Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 1: Fads and Fashions | Friends Plus

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Friends Plus được biên soạn rất cẩn thận, trình bày khoa học các bài học Starter Unit, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 theo chương trình sách giáo khoa. Giáo án Anh 8 Friends Plus giúp thầy cô tham khảo để soạn giáo án dạy môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 cho học sinh của mình.

Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 1: Vocabulary
Popular interests
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- get some more knowledge about popular interests, activities and fashions
- develop students’ speaking and listening skills.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
of language……
1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practicing, discussion group, technical present….
1. Check up : during the lesson
2. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Aims: Students can talk about popular
interests, activities and fashions.
Contents: Students apply their
knowledge to the situations, then work in
groups to answer the questions.
Products: Students find out the clear
picture behind the numbers.
- Teacher divides class into 2 groups.
- There are 12 numbers about popular games,
films, bands… on the screen. There is a
hidden picture behind these numbers. Each
group will choose a pair of number. With one
correct pair, you will get 1 point.
- The group has the most correct answers will
be the winner.
- After revealing the picture, teacher asks
students a question:
? “What is the hidden picture about?”
- Students answer “RUBIK’S CUBE”
- Teacher calls out some students to answer
the question.
The hidden picture is “RUBIK’S CUBE”
THINK! What’s in fashion at the moment?
? “What’s in fashion at the moment?
What songs, films and games are popular?”
- Students answer in their own.
- Teacher leads in the new lesson.
Aims: Teacher presents new words
related to popular interests, activities and
Contents: Students listen and repeat new
words individual/pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the
meaning of new words.
- Teacher shows new words and uses some
techniques of teaching vocabulary to teach
them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the
- Students copy down these words into their
- Check -up : Matching
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
which they have learnt to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in
individual/pairs/groups to complete the tasks.
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to complete the
task. (Students can discuss in groups, pairs
or work individually).
- Students listen and check their answers.
Then answer the question “Which answer
surprised you the most?”
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Exercise 2:
- Teacher plays the video or audio for
Students to watch or listen and match the
speakers with the topics
What songs, films and games are popular?
New words
- app (n)
- craze (n)
crazy (adj)
- fad (n)
- follower (n)
- gadget (n)
- post (v,n)
- social media (n)
1. Work with a partner and do the quiz.
Suggested answers
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6.a
- Students answer in their own.
2. Watch or listen to five people talking about
their interests. Match the speakers with the
topics. Which speaker spends a lot of money
on his / her interest?
- Students listen, match and answer the
question.“Which speaker spends a lot of
money on his / her interest?”
- Teacher plays the video / audio again and
checks students’ answers.
Exercise 3:
-Teacher allows students time to read the
gapped sentences.
- Teacher plays the video / audio again for
students to complete the sentences.
-Teacher checks answers with the class.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs and
tell the class what your partner’s favourite
interest is.
- Teacher suggests some phrases to Ask and
answer questions about the topics.
Aims: Students can write a questionnaire
for your class about their free time and
Contents: Students work in groups.
Products: Student’s opinions
- Teacher asks students to work in groups
and discuss about their free time and
- Teacher gives students time to discuss in
group and write down their opinions.
- Teacher calls out some students to present
their opinion in front of class.
-Learn by heart all the new words.
-Prepare for next lesson Reading
Suggested answers:
Max: sports
Elizabeth: music
Mitchell: fashion
Yana: social media
Joe: comics
Mitchell spends a lot of money on his interest.
3. Watch or listen again and complete the
Suggested answers
1 .sports/ music 2. fashions 3. clothes
4. games 5. games 6. football
4. USE IT! Work in pairs. Ask and answer
questions about the topics in exercise 3 using
the key phrases. Tell the class what your
partner’s favourite interest is.
Suggested answers
- Do you spend much money on comics?
- No. I’m not crazy about them. Are you into
Finish? Use the key phrases to write a
questionnaire for your class about their free
time and interests.
Suggested answers
- read comics
- watch TV
- music
- sports
- fashions
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 2: Reading
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- find out more about crazes.
- identify the purpose of a text.
- use vocabulary items related to the issue of passage.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
of language……
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practicing, discussion group, technical present….
1. Check up : during the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Students can predict the content of
a text from photo.
Contents: Students work individual/
Products: Students’ answers
Read out the title of the text and check
that students understand “CRAZES”. Focus
on the photos and ask students if they
recognise any of the crazes they show.
Read the questions with the class and
elicit answers from individual students. (Ask
more questions, if necessary, to encourage
students to say more)
Work in pairs and think of the
possible items.
Report to the class.
Teacher asks some pairs to report
back to the class.
- Do you think that companies sometimes start
- Would it help them to sell things?
- Is it possible to deliberately start a craze?
- How? Could you use TV or the internet?
THINK! How do crazes start? Who can
make money from them?
Teacher shows the pictures again and leads
in the lesson
Aims: Teacher presents new words
related to crazes
Contents: Students listen and repeat new
words individual/pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the
meaning of new words.
-Teacher introduces some new words
Before reading, there are some new words
in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students
to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the
- Students copy down these words into their
- Check-up: What and where
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
which they have learnt to do the tasks given
as well as develop reading skill.
Contents: Students work individual/
pairs/ groups.
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher has students work in pairs
- Teacher reads out the question and the
possible answers.
- Teacher points out to students that for this
task they do not need to understand every
word in the text, but they just need to
understand what the writer is trying to
- Students then read the interview and choose
the correct answer.
- Teacher checks the answer with the class.
New words
- crazes (n)
- generally (adv)
- obviously (adv)
- pole (n)
- amazingly (adv)
- absolutely (adv)
- apparently (adv)
Suggested answers
a) to give information
- Teacher has students open their books to
page 12.
- Teacher asks students to read the text again
before doing exercise.
Exercise 2:
- Teacher reads out the first answer and ask
students to scan the text quickly to find the
date 1924.
- Teacher has students work in pairs and ask
them to read that section of the interview
carefully, then write the question for
answer 1.
- Students work in pairs, then read the
interview again and write the remaining
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
Exercise 3:
Optional activity
- Teacher asks students to close the books,
then teacher writes the following on the
1) Gary Dahl
2) twenty-one
3) 1970s
- Ask students to work in group of 4, discuss
from memory what the name and numbers
refer to.
- Then, ask them to open their books again
and scan the text quickly to check their ideas.
- Students show the answers
- Teacher gives feedback.
Aims: Teacher helps students consolidate
the lesson
Contents: Students work individual
Products: Students’ comprehension
Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives the question:
? Which is the silliest, the strangest and
the most fun?
2. Read and listen to the interview again.
Write questions for answers 15
Suggested answers
1. in 1924.
When did the craze of pole-sitting start?
2. For thirteen hours.
For how long did Alvin Kelly sit on a pole?
3. On social media.
Where do crazes often start these days?
4. He sold pet rocks.
What did Gary Dahl do / sell in the 1970s?
5. Millions.
How many pet rocks did he sell?
Optional activity. Reading
1) Gary Dahl
2) twenty-one
3) 1970s
Suggested answers
1) Gary Dahl started the pet rock craze.
2) The record for sitting on a pole was twenty-
one days.
3) The pet rock craze started in the 1970s.
- Teacher walks around to monitor the class
and offers help.
- Students work in groups, they may ask for
help if necessary.
- Teacher invites two or three students to
answer the questions.
- Teacher gives feedback.
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Do exercises (in workbook).
- Prepare new lesson.
4.USE IT! Work in groups. Say what you
think of the crazes in the interview. Take a
vote on which is the silliest, the strangest and
the most fun.
( Students’ own answers )
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 3: Language Focus
Used to
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about past habits
and states
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
of language……
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practicing, discussion group, technical present….
1. Check up: during the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Teacher elicits the last information
from students about the Crazes, then leads in
the new lesson.
Contents: Students work in groups
Products: Students’ sentences
- Teacher asks students what they can
remember about the crazes in the interview
on page 12.
- Elicit a few answers from individual
- Ask: Do people buy pet rocks now? (no). - -
- Teacher asks and writes the questions on
the board.
- Underline the verb and ask students to
translate the sentence into their own
Aims: Help students learn the structures:
Contents: Students work individual
Products: Students’ answers
- Do people buy pet rocks now? (no).
Write on the board: People used to buy pet
USED TO : đã từng
Exercise 1:
- Teacher asks students to study the
sentences and choose the correct answers to
complete the rules.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
- Teacher introduces students how to use
“Used to”
Aims: Help students apply the structures
they have learnt to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in pairs/groups
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 2:
- Students complete the online article with
the words in the box in pairs.
- Teacher checks the answers with the class.
Exercise 3:
- Teacher asks students to focus on the
pictures and elicit which shows the present
and which shows the past.
- Students work in pair and write sentences
about what Michael used to do.
- Teacher calls some students to give the
1. Study the sentences from the interview on
page 12. Then choose the correct answers to
complete the rules.
Suggested answers
1. don’t do
2. didn’t use to
3. Did … use to
Used to là t được dùng để din t thói quen
hoc tình trng, s vic ch tn ti trong quá kh
(hin nay không còn).
(+) S + used to + V (bare).
(-) S + didn’t use to + V (bare).
(?) Did + S + use to + V (bare)?
Ex: (+) They used to live there when they were
(-) ………………………………….
(?) ………………………………….
2. Complete the online article with the words
in the box.
Suggested answers
1. used
2. didn’t
3. use
4. to
3. Look at the pictures of Michael in the past
and Michael now. Use the ideas in 16 to write
sentences about his life ten years ago. Use
affirmative and negative forms of used to.
Suggested answers
1) Michael didn’t use to work in an office.
2) He didn’t use to have longer hair.
3) He used to live in the USA.
4) He didn’t use to wear smart clothes.
5) He used to wear glasses.
6) He used to like playing games.
Aims: Help students consolidate the
structures: USED TO
Contents: Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ presentation
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs.
- Each student will write true and false
sentences about past habits. Then, read out
the sentences. The other student can guess
whether partner’s sentences are true or false.
- Teacher gives feedbacks to the
- Students write questions to ask a partner
about his / her past habits using Did you use
to … ? and the topics in exercise 3 on page
- Teacher asks some students to present their
answers in front of the class, and encourage
other students to do the same thing.
- Learn by heart all structures.
- Prepare the next lesson
7. USE IT! Write true and false sentences
about your past habits. Use affirmative and
negative forms of used to and the words in the
box. Work in pairs. Read out your sentences.
Guess whether your partner’s sentences are
true or false.
Write questions to ask a partner about his / her
past habits using Did you use to … ? and the
topics in exercise 3 on page 11.
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 4: Vocabulary and Listening
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- give and understand descriptions of people’s clothes.
- develop students’ listening skills.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
of language……
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practicing, discussion group, technical present….
1. Check up: during the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students identify, give and
understand descriptions of people’s clothes.
Contents: Students work in groups
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher divides class into 4 groups, and
explain the rule :
There are 10 pictures on the screen. Work in
groups and decide that the picture belongs to
correct answer, you will get 1 point for your
The group has the most correct answers will
be the winner.
- Teacher asks students a question:
? “Do you like modern or old fashion?
- Students answer in their own.
- Teacher leads in the lesson
Suggested answers:
Top half: blouse, hat, jacket, shirt, scarf
Bottom half: shorts, trainers, skirt, leggings,
THINK! Do you like modern or old fashion?
Aims: Teacher presents new words
related to fashions
Contents: Students listen and repeat new
words individual/pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the
meaning of new words.
-Teacher introduces some new words
Before listening, there are some new words
in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students
to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the
- Students copy down these words into their
Exercise 1:
- Students complete the word-web
with the correct words in pairs.
- Teacher asks some students to show their
answers to class and asks the class to correct
any mistakes.
Aims: Help students improve their
listening skill and apply the knowledge they
have learnt to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in pairs/groups
Products: Students’ answers
New words
- indigo (adj)
- knee-length (adj)
- patterned (adj)
1. Copy and complete the word-web with the
words in the box.
Suggested answers:
Top half: blouse, hat, jacket, shirt, scarf
Bottom half: shorts, trainers, skirt, leggings,
Adjectives: colourful, baggy, indigo, patterned,
3. Work in pairs. Use the words in exercise 1
Exercise 3:
- Teacher allows students time to look at the
clothes of the people in the photos.
- Encourage them to use adjectives as well
as nouns to describe them.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher allows students time look at the
pictures again.
- Teacher points out that in the recording,
Students will have to listen and decide the
photo mentioned.
- Teacher plays the audio.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Exercise 5:
- Teacher reads through the study strategy
with the class.
- Allow students time to read the questions,
then play the audio again.
- Students listen and answer the questions.
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
Aims: Help students consolidate the
Contents: Students work in groups
Products: Students’ opinion
to describe the clothes of people in photos A
C. Where are they?
Suggested answers
A. They’re wearing long blouses over short
trousers with red scarves.
B. The girls are wearing long indigo blouses
over knee-length shorts and long scarves around
their legs; the boy is wearing a black shirt, a long
jacket and baggy trousers.
C. The girl is wearing a pink T-shirt with a dark-
blue jacket and blue jeans.
4. Listen to Sam talking to his friend
Chloe about his holiday. Which photo is
mentioned in the recording?
Suggested answers
Photo B
5. Read the Study Strategy. Listen again
and answer the questions.
1. What country did Sam visit?
2. Who did Sam and his sister visit there?
3. What was the boy wearing?
4. What were the girls wearing?
Suggested answers:
1. He visited Vit Nam.
2. They visited their dad.
3. The boy was wearing baggy trousers, a long
jacket and a black shirt.
4. The girls were wearing long indigo blouses
over knee-length shorts.
6. USE IT! Work in pairs. Choose a photo
of a person in this unit and describe his / her
- Teacher asks students to work in groups
and choose a photo of a person in this unit
and describe his / her clothes.
- Teacher gives students time to discuss in
group and write down their opinions.
- Teacher calls out some students to present
their opinion in front of class.
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Do exercises (in workbook).
- Prepare new lesson.
clothes. Can your partner guess who he / she
(Students’ own answer )
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 5: Language focus
• Past continuous
• Past simple and past continuous
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about what people
were doing in
the past
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
of language……
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practicing,
discussion group, technical present….
1.Check up: during the lesson
2.New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students identify and
understand the situation.
Contents: Students work individual
Products: Students’ comparison
- Teacher shows the pictures and asks
“Where were the people when Sam saw
them?” (in Sa Pa) “What were they
wearing?” Write on the board: “They
were wearing their traditional
- Students answer on their own
- Teacher underlines the verb and elicit or
explain that it is in the past continuous
Where were the people when Sam saw them?
- in Sa Pa
What were they wearing?
- They were wearing their traditional costumes.
Aims: Help students review how to
Contents: Students pay attention to
the structures and work individual.
Products: Students understand the
- Teacher explains the grammar to
- Students copy down to their notebooks.
Exercise 1:
- Teacher asks students to complete the
sentences with the correct words, then
choose the correct words to complete the
- Students work themselves ( with weaker
classes, students may work in pairs)
- Teacher checks the answers.
Aims: Help students apply the
knowledge they have learnt to do the
tasks given.
Contents: Students work in
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 2:
- Teacher reads out the read out the first
gapped sentence and elicit the answer as
an example.
- Students complete the sentences, then
compare their answers in pairs.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Exercise 3:
- Teacher asks students to complete the
questions with the correct verb forms.
(- With stronger classes, students could
write one more question with their own
WAS / WERE + V-ing
I / He / She / It + Was / Wasn’t + V-ing
We / You / They + Were / Weren’t + + V-
Eg.: His friends were playing at the park.
My dad was reading a book at home.
1. Complete the sentences from the listening on
page 14 with the words in the box. Then choose
the correct option in the rule.
Suggested answers
1 doing 2 were 3 was 4 wearing
Rule: long actions
2. Look at the picture. What were the people
doing? Complete the sentences using the past
continuous form of the verbs in the box.
Suggested answers
1 were shopping 2 was carrying
3 wasn’t looking 4 was stealing
5 was listening
3. Complete the questions using the past
continuous form of the verbs in the box. Then ask
and answer the questions with a partner.
Suggested answers
1 was, doing 2 were, talking
- Teacher asks one or two students to read
some of their questions to the class.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
- Teacher asks students to works in pairs
and study the sentences and match them
with the rules.
- Check answers with the class and make
sure students understand everything.
Exercise 5:
- Teacher gives students time to practice
in pairs.
- Students complete the sentences with
the correct verb forms.
- Teacher calls some students to give the
answers and then gives feedback.
Aims: Help students consolidate
Contents: Students work individual/
Products: Students’ answers
- Teacher allows students time to prepare
their answers individually.
- Then, students work in pairs to ask and
answer the questions.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
3 Was, shining 4 were, sitting
4. Study sentences 14. Then match them with
rules ad. Which tenses do we use in each
sentence? How do you say when and while in
Suggested answers
1. d - past continuous, past simple
2. a - past continuous
3. b - past simple
4. c - past continuous
5. Complete the sentences using the correct
forms of the past simple and past continuous.
Suggested answers
1. was listening, heard
2. was watching, were playing
3. saw, was cycling
4. wasn’t shopping, phoned
Use IT! Work in pairs to ask and answer
questions about a celebration you remember.
Take turns to ask and answer questions 14.
Then change roles.
- Learn by heart the structures.
- Make sentences about your family using
comparative adjectives.
- Prepare for next lesson Speaking
(Students’ own answer)
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 6: Speaking
Expressing preferences
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- comment on people’s clothes.
- develop students’ speaking skill.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
of language……
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practicing,
discussion group, technical present….
1. Check up: during the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students brainstorm and lead
in new lesson
Contents: Students use language
materials simply. Students work in individual
Products: Students’ performance
- Teacher reads the questions with the class
and encourages students to talk about their
own opinions and experiences
- Teacher invites some students to answer.
- Students answer in their own.
Aims: Help students pay attention to the
content of the dialogue.
Contents: Students complete the
dialogue with the phrases in the box in
Products: Students’ word-filling
? THINK! “Do you like shopping for clothes?
Who do you go with? Where do you go?”
(Students’ own answers.)
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to read through
the gapped dialogue.
- Teacher plays the video or audio for
students to watch or listen and complete the
- Teacher plays the video again for students
to check their answers.
- Teacher checks their answer with the class,
then ask the questions to the class and elicit
the answers.
Aims: Help students comment on
people’s clothes as well as develop speaking
Contents: Students work in pairs/groups
Products: Students’ performance
Exercise 2:
- Teacher plays the audio for students to
watch or listen.
- Teacher could pause after some of the
sentences and questions for students to
- Students work in pairs to cover the
dialogue, then choose the correct words in
the key phrases.
- Teacher checks answers and checks that
students understand the key phrases.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher models pronunciation of the two
sounds in isolation, then play the audio for
students to listen and note down which sound
each word has got.
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
- Play the audio again, pausing for students
to repeat individually and chorally.
1. Complete the dialogue with the phrases in
the box. Then watch or listen and check. What
does Hugo think of Sammy’s trousers? Why is
Hugo buying a shirt?
Suggested answers
1. few weeks
2. interesting shirt
3. wedding
4. smart
5. expensive
6. look
7. decide
Hugo likes Sammy’s trousers. Hugo is buying
a shirt because he’s going to a wedding (and his
mum wants him to look smart).
2. Cover the dialogue and circle the words in
italics in the Key Phrases that Hugo and
Sammy use. Watch or listen again and check
Suggested answers
1. good
2. baggy
3. of
4. style
5. expensive
6. on
4. Listen and repeat. Which sound, /uː/ or /ʊ/,
has each word got?
Suggested answers:
/uː/ blue, cool, shoes, suit
/ʊ/ good, look
Exercise 5:
- Teacher checks that students know the
word suit (a jacket and trousers, usually worn
with a shirt and tie).
- Students work in pairs to ask and answer
questions about the items.
- Monitor while students are working and
give general feedback at the end.
Aims: Help students consolidate the way
to comment on people’s clothes.
Contents: Students work in groups
Products: Students’ conversation
Exercise 6:
- Students work in pairs to prepare a new
- Students swap roles and practise
- Ask some students to perform their
dialogues for the class
- Learn by heart all the structures.
- Do exercises (in workbook).
- Prepare new lesson.
5. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
about the items below. Use the key phrases.
(Students’ own answers.)
6. USE IT Work in pairs. Read the
situation. Then prepare and practise a new
dialogue using the key phrases and the
dialogue in exercise 1 to help you.
(Students’ own answers.)
| 1/22

Preview text:

Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching:
UNIT 1: FADS AND FASHIONS Lesson 1: Vocabulary Popular interests I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- get some more knowledge about popular interests, activities and fashions
- develop students’ speaking and listening skills.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practicing, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check – up :
during the lesson 2. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Students can talk about popular
interests, activities and fashions.
Contents: Students apply their
knowledge to the situations, then work in
groups to answer the questions. ➔
Products: Students find out the clear
picture behind the numbers. Organization:
- Teacher divides class into 2 groups.
- There are 12 numbers about popular games,
films, bands… on the screen. There is a
hidden picture behind these numbers. Each
group will choose a pair of number. With one
correct pair, you will get 1 point.
- The group has the most correct answers will be the winner.
- After revealing the picture, teacher asks students a question:
? “What is the hidden picture about?”
➔ The hidden picture is “RUBIK’S CUBE”
- Students answer “RUBIK’S CUBE”
- Teacher calls out some students to answer the question.
THINK! What’s in fashion at the moment?
? “What’s in fashion at the moment?
What songs, films and games are popular?
What songs, films and games are popular?”
- Students answer in their own.
- Teacher leads in the new lesson. ACTIVITY 2 : KNOWLEDGE
New words FORMATION - app (n)
Aims: Teacher presents new words - craze (n)
related to popular interests, activities and → crazy (adj) fashions. - fad (n)
Contents: Students listen and repeat new - follower (n)
words individual/pairs/groups. - gadget (n)
Products: Students can understand the - post (v,n)
meaning of new words. - social media (n)
- Teacher shows new words and uses some
techniques of teaching vocabulary to teach
them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the words.
- Students copy down these words into their notebooks. - Check -up : Matching ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
which they have learnt to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in
individual/pairs/groups to complete the tasks.
Products: Students’ answers Organization Exercise 1:
1. Work with a partner and do the quiz.
- Teacher gives students time to complete the Suggested answers
task. (Students can discuss in groups, pairs
or work individually). 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6.a
- Students listen and check their answers.
Then answer the question “Which answer
- Students answer in their own.
surprised you the most?”
- Teacher checks students’ answers. Exercise 2:
2. Watch or listen to five people talking about
- Teacher plays the video or audio for their interests. Match the speakers with the
Students to watch or listen and match the topics. Which speaker spends a lot of money speakers with the topics on his / her interest?
- Students listen, match and answer the Suggested answers:
question.“Which speaker spends a lot of Max: sports
money on his / her interest?”
Elizabeth: music
- Teacher plays the video / audio again and Mitchell: fashion
checks students’ answers. Yana: social media Joe: comics
Mitchell spends a lot of money on his interest. Exercise 3:
3. Watch or listen again and complete the
-Teacher allows students time to read the sentences. gapped sentences. Suggested answers
- Teacher plays the video / audio again for 1 .sports/ music 2. fashions 3. clothes
students to complete the sentences.
4. games 5. games 6. football
-Teacher checks answers with the class. Exercise 4:
4. USE IT! Work in pairs. Ask and answer
questions about the topics in exercise 3 using
the key phrases. Tell the class what your
partner’s favourite interest is.
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs and
tell the class what your partner’s favourite Suggested answers interest is.
- Do you spend much money on comics?
- No. I’m not crazy about them. Are you into
- Teacher suggests some phrases to Ask and music?
answer questions about the topics. - …
Finish? Use the key phrases to write a
Aims: Students can write a questionnaire questionnaire for your class about their free
for your class about their free time and time and interests. interests. Suggested answers
Contents: Students work in groups. - DIY
Products: Student’s opinions - read comics ❖ Organization: - watch TV
- Teacher asks students to work in groups - music
and discuss about their free time and - sports interests. - fashions
- Teacher gives students time to discuss in - …
group and write down their opinions.
- Teacher calls out some students to present
their opinion in front of class. ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
-Learn by heart all the new words.
-Prepare for next lesson – Reading
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching:
UNIT 1: FADS AND FASHIONS Lesson 2: Reading Crazes I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - find out more about crazes.
- identify the purpose of a text.
- use vocabulary items related to the issue of passage.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practicing, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check – up :
during the lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP Questions:
Aims: Students can predict the content of - Do you think that companies sometimes start a text from photo. crazes?
Contents: Students work individual/
- Would it help them to sell things? groups
- Is it possible to deliberately start a craze?
Products: Students’ answers
- How? Could you use TV or the internet?
Read out the title of the text and check
that students understand “CRAZES”. Focus
on the photos and ask students if they
THINK! How do crazes start? Who can
recognise any of the crazes they show. make money from them?
Read the questions with the class and
elicit answers from individual students. (Ask
more questions, if necessary, to encourage students to say more)
Work in pairs and think of the possible items. • Report to the class.
Teacher asks some pairs to report back to the class.
Teacher shows the pictures again and leads in the lesson ACTIVITY 2 : KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
Aims: Teacher presents new words  New words related to crazes - crazes (n)
Contents: Students listen and repeat new - generally (adv)
words individual/pairs/groups. - obviously (adv)
Products: Students can understand the - pole (n)
meaning of new words. - amazingly (adv)
Organization: - absolutely (adv)
-Teacher introduces some new words - apparently (adv)
Before reading, there are some new words in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the words.
- Students copy down these words into their notebooks. - Check-up: What and where ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
which they have learnt to do the tasks given
as well as develop reading skill.
Contents: Students work individual/ pairs/ groups.
Products: Students’ answers Organization Pre-reading Exercise 1:
- Teacher has students work in pairs
- Teacher reads out the question and the Suggested answers possible answers. a) to give information
- Teacher points out to students that for this
task they do not need to understand every
word in the text, but they just need to
understand what the writer is trying to achieve.
- Students then read the interview and choose the correct answer.
- Teacher checks the answer with the class. While-reading
- Teacher has students open their books to page 12.
- Teacher asks students to read the text again before doing exercise. Exercise 2:
- Teacher reads out the first answer and ask
students to scan the text quickly to find the date 1924.
2. Read and listen to the interview again.
- Teacher has students work in pairs and ask
Write questions for answers 1–5
them to read that section of the interview Suggested answers
carefully, then write the question for 1. in 1924. answer 1.
→ When did the craze of pole-sitting start?
- Students work in pairs, then read the 2. For thirteen hours.
interview again and write the remaining
→ For how long did Alvin Kelly sit on a pole? questions. 3. On social media.
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
→ Where do crazes often start these days? 4. He sold pet rocks.
→ What did Gary Dahl do / sell in the 1970s? 5. Millions.
→ How many pet rocks did he sell? Exercise 3: Optional activity
- Teacher asks students to close the books,
then teacher writes the following on the
Optional activity. Reading board: 1) Gary Dahl 1) Gary Dahl 2) twenty-one 2) twenty-one 3) 1970s 3) 1970s
- Ask students to work in group of 4, discuss Suggested answers
from memory what the name and numbers
1) Gary Dahl started the pet rock craze. refer to.
2) The record for sitting on a pole was twenty-
- Then, ask them to open their books again one days.
and scan the text quickly to check their ideas. 3) The pet rock craze started in the 1970s. - Students show the answers - Teacher gives feedback.
Aims: Teacher helps students consolidate the lesson
Contents: Students work individual
Products: Students’ comprehension
Organization: Post-reading Exercise 4: - Teacher gives the question:
? Which is the silliest, the strangest and the most fun?
- Teacher walks around to monitor the class and offers help.
4.USE IT! Work in groups. Say what you
- Students work in groups, they may ask for
think of the crazes in the interview. Take a help if necessary.
vote on which is the silliest, the strangest and
- Teacher invites two or three students to the most fun. answer the questions.
( Students’ own answers ) - Teacher gives feedback. ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
- Learn by heart all the new words. - Do exercises (in workbook). - Prepare new lesson.
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 3: Language Focus Used to I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about past habits and states
2. Skills:
Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practicing, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check – up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Teacher elicits the last information
from students about the Crazes, then leads in the new lesson.
Contents: Students work in groups
Products: Students’ sentences
- Do people buy pet rocks now? → (no).
- Teacher asks students what they can
➔ Write on the board: People used to buy pet
remember about the crazes in the interview rocks. on page 12. ➔ USED TO : đã từng
- Elicit a few answers from individual students.
- Ask: Do people buy pet rocks now? (no). - -
- Teacher asks and writes the questions on the board.
- Underline the verb and ask students to
translate the sentence into their own language. ACTIVITY 2 : KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
Aims: Help students learn the structures: USED TO
Contents: Students work individual
Products: Students’ answers Organization: Exercise 1:
1. Study the sentences from the interview on
- Teacher asks students to study the
page 12. Then choose the correct answers to
sentences and choose the correct answers to complete the rules. complete the rules. Suggested answers
- Teacher checks students’ answers. 1. don’t do
- Teacher introduces students how to use
2. didn’t use to “Used to”
3. Did … use to GRAMMAR.
Used to là từ được dùng để diễn tả thói quen
hoặc tình trạng, sự việc chỉ tồn tại trong quá khứ (hiện nay không còn).
(+) S + used to + V (bare).
(-) S + didn’t use to + V (bare).
(?) Did + S + use to + V (bare)?
Ex: (+) They used to live there when they were ten.
(-) ………………………………….
(?) …………………………………. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
Aims: Help students apply the structures
they have learnt to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in pairs/groups
Products: Students’ answers Organization Exercise 2:
2. Complete the online article with the words
- Students complete the online article with in the box.
the words in the box in pairs. Suggested answers
- Teacher checks the answers with the class. 1. used 2. didn’t 3. use 4. to Exercise 3:
3. Look at the pictures of Michael in the past
- Teacher asks students to focus on the
and Michael now. Use the ideas in 1–6 to write
pictures and elicit which shows the present
sentences about his life ten years ago. Use and which shows the past.
affirmative and negative forms of used to.
- Students work in pair and write sentences Suggested answers
about what Michael used to do.
1) Michael didn’t use to work in an office.
- Teacher calls some students to give the
2) He didn’t use to have longer hair. answers.
3) He used to live in the USA.
4) He didn’t use to wear smart clothes. 5) He used to wear glasses.
6) He used to like playing games.
7. USE IT! Write true and false sentences
Aims: Help students consolidate the
about your past habits. Use affirmative and
structures: USED TO
negative forms of used to and the words in the
Contents: Students work in pairs
box. Work in pairs. Read out your sentences.
Products: Students’ presentation
Guess whether your partner’s sentences are
Organization: true or false.
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs.
- Each student will write true and false
sentences about past habits. Then, read out
the sentences. The other student can guess
whether partner’s sentences are true or false.
- Teacher gives feedbacks to the presentation. Finish?
- Students write questions to ask a partner
Write questions to ask a partner about his / her
about his / her past habits using Did you use
past habits using Did you use to … ? and the
to … ? and the topics in exercise 3 on page
topics in exercise 3 on page 11. 11.
- Teacher asks some students to present their
answers in front of the class, and encourage
other students to do the same thing. ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
- Learn by heart all structures. - Prepare the next lesson
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 4: Vocabulary and Listening Fashions I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- give and understand descriptions of people’s clothes.
- develop students’ listening skills.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practicing, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check – up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Help students identify, give and
understand descriptions of people’s clothes.
Contents: Students work in groups
Products: Students’ answers Organization: Exercise 1:
- Teacher divides class into 4 groups, and explain the rule :
There are 10 pictures on the screen. Work in
groups and decide that the picture belongs to
correct answer, you will get 1 point for your
Suggested answers: group.
Top half: blouse, hat, jacket, shirt, scarf
The group has the most correct answers will
Bottom half: shorts, trainers, skirt, leggings, be the winner. trousers
- Teacher asks students a question:
? “Do you like modern or old fashion?
THINK! Do you like modern or old fashion? Why?” Why?
- Students answer in their own. - Teacher leads in the lesson ACTIVITY 2 : KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
Aims: Teacher presents new words related to fashions
Contents: Students listen and repeat new
words individual/pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the
meaning of new words. Pre-listening
Organization: New words
-Teacher introduces some new words - indigo (adj)
Before listening, there are some new words - knee-length (adj) in the text.” - patterned (adj)
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the words.
- Students copy down these words into their notebooks. Exercise 1:
1. Copy and complete the word-web with the
- Students complete the word-web words in the box.
with the correct words in pairs.
- Teacher asks some students to show their
answers to class and asks the class to correct any mistakes.
Suggested answers:
Top half: blouse, hat, jacket, shirt, scarf
Bottom half: shorts, trainers, skirt, leggings, trousers
Adjectives: colourful, baggy, indigo, patterned, knee-length ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
Aims: Help students improve their
listening skill and apply the knowledge they
have learnt to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in pairs/groups
Products: Students’ answers Organization While-listening
3. Work in pairs. Use the words in exercise 1 Exercise 3:
to describe the clothes of people in photos A–
- Teacher allows students time to look at the C. Where are they?
clothes of the people in the photos. Suggested answers
- Encourage them to use adjectives as well
A. They’re wearing long blouses over short
as nouns to describe them. trousers with red scarves.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
B. The girls are wearing long indigo blouses
over knee-length shorts and long scarves around
their legs; the boy is wearing a black shirt, a long jacket and baggy trousers.
C. The girl is wearing a pink T-shirt with a dark- blue jacket and blue jeans.
4. Listen to Sam talking to his friend Exercise 4:
Chloe about his holiday. Which photo is
- Teacher allows students time look at the
mentioned in the recording? pictures again. Suggested answers
- Teacher points out that in the recording, Photo B
Students will have to listen and decide the photo mentioned. - Teacher plays the audio.
- Teacher checks students’ answers. Post-listening
5. Read the Study Strategy. Listen again Exercise 5:
and answer the questions.
- Teacher reads through the study strategy
1. What country did Sam visit? with the class.
2. Who did Sam and his sister visit there?
- Allow students time to read the questions, 3. What was the boy wearing? then play the audio again.
4. What were the girls wearing?
- Students listen and answer the questions. Suggested answers:
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
1. He visited Việt Nam.
2. They visited their dad.
3. The boy was wearing baggy trousers, a long
jacket and a black shirt.
4. The girls were wearing long indigo blouses
over knee-length shorts.
Aims: Help students consolidate the lesson
Contents: Students work in groups
Products: Students’ opinion
6. USE IT! Work in pairs. Choose a photo
of a person in this unit and describe his / her
- Teacher asks students to work in groups
clothes. Can your partner guess who he / she
and choose a photo of a person in this unit is?
and describe his / her clothes.
- Teacher gives students time to discuss in
group and write down their opinions.
- Teacher calls out some students to present
their opinion in front of class.
(Students’ own answer ) ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
- Learn by heart all the new words. - Do exercises (in workbook). - Prepare new lesson.
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 5: Language focus • Past continuous
• Past simple and past continuous I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about what people were doing in the past
2. Skills:
Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practicing,
discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE
1.Check – up:
during the lesson 2.New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Help students identify and understand the situation.
Contents: Students work individual
Products: Students’ comparison
- Teacher shows the pictures and asks
“Where were the people when Sam saw
them?” (in Sa Pa) – “What were they
wearing?” → Write on the board: “They
were wearing their traditional costumes.”

Where were the people when Sam saw them?
- Students answer on their own - in Sa Pa
- Teacher underlines the verb and elicit or What were they wearing?
explain that it is in the past continuous
- They were wearing their traditional costumes. form. ➔ PAST CONTINUOUS ACTIVITY 2 : KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
Aims: Help students review how to use PAST CONTINUOUS
Contents: Students pay attention to
the structures and work individual. GRAMMAR: Review
Products: Students understand the PAST CONTINUOUS structures. WAS / WERE + V-ing Organization:
- Teacher explains the grammar to FORM: students.
I / He / She / It + Was / Wasn’t + V-ing
- Students copy down to their notebooks.
We / You / They + Were / Weren’t + + V- ing
Eg.: His friends were playing at the park.
My dad was reading a book at home. Exercise 1:
1. Complete the sentences from the listening on
- Teacher asks students to complete the
page 14 with the words in the box. Then choose
sentences with the correct words, then
the correct option in the rule.
choose the correct words to complete the Suggested answers rule.
1 doing 2 were 3 was 4 wearing
- Students work themselves ( with weaker Rule: long actions
classes, students may work in pairs) - Teacher checks the answers. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
Aims: Help students apply the
knowledge they have learnt to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in
Products: Students’ answers Organization Exercise 2:
- Teacher reads out the read out the first
2. Look at the picture. What were the people
gapped sentence and elicit the answer as
doing? Complete the sentences using the past an example.
continuous form of the verbs in the box.
- Students complete the sentences, then Suggested answers
compare their answers in pairs.
1 were shopping 2 was carrying
3 wasn’t looking 4 was stealing
- Teacher checks students’ answers. 5 was listening Exercise 3:
3. Complete the questions using the past
- Teacher asks students to complete the
continuous form of the verbs in the box. Then ask
questions with the correct verb forms.
and answer the questions with a partner.
(- With stronger classes, students could Suggested answers
write one more question with their own 1 was, doing 2 were, talking ideas.)
- Teacher asks one or two students to read 3 Was, shining 4 were, sitting
some of their questions to the class.
- Teacher checks students’ answers. GRAMMAR: Review
- Teacher gives students time to read the
4. Study sentences 1–4. Then match them with rules.
rules a–d. Which tenses do we use in each
- Teacher asks students to works in pairs
sentence? How do you say when and while in
and study the sentences and match them Vietnamese? with the rules. Suggested answers
- Check answers with the class and make
1. d - past continuous, past simple
sure students understand everything. 2. a - past continuous 3. b - past simple 4. c - past continuous Exercise 5:
- Teacher gives students time to practice
5. Complete the sentences using the correct in pairs.
forms of the past simple and past continuous.
- Students complete the sentences with Suggested answers
the correct verb forms. 1. was listening, heard
- Teacher calls some students to give the 2. was watching, were playing
answers and then gives feedback. 3. saw, was cycling
4. wasn’t shopping, phoned
Aims: Help students consolidate
Contents: Students work individual/ pairs
Products: Students’ answers
- Teacher allows students time to prepare
Use IT! Work in pairs to ask and answer
their answers individually.
questions about a celebration you remember.
- Then, students work in pairs to ask and
Take turns to ask and answer questions 1–4. answer the questions. Then change roles.
- Teacher checks students’ answers. ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
- Learn by heart the structures.
- Make sentences about your family using
comparative adjectives.
- Prepare for next lesson – Speaking
(Students’ own answer)
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching:
UNIT 1: FADS AND FASHIONS Lesson 6: Speaking
Expressing preferences I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- comment on people’s clothes.
- develop students’ speaking skill.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practicing,
discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE
1. Check – up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Help students brainstorm and lead in new lesson
Contents: Students use language
materials simply. Students work in individual
Products: Students’ performance
- Teacher reads the questions with the class
? THINK! “Do you like shopping for clothes?
and encourages students to talk about their
Who do you go with? Where do you go?” own opinions and experiences
- Teacher invites some students to answer.
(Students’ own answers.)
- Students answer in their own. ACTIVITY 2 : KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
Aims: Help students pay attention to the
content of the dialogue.
Contents: Students complete the
dialogue with the phrases in the box in individual
Products: Students’ word-filling
Organization: Pre-speaking Exercise 1:
1. Complete the dialogue with the phrases in
- Teacher gives students time to read through the box. Then watch or listen and check. What
the gapped dialogue.
does Hugo think of Sammy’s trousers? Why is
- Teacher plays the video or audio for Hugo buying a shirt?
students to watch or listen and complete the Suggested answers dialogue. 1. few weeks
- Teacher plays the video again for students 2. interesting shirt
to check their answers. 3. wedding
- Teacher checks their answer with the class, 4. smart
then ask the questions to the class and elicit 5. expensive the answers. 6. look 7. decide
→ Hugo likes Sammy’s trousers. Hugo is buying
a shirt because he’s going to a wedding (and his mum wants him to look smart). ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
Aims: Help students comment on
people’s clothes as well as develop speaking skill.
Contents: Students work in pairs/groups
Products: Students’ performance Organization While-speaking
2. Cover the dialogue and circle the words in Exercise 2:
italics in the Key Phrases that Hugo and
- Teacher plays the audio for students to
Sammy use. Watch or listen again and check watch or listen. Suggested answers
- Teacher could pause after some of the 1. good
sentences and questions for students to 2. baggy repeat. 3. of
- Students work in pairs to cover the 4. style
dialogue, then choose the correct words in 5. expensive the key phrases. 6. on
- Teacher checks answers and checks that
students understand the key phrases. PRONUNCIATION Exercise 4:
4. Listen and repeat. Which sound, /uː/ or /ʊ/,
- Teacher models pronunciation of the two has each word got?
sounds in isolation, then play the audio for Suggested answers:
students to listen and note down which sound /uː/ blue, cool, shoes, suit each word has got. /ʊ/ good, look
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
- Play the audio again, pausing for students
to repeat individually and chorally. Exercise 5:
5. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
- Teacher checks that students know the
about the items below. Use the key phrases.
word suit (a jacket and trousers, usually worn with a shirt and tie).
- Students work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the items.
- Monitor while students are working and
(Students’ own answers.)
give general feedback at the end.
Aims: Help students consolidate the way
to comment on people’s clothes.
Contents: Students work in groups
Products: Students’ conversation
Organization: Post-speaking Exercise 6:
6. USE IT – Work in pairs. Read the
- Students work in pairs to prepare a new
situation. Then prepare and practise a new dialogue.
dialogue using the key phrases and the
- Students swap roles and practise
dialogue in exercise 1 to help you. again.
- Ask some students to perform their
(Students’ own answers.) dialogues for the class ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
- Learn by heart all the structures. - Do exercises (in workbook). - Prepare new lesson.