside? - How does Bob feel about the countryside? Activity 3. Practice.
Goal: Ss can understand th
e conversation and do exercise T asks Ss to do exercise.
2 . Tick (v) the appropriate box. Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to compare their Neutral Negative answers with their partner. Positive Ss do it. Dennis ✔
T asks some Ss to read their answers. Some Ss read Julie ✔ T checks and corrects. Phirun ✔ Yumi ✔ Emi ✔ Lan ✔ Bob ✔ Key:
T asks Ss reply to the posts in 1 Ss talk Eg: T corrects and mistakes
@Bob: In my opinion, the countryside has
benefits that a boring person would never discover. Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Help the Ss talk their opinio
n about the benefits of the countryside. + Groupwork
- Divide the class into two groups. Trang 34 -
Write about the benefits of the
Eg: It is very peaceful and quiet as countryside
there are no traffic jams. The country - The
group which write right is less polluted. you don't need to sentence is the winner
worry about your health condition, so
the air is fresh, and water is clean.
T asks students to practise speaking
about their opinion about the benefits of the countryside Ss: Practice T gives some advices for
students. They should have aware of
protecting the environment of the countryside. * Homework.
- Write their opinion about the benefits of the countryside - Do exercise 5 in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 1.
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 13: Skills 1
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : -
Read for specific information about an unusual lifestyle in the countryside. -
Talk about what they like or dislike about nomadic life and the
countryside. 1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: nomadic life, pasture, grassland, ger, circular
b. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some nomadic activities. II. Teaching aids: Trang 35 1
. Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: To warm up the clas s and lead in the new lesson
T asks the Ss to talk about nomadic life.
Ask Ss to look at the picture on your
book and say what they see in the picture. Ss do it.
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can know more vocabulary word s about the Nomadic life on the Gobi
highlands’, then read and answer question s. * Vocabulary T presents vocabulary. - nomads (n): - nomadic (adj):
- Checking vocab: Rub out and - ger (n): Remember - pastures (n):
T asks Ss to read the headings first and
1. Read and choose the most suitable
make sure they understand their
heading for each paragraph.
meanings. They then read each part of
the passage and choose the correct * Keys heading for it. 1
. B. The importance of cattle to
T checks the answers as a class. the nomads 2 . C. The nomads’ home 3
. A. Nomadic children’s lives
T asks Ss to read the passage again and
underline the words (1-5) in the passage. 2 . Match.
They then try to guess the meanings of Key:
these words, based on the context. Ss 1 . b 2.d 3. e 4. a 5. c
complete the exercise independently. ( Extra- board)
T asks them to read and choose the best 3 . Read again and choose the best answer answer A, B, C or D.
T guides Ss to look for keywords which Key:
can help them find the part of the passage 1 . A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. D
where the information for the answers is given. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can ask and answer about what they like or dislike about nomadic life and the cou ntryside Trang 36 4 . Work in pairs.
T asks the Ss to talk about what they like Example:
or dislike about their nomadic life.
A: What do you like about their Ss practice in pairs nomadic life? T corrects and remarks
B: Well, the children learn to ride a horse.
A: And what don’t you like about it?
B: They can’t live permanently in one place.
T asks the Ss to talk about what they like 5 . Work in pairs.
or dislike about life in the countryside.
A: What do you like about the life in the Ss practice in pairs. countryside?
T asks some Ss to practice in front of B: The air is fresh…. the class. T checks and corrects.
Activity 4 . Further practice.
Goal: Ss can talk about what they like or dislike about nomadic life and the countryside Eg:
T asks Ss to report their findings to the
Both of us love picking fruit in the class.
summer. It can be hard work but very Ss talk satisfying. T corrects and mistakes * Homework. - Do exercise 5 in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 2.
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 14: Skills 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Listen for specific information about changes in the countryside.
- Write a short paragraph about changes in the countryside. 1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: brick houses, earthen
b. Grammar: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some nomadic activities. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan, extra-board 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents Trang 37 Activit y 1. Warm- up Goal: Help S s attend to the lesson. + Groupwork - Divided the class into two In the past Now
groups. - Put the phrases into the corect column. - use oil lamp - Use electric - Call each group go to the - ride a horse light board and write. - walk to - travel by -
The group which write right work - live in motobikes sentence is the winner earthern house. - live in a - live far from brick house school - Use electric -
play with the fan, air-conditioner. nature - live near school - play video
T: In the past, means of transports is games
animal such as: horse, buffaloes… - have TV
Now they travel by motobikes and
cars. Now, we don’t use oil lamps
any more. We have electric lights. T introduces the lesson
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss listen to the information about changes in the countryside and do exercises Trang 38
T asks students to listen to the tape 1- LISTENING
and tick the changes he mentions. T
calls one to read all of the sentences before the class. T plays the tape twice.
Ss do it then answer the question in speaking. T gives the key.
Ex 1. Listen and tick(v) the change he A. the roads in the village
B. electrical appliances in the homes v C. means of transport
T asks them to read the sentences v and guess: True or False. T plays the tape again. D. entertainment Ss listen and do exercise. T gives the key. E. school v F. visitors v mentions.
T asks students to listen again
and answer the questions. Ss listen and answer
Ex2. Listen again and say if the sentences
are true (T) or false (F).

1 – F ; 2 – T ; 3 – F ; 4 – T ; 5 – T
Ex 3. Listen again and answer the
questions no more than Four words.
1. His parents.
2. Life outside their village.
3. Nearby the village / Near the village. 4. A nomadic life.
Activi ty 3. Practice.
Goal: Ss can write ab out the changes in their village. Trang 39 2 . WRITING
Eg: My hometown has some changes. -
They have a better life because they
T asks Ss to write some changes in
have electricity, TV, hospital, school supply. the village. -
There are good places for children to Ss write play. T corrects the mistakes
Eg: a park, stadium, entertainment center... -
They travel to work by car… - The roads are widened
Activity 4. Further practice.
Goal: Ss can talk about the changes in their village.
Eg: I am going to tell you about the changes
T asks some students to talk some in their village. changes in the village.
Ss talk some changes in the village. T corrects the mistakes * Homework.
- Talk and write about the changes in their village
- Prepare for the next lesson: Looking back & Project
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 15: Looking back - Project
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice vocabulary and grammar points they have learnt in this
unit. - Practice making communication, project. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about the countryside.
b. Grammar: Review comparatives.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance Trang 40 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3. New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss att end to the lesson. T: Ask some students: - What do you like about the
life in your countryside? Why? - What do you dislike about the
life in your countryside? Why? Ss: Answer the questions
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can use some vocabularie s to describe life in the countryside
T asks Ss to complete this exercise I. Vocabulary independently. 1
. Use the words and phrases in
Ss complete this exercise independently
the box to describe the pictures. T checks the answers. Key:
Picture a: peaceful, vast, quiet, pasture, paddy field
Picture b: quiet, colourful, paddy field, harvest time, rice
T asks Ss to look at each picture, then at
Picture c: peaceful, vast, quiet, nomadic
the verb that goes with it. Ss write the
life, inconvenient, ger, pasture, cattle,
sentences in their full forms. horses
Ss look at each picture, and write the 2
. Look at each picture and write
sentences in their full forms.
a sentence describing what each person
T goes round while Ss are writing and is doing.
helps them with any difficulties. When Ss Suggested answers:
have finished, T can choose some 1 . A boy is riding a horse.
sentences and asks Ss to write them on the 2 . A man is herding his board.
cattle/sheep. 3 . A girl is picking apples
T gives feedback. If a sentence is (from an apple tree)
incorrect, ask Ss to correct it. 4 . A boy is flying a kite. 5
. The children are running around in the fields/ countryside. 6 . A woman is collecting water from the river. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can use comparative forms of adverbs of mannner
T asks students to complete the sentences, II. Grammar
using suitable comparative forms of the
3. Look at the pictures and complete adverbs in brackets
the sentences, using suitable Trang 41
Ss complete this task independently.
comparative forms of the adverbs in
They can then exchange their answers brackets. with a partner. T checks as a class. Key: 1 . faster than 2 . earlier than 3 . better − than
T asks Ss to read the situations carefully 4 . more skillfully than
and decide which two things are being 5 . more beautifully − than
compared. Ss may refer to the completed 4 . Read the situations and complete the
sentences in 3 as a guide for this sentence sentences with suitable forms of the completion. adverbs in bracket.
Ss complete the exercise independently
and then compare their answers with a partner. T corrects. * Key: 1 . … faster than a camel. 2
.… more happily than those in the
city. 3 .… more heavily on the weather
than people in many other jobs. 4 . … worse than I do.
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Ss can practice maki ng plan to the countryside.
Ss can draw a picture of their c ountry and describe it on paper.
T asks students to work in groups and III. Communication
talk about the activities during the trip to 5 . Work in groups. the countryside
Ss work in groups. They take turns to ask You are planning a trip to the
the questions and note down the answers. countryside. + Groupwork -
Divided the class into four groups.
- Members in each group will ask and
answer: What will we do during the trip Eg: to the countryside?
- What will you do during the trip to the - Other members take note the countryside?
answers - Each group gives 10 activities + We will go swimming.
which they do during the trip to the + We will go fishing
countryside - When finishing, groups …
will talk about activities during the trip to the countryside
T explains for Ss how to do the activity. Ss listen IV. Project
T asks them to complete at home. Check 15 minutes Code 1
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts)
1 . Tom runs (fast)…………… than me. Trang 42 2
. A car is (convenient)…………………………. than a bike. 3
. This test is (difficult) ……………………….I have done. 4
. I learn math (badly) ……………………….than English. II. Complete the sentences. (4points) horse cattle fields friendly 1
. I love the people in my village. They are so ………………..and hospitable. 2
. I like riding ……………………………….. 3
. Mr.John is herding his …………………….. 4
. The children are running around in the …………………..
III. Write 2 sentences about what you like or don’t like about their life in the country. (2pts) Code 2
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts)
1 . Tom runs (slow)…………… than me. 2
. This car is (expensive)…………………………. than that car. 3
. Hoa is (beautiful)……………………… my class. 4
. Math isn’t as (easy)………………… English. II. Complete the sentences. (4pts) horse kite pastures vast 1
. I love the ………………… on starry nights. It looks fantastic. 2
. Riding a……………………is a difficult sport. 3
. A boy is flying a ………………………….. 4
. They have to move in order to look for new…………………..for their cattle
III. Write 2 sentences about what you like or don’t like about their life in the country. (2pts) Code 3
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts) 1 .
She plays the piano (regularly)………………… than her friends. 2
. A village is much (small) ……………….than a city. 3
. Which one is (noisy) ……………….., the city or the countryside? 4
. Hoang is (good)………………….. student in his class. II. Complete the sentences. (4pts) horse vast cattle ger 1
. They live in a ……………., their traditional circular tent. 2
. Nomadic child can ride a ………………….. 3
. They have to move in order to look for new pastures for their ………….. 4 .
I love the ………………… on starry nights. It looks fantastic.
III. Write 2 sentences about what you like or don’t like about their life in
the country. (2pts) * Key: Code 1
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts) 1 . faster 2 . more convenient
3 . the most difficult 4 . worse
II. Complete the sentences. (4points) 1 . friendly 2 . horse 3 . cattle 4 . fields Code 2
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts) 1 . slower
2 . more expensive 3 . the most beautiful 4 . easy
II. Complete the sentences. (4pts) Trang 43 1 . vast 2 . horse 3 . kite 4 . pastures Code 3
I. Supply the correct form of adjectives in brackets. (4 pts) 1 . more regularly 2 . smaller 3 . noisier 4 . the best
II. Complete the sentences. (4pts) 1 . ger 2 . horse 3 . cattle 4 . vast
( Code1, 2,3 )III. Write 2 sentences about what you like or don’t like about
their life in the country. (2pts) Ss’ sentences * Homework: - Complete the project.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 3: Getting started.
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: -
Use the lexical items related to the topic peoples of Viet Nam. -
Interact a conversation about different ethnic groups of Viet Nam and
talk about their ways of life. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to peoples of Viet Nam
b. Grammar: Review questions.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson Trang 44
Teacher ’s and students The main contents activities Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the class and lead in the lesson + Groupwork * Crossword puzzle. - Review the previous unit by
Solve the crossword puzzle below.
asking Ss to solve a crossword puzzle.
1 . I like to ____buffaloes in the pastures. 2
- Tell Ss that the red word is the
. The farmers are very busy during harvest keyword of the new lesson. _______. -
Divide the class into 6 teams. - 3
. Have you ever ridden a _______?
Each team takes turns to solve the
You have to be brave to do it. puzzle. 4
. People in the countryside are often - The game finishes when a open and _______. student guesses the red word 5
. _______was loaded onto a cart correctly. and transported home. 6 . I think _______life is more interesting than city life. H E R D T I M E H O R S E F R I E N D L Y R I C E C O U N T R Y
- Write the unit title on the board. Write
the words/ phrases ‘ethnic’,
‘ethnology’, ‘ethnic groups’, and ask Ss to guess their meaning.
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help students know so me vocabularies and do exercises. Trang 45
T asks Ss to look at the title of the 1 . Listen and read
conversation and the picture and ask
some questions about what they are going to read. -
What can you see in the picture? - Do you know these characters? - Where are they now? -
What are they talking about? Ss
answer the questions T plays the recording.
Ss listen and repeat then check the guessing.
T uses the different techniques to teach vocab * Vocabulary.
Ss:- Repeat in chorus and individually - cu rious (a) - Copy all the words - ac count for (v) - e thnic (a) - mi nor ity (n) - re gion (n) - cus tom (n) - awe some (a) - ter raced field (n) - he ritage site (n)
a. Find the opposite of these words in the
T asks Ss to read the conversation conversation.
again and do the exercise in pairs. Key: 1 . interesting
Ss work individually to answer the
questions. Ss compare answers with 2 . largest
a partner and then discuss as a class. 3 . minority 4 . southern T corrects the answers.
T writes the correct answers on the b. Read the conversation again and board. answer the questions. Key:
1 . They are in the Museum of Ethnology.
2 . They want to know about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
3 . There are 54 (ethnic groups). Trang 46
4 . The Viet (or Kinh) have the
largest population. 5 . Yes, they do.
c. Find the following expressions in
T tells Ss to refer back to the the conversation Key:
conversation to find the expressions. 1
. Used as a reply, agreeing with what
Together with Ss, elicit the meaning sb has just said, or emphasizing that it is
of these four expressions. Then give correct
examples. For more able classes, 2
. How+ adj/ adv: used to show a
have Ss provide the examples of strong reaction to sth
when these expressions would be 3
. Used to show you understand what used. someone said 4 . Used to show that you think something is great d. Work in pairs.
T asks Ss to role-play the example
conversation in pairs before creating
their short role-plays. More able Ss
can try to extend the conversation.
T encourages Ss to use How+ as many adjectives as possible.
T helps Ss distinguish the two words.
‘people’ is used as the plural of
‘person’ to refer to men, women, and
children ‘peoples’: ethnic groups of
people who belong to a particular country, race, or area. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can know and use more words r elated to the topic “People of Viet Nam”.
T asks Ss to work in pairs and label
2 . Use the words and phrases in the box
each picture. Then let Ss read each
to label each picture.
word/ phrase correctly. Check and Key : correct their pronunciation. 1 . five-coloured sticky rice 2 . terraced fields 3 . festival 4 . folk dance 5 . open-air market 6 . musical instrument 7 . costume 8 . stilt house
3 . Complete the following sentences with
the words and phrases in the box.
T asks Ss to do the task by themselves. 1 . ethnic
After that they swap their answers with 2 . heritage site a partner. 3 . stilt houses T corrects as a class. 4 . festivals
Then let them repeat the words/ 5 . member phrases in chorus. 6 . terraced fields Trang 47
Activity 4. Further practice
Goal: Interact a conversation about di
fferent ethnic groups of Viet Nam and talk about thei r ways of life. - Review Wh-question. 4 . Ask and answer.
T asks Ss to ask and answer, using Key:
these cues. Ss work in pairs to ask and 1
. Which ethnic group has the smallest answer the qs. population? T gives correction. 2 . Do the Hmong have their own
T may call on some pairs to talk language? before the class. 3 . Where do the Coho live? 4
. What colour is the Nung’s clothing?
5 . Which group has a larger population, the Tay or the Thai?
6 . Whose arts are displayed at a museum in Da Nang? * Homework.
- Talk about different ethnic groups of Viet Nam and talk about their ways of life. - Learn new words.
- Prepare for the next lesson: A closer look 1
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 17: A CLOSER LOOK 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practise vocabulary related to the topic "cultural groups of Viet Nam".
- Practise how to pronounce words containing clustes /sk/,/sp/, and /st/. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to cultural groups of Viet Nam.
b. Pronunciation: /sk/,/sp/, and /st/.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the class and lead in the new lesson Trang 48
T asks Ss to write the vocabularies Ss write
T asks Ss to talk about different ethnic
groups of Viet Nam and talk about their ways of life. Ss talk
T asks Ss to brainstorm the names of the
ethnic groups they know, where they
live, their costumes, their way of life, culture, folk songs …
- Encourage them to guess and call out as many words as possible
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Students can practise vocabulary re lated to the topic "cultural groups of Viet Nam" and do exercise I. Vocabulary:
T uses different techniques to teach - de ve loped (a)
vocabulary (situation, realia) - insig ni ficant (a) Ss copy and read - com plicated (a) - ma jor (a) - mi nor (a) - ba sic (a)
Ex 1. Match the adjectives in A with
T explains and gives examples of their opposites in B.
adjectives. Ask Ss to give some more. Key:
Ss work in pairs to match the adjectives 1 . d 2. c 3. g with their opposites. 4 . a 5. f 6. e 7. b Trang 49
T elicits the answers from the class.
Ex 2. Use some words from 1 to complete the sentences. Key:
T asks Ss to work individually to do the 1 . written
task. Some Ss may write the answers on
the board. Check their answers. 2 . traditional 3 . important 4 . simple, basic 5 . rich
3 . Work in pairs. Discuss what the
T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss
word is for each picture. The first and
what the word is for each picture. Check last letters of each word are given.
the answers with the class. For more able Key:
Ss, ask them to give other words they 1 . ceremony
know which are related to the life of 2 . pagoda ethnic minority people. 3 . temple (Ly Son) 4 . waterwheel (in the north) 5 . shawl (of the Thai women) 6 . basket (of the Sedang) Activity 3 . Practice
Goal: Help students know how to prono unce words containing clustes /sk/, /sp/, and /st/. II, Pronunciation:
Clusters: /sk/, /sp/ and /st/
T plays the recording and Ss repeat.
4 . Listen and repeat the
T may pause the recording to drill following words.
difficult items. Play the recording as
many times as necessary. Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
5 . Listen again and put them in the
right column according to their sounds.
T plays the recording again. Key:
Ss listen carefully and put the words in /sk/ /sp/ /st/
the right columns. Note that ‘school’
may cause some confusion because the skateboard Speech Stamp
sounds of /sk/ are spelled with the letters ‘sch’. School Display First
T asks Ss to give other words which contain these clusters. Basket Crisp Station task Space Instead
6. Listen and read the following
sentences. Then underline the words

T plays the recording two or three times with the sounds /sk/, /sp/, or /st/.
( or more if necessary). Help Ss recognize Key:
all the words with /sk/, /sp/, or /st/, then 1
. The Hmong people I met in Sa Trang 50 underline them as assigned. Pa speak English very well. 2 . You should go out to play instead of staying here. 3
. This local speciality is not very
spicy . 4 . Many ethnic minority students
are studying at boarding schools.
5. Most children in far-away villages can get some schooling .
Activity 4. Production
Goal: Ss can listen and pronounce wo rds containing clustes /sk/, /sp/, and /st/. Play game: Play game: -
Divide the class into two teams. -
Ask Ss to find some more words
that have these clusters: /sk/, /sp/, and
/st/. - The team which find the most words is the winner. * Homework:
- Practice vocabulary and pronunciation again.
- Prepare for the next lesson: A closer look 2
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 18: A CLOSER LOOK 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic "cultural groups of Viet Nam".
- Review different question types to ask and answer about ethnic people in Viet Nam.
- Use articles: a, an, the
- Practice doing exercises with Questions and articles. 1 . Knowledge : a. Vocabulary: Review
b. Grammar: Review Questions and articles.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam. II. Teaching aids:
1. Materials: Text book, plan
2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm up Trang 51
Goal: To warm up the clas s and lead in the lesson
T asks some questions about Yes/No * Questions: review questions and Wh-questions. Take note. Ss answer
T asks students to practice some
questions Ss practise all types of
questions and question words they have learned so far.
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Ss can review different question ty pes and how to use articles: “ a, an, the” 1
. Questions words : who,
T asks Ss to retell the different question when, where, why… types Ss retell T takes notes on the board T gives some example Ss gives examples T corrects 2
. Articles: “ a, an, the” Eg:
T explains the uses of the articles,and A lion lives in the jungles gives examples. Ss copy
T checks Ss’ understanding of the
usage, ask Ss to make other example
sentences using the articles in the same way. Ss give examples Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help Ss review different question
types to ask and answer about
ethnic people in Viet Nam and use articl es: “ a, an, the” to do exercise 1 . Read the passage.
T gives Ss about five minutes to read the passage. Ss read the passage
T calls on some Ss to read aloud to the
class. Correct their pronunciation, Trang 52
intonation and stress, and give explanation 2 . Now write questions for these if necessary. answers. Suggested answers:
T asks Ss to work in groups or in pairs 1 . Who is living in the house?
and write questions for the answers given. 2 . How many children do they
To check the work, have some Ss come have?
up and write their questions on the board. 3 . Do the grandparents stay at
Accept all question variations that are home? grammatically correct. 4 . How often does Mrs Pha go Ss practice in pairs
shopping? 5 . How far is Vang’s
boarding school?/ How far is the town? 6 . When does Vang go home (every week)? 7 . How do they live? 8
. Would they like to live (in a modern flat) in the city?
T asks Ss to work individually to complete the task.
3 . Complete the questions using the right question words.
Ss do and compare their answers with a partner. Key: 1 . Who 2 . Which 3 . Which 4 . Which 5 . What
T lets Ss work in pairs. This should be a
4 . Work in pairs. Make questions and
speaking activity, so encourage Ss to talk answer them.
with fluency and accuracy, and as naturally as possible. Questions:
- While Ss do their task, T goes around to 1
. Who does the shopping in your monitor the whole class. family? 2 . Who is the principal of our
school? 3 . Which subject do you like better, English or math? 4 . What is the most important festival in Viet Nam? 5
. Which ethnic group has a larger
population, the Khmer or the Cham? Answers: 1-2-3: ( Ss’ own answers) 4 . The Lunar New Year 5 . The Khmer: 1,260,600 (The Cham:
T asks Ss to work individually to do the 161,700)
task. Then Ss swap their books with a
5 . Underline the correct article to finish the sentences. Key: Trang 53
partner to check the answers. Finally check 1 . a the answers as a class. 2 . the
- Discuss the reasons for the article usage 3 . The in each sentence. 4 . the 5 . the 6 . a
Activity 4. Furt her practice
Goal: Ss can understand clea rly how to use “ a, an, the”
T has Ss read the passage without paying 6 . Insert a, an or the in each gap
attention to the blanks. Then as a class,
to finish the passage. Key:
check any unfamiliar vocabulary so that 1 . a
everybody understands the meaning of the 2 . a/ the
passage. Now focus on the grammar point. 3 . The
Ss work individually to do the task. T 4 . an/ the
asks some Ss to read the passage sentence 5 . the by sentence. 6 . an T corrects as a class.
Ss discuss the reasons for the article usage. * Homework
- Practice grammar: use of articles, questions and
answers - Prepare for the next lesson: Communication.
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 19: COMMUNICATION I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about the
ethnic groups of Viet Nam and talk about them. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Extra vocabulary about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson Trang 54 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the cla ss and lead in the lesson
1 . Quiz: Work in pairs
T explains to Ss that they are going to
read about some information which write
about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
Ss cover the text and do the task. T gives the comment and key. Key:
Ss work in pairs to do the quiz. 1 . B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5.C 6. A
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Help students know more ab out the ethnic groups of Viet Nam
2 . Where do these ethnic groups
T asks students to work in pairs or mainly live?
small groups to complete the table. Ss
+ Northwest region: Viet, Hmong, Lao
work in pairs or small groups to complete the table.
+ Northeast region: Viet, Hmong, Nung,
T asks them to read the task before the Tay class
Ss read the task before the class.
+ The central Highlands: Viet, Bahnar, T corrects and remarks Brau, Ede, Giarai, Sedang
+ Mekong River Delta: Viet, Cham, Khmer
T encourages them to add other ethnic + Red River Delta: Viet
groups they know of to the list. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can talk about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam
3. Talk about the ethnic groups of Viet
T asks Ss to choose the ethnic groups to Nam . talk about - location Ss talk - food T corrects the mistakes - lifestyle - festivals + Groupwork Eg: -
Devided the class into 4 groups
In a small village in the North, there is a -
Each group talk about an ethnic
stilt house. In the house, a Tay family are group living together …. ( Tay, Dao, Mong, Nung) -
Talk about in relation to these groups.
Elicit these subjects if possible: ( location
- lifestyle – costumes - foods - festivals/
ceremonies - marriage/ weddings…) -
Give Ss time to prepare, and then let them talk in groups Trang 55
Activity 4. Fur ther practice
Goal: Ss can know how to protect the tradi
tional and have of responsibilities
with ethnic groups of Viet Nam
T advices students that they should
protect the traditional and have of
responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam
Ss listen and give some ways to preseve the traditions * Homework
- Write about the ethnic groups of Viet
Nam - Learn new words/ workbook: C.
Speaking - Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 1.
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 20: SKILLS 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Read a passage for specific information about the life of Thai people.
- Speak about the life of ethnic groups 1. Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about the life of ethnic groups.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the clas s and lead in the lesson Trang 56
T asks Ss to talk about the ethnic groups of
* Talk about the ethnic groups of Viet
Viet Nam (location, food, lifestyle, Nam festivals) - location Ss talk - food T introduces the lesson - lifestyle - festivals
Activity 2. Pr esentation
Goal: Ss can understand the contents of the text they will read and know more vocabular y words
T asks Ss two questions about Thai group. 1 . Read the text. -
Give Ss time to discuss the two
questions in pairs and then as a class. 1
. Where do the Thai people live?
Encourage Ss to make guesses if they are 2 . What is their population? not sure.
Ss discuss the questions and give results.
T asks Ss to read the text and underline
any words they don’t know. T may let Ss
read in chorus once. Then, call on some
individuals to read aloud to the class. - Check their pronunciation and
intonation. - Explain the new words and clarify anything difficult. - Check the two answers above. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students understand the reading and do exercise
T asks Ss to read the passage again and do 2 . Complete each sentence, using a the task. word from the text.
T checks the answers as a class. Key: 1 . farmers 2 . bamboo 3 . stilt 4 . songs 5 . ceremonies
3 . Answer the questions.
T asks Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions. Key:
Ss can ask and answer in pairs. 1 . Yes, they do.
T checks the answers as a class. 2 . Their main food is rice. 3 . It is well-known for being unique, colourful and strong. 4 .Thai women do. 5
. They worship their ancestors.
Activity 4. Furt her practice
Goal: Help students speak about the life
of ethnic groups and their own ethnic grou p. Trang 57 * Groupwork 4
. Read some facts about the -
Divide the class into two groups. - Bru-Van Kieu people and the Khmer
Each preparing to talk about one ethnic
people. Work in groups. Choose one group.
of the two ethnic groups and talk -
Ss may work in pairs; each of them about it. talks about one ethnic group. - T goes around to assist if
necessary. Then ask some volunteers to
present to the rest of the class. -
Let Ss talk about their own ethnic 5
. Talk about YOUR own ethnic
group. - T asks them to focus on one or group.
two aspects such as clothing, food, ways
of living, customs and traditions, festivals, beliefs, etc. - T encourages Ss to talk about
changes in the life of their people over time. * Homework:
- Practice talking about the life of ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 2
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 21: SKILLS 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Listen to get specific information about a traditional
dish. - Write the recipe for a traditional dish. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about the dish.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence .
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the cl ass and lead in the lesson Trang 58 *Chatting
T asks Ss to discuss the two Answer the questions.
questions in pairs. Then tell Ss to 1 . Do you like sticky rice?
look at the picture and say what they 2
. When do we traditionally have
know about that dish. Ss discuss the sticky rice? questions and give results.
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Help students listen to a t raditional dish and do exercise
T plays the recording once or twice. Ask I. Listening
Ss to listen carefully and tick True or
2 . Listen to the passage and tick (9)
False according to what they hear in the
true (T) or false (F). passage. Key: Ss work individually 1 . T 2.F 3. T 4. F 5. F T corrects and remarks T plays the recording again.
3 . Listen again and complete the
Ss write down the words as they listen. sentences.
T plays the recording again for them to Key: check. 1 . mountainous T corrects as a class. 2 . purple/black 3 . natural 4 . plants 5 . ceremonies Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students know the recipe for a traditional dish II. Writing
T asks Ss to read the notes carefully. T
4 . How to make yellow sticky rice
has Ss write full sentences to show the
first/ firstly, second/ secondly, …
steps to cook the rice. Make sure that
they use proper connectors first/ firstly,
second/ secondly, … and pay attention to spelling and punctuation.
T asks Ss to read How to make yellow sticky rice Ss read
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Help students write th e recipe for a traditional dish
T ask Ss to write a paragraph (in the
Sample cooking steps:
form of a letter to a pen friend, for
This delicious dish is really easy to
example). T may collect some Ss’
make. First, you need to soak the sticky
writing papers and mark them, then give rice in water for at least five hours. Then comments to the class.
rinse the rice and drain it well. Next, add
the turmeric extract and mix it well.
Then wait for 10 minutes. After that, add
the coconut and salt. Remember to mix
it well. Finally, steam the rice for about
30 minutes. Check that it is fully
cooked. You can serve this dish with Trang 59 chicken. * Homework
- Write the recipe for a traditional dish - Do exercises in Workbook.
- Prepare next lesson: Looking back - Project.
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice vocabulary and grammar points they have learnt in this unit.
- Practice making communication, project. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about the life of ethnic groups.
b. Grammar: Review Questions and articles.
2. Competences : Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and
communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of responsibilities with ethnic groups of Viet Nam. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson Trang 60
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the cl ass and lead in the lesson
T gives some photos about some
ethnic groups (eg: stilt house,
clothes,…) Ss guess them belong to ethnic groups
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Help students review some voc abularies they have learnt in this unit I. Vocabulary
T lets Ss repeat the words as a class to
1. Complete the sentences with the practise pronunciation.
words/ phrases from the box.
- Next, Ss can complete this exercise Key:
individually. Less advanced classes can 1 .cultural groups
complete this exercise in pairs. 2 . communal, activities 3 . costumes, diverse
Ss can do the exercise by themselves or 4 . ethnic in pairs. 5 . unique T corrects as a class. T asks Ss to do exercise 2. Ss work individually
2 . Use the correct form of the words
in brackets to fi nish the sentences.

- After that let some Ss read the Key: sentences aloud. 1 . cultural 2 . peaceful 3 . richness 4 . diversity 5 . traditional Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students review the g rammar: a, an, the and questions Trang 61 II. Grammar
T lets Ss read the passage aloud. Clarify 3 . Make questions for the underlined any difficulties. parts in the passage.
Ss do the exercise in pairs or Key: individually 1
.What are these houses built on? 2 . Where is the entrance? 3 . Which house is the largest,
tallest and most elaborate building in the village? 4 . What is it used for? 5
. Who can sleep in this house? 4 .
Each sentence has an error. Find and
T tells Ss to read the sentences carefully correct it.
and try to find the error relating to Key: articles in each sentence. 1 . a -> the
Ss can work in pairs or individually. 2 . a -> the 3 . an -> the 4
. the semi-nomadic life -> a semi-nomadic life 5 . an -> the
T asks Ss to complete this task
5 . Fill each gap with a, an,or theto individually. complete the passage. T gives correction. Key:
1 . an 2. a 3. the 4. the 5. the 6. the
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Help students talk about t he cultural groups of Viet Nam III. Communication
T asks Ss to work in pairs. Let them 6 . Game:
recall what they have learnt about the
Cultural Knowledge Challenge cultural groups of Viet Nam. Example:
Ss take turns to ask each other questions A: Are you ready?
about the topic. The person asking can B:Yes. look at the book.
A: What is the population of the largest -
The first person to get five correct ethnic group? answers is the winner.
B: About 74 million. It’s the Viet or -
If time allows, Ss switch partners Kinh. and play again. A: Very good! Your turn.
B: OK. What is the population of the smallest group?
A: I think it’s the Odu group. B: Exactly! - Ask Ss to complete the self-
assessment. Discuss as a class what
difficulties remain and what areas Ss
have mastered. - Provide further practice
on the weak areas of the class.
Activity 5 . Production
Goal: Ss can know how to do the project Trang 62 - Guide students design
more about costume of ethnic group . - Encourage them to use imagination and make
their own costume designs at home,
and with the materials available. - Help Ss organise an
exhibition of the costume designs they
have made among the group or class members. (next week) - Let them talk about their designs. - Tell them to be creative. * Homework: - Complete the project.
- Prepare next lesson: Review 1.
Date of teaching: 8A………………. 8 B………………..
Period 23: REVIEW 1 (LANGUAGE)
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: -
Review pronunciation, vocabulary and the grammar points they have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3. -
Practice making everyday English. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Review the vocabulary they have learnt in Unit 1,2,3.
b. Grammar: Review grammar they have learnt in Unit 1 ,2,3.
c. Pronunciation: Review pronunciation they have learnt in Unit 1,2,3.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Student study harder. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan, song 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the class
T asks students to sing a song Ss sing a song in English
Activity 2. Pr esentation
Goal: Help Ss review pronunciation a bout sk/, /sp/, /st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/, /cl/ Trang 63
T plays the recording and Ss repeat. Play I. Pronunciation
the recording as many times as necessary. 1 . Listen and repeat the following
Pause and correct Ss’ pronunciation. words and phrases.
T plays the recording two or more times,
2 . Listen to the sentences and
if necessary. Help Ss recognise all the
underline the words with /sk/, /sp/,
words with /sk/, /sp/, /st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/,
/st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/, and /cl/ in the
and /cl/ then underline them as instructed. following sentences. Then read the
T asks Ss to read the sentences as a class, sentences aloud. or individually. Key:
T checks pronunciation and intonation. 1
. I used to climb trees when I was small. 2 . How can we improve our speaking skills? 3
. How annoying, the stadium has closed! 4
. I want to buy a blue skirt for my mother. 5
. ‘On a dark day, I saw a witch
riding a broom in the sky ...’ Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students vocabulary they have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3.
T asks Ss to do the exercise individually II. Vocabulary
and then share their answers with a 3
. Organise these words and partner.
phrases into pairs of opposites and T checks Ss’ answers.
write them in the blanks. Key: peaceful – noisy hard – easy boring – exciting forget – remember traditional – modern country life – city life love – hate majority – minority
T asks Ss to do this exercise individually.
T asks some Ss to write their answers on 4
. Put a verb in the correct form the board.
in each gap to complete the sentences. T corrects as a class. Key:
1 .like/ enjoy, listening, visiting 2.forget 3 . flying/ to fly 4 . mind, to do/ doing 5 . playing/ to play
Activity 4. Furt her practice
Goal: Help students review vocabularies th ey have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3. III. Grammar Trang 64
T asks Ss to do this individually and
5. Complete the sentences with the
compare their answers with a partner. T
correct comparative form of adverbs
calls some Ss to go to the board to write
from the adjectives in brackets. their answers. Key: Ss comment. 1 . later T corrects as a class. 2 . more 3 . more fluently 4 . better 5 . more simply 6 . faster 7 . more carefully
T asks Ss to do the exercise individually. 6 . Fill each blank with an article (a,
T checks and call some Ss to read the
an,or the) to complete the passage. Key: whole passage.
1 . a 2. an 3. the 4. The 5. the 6. a
Activity 5. P roduction
Goal: Ss can practise En glish with their friends
Ss do the task individually. Then * Everyday English. they practise in pairs. After
7 . Match the sentences in A with
checking their answers, ask one or
those in B. Then practise with a
two pairs to act out the dialogues. friend. Key: 1 . b 2. e 3. a 4. c 5.d * Homework
- Do the exercises in workbook. - Prepare for the test
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8B………………….
Period 24: REVIEW 1 (SKILLS) I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practice 4 skills with the knowledge they have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3. 1 . Knowledge : - Vocabulary: Review - Grammar: Review
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence. Trang 65
3 . Attitude: Study hard. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan, song 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm up
Goal: To warm up the cl ass and lead in the lesson T lets Ss sing a song Ss sing
Activity 2. P resentation
Goal: Ss can talk about what their famil y members like to do in their free time 1 . Speaking.
T asks students to talk about what
their family members like to do in Example: their free time. -
My dad likes to play chess with his neighbours. - My mum likes making special food and cakes for us. -
Encourage them to talk as much She hates sitting around.
as possible, using the verbs of liking they have learnt. - After some time, T may let Ss
swap pairs and continue to talk. - T goes round and gives assistance if necessary. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students read the letter and an swer the question, then listen and choose the correc t answer. 2- Reading
T asks Ss to answer the question in speaking - What is it? Trang 66
- How many peoples are there in Viet Nam?
Ss: work in pairs to discuss the questions.
T calls on some pairs to share their ideas
once they have finished their discussion.
T calls one to read passage before the class.
Ss do the task before the class. T gives the key.
a. Tick true or false Key: 1 .T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
b. Write the questions Key: 1 . Which museum does Kim love
to visit on Saturday afternoons? 2 . How many (clay and stone)
objects are on display at the museum? 3 . What can you learn in this
T plays the recording once or museum/ Da Nang Museum?
twice. Ss listen and choose their
answers. T plays the recording 3 . Listening:
again for Ss to check their answers.
Listen to the passage and choose the
T explains the new words or anything correct answer. difficult if necessary.
Key: 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Help students wr ite about their opinion -
Before writing, have Ss 4 . Writing: Giving your opinion
brainstorm ideas about life in the
countryside: advantages, disadvantages,
what they like and dislike, etc…
Then explain the writing task. Also have them brainstorm words and phrases they may need for their writing. - Give Ss time to do the
writing task. Then collect their papers Sample writing: to check out of class.
In my opinion, life in the countryside
has many good points. Firstly, country
folk are friendlier than city folk.
Secondly, life is slower and simpler than in the city.
The food is fresher and the air is cleaner.
Finally, there are lots of traditional
activities that we can do in the
countryside such as horse-riding,
swimming in the river or kite-flying.
For these reasons, I like country life. Trang 67 * Homework:
- Review all knowledge in unit 1, 2, 3.
- Prepare: The forty-five minute test.
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 26: Getting started
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “custom and traditions”.
- Express obligation and necessity using correct form of have to. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about “custom and traditions”. b. Grammar: Have to.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of protecting “custom and traditions”. II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan
2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities The main contents Activity 1 . Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss think ab out customs and traditions . *Questions T asks some questions: - How many ethnic minorities are there in Viet nam? - What do you know about Tay? - Can you show their ethnic fashion and their customs? - How do you understand about Ss answer the questions customs and traditions T introduces the new lesson. Trang 68
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can know and understand some vocabulary words in the convesation.
T lets students listen to the tape (once) 1 . Listen and read Ss listen to the tape T explains the new words. * New words: Ss listen and take notes.
Pass down through: đi qua spot-on:
chính xác = sharp: ..., đúng kidding:
đùa giỡn table manners: quy tắc ăn uống trong bàn ăn.
Ex a. Find a words/ phrase
T asks the Ss to listen to the tape ( that means. 1 . accepted once). 2 . generations Ss listen. 3 . spot on
T asks them to read in pairs. 4 . sharp Ss practice. 5 . social 6 . table manners
T asks the Ss to do exercise a). Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to explain the words.
b. Tick true or false. Some Ss explain. * Keys T asks the Ss to do part b. 1: T 2: F 3:T 4: F Ss work individually.
T asks them to compare their answers. c. Answer the following questions T corrects and remarks T asks the Ss to do part c.
Ss work in pairs to answer the questions.
T asks some pairs to read the answers. Some Ss read. * Keys T corrects and remarks
1. It’s eating dinner at 7 p.m. sharp. 2 . He’s surprised. 3 . They both refer to doing
something that develops over time. 4 . A custom is something
accepted. A tradition is something
special and is passed down through the
generations. 5 . They should find
information about a custom or tradition.
d. Find these sentences in the T asks the Ss to do part d.
conversation and fill in the missing Ss work individually. words
T asks them to compare their answers. 1 . have to
T asks some Ss to read the answers. 2 . should Some Ss read. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can know more items related to the topic “customs and traditions”. Trang 69
2 . a. Match the pictures with the
T asks the Ss to do exercise 2a
costumes and traditions in the box Ss work individually. T asks them to compare their
answers in pairs. And Ask some Ss * Keys to read the answers. 1- g 2-c 3-f 4-h Some Ss read. 5- e 6-a 7-b 8-d
T asks the Ss to do exercise 2b
b. Write C or T under each picture Ss work in pairs.
1- c 2-c/t 3-c 4-t 5-c 6-c 7-t 8-
T asks some pairs to read the answers. c/t Some Ss read.
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can talk about customs and traditions in their hometown Game: + Groupwork - Eg: Guide the Ss play game. - Wearing ao dai on 1 . Work in small groups. special occasions 2. Take five minutes to - Giving children lucky
write down as many local customs money at Tet
and traditions as you can think of. 3. Present your list to the other groups.
4 . The group with the most ideas are the experts! * Homework:
- Write down as many local customs and traditions - Do the exercises in workbook. - Prepare: A closer look 1
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 27: A closer look 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic “custom and traditions”.
- Pronounce words containing the clusters /spt/ and /str/ correctly in isolation and in context. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Christian, sponge cakes, firecrackers, touch, shaking stranger's hand. b. Grammar: Have to.
c. Pronunciation: /spt/ and /str/
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence. Trang 70
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of protecting “custom and traditions”. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities The main contents Activity 1 . Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss think abo ut customs and traditions . Eg: - Wearing ao dai on special
T has a small talk about “customs and tradition” Ss talk occasions -
Giving children lucky money at Tet …
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can pronounce words containing the clusters /spt/ and /str/ correctly
in isolation and in context. And know more the words related to the topic “customs and traditions”. Trang 71
T explains clusters: /spr/ and /str/ 1 . Pronunciation Ss listen and remember T asks the Ss to listen and
complete the words under the pictures Ex 5. Listen and repeat . Cluster: /spr/, /str/ Ss listen. 1 .straw,
T asks them to listen and repeat. 2 .street, Ss do it. 3 .spring, T corrects 4 .spray 5 .astronaut, 6 .frustrated, 7 .espresso, 8 .newsprint
Ex6. Listen and circle the words T asks the Ss to listen . with /spr/ and /str/. Ss listen.
T asks them to listen and circle the words with /spr/ and /str/. Ss do it. T asks them to compare their answers with their friends.
T asks some Ss to read the answers. * Keys Some Ss read. 1 . strictly T checks and corrects. 2 . strangers/ spread 3 . district, streets 4 . filmstrip 5 . offspring 2. Vocabulary T explains the new words.
Christian: đạo thiên chúa sponge Ss listen and take notes.
cakes: bánh xốp firecrackers: pháo
touch: sờ, chạm shaking stranger's hand: bắt tay người lạ Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can understand and use t he vocabulary words to do exercises
Ex 1. Match the column A with the T asks the Ss to do task 1. column B. Ss work individually. Trang 72
T asks them to compare their * Keys answers in pairs. 1 - e , 2 - d , 3 - a ,
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
4 - g , 5 - b , 6 – c , 7 – f Some Ss read. T checks.
Ex2. Complete the expressions below. T asks the Ss to do task 2. * Keys Ss work in pairs. 1 . custom
T asks some Ss to read the answers. 2 . tradition Some Ss read. 3 . according T checks. 4 . tradition 5 . with 6 . of 7 . doing Ex3. Make sentences. Eg: T asks the Ss to do task 3.
- According to tradition, we have Ss work individually.
fireworks on New Year’s Eve. - My T asks them to compare their answers in pairs.
area broke with tradition by not
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
having firecrackers on New Year’s Some Ss read.
Eve. - There’s a tradition in our T checks.
province of having fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can talk about traditi on and custom in your hometown T asks the Ss to do task 4.
Ex 4. Complete the sentences with Ss do it. your own ideas. T asks them to compare their answers in pairs. 1
. It’s the custom in my country Ss do it. that
T asks some Ss to read the answers. Some Ss read. 2 . We broke with tradition by T checks. 3
. There’s a tradition in my family that 4. We have the custom of 5. According to tradition, * Homework:
- Do the exercises in workbook. - Prepare for A closer look 2
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 28: A closer look 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: Trang 73
- Use should and shouldn’t correctly and appropriately to give advice.
- express obligation and necessity using the correct form of have to. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: respect, convey, tip, confuse, slipper respect, convey, tip, confuse, slipper
b. Grammar: Should and shouldn't to express advice.
Have to to express obligation or necessity.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: Students are aware of protecting “custom and traditions”. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss think about customs an d traditions and lead in the new lesson
Have a small talk about “customs and tradition”
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can use should/ shouldn’t to exp ress advice and use “ have to” to
express obligation and necessity. T explains the new words. New word: Ss listen and take notes. Respect: kính trọng Convey: thể hiện Tip: boa
Confuse: từ chối, bối rối Slipper: dép Grammar:
T explains: Should and shouldn’t
+ Should and shouldn't to express
Ss listen and take notes and give advice. example. S + should/ shouldn’t + V
T explains how to use “ have to”
S + have to…. to express obligation Ss listen and take note and necessity. Ss give example Activit y 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can use should/ should n’t and “ have to” to do exercise. Trang 74 T asks the Ss to do task 1.
1 . Complete the sentences with Ss work individually.
shouldn't and shouldn’t. T asks them to compare their answers in pairs.
T asks some Ss to read the answers. Some Ss read. * Keys T checks. 1 . should 2 .shouldn’t 3 . should 4 . shouldn’t 5 . should T asks the Ss to do task 2.
2 . Match the situation in A with the Ss do it. advice in B T asks them to compare their answers in groups. Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers. Some Ss read. T checks and corrects. * Keys 1 . b 2. c 3. e 4. d 5. a T asks the Ss to do task 3.
3. Complete the correct form of have Ss work individually. to. T asks them to compare their answers in pairs.
T asks some Ss to read the answers. * Keys Some Ss read. 1 . have to T checks and corrects. 2 . have to 3 . has to 4 . had to/ don’t have to 5 . does…have to 6 . didn’t have to
4 . Choose A or B to convey the T asks the Ss to do task 4.
meaning of the first sentences. Ss do it. T asks them to compare their answers in pairs. Ss do it. * Keys
T asks some Ss to read the answers. 1 .B 2.A 3.A 4.B Some Ss read. T checks and corrects.
5 . There are six mistakes find and correct. T asks the Ss to do task 5. Ss do it. T asks them to compare their * Keys answers in pairs. 1 . should give Ss do it. 2 . have to
T asks some Ss to read the answers. 3 . should wear Some Ss read. 4 . don’t have to T checks and corrects. 5 . have to use 6 . shouldn’t worry Trang 75
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Ss can give some advice an d some obligations to your friends Eg:
T asks Ss to work in pairs to give give A: I will visit your hometown next
some advice and some obligations to month. Can you give me some advides?
your friends. Ss work in pairs.
B: Sure. You should bring warm closthes and …. * Groupwork
T summarizes the main content by playing game: -
Divide the class into two teams. - Each member in each team
will make a sentence use: have to,
should, shouldn’t. - The team which speaks right sentences is the winner. * Homework:
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Communication.
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 29: Communication
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Talk about table manner in British and in their family. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: prong, cutlery, palm, tray, mat, host/ hostess
b. Grammar: Should and shouldn't to express advice.
Have to to express obligation or necessity.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting “custom and
traditions”. - Students love talking about our customs and traditions. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities The main contents Activit y 1. Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss to pay attention in the lesson . Trang 76 T lets Ss watch video about
“customs and tradition” in Tet and new year. Ss watch and remark
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss to know more about items related to “customs and tradition”. T explains the new words. * New words Ss listen and take notes. Prong: đầu dĩa
Cutlery: bộ đồ ăn (dĩa, thìa) Palm: long bàn tay Tray: khay Mat: ván
Host/ hostess: chủ nhà (nam/ nữ ) C. Pr actice
Goal: Ss can discuss about different betw een “customs and tradition”.
1 . Discuss the differences between
T introduces two pictures in the two pictures
book and asks Ss to discuss the - They use bowls and chopsticks for the
differences between two pictures. Ss meal work in pairs
+ They use knives and forks for the meal
2 . Write true or false. T asks the Ss to do task 2. Ss work individually. T asks them to compare their answers in pairs. * Keys
T asks the Ss to listen to the tape 1 – F ; 2 – T ; 3 – F ; 4 – T ; twice and check.
5 – F 6 – F ; 7 – F ; 8 – T
T lets Ss listen to Nick giving a
presentation on table manners in Britain and check the answer.
3 . Discuss the table manners in the
T asks the Ss to do task 3 in groups. family. Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Eg: We sit on a mat with the food in the
Some Ss read in front of the class. middle. T checks and corrects. Trang 77
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can practise in pairs talking abo ut the table manners in the family 4. Role play
T asks the Ss to do task 4 in pairs.
Minh: Hey Jessica! My family would Ss do it. like to invite you to dinner.
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
Jessica: Oh, that’s nice but... I don’t Some Ss read.
know anything about Vietnamese table T checks and corrects. manners.
Minh: Well, what do you want to
T asks the Ss to practice in pairs. know? Ss do it.
Jessica: Well, do you eat around the
T asks some pairs to practice in dinner table like in Britain? front of the class.
Minh: No, actually we sit on a mat with Some pairs practice. the food in the middle. T checks and corrects. Jessica: You’re kidding! Minh: ... * Homework:
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Talk 10 sentences about table manners in their family. - Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 1
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 30: Skills 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Read for specific information about family customs and traditions.
- Ask about and describe different customs and traditions. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about customs and traditions. b. Grammar: Review.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting “custom and
traditions”. - Students love talking about our customs and traditions. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities The main contents Activ ity 1. Warm up
Goal: Help Ss to pay attention in the lesson . T asks Ss to talk about some customs and traditions in their neighborhood. Ss talk
Activ ity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can know more about ite ms related to “customs and tradition” and do exercises. 1 . Reading
Ex1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions
T asks the Ss to look at 1 and 1
. What are the people doing in each answer the questions. picture?
Ss answer the questions in pairs. 2
. Does your family ever do the same thing?
T asks the Ss to read the text and answer the question:
Is Mi writing about her family or her society? Ss answer:
She is writing about her family * New words: T explains some new words. Generation: thế hệ Trang 79 Ss take notes. Grill: nướng
Sense of belong: cảm giác thuộc về nhau
T asks Ss to write A, B,C in the
Ex3. Write A, B,C in the blanks blanks Ss work individually T asks them to compare their * Keys answers in groups.
1 - C ; 2 - A ; 3 - C ; 4 - B ; 5 - A ; 6 - B T checks and corrects.
Ex4. Answer the questions
T asks Ss to answer the question in pairs. Ss do it.
T asks some pairs to read the answers. * Keys Some Ss read.
1 . They are: having lunch together on the T checks and corrects.
second day of Tet, spending Sunday
together, and celebrating her grandparents’
wedding anniversary on the first Sunday of
October. 2 . They usually go to the cinema or go for a picnic together. 3 . They don’t remember. 4
. They made five-coloured sticky rice served with grilled chicken. 5
. They love family customs and
traditions because they provide a sense of belonging. Ac tivity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can interview some t heir friends about customs and traditions.
T asks the Ss to do task 5 in pairs.
Ex5. Work in pairs and answer the Ss do it.
questions. 1 . What are the three customs and
T asks some Ss to talk in front
traditions you like most in your family? of the class. Describe them in detail. Some Ss read. 2
. How do you feel when you take part in these customs and traditions? 3
. Why is it important to continue family customs and traditions?
Ex6. Answer the question before the class
T asks the Ss to do task 6 in pairs. Ss do it. Names of Question 1 Question interviewees 2 .…
Activity 4. Further practice
Goal: Ss can describe about some customs and traditions in their family. Trang 80
T asks Ss talk about some Eg:
customs and traditions in their In my opinion, customs and traditions in we family Ss talk
family are very important. Our family has our
own customs and traditions Firstly, …. * Homework:
- Write some customs and traditions you like most in your family.
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 2
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 31: Skills 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Listen to get specific information about a traditional dance of an ethnic group in Viet Nam.
- Write a description of a traditional Japanese dance. 1 . Knowledge :
- Vocabulary: spiritual, private, reunion, conical hat, reflect.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting “custom and
traditions”. - Students love talking about our customs and traditions. II. Teaching aids:
1. Materials: Text book, plan
2 . Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson 3 . New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss to pay at tention in the lesson . Trang 81 1. Questions
T lets Ss watch a video about What tradition do you think it is?
traditional song and answer the question.
Ss watch and answer. Share their ideas with a partner. T introduces the listening
Activity 2. Pr esentation
Goal: Ss can listen to get specific informati on about a traditional dance
of an ethnic group in Viet nam. *New words
Spiritual: thuộc tinh thần, tôn giáo T introduces the new words.
Private: riêng tư cá nhân Ss take notes. Reunion: sum họp
Conical hat: có dạng hình nón
Reflect: hành động phản xạ tự nhiên
2 . Listen and complete the sentences
T asks the Ss to listen to the tape twice. Ss listen.
T asks the Ss to listen and complete the table. Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their answers * Keys with their friends. 1 . happy and wealthy Ss do it. 2 . private gatherings
T asks some Ss to read the answers. 3 . 30 Some Ss read. 4 . the circle dance T checks and corrects. 5 . social 6 . fire 7 . music 8 . culture and lifestyle
3 . Listen to the passage and tick(v) T asks the Ss to do task 3. true or false Ss do it. Key:
T asks them to compare their answers in groups. Ss do it. * Keys
T asks some Ss to read the answers. 1 – T ; 2 – F ; 3 – F ; Some Ss read. 4 – T ; 5 - T T checks and corrects. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can ask and answer about the Ob on dance is a traditional Japanese dance. Trang 82
T asks the Ss to do task 4 in pairs. Ss do it.
4 . Make complete the sentences
T asks them to compare with their Example: answers. A: What’s the tradition? Ss compare.
B: The Obon dance is a traditional
T asks some Ss to talk in front of Japanese dance. the class.
A: What does the dance express? Some Ss read.
B: People have the honour of their ancestors. T checks and corrects.
A: When does people perform the Obon dance?
B: The Obon festival takes place in
mid-August in many regions of Japan
and in mid-July in other regions. - There are many forms in different regions. -
The most typical form is circle dance. - People make a circle around a
yagura, a high wooden stage; some
dancers move clockwise, and some counter-clockwise. - This is one of most important
tradition. A lot of people come back to
reunite with their families during the Obon festival.
Activity 4. Fur ther practice
Goal: Ss can write a description of a traditi onal Japanese dance.
5 . Write about the Obon dance
T asks Ss to work individually to Example: write about the Obon dance.
There is a traditional in Japanese Ss do it.
that people perform the Obon dance
T asks them to compare with their
during the Obon festival. The festival answers.
happens in mid-August in many Ss compare.
regions of Japan. There are many
T asks some Ss to talk in front of
different forms of Obon dance in the class.
different regions. In order to perform Some Ss read.
it, people make a circle around a T checks and corrects.
yagura, a high wooden stage; some
dancers move clockwise, and some
counter-clockwise. I really like this dance.
* Homework:
- Rewrite the descriptions about the Obon dance - Do the exercises in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Looking back- Project. Trang 83
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 32: Looking back- Project
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Review the lexical items related to the topic “custom and traditions”..
- Review should and shouldn’t to give advice.
- Review “have to” to express obligation and necessity. 1 . Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about customs and traditions.
b. Grammar: Review should, shouldn't and have to.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting “custom and
traditions”. - Students love talking about our customs and traditions. II. Teaching aids:
1 . Materials: Text book, plan, song
2. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson: Check 15 minutes Code 1.
I. Choose the best answer.
1. You shouldn’t …………………a present in black or white paper. A. respect B. wrap C. visit D. use
2 . You should advoid ………………another person’s head because it’s disrespectful. A. respecting B. waiting C. touching D. following
3 . In Viet Nam, people use rice bowls and ……………………… A. knife B. fork C. chopsticks D. prong
4 . You shouldn’t ……………………. short shorts and tank tops. A. break B. touch C. visit D. wear
5 . You should take ………………your shoes at the entrance. A. at B. to C. of D. off
6 . Five-colour ______ rice is made using roots and leaves. A. stick B. sticky C. dish D. food
7 . There is a custom of ……………….something. A. do B. does C. did D. doing
8 . When you visit a temple, you have to …………………some important customs. A. wear B. touch C. start D. follow
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given.
1. You/shouldn’t/point/prong/fork/upwards/during/meal
2 . You/can/use/fork/pick/more/food/dish.
………………………………………………………………………………….. Code 2.
I. Choose the best answer.
1 . You should …………………………….old people. Trang 84 A. respect B. wrap C. take D. use
2 . Children should take things from adults with both …………….. A. fingers B. foot C. toes D. hands
3 . You shouldn’t ……………………your promise to the children. A. follow B. break C. visit D. wear
4 . You ………………….wear shorts when going to the pagoda. A. have to B. must C. should D.
5 . We should …………………..banana leaves to wrap the food. shouldn’t A. eat B. drink C. visit D. use
6 . People make specialties only ______ special occasions A. in B. at C. on D. of
7 . According ……….tradition, we have fireworks on New Year’s Eve A. on B. at C. of D. to
8 . Five-colour ______ rice is made using roots and leaves. A. stick B. sticky C. dish D. food
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. 1
. The knife/hold/right/hand/and/fork/hold/left/hand.
……………………………………………………………………………………. 2
. When/meal/finish/,/you/should/put/knife and fork/plate.
……………………………………………………………………………………. Code 3.
I. Choose the best answer.
1 . We should ………………………..our customs and traditions. A. respect B. wrap C. visit D. use
2 . I think the host should invite everybody to ……………..eating A. finish B. end C. start D. respect
3 . We have followed this tradition for three …………………… A. customs B. generations C. society D. ancestors
4 . You should arrive …………….time. A. in B. of C. at D. on
5. When you visit a temple in ThaiLan, you have to …………………some important customs. A. wear B. touch C. start D. follow
6 . ______ field in Sa Pa is one of the most beautiful kinds of fields in the world A. Step B. Stair C. Terraced D. Up
7 . Five-colour ______ rice is made using roots and leaves. A. stick B. sticky C. dish D. food
8 . There’s a tradition in our province of ………….. fireworks on New Year’s Eve A. have B. has C. to have D. having
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. 1 . I have to/clean/room.
………………………………………………………………………………… 2
. Same/cutlery/apply/eat/main/course/and/dessert. * Keys Code 1.
I. Choose the best answer. 1 . B. wrap 2 . C. touching 3 . C. chopsticks 4 . D. wear 5 .
D. off 6 . B. sticky 7 . D. doing 8 . D. follow
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. 1
. You shouldn’t point the prongs of the folks upward during the meal. 2
. You can use the folk to pick more food from the dish. Trang 85 Code 2.
I. Choose the best answer. 1 . A. respect 2 . D. hands 3 . B. break 4 . D. shouldn’t 5 . D. use 6 . C. on 7 . D. to 8 . B. sticky
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. 1
. The knife is held in the right hand and the fork is held in the left hand. 2
. When the meal is finished, you should put the knife and the fork on the plate. Code 3.
I. Choose the best answer. 1 . A. respect 2 . C. start 3 . B. generations 4. D. on 5 . D. follow 6 . C. Terraced 7 . B. sticky 8 . D. having
II. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. 1 . I have to clean my room. 2
. The same cutlery is applied when eating the main course and dessert. 3. New lesson
Teacher's and students’ activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm up Goal: To warm up the class T lets Ss sing a song Ss sing a song T introduces the lesson
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss review the vocabularies they have learnt . Trang 86 T asks the Ss to look at the I. Vocabulary
picture and answer the question. Ss look and answer. T asks the Ss to do task 1.
1 . Complete the sentences with the Ss do it.
words or phrases from the box T asks them to compare their answers in groups. *Keys Ss do it. 1 . respect
T asks some Ss to read the answers. 2 . worshipping Some Ss read. 3 . wrap T checks and corrects. 4 . host 5 . cutlery 6 . generations T asks the Ss to do task 2. Ss do it. 2
. Write the sentences with
T asks them to compare their the following expressions. there’s answers in groups.
a tradition that…. according to Ss do it.
tradition….. follow the tradition
T asks some Ss to read the answers.
of…. break with tradition by… Some Ss read. have the custom of…… T checks and corrects. 3
. Complete the following T asks the Ss to do task 3.
word webs. Family customs and Ss do it.
T asks them to compare their traditions answers in groups. Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers. have dinner together Some Ss read. T checks and corrects. go to the cinema at the weekend, visit relative, celebrate birthday visit pagoda decorate houses
bring present visit someone's house Trang 87 Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help Ss listen to revi ew should/ shouldn’t; have to. T review. II- Grammar Ss take notes.
We use should/ shouldn’t to give an advice.
We use “Have to” to express obligation and necessity. T asks the Ss to do task 4.
4 . Complete the sentences using Ss do it.
should or shouldn’t. T asks them to compare their answers in groups. Ss do it.
T asks some Ss to read the answers. * Keys Some Ss read. 1 . should wait T checks and corrects. 2 . shouldn’t use 3
. shouldn’t break 4 . should follow T asks the Ss to do task 5. 5 . shouldn’t touch Ss do it.
5 . Underline one mistake and correct.
T asks them to compare their * Keys answers in groups. 1 . have to Ss do it. 2 . shouldn’t
T asks some Ss to read the answers. 3 . have to have Some Ss read. 4 . should T checks and corrects. 5 . have to avoid
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Help Ss talk about customs and tradition and know how to do the project. III. Communication
T asks the Ss to do task 6 in groups.
6 . Game: Best advice What should I Ss do it. do?
T asks some Ss to talk in front of the class. Some Ss read. T checks and corrects. IV. Project
T guides the Ss to do project at home. Ss do it. * Homework
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 5: Getting started.
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 34: Getting started I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to: Trang 88
- Use the lexical items related to the topic 'festivals in Viet Nam'. -
Interact a conversation about introduction and explaination about some festivals in Viet Nam. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to festivals in Viet Nam.
b. Grammar: Simple and compound sentences: review.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting our traditional. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson: 3 . New lesson :
Teacher's and students’ activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to the lesso n and to lead in the new lesson .
T lets Ss play a small game in two big *Game.
groups to list what Vietnamese people
* Group A: Should
should and shouldn’t do during the Tet
+ We should visit our relatives at Tet holiday.
+ We should make wishes for a better Ss play game new year T decides the winning team.
+ We should clean and decorate our house before Tet
+ We should make banh chung/ banh tet
* Group B: shouldn’t
+ We shouldn’t buy fireworks + We shouldn’t break things + We shouldn’t fight
+ We shouldn’t play cards all night
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help Ss listen and read then know more items related to the topic 'festivals in Viet Nam' Trang 89
T asks Ss to open their books and look at 1- Listen and read
the picture and the heading Which The questions may be:
festival should I see?Ask them some - Where are Duong and Peter? questions: - What are they doing?
Ss answer the questions as a class.
- What might they be talking about?
T presents some new words T uses
the technique “Rub out and remember *Vocabulary:
“ to check Ss’ understanding of new ● royal court music (n) words ( explanation) ● reunion (n) (synonym) ● regret (v) (explanation)
● five-fruit tray (n) (picture) ● carnival (n) (picture) ● procession (n) (picture) ● anniversary (n) (picture) Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can understand the conversation and do exercises.
T asks Ss listen to the tape and do a. Tick true or false. exercise 1-2-5: T 3- Ss work independently. 4: F
T plays the recording once or twice
more. Pause the recording at the
appropriate places if Ss need help with comprehension.
T allows Ss to share their answers with
a classmate before discussing as a class. T corrects b.
Read the conversation again
and answer the questions.
T: First, ask Ss not to look at the Key: conversation to answer the
1 . In April. They can see a grand
questions, then have them open
opening ceremony, an ao daifashion
their books and check their answers.
show, a Dem Phuong Dongor oriental Ss answer the questions night show, royal court music
performances ... and sporting activities.
2 . Duong’s family prepares a five-fruit
tray and makes jam and chungcakes. 3 .
Because there are so many interesting
things to see and enjoy, it would take too long to describe them. Trang 90 4
. In Bac Ninh, on 12 th of the first lunar month. 5
. Because it’s near Ha Noi, it
takes place right after Tet holiday and is full of traditional events.
c. Can you find the following
expressions in the conversation? Try to explain their meaning
. Key:
T asks Ss to look at the conversation
1 . used as suggestion or to give advice
again and underline the expressions.
2 . (It/That) sounds + adj: used to give
Have Ss use the context to try to explain your first impression of what you hear
when they may use the expressions.
3 . to stress that it is worth spending Correct them if necessary. time or money doing something
4 . to show surprise and to check that something is really OK to do
d. Make short conversations with the four expressions in C.
T asks students to practice in pairs, have -
Why don’t you come with us to
Ss role-play, practising the expressions
the Lim Festival? You won’t regret it.
in C. Call on a few pairs to perform to - Sounds great! / Are you sure? the class. Ss practice in pairs.
2. Use the words from the box to label
T has Ss work in pairs, matching the the pictures.
words with the pictures. Then check their Key:
answers. Afterwards, have Ss repeat the a. ceremony words chorally. Ss do exercise b. anniversary c. reunion
T corrects their pronunciation if necessary. d. procession e. carnival f. performance
T has Ss work independently, match the 3
. Match the words with the
names of the festivals with the
pictures of festivals.
appropriate pictures, then cross check Key: 1.d 2.a 3. c 4. b 5. e with a partner. T checks Ss’ answers.
T asks Ss to work in pairs, matching the 4
. Match the festivals in 3 with
descriptions of festivals with their their descriptions. names. T checks Ss’ answers. Key: 1.c 2. b 3.e 4. d 5.a
Activity 4. Further practice
Goal: Ss can talk about some festivals in their hometown
T asks Ss to discuss in groups and talk
about some festivals in their hometown Ss discuss in groups T corrects * Homework.
- Write down as many local festivals.
- Prepare for the next lesson: A closer look 1. Trang 91
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 35: A Closer Look 1 I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Practise vocabulary related to the topic "festivals in Viet Nam".
- Practise stress correctly multi-syllable words with –ion and –ian endings. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to festivals in Viet Nam.
b. Pronunciation: Stress of words ending in –ion and - ian.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting our traditional. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures:
1 . Checkup attendance
2. Checkup the old lesson:
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1 . Warm- up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to the lesson and to lead in t he new lesson . *Network. watch
T asks Ss to list nouns and verbs ceremony perform Activity 2. Presentation
related to the festivals as much as
Goal: Help students practise stress
ctly multi-syllable words with –ion and possible corre –ian endings Ss: Work in groups 3 . New lesson : Trang 92
T asks Ss to look at the words in the 1 . Pronunciation
table. T asks ‘What do you notice about *Stress in words ending in –ion and
the endings? How many syllables does –ian each word have?’. Key: - Have Ss answer and sum up.
They are all words with more than two -
Model stress in different words syllables.
with the ending -ion, and -ian.
They end with the suffix -ionor -ian -
Ask Ss to look at the rules in the
Remember! box. Discuss this rule with
the class and elicit some pronunciations from Ss
T plays the recording and ask Ss to
listen and repeat the words in part 4, 5 Ss listen and repeat
T plays the recording and ask Ss to
listen and stress the words. Ask them to Ex. Read and mark (‘) the stressed
pay attention to the endings.
syllable in the underlined words. Then
Ss compare their answers in pairs. listen and repeat. T checks. Key: 1 . com’panions 2 . partici’pation 3 . at’tention 4 . his’torians 5 . tra’dition
Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students know vocabulari
es related to the topic "festivals in Viet Na m". 1
. Match the words to their meanings.
T asks students to work independently Key: 1.c 2. e 3.a 4. b 5.d
on 1 and 2. Then, ask them to share
their answers with one or more 2
. Complete the sentences using partners. the words in 1.
Ss work independently on 1 and 2. Key: Trang 93 T checks Ss’ answers. 1 . commemorate 2 . worship 3 . preserve 4 . ritual 5 . performance
3 . Match the nouns with each verb. A
noun can go with more than one verb.

T has Ss work in pairs to match verbs Key:
with nouns on a piece of paper then 1 .WATCH … a ceremony, a show
swap the answers with another pair to 2 . HAVE … (all can fit) check. Ss work in pairs 3 . WORSHIP … a god, a hero T checks Ss’ answers. 4 . PERFORM … a ritual, a ceremony, a show
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Ss can review the vo cabulary throughout games T lets Ss play game: Vocabulary in the book
Ss stand into two lines (ten people)
and whisper a word for their friend
from number 1 to number 10 and the person go to the board and write T corrects and remarks * Homework.
- Practice vocabulary and pronunciation
again. - Guide ss how to do exercises in
workbook. - Prepare for the next lesson: A closer look 2
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 36: A Closer Look 2 I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to: - Use the
lexical items related to the topic "festivals in Viet Nam".
- Review simple and compound sentences, complex sentences.
- Practice doing exercises making simple, compound sentences, and complex sentences. 1 . Knowledge : a. Vocabulary: Review Trang 94
b. Grammar: Simple, compound sentences, and complex sentences.
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting our traditional. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson: 3 . New lesson :
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity . War 1 m- up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson .
T has Ss play the game: Network to list *Network.
the conjunctions/ connectors they learnt and so
T asks Ss to make sentences using the
conjunctions/ connectors above. however T introduces the new lesson because
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss can understand the simple a
nd compound sentences and do exercises.
I. Simple and compound sentences
T gives example about the simple and compound sentences Eg:
Simple: I enjoy playing football with Ss give examples
my friends every weekend. … x II. T corrects Complex sentences
T tells Ss to read the grammar bo Complex sentences carefully. T explains the meaning of Trang 95 the subordinators,
1. Write S for simple sentences and translating i necessary. C for compound sentences.
T asks Ss to work in pairs. Then Key: 1.S 2. C 3.C 4. S 5. S
have Ss answer before checking with 2 . Make compound the whole class sentences. Ss work in pairs Key: 1. At the Mid-Autumn Festival
T has Ss work individually and children carry beautiful
check with another S. Finally, T lanterns, soit’s a memorable
check Ss’ answers with the whole childhood experience. class. 2. During Tet, Vietnamese people
Ss work individually and check with buy all kinds of sweets, andthey another S make chungcakes as well. 3.
The Hung King’s sons offered
him many special foods, but Lang
Lieu just brought him a chungcake and a day cake. 4. To welcome Tet, we decorate
our house with peach blossoms, orwe
can buy a mandarin tree for a longer lasting display. 5. The Huong Pagoda festival is
always crowded, yetwe like to go
there to pray for good fortune and happiness.
3 . Make compound sentences.
Key: 1. Chu Dong Tu and Giong are
both legendary saints; however/
T asks Ss to look at the rules in nevertheless, they are worshipped for
the Look out! box. Tell them the different things. 2. Tet is the most
use of punctuation in formal important festival in Viet Nam;
language when we write a therefore, most Vietnamese return compound sentence using home for Tet.
conjunctive adverbs. Ss practice in 3. Tet is a time for us to pairs
worship our ancestors; moreover, it is
also a time for family reunion. 4. The Khmer believe they have
to float lanterns;otherwise, they may not get good luck. 5. The Hung King Temple
Festival was a local festival;
nevertheless/ however, it has become a public holiday in Viet Nam since 2007
4. Match the dependent clauses
with the independent ones to make complex sentences.
Trang 96
T asks Ss to work individually to Key: 1.b 2. d 3.e 4. f 5.a 6.c
match the clause and check with
one or more partners. Finally, T corrects as a class. Ss work
individually to match the clause and
check with one or more partners T corrects Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Help students review the c omplex sentences and do exercises
5. Fill each blank with one suitable
subordinator when, while, even

though/ although, because or if
T has Ss work individually to add Key:
the subordinators. Then check as a 1 . Because
class. Discuss the reasons for using 2 .If each subordinator. 3 .when
Ss work individually to add the 4 . while subordinators 5 . When T corrects 6 . Athough/Even though
6. Use your own words/ ideas to complete the sentences
below. Suggested answers:
T has Ss work in pairs to complete 1. ____________, I have never been
the sentences. Ask Ss to swap their there.
sentences with other pairs and cross- 2 . ____________, we shouldn’t miss it.
check. Have some Ss read out their 3. _______, you should visit
answers. If the classroom has a Giong Temple.
projector, show some answers and 4. ____________, they take a lot
check them with the whole class. Ss of photos.
work in pairs to complete the 5. ____________, they can enjoy sentences.
the beautiful scenery of the area.
Activity 4. F urther practice Goal: Ss can mak e complex sentences * Groupwork Eg:
T summarizes the main content by Because Quan ho is the trditional playing game:
folk song of Bac Ninh, only this kind -
Divide the class into two teams. of singing is allowed at the Lim festival
- Each member in each team will
make a sentence use: when, because, even though… - The team which speaks right sentences is the winner.
* Homework. - Practice sentences.
- Prepare for the next lesson: Communication. Trang 97
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 37: Communication I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Know more about A Khmer Festival, explore an interview with a Khmer about a Khmer Festival. 1. Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Extra vocabulary about festivals. b. Grammar: Review
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3. Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting our traditional. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson: 3 . New lesson :
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to th e lesson and lead in the new lesson .
T asks Ss to look at the pictures *Chatting.
and guess to answer the qs. Ss -
Have you ever been to Soc Trang answer the questions province? -
Have you ever seen a festival by the Khmer? -
What activities do people do at the festival?
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Help students more about A Khm er Festival, explore an interview with a Khmer about a Khmer Festival 1 . Vocabulary
T introduces some new words on the Bamboo archway: vòm tre board Green rice flakes: cốm xanh
Ss read them and copy from the board coconut: chái dừa clasped hands: bắt tay floating lanterns: thả đèn 2 . Exercises
Ex 1. Answer the questions.
T asks Ss to look at the pictures and answer the questions. Ss practice in pairs Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can listen an d answer the questions Trang 98
T plays the recording and lets Ss check
Ex 2. Listen and check your answers. their guesses. Key:
Ss listen and check their guesses. a. 1 . bamboo archway 2 . green rice flakes 3 . potatoes 4. coconuts 5 . piacake 6 . clasped hands 7 . lanterns 8 . dragon boat race b. Ooc bom boc festival
T asks Ss to work in pairs, making full
Ex 3. Listen to the interview again and
questions based on the given question
complete the table below with the
words and giving as many answers as
answers to the suggested questions.
possible based on what they can
Suggested questions:
remember from the previous listening. 1 . Where is the festival held?
T plays the recording again for Ss to 2 . When is the festival held?
answer. If Ss haven’t been able to 3
. Who do the people worship at
answer all the questions, play the the festival? recording another time. 4-6
. What activities do people do at Ss practice in pairs the festival?
T checks the answers with the whole
Key: 1 . Soc Trang class.
2 . 14 th , 15th evenings of the 10 th lunar month 3. Moon God 4 . have a worshipping ceremony 5 . float paper lanterns 6 . hold dragon boat races
Activity 4. Fu rther practice
Goal: Help students practice asking and answering about a local festival
T asks Ss to work in pairs reading the 3 . Practice dialogue before the class Example:
Ss read the dialogue before the
A: Good morning. Can I ask you some
class. T asks students to practice questions?
asking and answering about a local about this festival?
Festival . Ss practice in pairs B: Yes, of course.
A: What is the festival called?
B: It’s _____. It’s held in _____.
A: Who do you worship at the festival? C: We worship _____. * Homework.
- Write about a local Festival
- Learn new words/ workbook: C. Speaking
- Prepare for the next lesson: Skills 1
Teaching date: 8A…………………. 8 B………………….
Period 38: Skills 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Read for specific information about festivals. - Talk about a festivals. 1 . Knowledge :
a. Vocabulary: Vocabulary about festivals b. Grammar: Review
2. Competences: Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
3 . Qualities: - Students are aware of protecting our traditional. II. Teaching aids: 1
. Materials: Text book, plan 2
. Equipment: computer accessed to the Internet, projector, loudspeaker III. Procedures: 1 . Checkup attendance 2
. Checkup the old lesson: 3 . New lesson :
Teacher ’s and students activities The main contents Activity 1. Warm- up
Goal: To attract Ss’s attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson . * Questions
T asks Ss to practice in small groups, - What are the people doing in
look at the pictures and answer the each picture?
questions, but don’t check the answers - Who do people worship at the with the class. Hung King Temple Festival? - Who do people worship at the Ss do the task in speaking Huong Pagoda Festival?
Activity 2. Presentation
Goal: Ss will read about the festivals in
Viet Nam’ and complete the sentences to base on t he passage.
T gives Ss two minutes to skim the
passages and check their answers in 1.
Explain that to skim, they must move
their eyes very quickly over the text to
get a general idea of the subject. Ss skim the passages.
T gives Ss one minute to scan the
passages to find the words. Ask Ss to
underline or circle the words they find
2. Now read the information about with a pencil.
these festivals to check your ideas.
Ss scan the passages to find the words.
T may help Ss work out the meanings of 3 . Find words/ phrases in the passages
that have similar meaning to these
these words from the context. Then words or phrases. check with the whole class. Key: 1 . emperors 2. features 3 . joyful Trang 100
T asks Ss to read the text again and 4 . from overseas answer the questions. 5 . hiking
Ss can compare answers with a 6 . scenery
partner before discussing them as a class. Ss read and answer the
4 . Read the information again and questions.
answer the following questions. T corrects and remarks. Key: 1
. The Hung King Temple festival
takes place from the 8th to the 11th day of the third lunar month. 2
. Incense, specialities such as
chungcakes, daycakes and five-fruit trays. 3
. Because there are many joyful
activities including bamboo swings, lion
dances, wrestling and xoansinging performances. 4
. People join the procession and
make offerings of incense, flowers, fruit and candles. 5 . Ss’ own answers. Activity 3. Practice
Goal: Ss can discuss when they vis it some famous place in Viet Nam
5 . Discuss the questions. Then report
T asks Ss to work in pairs, choosing one your decisions to the class.
of the two places: Huong Pagodaor Hung
King Templeto go to. Remind Ss to give 1
. Which place do you prefer to go
a reason for their choice like in Example to? 1. Explain your choice. Ss practice in pairs 2 . What things should you take with you?
T asks Ss to think about what to take Why?
with them. Ask them to use the suggestions in the pictures.
Encourage them to add any other items
they think necessary and give reasons. Go around to help Ss.
Activity 4. F urther practice
Goal: Ss can report th eir decisions to the class Eg:
T asks Ss to report their decisions to the At weekend, we decided to Huong
class and decide which location is more pogoda. We will bring a camera. …
popular. Remember to ask Ss to say why
the chosen location is more popular.
Ss report their decisions to the class. Trang 101