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Giáo trình Thương mại quốc tế | Đại học Thái Nguyên
1. INSTRUCTOR(s) INFORMATION. 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION. 3. OBJECTIVES OF THE SUBJECT. 4. CLO - COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!
Tiếp thị quốc tế 3 tài liệu
Đại học Thái Nguyên 165 tài liệu
Giáo trình Thương mại quốc tế | Đại học Thái Nguyên
1. INSTRUCTOR(s) INFORMATION. 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION. 3. OBJECTIVES OF THE SUBJECT. 4. CLO - COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!
Môn: Tiếp thị quốc tế 3 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học Thái Nguyên 165 tài liệu
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Course title: International Trade Course code: ITR232 Credits: 3
Program: International Business Thai Nguyen, 2021 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 2 SYLLABUS
Course title: International Trade Course code: ITR232
Department: Fac. of Economics and Management Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): Not required First issue: Knowledge Block
Practical, Internship and
General courses of Thai
Core courses of Business & Specialized courses of
Field – based courses Graduation courses of Nguyen university Management Core courses of International Business □ International Business □ □ International Business □ 🗹 □ Compulsory Elective □ □ Compulsory Elective Compulsory Elective Elective Compulsory Elective Compulsory Elective □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Compulsory 🗹 1.
INSTRUCTOR(s) INFORMATION: No. Instructors’ name Email Phone number Department My site Fac. of Economics and 1 Nguyen Thi Minh Anh nguyenminhanh@tnu.edu.vn Management 2 Choi Man Kuy 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION:
The content of the course is to give students an overview of international trade: Basic issues, Theory and Concepts of international trade, international trade practices,
Legal environment, Protection of Intellectual Property in the international environment, etc. 3.
OBJECTIVES OF THE SUBJECT Goals Description Level Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs) G1 Knowledge
- This course aims to help studnets understand the principles of import and export management. -
This course hepls students to Analyze geographical areas to identify potential locations for
establishing an import-export business enterprise ELO4 3 G2 Skills -
This course acknowledges how to effectively research, write, and present as a team a
business proposal for an import/export product or service -
This course explains the technical and legal aspects of working in an import-export business/industry environment ELO9 3 G3
- This course aims to help students apply the knowledge learned in practice to well perform the work
and social responsibility of businesses and individuals. Attitude ELO11 2 4.
CLO - COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Goals CLOs Description Level Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs) G1 CLO1
Understand the principle of comparative advantage and its formal expression ELO4 3 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 3 CLO2
Describe and interpret how institutions and policy affect international trade
Discuss the concepts of foreign exchange, its importance to individuals, businesses, CLO3
and the performance of national economies, and how foreign exchange markets work G2 CLO4
Analyse policy issues related to international trade ELO9 3
Develop an understanding of the law and the legal environment as it relates to CLO5
international business operations, including its ethical implications
Identify custom clearing processes to bring goods to customers and the methods of CLO6 entry into foreign markets CLO7
Develop the ability to work responsibly and independently
Develop the ability to systematically generate, analyse and synthesis the right G3 CLO8
information from data to effectively develop strategies for businesses ELO11 2
Matrix of Course’s Contribution Level to Expected Learning Outcomes Course code Course
Contribution level to ELOs 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ITR232 International Trade 3 3 2
The Progression of Developing Course Learning Outcomes Content
Course Learning Outcome s Knowledge Skills Atti tude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chapter 1: International business theories and concepts c c a a
Chapter 2: Trading arrangements c b b
Chapter 3: The legal environment of IB c b c a b
Chapter 4: Exchange rates and International trade b c c b a b Chapter 5: Protection c c c a b
Chapter 6: International business operations c b b a c Chapter 7: Foreign investment c c c a b
Notes: blank is undetermined
level a is the lowest contribution level b is the median
contribution level c is the highest contribution level 5. READING MATERIALS 5.1. Textbook(s)
[1] Jonnard, Claude M (2019), International business and trade: theory, practice, and policy, CRC Press, Series: International business series (Boca Raton Fla.)
[2] Anne Krueger (2020), International trade: What everyone needs to know, Oxford University Press lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 4
5.2. Compulsory reading(s) * Book(s) * Article(s) * Other
5.3. Optional reading(s) * Book(s)
[3] Belay Seyoum, 2009, Export-Import Theory, Practices, and Procedures, 2nd Edition, Routledge
[4] A. Ashley, Commercial Correspondence, Oxford University Express * Article(s)
[5] Nguyen Khanh Doanh (2016), The formation of AFTA and Trade Diverson: Evidence from China’s Agricultural Export, Asian International Studies
[6] Nguyen Khanh Doanh, Yoon Heo (2017), Horizontal intra-industry trade in Korea: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis, Journal International Logistics and trade
[7] Nguyen Thi Minh Anh, Kieu Thi Minh Thu (2019), The Competitiveness of garment exportation of Vietnam: A case Study, International Journal of Innovative
Science, Engineering& Technology
[8] Pham Hoang Linh, Nguyen Khanh Doanh, Nguyen Ngoc Quynh (2019). Determinants of Vietnam’s Potential Trade: A Case Study of Agricultural Exports to the
European Union, Asian Joural of Agriculture and Rural Development
[9] Nguyen Thi Minh Anh, Kieu Thi Minh Thu (2020), Analysis of Vietnam’s export commodity groups to China market, International Journal of Research, e-
ISSN:2348-6848, p-ISSN:2348-795X, Volume 07 issue 04 * Other
6.1. Course Content and Plan Meeting Chapter Teaching methods Assignments, assessments Lecture Practice, Essays, Seminar… Self-study Exercise, with Practices teacher’s … tutorials 1-4 Chapter 1 3 1 6 7 5-12 Chapter 6 6 2 5 3 13-18 Chapter 3 4 2 6 7 19-23 6 7 Chapter 4 3 2 22-32 Chapter 5 6 3 6 7 33-41 Chapter 6 7 6 6 3 42-45 Chapter 7 3 1 6 7 Total (hour) 30 15 42 48
6.2. Schedule of Lectures
Meeting 1-4: Chapter 1: International business theories and concepts Meeting Chapter 1
Lesson Learning Outcomes CLOs (LLOs) Content Teaching activities Assessments Materials lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 5 CLO1 International Lecture A philosophy of - Curriculum business theories CLO3 and concepts Business for the - Assigned books and 21st documents
LLO1: To acknowledge the history century of Foreign trade
LLO2: To determine Corporate challenges LLO3: To identify international business
operations LLO4: To explain foreign exchange and foreign 1-4 exchange management Tutorials -
Content: consult, answer questions about teaching contents and knowledge;
guide on discovering studying documents… - Working time: By appointment -
Venue (location): Department Office
Student’s preparation Reading before classes
Meeting 5-9: Chapter 2: Trading arrangements Meeting Chapter 2
Lesson Learning Outcomes CLOs (LLOs) Content Teaching activities Assessments Materials CLO3 Trading - Lecture - Curriculum arrangements - CLO4
LLO5: To identify economic Practice, - Assigned books and documents CLO5 integrations seminar...
LLO6: To acknowledge Free trade zone
LLO7: To determine preferential 5-12 trading arrangements Tutorials -
Content: consult, answer questions about teaching contents and knowledge;
guide on discovering studying documents… -Working time: By appointment -
Venue (location): Department Office
Student’s preparation Reading before classes
Meeting 10-15: Chapter 3: The legal environment of IB Meeting Chapter 3
Lesson Learning Outcomes CLOs (LLOs) Content Teaching activities Assessments Materials CLO2 The legal - Lecture - Curriculum environment of IB - CLO5
LLO8: To identify legal Practice, - Assigned books and
relationships among parties to a seminar... documents business transaction
LLO9: To determine international 13-18 distributorship arrangements Tutorials -
Content: consult, answer questions about teaching contents and knowledge;
guide on discovering studying documents… -Working time: By appointment -
Venue (location): Department Office
Student’s preparation Reading before classes lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 6
Meeting 16-21: Chapter 4: Exchange rates and International trade Meeting Chapter 4
Lesson Learning Outcomes CLOs (LLOs) Content Teaching activities Assessments Materials CLO3 Exchange rates and - Lecture - Curriculum - CLO5
LLO10: To determine spot, International trade Practice, - Assigned books and documents
forward and pegged exchange rate seminar...
LLO11: To understand exchange control regulations
LLO12: To understand how
exchange rate affect international 19-23 trading Tutorials -
Content: consult, answer questions about teaching contents and knowledge;
guide on discovering studying documents… -Working time: By appointment -
Venue (location): Department Office
Student’s preparation Reading before classes
Meeting 22-27: Chapter 5: Protection Meeting Chapter 5
Lesson Learning Outcomes Teaching CLOs (LLOs) Content activities Assessments Materials CLO2 Protection - Lecture - Curriculum
LLO13: To define protection and - CLO4 Practice, - Assigned books identify some kinds of it anddocuments CLO5 seminar...
LLO14: To identify its roles in trading LLO15: To acknowledge 22-32
intellectual assets and goodwill Tutorials -
Content: consult, answer questions about teaching contents and knowledge;
guide on discovering studying documents… -Working time: By appointment -
Venue (location): Department Office
Student’s preparation Reading before classes
Meeting 28-33: Chapter 6: International business operations Meeting Chapter 6
Lesson Learning Outcomes Teaching CLOs (LLOs) Content activities Assessments Materials 33-41 CLO2 International business
LLO16: To explore Turnkey operations - Lecture CLO8 - Curriculum agreements - Practice, - Assigned books and LLO17: To determine seminar... documents Management contracts
LLO18: To identify contract manufacturing lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 7 Tutorials -
Content: consult, answer questions about teaching contents and knowledge;
guide on discovering studying documents… -Working time: By appointment -
Venue (location): Department Office
Student’s preparation Reading before classes
Meeting 34-39: Chapter 7: Foreign investment Meeting Chapter 7
Lesson Learning Outcomes Teaching CLOs (LLOs) Content activities Assessments Materials CLO2 Foreign investment - Lecture
LLO19: To identify Foreign - Curriculum - CLO3 - Assigned books and direct investments Practice, documents CLO6 seminar... LLO20: To determine
characteristics of a joint venture
LLO21: To understand wholly owned subsidiaries LLO18: To understand 42-45 Investment restrictions Tutorials
- Content: consult, answer questions about teaching contents and knowledge; guide on
discoveringstudying documents… -Working time: By appointment
- Venue (location): Department Office
Student’s preparation Reading before classes 7. COURSE POLICIES
The course policy is under the current training regulations 8. COURSE ASSESSMENT
8.1. Matrix of Course Learning Outcome Evaluation Mid-term Assignment Final Exam CLO Level Participation (30%) (20%) (50%) CLO1 X X X 3 CLO2 X X X 3 CLO3 X X X 3 CLO4 X X X 3 CLO5 X X X 3 CLO6 X X X 3 CLO7 X X X 2 CLO8 X X X 2
8.2. The rubric of Course Evaluation * Formative assessment
Rubric 1: Participation evaluation lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 8 Evaluation criteria Rate Distinction Merit Pass Below Pass Bad (%) (8,5-10) ( 7,0-8,4) (5,5-6,9) (4,0-5,4) <4,0 In-class attendance 70 Attend all meetings Absence of 3-6 meetings Absence of 1-3 Absence of 6-9 Absence of more meetings meetings than 9 meetings Assignment 30 - Fully committed - Hardly committed inclass activities - Positively inclass activities - Have to have Only attend committed in-class lecturer’s actions classes but do not - Submit all the activities - Submit all the assigned
to commit in-class participate in- assigned homework and - Submit all the homework and class activities assignments assigned homework assignments and not submit and assignments homework and assignments activities - Lack of submitted assignments and homework * Midterm Test
Rubric 2: Mid-term Test (Written exam) Criteria Rate (%) Distinction Merit Pass Below Pass Bad (8,5-10) ( 7,0-8,4) (5,5-6,9) (4,0-5,4) <4,0 Correctly answer Correctly answer Correctly answer Correctly answer Correctly answer less Answer of the 85%-100% of the 75%-85% of the 60%-75% of the 45%-60% of the than 45% of the questionnaires 100 questionnaires questionnaires questionnaires questionnaires questionnaires * Final Test Rubric 3: Final Test (Written exam) Criteria Rate Distinction Merit Pass Below Pass Bad (%) (8,5-10) ( 7,0-8,4) (5,5-6,9) (4,0-5,4) <4,0 - 75- - 60-70% - 50-60% - Accurately accurately answer 85% accurately accurately answer all all the requirement answer less than 50% - 85%-100% answer all the the requirement of of the assignment - of the questionnaire accurately answer all the Some incorrect requirement of the the assignment information and - Little or requirement of the no useful information assignment - Correct irrelevant content presented assignment and useful - Correct information but - Accurate and useful unclear structure and clear language used information, clear Information and throughout, clear structure content 70 structure - High standard grammar - High standard - Grammar and - Grammar and - Unclear and flawed and language grammar and language lack language not grammar and language language cohesiveness cohesive Language 20 - Critical - Clear evidence - Uncritical use of No evidence of wider of wider reading - reading and refereed appraisal ofsources Use relevant sources sources referred sources - Develop own ideas - Good - Irrelevant sources through investigation - use of Demonstrate a critical referralsources Use of literature/ understanding of Evidence of further sources - Good use of reading 10 referred sources DEAN LECTURER lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 9 Ha Xuan Linh
Appendix: Detailed Syllabus Updating Process (Annually) First Update:
- Summary of the 1st updated content of the syllabus: January 8, 2021
- Syllabus …… is updated according to the new output standards and the new program which has been reviewed in 2020
for International Business, to be applied from K10;
- The content of the module is adjusted according to the experience of teaching the module ……. for advanced
International Business program at ISTNU and essential knowledge updates for practice;