[ Key for Schools] Cambridge English Complete. Workbook Without Answers (2014 )

Exam advice
Reading Part 3a
Vocabulary Extra
Writing Part 6
Reading Part 1
• Listening Part 2
Vocabulary Extra
Vocabulary Extra
• Recording script
Unit 9 Track 9
Unit 10 Track 10
Unit 11 Track 11
Unit 12 Track 12
Unit 13 Track 13
Unit 14 Track 14

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[ Key for Schools] Cambridge English Complete. Workbook Without Answers (2014 )

Exam advice
Reading Part 3a
Vocabulary Extra
Writing Part 6
Reading Part 1
• Listening Part 2
Vocabulary Extra
Vocabulary Extra
• Recording script
Unit 9 Track 9
Unit 10 Track 10
Unit 11 Track 11
Unit 12 Track 12
Unit 13 Track 13
Unit 14 Track 14

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76 38 lượt tải Tải xuống
Key for Schools
Workbook without Answers
Sue Ellio and Emma Heyderman
University Prinng House, Cambridge CB2 8BS, United Kingdom
Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge.
It furthers the Universitys mission by disseminang knowledge in the pursuit of educaon,
learning and research at the highest internaonal levels of excellence.
Informaon on this tle: www.cambridge.org/9780521124393
© Cambridge University Press 2013
This publicaon is in copyright. Subject to statutory excepon and to
the provisions of relevant collecve licensing agreements, no
reproducon of any part may take place without the wrien
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2013
6th prinng 2014
Printed in the United Kingdom by Lamer Trend
A catalogue record for this publicaon is available from the Brish Library
ISBN 978-0-521-12470-6 Students Book without Answers with CD-ROM
ISBN 978-0-521-12471-3 Students Book with Answers with CD-ROM
ISBN 978-0-521-12472-0 Students Pack (Students Book without answers with CD-ROM,
Workbook without answers with Audio CD)
ISBN 978-0-521-12475-1 Class Audio CDs (2)
ISBN 978-0-521-12474-4 Teacher’s Book
ISBN 978-0-521-12436-2 Workbook without Answers with Audio CD
ISBN 978-0-521-12439-3 Workbook with Answers with Audio CD
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs
for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publicaon, and does not
guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
Informaon regarding prices, travel metables, and other factual informaon given in
this work is correct at the me of rst prinng but Cambridge University Press does not
guarantee the accuracy of such informaon thereaer.
1 Whats your name? 4
Vocabulary Extra 7
2 Are you coming to the party? 8
Vocabulary Extra 11
3 I’m hungry! 12
Vocabulary Extra 15
4 You look great! 16
Vocabulary Extra 19
5 She’s the winner 20
Vocabulary Extra 23
6 I have to do my homework 24
Vocabulary Extra 27
7 Lets go to the mountains 28
Vocabulary Extra 31
8 You have one new message 32
Vocabulary Extra 35
9 Lets have some fun! 36
Vocabulary Extra 39
1 0 What a sunny day! 40
Vocabulary Extra 43
1 1 I’ve got a cold 44
Vocabulary Extra 47
1 2 Has he been on holiday? 48
Vocabulary Extra 51
1 3 She might be a vet 52
Vocabulary Extra 55
1 4 Can you repeat that, please? 56
Vocabulary Extra 59
Recording script 60
Unit 1 Whats your name?
Exam advice
Look carefully at the queson and the pictures before each recording starts.
You will hear six short conversaons.
You will hear each conversaon twice.
There is one queson for each conversaon.
2 Jacks English teacher is asking him some quesons.
Complete the quesons and answers. Use the correct
form of be or do.
1 Do you get up early every day?
I do
2 Is your brother at school today?
No, he isn’t .
3 your parents like listening to
No, .
4 you hungry?
No, .
5 your grandmother live near you?
Yes, .
6 it cold outside today?
No, .
7 your mother and father at home
No, .
8 your father a teacher?
Family members
Put the leers in the right order to make words about
family members.
1 steris
2 bahnsud
3 cleun
4 nicsou
5 ogadrhentmr
6 grudateh
7 fewi
8 rohbret
9 nso
1 0 natu
Reading Part 3a
Exam advice
Don’t just look for the same words and phrases in the
queson as in the opons A, B and C. Remember that
these are conversaons.
Complete the six conversaons.
Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
0 How old is your sister?
A Her birthday’s in March.
B Sixteen next week. C She’s not old.
1 I’m going to France with my family next
A How long will you be there?
B Where do you live? C What is it
2 I don’t like getting up at 7 o’clock every
A Thats too early. B It’s very soon.
C What time is it?
3 I usually play volleyball on Saturday.
A I think so.
B I do that, too. C I don’t mind.
4 How shall we get there – on the bus?
A You check it.
B It’s very long.
C My dad can drive us.
5 Sorry, I can’t meet you tonight.
A Thanks very much.
B You’re welcome. C That’s a pity.
Yes, .
What’s your name?
I never / always play tennis at school on Mondays.
3 I see my friends quite a lot about three times a week.
I somemes / oen see my friends during the week.
4 Every day I ask my mum to put chocolate in my
I somemes / always ask my mum to put chocolate in my
5 My mum puts chocolate in my lunchbox about once a
My mum usually / somemes puts chocolate in my
6 I go to the town centre a lot, but my friend Karen
doesn’t go she doesnt like it there.
I usually / never see Karen in the town centre.
Exam candidates oen make mistakes with the
posion of adverbs of frequency. Correct the mistakes
in each of these sentences.
1 I dont watch often TV.
oen watch
2 You are welcome always in my home.
3 I like it because I always can buy new games.
4 The weather is very beautiful and I stay often on the
Wring Part 9
Exam advice
Underline what you must include in your answer. When
you’ve nished, check that you have included the three
points in your wring.
1 Read this exam task. Underline the quesons.
It’s great you are free and you can see me in town on
Saturday. Where can we meet? What time shall we
meet? What would you like to do?
2 Look at Sarahs email and answer the quesons.
Hi Sam,
I can meet you near the new shopping centre, at one
o’clock. We can go shopping, and then we can go to
the cinema.
See you soon!
Best wishes,
1 How does Sarah begin her email to Sam?
I went to a museum with my parents and my brother
on Saturday. Have you got any brothers and sisters?
How often do you go out with your family?
Where do you usually go?
How often do you … ?
Write an email to Jo and answer the quesons.
Write 25–35 words.
Vocabulary Extra
2 Richard is Stella’s
4 Connie is Michael’s .
5 Ben is
6 Maria is
7 Maria is Richards .
8 Ben is Dan’s
2 Match the verbs 1–10 to the nouns aj.
1 havea an exam
2 brushb your
3 takec a car
4 dod a shower
5 go e your teeth
6 put on f basketball
7 drive g shopping
8 get on h a bus
9 watch i a  lm
1 0 play j the washing up
a How many months are there in a year? 12 b
How many toes have you got? c How many days
are there in a week? d How many leers are there
in the word birthday?
e Whats 10 x 10? f How many players are there in
a football team? g How many units are there in
this book? h How many days are there in June?
What’s your name?
Unit 2 Are you coming to the
Listening Part 3
Exam advice
Try to answer each question the first
time you listen, and then check your
answers the second time you listen. If
you still dont know the answer, make a
Listen to Mahew talking to his friend
Fiona about his new home. For each
queson, choose the right answer (A, B or
You will hear the conversaon twice.
0 Where is Matthew living now?
A opposite the library
B near the park C
by the river
1 What does Matthew like best about his
new home?
A the kitchen
B the living room C the
2 What has Matthew’s mum bought for
his room?
A a chair B a clock
C a bookcase
3 Which street is Matthew’s house in?
A King’s Avenue B
Cheston Street C
Mayville Road
4 Matthew says his house is easy to find
because A its walls are white. B
it is made of wood. C it has a
red roof.
5 What time will Fiona go to visit
Matthew? A 3.00 B 3.15
C 3.30
Present continuous
1 Exam candidates oen make mistakes with present connuous
forms. Correct the mistakes in each of these sentences.
1 I can’t go and play football now because I’m writting a story for my
homework. wring
2 Jack isn’t comming to my party because hes sick today. 3 We’re not
goeing to school by bus today because mum’s driving us. 4 Is Sam
listenning to rock music on his computer?
5 My parents are sitting on the beach and my brother’s swiming in the sea.
6 Are you enjoing that book you’re reading?
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the
1 My dad’s got the day off, so he isn’t working (not work)
today. He’s at home.
2 (the baby / sleep) upstairs at the moment?
3 We can go into the garden now because it
(not rain) any more.
4 My cousins are in the bathroom. They
(wash) their hands before dinner.
5 John doesn’t want to answer the phone now because he
(eat) his dinner.
6 Why (Harry / ride) his brother’s bicycle?
7 Let’s switch off the TV we (not watch) it.
8 Sally isn’t at home at the moment she (play) football with her
9 I (write) a letter to my grandma. It’s her
Put the leers in the right order to make the name of something you can
nd in a house.
1 rtmaoboh bathroom 5
2 regaga 6 orofl
3 sirtas 7 morbdeo
4 cenkith 8 dregan
Unit 2
Reading Part 4
Read the article about three teenagers who have unusual homes.
Are the sentences ‘Right (A) or Wrong’ (B)?
If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesnt say’ (C).
1 Paula has found theres something good about living far from other people.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
2 Paula always has good weather in the area where she lives.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
3 Sophie’s family moved up into the mountains when they sold their home in the city.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
4 Sophie meets friends near her home when her classes have nished.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
5 Andrew lived in a big house before he moved to a river boat with his family.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
6 Andrews parents oen travel along the river in their boat.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
Are you coming to the party?
have got
1 Complete the sentences below with the correct form of have got.
Our new  at is great! I (1) have got my own room now I don’t share with my brother any more! I
like my room because it (2) a really big window in it. My older brother’s room is next door. He (3) a lot of
things in his room! Theres a comfortable chair, and a big bookshelf, but he (4) a TV. He wants to buy one
soon. My parents (5) the biggest bedroom in the at. In our last home they had a bedroom with
a shower, but they (6) one in this place. (7) you your own room in your home?
2 Exam candidates oen make mistakes with have got. Add got in the correct places in the sentences. got
1 I’m selling my old TV because I’ve a n ew o ne.
2 I’ve a football match this afternoon.
3 Have you old clothes to wear when you help me in the garden?
4 I haven’t a computer.
5 I’ve some friends who play in a rock band.
6 Sarah has a lot of presents to open on her birthday.
7 Have you any money in your bag?
Match the objects 1–6 with the informaon af.
1 bookshelf a You sit on this.
2 carpet b
This is on a fl oor of a room.
3 chair c You can do your homework on this.
4 desk d These are on each side of your window.
5 lamp e You switch this on to see more clearly.
6 curtains f
You put your books on this in your room.
Wring Part 6
Exam advice
Look carefully to see if the word you need is singular or plural.
Read the descripons of some words about the garden.
What is the word for each one?
The  rst leer is already there. There is one space for each other leer in the word.
0 People can sit on this in their garden when the weather is good. g r a s s
1 It’s nice to grow these in gardens to add some colour. f
2 In some gardens, you have to open this to walk in. g
3 Some people build this around the outside of their garden. w
4 These can be several metres tall, so you need a big garden to grow them. t
5 You can cook your food outside on a fi re and invite your friends to come to this. b Unit 2
Vocabulary Extra
At home
1 a Complete the sentences with a correct form of the
verbs from the box and names of rooms.
in the
kitchen . I’m making a salad.
2 Jay is on the sofa in the
3 Maria and Amy are to music upstairs. They’re
in their .
4 Dad is the car. He’s outside, near the .
5 Grandma is her hair in the
6 Jack is his new bike outside in the .
7 Mum is to her friend on the phone in the .
3 bedroom living room kitchen furniture
4 computer TV chair lamp
5 blanket cooker lamp bed
6 door gate bookshelf window
7 apartment garage house flat
Are you coming to the party?
Unit 3 Im
Exam advice
Read the sentences about going to a restaurant.
Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.
0 Hollie
to a restaurant with her family for her birthday last week.
A visited B went C invited
1 The restaurant is well known all over the city for its
A excellent B ready C favourite
2 Hollies father
lots of food from the menu for everyone to
A made B served C ordered
3 Hollie was full aer her main course so she only had
fruit for
A piece B half C some
4 Everyone was very
because the food was really good.
A interesng B happy C lovely
5 Hollies grandma
her to wish her happy birthday.
A phoned B said C showed
School lunches
Countable and uncountable nouns
1 Label the photos. Use a / an or some
and the words from the box. Use plural
forms where necessary.
carrot cheese o nion
c hocolate
sandwich biscuit
rice lemon
r g
c h
n d w
c h
s h and c h
p s
c h
c k
n s
p p l
c r
n g
| 1/126

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lOMoARcPSD|50202050 Complete Key for Schools
Workbook without Answers
Sue Elliott and Emma Heyderman lOMoARcPSD|50202050
University Printing House, Cambridge CB2 8BS, United Kingdom
Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge.
It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education,
learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence. www.cambridge.org
Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521124393
© Cambridge University Press 2013
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to
the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no
reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2013 6th printing 2014
Printed in the United Kingdom by Latimer Trend
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-0-521-12470-6 Student’s Book without Answers with CD-ROM
ISBN 978-0-521-12471-3 Student’s Book with Answers with CD-ROM
ISBN 978-0-521-12472-0 Student’s Pack (Student’s Book without answers with CD-ROM,
Workbook without answers with Audio CD)
ISBN 978-0-521-12475-1 Class Audio CDs (2)
ISBN 978-0-521-12474-4 Teacher’s Book
ISBN 978-0-521-12436-2 Workbook without Answers with Audio CD
ISBN 978-0-521-12439-3 Workbook with Answers with Audio CD
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs
for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not
guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in
this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not
guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. lOMoARcPSD|50202050 Contents 1 What’s your name? 4 Vocabulary Extra 7 2 Are you coming to the party? 8 Vocabulary Extra 11 3 I’m hungry! 12 Vocabulary Extra 15 4 You look great! 16 Vocabulary Extra 19 5 She’s the winner 20 Vocabulary Extra 23 6 I have to do my homework 24 Vocabulary Extra 27 7
Let’s go to the mountains 28 Vocabulary Extra 31 8 You have one new message 32 Vocabulary Extra 35 9 Let’s have some fun! 36 Vocabulary Extra 39 1 0 What a sunny day! 40 Vocabulary Extra 43 1 1 I’ve got a cold 44 Vocabulary Extra 47 1 2 Has he been on holiday? 48 Vocabulary Extra 51 1 3 She might be a vet 52 Vocabulary Extra 55 1 4 Can you repeat that, please? 56 Vocabulary Extra 59 Recording script 60 3 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 Acknowledgements Contents 4 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 Unit 1 What’s your name? Exam advice
Look carefully at the question and the pictures before each recording starts.
You will hear six short conversations.
You will hear each conversation twice.
There is one question for each conversation. 5 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 6 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 Grammar No, . 7
your mother and father at home today? No, . 8 your father a teacher? Vocabulary Family members Jack
Put the letters in the right order to make words about family members. live sister 1 steris 2 bahnsud 3 cleun 4 nicsou 5 ogadrhentmr 6 grudateh 7 fewi 8 rohbret 9 nso 1 0 natu Reading Part 3a Exam advice
Don’t just look for the same words and phrases in the
question as in the options – A, B and C. Remember that these are conversations.
Complete the six conversations.
Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
0 How old is your sister?
A Her birthday’s in March.
2 Jack’s English teacher is asking him some questions.
B Sixteen next week. C She’s not old.
Complete the questions and answers. Use the correct
1 I’m going to France with my family next
form of be or do. week. 1
Do you get up early every day?
A How long will you be there? I do
B Where do you live? C What is it Yes, . like? 2
Is your brother at school today?
2 I don’t like getting up at 7 o’clock every No, he isn’t . day! 3
your parents like listening to
A That’s too early. B It’s very soon. music? C What time is it? No, .
3 I usually play volleyball on Saturday. 4 you hungry? A I think so. No, .
B I do that, too. C I don’t mind. 5
your grandmother live near you? Yes, .
4 How shall we get there – on the bus? 6 it cold outside today? A You check it. 7 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 B It’s very long.
5 Sorry, I can’t meet you tonight. C My dad can drive us. A Thanks very much.
B You’re welcome. C That’s a pity. Yes, . What’s your name? 8 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 Grammar How often do you … ? Writing Part 9 Exam advice 100 %
Underline what you must include in your answer. When
you’ve finished, check that you have included the three points in your writing. 50 %
1 Read this exam task. Underline the questions. From: 0 % Sam To: Sarah
It’s great you are free and you can see me in town on
Saturday. Where can we meet? What time shall we
meet? What would you like to do?
I never / always play tennis at school on Mondays. 2 Look at Sarah’s email and answer the questions.
3 I see my friends quite a lot – about three times a week. From: Sarah
I sometimes / often see my friends during the week. To: Sam
4 Every day I ask my mum to put chocolate in my lunchbox. Hi Sam,
I sometimes / always ask my mum to put chocolate in my lunchbox.
I can meet you near the new shopping centre, at one
o’clock. We can go shopping, and then we can go to
5 My mum puts chocolate in my lunchbox about once a the cinema. week. See you soon!
My mum usually / sometimes puts chocolate in my lunchbox. Best wishes,
6 I go to the town centre a lot, but my friend Karen Sarah
doesn’t go – she doesn’t like it there.
I usually / never see Karen in the town centre.
1 How does Sarah begin her email to Sam?
Exam candidates often make mistakes with the
position of adverbs of frequency. Correct the mistakes
in each of these sentences.
1 I don’t watch often TV. often watch 2
You are welcome always in my home.
3 I like it because I always can buy new games. From:
4 The weather is very beautiful and I stay often on the Jo beach. To:
I went to a museum with my parents and my brother
on Saturday. Have you got any brothers and sisters?
How often do you go out with your family? Where do you usually go? lOMoARcPSD|50202050
Write an email to Jo and answer the questions. Write 25–35 words. lOMoARcPSD|50202050 T O I B L A E D H E I G H T L V I X W S E V E N R E T W E L V E T R S N A T E N Y I G R D E N E C H U N D R E D F O U R T E E N Vocabulary Extra 11 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
2 Richard is Stella’s
4 Connie is Michael’s . 5 Ben is Connie’s . 6 Maria is Dan’s
7 Maria is Richard’s . 8 Ben is Dan’s
2 Match the verbs 1–10 to the nouns a–j. 1 havea an exam 2 brushb your clothes 3 takec a car 4 dod a shower
5 go e your teeth 6 put on f basketball 7 drive g shopping 8 get on h a bus 9 watch i a fi lm 1 0 play j the washing up
a How many months are there in a year? 12 b
How many toes have you got? c How many days
are there in a week? d How many letters are there in the word birthday?
e What’s 10 x 10? f How many players are there in
a football team? g How many units are there in
this book? h How many days are there in June? What’s your name? 12 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 Unit 2 Are you coming to the party? Listening Part 3 Grammar Exam advice Present continuous
Try to answer each question the first 1
Exam candidates often make mistakes with present continuous
time you listen, and then check your
answers the second time you listen. If
forms. Correct the mistakes in each of these sentences.
you still don’t know the answer, make a
1 I can’t go and play football now because I’m writting a story for my guess. homework. writing
2 Jack isn’t comming to my party because he’s sick today. 3 We’re not
goeing to school by bus today because mum’s driving us. 4 Is Sam
Listen to Matthew talking to his friend
listenning to rock music on his computer?
Fiona about his new home. For each
question, choose the right answer (A, B or
5 My parents are sitting on the beach and my brother’s swiming in the sea. C).
You will hear the conversation twice.
6 Are you enjoing that book you’re reading?
0 Where is Matthew living now?
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the
A opposite the library brackets.
B near the park C by the river
1 My dad’s got the day off, so he isn’t working (not work)
1 What does Matthew like best about his today. He’s at home. new home? 2
(the baby / sleep) upstairs at the moment? A the kitchen
3 We can go into the garden now because it
B the living room C the garden (not rain) any more.
4 My cousins are in the bathroom. They
2 What has Matthew’s mum bought for his room?
(wash) their hands before dinner.
A a chair B a clock
5 John doesn’t want to answer the phone now because he C a bookcase (eat) his dinner.
3 Which street is Matthew’s house in? 6 Why
(Harry / ride) his brother’s bicycle?
A King’s Avenue B
7 Let’s switch off the TV – we (not watch) it. Cheston Street C Mayville Road
8 Sally isn’t at home at the moment – she (play) football with her team.
4 Matthew says his house is easy to find
because A its walls are white. B 9 I
(write) a letter to my grandma. It’s her it is made of wood. C it has a birthday. red roof.
5 What time will Fiona go to visit Vocabulary
Matthew? A 3.00 B 3.15 C 3.30 Home
Put the letters in the right order to make the name of something you can find in a house. 13 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 1 rtmaoboh bathroom 5 niwdwo 2 regaga 6 orofl 3 sirtas 7 morbdeo
4 cenkith 8 dregan Unit 2 14 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 Reading Part 4
Read the article about three teenagers who have unusual homes.
Are the sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)?
If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). MY HOME
1 Paula has found there’s something good about living far from other people. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
2 Paula always has good weather in the area where she lives. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
3 Sophie’s family moved up into the mountains when they sold their home in the city. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
4 Sophie meets friends near her home when her classes have finished. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
5 Andrew lived in a big house before he moved to a river boat with his family. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
6 Andrew’s parents often travel along the river in their boat. 15 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say Are you coming to the party? 16 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 Grammar have got 1
Complete the sentences below with the correct form of have got.
Our new fl at is great! I (1) have got
my own room now – I don’t share with my brother any more! I
like my room because it (2) a really big window in it. My older brother’s room is next door. He (3) a lot of
things in his room! There’s a comfortable chair, and a big bookshelf, but he (4) a TV. He wants to buy one soon. My parents (5)
the biggest bedroom in the fl at. In our last home they had a bedroom with a shower, but they (6) one in this place. (7) you your own room in your home? 2
Exam candidates often make mistakes with have got. Add got in the correct places in the sentences. got
1 I’m selling my old TV because I’ve a n ew o ne.
2 I’ve a football match this afternoon.
3 Have you old clothes to wear when you help me in the garden?
4 I haven’t a computer.
5 I’ve some friends who play in a rock band.
6 Sarah has a lot of presents to open on her birthday.
7 Have you any money in your bag? Vocabulary Furniture
Match the objects 1–6 with the information a–f. 1
bookshelf a You sit on this. 2 carpet b
This is on a fl oor of a room. 3 chair c
You can do your homework on this. 4 desk d
These are on each side of your window. 5 lamp e
You switch this on to see more clearly. 6 curtains f
You put your books on this in your room. Writing Part 6 Exam advice
Look carefully to see if the word you need is singular or plural.
Read the descriptions of some words about the garden.
What is the word for each one?
The fi rst letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.
0 People can sit on this in their garden when the weather is good. g r a s s
1 It’s nice to grow these in gardens to add some colour. f
2 In some gardens, you have to open this to walk in. g
3 Some people build this around the outside of their garden. w 17 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
4 These can be several metres tall, so you need a big garden to grow them. t
5 You can cook your food outside on a fi re and invite your friends to come to this. b Unit 2 18 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 Vocabulary Extra At home 3 bedroom living room kitchen furniture
1 a Complete the sentences with a correct form of the 4 computer TV chair lamp
verbs from the box and names of rooms. 5 blanket cooker lamp bed 6 door gate bookshelf window
repair talk ride brush cook listen sit 7 apartment garage house flat I’m in the 1 cooking
kitchen . I’m making a salad. 2 Jay is on the sofa in the . 3 Maria and Amy are to music upstairs. They’re Are you coming to the party? in their . 4 Dad is
the car. He’s outside, near the . 5 Grandma is her hair in the .
6 Jack is his new bike outside in the .
7 Mum is to her friend on the phone in the . 19 lOMoARcPSD|50202050 SCHOOL CAFÉ MENU b r g r p p l c h s b n n s n d w c h s c c r m f s h and c h p s r n g j c h c k n s l d l m n d Unit 3 I’m hungry! Grammar
Countable and uncountable nouns 1
Label the photos. Use a / an or some
and the words from the box. Use plural Exam advice forms where necessary. carrot cheese o nion c hocolate sandwich biscuit grape rice lemon
Read the sentences about going to a restaurant. lemonade
Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. 0 Hollie
to a restaurant with her family for her birthday last week. A visited
B went C invited
1 The restaurant is well known all over the city for its Chinese food.
A excellent B ready C favourite 2 Hollie’s father
lots of food from the menu for everyone to try. A made B served C ordered
3 Hollie was full after her main course so she only had fruit for dessert. A piece B half C some
4 Everyone was very because the food was really good. A interesting
B happy C lovely 5 Hollie’s grandma
her to wish her happy birthday.
A phoned B said C showed Vocabulary School lunches 20