News Listening tests without key

News Listening tests dành cho ôn luyện các Kỳ thi học sinh giỏi THPT dành cho  các bạn học sinh, sinh viên tham khảo, ôn tập, chuẩn bị cho kì thi.  Mời  các bạn  cùng  đón xem nhé ! 

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News Listening tests without key

News Listening tests dành cho ôn luyện các Kỳ thi học sinh giỏi THPT dành cho  các bạn học sinh, sinh viên tham khảo, ôn tập, chuẩn bị cho kì thi.  Mời  các bạn  cùng  đón xem nhé ! 

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News Listening
You are going to hear a recorded material discussing the significance of ramen
in U.S prisons. For questions 1-10, fill in the gaps to complete the summary
below, using the information in the recording. Use NO MORE THAN FOUR
WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each gap.
- According to statistics from the Massachusetts Department of Corrections, ramen is the
most popular item in (1) ____________________ in terms of sales. In fact, American inmates
consider this good a currency, using it to buy things of value such as clothing, drugs, or even
- Gustavo “Goose” Alvarez, former prisoner and author of the book Prison Ramen, says that
one reason why ramen is preferred in prisons is its ubiquity among prisoners and that it is the
(2) ____________________ for everybody.
- Since cash is inaccessible in prison, inmates must find an alternative method of trading. An
ideal substitute for cash must be (3) ____________________ as well as durable, portable, and
highly valued. Ramen meets all of the mentioned requirements, in that it is inexpensive and
readily available.
- After being purchased officially by inmates, packs of ramen are valued by an (4)
____________________, with some prisoners establishing what Alvarez calls (5)
“____________________” by buying and stockpiling large amounts of ramen like in the
movie Orange Is the New Black. Surprisingly, such practices can significantly increase the value
of packs of ramen that are otherwise relatively cheap.
- Ramen can also supplement prison meals, which are hardly enough to live off of and, in
Alvarez’s own words, not (6) ____________________ and not “your four food groups”
- With federal and state governments under pressure to reduce expenses, less money is being
allocated on food, which has led to consequences. For example, Aramark, a private food
vendor for (7) ____________________, has allegedly given prisoners (8)
____________________ and fewer, smaller meals. This incident and several others have
instigated a number of (9) ____________________ in response to the deteriorating food
- Despite all the complications it entails, ramen can be, according to Alvarez, the (10)
____________________ for inmates to have meals together without any worries or
concerns about happenings in the prison.
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
Millions of Hongkongers have taken to the streets against a(n) (1) ___________________.
The interviewed girl was in protest lest her freedom should be (2) ________________.
After the government failed to meet the demonstrators’ demands, there were signs of
(3) ______________.
Protesters quickly surrounded (4) _____________, imprisoning (5) __________________ in
their own van.
There were no negotiations between the government and protesters, but only
(6) ________________ was perceived at the scene.
A human shield was formed after the launch of (7) ___________________.
The reporter says there were (8) ___________________ last Wednesday.
No arrested protestors were let off although demonstrators (9) _________________ all day.
If the (10) _______________ continue(s) any longer, there will be deeper divisions between
the government and the youth of Hongkong.
Source: Sky News
Fill in each of the blanks with NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS.
• Sleep is a state of (1) __________ that almost all of us experience every night. It is
regulated by the
body clock, or (2) __________ located in the brain.
• The body clock responds to light cues, (3) __________ of the hormone melatonin at night
and switching
it off when it senses light.
• Sleep consists of four stages, occuring in cycles throughout the night:
▪ Stages one and two are light sleep - a (4) __________ from being awake to falling asleep.
rate and breathing begin to slow, body temperature falls, and muscles may (5) __________.
▪ Stage three is sometimes called delta sleep, due to the release of slow delta (6)
__________ during
this stage. Deep sleep starts to set in, and growth hormone is produced to (7) __________,
the body to repair itself.
▪ Dreams happen in stage four. During this stage, chemicals are released to prevent us from
out our dreams. Although the eyes are closed, they (8) __________ as if in waking
• Compared to a century ago, humans are sleeping far less today. This is brought about by
lifestyles, stress, and (9) __________.
• People who fail to get seven hours of sleep a day can suffer from (10) __________, thus
reducing life
Exercise 1:
Australia possesses an 1.________________ as it hasn't had a recession in nearly three decades. But
the deadly wildfires raging through large parts of the country are threatening key parts of the country's
The 2.________________ run by Fiona Austin is usually full in January, but tourists were ordered to
evacuate, and only a few people remain.
Things are becoming so volatile and people are still unsure as to whether they could
3.________________ again.
Australia calls itself the 4.________________, a nation so fortunate in geography and natural
resources that the economy has been growing steadily since 1991.
The wildfires have destroyed both residences and 5.________________. Besides, ferry service in the
city's world-famous harbor has sometimes been canceled because of 6.________________.
The Australian Open and the Tour Down Under 7.________________ are mentioned as major events
that may be rescheduled.
Housing prices, which have been 8.________________ in recent years, have fallen to a deep low.
Exercise 2:
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is oftentimes misperceived as the world’s fiscal sponsor, the
omniscient and practically immeasurable 16______________________ for any suffering nations.
Indeed, the drive behind this organization’s assistance is likened to a 17______________________’s,
which is nothing but pressurizing the hard-hit countries to fulfill its requirements. Such a paradox can
be seen in the case of Malawi in 1990s-2000s. Besides the HIV/AIDS epidemic that was diminishing
overall life expectancy and 18______________________, the South East Asian country was also
harshly deteriorated by a food shortage due to extreme weather. Under the IMF’s policy conditions to
the early 1990s 19______________________, Malawi had to sell off its
20______________________ to private companies while abandoning its agricultural subsidy
program. The IMF’s suspension of economic aid as a punishment against the Malawi government for
violating such commitments was heavily criticized, with Action Aid’s 21______________________
of the food crisis being the accusation. In fact, the emergency situations were completely overlooked
by the organization’s rigid approach to 22______________________. It is by now crystal clear that
IMF’s assistance was intrinsically a loan at an 23______________________, an exchange for natural
resources and a vicious circle of corruption and inflation. Therefore, a handful of nations are
24______________________ this financial trap. Free market principles can be a cure for everything if
only 25______________________ the urgency to care for the best interests of citizens.
Exercise 1. Decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F)
or Not Given (NG).
US, China and India fail to sign up to ending coal at COP26 – BBC News
Since the launch of COP26 conference, the use of coal has been
strictly limited
Coal-fired power stations did not receive full endorsement from
Vietnam and Poland have passionately devoted themselves to
augment the use of environmentally-friendly energy.
The lockdown of Covid pandemic has engendered a massive upsurge
in the amount of carbon emissions
It is projected that carbon emissions will record a rise of 5.4%,
coming after a 4.9% reduction.
Designed by Nguyen Minh Long
Name: ________________________ Mark: ________ / 50
Part 1. For questions 1-7, listen to part of a discussion on a current affairs programme between Nick Barnes and
Alison Tempra about the performance of the company Facebook since it floated on the stock change and choose
the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the
corresponding numbered boxes.
1. Which word can summarise Nick’s attitudes towards the current status of Facebook?
A. disapproving
B. conciliatory
C. buoyant
D. pessimistic
2. What does Alison think is the cause for optimism?
A. The company kept its cost low.
B. The loss generated was less than expected.
C. There appears to be good revenue potential.
D. The company hasn’t started to advertise yet.
3. According to Nick, the increasing popularity of smaller devices ______.
A. represents untapped potential for Facebook
B. is a significant challenge to Facebook increasing its revenue
C. puts Facebook at a competitive advantage
D. gives the company an opportunity to advertise more
4. In what situation does Alison believe Facebook users might abandon the company?
A. If they are given the option of watching adverts on certain apps and sites.
B. If a free social network becomes available on the net.
C. If the company pushes advertisements onto users too forcefully.
D. If sites and apps start to appear which put users off using Facebook.
5. What do we learn about the company’s performance?
A. The shared price has now dropped by over one-third.
B. There has been a 6% improvement in the shared price overnight.
C. $38 has been wiped off the shared price.
D. It has become the biggest flop in history.
6. Alison thinks that ______.
A. the aforementioned problems are not necessarily true of Facebook
B. Facebook can continue to exploit its ingenuity to become the leading company
C. nervousness is not really necessary for Facebook during this time
D. we are benefiting more from social networks like Facebook than ever before
7. Nick believes that Google ______.
A. will inevitably prevail over Facebook in time
B. was short-sighted to invest everything it had into one project
C. technology will be made redundant by what Facebook offer users
D. will become profit-making in a matter of time
Your answers
Part 2. For questions 8-15, listen to a report from BBC about Zika virus and answer the following questions with
NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS. Write your answers in the space provided.
8. What are indications of Zika besides fever, rash and headache?
8. ______________________________________________________
9. What is increasing in parallel with Zika cases?
9. ______________________________________________________
10. What are fatal conditions of the above diseases?
Designed by Nguyen Minh Long
10. ______________________________________________________
11. What are the TWO diseases that Aedes mosquito also spreads?
11. ______________________________________________________
12. Why is Zika virus not new?
12. ______________________________________________________
13. What region is mostly affected by Zika?
13. ______________________________________________________
14. List TWO ways mentioned to prevent Zika virus in addition to covering up and avoiding pregnancy.
14. ______________________________________________________
15. ______________________________________________________
Part 3. For questions 16-25, listen to a scientist talking about an important discovery in molecular biology and
complete the sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording. Write your answers in
the space provided.
The double helix is also called the (16) __________________________________ of DNA.
As welll as contributing to the discovery of the new techniques, the speaker suggests that the double helix
discovery (17) ____________________________ a new field of scienece.
Watson and Crick, who discovered the double helix, were jointly awarded a Nobel Prize open to people with a
background in (18) _________________________________.
Oswald Avery proved that (19)_________________________________ was contained in human DNA.
Crick and Watson were adept at using the discoveries of (20)_________________________________ for their
own purposes in investigating the composition of DNA.
Such was their focus and determination to discover the secrets of genetics that their triumph was almost a(n)
Their (22) ________________________ and ________________________ put them at an advantage in their
quest, though they also relied on their intuition, persistence and good fortune.
Alexander Todd had already found out the roles of certain (23) ____________________________ and phosphate
in the composition of DNA.
Chemist Linus Paulings innovative technique of (24) _______________________________ was employed by Crick
and Watson.
Jerry Donohue’s observation that there was a flaw in conventional theory of chemistry paved the way for Crick
and Watson’s (25) _________________________.
Designed by Nguyen Minh Long National Examination for gifted students in English
Name: ________________________ Mark: _______ / 50
Part 1. Listen to a representative from a travel agency explaining the benefits of her company.
For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
1. The company deals mostly with ______.
A. big cities B. jungle walking C. Nepal D. nature holidays
2. The overseas consultants deal mostly with ______.
A. Asia B. North America C. Europe D. Queensland
3. For ______, customers should come in the afternoon.
A. vistas B. gorges C. the outskirts D. domestic market
4. Trips to regional locations are good because ______.
A. the buses are comfortable B. there is storage for suitcases
C. they can be seen quickly D. they does not cause cramp
5. SleekLine buses particularly have eminent ______.
A. service B. size C. comfort D. destinations
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 2. Listen to a news bulletin about Germany and Syrian refugees.
For questions 6-10, complete the sentences by choosing letters A-I. Use each letter once only.
Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
6. German people
II7. The European Union
II8. Germany i
II9. Ordo-Liberalism
10. Syrian refugees
A. cannot keep its population stable
protested against Hungary’s policy
can fulfil German’s expectations
can achieve close-to-potential outcome
thought this had nothing to do with it
embrace Syrian refugees by donation
was accused of not responding to current affairs
was adopted in World War II
take the initiative by welcoming many refugees
Your answers
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 3. Listen to a report from BBC about Brazil’s current affairs.
For questions 11-15, give short answers to the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided.
11. What is mostly affecting Brazil’s President Rousseff negatively?
11. ___________________________________________
12. What is Petrobras described as?
12. ___________________________________________
13. What is the opponents of President Rousseff are trying to begin?
13. ___________________________________________
Designed by Nguyen Minh Long National Examination for gifted students in English
14. What is the current situation of the Congress considered by the President and supporters?
14. ___________________________________________
15. What did contribute to the flourishing of Brazil’s economy?
15. ___________________________________________
Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a nutritionist talking about the production and uses of
mastic, a spice that is found in Mediterranean area and complete the sentences with NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording. Write your answers in the space provided.
Previously, when mastic was in its prime, managing its (16) ________________________________ was
the goal of invaders into the peculiar regions of mastic owing to its tremendous value.
Mastic is collected from a tree which looks like a smaller form of the (17) _____________________ tree.
Mastic resin will (18) _______________________ only in the region around the Mediterranean.
Basic tools like (19) _______________________ are employed to remove impurities from the mastic,
which cannot be done by modern equipment.
Crystals of mastic have been referred to as (20) _____________________________ in literature.
The sale of mastic crystals is handled by a (21) ________________________________ to ensure that
the growers get a fair deal.
From the evidence accumulated by archaeologists, it is thought that mastic was first used as (22)
________________________________ by ancient people.
When mastic is added to (23) ______________________________, it slows down the melting process.
Flavoured drinks are made in (24) ___________________________ which have had mastic burned
under them.
Some people believe that mastic can help in the treatment of health problems, especially some (25)
| 1/9

Preview text:

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. News Listening
You are going to hear a recorded material discussing the significance of ramen
in U.S prisons. For questions 1-10, fill in the gaps to complete the summary
below, using the information in the recording. Use NO MORE THAN FOUR
WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each gap.

- According to statistics from the Massachusetts Department of Corrections, ramen is the
most popular item in (1) ____________________ in terms of sales. In fact, American inmates
consider this good a currency, using it to buy things of value such as clothing, drugs, or even favors.
- Gustavo “Goose” Alvarez, former prisoner and author of the book Prison Ramen, says that
one reason why ramen is preferred in prisons is its ubiquity among prisoners and that it is the
(2) ____________________ for everybody.
- Since cash is inaccessible in prison, inmates must find an alternative method of trading. An
ideal substitute for cash must be (3) ____________________ as well as durable, portable, and
highly valued. Ramen meets all of the mentioned requirements, in that it is inexpensive and readily available.
- After being purchased officially by inmates, packs of ramen are valued by an (4)
____________________, with some prisoners establishing what Alvarez calls (5)
“____________________” by buying and stockpiling large amounts of ramen like in the
movie Orange Is the New Black. Surprisingly, such practices can significantly increase the value
of packs of ramen that are otherwise relatively cheap.
- Ramen can also supplement prison meals, which are hardly enough to live off of and, in
Alvarez’s own words, not (6) ____________________ and not “your four food groups”
- With federal and state governments under pressure to reduce expenses, less money is being
allocated on food, which has led to consequences. For example, Aramark, a private food
vendor for (7) ____________________, has allegedly given prisoners (8)
____________________ and fewer, smaller meals. This incident and several others have
instigated a number of (9) ____________________ in response to the deteriorating food quality.
- Despite all the complications it entails, ramen can be, according to Alvarez, the (10)
“____________________” for inmates to have meals together without any worries or
concerns about happenings in the prison. AMBROSIA
Millions of Hongkongers have taken to the streets against a(n) (1) ___________________.
The interviewed girl was in protest lest her freedom should be (2) ________________.
After the government failed to meet the demonstrators’ demands, there were signs of (3) ______________.
Protesters quickly surrounded (4) _____________, imprisoning (5) __________________ in their own van.
There were no negotiations between the government and protesters, but only
(6) ________________ was perceived at the scene.
A human shield was formed after the launch of (7) ___________________.
The reporter says there were (8) ___________________ last Wednesday.
No arrested protestors were let off although demonstrators (9) _________________ all day.
If the (10) _______________ continue(s) any longer, there will be deeper divisions between
the government and the youth of Hongkong. Source: Sky News AMBROSIA 1
Fill in each of the blanks with NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS.
• Sleep is a state of (1) __________ that almost al of us experience every night. It is regulated by the
body clock, or (2) __________ located in the brain.
• The body clock responds to light cues, (3) __________ of the hormone melatonin at night and switching it off when it senses light.
• Sleep consists of four stages, occuring in cycles throughout the night:
▪ Stages one and two are light sleep - a (4) __________ from being awake to fal ing asleep. Heart
rate and breathing begin to slow, body temperature fal s, and muscles may (5) __________.
▪ Stage three is sometimes cal ed delta sleep, due to the release of slow delta (6) __________ during
this stage. Deep sleep starts to set in, and growth hormone is produced to (7) __________, al owing the body to repair itself.
▪ Dreams happen in stage four. During this stage, chemicals are released to prevent us from acting
out our dreams. Although the eyes are closed, they (8) __________ as if in waking condition.
• Compared to a century ago, humans are sleeping far less today. This is brought about by modern
lifestyles, stress, and (9) __________.
• People who fail to get seven hours of sleep a day can suffer from (10) __________, thus reducing life expectancy. Exercise 1:
Australia possesses an 1.________________ as it hasn't had a recession in nearly three decades. But
the deadly wildfires raging through large parts of the country are threatening key parts of the country's economy.
The 2.________________ run by Fiona Austin is usually full in January, but tourists were ordered to
evacuate, and only a few people remain.
Things are becoming so volatile and people are still unsure as to whether they could 3.________________ again.
Australia calls itself the 4.________________, a nation so fortunate in geography and natural
resources that the economy has been growing steadily since 1991.
The wildfires have destroyed both residences and 5.________________. Besides, ferry service in the
city's world-famous harbor has sometimes been canceled because of 6.________________.
The Australian Open and the Tour Down Under 7.________________ are mentioned as major events that may be rescheduled.
Housing prices, which have been 8.________________ in recent years, have fallen to a deep low. Exercise 2:
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is oftentimes misperceived as the world’s fiscal sponsor, the
omniscient and practically immeasurable 16______________________ for any suffering nations.
Indeed, the drive behind this organization’s assistance is likened to a 17______________________’s,
which is nothing but pressurizing the hard-hit countries to fulfill its requirements. Such a paradox can
be seen in the case of Malawi in 1990s-2000s. Besides the HIV/AIDS epidemic that was diminishing
overall life expectancy and 18______________________, the South East Asian country was also
harshly deteriorated by a food shortage due to extreme weather. Under the IMF’s policy conditions to the early 1990s 19______________________, Malawi had to sell off its
20______________________ to private companies while abandoning its agricultural subsidy
program. The IMF’s suspension of economic aid as a punishment against the Malawi government for
violating such commitments was heavily criticized, with Action Aid’s 21______________________
of the food crisis being the accusation. In fact, the emergency situations were completely overlooked
by the organization’s rigid approach to 22______________________. It is by now crystal clear that
IMF’s assistance was intrinsically a loan at an 23______________________, an exchange for natural
resources and a vicious circle of corruption and inflation. Therefore, a handful of nations are
24______________________ this financial trap. Free market principles can be a cure for everything if
only 25______________________ the urgency to care for the best interests of citizens.
Exercise 1. Decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG).
US, China and India fail to sign up to ending coal at COP26 – BBC News
1. Since the launch of COP26 conference, the use of coal has been strictly limited
2. Coal-fired power stations did not receive full endorsement from China.
3. Vietnam and Poland have passionately devoted themselves to
augment the use of environmentally-friendly energy.
4. The lockdown of Covid pandemic has engendered a massive upsurge
in the amount of carbon emissions
5. It is projected that carbon emissions will record a rise of 5.4%, coming after a 4.9% reduction.
Designed by Nguyen Minh Long
National Examination for gifted students in English LISTENING TEST 1
Name: ________________________ Mark: ________ / 50
Part 1. For questions 1-7, listen to part of a discussion on a current affairs programme between Nick Barnes and
Alison Tempra about the performance of the company Facebook since it floated on the stock change and choose
the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the
corresponding numbered boxes.

1. Which word can summarise Nick’s attitudes towards the current status of Facebook? A. disapproving B. conciliatory C. buoyant D. pessimistic
2. What does Alison think is the cause for optimism?
A. The company kept its cost low.
B. The loss generated was less than expected.
C. There appears to be good revenue potential.
D. The company hasn’t started to advertise yet.
3. According to Nick, the increasing popularity of smaller devices ______.
A. represents untapped potential for Facebook
B. is a significant challenge to Facebook increasing its revenue
C. puts Facebook at a competitive advantage
D. gives the company an opportunity to advertise more
4. In what situation does Alison believe Facebook users might abandon the company?
A. If they are given the option of watching adverts on certain apps and sites.
B. If a free social network becomes available on the net.
C. If the company pushes advertisements onto users too forcefully.
D. If sites and apps start to appear which put users off using Facebook.
5. What do we learn about the company’s performance?
A. The shared price has now dropped by over one-third.
B. There has been a 6% improvement in the shared price overnight.
C. $38 has been wiped off the shared price.
D. It has become the biggest flop in history. 6. Alison thinks that ______.
A. the aforementioned problems are not necessarily true of Facebook
B. Facebook can continue to exploit its ingenuity to become the leading company
C. nervousness is not really necessary for Facebook during this time
D. we are benefiting more from social networks like Facebook than ever before
7. Nick believes that Google ______.
A. will inevitably prevail over Facebook in time
B. was short-sighted to invest everything it had into one project
C. technology will be made redundant by what Facebook offer users
D. will become profit-making in a matter of time Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Part 2. For questions 8-15, listen to a report from BBC about Zika virus and answer the following questions with
NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS. Write your answers in the space provided.

8. What are indications of Zika besides fever, rash and headache?
8. ______________________________________________________
9. What is increasing in parallel with Zika cases?
9. ______________________________________________________
10. What are fatal conditions of the above diseases?
Designed by Nguyen Minh Long
National Examination for gifted students in English
10. ______________________________________________________
11. What are the TWO diseases that Aedes mosquito also spreads?
11. ______________________________________________________ 12. Why is Zika virus not new?
12. ______________________________________________________
13. What region is mostly affected by Zika?
13. ______________________________________________________
14. List TWO ways mentioned to prevent Zika virus in addition to covering up and avoiding pregnancy.
14. ______________________________________________________
15. ______________________________________________________
Part 3. For questions 16-25, listen to a scientist talking about an important discovery in molecular biology and
complete the sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording. Write your answers in the space provided.
The double helix is also called the (16) __________________________________ of DNA.
As welll as contributing to the discovery of the new techniques, the speaker suggests that the double helix
discovery (17) ____________________________ a new field of scienece.
Watson and Crick, who discovered the double helix, were jointly awarded a Nobel Prize open to people with a
background in (18) _________________________________.
Oswald Avery proved that (19)_________________________________ was contained in human DNA.
Crick and Watson were adept at using the discoveries of (20)_________________________________ for their
own purposes in investigating the composition of DNA.
Such was their focus and determination to discover the secrets of genetics that their triumph was almost a(n)
Their (22) ________________________ and ________________________ put them at an advantage in their
quest, though they also relied on their intuition, persistence and good fortune.
Alexander Todd had already found out the roles of certain (23) ____________________________ and phosphate in the composition of DNA.
Chemist Linus Pauling’s innovative technique of (24) _______________________________ was employed by Crick and Watson.
Jerry Donohue’s observation that there was a flaw in conventional theory of chemistry paved the way for Crick
and Watson’s (25) _________________________.
Designed by Nguyen Minh Long
National Examination for gifted students in English LISTENING TEST 2
Name: ________________________ Mark: _______ / 50
Part 1. Listen to a representative from a travel agency explaining the benefits of her company.
For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
1. The company deals mostly with ______. A. big cities B. jungle walking C. Nepal D. nature holidays
2. The overseas consultants deal mostly with ______. A. Asia B. North America C. Europe D. Queensland
3. For ______, customers should come in the afternoon. A. vistas B. gorges C. the outskirts D. domestic market
4. Trips to regional locations are good because ______. A. the buses are comfortable
B. there is storage for suitcases C. they can be seen quickly D. they does not cause cramp
5. SleekLine buses particularly have eminent ______. A. service B. size C. comfort D. destinations Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 2. Listen to a news bulletin about Germany and Syrian refugees.
For questions 6-10, complete the sentences by choosing letters A-I. Use each letter once only.
Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

6. German people ______________. II7. The European Union ____ __________. II8. Germany i ______________. II9. Ordo-Liberalism ______________. 10. Syrian refugees ______________.
cannot keep its population stable
B. protested against Hungary’s policy
C. can fulfil German’s expectations
D. can achieve close-to-potential outcome
E. thought this had nothing to do with it
F. embrace Syrian refugees by donation
G. was accused of not responding to current affairs
H. was adopted in World War II
I. take the initiative by welcoming many refugees Your answers 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 3. Listen to a report from BBC about Brazil’s current affairs.
For questions 11-15, give short answers to the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided.

11. What is mostly affecting Brazil’s President Rousseff negatively?
11. ___________________________________________
12. What is Petrobras described as?
12. ___________________________________________
13. What is the opponents of President Rousseff are trying to begin?
13. ___________________________________________
Designed by Nguyen Minh Long
National Examination for gifted students in English
14. What is the current situation of the Congress considered by the President and supporters?
14. ___________________________________________
15. What did contribute to the flourishing of Brazil’s economy?
15. ___________________________________________
Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a nutritionist talking about the production and uses of
mastic, a spice that is found in Mediterranean area and complete the sentences with NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording. Write your answers in the space provided.

Previously, when mastic was in its prime, managing its (16) ________________________________ was
the goal of invaders into the peculiar regions of mastic owing to its tremendous value.
Mastic is collected from a tree which looks like a smaller form of the (17) _____________________ tree.
Mastic resin will (18) _______________________ only in the region around the Mediterranean.
Basic tools like (19) _______________________ are employed to remove impurities from the mastic,
which cannot be done by modern equipment.
Crystals of mastic have been referred to as (20) _____________________________ in literature.
The sale of mastic crystals is handled by a (21) ________________________________ to ensure that the growers get a fair deal.
From the evidence accumulated by archaeologists, it is thought that mastic was first used as (22)
________________________________ by ancient people.
When mastic is added to (23) ______________________________, it slows down the melting process.
Flavoured drinks are made in (24) ___________________________ which have had mastic burned under them.
Some people believe that mastic can help in the treatment of health problems, especially some (25)