Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 3: Adventure | Friends Plus

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Friends Plus được biên soạn rất cẩn thận, trình bày khoa học các bài học Starter Unit, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 theo chương trình sách giáo khoa. Giáo án Anh 8 Friends Plus giúp thầy cô tham khảo để soạn giáo án dạy môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 cho học sinh của mình.

Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 1: Vocabulary: Natural feature
I can express my preferences about places and activities.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- ask and answer questions about the adventure all around the world.
- learn more about natural places ‘vocabularies.
- collect a lot of information about the famous scenic spots of the world
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during the lesson
2. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Aims: Students can discuss in pairs the
natural features of Vietnam
Contents: Students apply their
knowledge to the situations, then work in
individual and groups to answer the
Products: Students answers
- Students work in pairs to ask and answer
- Teacher gives students time to work in pairs
- Teacher invites students to speak in front of
the class
- Teacher gives feedback.
THINK! Can you name two natural features
that Việt Nam is famous for? Which ones have
you visited?
(Students’ own answers.)
New words
- adventure (n): cuộc phiêu lưu
- scuba-diving (n): lặn biển
- enormous (adj): rông lớn, bao la
- cave (n): động
- sea (n): biển
- valley (n): thung lũng
Aims: Teacher presents new words
related to natural features
Contents: Students listen and repeat
new words individual/pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the
meaning of new words.
- Teacher shows new words and uses some
techniques of teaching vocabulary to teach
them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the
- Students copy down these words into their
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
they have learnt to do the given tasks.
Contents: Students work in
individual/pairs/groups to complete the tasks.
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to complete the
- Students read the quiz and complete the
- Students check answers with partners
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to do the
- Students read the quiz and complete it.
- Teacher plays the audio and checks students’
- river (n): sông
- spectacular (n): hùng vĩ
- falls (n): thác
- wildlife (n): hoang dã
- rainforest (n): rừng nhiệt đới
- waves (n): sóng biển
- ocean (n): đại dương
- beach (n): bãi biển
1. Complete the table with the words in blue in
the quiz. Then compare your answers with a
Exercise 3:
- Teacher plays the audio and gives students
time to complete the task.
- Teacher invites some students to show their
-Teacher plays the audio again and checks
students’ answers.
Aims: Students can express their
favourite natural places.
Contents: Students work in pairs.
Products: Students’ opinions
Exercise 4:
- Teacher divides students into pairs and
gives them time to do the exercise.
- Students work in pairs, then ask and answer
based on the note in the book
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
speak in front of the class.
- Teacher gives students feedback.
-Learn by heart all the new words.
-Prepare for the next lesson Reading
Suggested answers
2. Do the quiz with a partner. Then listen and
check your answers.
Suggested answers:
1. c
2. b
3. b
4. c
5. b
6. a
3. Watch or listen to Max, Alicia and
Elizabeth talking about places and activities.
What place would each person like to visit?
Suggested answers
Max: sea/beach
Alicia: Sahara Desert
Elizabeth: a forest
4. USE IT! Work in pairs. Ask and answer
questions 14 using the key phrases.
(Students’ own answers.)
FINISH: Think about two places of interest in
Việt Nam. Use the key phrases to talk about
which one you'd prefer to see and why.
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 2: Reading: An epic adventure
I can identify an author’s audience and intention.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- identify the main idea in the text
- learn more vocabulary about the activities in adventure
- understand the content of the blog of Rachel Ridley
- come up with the advantages and disadvantages of going on an adventure
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Students can talk about their
favourite places in Vietnam.
Contents: Students work
individually/work in pairs.
Products: Students’ performances
- Teacher divides the class into pairs.
- Teacher gives the student time to talk
with their partner.
- Teacher invites some pairs of students
to speak in front of the class
- Teacher gives feedback.
THINK! Think about two places of interest in
Việt Nam. Use the key phrases to talk about
which one you'd prefer to see and why.
(Students’ own answers.)
🕮 New words
- journey (n): hành trình
- surf (v): lướt sóng
- inspire (v): truyền cảm hứng
- inspirational (adj): gây cảm hứng
- kayaking (n): chèo thuyền kayak
Aims: Teacher presents new words
related to adventure
Contents: Students listen and repeat
new words individually/in pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the
meaning of new words.
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before reading, there are some new words
in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students
to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the
- Students copy down these words into their
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
which they have learnt to do the tasks given
as well as develop reading skills.
Contents: Students work in individual/
pairs/ groups.
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher explains some vocabulary that
students haven’t known yet.
While reading
- Teacher gives students time to read the blog
and answer the questions
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
- Teacher explains the answers and gives
Exercise 2:
1. Read the blog post and answer the questions
to identify the purpose of the text.
1. Who is writing? Why?
2. Who is the author writing for?
3. What question does she want her readers to
Suggested answers
1. Rachel Ridley is writing the blog. Because
she is recommending a blog
2. The author is writing for her blog
3. The questions the author wants her readers
to answer are: “ Does anyone else want
some adventure?”
2. Read and listen to the text again and
answer questions.
1. How long has Liz Clark been travelling?
2. How did she get her yacht?
3. What does Liz do when she stops
4. How does Liz pay for her trip?
5. Why does Rachel offer to join Liz on her
- Teacher plays audio and keeps the class
- Teacher gives students time to read the
blog, questions and do the exercise.
- Teacher invites students to answer the
questions in front of the class,
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
Exercise 3:
- Teacher has students close their books and
not use any electronic devices to look up the
- Then, teacher divides the class into some
- Students work in groups, read the text again
and discuss the meaning of blue words in the
- Teacher invites some groups to express
their meaning.
- Teacher compares the meaning of the blue
word and gives students time to look up the
blue vocabulary in the dictionary.
The group with the highest score will get
good points.
Aims: Teacher helps students
consolidate the lesson
Contents: Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives students time to prepare
their answers.
- Students work in pairs and discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of going on a
trip on their own.
- Teacher invites some students to talk about
their answers and gives feedback.
- Learn by heart all the new words.
Suggested answers
1. She has travelled to many fascinating
places for over fifteen years
2. Liz learned to sail as one of her old
professors offered to lend her his yacht for
as long as she wanted it
3. When she stops somewhere, she surfs,
does yoga and writes her blog.
4. Adverts on Liz's blog have been paying
for her trip.
5. Because Liz wants some adventure.
3. VOCABULARY PLUS Use a dictionary
to check the meaning of the phrases in blue in
the text.
Suggested answers
Students look up new words by using a dictionary
🕮 New words
- set off (v): lên đường, khởi hành
- leave behind (v): bỏ lại
- stop off (v): tạm dừng
- stay with (v): ở lại với
- carry on (v): tiếp tục
4. USE IT! Work in pairs. Think of three
advantages and three disadvantages of going
on a trip on your own.
(Students’ own answers.)
Suggest answer:
1. Advantages:
- Discover new lands
- Learn a lot of new things
- Relax, away from the pressure
2. Disadvantages:
- May encounter dangers by nature, and
- May meet bad people
- Feeling lonely
- Do exercises (in the workbook).
- Prepare new lesson.
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 3: Language Focus: Present perfect simple and present
perfect continuous
I can talk about actions which have been in progress.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand how to use present perfect simple and present perfect
- can talk about actions which have been in progress.
- can distinguish how to pronounce /æ/ and /ə/
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students learn the structures:
Contents: Students work individually
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher teaches students about present
perfect and present perfect continuous, and
gives them structure, form, and examples
about this tense.
⬧◼⧫ ⧫ ⬧⚫
◼ ⬧◼⧫ ⧫
Present perfect ( Thì hiện tại hoàn thành) diễn tả
một hành động, hoặc sự việc đã xảy ra ở quá khứ
và vẫn kéo dài tới hiện tại.
(+) S + HAS/HAVE + V-ED/V3
(-) S+ HAS/HAVE + NOT + V-ED/V3
(?) HAS/HAVE + S + V-ED/V3?
- Teacher invites students to read aloud the
article on page 32.
- Teacher gives students time to complete the
exercise 1.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Aims: Help students apply the structures
of present perfect and present perfect
continuous that they have learnt to do the
Contents: Students work in individual/
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 2:
- Teacher plays the audio.
- Teacher teaches students how to pronounce
/æ/ and /ə/.
- Teacher invites some students to pronounce
in front of the class.
- Teacher asks students how we pronounce
have and has when they are weak forms.
- Teacher checks the answers and gives
Exercise 3:
- Teacher gives students time to read the text
and do their exercise.
- Students manipulate what they have learnt
about present perfect and present perfect
continuous to choose the correct verb.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
questions in front of the class.
- Teacher checks the answers with the class.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives students time to read and do
their exercise.
- Students manipulate what they have learnt
about present perfect conjugate the right
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
She / He / It + Has + V-ed/V3
I/ You / We / They + Have + V-ed/V3
Ex: (+) I have learnt Chinese since I was 15
years old. (Tôi học tiếng Trung kể từ năm 15
(-) I haven’t learnt Chinese since I was 15
years old. (Tôi không không học tiếng trung kể từ
năm 15 tuổi)
(?) Have you learnt Chinese since you were
15 years old? ( Bạn đã học tiếng Trung từ khi 15
tuổi sao?)
Present perfect continuous tense (Thì hiện tại
hoàn thành tiếp diễn) là thì dùng để chỉ hành
động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng vẫn tiếp tục ở
hiện tại và có khả năng tiếp diễn trong tương lai.
She / He / It + Has + V-ed/V3
I/ You / We / They + Have + V-ed/V3
EX: (+) She has been travelling around the world
( Cô ấy đã và đang đi du lịch vòng quanh thế giới
(-) She hasn’t been travelling around the
world (cô ấy đã và đang không đi du lịch vòng
quanh thế giới)
(?) Has she been travelling around the
world? (cô ấy đã và đang đi du lịch vòng quanh
thế giới đúng không?)
exercise in front of the class.
- Teacher checks the answers with the class
and gives feedback.
Aims: Help students consolidate the
CONTINUOUS by asking and answering
questions using the words in the box and the
ideas below.
Contents: Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ presentation
Exercise 5:
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs.
- Students will ask their partner using the
words in the box and the ideas below, and
then do the reverse.
- Teacher gives some pairs of students to
speak in front of the class.
- Teacher gives feedback.
- Learn by heart all structures.
- Prepare the next lesson
1. Study the examples of the present perfect
simple and continuous from the blog on page
32. Then complete rules 13
Suggested answers
1. has, been
2. simple
3. continuous
2. PRONUNCIATION: /æ/ and /ə/
Listen to the examples. How do we pronounce
have and has when they are weak forms?
Suggested answers
- Have has a strong pronunciation /hæv/ when
it’s a main verb (meaning own, possess, etc.) and
a weak pronunciation /həv/ or /əv/ when it’s an
auxiliary verb.
- In the weak form, the full vowel /æ/ is turned
into a schwa /ə/
3. Read the text and choose the correct form
of the verbs.
Suggested answers
1. it’s been
2. I’ve been sitting
3. haven’t been using
4. I’ve taken
5. we’ve been having
4. Complete the sentences with the correct
present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Suggested answers:
1. I have swum in the Atlantic. I remember
it clearly.
2. They have been running for hours, so
they’re feeling tired.
3. We have visited Argentina a couple of
4. Have you been sitting in the sun for
long? Your face is very red.
5. USE IT! Work in pairs. Ask and answer
questions using the present perfect
continuous, the words in the box and the ideas
(Students’ own answers.)
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 4: Vocabulary and Listening: Extreme adventures
I can give my opinion on adventure activities and describe activities I have
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- learn more about extreme adventures
- can describe adventure activities they have done
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students learn about extreme
adventures and sports
Contents: Students work individually
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher plays the videos about extreme
adventure and sports to help students
visualize how these activities are.
- Teacher gives students time to prepare their
- Students work individually and answer the
THINK! Have you ever watched any videos of
extreme adventures or sports? What sport
was it?
(Students’ own answers.)
🕮 New words
- extreme (adj): mạo hiểm
- achievements (n): thành tựu
- cliff (n): vách đá, dốc đứng
- lake (n): hồ
- Teacher invites some students to express
their opinion.
- Teacher gives feedback
Aims: Teacher presents new words in
the book
Contents: Students listen and repeat
new words in individual/pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the
meaning of new words.
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before listening, there are some new words
in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students
to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the
- Students copy down these words into their
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to complete the
- Teacher asks some students to show their
answers to the class.
- Teacher opens the audio for students to
listen and check their answers.
Exercise 2:
- Teacher divides the class into two groups
and asks them to close their book.
- Teacher gives students time to read the text
again and guess the verbs in blue.
- Teacher invites two groups to write their
answer on the board.
1. Look at pictures AD below. Match the
prepositions in the box with the actions. Say
what each person is doing. Then listen and
Suggested answers:
A. He is walking through the forest
She is walking around the forest
B. He is pushing the snowball up the hill.
She is skiing down the hill.
C. He is jumping over the puddle.
He is stepping on a rock.
D. He is jumping off the fence.
He is going under the garage door.
2. Read Your Top Five Extreme Adventures
and check the meaning of the sports verbs in
blue. Then choose the correct prepositions.
🕮 New words
- Sail (v): chèo thuyền
- Climb (v): trèo, leo
- Dive (v): lặn
- Surf (v): lướt sóng, lướt ván
- Cycle (v): đạp xe
- Teacher checks answer with the class. The
group that gets more right answers will win
and get a good mark.
Aims: Help students improve their
listening skills and apply the knowledge they
have learnt to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in
Products: Students’ answers
While listening
Exercise 3:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
- Teacher plays the audio about the TV
programme about the achievements in
exercise 2.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
- Teacher checks students’ answers and
explains the answers.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher allows students time to read the
questions, then play the audio again.
- Students listen and answer the questions.
- Teacher invites some students to answer
the questions.
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
- Teacher points out the answers in the
Aims: Help students consolidate the
Suggested answers
1. around
2. up
3. off
4. -
5. down
3. Listen to a TV programme about the
achievements in exercise 2. Put the sports that
are mentioned in the correct order.
Suggested answers
1. skydiving
2. cycling
3. sailing
4. mountain climbing
5. surfing
4. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. What did Éric Barone cycle over?
Contents: Students work in
Products: Students’ opinion
Exercise 5:
- Teacher divides students into pairs
- Teacher gives students time to read the
Study Strategy, and then asks them to close
their book.
- Students have to list three things they
learned from the TV programme.
- After that, students compare their answers
with their partners.
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
show their opinions.
Exercise 6:
- Teacher divides students into pairs to do
their task.
- Teacher gives students time to complete
their exercise
- Students ask and answer questions about
adventure activities using the ideas in the
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
show their opinions.
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Do exercises (in the workbook).
- Prepare new lesson.
2. How old was Laura Dekker when she
finished sailing around the world?
3. Has anyone younger beaten her record?
4. Where were the teenage Everest climbers
5. According to the presenter, which person
has the most votes?
Suggested answers:
1. He cycled over a volcano.
2. She was sixteen
3. No, they haven’t
4. The boy was from the USA, and the girl was
from India.
5. The surfer, Garrett McNamara, has the most
5. Read the Study Strategy. Close your book
and make a note of three things you learned
from the TV programme. Compare your
answers with a partner's.
(Students’ own answer )
6. USE IT! Work with a partner. Ask and
answer questions about adventure activities.
Use the ideas below.
(Students’ own answer )
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 5: Language focus
• Present perfect simple + just, still, yet and already
I can talk about what I have and haven’t done.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand how to use present perfect simple just, still, yet and
already to do their task.
- apply what they learned in this lesson to talk about what they have
and haven’t done.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising,
discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during lesson
2.New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students review how to
use PRESENT PERFECT and learn how
to use this tense with just, still, yet and
Contents: Students pay attention to
the different usage between these words
and work individually.
Products: Students understand the
⬧◼⧫ ⧫ ⬧⚫
 ◆⬧⧫
- We often use just with the present perfect simple.
- We use it to reinforce the idea that an action has
only been completed very recently.
- We use it in affirmative sentences and it goes
between the auxiliary has/have and the past
Ex: We have just gone to school (chúng tôi chỉ vừa
mới đến trường)
- Teacher explains the grammar to
- Teacher gives students examples so that
students can visualize the different usage
of these words: just, still, yet, and already.
- Students copy down to their notebooks.
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
sentences from exercise 3 and complete
the task.
- Students apply what they learnt to do the
- Teacher invites some students to do the
- Teacher checks the answers.
Aims: Help students apply the
knowledge about present perfect with
just, still, yet and already to do the tasks
Contents: Students work in
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to do the
- Students apply the knowledge about
present perfect with just, still, yet and
already to complete the exercise.
- Teacher invites some students to answer
in front of the class.
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Exercise 3:
- Teacher gives students time to do the
- Students explain the situations in their
own words to complete the sentences.
- Teacher invites some students to write
1. Study these sentences from exercise 3 on page
34. Then answer the questions
Suggested answers
1. We use the present perfect with just to talk about
recent events.
2. Just goes between have and the past participle.
2. Complete the sentences with just and the
present perfect simple form of the verbs in
brackets. Then write the question form.
Suggested answers:
1. I have just seen; Have you just seen
something funny?
2. Sam has just dived; Sam just dived into the
3. We have just driven; Have we just driven past
my friend’s house?
4. He has just broken; Has he just broken the
world record again?
3. Explain the situations with your own words.
Use the correct present perfect simple form with
because and just.
their answers on the board.
- Teacher checks students’ answers and
gives feedback.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher teaches students how to use
present perfect simple + just, yet and
already again.
- Teacher gives students time to read the
- Students match the answers.
- Teacher invites some students to answer
their questions.
- Teacher checks answers with the class
and makes sure students understand
Exercise 5:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
rules on the box.
- Students apply their knowledge to
complete the rules.
- Teacher calls some students to give the
answers and then gives feedback.
Exercise 6:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
exercise and complete their task.
- Students order the words to make
- After students finish their task, teacher
invites some students to answer and
checks answers with students.
Aims: Help students consolidate
what they have learned.
Contents: Students work
individually/in pairs
(Students’ own answer )
Present perfect simple + still, yet and already
- We use “still”, yet and already with the present
perfect simple.
- We use “still” and “yet” to reinforce the idea that
something hasn’t changed. It is used in negative
sentences and it goes before has/have.
Ex: The party will be tonight, but I still haven’t
bought the dress.
- We use “yet” at the end of the sentence.
Ex: We haven’t gone to the cinema yet.
- We use “yet” in questions to ask if someone has
done something. It goes at the end of the sentence.
Ex: Have you bought the English book yet?
- We use “already” in affirmative sentences to
emphasize that someone has done something. It
goes between the auxiliary has/have and the past
Ex: She has already cooked dinner.
4. Study sentences 13. Then match them with
rules AC.
Products: Students’ answers and
Exercise 7:
- Teacher allows students time to read
Nam’s wish list and write sentences
about what Nam has and hasn’t done
using still, yet and already.
- Teacher asks some students to express
their own sentences.
- Teacher gives feedback.
Exercise 8:
- Teacher allows students time to read the
exercise and prepare for their answers.
- Students write sentences about what
they have and haven’t done today, this
year and in their life with the present
perfect and still, yet or already.
- Teacher invites some students to show
their opinion.
- Teacher gives feedback.
- Learn by heart the grammar about
present perfect simple with just, still, yet
and already.
- Prepare for the next lesson Speaking
Suggested answers
1. C
2. B
3. A
5. Complete the rules with still, yet or already.
Suggested answers
1. still
2. already
3. yet
6. Order the words to make sentences.
Suggested answers:
1. My friends and I have already decided on our next
2. I have already borrowed a surfboard.
3. We still haven’t organised transport.
4. We haven’t bought any food yet.
7. Read Nam’s wish list. Write sentences about
what he has and hasn’t done. Use still, yet and
Suggested answers:
1. Nam still hasn’t seen Dambri Waterfall.
He hasn’t seen Dambri Waterfall yet.
2. He has already tried surfing.
3. He has already sailed around Hạ Long Bay.
4. He still hasn’t climbed up Fansipan.
She hasn’t climbed up Fansipan yet.
8. USE IT! Think about what you have and
haven’t done today, this year and in your life.
Write sentences about each time period with the
present perfect and still, yet or already
(Students’ own answer )
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 6: Speaking: Exchanging news
I can request and respond to personal news.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- can exchange their private news with each other.
- develop students’ speaking skills.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising,
discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students brainstorm and lead
in the new lesson
Contents: Students use language
materials simply. Students work individually
Products: Students’ performance
- Teacher reads the questions with the class
and encourages students to talk about their
own opinions and experiences
- Teacher invites some students to answer.
- Students answer on their own.
Aims: Help students pay attention to the
content of the dialogue.
Contents: Students choose the correct
words in the dialogue individually
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to read through
the dialogue and do the exercise.
- Teacher plays the video or audio for students
to watch or listen and check their answers.
- Teacher plays the video again and checks
students’ answers.
- Teacher asks the questions to the class and
invites some students to answer the questions.
- Then, teacher checks the answers.
Exercise 2:
- Students try to remember who says the
phrases in the dialogue and complete the
- Teacher plays the audio for students to
watch or listen. to check their answer.
- Teacher could pause after some of the
sentences and questions for students to check
the answers.
- Teacher makes sure that students
understand the key phrases.
Aims: Help students can exchange their
news and improve their speaking skill.
Contents: Students work in pairs/groups
Products: Students’ performance
Exercise 3:
- Students work in pair and practice speaking
the dialogue
- Teacher gives students time to do task
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
speak in front of the class.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher divides students in pairs and give
students time to match the phrases.
- Students work in pairs to complete the
- Teacher invites some students to answer
their questions.
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
Aims: Help students consolidate the way
to exchange their personal news.
Contents: Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ conversation
Exercise 5:
- Teacher divides students into pairs to speak
based on situations that have been listed in
exercise 5.
- Students work in pairs to develop a
dialogue about their personal news..
- Teacher monitors while students are
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
speak and gives general feedback at the end.
- Learn by heart all the structures.
- Do exercises (in the workbook).
- Prepare a new lesson.
Week : Date of preparing:
Period: Date of teaching:
Lesson 7: Writing: An FAQ page
I can use relative clauses to describe a sport.
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- can understand how to use relative clauses to describe sport
- use key phrases to describe activities
- use intensifiers in writing exercises
- understand how to write an FAQ section for a website about sport.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Writing, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use
1. Teacher: book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practicing,
discussion group, technical present….
1. Checkup: during lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Aims: Help students understand what
FAQ means and answer their opinion.
Contents: Students use language
materials simply. Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ answers
- Teacher gives students time to think about
their answer,
- Teacher invites some students to answer.
- Students answer on their own.
Aims: Help students pay attention to the
content of FAQs, and understand how to use
key phrases to answer the questions.
Contents: Students work individually to
answer the questions and use key phrases to
describe an activity
Products: Students’ answers
Pre-doing exercise:
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before doing exercises, there are some new
words in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students
to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the
- Students copy down these words into their
Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students read the Football
- Students read the questions and answer
using key phrases in the box
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
questions and give feedback.
Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
FAQs again and complete the task.
- Students read the FAQs and the exercises to
match the answers.
- Teacher invites students to answer the
- Teacher consolidates where the intensifiers
are placed.
Aims: Help students understand how to
use relative clauses to do their exercises.
Contents: Students work individually
Products: Students’ answers
Exercise 3:
- Teacher gives students time to do the
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives students time to complete the
- Students use relative clauses to complete
- Teacher invites some students to speak their
answers and give feedback.
Exercise 5:
- Teacher gives students an instruction about
writing an FAQ section about sports.
- After that, teacher gives students time to
complete their tasks.
- Students research a sport to find out what it
- Students follow the writing guide to
complete the FAQ.
- Teacher monitors while students are
working and give general feedback at the
The girl who is talking
with Han is my sister
This is the lipstick
which I forgot in the
This house is my
grandparents where I
lived three years ago
- Learn by heart all the structures.
- Do exercises (in the workbook).
- Prepare new lesson.
| 1/34

Preview text:

Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 3: ADVENTURE
Lesson 1: Vocabulary: Natural feature
I can express my preferences about places and activities. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- ask and answer questions about the adventure all around the world.
- learn more about natural places ‘vocabularies.
- collect a lot of information about the famous scenic spots of the world
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….
2. Students: textbook, notebook.
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check–up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Students can discuss in pairs the natural features of Vietnam
Contents: Students apply their
THINK! Can you name two natural features
that Việt Nam is famous for? Which ones have

knowledge to the situations, then work in
individual and groups to answer the you visited?
(Students’ own answers.) questions. ❖
Products: Students answers
🕮 New words Organization:
- Students work in pairs to ask and answer
- adventure (n): cuộc phiêu lưu questions
- scuba-diving (n): lặn biển
- Teacher gives students time to work in pairs
- enormous (adj): rông lớn, bao la
- Teacher invites students to speak in front of - cave (n): động the class - sea (n): biển - Teacher gives feedback. - valley (n): thung lũng ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE - river (n): sông FORMATION - spectacular (n): hùng vĩ
Aims: Teacher presents new words - falls (n): thác related to natural features - wildlife (n): hoang dã
Contents: Students listen and repeat
- rainforest (n): rừng nhiệt đới
new words individual/pairs/groups. - waves (n): sóng biển ❖ - ocean (n): đại dương
Products: Students can understand the - beach (n): bãi biển meaning of new words. Organization:
- Teacher shows new words and uses some
1. Complete the table with the words in blue in
techniques of teaching vocabulary to teach
the quiz. Then compare your answers with a
them, then asks students to listen and repeat. partner's
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the words.
- Students copy down these words into their notebooks.
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
they have learnt to do the given tasks.
Contents: Students work in
individual/pairs/groups to complete the tasks.
Products: Students’ answers Organization Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to complete the task.
- Students read the quiz and complete the table.
- Students check answers with partners
- Teacher invites some students to answer the exercise
- Teacher checks students’ answers. Exercise 2:
- Teacher gives students time to do the exercise.
- Students read the quiz and complete it.
- Teacher plays the audio and checks students’ answers. Exercise 3:
- Teacher plays the audio and gives students time to complete the task.
- Teacher invites some students to show their answers
-Teacher plays the audio again and checks students’ answers.
Aims: Students can express their favourite natural places.
Contents: Students work in pairs.
Products: Students’ opinions Organization: Exercise 4:
- Teacher divides students into pairs and
gives them time to do the exercise. Suggested answers
- Students work in pairs, then ask and answer based on the note in the book Land Water
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to speak in front of the class. valley sea
- Teacher gives students feedback. cave river rainforest falls dunes waves ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK desert ocean
-Learn by heart all the new words. beaches
-Prepare for the next lesson – Reading
2. Do the quiz with a partner. Then listen and check your answers.
Suggested answers: 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. a
3. Watch or listen to Max, Alicia and
Elizabeth talking about places and activities.
What place would each person like to visit?
Suggested answers Max: sea/beach Alicia: Sahara Desert Elizabeth: a forest
4. USE IT! Work in pairs. Ask and answer
questions 1–4 using the key phrases.

(Students’ own answers.)
FINISH: Think about two places of interest in
Việt Nam. Use the key phrases to talk about
which one you'd prefer to see and why.

............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 3: ADVENTURE
Lesson 2: Reading: An epic adventure
I can identify an author’s audience and intention. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- identify the main idea in the text
- learn more vocabulary about the activities in adventure
- understand the content of the blog of Rachel Ridley
- come up with the advantages and disadvantages of going on an adventure
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check–up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Students can talk about their
THINK! Think about two places of interest in favourite places in Vietnam.
Việt Nam. Use the key phrases to talk about
Contents: Students work
which one you'd prefer to see and why. individually/work in pairs.
(Students’ own answers.)
Products: Students’ performances Organization:
- Teacher divides the class into pairs. 🕮 New words
- Teacher gives the student time to talk - journey (n): hành trình with their partner. - surf (v): lướt sóng
- Teacher invites some pairs of students
- inspire (v): truyền cảm hứng
to speak in front of the class
- inspirational (adj): gây cảm hứng - Teacher gives feedback.
- kayaking (n): chèo thuyền kayak ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE
1. Read the blog post and answer the questions FORMATION
to identify the purpose of the text.
Aims: Teacher presents new words related to adventure
Contents: Students listen and repeat
new words individually/in pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the meaning of new words.
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before reading, there are some new words in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the words. 1. Who is writing? Why?
- Students copy down these words into their
2. Who is the author writing for? notebooks.
3. What question does she want her readers to answer? ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
Aims: Students can apply the knowledge
which they have learnt to do the tasks given Suggested answers
as well as develop reading skills.
1. Rachel Ridley is writing the blog. Because
Contents: Students work in individual/ she is recommending a blog pairs/ groups.
2. The author is writing for her blog
Products: Students’ answers audience  Organization
3. The questions the author wants her readers Exercise 1:
to answer are: “ Does anyone else want Pre-reading some adventure?”
- Teacher explains some vocabulary that students haven’t known yet.
While reading
2. Read and listen to the text again and
- Teacher gives students time to read the blog answer questions. and answer the questions
1. How long has Liz Clark been travelling?
- Teacher invites some students to answer the 2. How did she get her yacht? questions.
3. What does Liz do when she stops
- Teacher explains the answers and gives somewhere? feedback.
4. How does Liz pay for her trip?
5. Why does Rachel offer to join Liz on her Exercise 2: journey?
- Teacher plays audio and keeps the class Suggested answers quiet.
1. She has travelled to many fascinating
- Teacher gives students time to read the places for over fifteen years
blog, questions and do the exercise.
2. Liz learned to sail as one of her old
- Teacher invites students to answer the
professors offered to lend her his yacht for
questions in front of the class, as long as she wanted it
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
3. When she stops somewhere, she surfs,
does yoga and writes her blog. Exercise 3:
4. Adverts on Liz's blog have been paying
- Teacher has students close their books and for her trip.
not use any electronic devices to look up the
5. Because Liz wants some adventure. dictionary.
- Then, teacher divides the class into some groups
3. VOCABULARY PLUS Use a dictionary
- Students work in groups, read the text again to check the meaning of the phrases in blue in
and discuss the meaning of blue words in the the text. blog.
- Teacher invites some groups to express their meaning. Suggested answers
- Teacher compares the meaning of the blue
Students look up new words by using a dictionary
word and gives students time to look up the 🕮 New words
blue vocabulary in the dictionary.
- set off (v): lên đường, khởi hành
The group with the highest score will get
- leave behind (v): bỏ lại good points. - stop off (v): tạm dừng
- stay with (v): ở lại với
ACTIVITY 4. PRODUCTION - carry on (v): tiếp tục
Aims: Teacher helps students consolidate the lesson
4. USE IT! Work in pairs. Think of three
Contents: Students work in pairs
advantages and three disadvantages of going
Products: Students’ answers on a trip on your own. Organization:
(Students’ own answers.) Exercise 4:
- Teacher gives students time to prepare Suggest answer: their answers. 1. Advantages:
- Students work in pairs and discuss the - Discover new lands
advantages and disadvantages of going on a - Learn a lot of new things trip on their own.
- Relax, away from the pressure
- Teacher invites some students to talk about 2. Disadvantages:
their answers and gives feedback.
- May encounter dangers by nature, and climate ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK - May meet bad people
- Learn by heart all the new words. - Feeling lonely
- Do exercises (in the workbook). - Prepare new lesson.
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 3: ADVENTURE
Lesson 3: Language Focus: Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous
I can talk about actions which have been in progress. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand how to use present perfect simple and present perfect continuous
- can talk about actions which have been in progress.
- can distinguish how to pronounce /æ/ and /ə/
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check–up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: KNOWLEDGE
⬧◼⧫ ⧫ ⬧⚫ FORMATION
◼ ⬧◼⧫ ⧫
Aims: Help students learn the structures: ◼⧫◼◆◆⬧ PRESENT PERFECT and PRESENT 🕮 PERFECT CONTINUOUS. GRAMMAR.
Present perfect ( Thì hiện tại hoàn thành) diễn tả
Contents: Students work individually
một hành động, hoặc sự việc đã xảy ra ở quá khứ
Products: Students’ answers
và vẫn kéo dài tới hiện tại. ❖ Organization: Exercise 1:
(+) S + HAS/HAVE + V-ED/V3
- Teacher teaches students about present
perfect and present perfect continuous, and
(-) S+ HAS/HAVE + NOT + V-ED/V3
gives them structure, form, and examples
(?) HAS/HAVE + S + V-ED/V3? about this tense.
- Teacher invites students to read aloud the article on page 32.
She / He / It + Has + V-ed/V3
- Teacher gives students time to complete the exercise 1.
I/ You / We / They + Have + V-ed/V3
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
Ex: (+) I have learnt Chinese since I was 15 ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
years old. (Tôi học tiếng Trung kể từ năm 15
Aims: Help students apply the structures tuổi)
of present perfect and present perfect
(-) I haven’t learnt Chinese since I was 15
continuous that they have learnt to do the
years old. (Tôi không không học tiếng trung kể từ tasks. năm 15 tuổi)
Contents: Students work in individual/
(?) Have you learnt Chinese since you were pairs/groups
15 years old? ( Bạn đã học tiếng Trung từ khi 15
Products: Students’ answers  tuổi sao?) Organization Exercise 2:
Present perfect continuous tense (Thì hiện tại - Teacher plays the audio.
hoàn thành tiếp diễn) là thì dùng để chỉ hành
- Teacher teaches students how to pronounce /æ/ and /ə/.
động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng vẫn tiếp tục ở
hiện tại và có khả năng tiếp diễn trong tương lai.
- Teacher invites some students to pronounce in front of the class.
- Teacher asks students how we pronounce (-) S+ HAS/HAVE + NOT +BEEN + VING
have and has when they are weak forms.
- Teacher checks the answers and gives + YES, S+ HAS/HAVE feedback.
+ NO, S+ HAS/HAVE + NOT Exercise 3:
- Teacher gives students time to read the text and do their exercise.
She / He / It + Has + V-ed/V3
- Students manipulate what they have learnt
about present perfect and present perfect
I/ You / We / They + Have + V-ed/V3
continuous to choose the correct verb.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the EX: (+) She has been travelling around the world
questions in front of the class.
( Cô ấy đã và đang đi du lịch vòng quanh thế giới
- Teacher checks the answers with the class.
(-) She hasn’t been travelling around the
world (cô ấy đã và đang không đi du lịch vòng Exercise 4: quanh thế giới)
- Teacher gives students time to read and do
(?) Has she been travelling around the their exercise.
world? (cô ấy đã và đang đi du lịch vòng quanh
- Students manipulate what they have learnt thế giới đúng không?)
about present perfect conjugate the right verb.
- Teacher invites some students to answer the
exercise in front of the class.
1. Study the examples of the present perfect
- Teacher checks the answers with the class
simple and continuous from the blog on page and gives feedback.
32. Then complete rules 1–3 ACTIVITY 4. PRODUCTION
Aims: Help students consolidate the structures: PRESENT PERFECT
CONTINUOUS by asking and answering
questions using the words in the box and the ideas below.
Contents: Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ presentation Organization: Exercise 5:
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs.
- Students will ask their partner using the
words in the box and the ideas below, and then do the reverse.
- Teacher gives some pairs of students to speak in front of the class. - Teacher gives feedback. Suggested answers 1. has, been ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK 2. simple
- Learn by heart all structures. 3. continuous - Prepare the next lesson
2. PRONUNCIATION: /æ/ and /ə/
Listen to the examples. How do we pronounce
have and has when they are weak forms?
Suggested answers
- Have has a strong pronunciation /hæv/ when
it’s a main verb (meaning own, possess, etc.) and
a weak pronunciation /həv/ or /əv/ when it’s an auxiliary verb.
- In the weak form, the full vowel /æ/ is turned into a schwa /ə/
3. Read the text and choose the correct form of the verbs.
Suggested answers 1. it’s been 2. I’ve been sitting 3. haven’t been using 4. I’ve taken 5. we’ve been having
4. Complete the sentences with the correct
present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Suggested answers:
1. I have swum in the Atlantic. I remember it clearly.
2. They have been running for hours, so they’re feeling tired.
3. We have visited Argentina a couple of times.
4. Have you been sitting in the sun for long? Your face is very red.
5. USE IT! Work in pairs. Ask and answer
questions using the present perfect
continuous, the words in the box and the ideas below

(Students’ own answers.)
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 3: ADVENTURE
Lesson 4: Vocabulary and Listening: Extreme adventures
I can give my opinion on adventure activities and describe activities I have done. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- learn more about extreme adventures
- can describe adventure activities they have done
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities,
play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching
methods by practising, discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE:
1. Check–up:
during the lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Help students learn about extreme adventures and sports
THINK! Have you ever watched any videos of
Contents: Students work individually
extreme adventures or sports? What sport was it?
Products: Students’ answers
(Students’ own answers.) Organization: Exercise 1:
- Teacher plays the videos about extreme 🕮 New words
adventure and sports to help students - extreme (adj): mạo hiểm
visualize how these activities are.
- achievements (n): thành tựu
- Teacher gives students time to prepare their
- cliff (n): vách đá, dốc đứng answers. - lake (n): hồ
- Students work individually and answer the questions.
- Teacher invites some students to express
1. Look at pictures A–D below. Match the their opinion.
prepositions in the box with the actions. Say - Teacher gives feedback
what each person is doing. Then listen and check. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
Aims: Teacher presents new words in the book
Contents: Students listen and repeat
new words in individual/pairs/groups.
Products: Students can understand the meaning of new words. Pre-listening
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before listening, there are some new words in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the words.
- Students copy down these words into their
Suggested answers: notebooks.
A. He is walking through the forest
She is walking around the forest Exercise 1:
B. He is pushing the snowball up the hill.
- Teacher gives students time to complete the She is skiing down the hill. exercise
C. He is jumping over the puddle.
- Teacher asks some students to show their
He is stepping on a rock. answers to the class.
D. He is jumping off the fence.
- Teacher opens the audio for students to
He is going under the garage door.
listen and check their answers.
2. Read Your Top Five Extreme Adventures Exercise 2:
and check the meaning of the sports verbs in
- Teacher divides the class into two groups
blue. Then choose the correct prepositions.
and asks them to close their book.
- Teacher gives students time to read the text 🕮 New words
again and guess the verbs in blue. - Sail (v): chèo thuyền
- Teacher invites two groups to write their - Climb (v): trèo, leo answer on the board. - Dive (v): lặn
- Surf (v): lướt sóng, lướt ván - Cycle (v): đạp xe
- Teacher checks answer with the class. The
group that gets more right answers will win and get a good mark. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
Aims: Help students improve their
listening skills and apply the knowledge they
have learnt to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in individual/pairs/groups
Products: Students’ answers Organization While listening Exercise 3:
- Teacher gives students time to read the exercise. Suggested answers
- Teacher plays the audio about the TV
programme about the achievements in 1. around exercise 2. 2. up
- Teacher invites some students to answer the 3. off questions. 4. -
- Teacher checks students’ answers and 5. down explains the answers.
3. Listen to a TV programme about the Exercise 4:
achievements in exercise 2. Put the sports that
- Teacher allows students time to read the
are mentioned in the correct order.
questions, then play the audio again.
- Students listen and answer the questions.
- Teacher invites some students to answer Suggested answers the questions. 1. skydiving
- Teacher checks answers with the class. 2. cycling
- Teacher points out the answers in the 3. sailing recording. 4. mountain climbing 5. surfing
Aims: Help students consolidate the
4. Listen again and answer the questions. lesson
1. What did Éric Barone cycle over?
Contents: Students work in
2. How old was Laura Dekker when she pairs/groups
finished sailing around the world?
Products: Students’ opinion
3. Has anyone younger beaten her record? ❖
4. Where were the teenage Everest climbers Organization: from? Exercise 5:
5. According to the presenter, which person
- Teacher divides students into pairs has the most votes?
- Teacher gives students time to read the
Study Strategy, and then asks them to close their book.
- Students have to list three things they
learned from the TV programme.
- After that, students compare their answers with their partners.
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to Suggested answers: show their opinions. 1. He cycled over a volcano. 2. She was sixteen Exercise 6: 3. No, they haven’t
- Teacher divides students into pairs to do
4. The boy was from the USA, and the girl was their task. from India.
- Teacher gives students time to complete
5. The surfer, Garrett McNamara, has the most their exercise votes.
- Students ask and answer questions about
adventure activities using the ideas in the book.
5. Read the Study Strategy. Close your book
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
and make a note of three things you learned show their opinions.
from the TV programme. Compare your
answers with a partner's.
(Students’ own answer ) ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
- Learn by heart all the new words.
6. USE IT! Work with a partner. Ask and
- Do exercises (in the workbook).
answer questions about adventure activities. - Prepare new lesson. Use the ideas below.
(Students’ own answer )
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 3: ADVENTURE
Lesson 5: Language focus
• Present perfect simple + just, still, yet and already
I can talk about what I have and haven’t done. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand how to use present perfect simple just, still, yet and
already to do their task.
- apply what they learned in this lesson to talk about what they have and haven’t done.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising,
discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE
1. Check–up:
during lesson 2.New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: KNOWLEDGE
⬧◼⧫ ⧫ ⬧⚫ FORMATION  ◆⬧⧫
Aims: Help students review how to
use PRESENT PERFECT and learn how 🕮 GRAMMAR:
to use this tense with just, still, yet and
- We often use just with the present perfect simple. already.
- We use it to reinforce the idea that an action has
Contents: Students pay attention to only been completed very recently.
- We use it in affirmative sentences and it goes
the different usage between these words
between the auxiliary has/have and the past and work individually. participle.
Products: Students understand the grammar.
Ex: We have just gone to school (chúng tôi chỉ vừa Organization: mới đến trường)
- Teacher explains the grammar to students.
1. Study these sentences from exercise 3 on page
- Teacher gives students examples so that
34. Then answer the questions
students can visualize the different usage
of these words: just, still, yet, and already.
- Students copy down to their notebooks. Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to read the
sentences from exercise 3 and complete Suggested answers the task.
1. We use the present perfect with just to talk about
- Students apply what they learnt to do the recent events. exercise.
2. Just goes between have and the past participle.
- Teacher invites some students to do the exercise.
2. Complete the sentences with just and the - Teacher checks the answers.
present perfect simple form of the verbs in
brackets. Then write the question form. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
Aims: Help students apply the
knowledge about present perfect with
just, still, yet and already to do the tasks given.
Contents: Students work in individual/pairs/groups
Products: Students’ answers Organization Suggested answers: Exercise 2:
1. I have just seen; Have you just seen
- Teacher gives students time to do the something funny? task
2. Sam has just dived; Sam just dived into the
- Students apply the knowledge about lake?
present perfect with just, still, yet and
3. We have just driven; Have we just driven past
already to complete the exercise. my friend’s house?
- Teacher invites some students to answer
4. He has just broken; Has he just broken the in front of the class. world record again?
- Teacher checks students’ answers.
3. Explain the situations with your own words.
Use the correct present perfect simple form with Exercise 3: because and just.
- Teacher gives students time to do the task.
- Students explain the situations in their
own words to complete the sentences.
- Teacher invites some students to write their answers on the board.
- Teacher checks students’ answers and gives feedback. Exercise 4:
- Teacher teaches students how to use
present perfect simple + just, yet and already again.
- Teacher gives students time to read the
(Students’ own answer ) exercise. - Students match the answers.
Present perfect simple + still, yet and already
- Teacher invites some students to answer their questions. 🕮 GRAMMAR:
- Teacher checks answers with the class
and makes sure students understand
- We use “still”, yet and already with the present everything. perfect simple.
- We use “still” and “yet” to reinforce the idea that Exercise 5:
something hasn’t changed. It is used in negative
- Teacher gives students time to read the
sentences and it goes before has/have. rules on the box.
Ex: The party will be tonight, but I still haven’t
- Students apply their knowledge to bought the dress. complete the rules.
- Teacher calls some students to give the
- We use “yet” at the end of the sentence.
answers and then gives feedback.
Ex: We haven’t gone to the cinema yet. Exercise 6:
- We use “yet” in questions to ask if someone has
- Teacher gives students time to read the
done something. It goes at the end of the sentence.
exercise and complete their task.
Ex: Have you bought the English book yet?
- Students order the words to make
- We use “already” in affirmative sentences to sentences.
emphasize that someone has done something. It
- After students finish their task, teacher
goes between the auxiliary has/have and the past
invites some students to answer and participle. checks answers with students.
Ex: She has already cooked dinner.
4. Study sentences 1–3. Then match them with
Aims: Help students consolidate rules A–C. what they have learned.
Contents: Students work
individually/in pairs
Products: Students’ answers and performance. Organization: Exercise 7:
- Teacher allows students time to read
Nam’s wish list and write sentences
about what Nam has and hasn’t done
using still, yet and already.
- Teacher asks some students to express their own sentences. - Teacher gives feedback. Exercise 8: Suggested answers
- Teacher allows students time to read the 1. C
exercise and prepare for their answers. 2. B
- Students write sentences about what 3. A
they have and haven’t done today, this
year and in their life with the present
perfect and still, yet or already.
5. Complete the rules with still, yet or already.
- Teacher invites some students to show their opinion. - Teacher gives feedback. ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK
- Learn by heart the grammar about
present perfect simple with just, still, yet Suggested answers and already. 1. still
- Prepare for the next lesson – Speaking 2. already 3. yet
6. Order the words to make sentences.
Suggested answers:
1. My friends and I have already decided on our next adventure.
2. I have already borrowed a surfboard.
3. We still haven’t organised transport.
4. We haven’t bought any food yet.
7. Read Nam’s wish list. Write sentences about
what he has and hasn’t done. Use still, yet and already
Suggested answers:
1. Nam still hasn’t seen Dambri Waterfall.
He hasn’t seen Dambri Waterfall yet.
2. He has already tried surfing.
3. He has already sailed around Hạ Long Bay.
4. He still hasn’t climbed up Fansipan.
She hasn’t climbed up Fansipan yet.
8. USE IT! Think about what you have and
haven’t done today, this year and in your life.
Write sentences about each time period with the
present perfect and still, yet or already

(Students’ own answer )
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 3: ADVENTURE
Lesson 6: Speaking: Exchanging news
I can request and respond to personal news. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- can exchange their private news with each other.
- develop students’ speaking skills.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising,
discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE
1. Check–up:
during lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Help students brainstorm and lead in the new lesson
Contents: Students use language
materials simply. Students work individually ❖
Products: Students’ performance Organization:
THINK! Imagine that you haven’t been in
- Teacher reads the questions with the class
contact with a friend for a month. What do
and encourages students to talk about their you talk about? own opinions and experiences
- Teacher invites some students to answer.
(Students’ own answers.)
- Students answer on their own. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
Aims: Help students pay attention to the
content of the dialogue.
Contents: Students choose the correct
words in the dialogue individually
1. Complete the dialogue with the phrases in
the box. Then watch or listen and check.
Products: Students’ answers
Where has Daisy just been? What has Neil got Organization: all week? Pre-speaking Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students time to read through
the dialogue and do the exercise.
- Teacher plays the video or audio for students
to watch or listen and check their answers.
- Teacher plays the video again and checks students’ answers.
- Teacher asks the questions to the class and
invites some students to answer the questions.
- Then, teacher checks the answers. Exercise 2:
- Students try to remember who says the
phrases in the dialogue and complete the box.
- Teacher plays the audio for students to
watch or listen. to check their answer.
- Teacher could pause after some of the
sentences and questions for students to check the answers.
- Teacher makes sure that students understand the key phrases.
Suggested answers: 1. away 2. adventure holiday 3. kayaking ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE 4. photos
Aims: Help students can exchange their 5. hundreds
news and improve their speaking skill. 6. every day
Contents: Students work in pairs/groups
Products: Students’ performance
=> Daisy has just been on an adventure holiday  Organization in Zambia. While-speaking Neil has got exams all week Exercise 3:
- Students work in pair and practice speaking the dialogue
2. Study the Key Phrases. Cover the dialogue
- Teacher gives students time to do task
and try to remember who says the phrases,
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
Daisy (D) or Neil (N). Watch or listen again speak in front of the class. and check. Exercise 4:
- Teacher divides students in pairs and give
students time to match the phrases.
- Students work in pairs to complete the exercise.
- Teacher invites some students to answer their questions.
- Teacher checks answers with the class. Suggested answers 1. N 2. N 3. D
Aims: Help students consolidate the way 5. D
to exchange their personal news. 6. N ❖
Contents: Students work in pairs
Products: Students’ conversation
3. Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue.
Organization: Post-speaking
(Students’ own answers.) Exercise 5:
- Teacher divides students into pairs to speak
based on situations that have been listed in
4. Work in pairs. Match the phrases. Then ask exercise 5.
and answer the two questions with your
- Students work in pairs to develop a partner.
dialogue about their personal news..
- Teacher monitors while students are working
- Teacher invites some pairs of students to
speak and gives general feedback at the end. Suggested answers: ACTIVITY 5. HOMEWORK 1. b
- Learn by heart all the structures. 2. d
- Do exercises (in the workbook). 3. e
- Prepare a new lesson. 4. a 5. c
5. USE IT! Work in pairs. Read the situation.
Prepare and practise a new dialogue. Use the
key phrases and the dialogue in exercise 1 to help you.

(Students’ own answers.)
............................................................................................................................................... Week : Date of preparing: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 3: ADVENTURE
Lesson 7: Writing: An FAQ page
I can use relative clauses to describe a sport. I./. OBJECTIVES
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- can understand how to use relative clauses to describe sport
- use key phrases to describe activities
- use intensifiers in writing exercises
- understand how to write an FAQ section for a website about sport.
2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
3. Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.
4. Competence: Writing, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use language…… II./. PREPARATION:
1. Teacher:
book, planning, TV
2. Students: books, notebooks III./. TEACHING METHODS
Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practicing,
discussion group, technical present…. IV./.PROCEDURE
1. Check–up:
during lesson 2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP
Aims: Help students understand what
FAQ means and answer their opinion.
Contents: Students use language
? THINK! What does FAQ mean? Where do
materials simply. Students work in pairs you see FAQs?
Products: Students’ answers Organization:
(Students’ own answers.)
- Teacher gives students time to think about their answer,
- Teacher invites some students to answer.
1. Look at the photo. Then check the meaning
- Students answer on their own.
of the words in blue in the Football FAQs and
read the text. Do you pass or throw the ball
when you play football? Do you think it’s a
difficult sport? Would you like to do it? Why / Why not? ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE FORMATION
Aims: Help students pay attention to the
content of FAQs, and understand how to use
key phrases to answer the questions.
Contents: Students work individually to
answer the questions and use key phrases to describe an activity
Products: Students’ answers ❖ Organization: Pre-doing exercise:
-Teacher introduces some new words
“Before doing exercises, there are some new words in the text.”
- Teacher uses some techniques of teaching
vocabulary to teach them, then asks students to listen and repeat.
- Students listen to the teacher and repeat the words.
- Students copy down these words into their notebooks. Exercise 1:
- Teacher gives students read the Football FAQs.
- Students read the questions and answer using key phrases in the box
- Teacher invites some students to answer the questions and give feedback. Exercise 2:
(Students’ own answers.)
- Teacher gives students time to read the
FAQs again and complete the task. New words:
- Students read the FAQs and the exercises to - which: cái nào match the answers. - who: ai
- Teacher invites students to answer the - where: ở đâu questions.
- Teacher consolidates where the intensifiers
2. Which paragraph in the Football FAQs are placed. tells readers … ? Suggested answers 1. Paragraph 5 ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE 2. Paragraph 4
Aims: Help students understand how to 3. Paragraph 2
use relative clauses to do their exercises. 4. Paragraph 1
Contents: Students work individually 5. Paragraph 3
Products: Students’ answers Organization
LANGUAGE POINT: Relative clauses Exercise 3:
- Teacher gives students time to do the 🕮 GRAMMAR: exercises.
- We use the relative pronoun who to show which
- Teacher invites some students to answer the person we are referring to. questions.
- We use the relative pronoun which to show
- Teacher checks answers with the class.
which object we are referring to.
- We use the relative pronoun where to show Exercise 4:
which place we are referring to.
- Teacher gives students time to complete the exercises. Pronoun Used Examples
- Students use relative clauses to complete sentences who people The girl who is talking
- Teacher invites some students to speak their with Han is my sister answers and give feedback. which objects This is the lipstick which I forgot in the Exercise 5: toilet
- Teacher gives students an instruction about
writing an FAQ section about sports. where places This house is my
- After that, teacher gives students time to grandparents where I complete their tasks. lived three years ago
- Students research a sport to find out what it involves.
- Students follow the writing guide to complete the FAQ.
- Teacher monitors while students are
3. Match the words in blue in the Football
working and give general feedback at the
FAQs with the words in the box. end.
Suggested answers: 1. an idea- which 2. an object - which ACTIVITY 4. HOMEWORK 3. a person - who
- Learn by heart all the structures. 4. a place - where
- Do exercises (in the workbook). - Prepare new lesson.
4. Complete sentences 1–5 with who, which or where.
Suggested answers:
1. That’s the shop where I bought my board.
2. Mike’s the friend who lent me his life jacket.
3. Equipment which is expensive isn’t always the best.
4. I watched a video which showed the best techniques.
5. I don’t know anybody who has tried it.
5. USE IT! Follow the steps in the writing guide
(Students’ own answers.)