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Tiếng anh (TAA) 2 tài liệu
Đại học Kiến trúc Đà Nẵng 119 tài liệu
Kịch bản đàm phán tiếng anh ?
Kịch bản đàm phán tiếng anh ?
Môn: Tiếng anh (TAA) 2 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học Kiến trúc Đà Nẵng 119 tài liệu
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lOMoARcPSD| 36006477
Khoa (Ms. Thơm): Good morning everyone. It’s my pleasure to welcome you to our first
meeting. I hope you had a good weekend with your family and friends. I, the Vice Dean of
Foreign Language Department, feel extremely honored to have been given the opportunity
to host today’s meeting.
Before we commence the proceedings, may I introduce the participants of our meeting today.
We have with us here today, Ms. Tuyet, the Dean of our Foreign Language Department, Mr.
Hung, our Head of English Program, Ms. Trinh - Head of Chinese Program, Ms Chi,
representative of the Public Relations Department, and Ms. Loan here is our secretary who
will minute the meeting. And students of the Student Union.
The aim of this meeting is to consider the Student Union’s proposal of organizing a
farewell party for our Department last year students. I hope you can all go along with the
agenda here on the slide, which was circulated and agreed before the meeting. We hope
the meeting will be held in a friendly and cooperative spirit to achieve the objectives and
may we be able to set up a detailed plan for the farewell party.
Now I would like to invite the representative of the Student Union to present the plan. Hội HS : Trâm
Introduction: I would like to represent the students to speak on the topic of today's discussion.
These are our suggestions for a farewell party for the purpose of thanking the teachers
who have accompanied us during the past 4 school years.
In addition, the party will be an opportunity for final year students to keep
memories during their 4 years of university before entering a new life. These will be
priceless memories that you will carry for the rest of your life. Hội Hs (Trâm): The
party called “We will miss you” And We have 3 options about the time to hold the party.
First: Saturday, September 9, 2023
Second: Sunday, September 10, 2023
Third : Saturday, August 19, 2023
Can you help us choose a day that is suitable for all teachers and students to
organize the party?
Khoa (Ms. Chi): About the theme of the party, I think the theme “We will miss you” is not
quite an impact for your farewell party, we need it to be more meaningful and more
special. Do the student union have any alternative topics?
Hội HS (Tiên): I propose “Young Story”
Hội HS (Ngân): I think the name “Be all you can be” lOMoARcPSD| 36006477
Khoa (Ms. Chi): I suggest the topic “Forever + 1”. This topic shows the connection
between the students. I hope you guys still keep these relationships, and these good
feelings even after graduation. What is your opinion?
Hội HS (Trâm): That’s a fair suggestion. So the name of the farewell party would be “Forever + 1”
Khoa (Ms. Chi): Okay. About the time, I think it is not very reasonable, because during the
period of August and September is the new school year, lecturers are busy stabilizing the
new school term and preparing many plans for the new school year. So we propose to
move it to October. October 29th is your graduation day, isn’t it? So how about we do it on
the 21st, it’s Saturday, so it’s more convenient for you to have fun comfortably, right?
What do you think of that?
Hội Hs (Trâm) we agree with you
Hội Hs (Trâm): i will continue to talk about activities and performances in the party In
the performances, there is singing and dancing coming from classes.
About mini games, there are 2 mini games: catch the word for individuals and tam sao
thấất b n for classes. ả
Do you have any suggestions for activities and performances?
Khoa (Mr. Hưng): We agree on this. Let's move on to the next part.
Hội Hs: (Ngân) I would like to talk about the video design competition of the classes.
There are 10 classes, and they will use their photos, videos, memorable memories and
create 1 complete video with a duration of 3 minutes. In the party, we will show 10 videos
and then we will choose 3 videos that are most impressive and unique and we award 3
classes. What is your opinion?
Khoa (Mr. Hưng): That’s not necessarily. From my point of view, we don’t need to do this
video design competition again because it was held during the internship trip in Nha
Trang last November. Instead, you can come up with ideas for one or two more minigames
to create an energetic atmosphere for all students. In addition, spending 30 minutes
watching videos of 10 classes is unreasonable. How do you feel about that?
Hội HS (Ngân) : In my opinion, we shouldn't quit this activity because it's the journey we
took at school with memories and experiences together. Video helps us keep those
memories. And this is also an opportunity for us to look back on the journey we went
through when we were students.
Khoa (Mr. Hưng): From my observation, I recommend that you combine the videos
from all of the classes and then create a comprehensive video of approximately 5
minutes to watch together, which will strengthen your bonds with all classes.
Furthermore, we can reduce the gift money for this video design competition and use it
for a more reasonable purpose. Hội HS: We agree.
Hội HS: (Ngân) we propose 3 types of dress code: pink, white, black. Secondly, beige,
brown, white and the last one is freestyle. What would you suggest?
Khoa (Ms. Trinh): Considering this, we should go with freestyle since it will make
individuals feel more at ease while selecting clothing. If you’d like, you can wear uniforms
in groups or classes as well. lOMoARcPSD| 36006477
Hội Hs (Na): I have consulted the restaurants in Da Nang and selected 3 restaurants with
the right criteria for our party. These are Maximilian, Phuc Palace, and Fivitel. These 3
restaurants have the following facilities and menus... What do you think?
Khoa (Ms. Tuyêết): After looking at 3 menus, I’m very satisfied with the menu and offers
at Fivitel, it's appropriate, spacious and comfortable.
Hội Hs (Na): I recommend Phuc Palace restaurant, because it's closest to the school, and
the food in the menu is also very attractive.
Khoa (Ms. Tuyêết): In my opinion, the distance is not a problem, because the gap
between these two hotels isn't too far. But we need an MC to host the party. And about the
menu, it looks very luxurious, it's ok but won't be full, could you consider cutting the duo-
starter to 1 starter and add a main dish.
Hội Hs (Na): Yes, we agree. I will contact the restaurant to reserve a table.
Khoa (Ms. Thơm): Considering this, there will be one representative from each side to
deal with the restaurant. Let’s move on to the next sector.
Hội Hs (Thu ): ỷ I and Quyen will represent student to talk about the budget proposal. OK,
I will list the proposal costs in the farewell party
Firstly, The cost of the restaurant is that there will be 220 people taking part in the party,
it would be 250 VND for one person so the total amount spent for the restaurant is 55
million. MC, sound, and light, will be free. Next, the performance, including 2 songs and 2
dances will be 1 million. We propose 4 photographers, it would be estimated around 3,2
million. What is your opinion?
Khoa (Ms. Loan): There are some categories that I’m not quite understand in the
statistics board. For example, in terms of performance, can you describe in detail about
what purpose you use the cost for this activity?
Hội Hs (Thu ): ỷ The cost for this activity is clothes and makeup.
Khoa (Ms. Loan): In our opinion, we don’t need to spend money for it because we can
perform flexibly without renting performance clothes or make-up. You can make-up for
yourself or unify clothes. You need to discuss this problem with other students. So, it is free
for this activity due to it being unessential. What’s your opinion?
Hội Hs (Thu ): ỷ we would consider this issue. Uhmmmm, Ok We will prepare clothes and
makeup by ourselves to save money.
Khoa (Ms. Loan): Move on to the photographer, I think it’s too much because of renting 4
photographers. Just 2 is enough (including 1 photographer and 1 recorder). There were
many students in the previous Hoi An and Nha Trang internships with just 1
photographer, but we still have tons of high quality pictures and clips. And if we rent 2
people, the cost for renting photographers will be reduced by half. So it’s reasonable for
just renting 2 photographers. I hope you can see our point of view.
Hội HS: (Trâm) I think, The number of students is quite large so 2 photographers is not
enough. We should hire 3 photographers, one photographer will take photos on stage and
2 photographers will take pictures and recorder at the party to help students capture their moments.
Khoa (Ms. Loan): Well then we will agree on 3 photographers. Hội
Hs: (Quyên) I will continue to talk about the budget lOMoARcPSD| 36006477
In terms of drink, I suggest it has a total ….. The redundancy drink…
We have 10 personal gifts, 3 class gifts
… There are 3 bouquets for teachers…..
The redundancy cost…… What is your opinion?
Khoa (Ms. Trinh): Well, in terms of drinking: With such a redundant drink, you should
figure out how many bottles of water, cans of beer, and bottles of soft drinks fit on each
table. As a result, all tables can call at the same time, preventing the situation when one
table calls excessively while another table hasn't yet placed an order.
Hội HS: (Quyên) ok…..We will consider this issue and recalculate carefully.
Khoa (Ms. Thơm): What kind of gift for the mini game, cash or items?
Hội HS (Na): The gifts will be snacks and candies. After winning the prize, everyone can
share the food, it's more fun than giving cash.
Khoa (Ms. Thơm): I see. As for the gift for the teacher, we have to cut it to lower the cost.
Hội Hs (Tiên): We want to give flowers to show our gratitude, thanks to the teachers who
have given us the past 4 years of school.
Khoa (Ms. Thơm): This is the students’ farewell party so it's unnecessary to present the
teacher. I hope you can see our point of view.
Hội Hs (Quyên): all right, I understand so I can agree with u there The total cost…
Do you feel you can accept that the Dean will support us for half of the cost, students will
pay the remaining cost?
Khoa (Ms. Tuyêết): I had a discussion with the school administration and the support
budget was only 30 million which means the students have to cover up the rest 40 million.
Khoa (Ms. Tuyêết): Also with the 10 million redundancy cost, it’s too much for the
students to manage. We suggest cutting the redundancy cost to half, from 10 to 5 million
so each of the students will have to pay only 25.000 VND. What do the student union
think? Hội Hs (Quyên): We are willing to work with that. Has anyone else got anything to contribute?
Khoa (Ms.Thơm): Well, that’s all the Department wants to change.
Hội Hs (Tiên): These are adjusted costs. And the total amount is 66 million (with 30
million from the Department and the rest will be paid by students). I would like to summarize as follows:
First, the theme of the party will be “Forever +1”
Second, the party will be held on October 21, 2023.
Third, regarding the activities at the party, there will be 4 musical performances, 2
minigames, and video watching.
Next, the dress code is freestyle
Finally, the venue is at the Fivitel Hotel and the menu is like that….
Khoa (Ms. Thơm): I think we’ve covered everything on the agenda. The Department will
contact the event organizer to set up the agenda for the farewell party and maybe in a lOMoARcPSD| 36006477
week's time students will receive the detailed schedule. Thank you for your hard work and
we’ll see each other soon. -THE END-