South Korea’s Nationwide Effort for AI Semiconductor Industry | Hàn Quốc học | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn cung cấp nhiều môn học phong phú như Ngôn ngữ học đối chiếu, Phong cách học, Kinh tế học Vi mô, Lịch sử Việt Nam, Xã hội học, Tâm lý học, Văn hóa học và Ngữ văn Trung Quốc. Các môn học này giúp sinh viên phát triển kiến thức chuyên môn, kỹ năng phân tích và nghiên cứu, chuẩn bịa tốt cho công việc và nghiên cứu sau khi ra trường.

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South Korea’s Nationwide Effort for AI Semiconductor Industry | Hàn Quốc học | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn cung cấp nhiều môn học phong phú như Ngôn ngữ học đối chiếu, Phong cách học, Kinh tế học Vi mô, Lịch sử Việt Nam, Xã hội học, Tâm lý học, Văn hóa học và Ngữ văn Trung Quốc. Các môn học này giúp sinh viên phát triển kiến thức chuyên môn, kỹ năng phân tích và nghiên cứu, chuẩn bịa tốt cho công việc và nghiên cứu sau khi ra trường.

99 50 lượt tải Tải xuống
big trends
South Korea’s
Effort for AI
AS GLOBAL COMPETITION in the semiconductor industry has
intensified with trade conflicts and semiconductor
shortages, major countries worldwide have started to work
on their government policy and investment plan to win
technological hegemony. South Korea’s semiconductor
industry, which makes up almost 20% of the nation’s gross
domestic product (GDP), is heavily concentrated on the
memory semiconductor sector.
It dominates the global
memory semiconductor market with a 56.9% share but has
little influence on the other sectors of the industry,
including logic, analog, and optical discrete, where it has
less than a 3% market share. To grow the nation’s biggest
industry further, South Korea has put a priority on non-
memory sectors. The emerging AI chip market is an
especially great opportunity for them, as demand is
expected to increase exponentially
with the paradigm shift in comput-ing.
South Korea aims to become a
comprehensive semiconductor power-
house from this colossal opportunity. In
this article, we report recent nation-wide
efforts taking place in South Korea to
challenge the emerging AI semiconductor
industry. We organize these efforts in
four sections (govern-ment, major
companies, fabless startups, and
academia), while Figure 1 overviews the
overall efforts.
The South Korean government’s K-
semiconductor strategy is to build the
world’s best semiconductor supply chain
by 2030 with a $450B investment plan.
Learning from the semiconductor crisis,
the goal is to stabilize and internalize the
semi-conductor supply chain by gather-
ing fabless, foundry, and packaging
companies in a clustered area called
big trends east asia & oceania region
the K-Semiconductor Belt for seam-less
silicon product manufacturing. The
government has also announced nearly
$260B-worth of tax deduc-tions for
semiconductor facilities and R&D
in addition to making the
approval process for the expansion of
semiconductor manufacturing facilities
faster and more flexible, and subsidizing
up to 50% of the construction cost of the
facility’s power infrastructure. The
government pledged to invest in
strategically important semicon-ductor
sectors, including power, automotive, and
AI semiconductors, as part of its long-
term R&D road-map. With the above
financial and regulatory support, the
government set a goal of doubling
semiconductor production to $245B, with
an export target of $200B, by 2030.
The government also is trying to
build a collaborative ecosystem that
helps once-segmented academia and
industry work together to make
competitive products for the global
market. It has set up national pro-grams
to facilitate collaboration between
university labs and startup companies by
funding technology transfer and
commercialization. The government
also is subsidizing startup fabless
companies to use the latest EDA tools
and semiconductor process
Lastly, the government is heavily
focused on fostering high-quality
manpower for the semiconductor
industry. Based on a survey that found
at least 270,000 persons will be needed
to sustain the industry in 10 years, the
government aims to foster 150,000
more semiconductor
experts at all levels (junior colleges,
undergraduate schools, and gradu-ate
schools) by 2030. It also plans to
establish new research centers and
university departments to develop
competent researchers and experts in the
semiconductor field.
Major countries, including the U.S.
and China, also have announced support
policies for their semicon-ductor
industries. The U.S. passed the CHIPS
Act in 2022, which promis-es 25% tax
credits and a $52B invest-ment to
enhance domestic semi-conductor
manufacturing. China’s “Made in China
2025” initiative an-nounced in 2015 has
aimed to lift the country’s chip
production from less than 10% of demand
to 70% in 2025, fostering government-
backed fabless and manufacturing
companies. In contrast, South Korea’s
plan is more
lOMoARcPSD| 39651089
east asia & oceania region big trends
Figure 1. Overview of South Korea’s nationwide efforts for the AI semiconductor industry.
Figure 2. Summary of South Korea’s AI semiconductor products.
big trends east asia & oceania region
concentrated and streamlined, em-
phasizing human resource develop-
ment overall.
Major Companies
South Korea’s chip companies work-ing
in AI semiconductors can be divided into
two groups: major com-panies leading
the world’s memory semiconductor
market, and newly founded fabless
startup companies developing AI
accelerators. Figure 2 summarizes their
major products and activities related to
AI semiconductor development.
Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix,
the world’s leading memory semi-
conductor companies, have launched
investment and employment plans for
their AI semiconductor and foundry
businesses. Samsung Electronics is trying
to develop next-generation AI
semiconductor products by leveraging its
strengths in mobile chipset design and
memory manufacturing. Samsung
develops its own neural processing units
(NPUs) and integrates them into multiple
processing platforms, includ-ing the
Exynos mobile processor and the Exynos
auto processor series.
Another notable product develop-ment
direction is putting AI com-putation logic
into memories. Both Samsung and SK
Hynix are developing intelligent memory
chips using in/ near-memory processing
technol-ogy, which can mitigate the
system bandwidth bottleneck of
conventional von Neumann architecture.
Samsung released the HBM-PIM, which
incor-porates the AI processing function
into the HBM2 memory stack, and the
AXDIMM, which adds an AI engine in-
side the buffer chip of the traditional
DIMM form factor. The company also
developed SmartSSD, which integrates
Samsung’s solid-state drive (SSD) and
Xilinx’s field-programmable gate array
(FPGA) chip on a single card, with a fast
direct data path between them for near-
data processing. SK Hynix recently
released the GDDR6-Accelerator-in-
Memory (AiM) chip that integrates
processing units in the lat-est GDDR6,
which can provide a total of 1TFLOPS
processing throughput.
In addition, once secretly focusing
solely on their own product develop-
ment, major companies are starting to
open relations with the academia
and research communities to learn the
latest AI technologies and engage with
well-educated researchers. For example,
the Samsung Science & Technology
Foundation announced grants totaling
$40.12 million to 27 high-profile research
projects, bolster-ing collaboration with
SK Hynix also launched a
knowledge-shar-ing platform named
“Semiconductor Academy,” which
provides online/ offline lectures to
university students, job seekers, and
employees, covering a diverse range of
topics including semi-conductor basics,
devices, and design. Moreover, both
Samsung and SK Hynix continuously
provide multi-project wafer (MPW)
services for startup fab-less, design
houses, and academia. This allows greater
foundry selection for domestic fabless
companies and enables competitive
prototyping of their AI chips with the
latest process technologies. Samsung has
announced a massive hiring plan to
employ more than 80,000 people in new
jobs, as the demand for AI semiconductor
prod-ucts continues to increase.
Fabless Startups
Ever since it launched the Ministry of
SMEs and Startups in 2017, South Ko-rea
has been investing heavily in build-ing a
startup ecosystem to pivot from a
conglomerate-based to a startup-based
industry. With successful supporting
programs such as K-Unicorn and Tech
Incubator Program for Startups (TIPS),
South Korea has become a good place for
startups, surpassing $6.4B in ven-ture
capital funding in 2021.
Benefit-ing from
this environmental change, more than 10
fabless startups targeting AI hardware
accelerators have been founded in South
Korea in the past five years. Unlike the
major companies that develop next-
generation AI products based on existing
products, the fab-less startups develop AI
accelerators from scratch for specific
application domains. They can be
segmented into two groups: the
companies targeting datacenter
applications (FuriosaAI, Rebellions,
Sapeon, and HyperAccel) and companies
targeting edge appli-cations (OpenEdge,
Mobilint, DeepX, and Telechips).
FuriosaAI is one of the first fabless
startups to develop AI accelerators for
high-performance vision tasks such
Once secretly
focusing solely on
their own product
major companies
are starting to
open up relations
with the academia
and research
communities to
learn the latest AI
technologies and
engage with well-
lOMoARcPSD| 39651089
east asia & oceania region big trends
Table 1. Industry-contracted semiconductor departments in universities.
Contracting Company
# of Students
Year of Establishment
Sungkyunkwan University
Samsung Electronics
Yonsei University
Samsung Electronics
Korea University
SK Hynix
Sogang University
SK Hynix
Hanyang University
SK Hynix
Samsung Electronics
Samsung Electronics
Table 2. Technical challenges.
AI Accelerators
Processing-in-Memory (PIM) Semiconductors
High-performance Tensor Hardware Design,
In-Memory Logic/Circuit Design,
Full-stack Software Development,
System Software for PIM Hardware,
Latest Logic Process (< 14nm)
Memory Process (Especially DRAM)
oping low-power, high-performance
NPU IP and related high-speed memory
systems. The company’s strength in
memory controllers and subsystems
makes them promis-ing for NPU
development. Last year, OpenEdges
released Enlight, an AI accelerator IP
with an optimized net-work model
compiler that minimizes DRAM traffic.
Established in 2019, Mobilint is an AI
semiconductor startup develop-ing high-
performance AI inference NPUs for edge
devices and cars. Its NPU implementation
on FPGA took first place in the global
benchmark MLPerf for two consecutive
years (2020 and 2021). Mobilint last year
unveiled its Aries chip, which delivers up
to 80
as image classification and object
detection in datacenters. The com-pany
released the Warboy prototype in 2021,
proving it could achieve 1.5x higher
performance and 4x higher
performance per price than a com-
parable GPU, NVIDIA’s T4, for target
Rebellions is a fabless startup
company developing an AI accelerator
for high-frequency trading (HFT). That
company released its first accelerator
card for intelligent HFT, called Light-
Trader, in 2022; it achieves 64 trillion
operations per second (TOPS)/16 trillion
floating-point calculations per second
(TFLOPS) peak performance, with
workload scheduling and dy-
namic voltage-frequency scaling. Sapeon
also is developing its own AI
inference chip for low-latency AI infer-
ence on image data. In 2022, Sapeon
released the X220, the first commer-
cialized AI semiconductor chip, show-
ing 2.3x and 2.2x higher performance
and power efficiency than NVIDIA’s A2,
respectively, in the MLPerf data-center
inference benchmark.
HyperAccel is the newest of the
startups, founded this year to target the
acceleration of hyperscale AI mod-els
such as OpenAI’s GPT. HyperAccel uses
multiple AI accelerators with memory-
bandwidth maximization for emerging
generative AI workloads.
OpenEdges Technology is devel-
TOPS of AI performance at maximum
DeepX is a startup company devel-
oping power-efficient NPU chips for
Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The
company’s DX-L1 system on a chip
targets relatively simple IoT applica-
tions, such as smart camera sensors and
security cameras, while the DX-H1
targets huge IoT applications, such as
smart factories and smart buildings.
Lastly, Telechips is a medium-sized
company developing intelligent auto-
motive solutions for autonomous vehi-
cles. The company has released various
infotainment application processors for
audio, digital cluster, and cockpit systems
with low power requirements
Figure 3. Research outcomes of South Korean universities and IDEC’s educational support.
big trends east asia & oceania region
and a high level of security.
South Korean fabless startups aim
beyond the domestic market to enter
overseas markets with their AI acceler-
ators, leveraging the country’s com-
petitive IT infrastructure as a testbed.
They are targeting developed markets
such as the U.S. and Europe, but also are
looking at lucrative emerging mar-kets,
such as India and Southeast Asia.
Universities and Education
Korean universities are making great
efforts to expand their research on AI
chips and on next-generation semicon-
ductor technology. Since Sungkyunk-wan
University established its contract-ed
semiconductor department with the help
of Samsung Electronics in 2006, Yonsei
and Korea universities have im-
plemented similarly contracted depart-
ments with Samsung in 2019, and with
SK Hynix in 2021. In such industry-con-
tracted semiconductor departments, the
curriculum is focused on semicon-ductor
engineering, including its basic devices,
design, and system integra-tion, to
educate students to be ready for work in
the domain at graduation. They also get
hands-on project experience and
mentorship opportunities from industry
experts. After graduation, the students are
guaranteed mployment by the contracting
company, allowing many talented experts
to work in the domestic industry. As
summarized in Table 1, seven major
universities in South Korea have
industry-contracted semiconductor
departments, and more than 350 students
will be raised to the level of AI
semiconductor experts soon.
The influence of the Korea Ad-vanced
Institute of Science and Tech-nology
(KAIST) is especially critical to South
Korea’s semiconductor indus-try, as
described in the biographic article of
Choong-Ki Kim.
KAIST founded its
semiconductor system engineering
department, including 50 prominent
professors, in 2022, with three specialized
trackssemiconduc-tor device/process,
chip design and VLSI, and system
software and algo-rithmsto lead and
transform the in-dustry towards
AI/system-focus, rather than remaining
The school also has attracted gov-
ernmental research centers in the AI
semiconductor domain, such as the AI
Semiconductor System (AISS) research
center and the Processing-in-Memory
(PIM) research center. Involving more
than 10 research labs and 100 gradu-ate
students, each research center conducts
innovative research over a long-term
period, nurturing human resources with
technical competence.
South Korean universities show top-
notch research capabilities in the areas of
AI semiconductors. As illus-trated in
Figure 3, they result in strong research
outcomes in AI accelerator architecture
and design, server-scale AI systems,
processing-in-memory chips, and near-
data processing. They publish many
papers in top-tier conferences and
journals, such as the International Solid-
State Circuits Con-ference, the
International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, the IEEE/ ACM
International Symposium on Mi-
croarchitecture, and the IEEE JOURNAL
The IC Design Education Center
(IDEC) is the unsung hero of South
Korea’s semiconductor industry, help-ing
universities pursue research in the chip
design field, which is expensive due to
manufacturing costs. Since 1995, IDEC
has supported MPW pro-grams and
access to essential electron-ic design
automation (EDA) tools at low cost, as
well as providing practical education to
universities. It manages sensitive non-
disclosure agreements (NDAs) and
process design kit (PDK) distribution
between universities and foundry
companies such as Samsung, TSMC, and
Magnachip. More specifi-cally, they serve
more than 10 MPW shuttles and 50 EDA
tools from over 15 vendors to universities
every year. In addition, IDEC annually
holds a chip design contest to exhibit
silicon chips produced through its MPW
programs to the community and industry,
sharing the latest research outcomes for
enhancing domestic chip design
competitiveness. It has been operating
more than 50 online/offline lectures on
chip design every year, and recently
started an accelerated degree program for
industry practitioners.
South Korea is striving to become a
comprehensive semiconductor power-
house by preempting the emerging AI
semiconductor market via nationwide
efforts among government, industry,
and academia. Table 2 summarizes
technical challenges for their two tar-get
products: AI accelerators and PIM
semiconductors. For AI accelerators,
efficient software and hardware execu-
tion through full-stack development and
high fabrication costs are the challenges.
For PIM semiconductors that integrate
logic inside the memory, low-level circuit
innovation and sys-tem software to enable
their adapta-tion in the system are
important, while their fabrication is
primarily possible only by memory
To this end, the government has a
bold investment plan with both finan-cial
and regulatory support, promot-ing the
development of a collaborative
ecosystem by 2030 in which fabless,
foundry, and packaging companies, as
well as universities, will work together to
enable seamless silicon product
manufacturing. The govern-ment also
plans to aggressively foster AI
semiconductor experts by initiat-ing
school departments and research centers.
Memory chip giants such as Samsung
and SK Hynix are diversify-ing their
product lines with their own NPU IPs
and in/near-memory process-ing
technology. More than 10 fabless startup
companies have been founded recently
and are actively developing AI
acceleration solutions for various ap-
plication domains.
1. Kim, D-W. The Godfather of South Korea’s chip
industry: Kim Choong-Ki’s “Engineer’s Mind” helped
make the country a semiconductor superpower. IEEE
Spectrum 59, 10 (2022), 3238.
2. Kim, J. South Korea plans to invest $450bn to become
chip ‘powerhouse’. NIKKEI Asia,
3. Lee, J-Y. S. Korea targets W340tr investment for
chip supremacy. The Korea Herald; https://www.
4. Lee, S. Samsung announces research projects for
$40.12 million sponsorship. Pulse News; https://
5. Rousselot, S. The ambiguous position of the South
Korean semiconductor industry in the US-China tech
war. Asia Power Watch;
6. Yoon, S. This is how South Korea can become a global
innovation hub. The World Economic Forum;
http://bit. ly/3ZuRSKm.
Ji-Hoon Kim is a Ph.D. student in the School of
Electrical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of
Science & Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea.
Sungyeob Yoo is a Ph.D. student in the School of
Electrical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of
Science & Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea.
Joo-Young Kim is a professor in the School of Electrical
Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science &
Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea.
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
NoDerivs International 4.0 License
| 1/7

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big trends DOI:10.1145/3587264
BY JI-HOON KIM, SUNGYEOB YOO, AND JOO-YOUNG KIM South Korea’s Nationwide Effort for AI Semiconductor Industry
AS GLOBAL COMPETITION in the semiconductor industry has
intensified with trade conflicts and semiconductor
with the paradigm shift in comput-ing.
shortages, major countries worldwide have started to work South Korea aims to become a
comprehensive semiconductor power-
on their government policy and investment plan to win
house from this colossal opportunity. In
technological hegemony. South Korea’s semiconductor
this article, we report recent nation-wide
industry, which makes up almost 20% of the nation’s gross efforts taking place in South Korea to
challenge the emerging AI semiconductor
domestic product (GDP), is heavily concentrated on the
industry. We organize these efforts in
memory semiconductor sector.5 It dominates the global
four sections (govern-ment, major
companies, fabless startups, and
memory semiconductor market with a 56.9% share but has
academia), while Figure 1 overviews the
little influence on the other sectors of the industry, overall efforts.
The South Korean government’s K-
including logic, analog, and optical discrete, where it has
semiconductor strategy is to build the
less than a 3% market share. To grow the nation’s biggest
world’s best semiconductor supply chain
industry further, South Korea has put a priority on non-
by 2030 with a $450B investment plan.2
Learning from the semiconductor crisis,
memory sectors. The emerging AI chip market is an
the goal is to stabilize and internalize the
especially great opportunity for them, as demand is
semi-conductor supply chain by gather-
ing fabless, foundry, and packaging
expected to increase exponentially
companies in a clustered area called
46 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | JULY 2023 | VOL. 66 | NO. 7 lOMoARcPSD|396 510 89 big trends
east asia & oceania region
the K-Semiconductor Belt for seam-less
The government also is trying to
experts at all levels (junior colleges,
silicon product manufacturing. The
build a collaborative ecosystem that
undergraduate schools, and gradu-ate
government has also announced nearly
helps once-segmented academia and
schools) by 2030. It also plans to
$260B-worth of tax deduc-tions for
industry work together to make
establish new research centers and
semiconductor facilities and R&D
competitive products for the global
university departments to develop
competent researchers and experts in the
funding,3 in addition to making the
market. It has set up national pro-grams
approval process for the expansion of
to facilitate collaboration between semiconductor field.
semiconductor manufacturing facilities
university labs and startup companies by
Major countries, including the U.S.
faster and more flexible, and subsidizing
funding technology transfer and
and China, also have announced support
up to 50% of the construction cost of the
commercialization. The government
policies for their semicon-ductor
facility’s power infrastructure. The
also is subsidizing startup fabless
industries. The U.S. passed the CHIPS
government pledged to invest in
companies to use the latest EDA tools
Act in 2022, which promis-es 25% tax and semiconductor process
strategically important semicon-ductor
credits and a $52B invest-ment to
sectors, including power, automotive, and technologies.
enhance domestic semi-conductor
AI semiconductors, as part of its long-
Lastly, the government is heavily
manufacturing. China’s “Made in China M
term R&D road-map. With the above
focused on fostering high-quality
2025” initiative an-nounced in 2015 has CO. CK
financial and regulatory support, the
manpower for the semiconductor
aimed to lift the country’s chip O T RS
government set a goal of doubling E
industry. Based on a survey that found
production from less than 10% of demand T T U H
semiconductor production to $245B, with
at least 270,000 persons will be needed
to 70% in 2025, fostering government- S M
an export target of $200B, by 2030.
backed fabless and manufacturing RO
to sustain the industry in 10 years, the F Y R
companies. In contrast, South Korea’s E
government aims to foster 150,000 G A IM more semiconductor plan is more
JULY 2023 | VOL. 66 | NO. 7 | COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 47 lOMoAR cPSD| 39651089
east asia & oceania region big trends
Figure 1. Overview of South Korea’s nationwide efforts for the AI semiconductor industry.
Figure 2. Summary of South Korea’s AI semiconductor products. 48
COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | JULY 2023 | VOL. 66 | NO. 7 lOMoARcPSD|396 510 89 big trends
east asia & oceania region
concentrated and streamlined, em-
and research communities to learn the
phasizing human resource develop-
latest AI technologies and engage with ment overall.
well-educated researchers. For example,
the Samsung Science & Technology Major Companies
Foundation announced grants totaling
South Korea’s chip companies work-ing
$40.12 million to 27 high-profile research
in AI semiconductors can be divided into
projects, bolster-ing collaboration with
two groups: major com-panies leading
academia.4 SK Hynix also launched a
the world’s memory semiconductor
knowledge-shar-ing platform named
market, and newly founded fabless
“Semiconductor Academy,” which
startup companies developing AI
provides online/ offline lectures to Once secretly
accelerators. Figure 2 summarizes their
university students, job seekers, and focusing solely on
major products and activities related to
employees, covering a diverse range of AI semiconductor development.
topics including semi-conductor basics, their own product
devices, and design. Moreover, both development,
Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix,
Samsung and SK Hynix continuously
the world’s leading memory semi-
provide multi-project wafer (MPW) major companies
conductor companies, have launched
services for startup fab-less, design are starting to
investment and employment plans for
houses, and academia. This allows greater
their AI semiconductor and foundry
foundry selection for domestic fabless open up relations
businesses. Samsung Electronics is trying
companies and enables competitive to develop next-generation AI
prototyping of their AI chips with the with the academia
semiconductor products by leveraging its
latest process technologies. Samsung has and research
strengths in mobile chipset design and
announced a massive hiring plan to memory manufacturing. Samsung
employ more than 80,000 people in new communities to
develops its own neural processing units
jobs, as the demand for AI semiconductor learn the latest AI
(NPUs) and integrates them into multiple
prod-ucts continues to increase.
processing platforms, includ-ing the technologies and
Exynos mobile processor and the Exynos engage with well- auto processor series. Fabless Startups
Another notable product develop-ment
Ever since it launched the Ministry of educated
direction is putting AI com-putation logic
SMEs and Startups in 2017, South Ko-rea researchers.
into memories. Both Samsung and SK
has been investing heavily in build-ing a
Hynix are developing intelligent memory
startup ecosystem to pivot from a
chips using in/ near-memory processing
conglomerate-based to a startup-based
technol-ogy, which can mitigate the
industry. With successful supporting
system bandwidth bottleneck of
programs such as K-Unicorn and Tech
conventional von Neumann architecture.
Incubator Program for Startups (TIPS),
Samsung released the HBM-PIM, which
South Korea has become a good place for
incor-porates the AI processing function
startups, surpassing $6.4B in ven-ture
into the HBM2 memory stack, and the
capital funding in 2021.6 Benefit-ing from
AXDIMM, which adds an AI engine in-
this environmental change, more than 10
side the buffer chip of the traditional
fabless startups targeting AI hardware
DIMM form factor. The company also
accelerators have been founded in South
developed SmartSSD, which integrates
Korea in the past five years. Unlike the
Samsung’s solid-state drive (SSD) and
major companies that develop next-
Xilinx’s field-programmable gate array
generation AI products based on existing
(FPGA) chip on a single card, with a fast
products, the fab-less startups develop AI
direct data path between them for near-
accelerators from scratch for specific
data processing. SK Hynix recently
application domains. They can be
released the GDDR6-Accelerator-in-
segmented into two groups: the
Memory (AiM) chip that integrates
companies targeting datacenter
processing units in the lat-est GDDR6,
applications (FuriosaAI, Rebellions,
which can provide a total of 1TFLOPS
Sapeon, and HyperAccel) and companies processing throughput.
targeting edge appli-cations (OpenEdge,
Mobilint, DeepX, and Telechips).
In addition, once secretly focusing
solely on their own product develop-
FuriosaAI is one of the first fabless
ment, major companies are starting to
startups to develop AI accelerators for
open relations with the academia
high-performance vision tasks such
JULY 2023 | VOL. 66 | NO. 7 | COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 49 lOMoAR cPSD| 39651089
east asia & oceania region big trends
Table 1. Industry-contracted semiconductor departments in universities.
oping low-power, high-performance
NPU IP and related high-speed memory University Contracting Company # of Students Year of Establishment
systems. The company’s strength in Sungkyunkwan University Samsung Electronics 70 2016
memory controllers and subsystems Yonsei University Samsung Electronics 50 2019 makes them promis-ing for NPU Korea University SK Hynix 30 2021
development. Last year, OpenEdges Sogang University SK Hynix 30 2022
released Enlight, an AI accelerator IP Hanyang University SK Hynix 40 2022
with an optimized net-work model POSTECH Samsung Electronics 40 2022
compiler that minimizes DRAM traffic. KAIST Samsung Electronics 100 2022
Established in 2019, Mobilint is an AI
semiconductor startup develop-ing high-
Table 2. Technical challenges.
performance AI inference NPUs for edge
devices and cars. Its NPU implementation AI Accelerators
Processing-in-Memory (PIM) Semiconductors
on FPGA took first place in the global
High-performance Tensor Hardware Design,
In-Memory Logic/Circuit Design,
benchmark MLPerf for two consecutive
Full-stack Software Development,
System Software for PIM Hardware,
Latest Logic Process (< 14nm)
Memory Process (Especially DRAM)
years (2020 and 2021). Mobilint last year
unveiled its Aries chip, which delivers up to 80
as image classification and object
namic voltage-frequency scaling. Sapeon
TOPS of AI performance at maximum
detection in datacenters. The com-pany also is developing its own AI capacity.
released the Warboy prototype in 2021,
inference chip for low-latency AI infer-
DeepX is a startup company devel-
proving it could achieve 1.5x higher
ence on image data. In 2022, Sapeon
oping power-efficient NPU chips for performance and 4x higher
released the X220, the first commer-
Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The
performance per price than a com-
cialized AI semiconductor chip, show-
company’s DX-L1 system on a chip
parable GPU, NVIDIA’s T4, for target
ing 2.3x and 2.2x higher performance
targets relatively simple IoT applica- applications.
and power efficiency than NVIDIA’s A2,
tions, such as smart camera sensors and
Rebellions is a fabless startup
respectively, in the MLPerf data-center
security cameras, while the DX-H1
company developing an AI accelerator inference benchmark.
targets huge IoT applications, such as
for high-frequency trading (HFT). That
HyperAccel is the newest of the
smart factories and smart buildings.
company released its first accelerator
startups, founded this year to target the
Lastly, Telechips is a medium-sized
card for intelligent HFT, called Light-
acceleration of hyperscale AI mod-els
company developing intelligent auto-
Trader, in 2022; it achieves 64 trillion
such as OpenAI’s GPT. HyperAccel uses
motive solutions for autonomous vehi-
operations per second (TOPS)/16 trillion
multiple AI accelerators with memory-
cles. The company has released various
floating-point calculations per second
bandwidth maximization for emerging
infotainment application processors for
(TFLOPS) peak performance, with generative AI workloads.
audio, digital cluster, and cockpit systems workload scheduling and dy-
OpenEdges Technology is devel- with low power requirements
Figure 3. Research outcomes of South Korean universities and IDEC’s educational support. 50
COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | JULY 2023 | VOL. 66 | NO. 7 lOMoARcPSD|396 510 89 big trends
east asia & oceania region and a high level of security.
center and the Processing-in-Memory
and academia. Table 2 summarizes
South Korean fabless startups aim
(PIM) research center. Involving more
technical challenges for their two tar-get
beyond the domestic market to enter
than 10 research labs and 100 gradu-ate
products: AI accelerators and PIM
overseas markets with their AI acceler-
students, each research center conducts
semiconductors. For AI accelerators,
ators, leveraging the country’s com-
innovative research over a long-term
efficient software and hardware execu-
petitive IT infrastructure as a testbed.
period, nurturing human resources with
tion through full-stack development and
They are targeting developed markets technical competence.
high fabrication costs are the challenges.
such as the U.S. and Europe, but also are
South Korean universities show top-
For PIM semiconductors that integrate
looking at lucrative emerging mar-kets,
notch research capabilities in the areas of
logic inside the memory, low-level circuit
such as India and Southeast Asia.
AI semiconductors. As illus-trated in
innovation and sys-tem software to enable
Figure 3, they result in strong research
their adapta-tion in the system are
Universities and Education
outcomes in AI accelerator architecture
important, while their fabrication is
Korean universities are making great
and design, server-scale AI systems,
primarily possible only by memory
efforts to expand their research on AI
processing-in-memory chips, and near- vendors.
chips and on next-generation semicon-
data processing. They publish many
To this end, the government has a
ductor technology. Since Sungkyunk-wan
papers in top-tier conferences and
bold investment plan with both finan-cial
University established its contract-ed
journals, such as the International Solid-
and regulatory support, promot-ing the
semiconductor department with the help
State Circuits Con-ference, the
development of a collaborative
of Samsung Electronics in 2006, Yonsei
International Symposium on Computer
ecosystem by 2030 in which fabless,
and Korea universities have im- Architecture, the IEEE/ ACM
foundry, and packaging companies, as
plemented similarly contracted depart- International Symposium on Mi-
well as universities, will work together to
ments with Samsung in 2019, and with
croarchitecture, and the IEEE JOURNAL
enable seamless silicon product
SK Hynix in 2021. In such industry-con-
manufacturing. The govern-ment also
tracted semiconductor departments, the
The IC Design Education Center
plans to aggressively foster AI
curriculum is focused on semicon-ductor
(IDEC) is the unsung hero of South
semiconductor experts by initiat-ing
engineering, including its basic devices,
Korea’s semiconductor industry, help-ing
school departments and research centers.
design, and system integra-tion, to
universities pursue research in the chip
Memory chip giants such as Samsung
educate students to be ready for work in
design field, which is expensive due to
and SK Hynix are diversify-ing their
the domain at graduation. They also get
manufacturing costs. Since 1995, IDEC
product lines with their own NPU IPs
hands-on project experience and
has supported MPW pro-grams and
and in/near-memory process-ing
mentorship opportunities from industry
access to essential electron-ic design
technology. More than 10 fabless startup
experts. After graduation, the students are
automation (EDA) tools at low cost, as
companies have been founded recently
guaranteed mployment by the contracting
well as providing practical education to
and are actively developing AI
company, allowing many talented experts
universities. It manages sensitive non-
acceleration solutions for various ap-
to work in the domestic industry. As
disclosure agreements (NDAs) and plication domains.
summarized in Table 1, seven major
process design kit (PDK) distribution
universities in South Korea have
between universities and foundry References
industry-contracted semiconductor
1. Kim, D-W. The Godfather of South Korea’s chip
companies such as Samsung, TSMC, and
industry: Kim Choong-Ki’s “Engineer’s Mind” helped
departments, and more than 350 students
Magnachip. More specifi-cally, they serve
make the country a semiconductor superpower. IEEE
Spectrum 59
, 10 (2022), 32–38.
will be raised to the level of AI
more than 10 MPW shuttles and 50 EDA
2. Kim, J. South Korea plans to invest $450bn to become semiconductor experts soon.
chip ‘powerhouse’. NIKKEI Asia,
tools from over 15 vendors to universities
3. Lee, J-Y. S. Korea targets W340tr investment for
The influence of the Korea Ad-vanced
every year. In addition, IDEC annually
chip supremacy. The Korea Herald; https://www.
Institute of Science and Tech-nology
holds a chip design contest to exhibit
4. Lee, S. Samsung announces research projects for
(KAIST) is especially critical to South
silicon chips produced through its MPW
$40.12 million sponsorship. Pulse News; https://
Korea’s semiconductor indus-try, as
programs to the community and industry,
5. Rousselot, S. The ambiguous position of the South
described in the biographic article of
sharing the latest research outcomes for
Korean semiconductor industry in the US-China tech
war. Asia Power Watch;
Choong-Ki Kim.1 KAIST founded its
enhancing domestic chip design
6. Yoon, S. This is how South Korea can become a global
semiconductor system engineering
competitiveness. It has been operating
innovation hub. The World Economic Forum; http://bit. ly/3ZuRSKm.
department, including 50 prominent
more than 50 online/offline lectures on
professors, in 2022, with three specialized
chip design every year, and recently
Ji-Hoon Kim is a Ph.D. student in the School of
tracks—semiconduc-tor device/process,
started an accelerated degree program for
Electrical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of
Science & Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea.
chip design and VLSI, and system industry practitioners.
software and algo-rithms—to lead and
Sungyeob Yoo is a Ph.D. student in the School of
Electrical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of
transform the in-dustry towards
Science & Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea.
AI/system-focus, rather than remaining Conclusion memory-focused.
Joo-Young Kim is a professor in the School of Electrical
South Korea is striving to become a
Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science &
The school also has attracted gov-
comprehensive semiconductor power-
Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea.
ernmental research centers in the AI
house by preempting the emerging AI
semiconductor domain, such as the AI
semiconductor market via nationwide
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
Semiconductor System (AISS) research
efforts among government, industry,
NoDerivs International 4.0 License