Lexico practice test - ôn thi học sinh giỏi THPT, Olympic 30-4 có đáp án (4 trang)

Lexico practice test - ôn thi học sinh giỏi THPT, Olympic 30-4 có đáp án (4 trang) cho sinh viên tham khảo, ôn tập, chuẩn bị cho kì thi. Đồng thời nâng cao trình độ Tiếng Anh của bạn!

Part 1.
1. They offered to buy her a BMW but she's holding a Porsche.
A. out for B. out on C. back with D. up with
2. All the inhabitants in the area have been asked to at home if the storm returns.
A. settle B. dwell C. remain D. occupy
3. If it hadn't been for the hint that the professor nobody would have found out
the correct answer.
A. dropped B. cast C. threw D. flung
4. At one moment, the teacher got nervous seeing that whatever he said was
on the students who weren't paying any attention to the lecture.
A. missed B. lost C. failed D. slipped
5. Their relationship had been on the for years before they finally broke up.
A. stones B. rocks C. pebbles D. marbles
6. It was the warning from the seismologists that helped save the lives of the island
inhabitants before the volcano erupted.
A. preliminary B. hasty C. cursory D. advance
7. The comforting news from my sister was a real off my mind.
A. stone B. deal C. load D. mass
8. I didn't really feel like memorizing all these definitions. It was only the risk of getting another
bad mark that made me myself.
A. exert B. absorb C. endeavour D. deploy
9. His jokes set the whole class laughing.
A. off B. out C. up D. about
10. Anyone who lies under oath will be charged with the course of justice.
A. perverting B. inverting C. converting D. diverting
11. It was a close but we just made it to the airport on time for our flight.
A. run B. drive C. call D. go
12. Marlene is quite - I don't know she manages to fit everything in.
A. inexhaustible B. tiresome C. inexorable D. indefatigable
13. James never really broke the rules but he did them a little bit when it
suited him.
A. twist B. curve C. move D. bend
14. I went to see the boss about a pay rise and he with a weak excuse
about a business dinner and left me standing there.
A. brushed me aside B. brushed me up
C. brushed me off D. brushed me down
15. The government is using the taxes from the working class to bail out the banks that
ruined the economy? That really _!
A. sows wild oats B. spills the beans
C. takes the biscuit D. upsets the apple cart
Part 2.
1. In 1988 there were several well-publicised cases of young people committing suicide
apparently because of love. (QUIT)
2. The investigator said the killings were the result of poor procedure by trigger-happy
police rather than murder. (MEDITATE)
species require little oxygen, but animals or humans need a fair supply.
4. The opposing counsel then has a last opportunity to the witness to
address facts brought out in redirect examination. (EXAMINE)
5. It is also of great importance in and material science in the production
of cast alloys. (METAL)
Part 1.
1. This conservative, evangelical megachurch, just outside San Diego, is a
of activity
on a Sunday morning.
A. mest B. home C. seat D. hive
2. Mr Jones is , unfortunately, so you’ll have to call again tomorrow.
A. indifferent B. inimitable C. indisposed D. incongruous
3. He tried to be as as possible, but his garish attire made it difficult.
A. accessible B. amenable C. incessant D. inconspicuous
4. Through a series of protestations and exclamations, coyness and giggling, I
that she was talking to her boyfriend.
A. assembled B. amassed C. harvested D. gathered
5. Regional parliaments allow for remote parts of the country or islands far from the
A. self-government B. self-sufficiency C. self-regulation D. self-support
6. Her behaviour made her the life of the party; everyone loved talking to her.
A. exhaustive B. fragrant C. exuberant D. aromatic
7. It gets my that she expects to look after the children every afternoon.
A. goat B. horse C. dog D. beetle
8. Although he came to work the day before his retirement, everyone knew he was just
A. going with the flow B. going through the motions
C. going against the grain D. going along with them
9. They are not likely to information during the current armed conflict.
A. cop out B. ladle out C. peter out D. pull out
10. I offered to do the job, but soon found that I was as it was more difficult
than I had thought.
A. pushing up daisies B. knocking on wood
C. in over my head D. off my hands
11. The local area is lacking in places to enjoy art and cinema.
A. properly B. rashly C. sorely D. aptly
12. The well-known clash between the President and the rebel leader
is not making things easier.
A. character B. mood C. enemy D. personality
13. We hurried back to our car as we saw the clouds over the mountains.
A. rolling in B. holding off C. beating down D. bucketing down
14. Colin is only just ; he gets unemployment benefit, but it isn’t much.
A. scraping by B. putting aside C. bailing out D. tiding over
15. This is a very busy office and in your new position you will have to be able to
think on your !
A. toes B. legs C. feet D. knees
Part 2.
1. She had had the to prepare herself financially in case of an
accident. (SIGHT)
2. They were sturdy and wooden; quite beautiful in their , utilitarian
lines. (CLOT)
3. My room is , so we can invite them to the party in my room. (SHIP)
4. The turbulence of the airplane during the storm made everyone feel . (EASE)
5. It is essential that tutors provide a good service with the fees
being charged to students and/or their employers. (MEASURE)
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Preview text:

TEST 31 Part 1.
1. They offered to buy her a BMW but she's holding a Porsche. A. out for B. out on C. back with D. up with
2. All the inhabitants in the area have been asked to at home if the storm returns. A. settle B. dwell C. remain D. occupy
3. If it hadn't been for the hint that the professor nobody would have found out the correct answer. A. dropped B. cast C. threw D. flung
4. At one moment, the teacher got nervous seeing that whatever he said was
on the students who weren't paying any attention to the lecture. A. missed B. lost C. failed D. slipped
5. Their relationship had been on the for years before they finally broke up. A. stones B. rocks C. pebbles D. marbles
6. It was the warning from the seismologists that helped save the lives of the island
inhabitants before the volcano erupted. A. preliminary B. hasty C. cursory D. advance
7. The comforting news from my sister was a real off my mind. A. stone B. deal C. load D. mass
8. I didn't really feel like memorizing all these definitions. It was only the risk of getting another bad mark that made me myself. A. exert B. absorb C. endeavour D. deploy
9. His jokes set the whole class laughing. A. off B. out C. up D. about
10. Anyone who lies under oath will be charged with the course of justice. A. perverting B. inverting C. converting D. diverting
11. It was a close but we just made it to the airport on time for our flight. A. run B. drive C. call D. go
12. Marlene is quite - I don't know she manages to fit everything in. A. inexhaustible B. tiresome C. inexorable D. indefatigable
13. James never really broke the rules but he did them a little bit when it suited him. A. twist B. curve C. move D. bend
14. I went to see the boss about a pay rise and he with a weak excuse
about a business dinner and left me standing there. A. brushed me aside B. brushed me up C. brushed me off D. brushed me down
15. The government is using the taxes from the working class to bail out the banks that
ruined the economy? That really _! A. sows wild oats B. spills the beans C. takes the biscuit D. upsets the apple cart Part 2.
1. In 1988 there were several well-publicised cases of young people committing suicide
apparently because of love. (QUIT)
2. The investigator said the killings were the result of poor procedure by trigger-happy
police rather than murder. (MEDITATE)
3. species require little oxygen, but animals or humans need a fair supply. (AIR)
4. The opposing counsel then has a last opportunity to the witness to
address facts brought out in redirect examination. (EXAMINE)
5. It is also of great importance in and material science in the production of cast alloys. (METAL) TEST 32 Part 1.
1. This conservative, evangelical megachurch, just outside San Diego, is a of activity on a Sunday morning. A. mest B. home C. seat D. hive
2. Mr Jones is , unfortunately, so you’ll have to call again tomorrow. A. indifferent B. inimitable C. indisposed D. incongruous
3. He tried to be as as possible, but his garish attire made it difficult. A. accessible B. amenable C. incessant D. inconspicuous
4. Through a series of protestations and exclamations, coyness and giggling, I
that she was talking to her boyfriend. A. assembled B. amassed C. harvested D. gathered
5. Regional parliaments allow for remote parts of the country or islands far from the capital.
A. self-government B. self-sufficiency C. self-regulation D. self-support
6. Her behaviour made her the life of the party; everyone loved talking to her. A. exhaustive B. fragrant C. exuberant D. aromatic
7. It gets my that she expects to look after the children every afternoon. A. goat B. horse C. dog D. beetle
8. Although he came to work the day before his retirement, everyone knew he was just . A. going with the flow B. going through the motions C. going against the grain D. going along with them
9. They are not likely to information during the current armed conflict. A. cop out B. ladle out C. peter out D. pull out
10. I offered to do the job, but soon found that I was as it was more difficult than I had thought. A. pushing up daisies B. knocking on wood C. in over my head D. off my hands
11. The local area is lacking in places to enjoy art and cinema. A. properly B. rashly C. sorely D. aptly
12. The well-known clash between the President and the rebel leader is not making things easier. A. character B. mood C. enemy D. personality
13. We hurried back to our car as we saw the clouds over the mountains. A. rolling in B. holding off C. beating down D. bucketing down
14. Colin is only just ; he gets unemployment benefit, but it isn’t much. A. scraping by B. putting aside C. bailing out D. tiding over
15. This is a very busy office and in your new position you will have to be able to think on your ! A. toes B. legs C. feet D. knees Part 2.
1. She had had the to prepare herself financially in case of an accident. (SIGHT)
2. They were sturdy and wooden; quite beautiful in their , utilitarian lines. (CLOT)
3. My room is , so we can invite them to the party in my room. (SHIP)
4. The turbulence of the airplane during the storm made everyone feel . (EASE)
5. It is essential that tutors provide a good service with the fees
being charged to students and/or their employers. (MEASURE)
Document Outline

  • TEST 31
  • Part 2.
  • TEST 32
  • Part 2.