(PAGE ENGLISH FOR THE GIFTED) Đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 trường THPT Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh năm 2022-2023

(PAGE ENGLISH FOR THE GIFTED) Đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 trường THPT Chuyên môn Tiếng Anh năm 2022-2023 được biên soạn dưới dạng file PDF cho các bạn tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức và chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút
(Không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề này có 06 trang) Thí sinh làm bài trên tờ đề thi
Điểm của toàn bài thi
Họ, tên, chữ ký
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(Do Chủ tịch Hội
đồng chấm thi
Bằng số
- Giám khảo số 1 :...............................................
- Giám khảo số 2 : ............................................
Part 1. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others by
circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D to indicate your answers. (0.5P)
1. A. fear B. pear C. shear D. rear
2. A. beloved B. crooked C. naked D. loved
3. A. houses B. arise C. reduce D. raise
4. A. tooth B. booth C
. smooth
D. look
5. A. uncle B. bugle C. duo D. huge
Part 2. choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. (0.5P)
1. A academic B. amphibian C. apartheid D. aquarium
2. A. tuberculosis B. mathematician C. inheritance D. communication
3. A. casualty B. habitual C. characterize D. ignorance
4. A. magnificent B. memorial C. tobacconist D. humanism
5. A. trigonometry B. explanatory C. immediately D. democracy
Part 1: Choose one word or phrase to complete the sentence by circling its corresponding letter A,
B, C or D. (2.0P)
1. _______ an excellent student, she failed the test on the grounds of not having studied hard enough.
A. Being B. However C. Though D. Because
2. Twenty people were arrested during the demonstration, of _____ four were charged with obstruction.
A. which B. whom C. what D. them
3. I didn't travel much in my twenties but I'm certainly ________ lost time now.
A. making up for B. making up with C. making off with D. making up to
4. Just don’t mention it – it’s always been a _______ point with him.
A. sore B. nail C. slot D. bullet
5. Once a ________ gambler, he kicked the habit and concentrated on organising social events.
A. compulsory B. compulsive C. comradely D. concise
6. Misuse of the world's resources is one of the ___________ issues of our times
A. burning B. heating C. firing D. boiling
7. The vegetation on the island was_______.
A. exuberant B. chivalrous C. overcast D. ingenious
8. 'I haven't got anything to wear,' I whimper - rather a _______ excuse in view of Shane's suit.
A. faint B. weak C. frail D. feeble
9. The plague, otherwise known as the Black Death, was a _______ disease.
A. contingent B. contiguous C. contagious D. congenial
10. Hope is _______ that the missing child is still alive.
A. reducing B. dwindling C. fading D. fainting
11. Bill’s _______ odds with his father again about what time he must get home.
A. in B. at C. on D. of
12. She hates snakes, really, but she put on a _________ face and picked it up.
A. stout B. strong C. brave D. chivalrous
13. One day you’ll stick your _______out once too often and get the sack.
A. arm B. leg C. foot D. neck
14. It was decided that the cost of the project would be _________.and so it was abandoned.
A. repressive B. prohibitive C. restrictive D. exclusive
15. An afternoon at the library was the best way to ______ my desire for more books.
A. quench B. bask C. relish D. avail
16. You can exercise your ____________ to cancel the contract immediately, but you wouldn't receive
any money at that point.
A. duty B. obligation C. right D. possibility
17. Stop beating about the _______ and say what you really mean!
A. table B. boat C. bush D. plot
18. Dad'll hit the ______when he finds out I've left school.
A. wall B. top C. ceiling D. head
19. These fanatics are in ______ earnest when they say they want to destroy all forms of government.
A. morally B. deadly C. fatally D. seriously
20. The show was ________ bit as good as I expected.
A. every B. so C. very D. much
Part 2: Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following paragraph. (1.0P)
Leicester City Football Club's claiming of the English Premiership title in the 2015/2016 season must go
down as the most _______ (1. LIKE) story in the history of the game of football. At the beginning al the
season, they were complete _______ (2. SIDE) to win at odds of around 5000 to 1 hardly surprising
given the calibre of _______ (3. OPPOSE) they would face in the title race.
Indeed, even when they led at Christmas, the majority view amongst experts was that their luck wouldn't
hold and that they would be ________ (4. PLACE) from the table top by one of the bigger clubs before
long, yet the more the season progressed, the more Leicester ________ (5. FOUND) their critics.
The squad cost _________ (6. MEASURE) less than those of the likes of Manchester City's and
Tottenham's, for instance, yet together they won the title with two games to spare, leaving their title
rivals eating their dust.
It was a(n) ______ (7. DENY) brilliant achievement by a team which completely ________ (8. PROVE)
the notion that money guarantees success. The PROVE Premiership's Big Four clubs, which had
________ (9. MONOPLY) the silverware for the previous 25 years, were _______ (10. DO) by a group
of players consistently performing better than the sum of its parts all season long.
Leicester City deservedly made history in a manner the likes of which may never be witnessed again.
Part 3: Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
1. He recommended me that I take a few days off from work.
2. I’m so glad that he spoke in my behalf because I felt awful that I couldn’t make it to the event.
3. The four participants discussed it between themselves.
4. I’m a little afraid to do this by my own.
5. Never before I had seen something quite like that.
Part 4: Fill in each blank with one appropriate preposition or particle. (0.5P)
1. I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all ____.
2. I put the child's bad behaviour _____ to his upbringing
3. I made up an excuse ______ having to look after the kids.
4. How on Earth could they do ____ with a lovely old building like that and put a car park there instead?
5. The losing team went off with their tails _______ their legs.
III. READING (3 points)
Part 1: Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word to complete the paragraph. (1.0P)
The truth is nobody really knows how language first began. Did we all start talking at around the same
time (1).______ of the manner in which our brains had begun to develop? Although there is a (2)._____
of clear evidence, people have come up (3).______ various theories about the origins of language. One
recent theory is that human beings have evolved in (4).______ a way that we are programmed for
language from the moment of birth. In (5)._______ words, language came about as a result of an
evolutionary change in our brains at some stage.
Language (6)._______ well be programmed into the brain but, (7).______ this, people still need
stimulus from others around them. From studies, we know that (8)._______children are isolated from
human contact and have not learnt to construct sentences before they are ten, it is doubtful they will ever
do so. This research shows, if (9)._______ else, that language is a social activity, not something
invented (10)._____ isolation
Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the following questions
by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (1.0P)
Despite the continued (1) _______ of those early town perks, it wasn't until the Depression that
modern Hershey started to take shape. Perhaps the only town in the country actually to
(2) ______ during the 1930s, it thrived because Hershey vowed his Utopia would never see a
breadline. Instead he (3) ______ a massive building boom that gave rise to the most visited buildings
in today's Hershey and delivered wages to more than 600 workers. He admitted that his
(4) _________were partly selfish: "If I don’t provide work for them, I'll have to feed them. And
since building materials are now at their lowest cost levels, I'm going to build and give them jobs."
He seems to have (5) _________no expense; most of the new buildings were strikingly
(6) _________ The first to be finished was the three-million-dollar limestone Community Center,
home to the 1,904-seat Venetian-style Hershey Community Theater, which has played
(7)_________since 1933 to touring Broadway shows and to music, dance, and opera performances.
It offers just as much to look at when the lights are on and the curtains closed. The floors in the
(8) _________ named Grand Lobby are polished Italian lava rock, surrounded by marble walls and
a bas-relief ceiling showing sheaves of wheat, beehives, swans, and scenes from Roman mythology.
With the (9) _________ inner foyer, Hershey thumbed his nose even harder at the ravages of the
Depression: The arched ceiling is tiled in gold, the fire curtain bears a painting of Venice, and the
ceiling is (10) _________ with 88 tiny light-bulbs to re-create a star-lit night.
1. A. flexibility B. rigidity C. elasticity D. resilience
2. A. prosper B. decline C. get on D. flower
3. A. trusted B. funded C. accounted D. stocked
4. A. pretensions B. objections C. preoccupation D. intentions
5. A. spared B. spent C. allowed D. justified
6. A. impoverished B. unattractive C. poor D. opulent
7. A. hosting B. housing C. host D. homogeneously
8. A. aptly B. inappropriately C. seemingly D. frightfully
9. A. dizzying B. gaudy C. dazzling D. bland
10. A. holed B. studded C. supported D. magnified
Part 3: Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
The Russian leader, Stalin, is supposed to have asked how many divisions the Pope had. Like the Roman
Catholic church, the British Commonwealth does not operate in the realms of realpolitik. It is closer,
perhaps, to the world of Lewis Carroll than to that of Bismarck.
As an idea, the Commonwealth dates from the year of Queen Elizabeths birth, 1926. It was to be an
association of “autonomous communities within the Empire”, unified in one respect only: by their
allegiance to the sovereign as the head of state. Even this requirement was dropped in 1949 when India
asked to remain a member of the Commonwealth even though, as a newly-independent republic, it had
ended its allegiance to the crown. Still, even today, Elizabeth is Queen not only of the United Kingdom,
but of 17 other countries as well. Of the other nation states in the Commonwealth, 26 are republics
which recognize her only as head of the Commonwealth, and the other five (Brunei, Lesotho, Malaysia,
Tonga and Swaziland) have monarchs of their own. The 49 countries have a population of around one
The Commonwealth has one unifying factor: the Queen as its head. It is noteworthy, if not miraculous,
that there has been this continuity, that the monarch of the imperialist nation should be accepted with
affection and respect by the newly independent sovereign states. The reason lies in the status the
Commonwealth offers, and in the framework it provides for useful work to be done. It is remarkable, for
example, that all Commonwealth countries, without exception, gave Britain moral support during the
Falklands crisis.
The Commonwealth has seen much disunity as well, and a number of countries have ceased to be
members, usually for political reasons. In 1948, Palestine became Israel. In 1949, the Republic of
Ireland, neutral during the 39-45 war, also left. In 1972, after war with India, and the creation of
Bangladesh, Pakistan also departed. But the most significant departure has been that of South Africa, in
The key issue of the Commonwealth is, of course, race, and in particular hostility to racism as practised
by white people. For the past 15 years the focus of attention has been upon South Africa, especially
upon the severing of sporting links with that country. The refusal of the former Thatcher government to
impose economic sanctions on the apartheid-ridden country has caused tension not only between Britain
and other Commonwealth countries, but also between the Queen and her Prime Minister.
The Queen has to remain above all the issues, all the arguments. That she does so is one of the wonders
of modern politics. The very looseness of the Commonwealth may be its greatest virtue, given the
number of one-party states, military dictatorships, and personal regimes within it. Each member takes or
gives what the realpolitik of its own government requires. Through the Commonwealth, for example,
Canada has attained a degree of influence among Third World countries which otherwise would never
have been possible. But the Commonwealth is also limited: for military help in a domestic crisis,
Grenada had to turn to the United States.
Still, Alice in Wonderland or not, a two-metre high portrait of the Queen does hang outside the entrance
to Zimbabwe’s Senate. An official explained: “Shes not there because we love the royal family, but
because she is the head of the Commonwealth.”
Its a matter of independence plus.
1. With whom is the Queen identified?
A. A policy of political realism.
B. Stalin.
C. Alice in Wonderland.
D. Bismarck.
2. Why is the Commonwealth compared to the Catholic church?
A. It has no army.
B. It is like a fairy story.
C. It is concerned with influence rather than political power.
D. It is a worldwide organisation.
3. How did relations between the British government and other Commonwealth members become
A. It invaded the Falklands.
B. It continued to trade with South Africa.
C. It cut aid to developing nations.
D. It joined the EU.
4. By what criteria can member states of the Commonwealth be recognised?
A. They recognise the Queen as Head of State.
B. English is their official language. englishspeaker.com
C. 2000 English Teaching Systems 00-4
C. They are former colonies.
D. They are members of the Commonwealth.
5. Why is it necessary for members of the Commonwealth to be tolerant of each other?
A. They have various political systems.
B. They have language problems.
C. Communication is not always easy.
D. Some of them are racist.
6. What is the main limitation of the Commonwealth?
A. It has no standing army.
B. Agreement is difficult.
C. It will not intervene directly in a members domestic affairs.
D. It cannot compete with American realpolitik.
Part 1. Rewrite the following sentences which have the same meaning with the given, using the
suggested words at the beginning. (0.5P)
1. The earthquake damaged their house so badly that they had to rebuild it.
To such ____________________________________________________________________________.
2. I never meant to give the impression I was a shy person.
I never intended to come _______________________________________________________________.
3. I really enjoy getting thoroughly absorbed in this good book.
I’m really losing _____________________________________________________________________.
4. Sam was really anxious, waiting to see if he had got a place in the cricket team.
Sam was on _________________________________________________________________________.
5. I’m determined to become a doctor.
I’ve set _________________________________________________________________________.
Part 2. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word given in brackets. You must not alter the
word in any way. (0.5 points)
1. I cannot accpect your dreadful lies anymore. (STOMACH)
No ________________________________________________________________________________.
2. He was nearly killed in the accident. (TEETH)
Only _______________________________________________________________________________.
3. You have to obey the rules in this company if you want to get on. (TOE)
You _______________________________________________________________________________.
4. Don’t treat it as unimportant. It’s serious. (LIGHT)
Don’t ______________________________________________________________________________.
5. These books just aren’t on the same level. (LEAGUE)
These books just _____________________________________________________________________.
Part 3: Write about the topic: Some people believe that sex education should be taught in primary
school while others believe that it’s not advisable. Discuss both view and give your own opinions.
Write at least 250 words. (1.0P)
_____________THE END_____________
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Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút
(Không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề này có 06 trang) Thí sinh làm bài trên tờ đề thi
Điểm của toàn bài thi Họ, tên, chữ ký Số phách Bằng số Bằng chữ (Do Chủ tịch Hội
- Giám khảo số 1 :............................................... đồng chấm thi
- Giám khảo số 2 : ............................................ ghi)
Part 1. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others by
circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D to indicate your answers. (0.5P)
1. A. fear B. pear C. shear D. rear 2. A. beloved B. crooked C. naked D. loved 3. A. houses B. arise C. reduce D. raise 4. A. tooth B. booth C. smooth D. look 5. A. uncle B. bugle C. duo D. huge
Part 2. choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. (0.5P) 1. A academic B. amphibian C. apartheid D. aquarium 2. A. tuberculosis B. mathematician C. inheritance D. communication 3. A. casualty B. habitual C. characterize D. ignorance 4. A. magnificent B. memorial C. tobacconist D. humanism 5. A. trigonometry B. explanatory C. immediately D. democracy
Part 1: Choose one word or phrase to complete the sentence by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (2.0P)
1. _______ an excellent student, she failed the test on the grounds of not having studied hard enough. A. Being B. However C. Though D. Because
2. Twenty people were arrested during the demonstration, of _____ four were charged with obstruction. A. which B. whom C. what D. them
3. I didn't travel much in my twenties but I'm certainly ________ lost time now. A. making up for B. making up with C. making off with D. making up to
4. Just don’t mention it – it’s always been a _______ point with him. A. sore B. nail C. slot D. bullet
5. Once a ________ gambler, he kicked the habit and concentrated on organising social events. A. compulsory B. compulsive C. comradely D. concise
6. Misuse of the world's resources is one of the ___________ issues of our times A. burning B. heating C. firing D. boiling
7. The vegetation on the island was_______. A. exuberant B. chivalrous C. overcast D. ingenious
8. 'I haven't got anything to wear,' I whimper - rather a _______ excuse in view of Shane's suit. A. faint B. weak C. frail D. feeble
9. The plague, otherwise known as the Black Death, was a _______ disease. A. contingent B. contiguous C. contagious D. congenial
10. Hope is _______ that the missing child is still alive. 1 A. reducing B. dwindling C. fading D. fainting
11. Bill’s _______ odds with his father again about what time he must get home. A. in B. at C. on D. of
12. She hates snakes, really, but she put on a _________ face and picked it up. A. stout B. strong C. brave D. chivalrous
13. One day you’ll stick your _______out once too often and get the sack. A. arm B. leg C. foot D. neck
14. It was decided that the cost of the project would be _________.and so it was abandoned. A. repressive B. prohibitive C. restrictive D. exclusive
15. An afternoon at the library was the best way to ______ my desire for more books. A. quench B. bask C. relish D. avail
16. You can exercise your ____________ to cancel the contract immediately, but you wouldn't receive any money at that point. A. duty B. obligation C. right D. possibility
17. Stop beating about the _______ and say what you really mean! A. table B. boat C. bush D. plot
18. Dad'll hit the ______when he finds out I've left school. A. wall B. top C. ceiling D. head
19. These fanatics are in ______ earnest when they say they want to destroy all forms of government. A. morally B. deadly C. fatally D. seriously
20. The show was ________ bit as good as I expected. A. every B. so C. very D. much
Part 2: Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following paragraph. (1.0P)
Leicester City Football Club's claiming of the English Premiership title in the 2015/2016 season must go
down as the most _______ (1. LIKE) story in the history of the game of football. At the beginning al the
season, they were complete _______ (2. SIDE) to win at odds of around 5000 to 1 — hardly surprising
given the calibre of _______ (3. OPPOSE) they would face in the title race.
Indeed, even when they led at Christmas, the majority view amongst experts was that their luck wouldn't
hold and that they would be ________ (4. PLACE) from the table top by one of the bigger clubs before
long, yet the more the season progressed, the more Leicester ________ (5. FOUND) their critics.
The squad cost _________ (6. MEASURE) less than those of the likes of Manchester City's and
Tottenham's, for instance, yet together they won the title with two games to spare, leaving their title rivals eating their dust.
It was a(n) ______ (7. DENY) brilliant achievement by a team which completely ________ (8. PROVE)
the notion that money guarantees success. The PROVE Premiership's Big Four clubs, which had
________ (9. MONOPLY) the silverware for the previous 25 years, were _______ (10. DO) by a group
of players consistently performing better than the sum of its parts all season long.
Leicester City deservedly made history in a manner the likes of which may never be witnessed again.
Part 3: Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. (0.5P)
1. He recommended me that I take a few days off from work.
2. I’m so glad that he spoke in my behalf because I felt awful that I couldn’t make it to the event.
3. The four participants discussed it between themselves.
4. I’m a little afraid to do this by my own.
5. Never before I had seen something quite like that.
Part 4: Fill in each blank with one appropriate preposition or particle. (0.5P) 2
1. I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all ____.
2. I put the child's bad behaviour _____ to his upbringing
3. I made up an excuse ______ having to look after the kids.
4. How on Earth could they do ____ with a lovely old building like that and put a car park there instead?
5. The losing team went off with their tails _______ their legs.
III. READING (3 points)
Part 1: Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word to complete the paragraph. (1.0P)
The truth is nobody really knows how language first began. Did we all start talking at around the same
time (1).______ of the manner in which our brains had begun to develop? Although there is a (2)._____
of clear evidence, people have come up (3).______ various theories about the origins of language. One
recent theory is that human beings have evolved in (4).______ a way that we are programmed for
language from the moment of birth. In (5)._______ words, language came about as a result of an
evolutionary change in our brains at some stage.
Language (6)._______ well be programmed into the brain but, (7).______ this, people still need
stimulus from others around them. From studies, we know that (8)._______children are isolated from
human contact and have not learnt to construct sentences before they are ten, it is doubtful they will ever
do so. This research shows, if (9)._______ else, that language is a social activity, not something invented (10)._____ isolation
Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the following questions
by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (1.0P)

Despite the continued (1) _______ of those early town perks, it wasn't until the Depression that
modern Hershey started to take shape. Perhaps the only town in the country actually to
(2) ______ during the 1930s, it thrived because Hershey vowed his Utopia would never see a
breadline. Instead he (3) ______ a massive building boom that gave rise to the most visited buildings
in today's Hershey and delivered wages to more than 600 workers. He admitted that his
(4) _________were partly selfish: "If I don’t provide work for them, I'll have to feed them. And
since building materials are now at their lowest cost levels, I'm going to build and give them jobs."
He seems to have (5) _________no expense; most of the new buildings were strikingly
(6) _________ The first to be finished was the three-million-dollar limestone Community Center,
home to the 1,904-seat Venetian-style Hershey Community Theater, which has played
(7)_________since 1933 to touring Broadway shows and to music, dance, and opera performances.
It offers just as much to look at when the lights are on and the curtains closed. The floors in the
(8) _________ named Grand Lobby are polished Italian lava rock, surrounded by marble walls and
a bas-relief ceiling showing sheaves of wheat, beehives, swans, and scenes from Roman mythology.
With the (9) _________ inner foyer, Hershey thumbed his nose even harder at the ravages of the
Depression: The arched ceiling is tiled in gold, the fire curtain bears a painting of Venice, and the
ceiling is (10) _________ with 88 tiny light-bulbs to re-create a star-lit night. 1. A. flexibility B. rigidity C. elasticity D. resilience 2. A. prosper B. decline C. get on D. flower 3. A. trusted B. funded C. accounted D. stocked 4. A. pretensions B. objections C. preoccupation D. intentions 5. A. spared B. spent C. allowed D. justified 6. A. impoverished B. unattractive C. poor D. opulent 7. A. hosting B. housing C. host D. homogeneously 8. A. aptly B. inappropriately C. seemingly D. frightfully 9. A. dizzying B. gaudy C. dazzling D. bland 3 10. A. holed B. studded C. supported D. magnified
Part 3: Read the following passage and answer the following questions. (1.0P)
The Russian leader, Stalin, is supposed to have asked how many divisions the Pope had. Like the Roman
Catholic church, the British Commonwealth does not operate in the realms of realpolitik. It is closer,
perhaps, to the world of Lewis Carroll than to that of Bismarck.
As an idea, the Commonwealth dates from the year of Queen Elizabeth’s birth, 1926. It was to be an
association of “autonomous communities within the Empire”, unified in one respect only: by their
allegiance to the sovereign as the head of state. Even this requirement was dropped in 1949 when India
asked to remain a member of the Commonwealth even though, as a newly-independent republic, it had
ended its allegiance to the crown. Still, even today, Elizabeth is Queen not only of the United Kingdom,
but of 17 other countries as well. Of the other nation states in the Commonwealth, 26 are republics
which recognize her only as head of the Commonwealth, and the other five (Brunei, Lesotho, Malaysia,
Tonga and Swaziland) have monarchs of their own. The 49 countries have a population of around one billion.
The Commonwealth has one unifying factor: the Queen as its head. It is noteworthy, if not miraculous,
that there has been this continuity, that the monarch of the imperialist nation should be accepted with
affection and respect by the newly independent sovereign states. The reason lies in the status the
Commonwealth offers, and in the framework it provides for useful work to be done. It is remarkable, for
example, that all Commonwealth countries, without exception, gave Britain moral support during the Falklands crisis.
The Commonwealth has seen much disunity as well, and a number of countries have ceased to be
members, usually for political reasons. In 1948, Palestine became Israel. In 1949, the Republic of
Ireland, neutral during the ‘39-‘45 war, also left. In 1972, after war with India, and the creation of
Bangladesh, Pakistan also departed. But the most significant departure has been that of South Africa, in 1961.
The key issue of the Commonwealth is, of course, race, and in particular hostility to racism as practised
by white people. For the past 15 years the focus of attention has been upon South Africa, especially
upon the severing of sporting links with that country. The refusal of the former Thatcher government to
impose economic sanctions on the apartheid-ridden country has caused tension not only between Britain
and other Commonwealth countries, but also between the Queen and her Prime Minister.
The Queen has to remain above all the issues, all the arguments. That she does so is one of the wonders
of modern politics. The very looseness of the Commonwealth may be its greatest virtue, given the
number of one-party states, military dictatorships, and personal regimes within it. Each member takes or
gives what the realpolitik of its own government requires. Through the Commonwealth, for example,
Canada has attained a degree of influence among Third World countries which otherwise would never
have been possible. But the Commonwealth is also limited: for military help in a domestic crisis,
Grenada had to turn to the United States.
Still, Alice in Wonderland or not, a two-metre high portrait of the Queen does hang outside the entrance
to Zimbabwe’s Senate. An official explained: “She’s not there because we love the royal family, but
because she is the head of the Commonwealth.”
It’s a matter of independence plus.
1. With whom is the Queen identified?
A. A policy of political realism. B. Stalin. C. Alice in Wonderland. D. Bismarck.
2. Why is the Commonwealth compared to the Catholic church? A. It has no army. B. It is like a fairy story.
C. It is concerned with influence rather than political power. 4
D. It is a worldwide organisation.
3. How did relations between the British government and other Commonwealth members become strained? A. It invaded the Falklands.
B. It continued to trade with South Africa.
C. It cut aid to developing nations. D. It joined the EU.
4. By what criteria can member states of the Commonwealth be recognised?
A. They recognise the Queen as Head of State.
B. English is their official language. englishspeaker.com
C. 2000 English Teaching Systems 00-4 C. They are former colonies.
D. They are members of the Commonwealth.
5. Why is it necessary for members of the Commonwealth to be tolerant of each other?
A. They have various political systems.
B. They have language problems.
C. Communication is not always easy. D. Some of them are racist.
6. What is the main limitation of the Commonwealth? A. It has no standing army. B. Agreement is difficult.
C. It will not intervene directly in a member’s domestic affairs.
D. It cannot compete with American realpolitik. IV. WRITING (2.0P)
Part 1. Rewrite the following sentences which have the same meaning with the given, using the
suggested words at the beginning. (0.5P)

1. The earthquake damaged their house so badly that they had to rebuild it.
To such ____________________________________________________________________________.
2. I never meant to give the impression I was a shy person.
I never intended to come _______________________________________________________________.
3. I really enjoy getting thoroughly absorbed in this good book.
I’m really losing _____________________________________________________________________.
4. Sam was really anxious, waiting to see if he had got a place in the cricket team.
Sam was on _________________________________________________________________________.
5. I’m determined to become a doctor.
I’ve set _________________________________________________________________________.
Part 2. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word given in brackets. You must not alter the
word in any way. (0.5 points)

1. I cannot accpect your dreadful lies anymore. (STOMACH)
No ________________________________________________________________________________.
2. He was nearly killed in the accident. (TEETH)
Only _______________________________________________________________________________.
3. You have to obey the rules in this company if you want to get on. (TOE) 5
You _______________________________________________________________________________.
4. Don’t treat it as unimportant. It’s serious. (LIGHT)
Don’t ______________________________________________________________________________.
5. These books just aren’t on the same level. (LEAGUE)
These books just _____________________________________________________________________.
Part 3: Write about the topic: Some people believe that sex education should be taught in primary
school while others believe that it’s not advisable. Discuss both view and give your own opinions.
Write at least 250 words. (1.0P)

_____________THE END_____________ 6