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KEY TEST Research Method 2015
KEY TEST Research Method 2015
Research method (REM 48) 1 tài liệu
Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng 249 tài liệu
KEY TEST Research Method 2015
KEY TEST Research Method 2015
Môn: Research method (REM 48) 1 tài liệu
Trường: Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng 249 tài liệu
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lOMoAR cPSD| 30964149 KEY TEST Research Method 2015
Research method (Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng) lOMoAR cPSD| 30964149 END – TERM TEST 2015-2016 Course: Research Method Test code: RES102 Course code: Credit: 2 Date: Time allocation: 40’ ENGLISH DEPARTMENT KEY
1. You have identified the problem of your study as mentioned below. (3ms)
The difficulties in making presentation encountered by 1st year students at UFLS-UD
1) Write the title for the research with the topic/problem of study:
2) Write the aims and objectives of the study for this research
3) Write the research questions for this research (at least 3 questions) 1) Title: (0.5m)
An investigation the difficulties in making presentation encountered by 1st year students at UFLS-UD 2) Aims (0.5m)
The study investigates the difficulties in making presentation encountered by 1st year students at UFLS-UD
and provide the teachers and learners with practical knowledge to deal with/overcome these difficulties 3) Objectives (1m) -
To identify the difficulties in making presentation encountered by 1st year students at UFLS-UD -
To find out the reasons for difficulties in making presentation encountered by 1st year students at UFLS-UD -
To suggest/put foreward the (effective) solutions to overcome the difficulties in
making presentation encountered by 1st year students at UFLS-UD 4) Research Questions (1m) -
What are the difficulties in making presentation encountered by 1st year students at UFLS-UD? -
What are the reasons for the difficulties of making presentation encountered by 1st year students at UFLS-UD? -
What are the solutions for the difficulties making presentation encountered by 1st year students at UFLS-UD?
2. Provide a brief definition for each of the following terms (only two lines in the space provided in the boxes below. (1ms) Term Definition Reliability
whether repeated measurements or assessments provide a consistent result given the
same initial circumstances. Reliability is usually concerned with stability over time Validity
entails the question, ―does your measurement process, assessment, or project actually
measure what you intend it to measure? Validity is concerned with whether or not the
item actually elicits the intended information lOMoAR cPSD| 30964149
3. How to ensure the reliability and validity of the data collection and data analysis? (2ms) Reliability
Ask others (colleagues, some of the respondent groups, etc.) to tell in their own words what specific terms
mean. Through this process, one can identify items that may not have a clear meaning to the respondent
group, and can adjust them accordingly. Validity
Ask others (colleagues, relatives, friends, etc.) to explain what the question is asking. Through this process
identify questions that do not seem to elicit the kind of information desired.
3. Write the details of the following sources in order in a list of references (2ms) a. For a book:
Davis, S. & Brendan S. Gillon (2004) Semantics: A Reader, Oxford University Press, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia Hoặc
Davis, S. & Brendan S. Gillon (2004) Semantics: A Reader, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia Oxford University Press. b. For a journal article:
Hosni, S. (2014) Speaking Difficulties Encountered by Young EFL Learners, International Journal on St
English Language and Literature (IJSELL), Vol.2(6), pp. 22-30, John Benjamins Publishing Company
4. Read the extract of the article below and answer the following questions. (2ms)
1. What is the research aim of this study?
The study investigated the language difficulties of the English language center students at the Arab
American University of Jenin(AAUJ)
2. Is the data collection of the study qualitative or quantitative?
Why? Quantiative. Questionnaire was used.
3. What is the data collection method of the study?
Questionnaires (with five domains)