Nghiên cứu các kỹ thuật kiểm thử - Cơ sở an toàn thông tin - Học Viện Kỹ Thuật Mật Mã

Kỹ năng kiểm thử: Nghiên cứu và học hỏi kinh doanh, thảo luận với nhóm BA để làm rõ yêu cầu, viết trường hợp kiểm thử, viết tập lệnh kiểm thử, thực hiện kiểm thử, phân tích và báo cáo lỗi. Kinh nghiệm làm việc với FT (Kiểm thử chức năng), ST (Kiểm thử hệ thống), RT (Kiểm thử hồi quy) và IT (Kiểm thử tích hợp). Kết hợp các chức năng và các hành động khác nhau để tìm lỗi. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo và đạt kết quả tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!


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Nghiên cứu các kỹ thuật kiểm thử - Cơ sở an toàn thông tin - Học Viện Kỹ Thuật Mật Mã

Kỹ năng kiểm thử: Nghiên cứu và học hỏi kinh doanh, thảo luận với nhóm BA để làm rõ yêu cầu, viết trường hợp kiểm thử, viết tập lệnh kiểm thử, thực hiện kiểm thử, phân tích và báo cáo lỗi. Kinh nghiệm làm việc với FT (Kiểm thử chức năng), ST (Kiểm thử hệ thống), RT (Kiểm thử hồi quy) và IT (Kiểm thử tích hợp). Kết hợp các chức năng và các hành động khác nhau để tìm lỗi. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo và đạt kết quả tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

76 38 lượt tải Tải xuống
lOMoARcPSD|1 6072870
lOMoARcPSD|1 6072870
3 years experience in Automation testing.
Experienceabout SDLC: Agile-Scrum.
Abilityto work independently.
Test skills: Research and study business, discuss with BA team to clarify requirement, write test case, writetest
scripts, executed tests, analyze and report defects.
Working experience with FT (Functional Testing), ST (System Testing), RT (Regresion Testing) and IT
(Integration Testing).
Combining functions and different actions to find bug.
Identify areas of focus error.
Experience in writing Automation test scripts use Java, Javascript, Python language with
Selenium, Katalon studio.
Setup and running CICD in Jenkins.
Experience in API testing withPostman, Swagger.
Positive, logical thinkingand teamwork.
Automation Tester
lOMoARcPSD|1 6072870
Javascript, Python, Java
Selenium, Mocha, Pytest
Project Management Tools
Redmine, Jira
MySQL, SQL Server, MongoDB
Operation System
Windows, MacOS, IOS, Android
Tool source control
GitHub, GitLab
Visual Studio Code, Katalon, Dbeaver, Pycharm
Axios, Requests
ThuDauMot University Information System
Certificate of Proficiency in English (B1)
Automation Tester
03/2021 Present
Manual Tester
08/2020 02/2021
lOMoARcPSD|1 6072870
PROJECT #6 August 2023 Present
CRM and Internal
Project description:
CRM and Internal is System Management Lead, Contact, the process of talking
care of contacts, allocating contacts for sales and order management, managing
and tracking call, scheduling appointments, and automatically checking orders.
Automation tester
Analyzing and study requirements specification documents
- Executed API testing with Postman.
Conducted backend testing using SQL queries to validate data
for database and Used SQL queries forretrieving data from
- Make and UpdateTestcases for function of SystemCRM.
- Setup Environment and write test script.
- Excutetest script and Debug test script.
Worked with developers to update the defects, resolve them and track
their status using Jira.
Participated QA weekly meetings and various other meetings and
discussions enhancement and modification request issues and defects
in the application.
Report on work progress with Leader, PM.
Team size:
15 members
lOMoARcPSD|1 6072870 November 2022 July 2023
Arrange Class (ERP)
Manage student and teacher attendance, class absences, vacations and student
Automation tester
Analyzing user story on Jira and communicating with
client to understand requirements.
- Conducted backend testing using SQL queries to validate data
for database and Used SQL queries forretrieving data from
- Excuted APItesting with Postman.
Designed and executed the API Automation Test Scripts using
Axios Framework in the JavaScript programming language.
Set up Automation Test framework for UI.
Generatetest data for testing purpose.
- CreateAutomation test script toperformRegression Test.
ExcuteTest and Debug test script.
Coordinate with the development team to fix bugs.
- Reportingtest results to client.
10 members
lOMoARcPSD|1 6072870
MONSTAR-LAB COMPANY April 2022 October 2022
Project description:
Honda is a construction machinery equipment management system
Normally without IT, you have to manage it manually, how many hours does this
machine work, switch to technology, the machines are attached to sensors
(sensors) to collect information such as location, vibration, view whether it's
going to be maintenance time or not or if there is a problem or not, if there is a
problem it will send a shock alert tothe manager, or how many hours the machine
has worked, what time, what scope, if you leave that area, it's considered stolen.
Automation tester
Read SRS and research Honda system.
Conducted backend testing using SQL queries to validate data for
database and Used SQL queries forretrieving data from database.
Participated QA weekly meetings and various other meetings and
discussions enhancement and modification request issues and defects
in the application.
- Reviewtestcase and make script with Katalon.
- Excutetest script and Run Test Suite.
Logbugs onJira and communicate directly with developers for fixing them.
- Retest and report error status with Test Lead.
15 members
Groovy, Java
lOMoARcPSD|1 6072870
MONSTAR-LAB COMPANY Oct 2021 March2022
Project description:
Japanese recruitment process management system
Automation Tester
Analyzing requirements and make Q&A to clarify.
- Make testcaseand writing test script.
- Executedtest script and Debug.
Use MySQL queries for testing.
- Log defects on Jira and communicate directly with developers for
fixing them.
Participated QA weekly meetings and various other meetings and
discussions enhancement and modification request issues and defects in
the application.
- Report on work progress with Leader, PM.
12 members
Groovy, Java
lOMoARcPSD|1 6072870
LQA COMPANY March2021 September 2021
System Shopping
Project description:
American customer of project. This project is a shopping system for fashion
items. Users can choose the product they want by name, age, gender and
price. Users cancheck order in cart or in email. By email, users can sign up to
receive promotional information. Thesystemallows payment by cash or bank
cards. In addition, the system also supports users by suggesting search
keywords, suggesting related items, prices... The system supports shoppers
to pay by cash or by bank cards.
Automation Tester
Analyzing and study requirements specification documents.
Conducted backend testing using SQL queries to validate data
for database and Used SQL queries forretrieving data from
- CreateQA and discuss with customers to clarify.
Involved manualtesting of various test cases.
Setup Environment and writetest scripts.
- Executed the test scripts using SeleniumWebDriver validate the actual
and expected results.
- IntegrateJenkins with Selenium.
Team size:
15 members
lOMoARcPSD|1 6072870
LQA COMPANY August 2020 February 2021
Project description:
The MBAL project is about insurance. Our customer is MB Bank. Their system
provide user permission to manage insurance services
Manual Tester
- Analyzing and study requirements specification documents.
- Involved manual testing of various test cases.
- Conducted backend testing using SQL queries to validate data for
database and Used SQL queries forretrieving data from database.
Executed Testcase and report defect.
Log defects on Redmine and communicate directly with developers for
fixing them.
Report on work progress with PM.
10 members
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Preview text:

lOM O oA o RcPS P D|160 6 728 2 70 Automation Tester PERSONAL INFORMATIONSUMMARY
3 years experience in Automation testing.
▪ Experienceabout SDLC: Agile-Scrum.
▪ Abilityto work independently.
▪ Test skills: Research and study business, discuss with BA teamto clarify requirement, writetest case, writetest
scripts, executed tests, analyze and report defects.
▪ Working experience with FT (Functional Testing), ST (SystemTesting), RT (Regresion Testing) and IT (Integration Testing).
▪ Combining functions and different actions to find bug.
▪ Identify areas of focus error.
▪ Experiencein writing Automation test scripts use Java, Javascript, Python language with Selenium, Katalon studio.
▪ Setup and running CICD in Jenkins.
▪ Experiencein API testing withPostman, Swagger.
▪ Positive, logical thinkingand teamwork. lOMoARcPSD|16072870 TECHNOLOGIES Language Javascript, Python, Java Framework Selenium, Mocha, Pytest
Project Management Tools Redmine, Jira Database MySQL, SQL Server, MongoDB Operation System Windows, MacOS, IOS, Android Toolsource control GitHub, GitLab Tool
Visual Studio Code, Katalon, Dbeaver, Pycharm Library Axios, Requests
ThuDauMot University – Information System

Certificate of Proficiency in English (B1) WORK EXPERIENCE Role Duration Automation Tester 03/2021 –Present ManualTester 08/2020 – 02/2021 lOMoARcPSD|16072870 PROJECTS PROJECT #6 August 2023 – Present Project CRM and Internal Project description:
CRM and Internal is System Management Lead, Contact, the process of talking
care of contacts, allocating contacts for sales and order management, managing
and tracking call, scheduling appointments, and automatically checking orders. Automation tester
- Analyzing and study requirements specification documents Responsibilities:
- Executed APItesting withPostman.
- Conducted backend testing using SQL queries to validate data
for database and Used SQL queries forretrieving data from database.
- Makeand UpdateTestcases for functionof SystemCRM.
- Setup Environment and write test script.
- Excutetest script and Debug test script.
- Worked withdevelopers toupdatethe defects, resolve themandtrack their status using Jira.
- Participated QA weekly meetings and various other meetings and
discussions enhancement and modification request issues and defects in the application.
- Report on work progress with Leader, PM. Domain: Product Team size: 15 members Language: Javascript Framework: Selenium SDLC: Agile-Scrum lOMoARcPSD|16072870 PROJECT #5
November2022 – July 2023 Project Arrange Class (ERP) Project description:
Manage student and teacher attendance, class absences, vacations and student Progress. Responsibilities: Automation tester
- Analyzing user story on Jira and communicating with
client to understand requirements.
- Conducted backend testing using SQL queries to validate data
for database and Used SQL queries forretrieving data from database.
- Excuted APItesting with Postman.
- Designedand executed the API Automation Test Scriptsusing
Axios Framework in the JavaScript programming language.
- Set up AutomationTest framework for UI.
- Generatetest data for testingpurpose.
- CreateAutomation test script toperformRegression Test.
- ExcuteTest and Debug test script.
- Coordinate with the development team to fix bugs.
- Reportingtest results to client. Domain: Product Team size: 10 members Language: Javascript Framework: Selenium SDLC: Agile-Scrum lOMoARcPSD|16072870 PROJECT #4 MONSTAR-LAB COMPANY
April 2022 – October 2022 Project Honda Project description:
Honda is a construction machinery equipment management system
Normally without IT, you have to manage it manually, how many hours does this
machine work, switch to technology, the machines are attached to sensors
(sensors) to collect information such as location, vibration, view whether it's
going to be maintenance time or not or if there is a problem or not, if there is a
problem it will send a shock alert tothe manager, or how many hours the machine
has worked, what time, what scope, if you leave that area, it's considered stolen. Responsibilities: Automation tester
- Read SRSand research Honda system.
- Conducted backend testing using SQL queries to validate data for
database and Used SQL queries forretrieving data fromdatabase.
- Participated QA weekly meetings and various other meetings and
discussions enhancement and modification request issues and defects in the application.
- Reviewtestcase and make script with Katalon.
- Excutetest script andRunTest Suite.
- Logbugs onJira and communicatedirectly with developersforfixing them.
- Retest andreport error status withTest Lead. Domain: Product Teamsize: 15 members Language: Groovy, Java Tool: Katalon SDLC: Agile-Scrum lOMoARcPSD|16072870 PROJECT #3 MONSTAR-LAB COMPANY Oct 2021 – March2022 Project Legaseed Project description:
Japaneserecruitment process management system Responsibilities: Automation Tester
- Analyzing requirements and make Q&Ato clarify.
- Maketestcaseand writing test script.
- Executedtest script and Debug.
- Use MySQL queries for testing.
- Log defects on Jira and communicate directly withdevelopers for fixing them.
- Participated QA weekly meetings and various other meetings and
discussions enhancement and modification request issues and defects in the application.
- Report on work progress with Leader, PM. Domain: Ecommerce Teamsize: 12 members Teamsize: Groovy, Java Language: Katalon SDLC: Agile-Scrum lOMoARcPSD|16072870 PROJECT #2 LQA COMPANY
March2021 – September 2021 Project SystemShopping Project description:
American customer of project. This project is a shopping system for fashion
items. Users can choose the product they want by name, age, gender and
price. Users cancheck order incart or in email. By email, users can sign up to
receive promotional information. Thesystemallows payment bycash or bank
cards. In addition, the system also supports users by suggesting search
keywords, suggesting related items, prices. . The system supports shoppers
to pay by cash or by bank cards. Responsibilities: Automation Tester
- Analyzing and studyrequirements specification documents.
- Conducted backend testing using SQL queries to validate data
for database and Used SQL queries forretrieving data from database.
- CreateQA and discuss with customers to clarify.
- Involved manualtesting of various test cases.
- Setup Environment and writetest scripts.
- Executedthe test scripts using SeleniumWebDriver validatetheactual and expected results.
- IntegrateJenkins with Selenium. Domain: Ecommerce Framework: Selenium Language: Python Team size: 15 members SDLC: Agile-Scrum lOMoARcPSD|16072870 PROJECT #1 LQA COMPANY
August 2020 – February 2021 Project MBAL Project description:
The MBAL project is about insurance. Our customer is MB Bank. Their system
provide user permission to manage insurance services Responsibilities: Manual Tester
- Analyzing and study requirements specification documents.
- Involved manual testing of various test cases.
- Conducted backend testing using SQL queries to validate data for
databaseand Used SQL queries forretrieving data fromdatabase.
- ExecutedTestcaseand report defect.
- Log defects on Redmine and communicate directly with developers for fixing them.
- Report on work progress with PM. Domain: Insurance Teamsize: 10 members SDLC: Agile-Scrum
Document Outline