Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 2: Sensations | Friends Plus

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Friends Plus được biên soạn rất cẩn thận, trình bày khoa học các bài học Starter Unit, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 theo chương trình sách giáo khoa. Giáo án Anh 8 Friends Plus giúp thầy cô tham khảo để soạn giáo án dạy môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 cho học sinh của mình.

Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 1: Vocabulary: Senses
I can ask and answer questions related to the senses.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- ask and answer questions about the senses
- learn more sensations’ vocabularies.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during the lesson
2. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Aims: Students can talk about all
sensations of people
Contents: Students apply their
knowledge to the situations, then work in
individual and groups to answer the
Products: Students answers
- Students work in pairs to ask and answer
- Teacher gives students time to work in pairs
- Teacher invites students to speak in front of
the class
- Teacher checks answers and gives
THINK! How many senses are there? Which
do you think you use most? Which is your
strongest sense?
(Students’ own answers.)
New words
- hearing (n): thính giác
- sight (n): thị giác
- smell (n): khứu
- taste (n): vị giác
- touch (n): xúc giác
Aims: Teacher presents new words
related to senses
Contents: Students listen and repeat
new words individual/pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the
meaning of new words.
- Teacher shows new words and uses some
techniques of teaching vocabulary to teach
them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the
- Students copy down these words into their
- Check-up: Matching
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
which they have learnt to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in
individual/pairs/groups to complete the tasks.
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to complete the
- Students look at photos and do matching.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Exercise 2:
- Students read the magazine and complete the
- Teacher gives students time to do the
- Teacher plays the audio again and checks
students’ answers.
1. Look at photos 15 and match them with the
senses in the box
Suggested answers
1. sight 2. touch 3. hearing 4. smell 5. taste
2. Read the magazine quiz and complete the
table with the words in blue. Listen and check
Exercise 3:
- Students work in pairs to do the quiz by
asking their partner and answering questions
- Teacher gives students time to complete the
-Teacher invites some pairs of students to
speak in front of the class and checks
answers with the class.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher plays the video/audio and gives
students time to listen and answer.
- Teacher opens the audio again and checks
answers with the class.
Aims: Students can write a questionnaire
for your class about their favourite senses.
Contents: Students work in groups.
Products: Students’ opinions
Exercise 5:
- Students work in pairs to ask and answer
the questions with their partner.
- Students use key phrases of like and dislike
to ask and answer questions.
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
speak in front of the class and give feedback.
-Learn by heart all the new words.
-Prepare for the next lesson Reading
Suggested answers:
Have a
good ear
3. Do the quiz. Which sense is the most
important for you? Compare your result with
a partner's.
(Students’ own answers.)
4. Watch or listen. What is each person
talking about? Match speakers: Alicia, Emma,
Will, Paul and Zara with photos AE
Suggested answers
Alicia: B
Emma: C
Will: D
Paul: E
Zara: A
5. USE IT! Work in groups. Ask and
answer the questions. Use some of the
key phrases.
(Students’ own answers.)
Suggested answers
1. I love the sea, the sound of the waves and the
taste of the salt vapour. It reminds me of
summer days with my family swimming in the
2. I hate going to noisy places, it makes me
uncomfortable and headache
3. My favorite city is Paris, I wish I could see
the Eiffel Tower once
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 2: Reading: The importance of smell
I can identify the main idea in a paragraph.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- identify the main idea in the text
- learn more vocabulary about the smell
- understand the content of the text “Follow your nose”
- Talk about their favourite smell and the connection between their memories and
that smell.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practicing, discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Students can talk about their
favourite smell and the connection between
their memories and the smell they like.
Contents: Students work
individually/work in pairs.
Products: Students’ answers
- Teacher divides the class into pairs.
- Teacher gives the student time to talk
with their partner.
- Teacher invites some pairs of students
to speak in front of the class
- Teacher gives feedback.
THINK! What smells can you remember
from when you were younger? Is there a
connection between smells and memory?
(Students’ own answers.)
🕮 New words
- connection (n): kết nối, liên kết
- difference (n): sự khác biệt
- deaf (adj): điếc
- blind (adj): mù
- extraordinary (adj): phi thường
- odour (n): mùi thơm
Aims: Teacher presents new words
related to smell
Contents: Students listen and repeat
new words individually/in pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the
meaning of new words.
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before reading, there are some new words
in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students
to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the
- Students copy down these words into their
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
which they have learnt to do the tasks given
as well as develop reading skills.
Contents: Students work in individual/
pairs/ groups.
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher has students open their books to
page 20.
- Teacher explains some vocabulary before
students read the text.
While reading
- Teacher gives students time to read the text
and complete their tasks.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
- Teacher checks the answer with the class.
- scent (n): mùi, sự đánh hơi
- perfume (n): nước hoa
- fragrance (n): hương thơm ngát
- flavour (n): mùi vị
- texture (n): kết cấu
- anosmic (n): người bị mất khứu giác
1. Read the article. Then complete the headings
for paragraphs AC with the words in the box
Suggested answers
A. Scent and memory
B. Training a smell
C. Life without food
2. Read and listen to the article again and
write true or false. Correct the false sentences
Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
questions and do the exercise.
- Teacher invites students to answer the
questions in front of the class,
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
Exercise 3:
- Teacher has students close their books and
not use any electronic devices to look up the
- Then, teacher divides the class into some
- Students work in groups, read the text again
and discuss the exercise.
- Teacher invites some groups to answer the
questions. The group with the highest score
will get good points.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives students time to look up the
blue vocabulary in the dictionary
- Teacher invites some students to explain
the meaning of those words.
- Teacher checks the meaning of those words
with students.
Aims: Teacher helps students
consolidate the lesson
Contents: Students work in individual
Products: Students’ speaking
Exercise 5:
- Teacher gives the question:
“Which objects and places smell best to
you. Which of them bring back
- Students work in individual, they may ask
for help if necessary.
1. Helen Keller had a good sense of smell.
2. She says there’s a connection between
smells and memory.
3. A person with a normal sense of smell can
become a professional perfumer.
4. James Bell failed his first ‘smell test’ at the
perfume company.
5. Lucy could smell everything when she was
a baby
Suggested answers
1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F
3. Find synonyms in the text for the words
Suggested answers
1. incredible = extraordinary
2. identify = recognise
3. artificial = synthetic
4. organic = natural materials
4. VOCABULARY PLUS Use a dictionary to
check the meaning of the words in blue in the
- odour (n): mùi thơm
- scent (n): mùi, sự đánh hơi
- perfume (n): nước hoa
- Teacher gives students time to prepare
their answers.
- Teacher invites some students to talk about
their answers and gives feedback.
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Do exercises (in the workbook).
- Prepare new lesson.
- fragrance (n): hương thơm ngát
- flavour (n): mùi vị
- texture (n): kết cấu
5. USE IT! Talk about which objects and
places smell best to you. Which of them bring
back memories?
Suggest answer:
The scent I like the most is the smell of the rice
fields. It reminds me of my childhood memories
with my friends and neighbours when my
hometown was still in the countryside.
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 3: Language Focus: Present perfect: affirmative and
negative * for and since
I can talk about experiences that started in the past.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand how to use present perfect tense
- can talk about their experiences using present perfect
- can compare and know how to use “for” and “since” in present perfect.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students learn the structures:
Contents: Students work in individual
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher teaches students about present
perfect, and gives them structure, form, and
examples about this tense.
- Teacher invites students to read aloud the
article on page 20.
- Teacher gives students time to complete the
⬧◼⧫ ⧫ 
⧫❖ ◼ ◼⧫❖
Present perfect ( Thì hiện tại hoàn thành) diễn tả
một hành động, hoặc sự việc đã xảy ra ở quá khứ
và vẫn kéo dài tới hiện tại.
(+) S + HAS/HAVE + V-ED/V3
(-) S+ HAS/HAVE + NOT + V-ED/V3
exercise 1.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Aims: Help students apply the structures
of present perfect they have learnt and
distinguish between “for” and “since” to do
the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in individual/
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 2:
- Students read the sentences in exercise 1
- Teacher gives students time to read the
questions and do the task.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
exercise in front of the class,
- Teacher checks the answers with the class.
Exercise 3:
- Teacher gives students time to read the text
and do their exercise.
- Students manipulate what they have learnt
about present perfect to conjugate the verb.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
exercise in front of the class,
- Teacher checks the answers with the class.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives students time to read the text
and do their exercise.
- Students look up the dictionary to conjugate
the right present perfect verb.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
exercise in front of the class.
- Teacher checks the answers with the class
and gives feedback.
Exercise 5:
- Teacher gives students time to read and do
their exercise.
Ex: (+) I have been in Hanoi for 3 months (Tôi ở
Hà Nội kể từ 3 tháng trước)
(-) I haven’t been in Hanoi for 3 months (Tôi
không ở Hà Nội kể tù 3 tháng trước)
1. Cover the article on page 20. Complete the
sentences with the words in the box. Then
check your answers
1. He has…………to create fragrances.
2. She has………… anosmic since birth.
3. She has never…….. different perfumes.
4. Meals haven’t……… much flavour
Suggested answers
1. helped
2. tried
3. smelled
4. had
2. Read the sentences in exercise 1 again. Then
choose the correct words to complete the rules.
Suggested answers
1. started
2. have
3. Regular
- Students read the examples and complete
the rules with “for” and “since”.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
exercise in front of the class.
- Teacher checks answers.
Exercise 6:
- Teacher gives students time to complete
their exercise.
- Students apply what they have learnt about
“for” and “since” to do their task.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
exercise in front of the class.
- Teacher checks answers and gives
Aims: Help students consolidate the
structures: PRESENT PERFECT by
describing their unforgettable experiences.
Contents: Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ presentation
Exercise 7:
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs.
- Each student will write some sentences
about their unforgettable experiences and
write questions to ask a partner.
- Students will ask their partner about his/her
experiences and then do the reverse.
- Teacher gives some pairs of students to
speak in front of the class.
- Teacher gives feedback.
- Learn by heart all structures.
- Prepare the next lesson
4. negative
3. Complete the sentences with the correct
present perfect form of the verbs in brackets
Suggested answers
1. have visited
2. have tried
3. haven’t decided
4. Read the Study Strategy. Complete the
sentences using the present perfect form of
the verbs
Suggested answers:
1. haven’t eaten
2. have spoken
3. haven’t seen
4. hasn’t begun
5. has bought
For and Since
5. Study the examples and complete the rules
with for and since
Since: We use “since” to talk about the point in
time an activity started, (chỉ mốc thời gian)
For: We use “for” to talk about the period of
time up to the future. (chỉ khoảng thời gian)
- We have watched this film since 2022. (Chúng
tôi xem phim này vào năm 2022)
- We have watched this film for 3 weeks. (chúng
tôi xem phim này khoảng 3 tuần trước)
6. Complete the sentences with the present
perfect form of the verbs in brackets and for
or since
Suggested answers:
1. I haven’t felt this happy for weeks.
2. We haven’t seen him since last month.
3. They have had that dog for years.
4. She has lived in London since 2010.
7. USE IT! Talk about experiences using the
present perfect. Use the time expressions
(Students’ own answers.)
Suggested answers:
1. I have never gone to Paris before.
2. I have done this difficult exercise for
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 4: Vocabulary and Listening: Sensations and experiences
I can use prediction skills when listening for specific information.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- can listen to the dialogue and do the exercises
- learn more vocabulary about their feelings
- can talk about their feelings and experiences
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students learn how to
describe your feelings and experiences
Contents: Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher divides the class into pairs, and
explain the rule:
+ Group members will ask and answer
together 5 questions from the book. The
student that gets the information from his/her
partner the fastest and remembers the most
information will be the winning group.
+ The winning team will get bonus points.
THINK! When was the last time that you had
a memorable day? What did you do?
- Students will ask and answer on their own
with their partner.
- When the exchange is over, the students
will send the information they took notes
from their partner to the teacher.
- After that, the teacher will ask for and
compare the information recorded on the
papers of those students.
Aims: Teacher presents new words
related to feelings
Contents: Students listen and repeat
new words in individual/pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the
meaning of new words.
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before listening, there are some new words
in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students
to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the
- Students copy down these words into their
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to complete the
- Students use the blue words in the exercise
Feeling questionnaire to do the tasks
Teacher opens the audio for students to listen
and check their answers.
- Teacher asks some students to show their
answers to the class and asks the class to
correct any mistakes.
- Teacher gives feedback.
(Students’ own answers.)
🕮 New words
- delicious (adj): ngon
- disgusting (adj): ghê tởm
- wonderful (adj); tuyệt vời
- exhausted (adj): kiệt sức, mệt lử
- fascinating (adj): hấp dẫn
- terrifying (adj): kinh hãi, khiếp sợ
1. Match adjectives 16 with the extreme
adjectives in blue in the questionnaire. Then
listen and check.
Suggested answers:
2. interesting = fascinating
3. tasty = delicious
4. scary = terrifying
5. horrible = disgusting
6. tired = exhausted
2. Listen and order photos AC. Which
questions from the questionnaire are the
people answering?
Suggested answers
1. B
2. A
3. C
Aims: Help students improve their
listening skills and apply the knowledge they
have learnt to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in
Products: Students’ answers
While listening
Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to look at
photos in books.
- Teacher opens the audio twice
- Students listen and order photos A-C
- Teacher invites students to answer the
questions in front of the class.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Exercise 3:
- Teacher allows students time to read
sentences 15 in exercise 4 and guest type of
answers they should be listening.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
- Teacher checks students’ answers and
explain why we need to use those type of
Exercise 4:
- Teacher allows students time to read the
questions, then play the audio again.
- Students listen and answer the questions.
- Teacher invites some students to answer
the questions.
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
- Teacher points out the answers in the
3. Read sentences 15 in exercise 4. Decide
what type of answer you should be listening
for: age, noun, distance, reason or adjective.
Suggested answers
1. age
2. adjective
3. distance
4. noun
5. reason
4. Listen again and complete the sentences.
Were your answers in exercise 3 correct?
Suggested answers:
1. six years old
2. disgusting
3. 100 kilometres
4. food
5. it smells so bad
5. USE IT! Work in pairs. Read the
Feelings questionnaire again and answer the
questions for you. Then ask and answer the
questions with a partner
Aims: Help students consolidate the
Contents: Students work in groups
Products: Students’ opinion
- The teacher invites some students to
submit their work from the first game for
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Do exercises (in the workbook).
- Prepare new lesson.
(Students’ own answer )
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 5: Language focus
• Present perfect: questions
• Present perfect and past simple
I can ask people about their experiences.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- can distinguish between past simple and present perfect to do their
- understand the structure of present perfect questions.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practicing,
discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during lesson
2.New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students review how to
use PRESENT PERFECT and learn
present perfect questions.
Contents: Students pay attention to
the structures and work individually.
Products: Students understand the
- Teacher explains the grammar to
⬧◼⧫ ⧫ ❑◆⬧⧫
🕮 GRAMMAR: Review
Present perfect ( Thì hiện tại hoàn thành) diễn tả
một hành động, hoặc sự việc đã xảy ra ở quá khứ và
vẫn kéo dài tới hiện tại.
(+) S + HAS/HAVE + V-ED/V3
(-) S+ HAS/HAVE + NOT + V-ED/V3
(?) HAS/HAVE + S+ V-ED/V3?
- Teacher gives students examples of this
- Students copy down to their notebooks.
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to complete
the sentences with the correct words.
- Students apply what they learnt about
present perfect to do the exercise.
- Teacher invites some students to do the
- Teacher checks the answers.
Aims: Help students apply the
knowledge about present perfect and past
simple to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to do the
- Students read the sentences in exercise 1
again and choose the answer.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Exercise 3:
- Teacher divides students into pairs to
order the words to make questions.
- After that, students ask and answer the
questions with their partner.
- Teacher gives students time to complete
the task
- Teacher asks two students in one group
to speak in front of the class.
- Teacher checks students’ answers and
gives feedback.
She / He / It + Has + V-ed/V3
I/ You / We / They + Have + V-ed/V3
Ex: (+) I have been in Hanoi for 3 months (Tôi ở Hà
Nội kể từ 3 tháng trước)
(-) I haven’t been in Hanoi for 3 months (Tôi
không ở Hà Nội kể tù 3 tháng trước)
(?) Have you been in Hanoi for 3 months? (Bạn
ở Hà nội từ 3 tháng trước sao?)
1. Complete 15 with the words in the box. How
do you say ever in Vietnamese?
Suggested answers
1. ever
2. haven’t
3. Have
4. Has
5. hasn’t
2. Read the sentences in exercise 1 again. Then
choose the correct answer to complete the rule.
Suggested answers: a
Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
- Students make questions based on the
answers in the box
- Teacher invites some students to answer
their questions.
- Teacher checks answers with the class
and makes sure students understand
Exercise 5:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
- Students read the questions and answers
based on the above sentences.
- Teacher calls some students to give the
answers and then gives feedback.
Exercise 6:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
exercise and complete their task
- After students finish their task, teacher
plays the audio and checks answers with
Aims: Help students consolidate
Contents: Students work
individually/in pairs
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 7:
- Teacher allows students time to talk
with their partners.
3. Order the words to make questions.
Then ask and answer the questions with a
Suggested answers
1. a frightening film / you / have / lately / seen / ?
Have you seen a frightening film lately?
2. this year / has / improved / your English / ?
→ Has your English improved this year?
3. cooked a meal / ever / for you / your
friends / have / ?
→ Have your friends ever cooked a meal
for you?
4. what / you / today / eaten / have / ?
→ What have you eaten today?
5. in the last five years / countries / have /
visited / you / what / ?
→ What countries have you visited in the
last five years?
- Ask and answer with a partner:
(Students’ own answer )
4. Write questions for the answers using the
present perfect and the words in brackets
- Then, students work in pairs to ask and
answer the questions.
- Students use the present perfect and past
simple to make the dialogue.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
- Learn by heart the structures.
- Make sentences about your family using
comparative adjectives.
- Prepare for the next lesson Speaking
Suggested answers
1. Have you ever cooked spaghetti?
2. What have you bought?
3. Where have they moved to?
4. Has the meeting finished?
Present perfect and past simple
🕮 GRAMMAR: Review
- To be:
(+) S +WAS / WERE + ADJ/ N
(?) WAS/WERE + S + ADJ/N?
Eg: (+) My mom was a nurse
(-) My mom wasn’t a nurse
(?) Was your mom a nurse?
- Regular verb:
(+) S + V-ED/V2
(-) S+ DIDN’T + V(BARE)
(?) DID + S + V(BARE)?
Eg: (+) They visited their parents last Sunday
( -) They didn’t visit their parents last Sunday
(?) Did they visit their parents last Sunday?
5. Study examples ad. Then answer questions
Suggested answers
Past simple
Present perfect
2. sentence b, d
3. sentence a,c
6. Read the dialogue and choose
the correct words. Then listen and check
Suggested answers:
1. Have you ever
2. went
3. Did you enjoy it
4. Have you tried
5. I’ve never been
7. USE IT! Make a dialogue with a partner
on either idea A or B. Use the present perfect
and past simple forms.
(Students’ own answer)
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 6: Speaking: Planning free time
I can discuss ideas about how to spend free time.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- can discuss ideas about how to spend free time with their partner.
- develop students’ speaking skills.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising,
discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students brainstorm and lead
in the new lesson
Contents: Students use language
materials simply. Students work individually
Products: Students’ performance
- Teacher reads the questions with the class
and encourages students to talk about their
own opinions and experiences
- Teacher invites some students to answer.
- Students answer on their own.
THINK! What do you like doing in the
evening and at the weekend?
(Students’ own answers.)
Aims: Help students pay attention to the
content of the dialogue.
Contents: Students choose the correct
words in the dialogue individually
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to read through
the gapped dialogue and do the exercise.
- Teacher plays the video or audio for students
to watch or listen and check their answers.
- Teacher plays the video again and checks
students’ answers.
- Teacher asks the questions to the class and
invites some students to answer the questions.
- Then, teacher checks the answers.
Exercise 2:
- Students read the dialogue in exercise 1
again and complete the Key phrases.
- Teacher plays the audio for students to
watch or listen.
- Teacher could pause after some of the
sentences and questions for students to check
the answers.
- Teacher makes sure that students
understand the key phrases.
Aims: Help students can discuss ideas
to spend their free time and improve their
speaking skill.
Contents: Students work in pairs/groups
Products: Students’ performance
1. Choose the correct words in the dialogue.
Then watch or listen and check. What does
Louise want to do next weekend? Where does
Grace suggest going for lunch?
Suggested answers
1. been
2. been
3. been
4. had
5. eaten
6. have
What does Louise want to do next week?
→ She wants to go to play bowling
Exercise 3:
- Students work in pải and practice speaking
the dialogue
- Teacher gives students time to do task
- teacher invites some pairs of students to
speak in front of the class.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher plays the audio for students to listen
to and note down.
- Students listen and complete the exercise.
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
- Play the audio again, pausing for students
to repeat individually and chorally.
Exercise 5:
- Teacher divides students into pairs to speak
based on situations that have been listed in
exercise 5.
- Students work in pairs to ask and answer
questions about spending free time after
- Teacher monitors while students are
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
speak and gives general feedback at the end.
Aims: Help students consolidate the way
to discuss ideas on how to spend their free
Contents: Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ conversation
Exercise 6:
- Students work in pairs to prepare a new
dialogue using key phrases.
- Students swap roles and practise
Where does Grace suggest going for lunch?
→ Grace suggests going for lunch in a
great restaurant really near here.
2. Cover the dialogue and complete the Key
Phrases. Watch or listen again and check
Suggested answers
1. boring
2. much fun
3. eating
4. have fish and chips
5. something different
6. you’ll enjoy it
3. Practise the dialogue with your partner
(Students’ own answers.)
4. PRONUNCIATION: Stress for
emphasis. Listen and repeat the sentences.
Which sentence has more stressed words?
Suggested answers:
1. Have you been to Bowl You Over?
2. You’ve never been bowling? Seriously?
- Teacher asks some students to perform
their dialogues for the class.
- Learn by heart all the structures.
- Do exercises (in the workbook).
- Prepare a new lesson.
sentence 2
5. Work in pairs. Read situations 13. Take
turns to suggest doing something after
school. Use the key phrases.
(Students’ own answers.)
Suggested answers:
A: What do you fancy doing?
B: I think we should play a video game after
A: Why not try to go for a bicycle ride?
B: It doesn’t sound much fun to me.
6. USE IT Work in pairs. Read the
situation. Then prepare and practise a new
dialogue. Use the key phrases and the
dialogue in exercise 1 to help you.
(Students’ own answers.)
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 7: Writing: A competition entry
I can use intensifiers to add interest to my writing.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand the magazine advert “ Experience the Mekong Delta in
Southern Việt Nam”
- use key phrases to describe your hometown’s highlights
- use intensifiers in writing exercises
- understand how to write their answer and opinions
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Writing, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practicing,
discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students give their opinions
about special sights and sounds of their
Contents: Students use language
materials simply. Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ answers
- Teacher divides the class into pairs and
encourages students to answer about their
own opinions based on the reading “
Experience the Mekong Delta in Southern
Việt Nam”
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
- Students answer on their own.
Aims: Help students pay attention to the
content, and understand how to use key
phrases and intensifiers.
Contents: Students work in pairs and
tell their partner what special sights and
sounds are in their hometown using key
phrases expressing recommendations and
Products: Students’ answers
Pre-doing exercise:
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before doing exercises, there are some new
words in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students
to listen and repeat.
? THINK! What do you like about the place
where you live? Has it got any special sights
and sounds?
(Students’ own answers.)
Suggested answered:
I was born and raised in Hue where the famous
Huong River and Ngu Binh Mountain are
located. Here, I like the Hue citadel the most,
where the Nguyen kings worked and lived. This
architecture has existed for a long time, retaining
the ancient and solemn features of the nobility. I
am very proud to have been born here.
1. Read the magazine advert and last year’s
winning entry about the Mekong Delta. What
do you have to do to enter the competition?
What’s the prize? What do we learn about
the residents in Southern Việt Nam?
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the
- Students copy down these words into their
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students read the game rule
and the magazine “Experience the Mekong
Delta in Southern Việt Nam”
- Students read the questions and answer
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
questions and give feedback.
Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
- Teacher explains the meaning of some
- Teacher gives students time to complete the
- Teacher invites students to answer the
- Teacher consolidates where the intensifiers
are placed.
Aims: Help students understand how to
use intensifiers in some cases related to
normal and extreme adjectives and write
about their opinions using expressing
Contents: Students work in individual
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 3:
(Students’ own answers.)
New words:
- floating markets (n): chợ nổi
- fruit orchards (n): vườn cây ăn trái
- rice fields (n): cánh đồng lúa
- worth (adj): xứng đáng, đáng
- folk music (n): âm nhạc dân gian
- instruments (n): nhạc cụ
- flute (n): sáo
- 16-string zither (n): đàn tranh 16 dây
- violin (n): đàn vĩ cầm
- Mekong Delta (n): Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long
- temperature (n): nhiệt độ
Suggested answers:
1. What do you have to do to enter the
- Teacher gives students time to do the
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives students time to complete the
- Students use the first two key phrases to
write about their town.
- Teacher invites some students to speak their
answers and give feedback.
Exercise 5:
- Teacher checks that students know how to
write the text based on the note in section B
- Students use their notes from section B and
the headings from model text to write their
- Teacher gives students time to write the text
- Teacher monitors while students are
working and give general feedback at the
- Students use key phrases, and intensifiers to
write the text.
- Learn by heart all the structures.
- Do exercises (in the workbook).
- Prepare new lesson.
We have to describe the sights, sounds, tastes
and feelings that visitors to our country can
2. What’s the prize?
→ The winner will send two weeks in
3. What do we learn about the residents in
Southern Việt Nam?
→ The residents in Southern Vi
t Nam
are so warm.
2. Find the words in the box in the Experience
the Mekong Delta in Southern Việt Nam text.
What type of word (adjective, noun or verb)
do they always come before?
Suggested answers
- It’s absolutely delicious!
- The sound of a variety of instruments like a
flute, a 16-string zither, a violin and a guitar is
really amazing and very soft
Intensifiers often come before
3. Study the examples and answer the
1. Which adjective is an extreme adjective
(it describes a strong opinion): soft or delicious?
2. Do we use very with normal or extreme
3. Can we use really with both normal and
extreme adjectives?
4. What other intensifiers can we use with
adjectives? Find examples in the text
Suggested answers:
1. Delicious
2. No, we don’t. We use very with normal
3. Yes, we can
4. quite, extremely
4. Read the key phrases and find them in the
Experience the Mekong Delta in Southern
Việt Nam text. Think of how to complete the
first two phrases about your town.
Suggested answers:
1. It’s one of the most popular dishes in the
Mekong Delta
2. Don’t forget to try other excellent local
specialities, like pop rice, lemongrass chicken or
grilled snakehead fish,
Don’t forget to try Bun Bo Hue when you
come to Hue. It is one of the most delicious food
in my hometown.
5. USE IT! Follow the steps in the writing
(Students’ own answers.)
| 1/34

Preview text:

Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: SENSATIONS
Lesson 1: Vocabulary: Senses
I can ask and answer questions related to the senses. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- ask and answer questions about the senses
- learn more sensations’ vocabularies.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check–up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Students can talk about all sensations of people
Contents: Students apply their
THINK! How many senses are there? Which
knowledge to the situations, then work in
do you think you use most? Which is your
individual and groups to answer the strongest sense? questions.
(Students’ own answers.)
Products: Students answers Organization:
🕮 New words
- Students work in pairs to ask and answer - hearing (n): thính giác questions - sight (n): thị giác
- Teacher gives students time to work in pairs - smell (n): khứu
- Teacher invites students to speak in front of - taste (n): vị giác the class - touch (n): xúc giác
- Teacher checks answers and gives feedback. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
1. Look at photos 1–5 and match them with the
Aims: Teacher presents new words senses in the box related to senses
Contents: Students listen and repeat
new words individual/pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the meaning of new words.
- Teacher shows new words and uses some
techniques of teaching vocabulary to teach
them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the words.
- Students copy down these words into their notebooks. - Check-up: Matching
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
which they have learnt to do the tasks given. Suggested answers
Contents: Students work in
individual/pairs/groups to complete the tasks. 1. sight 2. touch 3. hearing 4. smell 5. taste
Products: Students’ answers Organization
2. Read the magazine quiz and complete the Exercise 1:
table with the words in blue. Listen and check
- Teacher gives students time to complete the task.
- Students look at photos and do matching.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the exercise
- Teacher checks students’ answers. Exercise 2:
- Students read the magazine and complete the exercise.
- Teacher gives students time to do the exercise.
- Teacher plays the audio again and checks students’ answers. Exercise 3:
- Students work in pairs to do the quiz by
asking their partner and answering questions
- Teacher gives students time to complete the task.
-Teacher invites some pairs of students to
speak in front of the class and checks answers with the class. Exercise 4:
- Teacher plays the video/audio and gives
students time to listen and answer.
Suggested answers:
- Teacher opens the audio again and checks answers with the class. Hearing Sight Smell Taste Touch Sound Look Smell Feel Hold
ACTIVITY 4. PRODUCTION Listening Colour- Taste Losing
Aims: Students can write a questionnaire blindne sensation
for your class about their favourite senses. Tone- ss
Contents: Students work in groups. deafness
Products: Students’ opinions See ❖ Organization: Have a good ear Exercise 5:
- Students work in pairs to ask and answer
the questions with their partner.
- Students use key phrases of like and dislike
3. Do the quiz. Which sense is the most to ask and answer questions.
important for you? Compare your result with
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to a partner's.
speak in front of the class and give feedback.
(Students’ own answers.) ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
-Learn by heart all the new words.
-Prepare for the next lesson – Reading
4. Watch or listen. What is each person
talking about? Match speakers: Alicia, Emma,
Will, Paul and Zara with photos A–E
Suggested answers Alicia: B Emma: C Will: D Paul: E Zara: A
5. USE IT! Work in groups. Ask and
answer the questions. Use some of the key phrases.

(Students’ own answers.) Suggested answers
1. I love the sea, the sound of the waves and the
taste of the salt vapour. It reminds me of
summer days with my family swimming in the sea.
2. I hate going to noisy places, it makes me uncomfortable and headache
3. My favorite city is Paris, I wish I could see the Eiffel Tower once
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: SENSATIONS
Lesson 2: Reading: The importance of smell
I can identify the main idea in a paragraph. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- identify the main idea in the text
- learn more vocabulary about the smell
- understand the content of the text “Follow your nose”
- Talk about their favourite smell and the connection between their memories and that smell.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practicing, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check–up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Students can talk about their
THINK! What smells can you remember
favourite smell and the connection between
from when you were younger? Is there a
their memories and the smell they like.
connection between smells and memory?
Contents: Students work
(Students’ own answers.) individually/work in pairs.
Products: Students’ answers Organization: 🕮 New words
- Teacher divides the class into pairs.
- connection (n): kết nối, liên kết
- Teacher gives the student time to talk
- difference (n): sự khác biệt with their partner. - deaf (adj): điếc
- Teacher invites some pairs of students - blind (adj): mù
to speak in front of the class
- extraordinary (adj): phi thường - Teacher gives feedback. - odour (n): mùi thơm
- scent (n): mùi, sự đánh hơi - perfume (n): nước hoa ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE
- fragrance (n): hương thơm ngát FORMATION - flavour (n): mùi vị
Aims: Teacher presents new words - texture (n): kết cấu related to smell
- anosmic (n): người bị mất khứu giác
Contents: Students listen and repeat
1. Read the article. Then complete the headings
new words individually/in pairs/groups.
for paragraphs A–C with the words in the box
Products: Students can understand the meaning of new words.
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before reading, there are some new words in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the words.
- Students copy down these words into their notebooks.
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
which they have learnt to do the tasks given Suggested answers
as well as develop reading skills.  A. Scent and memory
Contents: Students work in individual/ B. Training a smell pairs/ groups.  C. Life without food
Products: Students’ answers Organization
2. Read and listen to the article again and Pre-reading
write true or false. Correct the false sentences Exercise 1:
- Teacher has students open their books to page 20.
- Teacher explains some vocabulary before students read the text.
While reading
- Teacher gives students time to read the text and complete their tasks.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the questions.
- Teacher checks the answer with the class. Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
questions and do the exercise.
- Teacher invites students to answer the
questions in front of the class,
- Teacher checks answers with the class. Exercise 3:
- Teacher has students close their books and
not use any electronic devices to look up the dictionary
1. Helen Keller had a good sense of smell.
- Then, teacher divides the class into some
2. She says there’s a connection between groups smells and memory.
- Students work in groups, read the text again 3. A person with a normal sense of smell can and discuss the exercise.
become a professional perfumer.
- Teacher invites some groups to answer the
4. James Bell failed his first ‘smell test’ at the
questions. The group with the highest score perfume company. will get good points.
5. Lucy could smell everything when she was Exercise 4: a baby
- Teacher gives students time to look up the
blue vocabulary in the dictionary Suggested answers
- Teacher invites some students to explain 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F the meaning of those words.
- Teacher checks the meaning of those words 3. Find synonyms in the text for the words with students. below
Aims: Teacher helps students consolidate the lesson Suggested answers
Contents: Students work in individual
Products: Students’ speaking 1. incredible = extraordinary
Organization: 2. identify = recognise Post-reading 3. artificial = synthetic Exercise 5:
4. organic = natural materials - Teacher gives the question:
“Which objects and places smell best to
4. VOCABULARY PLUS Use a dictionary to
you. Which of them bring back
check the meaning of the words in blue in the memories?” text. - odour (n): mùi thơm
- Students work in individual, they may ask
- scent (n): mùi, sự đánh hơi for help if necessary. - perfume (n): nước hoa
- Teacher gives students time to prepare
- fragrance (n): hương thơm ngát their answers. - flavour (n): mùi vị
- Teacher invites some students to talk about - texture (n): kết cấu
their answers and gives feedback.
5. USE IT! Talk about which objects and ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
places smell best to you. Which of them bring
- Learn by heart all the new words. back memories?
- Do exercises (in the workbook). - Prepare new lesson. Suggest answer:
The scent I like the most is the smell of the rice
fields. It reminds me of my childhood memories
with my friends and neighbours when my
hometown was still in the countryside.
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: SENSATIONS
Lesson 3: Language Focus: Present perfect: affirmative and
negative * for and since
I can talk about experiences that started in the past. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand how to use present perfect tense
- can talk about their experiences using present perfect
- can compare and know how to use “for” and “since” in present perfect.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check–up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: KNOWLEDGE
⬧◼⧫ ⧫  FORMATION
⧫❖ ◼ ◼⧫❖
Aims: Help students learn the structures: 🕮 PRESENT PERFECT. GRAMMAR.
Present perfect ( Thì hiện tại hoàn thành) diễn tả
Contents: Students work in individual
một hành động, hoặc sự việc đã xảy ra ở quá khứ
Products: Students’ answers
và vẫn kéo dài tới hiện tại. ❖ Organization: Exercise 1:
(+) S + HAS/HAVE + V-ED/V3
- Teacher teaches students about present
perfect, and gives them structure, form, and
(-) S+ HAS/HAVE + NOT + V-ED/V3 examples about this tense.
- Teacher invites students to read aloud the article on page 20.
She / He / It + Has + V-ed/V3
- Teacher gives students time to complete the exercise 1.
I/ You / We / They + Have + V-ed/V3
- Teacher checks students’ answers. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
Ex: (+) I have been in Hanoi for 3 months (Tôi ở
Aims: Help students apply the structures
Hà Nội kể từ 3 tháng trước)
of present perfect they have learnt and
(-) I haven’t been in Hanoi for 3 months (Tôi
distinguish between “for” and “since” to do
không ở Hà Nội kể tù 3 tháng trước) the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in individual/
1. Cover the article on page 20. Complete the pairs/groups
sentences with the words in the box. Then
Products: Students’ answers check your answers Organization Exercise 2:
1. He has…………to create fragrances.
- Students read the sentences in exercise 1
2. She has………… anosmic since birth. again.
3. She has never…….. different perfumes.
- Teacher gives students time to read the
4. Meals haven’t……… much flavour questions and do the task.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the Suggested answers
exercise in front of the class,
- Teacher checks the answers with the class. 1. helped 2. tried Exercise 3: 3. smelled
- Teacher gives students time to read the text 4. had and do their exercise.
- Students manipulate what they have learnt
about present perfect to conjugate the verb.
2. Read the sentences in exercise 1 again. Then
- Teacher invites some students to answer the choose the correct words to complete the rules.
exercise in front of the class,
- Teacher checks the answers with the class. Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives students time to read the text and do their exercise.
- Students look up the dictionary to conjugate
the right present perfect verb.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
exercise in front of the class.
- Teacher checks the answers with the class and gives feedback. Suggested answers 1. started Exercise 5: 2. have
- Teacher gives students time to read and do 3. Regular their exercise.
- Students read the examples and complete 4. negative
the rules with “for” and “since”.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
exercise in front of the class.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct - Teacher checks answers.
present perfect form of the verbs in brackets Exercise 6:
- Teacher gives students time to complete their exercise.
- Students apply what they have learnt about
“for” and “since” to do their task.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
exercise in front of the class.
- Teacher checks answers and gives feedback. ACTIVITY 4. PRODUCTION
Aims: Help students consolidate the Suggested answers
structures: PRESENT PERFECT by 1. have visited
describing their unforgettable experiences. ❖ 2. have tried
Contents: Students work in pairs 3. haven’t decided ❖
Products: Students’ presentation Organization: Exercise 7:
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs.
- Each student will write some sentences
about their unforgettable experiences and
write questions to ask a partner.
- Students will ask their partner about his/her 4. Read the Study Strategy. Complete the
experiences and then do the reverse.
sentences using the present perfect form of
- Teacher gives some pairs of students to the verbs speak in front of the class. - Teacher gives feedback. ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
- Learn by heart all structures. - Prepare the next lesson Suggested answers: 1. haven’t eaten 2. have spoken 3. haven’t seen 4. hasn’t begun 5. has bought For and Since
5. Study the examples and complete the rules with for and since
: We use “since” to talk about the point in
time an activity started, (chỉ mốc thời gian)
: We use “for” to talk about the period of
time up to the future. (chỉ khoảng thời gian) Ex:
- We have watched this film since 2022. (Chúng
tôi xem phim này vào năm 2022)
- We have watched this film for 3 weeks. (chúng
tôi xem phim này khoảng 3 tuần trước)
6. Complete the sentences with the present
perfect form of the verbs in brackets and for or since
Suggested answers:
1. I haven’t felt this happy for weeks.
2. We haven’t seen him since last month.
3. They have had that dog for years.
4. She has lived in London since 2010.
7. USE IT! Talk about experiences using the
present perfect. Use the time expressions below.

(Students’ own answers.) Suggested answers:
1. I have never gone to Paris before.
2. I have done this difficult exercise for weeks.
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: SENSATIONS
Lesson 4: Vocabulary and Listening: Sensations and experiences
I can use prediction skills when listening for specific information. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- can listen to the dialogue and do the exercises
- learn more vocabulary about their feelings
- can talk about their feelings and experiences
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check–up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Help students learn how to GAME:
describe your feelings and experiences
Contents: Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ answers Organization: Exercise 1:
- Teacher divides the class into pairs, and explain the rule:
+ Group members will ask and answer
together 5 questions from the book. The
student that gets the information from his/her
partner the fastest and remembers the most
THINK! When was the last time that you had
information will be the winning group.
a memorable day? What did you do?
+ The winning team will get bonus points.
(Students’ own answers.)
- Students will ask and answer on their own with their partner.
- When the exchange is over, the students 🕮 New words
will send the information they took notes - delicious (adj): ngon
from their partner to the teacher.
- disgusting (adj): ghê tởm
- After that, the teacher will ask for and
- wonderful (adj); tuyệt vời
compare the information recorded on the
- exhausted (adj): kiệt sức, mệt lử papers of those students.
- fascinating (adj): hấp dẫn
- terrifying (adj): kinh hãi, khiếp sợ ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
1. Match adjectives 1–6 with the extreme
Aims: Teacher presents new words
adjectives in blue in the questionnaire. Then related to feelings listen and check.
Contents: Students listen and repeat
new words in individual/pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the meaning of new words. Pre-listening Organization:
Suggested answers:
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before listening, there are some new words 2. interesting = fascinating in the text.” 3. tasty = delicious 4. scary = terrifying
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching 5. horrible = disgusting
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students 6. tired = exhausted to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the words.
- Students copy down these words into their notebooks.
2. Listen and order photos A–C. Which Exercise 1:
questions from the questionnaire are the
- Teacher gives students time to complete the people answering? exercise
- Students use the blue words in the exercise Suggested answers
Feeling questionnaire to do the tasks 1. B
Teacher opens the audio for students to listen 2. A and check their answers. 3. C
- Teacher asks some students to show their
answers to the class and asks the class to correct any mistakes. - Teacher gives feedback.
3. Read sentences 1–5 in exercise 4. Decide ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
what type of answer you should be listening
Aims: Help students improve their
for: age, noun, distance, reason or adjective.
listening skills and apply the knowledge they
have learnt to do the tasks given. Suggested answers
Contents: Students work in 1. age
individual/pairs/groups 2. adjective
Products: Students’ answers 3. distance  Organization 4. noun While listening 5. reason Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to look at photos in books.
- Teacher opens the audio twice
- Students listen and order photos A-C
4. Listen again and complete the sentences.
- Teacher invites students to answer the
Were your answers in exercise 3 correct?
questions in front of the class.
- Teacher checks students’ answers. Exercise 3:
- Teacher allows students time to read
sentences 1–5 in exercise 4 and guest type of
answers they should be listening.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the questions.
- Teacher checks students’ answers and Suggested answers:
explain why we need to use those type of 1. six years old answers. 2. disgusting 3. 100 kilometres Exercise 4: 4. food
- Teacher allows students time to read the 5. it smells so bad
questions, then play the audio again.
- Students listen and answer the questions.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the questions.
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
5. USE IT! Work in pairs. Read the
- Teacher points out the answers in the
Feelings questionnaire again and answer the recording.
questions for you. Then ask and answer the
questions with a partner ACTIVITY 4. PRODUCTION
Aims: Help students consolidate the lesson
Contents: Students work in groups
Products: Students’ opinion
- The teacher invites some students to
submit their work from the first game for grading
(Students’ own answer ) ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Do exercises (in the workbook). - Prepare new lesson.
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: SENSATIONS
Lesson 5: Language focus
• Present perfect: questions
• Present perfect and past simple
I can ask people about their experiences. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- can distinguish between past simple and present perfect to do their task.
- understand the structure of present perfect questions.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practicing,
discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE
1. Check–up:
during lesson 2.New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: KNOWLEDGE
⬧◼⧫ ⧫ ❑◆⬧⧫ FORMATION ◼⬧
Aims: Help students review how to use PRESENT PERFECT and learn 🕮 GRAMMAR: Review present perfect questions.
Present perfect ( Thì hiện tại hoàn thành) diễn tả ❖
một hành động, hoặc sự việc đã xảy ra ở quá khứ và
Contents: Students pay attention to
vẫn kéo dài tới hiện tại.
the structures and work individually.
Products: Students understand the
(+) S + HAS/HAVE + V-ED/V3 structures.
(-) S+ HAS/HAVE + NOT + V-ED/V3
- Teacher explains the grammar to
(?) HAS/HAVE + S+ V-ED/V3? students.
- Teacher gives students examples of this
She / He / It + Has + V-ed/V3 tense.
- Students copy down to their notebooks.
I/ You / We / They + Have + V-ed/V3 Exercise 1:
Ex: (+) I have been in Hanoi for 3 months (Tôi ở Hà
- Teacher gives students time to complete Nội kể từ 3 tháng trước)
the sentences with the correct words.
(-) I haven’t been in Hanoi for 3 months (Tôi
- Students apply what they learnt about
không ở Hà Nội kể tù 3 tháng trước)
present perfect to do the exercise.
(?) Have you been in Hanoi for 3 months? (Bạn
- Teacher invites some students to do the
ở Hà nội từ 3 tháng trước sao?) exercise. - Teacher checks the answers.
1. Complete 1–5 with the words in the box. How ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
do you say ever in Vietnamese?
Aims: Help students apply the
knowledge about present perfect and past
simple to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in individual/pairs/groups
Products: Students’ answers Organization Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to do the Suggested answers task 1. ever
- Students read the sentences in exercise 1 2. haven’t again and choose the answer. 3. Have
- Teacher checks students’ answers. 4. Has 5. hasn’t Exercise 3:
- Teacher divides students into pairs to
2. Read the sentences in exercise 1 again. Then
order the words to make questions.
- After that, students ask and answer the
choose the correct answer to complete the rule. questions with their partner.
- Teacher gives students time to complete the task
- Teacher asks two students in one group
to speak in front of the class.
- Teacher checks students’ answers and gives feedback. Suggested answers: a
3. Order the words to make questions.
Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives students time to read the exercise.
- Students make questions based on the answers in the box
- Teacher invites some students to answer Suggested answers their questions.
1. a frightening film / you / have / lately / seen / ?
- Teacher checks answers with the class
Have you seen a frightening film lately?
and makes sure students understand
2. this year / has / improved / your English / ? everything.
→ Has your English improved this year? Exercise 5:
3. cooked a meal / ever / for you / your
- Teacher gives students time to read the friends / have / ? sentences.
→ Have your friends ever cooked a meal
- Students read the questions and answers for you?
based on the above sentences.
- Teacher calls some students to give the
4. what / you / today / eaten / have / ?
answers and then gives feedback.
→ What have you eaten today?
5. in the last five years / countries / have / Exercise 6: visited / you / what / ?
- Teacher gives students time to read the
→ What countries have you visited in the
exercise and complete their task
- After students finish their task, teacher
last five years?
plays the audio and checks answers with students.
- Ask and answer with a partner:
Aims: Help students consolidate
(Students’ own answer )
Contents: Students work
individually/in pairs
4. Write questions for the answers using the
Products: Students’ answers
present perfect and the words in brackets Organization: Exercise 7:
- Teacher allows students time to talk with their partners.
- Then, students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
- Students use the present perfect and past simple to make the dialogue.
- Teacher checks students’ answers. ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
- Learn by heart the structures.
- Make sentences about your family using comparative adjectives.
- Prepare for the next lesson – Speaking Suggested answers
1. Have you ever cooked spaghetti? 2. What have you bought? 3. Where have they moved to? 4. Has the meeting finished?
Present perfect and past simple 🕮 GRAMMAR: Review - To be:
(+) S +WAS / WERE + ADJ/ N
(?) WAS/WERE + S + ADJ/N?
Eg: (+) My mom was a nurse
(-) My mom wasn’t a nurse
(?) Was your mom a nurse? - Regular verb: (+) S + V-ED/V2
(-) S+ DIDN’T + V(BARE) (?) DID + S + V(BARE)?
Eg: (+) They visited their parents last Sunday
( -) They didn’t visit their parents last Sunday
(?) Did they visit their parents last Sunday?
5. Study examples a–d. Then answer questions 1–3 Suggested answers 1. Past simple Present perfect ate eaten rode ridden 2. sentence b, d 3. sentence a,c
6. Read the dialogue and choose
the correct words. Then listen and check
Suggested answers: 1. Have you ever 2. went 3. Did you enjoy it 4. Have you tried 5. I’ve never been
7. USE IT! Make a dialogue with a partner
on either idea A or B. Use the present perfect and past simple forms.

(Students’ own answer)
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: SENSATIONS
Lesson 6: Speaking: Planning free time
I can discuss ideas about how to spend free time. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- can discuss ideas about how to spend free time with their partner.
- develop students’ speaking skills.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising,
discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE
1. Check–up:
during lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Help students brainstorm and lead in the new lesson
Contents: Students use language
materials simply. Students work individually ❖
Products: Students’ performance Organization:
THINK! What do you like doing in the
- Teacher reads the questions with the class
evening and at the weekend?
and encourages students to talk about their own opinions and experiences
(Students’ own answers.)
- Teacher invites some students to answer.
- Students answer on their own. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
Aims: Help students pay attention to the
content of the dialogue.
Contents: Students choose the correct
words in the dialogue individually ❖
Products: Students’ answers Organization:
1. Choose the correct words in the dialogue. Pre-speaking
Then watch or listen and check. What does Exercise 1:
Louise want to do next weekend? Where does
- Teacher gives students time to read through Grace suggest going for lunch?
the gapped dialogue and do the exercise.
- Teacher plays the video or audio for students
to watch or listen and check their answers.
- Teacher plays the video again and checks students’ answers.
- Teacher asks the questions to the class and
invites some students to answer the questions.
- Then, teacher checks the answers. Exercise 2:
- Students read the dialogue in exercise 1
again and complete the Key phrases.
- Teacher plays the audio for students to watch or listen.
- Teacher could pause after some of the
sentences and questions for students to check the answers.
- Teacher makes sure that students understand the key phrases.
Suggested answers 1. been ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE 2. been
Aims: Help students can discuss ideas 3. been
to spend their free time and improve their 4. had speaking skill. 5. eaten
Contents: Students work in pairs/groups 6. have
Products: Students’ performance Organization
What does Louise want to do next week? While-speaking
→ She wants to go to play bowling Exercise 3:
Where does Grace suggest going for lunch?
- Students work in pải and practice speaking
→ Grace suggests going for lunch in a the dialogue
- Teacher gives students time to do task
great restaurant really near here.
- teacher invites some pairs of students to speak in front of the class.
2. Cover the dialogue and complete the Key
Phrases. Watch or listen again and check Exercise 4:
- Teacher plays the audio for students to listen to and note down.
- Students listen and complete the exercise.
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
- Play the audio again, pausing for students
to repeat individually and chorally. Exercise 5: Suggested answers
- Teacher divides students into pairs to speak 1. boring
based on situations that have been listed in 2. much fun exercise 5. 3. eating
- Students work in pairs to ask and answer 4. have fish and chips
questions about spending free time after 5. something different school. 6. you’ll enjoy it
- Teacher monitors while students are working
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
3. Practise the dialogue with your partner
speak and gives general feedback at the end.
(Students’ own answers.)
Aims: Help students consolidate the way 4. PRONUNCIATION: Stress for
to discuss ideas on how to spend their free
emphasis. Listen and repeat the sentences. time.
Which sentence has more stressed words?
Contents: Students work in pairs Why?
Products: Students’ conversation
Organization: Post-speaking Exercise 6: Suggested answers:
- Students work in pairs to prepare a new
1. Have you been to Bowl You Over? dialogue using key phrases.
2. You’ve never been bowling? Seriously?
- Students swap roles and practise again. ⇒ sentence 2
- Teacher asks some students to perform
their dialogues for the class.
5. Work in pairs. Read situations 1–3. Take ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
turns to suggest doing something after
- Learn by heart all the structures.
school. Use the key phrases.
- Do exercises (in the workbook).
- Prepare a new lesson.
(Students’ own answers.) Suggested answers: A: What do you fancy doing?
B: I think we should play a video game after school.
A: Why not try to go for a bicycle ride?
B: It doesn’t sound much fun to me.
6. USE IT – Work in pairs. Read the
situation. Then prepare and practise a new
dialogue. Use the key phrases and the
dialogue in exercise 1 to help you.

(Students’ own answers.)
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 2: SENSATIONS
Lesson 7: Writing: A competition entry
I can use intensifiers to add interest to my writing. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand the magazine advert “ Experience the Mekong Delta in Southern Việt Nam”
- use key phrases to describe your hometown’s highlights
- use intensifiers in writing exercises
- understand how to write their answer and opinions
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Writing, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practicing,
discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE
1. Check–up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Help students give their opinions
? THINK! What do you like about the place
about special sights and sounds of their
where you live? Has it got any special sights hometown. and sounds?
Contents: Students use language
materials simply. Students work in pairs ❖
(Students’ own answers.)
Products: Students’ answers Organization: Suggested answered:
- Teacher divides the class into pairs and
I was born and raised in Hue where the famous
encourages students to answer about their
Huong River and Ngu Binh Mountain are
own opinions based on the reading “
located. Here, I like the Hue citadel the most,
Experience the Mekong Delta in Southern
where the Nguyen kings worked and lived. This Việt Nam”
architecture has existed for a long time, retaining
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
the ancient and solemn features of the nobility. I answer.
am very proud to have been born here.
- Students answer on their own.
1. Read the magazine advert and last year’s
winning entry about the Mekong Delta. What
do you have to do to enter the competition?
What’s the prize? What do we learn about
the residents in Southern Việt Nam? ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
Aims: Help students pay attention to the
content, and understand how to use key phrases and intensifiers.
Contents: Students work in pairs and
tell their partner what special sights and
sounds are in their hometown using key
phrases expressing recommendations and intensifiers.
Products: Students’ answers ❖ Organization: Pre-doing exercise:
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before doing exercises, there are some new words in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the words.
- Students copy down these words into their notebooks. Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students read the game rule
and the magazine “Experience the Mekong
Delta in Southern Việt Nam”
- Students read the questions and answer
- Teacher invites some students to answer the questions and give feedback. Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to read the magazine
- Teacher explains the meaning of some intensifiers.
- Teacher gives students time to complete the task
- Teacher invites students to answer the questions.
- Teacher consolidates where the intensifiers are placed.
(Students’ own answers.) New words:
- floating markets (n): chợ nổi
- fruit orchards (n): vườn cây ăn trái
- rice fields (n): cánh đồng lúa
- worth (adj): xứng đáng, đáng
- folk music (n): âm nhạc dân gian ❖
- instruments (n): nhạc cụ
Aims: Help students understand how to - flute (n): sáo
use intensifiers in some cases related to
- 16-string zither (n): đàn tranh 16 dây
normal and extreme adjectives and write - violin (n): đàn vĩ cầm
about their opinions using expressing
- Mekong Delta (n): Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long recommendations. 
- temperature (n): nhiệt độ
Contents: Students work in individual
Products: Students’ answers Suggested answers: Organization
1. What do you have to do to enter the competition? Exercise 3:
- Teacher gives students time to do the → We have to describe the sights, sounds, tastes exercises.
and feelings that visitors to our country can
- Teacher invites some students to answer the experience questions. 2. What’s the prize?
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
→ The winner will send two weeks in Exercise 4: Australia
- Teacher gives students time to complete the 3. What do we learn about the residents in exercises. Southern Việt Nam?
- Students use the first two key phrases to write about their town.
→ The residents in Southern Vit Nam
- Teacher invites some students to speak their are so warm. answers and give feedback. Exercise 5:
- Teacher checks that students know how to
write the text based on the note in section B
- Students use their notes from section B and
2. Find the words in the box in the Experience
the Mekong Delta in Southern Việt Nam text.

the headings from model text to write their text.
What type of word (adjective, noun or verb)
- Teacher gives students time to write the text do they always come before?
- Teacher monitors while students are
working and give general feedback at the end. Suggested answers
- Students use key phrases, and intensifiers to - It’s absolutely delicious! write the text.
- The sound of a variety of instruments like a
flute, a 16-string zither, a violin and a guitar is really amazing and very soft
Intensifiers often come before adjectives ACTIVITY 4. HOMEWORK
- Learn by heart all the structures.
- Do exercises (in the workbook).
3. Study the examples and answer the - Prepare new lesson. questions.
1. Which adjective is an extreme adjective
(it describes a strong opinion): soft or delicious?
2. Do we use very with normal or extreme adjectives?
3. Can we use really with both normal and extreme adjectives?
4. What other intensifiers can we use with
adjectives? Find examples in the text Suggested answers: 1. Delicious
2. No, we don’t. We use very with normal adjectives 3. Yes, we can 4. quite, extremely
4. Read the key phrases and find them in the
Experience the Mekong Delta in Southern
Việt Nam text. Think of how to complete the
first two phrases about your town.
Suggested answers:
1. It’s one of the most popular dishes in the Mekong Delta
2. Don’t forget to try other excellent local
specialities, like pop rice, lemongrass chicken or grilled snakehead fish,
Don’t forget to try Bun Bo Hue when you
come to Hue. It is one of the most delicious food in my hometown.

5. USE IT! Follow the steps in the writing guide.
(Students’ own answers.)